#they couldn't have mother AND daughter flirting with hook at the same time
mccallhero · 9 months
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favourite ouat scenes: 28/?
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a-pretty-nerd · 6 years
The Comic: Chapter 3
Concept: The young Jester of your father's court has always been a constant sound in the background. But suddenly he is leaving the shadows and is tossing himself into your spotlight. What is this strange feeling??
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A/N: Highkey, love writing this series. Love this idea which has been made into a novel before and I read it. It was...not good. So I decided to put my own spin on it and even thought litterally only 3 people care about this, I'm having fun. So *blows raspberry*. This is honestly apart of my mental self care because its something I enjoy and makes me happy and I encourage other writing blogs to do the same. If you have any requests, don't be afraid to ask and I love to hear feedback from you guys, it means a lot!✌❤
Warnings: NSFW, gore, violence, and smut???
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The image of that girl kept you up for the rest of the night. The ball has come to a quick end once the devil's daughter was taken away. The acceptance of your strange gift from Lord Lincoln put a bitter taste in everyone's mouth. Including your own.
What were you thinking? Accepting something so, outrageous and possibly dangerous. Could you make him take it back? No, no you couldn't. And what did this mean for you arrangement? Did this mean you were obligated to marry Lincoln of the Grounder Empire? But there was peace between your people for now, it would make much more sense to marry Prince Bellamy and secure a relationship with the Arch Kingdom. But if you rejected Lincoln, would that mean the start of another war? And if you refused Bellamy would that ignite a war between your two kingdoms.
You tossed and turned all night, your head filled with a million different things. A million worries, troubles, thoughts, feelings, it drove you mad. And yet above it all the image of that poor girl stuck the most. It gave you nightmares in what little sleep you got. Eventually, your aching bones allowed you to get up from your bed and shuffle across your chamber room floor.
It was torturing you. You had to see her again, had to look at her up close. She couldn't have been real. And yet you remember the sight of her made your heart pround and your stomach turn. You had to see her again.
So you wrapped yourself in a robe, and with nothing but a candle light, you crept down from the tower and deep down into the dungen. Two gaurds which sat at the dungen doors seemed to pay you no attention. Upon clooser inspection, you found them asleep. How convenient, you thought.
You entered through a large gate with ease and found the faceless figure of the girl as she sat on the dirt floor. Beyond the bars she was put behind,were more walls of cages and bars that kept most prisoners. Enemies of your father and petty theives, murderers, etc. You'd never been down here before. The intensesity of the horrid place was enough to make you run back to saftey. And yet once you found her, you hid and couldnt stop watching her.
She leaned her head against the wall, her head unable to reach the wall due to the hunch of her back. The poor thing gave a sad sigh before she liftes her hands and brushed aside the hair from her face. Two sparkling green eyes and rosey cheeks shattered every expectation. Her face was beautiful by any standard, but her gentle eyes were filled with sadness. As she relaxed, she reached down to her feet. She took her anckle in one hand, and held the hoove with the other. And with a gentle pull, the hoove and a part of her "ankle" popped off. The prosthetic revealed the truth. She simply had no feet. You relaxed for just a moment. She was no demon.
"Are you lost, princess?" A voice growled behind you. You let out a sharp gasp as you turned to find Jasper standing right behind you, too close for comfort. His eyes dark and glaring into yours. He was angry.
"Jester!" You gasped.
"You shouldn't have come here, you were a fool to venture so far from your room."
"I just- I couldn't-" unable to finish a sentence, your heart racing in your chest and head, you stepped away to escape. Jasper reached out and grasped yoir wrist to pull you back. His fist turned around your flesh and it stung wildly, forcing a grunt of pain from your lips. He pulled you back to him forcefully. You'd never seen him so vicious or angry before. It scared you.
"Now you've seen her up close, you've seen the truth. You've seen what becomes of people like her! You've seen what monarchs like YOU do to people like US." He shouted.
"Jester, please." You begged and pulled away from him. He reached out and pulled your other wrist in his other hand to keep you even closer.
"You will call me by my name! As you will know her's! Look at her!" He hooked his around around your waist and turned your back to him. He forced you to look at the poor girl as she stared up in confusion and fear. "Her name is Elizabeth! She was left alone after your damn council convicted her mother of being a witch where she was burned by the stake. She has been struggling to survive till that damn Empire found her in a traveling circus." He hissed in your ear through gritted teeth.
"Let me go." You growled. "You could be executed for this."
"We are all damned to an empty fate so long as your kind is alive." He breathed in your ear.
"Let go of me...Jasper..." You stated firmly with a shaking voice. He took a few deep, heavy breaths before his grip lightened. You looked to Elizabeth, who stared up at you with a pleeing gaze. Once Jasper let you go, you booked it out of there.
You ran, and ran, and ran all the way back to your room. Your chest heaving, your mouth dry from panting, your heart aching in fear and pain. Your quickly reached your chamber room door, and slammed it shut behind you. You didn't sleep for the rest of the night.
Why did he touch you that way? He knew the risk, he knew you could report to your father and have Jasper killed. You should. But you wouldn't. You couldn't. No matter how wrong it was, no matter how much it hurt to have him yell at you like that. It didn’t mean it was right for him to do so, but he had a point. And the way he pressed you against his chest, the way he...held you. It made you shake. You were unsure of exactly what this feeling was, but it made your head spin and it drove you wild.
You had fantasies of Jasper before. You called him a pest and tried to counter act as best you could. But your feelings for him persisted and refused to leave. Even after his rage towards you. Especially after. You were seeing a different side of him, a new one, a real one.
The next morning, Abby found you sat quiet and ready to be dressed. It unerved her to say the least that you were so prepared and so soft spoken that morning. It was completely and totally out of character.
"Good morning, princess." She addressed you, awkwardly and unsure.
"Good morning, Abby." You looked up at her with an emotionless gaze. It made her uneasy.
"Are you feeling alright?" She asked as she brushed your hair and helped you dress. You shifted for a moment in thought.
"Just, tired." You admitted.
"I see. Just don't let your gaurd down." She told you as looked back over your dress to ensure you were presentable. You could have used that advice a little sooner.
The guests of the ball had stayed. They would stay for three days, and by the end, you were expected to pick a suitor. This was a rule set by your father. This was the first day of three. This day was filled with entertainment, shows by Jasper, Monty, Murphy. Competitions between nobel men of sword fighting, arrows, axes, ridiculous displays of strength. All of which Bellamy and Lincoln participated in, in hopes of catching your attention and for their own egos. But your attention was not on them, they were on Jasper. Who had decided it was a good idea to flirt and tease Princess Octavia. She appeared to have no interest in him, and even scolded him at one point. It made you smile a little.
You were to spend time with your suitors, chaperoned of course. And so you took walks with them about the royal garden with poor Monty picking at his lute behind. It all felt very awkward. Your conversations were boring and mundane to say the least. Though, Bellamy had been a slight bit more entertaining than Lincoln. Your decision though would still be based on political action. This was your one and only political contribution, and you were lucky your father was allowing you to choose.
After it all, you finally managed to sneak away and be alone in a small chamber that was often used as a study. You leaned against a desk and took a sigh of relief. Until the door behind you opened and closed. You assumed it to be Harper, or Clarke.
"Please, give me one moment of peace, for the love of god." You spoke as you turned, and froze. "Jester."
"We're alone, princess, you can call me Jasper."
"Jasper, you shouldn't be here."
"I could say the same to you."
"If we are found alone-"
"We won't." He reassured. His eyes didn't look at you. He held his head down, as if sad or in shame. "I came to, apologize." He stated shyly.
"There is no need, Jasper I-" you went to move to escape the room, but he stood in front of the door.
"Please. Let me explain myself."
"You don't have to, I understand." You reasoned.
"No, you don't. I am so deeply sorry for what I said, for what I did to you last night. I practically bruised your wrists!" He gently reached out and let his fingers brushed against your wrists. You threw your hands away. "Please princess, I never meant to hurt you. I was so angry. That poor girl." He trailed off.
"I forgive you, Jasper. I understand your anger and your hatred. Now please, move aside."
"That isn't all I have to say. Before you go to your father, before I am killed, I have more to say to you." He looked at you with pleading eyes. "Princess, I fear that I may never get the chance to tell you this again. I thought I had more time, but I now realize you will soon be gone for good. It breaks my heart to know that I may never see you again." He slowly reached his hand out again, and took yours. Gently and tenderly. You started to shake. He lifted your hand to his lips and left a soft kiss. "I have loved you since I first layed eyes on you."
"You have haunted me ever since, and knowing I would never be able to have you has broken my heart. But the notion that you will no longer have a place in my life shatters my very soul. I live to make you smile and to hear your laugh. I wanted you to know this before it is too late." He looked up from your hand, back to you. His deep brown eyes, filled with tears now. You fell frozen, you didn't know what to do. "I know your hatred for me, and I know-"
"I don't hate you." You spoke up. He let your hand down from his face, and you held it back. "I've never hated you." You admitted. You never truly did, he found him annoying at times but...your mutual love for him was always there. His eyes filled with hope. His chest heaved as he looked into your eyes, waiting for you pulk away. When you didn't, he moved quickly and suddenly. For the first time, you felt lips against your own as he kissed you. It was so soft, so sweet. It sent a chill down your spine. He wrapped his arms around you as you placed your hads on his chest. You kissed him back and be held you close in a moment of pure passion and desperation for one another.
"Princess, I-"
"My name is not Princess, Jasper." You whispered.
"I love you, Y/N."
"I love you, Jasper." You told him. He let out a soft chuckle of happiness and smiled. Tears would have fallen for it not for another kiss. A passionate and heated kiss that made your blood boil. You wanted him closer. You felt more and more desperate for him as he leaned down and kissed your neck and whatever exposed flesh be could. You let out whimpers and moans in response. You let out an especially loud one when Jasper's hands started to wonder your clothed body.
"Are you alright?" He asked, concerned. You nodded, your cheeks hot and red. "Oh sweet princess, you've never been touched before, have you?" You shook your head. "Forgive me, I'll be gentle." He whispered before kissing you again. You felt so dizzy and yet so grounded at the same time. Before you knew it, you were pressed up against a desk. Jasper's hands hiking up the skirt of your dress and pulling down the shorts underneath. You wanted this so badly. You wanted him. Needed him. And he needed you.
"Jasper" you moaned as he kissed your neck. He gave a smile and huff as he held you close to him.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted you like this." He whispered into your neck. His hand went down to caress your thighs. And then suddenly you felt his touch. You let out a sharp gasp in surprise as he started to play with you. No one else had ever touched you before, no one but yourself. He made you moan into his lips as he kissed you passionately. You took your hand in his, and guided you down to his cock. He moaned and twitched under your touch as you stroked him. You drove him wild.
Jasper held you close to him by your waist as he pressed himself against you, positioning himself st your entrance. You could feel your heart racing in your chest and the adrenaline pumping through your veins. You let out a harsh gasp as he pressed forward and slid into you. He held you so close and so tight, it was comforting in that moment. You felt pain at first, sharp and stunning. Until it became dull. He started to move and something switched inside your head. You became a mess. You were vulnerable and weak, you were his and his alone. A moment so intimate and pure in that moment. You'd never felt anything like it.
He grunted and moaned as he bucked his hips into yours, he cling to you as he made love to you. Making sure you felt pleasure instead of just pain. Before you knew it, he had reached his high and began twitching and moaning your name helplessly. You held onto him as you felt him cum inside you. You may not have reached a climax as he did but, you felt a calming and pleasent sensation that ran throughout your body. It made you smile as you kissed him. He panted for a moment before kissing your all over and holding you close still.
"Oh Y/N," he panted, "you are an angel." He rested he head on your chest and held you there for a moment. "It is every man's dream to have you like this." He cooed. "I can die a happy man knowing you have loved me."
"Please don't talk about death anymore." You asked him as you ran your hands through his hair lovingly.
"You better go back to the festivities before anyone notices you are gone."
"We both should."
"Not together."
"No. Not together" You nodded. You fixed yourselves, though you didn't expect yourself to be so weak after. Your head spun and your legs were wobbly. Before you left the room, Jasper grabbed you by your arm and planted yet another passionate kiss on your lips. Oh what a rush that gave you.
"Good luck out there, princess."
"You too, Jester."
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