#they are both yellow coke shirts
Can’t stop thinking about how unhinged this scene is. I LOVE it so much.
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This is literally the next supermarket scene that we get after Mike’s failed love confession to El, where he couldn’t say the words and couldn’t get her to understand his cryptic, coded language. Dustin interrupts on the radio, probably to Mike’s immense relief, and then we get this absolute masterpiece.
Mike goes from sitting close to El in the scene prior to sitting the farthest away from her, directly next to Will. In the previous scene Mike is sat close to El because Max instructed him to hold pressure on her wound. It continues a common theme of El and Mike being forced together because El is in need of help and Mike is being made responsible for her. As soon as Mike has the CHOICE though, he sits next to Will. And not just next to him, but barely even a foot away. Like they’re sat so close together that even the shots that are focused solely on Mike have Will partly in them.
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Moving on from the positioning, there’s possibly the best and most unserious part of this entire scene which is the fact that they sat them right in front of the FRUIT section, which is simply incredible. They also put Will on the left so that he’s positioned under the “Always #1” part of the fluorescent sign above their heads.
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Then there’s the obvious fact that they’re all coupled off, including El who is sat with her beloved eggos behind her. This scene also draws your attention to how complimentary all the couple outfits are. Max and Lucas are both in shorts and Max’s thick strapped top is reflected in the layered look of Lucas’s shirt. Both Nancy and Jonathan rock pants and striped shirts. Finally, Mike and Will look like they share a closet (lol) with their short shorts and color blocked polos with bright collars. They all look so good together. Even El is matching with the yellow Eggo boxes behind her.
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Finally, there’s the fact that Mike isn’t even really paying attention to El in this scene. Instead he’s more focused on arguing with Lucas about New Coke.
This whole scene feels like a test to see how obvious they could be about Mike’s sexuality without people noticing, which is apparently extremely obvious considering they put Mike and Will with the couples and literally spelled out that Mike is fruity and that Will is his #1, yet most people came away from that scene still thinking that Mike’s love confession was successful and that he’s madly in love with El.
All of this has been pointed out before but I just think this scene is incredible and I keep thinking about it. Bless the people that make this show ❤️
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sarcasticbeanie · 2 years
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it’s time for a life-changing roadtrip i guess
[ID: A full body drawing of Jason Todd and Roy Harper from DC Comics. They are sitting on the top of a red van, talking to each other. Jason has dark hair with white stripes at the front, and is wearing a grey T-shirt saying “I’m a Jersey Girl. 1. Dirty mind, 2. Caring friend, 3. Potty mouth, 4. Good heart, 5. Smart ass, 6. Kind soul, 7. Sinner, 8. Thick thighs. I never said I was perfect”. He’s also wearing black pants, and brown combat boots. He has scars on his face, neck and arms. He’s wearing black nail polish and simple black bracelets. He has a hearing aid in his right ear. He is gesturing at Roy with one hand, and holding a Sprite can in the other. There’s an open book on his lap. He looks like he’s complaining. Roy has ginger hair, and is wearing a green trucker hat backwards on his head. He’s wearing a white tank top with a yellow arrow pointing up on it, blue jeans, and black and white sneakers. He has brown archer gloves on both hands, and has a grey prosthetic right arm. He's holding a coke can in one hand, and pointing a finger gun at Jason with his left. He's sitting on a green pillow. He’s smiling. The van they’re on has blue curtains at it’s windows, and has its door open. In the van there’s a table with a map, an arrow, some tools and a few screws on it. Under the table, there’s a box with soft drinks and snacks. There’s a sofa on each side of the table. The red hood helmet is on the left sofa, and there’s a purple blanket with the spoiler symbol and a yellow pillow with the signal symbol on the right sofa. On the wall of the van, a brown jacket and a black trucker hat is hanging on the left side. There are pictures hanging on the right side, depicting Roy’s daughter Lian, and members of the batfamily in a simplistic style. A sunset over the sea can be seen through the side window of the van. End ID.]
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wroteclassicaly · 4 months
How about a little blurb about going to your first pride parade with Nancy. Maybe it’s the first for both of you.
Ahhhh, Gia! Thank you for this, love! I love it so much!
Warnings: Language, references to smut, fluff, bisexual!Nancy Wheeler, anxiety, mentions past trauma, PTSD, panic attack, and mentions chronic dissociation.
Note: Making this a little more modern since the first parade stuff didn’t occur until the 90’s. Nancy and the Reader are very close to their 30’s, as this occurs in the later 90’s. I also made Chrissy a learned sort of mechanic (I think that would be so cool, her channeling her energy into bonding with Eddie and restoring old cars with his help). I hope this is okay? I haven’t been to a parade, especially when they first started having them, so I didn’t want to get anything wrong, and I made it a little vague/open ended. ❤️
Pairings: Robin Buckley x Chrissy Cunningham & Nancy Wheeler x Reader
You really couldn’t fathom that your five year anniversary would be a pride parade with two of your best-friends and your girl, spent at your first ever Indianapolis pride parade. Robin and Chrissy had been to the last two, but you were always afraid of the crowds, and Nance had been patient with you. After all, it’s what you gave her when she was figuring out having feelings for her closest friend, a girl at that - you. It was years of dancing around, flirting, denying, and then BAM, there she was, there you were, kissing in the backseat of her ex-boyfriend, another one of your best-friend’s - Steve Harrington’s BMW.
“I just like you. Whatever I feel, I’m really not wanting it to stop,” she’d said, her maroon lipstick smudged across her mouth, staining your lips, your gloss leaving a shine behind on her.
“I’ve liked you a long ass time, Nance. More than I’ve realized, I think.”
And the rest became history. Most of your friends, your exes, they’d known already, they’d excepted. Your families were a little harder. Karen had taken it the easiest, your mom warmed up. As for your dads? Verdict is still out.
You cling tightly to her dainty hand, your index playing with the small infinity band you’d gifted her that sits on her middle finger, showing your nerves. After departing Chrissy’s classic yellow mustang (one she had Eddie help her put work into), she and Robin had went to get some waters for everyone, leaving you and Nancy by a park bench. You were trying to focus on the decorations, the music, everyone just showing love and being themselves, but the crowd had sat your panic ablaze, embarrassing you. Thank fuck for your girlfriend, always jumping into action to save everyone since 1983. When she pulls you side under some shade near the bench, she begins to rub your shoulders, soothing you, leaning in to rest her forehead.
You don’t pull away and she takes this as her chance to talk. Everyone has their long lasting traumas from Vecna, this just happens to be part of yours. The rapid dissociation. She pulls her silver coke bottle, black rimmed 70’s style sunglasses atop her messy, honey blonde ponytail, her soft floral perfume engulfing you before she speaks.
“Give me five colors you see.” Leaving no room for your panic to argue.
You open your eyes and are met with her rust orange lined lips, giving off that color, pointing to the green of the tree top above, tracing your finger to a red food cart over her shoulder, and then Nancy is pointing at your outfit - simple ballet flats that match her own, blue jean shorts, and the pink bouquet pattern that’s held by the sketching of a nude woman, stiched across your flowing tank top.
“Final color choice?”
Your eyes immediately zone in on the crop top beneath her baggy jean overalls. All black canvas, with bright neon colored letters, and a quote that reads, Eat Your Girl Out Or I Will. You follow that shirt all the way to the necklaces dangling in between the valley of her breasts, her beautifully defined facial features, across that jaw you’ve layered with numerous kisses more times than you can count, to finally meet her signature smirk. You lift your settled hand to play with one of her dainty hoops, leaning chest to chest in the embrace. Your heart is slowed and she breathes a sigh of relief, knowing you’re back.
Tilting her head with an eyebrow raise, you nod. She cradles your face in her hands and you meet her for a kiss, one that’s full of love and a promise that’s been building since you became close, being shaped and molded into what it’s supposed to be.
“Aren’t they cute, Chris?” You hear Robin’s voice first, Chrissy’s soft teasing agreement following.
Nancy, still holding onto you, fixes them with a stern little grin. Both girls, however, pick up on the slight distress still fading from your features.
“I’m okay,” you break in first, wrapping your fingers around Nancy’s wrists and giving them a gentle squeeze until her own have come down to meet in a lacing.
That’s when you both notice that Robin and Chrissy have brought more than the water. Flags and beads galore.
“Jesus, Robs. How much did you spend?”
“Ah!” She wags a lilac colored nail in your direction. “No straight man shall ride on the coattails of this conversation, girlfriend and best-friends of mine! By the way, who wants to put some of this spray paint in my hair?”
Nancy gives you a look, one that helps you remember that reality is way better than any post-traumatic nightmares that will ever come your way.
“You ready to go check this thing out? Have some fun, baby?”
You nod, disappearing into the crowd, free and happy.
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hellfireloserclub · 3 months
Sandworms, loopholes and questionable sandwiches.
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A trip to the lake with the kids and Eddie shouldn't be so confusing. If the kids would just give Steve five seconds to think he would be able to get his head straight. ( Straight? Oh how that ship had sailed) Inviting Eddie to come join them on a few days away had just been step one on Steve's plan. Step two had been to get Eddie alone. Step three was... a work in progress. Listen, Steve might have learned a thing or two about himself while he was off visiting Robin at college, that didn't mean he knew what he was doing. He just hoped he still had a friend in Eddie after he worked it all out. He's just got to survive being the responsible adult for a few days first.
My @steddiesummerexchange fic is out in the world @aaliona I hope you like it.
Read it on Ao3 Here
sneak peak
“Henderson. I swear to god, if you don’t choose a spot, I’m throwing everything in the lake.” 
Eddie wasn’t joking. 
Since they pulled up to the campsite, all he seemed to have done was listen to Dustin and Mike squabble about where was best to set up the tents. 
Apparently there was a science to it.
Eddie was pretty sure the fact that there were actual spots marked in the undergrowth was a good enough sign a perfect site already existed, but what did he know? 
He watched as Dustin placed a hand on the trunk of a tree, feeling the moss under his fingers. He was about to spout some more Henderson bullshit that he probably learned at that nerd camp of his, and frankly Eddie wasn’t in the mood for it. Not after a three-hour road trip with a van full of teenage boys and broken air con. 
Dropping the pile of canvas he was carrying unceremoniously and turning heel, he ignored the shouts of protest behind him. 
Yet here he was signing up to torture himself, sleeping on the floor and being bitten by every bug in a hundred-mile radius. The things he did for Steve Harrington. 
His side twinged, but he shook it off. Physical activity after sitting still for the drive now pulling at old hurts. 
Two years may have passed but the skin grafts still pulled if he tried to do too much. 
He knew Dustin would never forget that day, but sometimes the little numbskull forgot that Eddie’s thick skin was only metaphorical these days.
He wasn’t exactly a fan of physical activity before he became bat chow, but after? 
One wrong move and he was stuck walking with even more of a limp than usual, if he overdid it, he was looking at bare minimum two days to recover. 
It really was a beautiful sight. The lake wasn’t half bad either. 
The man in question was currently lugging a canoe down to the lake edge with Lucas. 
Eddie had been sure the sight of a boat and a lake would fill him with fear after the events of spring break, but the sight of Steve easily dragging the banana yellow canoe? 
That was making his heart race alright. But that was probably more to do with the way Steve’s muscles stretched under the sinfully tight shirt - and less to do with under worldly eldritch horrors.
“Should you be perving on your babysitter?” Eddie asked  as he nudged Baby Byers with his hip, both watching Steve and Lucas drop their cargo on the lakeside. Stupid dumb jocks weren’t even breaking a sweat. 
Reaching the makeshift base camp, Will wordlessly handed him a Coke from the cooler. 
The younger man’s eyes firmly planted in the same direction as Eddie’s gaze. 
Evidently Eddie was not the only one enjoying the show. 
To Will’s credit he didn’t blush, he just shrugged and hid his coy smile behind his bottle. 
Even so. Will didn’t have to call him out about it.
“At least I’m being subtle. You’re almost drooling.” He said. 
Will was coming into his own since he had come out to the party at the beginning of 87. 
In that time his confidence had grown tenfold and with it so had his cheek. 
Oh, he was still charming and sweet, but my god did he have an antagonistic streak a mile wide. 
Everyone joked Dustin was Eddie and Steve’s kid. But in Eddie’s opinion if you wanted the perfect mix Will the wise was your answer. He had Steve’s bitchy streak and no tolerance for bullshit and Eddie’s theatrics and imagination.
Unfortunately, that also meant that he could read Eddie like a book, and had latched on to the fact that Eddie was well and truly neck deep in confusion over how he felt about the aforementioned babysitter.
“Take it off!” 
Silently they watched as Steve and Lucas made more trips to the back of Steve’s borrowed van.
The background squabbling from Mike and Dustin barely dampened the beauty of the lake where it stretched out as far as the eye could see. 
This was the closest thing to the ocean Eddie had seen with his own eyes. 
Maybe one day he and Steve would take Argyle and Jon up on the offer of going to visit them in Cali. Get to see the real thing.  
But for now the massive lake and sandy shore in the blistering sun would have to do. 
Finally, Steve showed weakness to the sweltering heat. Watching Steve wipe the sweat from his brow with the bottom of his shirt should not be making Eddie feel like he was about to combust. 
Eddie felt like he was melting. 
He was going to blame the heat on his heart attack. Not the vision in khaki flashing his midriff like some two bit wench. 
But now she seemed to have gotten bored with telling Mike what to do and had moved on to observing the floor show down on the lake. At Max’s outburst, Lucas pointed to himself grinning. 
Eddie had completely forgotten there was anyone else about. 
Max yelling from the rocks almost made him drop his soda. 
She had been micromanaging the site’s setup since she still wasn’t a hundred percent on her feet yet without her cane. 
“Come on Steve, don’t leave us hanging.” Max yelled, shit-eating grin and eyebrow waggle in the lake's general direction. 
“Mayfield, you are a child.” Eddie reprimanded, not that Max ever listened to anything he had to say. She flipped him off as El laughed hysterically into her shoulder.  
Lucas deflated slightly and Steve dropped his t-shirt back in place, shaking his head and muttering something to the other boy so low that nobody else could hear it. 
“Don’t hate me cause you ain’t me Munson.” She mocked sliding the sunglasses she had dropped to the end of her nose back into place now her ogling of Steve had been fulfilled. 
“Your boyfriend is right there?” Eddie pointed out raising his soda to Lucas in a ‘bro solidarity‘ shrug. 
“I can window shop. If Steve didn't want to be ogled at, he wouldn't be putting on a show. You telling me you and him don’t do exactly the same when you’re on a night out?” Max waved him off, turning her attention back to Steve who was now doing his best not to look back up to the campsite. His face flushed pretty as he arranged the canoe on the bank.
“Are you telling me you aren't buying what he’s selling?” Max asked between laughs.
Eddie tried to defend his and Steve's honor, but all that came out was a garbled cut of noise. Beside him Will sniggered. 
“Oh, don’t you start.” He grumbled. 
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seedofjoseph · 10 months
hellbent (WIP)
Author's Note: After posting homebound (link), I immediately began working on a ficlet featuring the overprotective love interest trope starring John Seed. However, I've only picked it up again this week, so I'm posting this early on WIP Wednesday.
The whole of Holland Valley knew John Seed as a madman. You? All you knew was that he was mad. Wrath he called you, though it sounded like it suited him better. Especially during his last radio call.
“Wrath,” he screamed through the static. “Godammit, Wrath! Where are you?”
“Language, Seed,” you shot back, not being able to see if you’ve hit your target, but hearing the words had wounded him instead. “Don’t take the Lord’s name in vain.”
“I’ll find you, girl,” his words were muffled, his mouth probably planted close enough to kiss the microphone. “Even if I have to burn down every dive bar and liquor store in this valley to draw you out, I’ll find you.”
“Thought you let me break curfew so that I could go bar hopping,” you smirked. And, while he couldn’t have seen you do so, he sure as shit heard it in your tone. “I thought you let me out so that I could indulge in my sins.”
“I did and you have,” he answered, the coolness of it making him out to be as inhuman as the receiver his voice was coming out of. “And now I’m coming to save you from yourself.” Before you could press the button to press his buttons, John Seed went completely cold as the receiver went silent.
Feeling only a little bit frustrated by his lack of fire on this chilly night, you finally dismount your bike and let it recline on the stand instead of your legs. After, you unfasten your leather jacket on your short walk to the rest stop entrance, feeling only a little bit heated. Then, taking in the neon-lit shelves and the yellow-stained floors, you cool off with the thought of a cold Coke.
The truth is that you didn’t set out to indulge in anything else besides caffeine tonight. And the lie is that you bask in the fire your wrath left in its wake. That is the lie you fed to John Seed through your shared frequency, the target you put on your back as you drove away from Holland Valley, from everyone you wouldn’t want to be in his crosshairs. And the truth was that businesses that you were a patron of were going up in flames.
So you sigh in sweet relief as the taste of the sugary drink elevated some weight off of your heavy shoulders. “Needed that,” you paid for the half-emptied bottled as soon as you made it to the counter. “Keep the change.” And you exit before the kid on the other side of it can lift his head and recognize you.
All you knew was that John Seed was mad and you wouldn’t bet a poor boy’s life on him not blowing a gasket along with the rest stop.
“That you, Deputy?”
The door slammed loudly behind you, but it’s a shouting human voice that startled you.
You shake your head frantically and walk back to your bike briskly. “Not tonight I’m not.”
The man is indignant and you can tell from the sound that comes out of his throat. Because you weren’t facing him. You couldn’t face him. Not after what happened the last time you did.
“It’s me,” you hear him hop out of the pick-up and bounce back on his boots like he’d lost his footing. “It’s Jean. But you called me Jaaawn,” he slurs like he’d forgotten how you speak. “Yes, Jaaawn. Fuck yes,” he spits your own drunken words back to you.
It’s like he’s getting the both of you shitfaced again. It’s like he’s in your face and up your shirt and in your pants again. Like you never shoved him off of you and locked him in the bathroom stall. Like the bar is still up and running and not in ruins after some Peggie recognised you stumbling out of it and gave John Seed the excuse to indulge in his wrath.
“I’d buy you a drink, buuut,” he stumbles between you and your bike. “But John made them all go BOOM.”
Jean didn’t look much like John Seed tonight, so that drink he’d bought you was strong enough to make him shape-shift before your very inebriated eyes. Though he stands at the same height and combs back the same dark hair with fingers covered in just as much ink, his eyes are more murky green than clear blue. And though he stands before you untouched by the collateral damage your indulgence has caused, you don’t hesitate to lay your hands on him and shove him to the side.
“I’m going sober,” you decline, determined to quit drinking Coke, too, and drive off.
“Least you could do is moan my name,” he spits. “My real name. While I'm fingerin’ your pussy. That was me, bitch, not John fuckin’ Seed.”
The whole of Holland Valley knew John Seed had eyes and ears everywhere. All you knew was that Jean’s slurred speech had summoned him and the empty rest stop you’d pulled into is now crawling by his cavalry.
“Oh, my God,” Jean tries and fails to find his footing and stumbles backwards into your bike. “Oh, my fuckin’ God,” he turns around and takes you in, eyes filled with fear. “Don’t let him kill me, deputy. Please don’t let him kill me.”
Your voice is steady as you instruct him to get inside, even as your heart is rattling the cage that is your chest. And your body shields the entrance, even if your soul threatens to make its escape. But you won’t let it or yourself get away. And you won’t leave another trail of fire in your wake.
“Wrath,” he calls you, but this sin burns brighter in his words than they ever did in yours. And he hops out of the van in a hurry, already heaving like he’d been chasing you on foot through the Valley. “How many more lives have to go up in flames before you’re satiated?”
“None,” you raise your hands in front of you, adding more distance between the Reaper and the two lives. “Not a single one. I’m done.” Then, you stretch your arms above your head. “I’m done, okay?”
You were far from done, far from having your eyelids ripped open, the furthest you can be from amazing grace. And his big brother would’ve called you blind still, but you needed him to see you as enlightened right now.
What your blind eyes do see is something strange in John Seeds eyes, something which resembled a comforting warmth and not a punishing fire.
“It’s suffocating, isn’t it?” His voice is horse like he’s been shouting, and your throat dries like he is right. You are suffocating. “Your wrath has set the world on fire and you’re the only one left to breathe in the ashes.”
The little air left between the two of you is enough for you to exhale: “Yes.”
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blair-s-world · 11 months
Simulation Cartridge
You visit Budapest to attend Sziget Festival. You meet Alex.
This is the first part. 
Mentions of smoking.
No fluff or smut or angst. Just building the story.
Also remember this?
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It was the last day of the festival. The line up was perfect. Not to forget, you saw one of your favourite bands. The Arctic Monkeys. The set was everything a fan could dream of. You and your friends were thankful that you got to experience it.
You and your girls come back to the hotel room, all laughing and dancing. Two of your friends just passed out in their room. You and your bestfriend were sitting on the floor and having last drinks before sleeping. It was just to commemorate your success of this girls trip. Both of you start to show each other photos that were clicked, of the group and the acts.
You happen to stumble upon a specific photo of Alex. In this faded shirt that your friend took, you immediately ask her to airdrop it to you. She looks at you confused. But does it.
The photo:
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Both of you weren’t sleepy at all, so you decide to go on a stroll outside. Summer in Budapest was calm. You tried finding a decent place that was open and there was a small bar with twinkling lights just around the corner. Both of you went in and ordered yourself a whiskey coke. You don’t know why you did so, there was a weird electricity in you tonight. Again, you and your best friend did chat about anything and everything that was possible.
Thirty minutes into all this, you notice a guy approaching your friend. You push her to make conversation. He was tall, had a very different accent, he had brown and blonde hair. Both of them were in deep in their own little world. You took this as a cue to go outside for a smoke, whiskey made you smoker.
You take your drink and you go outside and sat on the porch. Fumbling through your bag to find your pack. You find you lighter instead. You were desperate. You give up and growl, “ fuck me”
“ Already? ” you hear a manly voice
You look around and you see a guy smoking, not looking at you, you murmur a sorry to him.
He doesn’t look at you still but asks , “ lost something? ” and smiles, you could see his muscles soften, you smile at him, first you keep your hands on your hips then run your left hand in your hair, “ Uhm yeah yeah, I was looking for my smokes. I guess I forgot to keep it, or I’m just too tired to look for it or I don’t know… ”
He puts his hand, in his jean pocket and brings out a pack, gives you a smoke. You jog in your heels to get it, whisper a Thankyou and get to your old place.
You don’t try to look at him and he doesn’t try to impress you either but both of you could feel the tension around.
What tension?
The dim lit porch, chatter and music in background, yellow lights & smoke in the air.
Both of you felt alone together.
The man clears his throat and comes near you as he plans to walk in. You examine him. He smiles at you and you smile at him.
You stub your cigarette after a while & went inside to see your bestfriend is still chatting up with the guy. You smile at her and you look around and you notice the same man, sitting with a group of his friends. You ask the bar man to send a glass of whiskey towards that man asking what he was drinking. You take the bar pen and scribble a thank you for the smoke on a napkin and asked if same could be sent out along. The bar man did so.
You didn’t do any of this to flirt. You did because you felt so. Remember the electricity?
Your bestfriend looks at you and asks you things & starts ranting about this man she was talking. There’s a good chance they sleep in tonight.
“ So, he is here after work. He works at a construction company. I suppose he lays concrete. God, his eyes… ” you best friend blabbed
The bar man comes back to you with a note in his hand that read -
Pleasure & thank you. - Alexander
Your best friend stops and asks, “ who is this Alexander & why is he taking any kind of pleasure? And why is he thanking you? WHAT DID YOU DO??? ” she whisper shouts.
" he gave me a smoke & i returned the favour w a drink ”, you said as you look at his side and to her.
Your bestfriend starts to follow your gaze, and slaps your arm, “ Alexander? You mean Alex? Dude you just had a smoke with Alex Turner from the Arctic Monkeys. ” she responds looking at you and him alternately.
“ what, wait what? ” you look at her and the man.
That’s when it comes to reality. Yes. That man was indeed Alex. You were so drunk. You didn’t realise anything. Both of you laugh out at each other.
You look at the man who was looking at you now and you gesture with your index finger and your middle finger for another smoke and he nods.
You bestfriend vanished as her god of a man was back.
You were again back at the porch. With Alex by your side but no words spoken. He lights a cigarette and gives it to you. But doesn’t light one for himself yet. You mouth a thank you to him.
You start humming the tune of Sculptures of Anything goes
Within both of you chuckle and burst into laughter.
“ so you know who I am ” he still isn’t looking at you.
“ took me a minute but I did, sorry I didn’t want to make it awkward for you. And honestly, I really needed a smoke. ” you gesture to the cigarette in your hand.
He takes a fag as you hold on to the light.
“ Mhm.
It’s okay.
Wanna go for a walk? ” he said as he looks at the way out.
You look at him and try to look in the bar towards your friend who is still talking to the guy. God she’s a chatter.
“ yes. Just take a lap? ” you respond & adjust your jacket.
Both of you start walking. He walked at you pace. You examine him. God. He was wearing the same shirt as he did in the gig. He looked so comfortable without any effort.
“ so what brings you here? Ms. ? ” he asked. Again not looking at you.
“ Miss Y/N. the festival. Girls trip. ” you replied as you look at your shoes.
“ did you watch us? ”
“ Yes. ”
“ did you like it? ”
“ Yes. ”
Much for a conversation.
Much for a conversation where he is not looking at you.
“ why don’t you look me when you talk to me? ” you asked him hurriedly.
He stopped walking. Looked at you. Deep in your eyes. Stern with his muscles. You could feel his breath on you this time.
“ because the first time I did, it made me come ahead for a smoke and walk w you ” he said without an emotion.
Both of you continue walking. No words exchanged.
Never did you expect to enjoy silence with someone. That too with a man like him?
Both of you reach the porch again. You see your best friend and the guy waving at you and you realise that she’s leaving.
“ You know her ” He asked you.
“ That’s my friend. I guess she is going to have a good night. ” you chuckled.
“ what about you? ” he asks
“ me? ” you ask with a shock
“ yes, you. Miss y/n ” he spoke w a lower tone
“ guess I’ll go back to the room. Listen to music. Not yours. But just waste time you know. ” you didn’t think before speaking and your face change as he looked at you.
“ I can listen to your music aswell. ” you responded in order to make a compensation. You were really star stuck. Hm.
“ waste your time with me? ” a smile formed on his face.
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punk-in-docs · 2 years
Oooh and just thinking about detective Quinn laughing during sex, but maybe that’s just me
‼️Hold the Bourbon‼️Detective Quinn x Reader
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TW: uhm filthy slutty sex, PIV, doggy, pretty damn lot of dirty talk. Just man slut behaviour- my brain is broken. This is all I’ll be thinking about for the next 3-5 working days.
He’s such a whirlwind. That doesn’t skip any damn thing when it comes to sex; he’s flippant. Dominant and he will take what he wants from you, with zero seconds notice and the biggest knife edge grin-
Grin so cunning sharp you could cut yourself on it.
The confidence this guy has? Yeah, it’s totally unmatched and he’s down for anything. He’s done it all. It’s LA man. He’s with it.
Sex is a second nature to him. The well learned back of his hand by now. He’s had partners of either gender. He knows how to touch, how to caress, to flirt and squeeze, kiss, and certainly how to fuck them.
He knows how to make the person in his bed cum like a fucking faucet and still be trembling out moans for more. He’s good that way.
Honey his dick is a solid fat ten, and he fucks like a porn star with it.
Honestly, there’s no guy you’ve ever met that’s like him. Mercurial, switchy, a changing writhing ball of slutty and well dressed energy. He’s here, there and everywhere. A storm. He’s a tropical energetic pumped storm that smells like Pour Homme.
Gold medallion swinging slamming his neck. Rattling loud. Chopping a couple lines of coke (one time, birdie, he’d winked) joint tucked in his pocket. Dancing in his kitchen mixing you a Cosmo in a cocktail shaker, in his shiny new Gucci shoes and a striped Versace silk shirt. Red cherry gum and sweet chapstick. Kissing your waxy lipstick away and mumbling how strawberry sweet you taste.
Just when he’s got you thinking you have him pegged, he’s wriggled free and a new facet of his character is ready to stun. He cancels a date, with apologies and a huge huge bouquet of yellow flowers enough for a small Italian wedding, and a handwritten card. Work took him elsewhere.
Sorry Birdie, x. Always with a kiss.
And then a night later, he’s knocking at your door. Dressed in a slutty open necked black shirt and bright pink bell bottoms. Golden Saint chain. Tilts his head at you with a smirk that’s right off some terrifying horror film. Something with teeth and predator instincts. Whiskey eyes warm you and he makes your pussy damp.
He’s got a brown paper bag in his hands. Bottle of Bourbon. Bulleit.
“I want a bourbon with ice.” He greets you with that confusing sentence.
He smiles and licks his lips when you answer the door in a scratchy old aqua blue towel. He scoffs. And then adds;
“And then I wanna fuck you, hard, doggystyle.” He announces. Eyes never leaving yours. Your heart quivers.
Such a mouth on him.
He dances inside. All intent stares and throwing his jacket in the vague direction of your coatrack. He stalks you backwards and doesn’t even look to slam the bottle down on your kitchen table.
He’s stalking you backwards. Two steps become three. Three melt to four. Backs of your knees hit bed.
Now you’re treading the worn old patchy carpet of your bedroom. Peach satin sheets all tumbled and messy behind you. Hands at your side, heart ramming as he reaches for your waist over that crappy old towel.
“On second thoughts. Hold the bourbon. Pass the pussy.” He smiles. Full with pride at his own dirty joke.
“Real nice.” You smart at him. Made you sound like a joint he could just share around.
His hands zip to the front of your makeshift towel dress. Right over your tits. He takes both sides and peels them away.
His smile curls on one side when he watches that aqua blue swim away to gone. Dropped to the floor as a damp scrap of nothing.
“She’s real nice.” He promises you. Standing toe to toe and rubbing his thumb right through the slick mess of your cunt. You watch as he pops that thumb right in his mouth and sucks-
He hums. Slipping his thumb free. You lay thick on his tongue like molasses. Only ten times sweeter. Saltier.
“I think she’s missed me. Birdie. Look how wet she’s getting.” He laughs.
His fingers are back to slipping through your cunt. Parting lips. Coaxing out more of that delightful sticky mess he always drives out of you. Drives you wild-
“She’s a filthy girl isn’t she. Just can’t help getting so slick and creamy when I’m around right?” He grins. Tongue tipped pink between his teeth.
You can’t even get a word in edgeways and he’s already shoving you back to the bed.
He’s taking off his shirt and undoing his Prada belt. Waft of cologne comes your way. “I got something for her baby. I know she must be hungry.” He winks.
Shamefully, that makes you clench. Filthy man.
And there, sprawled in your bed, you stay for a good long while-
Once he gets going you’re not entirely sure your legs will work anymore. sweat-licked skin all over, love bites on your shoulders, and he’s well on the way to fucking your brains right the hell out.
He gets his wish and does you doggystyle.
Your hips cradled snug in his hands, hurting where they’re wedged wide to make room for the drive of his cock. Bottoming out ands scraping tenderly at the warm satin depths of your cunt.
Your knees shiver into the peachy sheets. You’re drooling - it drips slick down your chin and you’re so lost in pleasure you can’t count the amount of times he’s made you cum.
A throat screaming raw amount. Enough that you know it’a not just that silky lube you use rolling in drips down your sticky thighs. Pattering to the bed.
Your hands knock onto your headboard, slamming the wall like thumps. Your palms clammy. Hair wet on the back of your neck and all clumped together thick with sweat. Stuck to your cheeks.
He stops suddenly - sits back on his heels and reaches for the bedside, lights up a cigarette. Your body bows.
“Keep that ass up.” He warns as you stay there in the dark orange wet patch. A small pinch on your thigh to enforce the lesson.
You huff for breath with the small slither of a reprieve he gives you. You hear his cig packet. The flick and burn of a lighter. The slow cloud roll of silver smoke.
He slaps his wet-smeared cock to your ass. And then your clit. Rubbing and taunting.
Drags a bone wracking shiver out of you with the sudden sensation. Then he lines his head up and slips right back on in with a slick squelch.
Moaning from deep within in his carnal chest on an exhale, puffing out smoke as he does. Holds it in his lips. Slips out the cracks of his straight white teeth.
Watching below as one hand palms open your ass and gazes at how he pushes inside you. Girth stretch stretch stretching that pretty pussy so wide. Watching the push and tug of his meaty dick slapping balls deep to your ass. Closes his eyes and savours for a second-
“This pussy has definitely missed me, Birdie. She’s swallowing me whole. Fuckkkk. Look at her go.” He starts his deep strokes again. Deep, unyielding g-spot fucking.
“I’m gonna finish in that mouth tonight baby. Fuck that throat deep and fill you with my cum. Alright?” He says like it’s an afterthought.
You barely had the energy to sob. Or nod.
He’s stroking your hip and ass. Hand slowly crawling up your spine to feel the slam of his hips rippling through you. Your ass was so fucking round and nice. Every part of you is exquisite and he wants overdose on you like bad cocaine.
Another deep drag of his cigarette. He slows. He thinks. Devours you in your post orgasm gaze with those killer eyes. He rambled on.
“Then, I’m gonna eat her for a little bit.” He pauses to lick his lips. “Oh. She’ll be so nice and juicy for me by the time I’m done. Melting into my mouth.” He decided as his thrusts picked up speed and punching ferocity.
“Then-“ He huffs as he really starts to ram you up the bed. Smacks it to the wall. Wants to wake up some of your asshole neighbours. Anger some folks.
“I might have my Bourbon.” He finishes his words with a gasp that morphs into another laugh.
Your pussy choked down clamping on his dick. He hisses through his teeth.
“Or I might lick it off your tits. Haven’t made my mind up yet.” He sighs. Smiles and smokes some more. Pounds away.
You just lay there and take it- this man in all his filthy fleeting bliss. And you wouldn’t change it for a thing- you couldn’t even if you wanted too.
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my-own-walker · 1 year
The Kids Don't Wanna Come Home - Part 1
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note: SURPRISE BITCHES LOOK WHO IT IS!!!! this almost didn't happen bc i lost the entire draft and had a meltdown...lmao
summary: summer with jimmy darling (pre-freakshow events)
warnings: none...for this part...
‘You’re gonna get yourself killed,’ I laughed, a stitch forming in my side.
Propped up on an elbow, I watched as Jimmy hopped from one smooth rock in the stream to the next, foot slipping a bit as it made contact. A distinctly Chuck-Taylor-sneaker squeak rang out amongst the trees as he caught himself. He looked back at me and smiled bashfully.
'Jimmy!' I cried, 'you're going to get hurt!'
'I'm 'aight doll,' he shouted in reply, setting his sights on the next piece of dry Earth. He skipped over and landed rather ungracefully on the marshy shore of the other side of the water. I laughed and shook my head, laying back down on the yellow checkered blanket. Scratchy woolen fabric itched at my sticky skin.
It was summer in our sleepy Florida town. Summer was longer days, hot and sunny with warm balmy breezes. Jimmy and I ran around the woods with abandon nearly every day. It wasn't uncommon to see us lugging a blanket, some Cokes, and a portable radio across town to get to our spot.
The small radio crackled a song I couldn't quite make out next to me. We spent time together in secret, mainly. My parents were rather unkind to the idea of me hanging around 'circus folk.' It hurt Jimmy to sneak around like this, but it was the only way I could see him without being disowned.
We had plans to run away one day. Not now, but soon. The two of us had been in a constant race to grow up and grow past the teenage purgatory we had found ourselves in. Not quite old enough for freedom, not quite young enough to comply.
The hot sun was firmly centered in the bright blue Floridian sky, kissing my skin with its outstretched rays. I closed my eyes under my white-framed sunglasses and sighed. The air felt thick and wet entering my lungs. Many moments in the light drfited by. So quietly, in fact, that I must have fallen asleep as they tiptoed away, lulled by the tranquil passage.
'Y/N!' I heard a distant voice call out. My eyes fluttered open softly. 'Y/N, look!'
I sat up quickly, afraid something bad had happened to Jimmy. My eyes fell upon his figure, still across the stream, waving an object at me. My eyes hadn't adjusted to consciousness quickly enough, so I strained to see what it was. Slowly, I began to make out a bunch of flowers clutched tightly in his hand.
'I found your favorite!' he exclaimed, grin on his face. He started on his voyage back to the other side of the stream, calculating which rocks to leap onto carefully. When he reached me, I was finally able to clearly see five passion flowers guarded safely in his grasp. I gasped slightly at the sight of them.
'Jimmy! They're lovely,' I gushed, propping myself up on my elbow once again to grab at them. 'I guess it is July, huh?'
'Yeah, I guess they're in season again. They're beautiful, just like you, baby,' he smirked.
'Thank you for finding them, my beloved,' I giggled, giddy with the joy of him thinking of me, with the added bonus of him remembering my favorite type of flower. I laid back down on the blanket, flowers clasped in both of my hands.
I watched as Jimmy fanned himself, took a sip of the Coke he brought, and took his shirt off. It was a decidedly hot day. He looked down at me. His shirtless form reached down and caressed the dainty gold necklace that sat on my chest, just below my collarbones.
'You're a vision, you know that?' he sighed. 'Just a total...' he wolfwhistled, not able to find the word he was looking for. Or maybe the wolfwhistle was the word.
'You're not half-bad yourself, Darling,' I replied, with a wink. He inched closer to me so that his face floated right above mine.
'You have no idea what you do to me,' he whispered.
hehehehehehehe short bc i wanna make it two parts bc why not right
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storywriter12 · 1 year
Chapter two (crazy tinder guy (date
So Friday night came and rick was ever so nervous it sounded mad to him going on a date he got dressed into a black shirt with tight trousers  you could of course see his butt and then he walked downstairs where daryl, Carol, michonne and Shane was, all of them was in the living room watching some film on TV he walked in and he heard "wow you look nice" from michonne 
(Rick) I nodded thank you feeling a blush. Well I'm going now see ya I said grabbing my keys and getting to the door "DON'T FORGET TO USE PROTECTION MAN!!!!" I hear daryl shout I laugh I walk to the bar which was on "black lake street" when I got into the bar it was slightly busy I walked to the bar and ordered a drink when my drink came (vodka and coke) I took a sip and then I hear "damn I could fuck you right now" my eyes glanced to the side of me seeing what looked like negan and. He was more hotter in real life, I…. I…. Um thank you I strutted he smiled and giggled biting his bottom lip I took deep breaths as I got tingly all over. Should. I buy you a drink? I asked he smiled again "sure blue eyes. I'll have a beer" 
A few hours later 
(Rick) we sat in the corner. The light was much darker so we sat so close. I could feel the warmth of his body we sat and talked about what we did for a living he was a gym teacher and loved the job but hates the paperwork when I was telling him that I was a sheriff his hands was under the table and then he moved his hand and rested it on my inner thigh I blushed which amused him he got more close to me until his mouth was near my ear "why don't we get out of here rick" I wanted to saying something but no words will come out so I just nodded and he smiled getting up leaving a tip and walking out I followed it was dark outside and warm I don't know if it was because we just came out of a bar or because I was with him he walked down the path which was a light yellow from the lamps what shined to his car. which was black he got in the driving seat and I get in the passenger seat
(Negan) sooo where do you wanna go? I asked he thought about it for a moment. "anywhere you decide" I smiled nodding OK I started the car and the radio came on blasting music I turned it down and changed the music to a much softer song to set the mood. 
(Rick) So,negan  how long have you been single? I asked and he looked shocked from the question 
(negan) ahhhh I'm not one for relationships rick I'm more of a lover then leave them I said and hit myself for saying that I huff but my last ever relationship was around four years ago with a guy called seth umm we ended on bad terms 
(Rick) I saw how sad he was by talking about his ex. I'm sorry I said "it's fine rick not your fault" I looked out my window and we was going up a hill and he stopped the car pressing a button and then the cars roof opened he pressed another button and out seats went back and it was just us watching the stars 
(negan) hay rick? He looked. At me I smiled. Have you ever been kissed underneath the stars? He looked at me with his blue eyes and shook his head. I smiled come here. We both leaned in and kissed. the kiss was soft his lips was hot against mine, my hand fell around his side reaching down to give his butt a squeeze he moaned  
(Rick) he swiped his tongue across my bottom lip I opened my mouth and he pushed his tongue in my mouth he moaned deeply I could feel myself twitch he grabbed hold of my wrist dragging my whole body onto his lap my hands fell over his shoulders is fell more down to my ass the kiss got more hot he untucked my shirt his big hands going up my back it  tickled me  I gasp and a little giggle came out my mouth he smiled in the kiss "you driving me crazy rick" he said in a whisperer we pulled away and I felt my cheeks were  on fire he looked at me his eyes was dark full of want and lust, I wanted him to I just didn't want to do it on the first date I pulled away from him climbing back to the seat "we don't have to do it you know not of you don't want to" I looked at him and smiled a little. Thanks he nodded 
(negan) I'll drive you home I said turning on the car and driving him home 
(Rick) when we got to my street he pulled up and I looked at him. Thank you for the date. I had a good time.. I blushed he smiled "me to Rick I'll see you later, night" night I opened the door to get out but he grabbed my arm pulling me to him as he kissed me again but  a lot softer this time he pulled away and I got out not knowing what to do I just said night again like an idiot. he drives off and I open the front door with my key greeted with a smiling michonne 
(michonne) soo how was it? 
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callmemana · 2 years
Deeper Than The Holler:
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I fell in love with the self-insert x reader stories I have read from the Chaos Squad otherwise known as @bayisdying @cycbaby @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers (my adoptive mama) @askmarinaandothers @callsignscupcake @mtnofgrace @altierirose and a special thank you to @switchbladedreamz for proof reading and to @sligheach-sidhe & @firefly-graphics for the dividers!
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Leonard ‘Wolfman’ Wolfe x Amanda ‘Highroller’ Moore 🦋☂️
The Title is off of this Randy Travis Song
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He knew the moment that she walked into the O Club for what looked for her shift that he was hooked. She wore the regulated uniform, a t-shirt with the O Club symbol small on the front on her left breast and then a large picture on the back. She also had a slightly dirty white stetson covering her yellow-like sunflower hair, and if the light of the club catches it just right, you can see streaks of red in it. Sat on the bridge of her nose were glasses, thick like a coke bottle, and in her right nostril, a rose gold hoop.
His eyes wandered her frame as she made her way to the bar to start her shift, he paused on her forearms. There, he saw two tattoos, on her left what seemed to be wording, most likely a quote, and on her right, a butterfly, with its right side flowers instead of its usual symmetrical wings. She was different than most women here in Miramar. You could tell by the way she carried herself she was from a small town, head held high, shoulders back. She had something to prove. What that was, he didn’t know but was willing to find out.
As he looked at her features and analyzed her, he realized that her shoulders were uneven, and one collarbone was higher up than the other. Once he had built up the courage to talk to her, he might ask about that. Hollywood must have followed his line of sight because he was nudging my arm and wiggling his eyebrow, “Pretty ain’t she Wolfie?” all I could do was nod, so entranced by her beauty, “Sure is Wood.” “Why don’t you go up and talk to her?” “Because we both know that I’ll say something stupid and lose my chance to talk to her.” “Never know if you don’t try.”
After a few beers, and much encouraging from Hollywood, Leonard got up from his seat and made his way to the bar to order another drink. “What can I get you hon?” She smiled at him while waiting for his drink request. “Two buds, bottle?” She nodded her head swiftly before turning her back towards him and walking away. When she came back with said drinks, “Paying for now, or on a tab?” “Tab, should be under ‘Leonard’” “We have a couple ‘Leonard’s’ here tonight. Got a last name I could search?” He nodded, “Yeah, Wolfe.” “Ok, you’re settled. Anything else I can get you?” Leonard leaned on the bar, “You know my name, but I don’t know yours.” She laughed, loud and contagiously, “Oh hon, I don’t date pilots.” “Then it’s a good thing I’m a RIO. Don’t you think?” She laughs again, moves her hair behind her ear, “I guess, but it doesn’t change the fact that your job is in a plane.” Leonard smirks, “You’ll break down eventually. They always do.” He turns away and goes back to Hollywood.
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The next time he sees her, all of the squadron are sitting at a table and laughing about stupid shit. Leonard guesses that he’s staring at her for too long because the other pilots end up looking over at where he is. “Well I’ll be damned! Wolfie’s got a lil crush on the new bartender!” Laughed Maverick. “Grown men don’t get crushes, they admire.” “Grown men might, but you, Wolfie, you still get crushes.” Said Ron. “Ha-ha, Slide.” “Why don’t you go chat her up?” “He has, she laughed at him and told him she doesn’t date pilots.” “But he’s a RIO.” “I told her that too.” “Maybe she just doesn’t find your ugly mug attractive?”
“Alright, alright. Leave the cub alone. Maybe she’s lost that lovin feeling?” “First off, no. That shit doesn’t work.” “For you, maybe.” “Try a pick up line? You know what my dad always said, girls like guys who can make her smile.” “Have you heard this man flirt? It’s terrible! I don’t know how he got a girl before the Navy.” “I’m not that bad,” “Wolfie, the last female you talked to, literally laughed in your face at how bad the line was.” “Whatever, you guys are just assholes.” “Hey, if you’re going up there, get us another round?”
Wolfman nodded and made his way up to the bar, tapping his fingers on the smooth granite. “Hey! You’re back, what can I get you Leo?” “I am, could I get the boys and me another round?” “Sure, bottles of bud?” He nodded, “Yea.” She left to grab the beers and then came back, “So, are y’all celebratin’ or something?” “Um, yeah. We had a mission. We all made it back.” “Good to hear, hate to not be able to see your face every shift.”
His eyes widened at this confession. “Really, I thought you don’t date pilots?” She smiled, “I don’t, but I can see when someone’s attractive. I do have eyes Leo, they might not have the best sight though.” She said as she adjusted her coke bottle glasses up her nose. “I think they see just fine sweetheart.”
She laughs at him, “Of course you’d say that! I just complemented your looks!” “I don’t need to be praised for my handsome face to see that your beautiful.” “Oh, your one of those pilots huh?” “What kind?” “Overconfident and flirty.” “Overconfident? Sometimes. flirty? Always sweetheart.” He winked, she rolled her eyes at him.
She heard a holler from the other side of the bar, looked over and saw his friends wave and smile. She pushes the beers towards Leo a little more, “You better go before your friends have your ass for warm beer.” “I think they might deserve it, they’re dicks to me. They gave me shit for my flirting skills.” “Well tell them that they were right. You suck, but your cute and make me laugh. So, I guess it’s worth it.” She winks before turning away for another costumer. He smirks the whole way to the table with the drinks.
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It’s another week or two before he sees her again. He doesn’t know her name, but feels like he’s close to gaining that privilege. Wood and he are at a table off to the side of the bar, so he can see her work. “Now that’s just stalkerish Wolfie. It’s like your completely smitten by her! Do you even know her name yet?”
He shook his head at his pilot, “You know I don’t. I just met her a month ago!” “Most guys would’ve already got her name and taken her out on a couple of dates! Grow a pair!” “She doesn’t date pilots! That’s what she told me our first meeting, Wood. What if I really don’t have a chance?” “Well, you probably don’t. I mean, you look at yourself in the mirror Wolfie? Not that great of a face.”
Leonard punches his shoulder, “Hey dude! You’re supposed to be my friend, support your friend!” “Wolfie, I can only do so much.” “Why do you say these mean things to me? I thought you loved me?” Wood laughs, “I say them because I love you Wolfie!” “You don’t act like it.” “I act like a brother, brothers love each other!” “Because they have too!” “Exactly, I have too! you’re my RIO, if you weren’t there I couldn’t make it back!”
Leonard folds his arms over his chest, leans back in his seat, and takes a pull of his beer. Wood slaps his arm closest to him and smiled, “Here comes your girl.” “Nice try, Wood. That might’ve worked the first couple of times, not not this one.” He heard her voice before he saw her, “Well I’ll be damned, if it ain’t that funny pilot!” “Actually, sweetheart. I’m a RIO.” “I know, I just like to mess with you.”
“Hi, I don’t believe we met. I’m Wolfie’s best friend and pilot, Hollywood.” “Hollywood huh? Seems pretty egotistical don’t you think?” “Well, what do you mean sweetheart?” She gives a little smile and waves her finger, “No. I’m gonna stop you right there, ‘Hollywood.’ You can’t call me Sweetheart, that’s Leo’s nickname for me, but you can call me ‘High Roller’ since we’re using callsigns.”
Both men have their jaws slightly opened and eyes widen, how did she know about callsigns? Leo left the bar later that night with Wood with more questions than answers.
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The group of pilots made their way to a table near the back before picking one to come order the beers. “Hey darlin’, didn’t catch your name last couple of times I’ve seen you here.” She smiles sarcastically before slamming the beer on the counter, “That’s cause I didn’t throw it, ‘darlin’.’
“Well look at the sass on this one!” “You got some more than just sass comin’ if you ain’t careful buddy.” “I thought you southern belles were supposed to be kind and generous?” “Well, first off. I’m from the Midwest. Two, I am kind and generous to the people who don’t piss me off.”
“I’m sorry, we got off on the wrong foot. I’m Chipper.” “Nice callsign. What’s your actual name?” “Well you’re just full of surprises aren’t you? I’m Charles.” “I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I’m pretty sure y’all are tryna get my name to give to your boy?” The man now known as ‘Chipper’ chuckles, “You caught us. Can you please, just tell me ?”
She leaned in on the counter, “Nice try Chip, the only way he’s gettin my name, is if he plays for it.” “Should I tell him that or let him keep asking one of us to talk to you?” He smirks, “Let him keep guessing. It’s fun to watch him squirm.” She hands him the first round before checking on another patron.
As the guys made the rounds to get the beer for the table every couple of weeks and to talk, you gave each new pilot basic information about you. In passing, mentioning being a former pilot. Which they technically already knew, given your callsign. What was news to them was after a bad ejection, leaving you with a broken collarbone and ankle, you had to be discharged. All of the men repeated the information back to Leo while the others sat and planned out loud.
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After many weeks of badgering and complaining about the plan, Leonard finally grew the balls and talked to ‘Sweetheart.’ “So, word around the bar is that you won’t tell them your name?” The blonde smirked and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose, “Maybe word is right. Whatcha gonna do bout it?”
“I think I’m going to man up and ask.” She shrugged, “Sweetheart, please, what’s your name?” “My name is Amanda, and before you ask what you’re gonna ask next, my answer is yes.” “Even if you don’t date pilots?” He smiled. “The thing, Leo, is that you’re not a pilot. I believe the first night we met you said that you were a RIO.”
“And I believe you said that I still worked in a plane.” She smirked, “I change my mind. I mean as a former pilot, we need RIOs right? To make sure we get home?” Leo chuckled, “Yeah, every pilot needs a RIO. Does after your shift work?” “Sure thing, Cowboy!” She kisses his cheek before going back to work, smirking as she hears the whoops & hollering from his friends at their table. Before she’s out of earshot she hears, “I hope you know, Sweetheart, that I’m going to love you deeper than the holler, just like Travis said!” He smiles, taps a little happy beat on the bar counter, grabs the beers, then turns around to his friends.
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Forever 🏷️list: @bayisdying @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @switchbladedreamz @sweetlittlegingy
🏷️list: @luckyladycreator2
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sterlingarcher23 · 1 year
What do you think the most compelling piece of evidence is for elmax endgame?
There's actually a bunch of individual evidence pieces.
Blue hair tie and yellow watch - Blue and Yellow is used to signal love, mostly romantic or strong platonic love, it's not a color combination solely reserved for Byler.
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It also connects Max through El with Hopper - that's the platonic element since I believe Hopper might actually be Max's biological father - and through Hopper we have the "Lovergirl" clue, song that "plays in his head" after he finds the girls in El's room.
The Coke bottle: "Until you find something that feels like you". - El finds the Coke bottle under her bed then thinking about Max. In Max's mind it's the Coke bottle pointing to El, pushing away the memory of Lucas (his place isn't the mind but reality). This dialog in the shopping scene also has several meanings that scream ElMax in every way too.
Same with Max able to free herself and attack V: it's the memory of El, the High-fiving that echoes even outside of her memories. This has a parallel with Byler in S2 in which Mike touching Will's hand enables Will to overcome the possession partially use his hand to signal a message.
Then they decided to use a blood stain on El's shirt in a heart shape on the right side of her chest in Vol2, mirroring both Max's heart and both their couple accessories which are a very stable wardrobe choice.
Them wearing Yellow & Red / Mustard and Ketchup which is code for dating someone secretly.
I could point out that Robin's coming out was essentially a proxy monologue describing El's actual, although subconscious feelings the first time she saw Max.
Then the time jump sequence from Back to the Future been used/reproduced in the shopping scene, showing them after the time jump that will happen in S5.
The writers pointing out Korrasami and how the show copies moments of that show.
And of course:
The whole Neverending Story song which is essentially describing certain plot elements of their story. "And there upon a rainbow is the answer to a Neverending Story" - the brilliant kaleidoscope of colors that reappears, is drawn by El repeatedly and is as a light flare on Max's face.
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There are other elements like their reunion, the window drawing, El not afraid of the cracking of thunder when she's with Max in opposition to her reaction in S1 without anyone at her side, the "Princess Diana/Wonder Woman comic read" etc etc. all of that are pieces of one big puzzle.
That pretty much sums it up. There's just not THE evidence. There's a lot. But then there's my own intuition: I figured out how they solve the problem they created and after that I understood why and it made me cry....then I knew it's the right thing.
It is as David Harbor said bc he knows what's basically going to happen because he knows Hopper's arc "Quite moving and beautiful"
Everyone understands this just as Byler-proof but completely overlooks that Hopper's story is closely tied to El. (BTW ignoring El in this regard and therefore Max, although there's real evidence in the show that connects them with Hopper is in my opinion pure ignorance.)
But you made me think that I could try to make a complete post about these elements. Although this is kinda of a post itself, I think I better make a separate one.
I just recently found something amazing through the 3 Musketeer's chocolate bar.
So: stay tuned everyone.
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ofchrysoprase · 1 year
choi soobin, bisexual, man + he/him ― hey look, it’s lee mingyu! they’re twenty-two years old, they’ve lived in shrike heights for four years, and they’re currently working at starstrike in shrike mall, along with the blue sparrow in town. i heard they’re pretty reckless, but i think they’re so resourceful at the same time. can they make it out alive?
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alright, so this is mingyu and this will be a basic overview until i figure out his full backstory. (when I'm not on mobile)
☆ very no(i)sy (both apply) ☆ loves to take risks just for the hell of it (that's how he ended up in Shrike Heights) ☆ definitely a thrillseeker, who doesn't want to feel restricted and gets encouraged by the words "maybe you shouldn't" ☆ big people person, big extrovert, miserable when alone ☆ wants to try everything at least once ☆ secret big teddy bear
yknow what i'm just gonna do this (tba filled out soon™️)
Full Name: Lee Mingyu (이민규) Nickname(s): Gyu, tba Age: 22 Date of Birth: December 9th 1967 Zodiac sign: Sagittarius Hometown: Iksan, Jeollabuk-do, South Korea Current Location: Shrike Heights, Colorado, USA Ethnicity: South Korean Nationality: South Korean/American Gender: male Pronouns: he/him Orientation: bisexual Relationship Status: single Religion: none Occupation: employee at Starstrike + barista at The Blue Sparrow Living Arrangements: sharing an apartment with Ho Duk-soo Pets: a hedgehog named Miso (미소) Language(s) Spoken: Korean, English Accent: Slight accent in English
Face Claim: Choi Soobin Hair Color: black (currently blond, has been many different colors) Eye Color:  hazel Height: 6'1 (1.85m) Build: muscular Tattoos: none yet Piercings: both ears Clothing Style: casual, overalls, printed t-shirts, bright colors Usual Expression:  click Distinguishing Characteristics: dimple smile, heart shaped lips, full cheeks, doe eyes, rounded nose
Positive Traits: cheerful, social, intuitive, easygoing, brave Negative Traits: stubborn in specific situations, reckless, oblivious, nosy, loud Goals/Desires: seeing the world and trying everything once Fears: being alone, being limited, chickens and most other birds Hobbies: learning new things, meeting new people, avoiding responsibilities Habits: laughing at inappropriate times, talking too much, sticking his nose in other people's business, scrunching up his nose
Weather: sunny/summer Color: yellow, orange Music: pop Movies: My Neighbor Totoro, The Aristocats Beverage: ginseng tea, coke Food: gimbap, churros Animal: dogs, rabbits, hedgehogs
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raviliuz · 2 years
Okay, that's extremely random but I won't make another blog for one Rovinsky brain rot so here we go
AU where Kavinsky didn't kill himself and was still there when Ronan and Adam started dating
*Content warning: cheating, fighting, drugs, toxic relationships, physical violence mentioned, smut mentioned*
Ronan knows he shouldn't do this. He knows it won't help, more, it will for sure make everything worse. It's still not stopping him and he absolutely hates it about himself.
Another fight with Adam and the same old shit. Ronan truly loves Adam and that's the problem. They're fighting, as every couple does, and he's getting too mad but doesn't want to take it out on Adam. He cares too much to scream at him, to risk blowing up and hitting him. So he runs away.
Ronan knows it will hurt Adam hundred times more than his fist ever would.
But he cannot do any better.
Farm in 20?
He texts the number he blocked many times and unblocked after at most a few days when he needed something.
Sure princess
Trouble in paradise?
Ronan arrives at the farm first. Of course he does, it will be a miracle if the other boy won't be late. He cannot sit still so he leaves his car and starts walking in circles. Ronan hears the aggressive sound of Mitsubishi Evo but doesn't care enough to stop walking and greet.
"Catching up on weekly step rate, princess?" Kavinsky says instead of hello.
Ronan knows he wants to hit that guy, wipe that confident smirk off of his face. He's just unsure whether he should do that with his fists or lips.
"Fuck off" he grunts.
He's answered with a mean, half-fake laugh.
"You texted me, at midnight to see you. Could have been doing coke with Proko now, so spill, what did your lovely little Adam Parrish do this time?".
The worst thing is, Ronan can't even deny so he decides to focus on the question and grabs Kavinsky's shirt's collar and tugs him closer harshly.
"Keep his name out of your dirty mouth, K".
Kavinsky is sure Ronan's about to punch him but he won't flinch, it's not like he cares about bruising his jaw.
Instead, Ronan pulls him even closer and after another second he zeroes the distance between them, kissing Kavinsky.
The kiss is rough and mean, they bite and their teeth clash while they are fighting for dominance.
"Aww, you're getting softer, Lynch" Kavinsky coos, genuinely surprised. Usually kissing comes after at least some punching.
"I'm getting my mouth dirty" Ronan whispers, more to himself than to Kavinsky.
The other boy doesn't say anything to that, just holds up his hand with two yellow pills. Ronan doesn't thank him, never will, but swallow pills without second thoughts.
They are sitting on the roof of a half-destroyed Mitsubishi Evo, watching the sunrise. Both boys have a few hickeys more than five hours ago.
Ronan hates those marks. They make it so much more real. He couldn't lie to himself that it didn't happen, having evidence on his neck and stomach. Kavinsky enjoys marking toys as his and Ronan hasn't even argued.
"You know what's the worst?" Ronan's whisper sounds like a scream in the silence of the farm. Kavinsky is high enough for existential crisis "I know I will hate myself when I sober up. I know that. And I know he" Ronan doesn't dare to say Adam's name "will know what I did. He will be hurt but won't hate me. He won't leave me even though I'm living garbage that just makes his life messy."
Ronan stops and takes a joint from Kavinsky's mouth to take another hit.
"I know all of it. And I'm still here."
Kavinsky just lets him ramble, it's not the first time they have had that conversation. Kavinsky knows it's a really dark shade of morally grey but he's not the one to give a crap about Parrish's feelings. It's entertaining. Ronan is entertaining.
"It's just so much easier to be with you" Ronan continues, face covered in white smoke "It's easy because I don't give a shit about you, man. We can scream, we can make out, we can throw punches. And I'm not feeling guilty that I hurt you, that's an advantage even" he blows a few smoke circles in Kavinsky's face "I hate your gut, man. But I'm used to being around people I hate, hating myself. I always come back, hating myself more every time."
He always comes back.
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staceyevansxsubs · 1 month
First Show | Para | Oz and Stacey
Who: Oz Chang @domozchang and Stacey Evans Where: Club in Venice When: Sometime during venice Triggers: Multiple partners, degrading and praise
Stacey walked with Oz to a fairly public area along the river. She was in her micro gold skirt and pasties with heeled gladiator sandals. She was definitely nervous, but Oz had been trust worthy so far and she was happy to have him guide her through this fantasy. "You sure about this Sir?" she asked with a small chuckle, mostly for her own benefit.
Oz had gone for gold as well, a silky black shirt with gold trousers, gold jewelry and hints of gold glitter in his dark hair. His hand wound possessively around Stacey's hip, keeping her tucked into his side. "I'm very sure. Are you, kitten? You'll use your safeword or gesture if it gets to be too much?" he asked, his tone warm but serious, needing her to know that her safety and pleasure was at the front of his mind and would be through the whole night.
"Yeah," she breathed slowly as they approached, "Yeah, I'm sure Sir. Yes, safeword is red. Yellow to slow down," she repeated looking up at his handsome face.
"Good girl," he praised, pausing to turn towards her. Oz leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to her full lips. "You won't be out of sight or reach for a moment," he assured her, meeting her gaze levelly, before grinning and pecking a kiss to the tip of her nose. "The place we're going is just up here. I heard it's got a great reputation - and that it's popular for this very situation," Oz said with a grin. The bouncer nodded at them as they approached, swinging the door open for them to enter, Stacey still tucked against his side. The bar was lit with low, soothing lighting, dark and shadowy without being creepy. Sensuality seemed to hang in the air around them - and they weren't even in the back room yet, where the real fun began. "Do you want something to drink, kitten, before we scout out potential suitors?"
She couldn't help the pink flush of her skin at his words as they made their way to the bar. He definitely had a was of reassurance which helped settle her nerves. "Maybe just one," she answered at his question and they made their way towards the bar. She could feel the eyes on her, being more exposed than she'd really ever been around strangers. She was waiting for the feeling of humiliation, of anxiety. But it never came. Instead, replaced by a feeling of strength and empowerment. She ordered a simple whiskey and coke, and took the first sip a little took quick. "Ok," she said after a deep breath, "that's better."
He nodded, figuring she might need a little liquid courage to calm her nerves. He ordered a vodka cranberry for himself, something light so he would have his wits about him to take care of her. "Good. Drink it slow," he coached, tracing his fingers up and down her bare back. Already he could spot the looks, both furtive and open, taking in the golden glow of the pair of them. "Bend over a little, kitten. Put your elbows on the bar." The tiny skirt she had on was barely covering her ass - and he knew the motion would show off a hint of the plug he'd made sure to stretch her out with before they left.
"Yes Sir," she agreed around the straw, taking another sip a bit slower. She licked her lips at his order, putting the drink down on the bar and pressing her elbows against the top. Her hips bent, and she stuck her ass out, the skirt riding up to expose her firm, round cheeks. She wiggled her hips slowly, moaning quietly as she felt the plug inside push against her perfectly.
His lips quirked into a smirk as she showed herself off. The way she stood showed off the complete lack of panties she had on, a hint of her bare pussy lips flashing to any careful viewer. The move definitely got more attention, and Oz met the gazes of several men watching Stacey with heated eyes. "Perfect," he whispered to her, running a hand over the exposed curve of her ass. "Look over there," he murmured, nodding to a table of three men nearby. They weren't much older than they were, and their dark gazes were obviously lusty even from a distance. "What do you think?"
She smiled as she felt Oz's hand run along her ass, pushing herself back against it slightly. She turned her head in the direction he encouraged, immediately noticing the three men with eyes on her. She couldn't help the moan that escaped her at the excitement and her large, dark eyes rose up to his face. She nodded, "Yes, please, Sir," she whimpered quietly.
Oz lifted her hand, kissing the back, before leading her over to their table, his half-drunk vodka cran in his free hand. "Buonasera, gentlemen," he said, earning soft greetings and nods in return. "I noticed you watching my girl at the bar - she's more than happy to let you all have a closer look, if you care to join us in the back?" As he spoke, he slipped his arm around Stacey again, stroking her side and up to cup her breast lightly, enjoying the hunger in the trio's eyes as they watched.
She blushed as his sweet little kiss. How he could remain sweet and seductive while have that look of pure lust against his face, she'd never understand. She grabbed her drink, taking another sip as they crossed towards the table of the very sexy gentleman. Stacey remained quiet, letting Oz set the potential scene. She hummed as Oz slowly groped her breast, watching the faces of the men who considered the proposition. Almost in unision, they agreed and got up from the table and everyone started making their way to the back room.
He led the way to the back room, exchanging a few quiet words with the woman working the door before they were let inside. Almost instantly, the sounds of passion hit their ears, low moans of patrons who had the exact same intentions as they did. Oz walked over to a low, cushy sofa, a long chaise nearby. "Now, my friends, my lovely little kitten here likes taking cock in any of her pretty holes, but - " He guided Stacey up on to the chaise on her knees, the tiny skirt lifting to show off the plug in her ass fully, much to the delight of the men surrounding them. "She absolutely loves having her gorgeous ass fucked," Oz murmured, almost proudly, gently twisting the plug in Stacey's tight hole. The tallest man, perhaps 30 or so, stepped up, dark curls tumbling to his shoulders. He already had his pants undone, his impressive length in hand while he took over groping Stacey's upturned ass with the other. "She is prepared already, for this?" he asked Oz, tugging lightly at the plug. Oz ripped open a packet of lube, stepping up with a smirk to coat the man's cock with it himself. "She is. And now you are too, handsome," he purred, watching Stacey carefully as the man removed the plug and started easing his cock into her stretched ass. His friends had settled on the couch to watch, and Oz gracefully sank between them to enjoy the show.
As the crossed the threshold, Stacey's attention was pulled in a dozen different directions, the grunts and moans filling the thickness of the rooms. She smiled as he introduced her in the most lovely way possible, her skin burning pink against the skimpy gold coverings she wore. She stepped up onto the chaise with Oz's help, sinking down onto it on her hands and knees, figuring it was the best option for easy use of all her holes. She couldn't help but shake her ass a little as Oz drew attention to it, moaning as the toy moved inside her, louder as Oz moved it himself. She looked behind to see who was stepping up first, her eyes widen as she sees the very impressive cock. "Oh wow," she whispered softly, her heart beating fast in anticipation. She focused forward at the men on the couch, Oz directly in the center with that brilliant smile and excited look. She moaned as the plug was pulled from her ass, feeling it gape and blink at the man behind her. Her mouth opened in an O as her eyes hazed over, feeling him start to stretch her. "Oh fuck," she moaned, the cock stretching her as it entered her completely, "He's so big, Sir. Stretching my tight little ass so much," she growled, digging her fingers into the chaise beneath her.
Oz lounged back against the couch, his legs open and pressing against the other men's. All of them were showing signs of excitement from the tableau, bulges obvious at the apex of their thighs. He smirked at Stacey's response to the thick cock pressing inside of her. "Does it feel good, kitten?" he asked, enjoying how one of the men beside him starting running his hand along his thigh, the thin gold silk of his pants letting the heat of his touch soak to his skin. The man behind Stacey held her hips firmly, working himself fully inside of her with slow thrusts until he was fully seated. He glanced over, his mouth open on a moan, clearly pleased. "She is delicious, my friend. Such a tight ass," he purred, making Oz grin wide. "All of her holes are perfect, trust me. Perhaps you two can fill up her ass and mouth once your friend is finished?' Oz suggested, winking at Stacey.
"So good, Sir," she moaned thickly, dropping her head for only a moment to allow herself to focus on the feeling of the thick cock sliding in and out of her ass. Her pussy dripped, her position allowing the view of a thin stream of her arousal dripping onto the chaise. When she raise dher head again, she caught one of the men running his hand up Oz's thigh, taking not of the desire on the Dom's face. She blushed as the man talked about her like she wasn't in the room, like she couldn't hear him. More arousal leaked from her cunt. She let out a moan, both as the man's cock in her and Oz's words, "Oh yes, please," she growled between moans, feelign the man's pace pick up in her ass. "Oh fuck, yes! Harder, please!?" she cried, nearly whimpering in desire.
The way Stacey's cunt was freely dripping on the chair below her made Oz groan low in his throat. She was so goddamn hot, and this - this was what she was absolutely meant for. "Good girl, asking so nicely." Oz glanced at the man fucking her, and he smirked, starting to really pound into her ass. The slap of flesh on flesh added to the erotic symphony in the room, and he could feel his skin flushing with how charged the air was. "You're in for a treat when she cums," he said, grinning wide, eager to see what a mess the beautiful blonde would make. Even as one of the men beside him started kissing his neck and rubbing his thigh, Oz's eyes never strayed from Stacey, silently encouraging her to give in to the pleasure she craved.
She didn't get a chance to answer as the man behind her answered her plea, pounding hard and fast into her tight ass. "Oh god, Thank you! Thank you Sir!" she screams. Each thrust pierced her deeply, making her pussy drip thicker and faster. Her eyes locked on Oz's, in the periphery being able to see hands start to stroke and grab at him. The man grunting behind her was music to her ears and quickly she was building to her climax. "Oh fuckfuckfuck! I'm gonna...fuck Sir...I'm.." she couldn't get the whole warning out before she was screaming, her body shaking wildly as she came, splashing and soaking the furniture beneath her as she squirted through her orgasm.
Oz felt his pulse race when she locked gazes with him. Looking into the eyes of a submissive as they got railed by his leave would always be one of the most arousing things. Watching Michael like this was exquisite, and seeing Stacey in the same throes was just as delicious. "That's it, kitten," he cooed when he heard her start to scream, her release flooding onto the chaise under her, much to the delight of the men watching, and the few onlookers they had attracted. The man fucking her couldn't last through something like that, groaning loudly as he added to the mess, pulling out so some of his load landed over her upturned ass. "Thank the nice man for fucking your needy ass, baby girl," he reminded her, sipping down the rest of his drink, gently batting away the hands trying to undo his shirt so his companions could pay attention to Stacey instead. "And ask these two to fill up your ass and your mouth."
She was breathing heavily as she started to come down, remaining in bliss as the man continued to fuck her ass after her orgasm subsided. She heard the gasps and whoops around her as she drenched the chaise beneath her, unable to hide the smile across her face at how much people liked that. She moaned again, feeling the man twitch and pulse inside her, filling her tight ass full of his hot cum. "Oh fuck, thank you, Sir," she moaned, pushing back against him as the final drops shot into her ass, "Thank you for fucking my ass." She turned to the two men on either said of Oz, licking her lips. "Please?" she begged quietly, "Please give me a cock in my ass and a cock in my mouth, Please?" she whimpered, the empty feeling starting to consume her.
His companions eased off of the couch and sauntered to the chaise while their spent friend collapsed beside him to catch his breath. "Such a good girl," he praised Stacey, watching with a smirk as she got what she asked for, a cock in her ass and one pushing between her swollen lips. Another couple slid down beside him, a man with a slim brunette woman on his lap. "She is gorgeous. Does she enjoy women? My claim is a former switch and she would love the chance to sit on her face," the man murmured, his claim smirking at Oz from her perch. Oz tilted his head. "I believe so, but we'll have to make sure once she's filled from both ends," he said with a chuckle, enjoying the way her petite body shook between the two men, her perky little breasts bouncing wildly.
Soon, she moaned again, feeling her ass filled once more with a new cock, sliding it's way between her tight muscle until discomfort became pure bliss. Her loud moan was interupted by another cock sliding between her lips. She continued to moan, her lips vibrating over the cock as it slid in and out of her mouth. She could faintly hear conversation around her, but she was too focused on the two cocks she was pleasing in the moment. Cusses and screams were muffled by the cock as she sucked it, hard and deep, gagging on it as it hit the back of her throat. Her body started to vibrate, the seal for orgasms already broken and easy to bring her to the edge again. She screamed around the cock as her body shook wildly, tensing and jerking as she came. Her eyes went cross and into the back of her head as she came, spraying the chaise once again with more cum.
He licked his lips, watching Stacey's petite body shake and writhe between the two men using her. It seemed her second fall into ecstasy was enough to have the men following her down, the one in her mouth erupting first, the one using her ass shortly after. He also pulled out, finishing his load over her ass, while the other eased his cock from her mouth to watch the thick load drip over her lips. Oz rose once they had pulled back, running a hand over Stacey's back before coming to sit by her head. "What's your color, kitten?" he asked, pressing a kiss to her sweaty forehead, figuring she might need a slight break after two intense orgasms so close together.
She was breathing heavily, though muffled against the cock deliciously shoved down her throat. She moan and sucked harder as she started to taste him, drinking his cum down her throat while the other man exploded deep in her ass. Then exited from her body, Stacey panting heavily as lust blown eyes looked up to Oz as he drew closer. "Green, Sir," she smiled brightly. Her body felt so light and airy and pressed her head against his body, letting the closeness calm her a bit.
Oz smiled, running his hand over her hair and down her neck, letting her snuggle against his shoulder. "Good girl. You're being the perfect whore for me," he praised. "Now - there's a couple who would like to play, how do you feel about playing with another woman?" he asked in a soft tone, looking over to wink at the interested parties in question.
She smiled against his skin, his words shooting a jolt of electricity through her. She looked up, first at Oz, and then in the direction he was signaling. "That's fine, Sir," she promised, "I'm pansexual."
He nodded hearing that. "Good. Because I think I'll enjoy watching her sit on your beautiful face. Turn onto your back, kitten," he urged, helping her move on the chaise before getting up. Oz resumed his seat next to the pair. "You're free to play as you wish, my friends." He laughed when the woman squeaked happily, shimmying out of her skimpy dress to go over to Stacey and gracefully straddle her head. Her Dom moved to the blonde's spread legs, waiting for his girl to get settled before pushing his cock into Stacey's dripping cunt.
"Yes Sir," she moan brainlessly, laying on her back against the dais. She waited, somewhat impatiently until a beautiful and graceful woman hovered over her head. Stacey shot a smile up to her as the woman lowered herself, the beautiful aroma of her arousal hitting Stacey first. Her tongue was already lapping against the woman's folds, and her moan was muffled when she felt the man enter her. She wrapped her lips around the other's clit, sucking and flicking her tongue against it as she started to feel the rhythm of the man's impressive cock.
A happy sigh spilled from his lips as he leaned back into the couch, watching the new couple take their positions. He could hear Stacey moaning against the brunette's cunt, and judging by the way she was grinding down on the blonde's face, she had a talented mouth. As distracted as he was watching Stacey get used, he didn't notice a slim man invite himself into his lap until he was cuddled against his chest. "Sorry about that - my boy isn't very polite," a deep voice growled, belonging to the man's Dom. "He was meant to ask if he could lick my load from your girl but I think your face distracted him." Oz chuckled, gently urging the submissive from his lap. "I don't see why not, though do so at your own risk. She may get messy," he said fondly, looking over at the trio and hearing Stacey's sounds pitch higher and higher.
Stacey was completely lost in a hundred different feelings and reactions from her self and those using her at the moment. She was loving this - every single sticky, sexy moment was creating a permanent heat deep in her gut. The woman rocking against her face made Stacey growl everytime her lips caught along her clit again. Spurred on by the large, thick cock rocking in and out of her dripping cunt. She could feel the next one building, her moans higher and needier against the woman's cunt. And when that woman came all over Stacey's face, she lost it, cumming so hard the man had to press down on her stomach to keep her from shaking and wiggling off him. Which, in fairness, only made the orgasm go on longer, leaving stars in her eyes and Stacey breathing very heavily to try to catch her breath.
Oz chuckled a little when he watched Stacey nearly buck herself off of the cock still railing her, but it seemed the man enjoyed a little bit of rowdiness considering he was grunting his release into the blonde with his next breath. Flushed and sated, the couple slid back onto the couch, seemingly content to keep watching the show. Oz slid out of his shirt, moving to sit on the chaise behind Stacey, easing her head into his lap. "Kitten, this nice hunk is going to fuck his load into your pretty cunt for his boy to lick out. You may cum on his cock, but when you feel his boy's mouth, I want you to wait as long as you can before you cum again. Understood?"
Stacey laid against the dais, sweating, dripping cum and a little spent. But she didn't want this to end. As Oz grew closer, she happily turned onto her side, settling her head in his lap. She nodded along until the last bit. "What?" she gasped slightly, "I don't know if I can do that, Sir," she whimpered, concern falling off her face as she was turned onto her back, and felt a new cock stretch into her. "Oh fuck, Sir," she moaned, "He's so big! He's going to stretch my pussy so much!"
He trailed his fingers through her hair slowly. "All I want is for you to try, and tell me when it's getting to be too much," Oz promised. He smirked, looking back at the meaty Dom, his thick cock drilling into Stacey. "Just like it should be, kitten. All stretched out and full of cock," he purred, his voice almost lost in the grunts from the other.
She nodded against his lap, moaning again as the man slides in and out of her. She grabbed onto Oz's forearm, for leverage, for balance - she didn't know. But as the man started to roughly fuck her, her eyes rolled into the back of her head for a minute. "Oh fuck..fuckfuckfcuk," she muttered out, gasping and crying louder as she felt the next wave start to crash over her. "Oh god!" she screamed, her body shaking wildly, her pussy clenching so hard she almost pushed him out of her again. The man used his hand to rub at her clit, another orgasm quickly chasing the previous. "I can't...stop..." she screamed again, her voice breaking as she came, the sound of splashing hitting the area as she squirted all over the man and the chais again. The man growled roughly, clearly enjoying her body's reaction, finally pumping his thick cum into her pussy.
Oz kept playing with her hair, letting her hold on as tight as she needed to. He loved the sight of her eyes rolling back, her gorgeous little body so overwhelmed with pleasure that she couldn't even see. He groaned deep in his throat, watching her tumble over the edge and quickly reach another peak, her body shaking in his arms. "Such a good fucking girl, Stacey, perfect little slut," he praised, leaning over to kiss her lips gently, a contrast to the intense pleasure chasing through her body. Oz let out a happy moan when he saw the mess between her thighs, the submissive practically leaping to his place to clean it up. "Go slow at first, boy. My kitten's had a lot of dick so far," he instructed, making the sub's Dom chuckle.
Her body was indescribable. She felt like the she could fall apart at any second, but in the most brilliant and orgasmic way possible. Her smile was bright behind lust blown eyes at his constant compliments, her lips humming against 'little slut,' and she gazed up blankly at him, "Thank you, Sir," she breathed out heavily. She felt a different size spread her legs apart, feeling his hot breath against her spent pussy. She could feel the first man still leaking out of her, and the warm tongue of the submissive striking upwards against her folds, moaning at the taste on his tongue. She thought this would be easy - there was no way she had another orgasm in her. But the man's tongue and lips worked in such a perfect tandem, before she knew it she was breathing heavily again. Her throbbing clit sent an electric current through her spine, small yelps cracking out of her throat. "Oh shit," she moaned, eyes opened in slight panic as he slowly worked her clit and folds. "S-sir," she whimpered, grabbing tighter along his forearm, "I'm gonna...i have to.." she tripped over her words, feeling another orgasm bubble deep inside her.
She looked so happy with her head on his lap, blissed out and flushed with pleasure. Watching her react to the mouth on her sensitive pussy only made his cock thicken and harden further. He watched her carefully. "Breathe for me, kitten. You can last just a little longer," he whispered to her, thumb running over her cheek. Oz held her gaze a few more breaths before he smirked. "Let go for me, baby. Cum," he rasped out, keeping a gentle hold on her chin so she would be forced to look up at him as she obeyed.
The problem was...she didn't know how. She'd never done any kind of orgasm denial before, so 'lasting' didn't mean much to her, since she wasn't sure how to hold it off. It was building faster and faster, her moans more panicked than arousing as the other continued to ravage her pussy. "Sir..I can't I can't," she whimpered, holding her breath a moment as Oz carassed her cheek calmly. Her eyes locked on his as she relaxed her body as much as she could, a whispered litany of, "pleasepleasepleaseplease," escaped between her lips. On the word, her orgasm raked through her body, back arching and every muscle clenching hard and rough. She screamed, eyes rolling, toes curling, body shaking violently on top of Oz. "Oh my fucking god!" she cried, partially in tears, partially in laughter as she looked back up at Oz's face.
"You can, baby, just breathe and focus on that," he coached. Oz kept stroking her cheek, and when she released at his command, he smirked widely, his free hand slowly moving down her chest and back up in gentle sweeps. "Good girl, that was so good," he praised, leaning over to pepper kisses over her face. He felt the other sub move back, so he let his hand slide down further, cupping protectively over her spent cunt. "You're still dripping, kitten, little fucking slut," he purred to her, one finger making slow circles over her swollen clit.
His gentle touches made her body shiver in the aftermath of her latest orgasm, causing goosebumps to form along her arms. "Thank you, Sir," she said again, mostly because she kept hearing pretty pet names when he said it. She was starting to breathe more calmly, until she felt his fingers descend towards her throbbing clit. "Sir!" she whimpered, looking down at his hand playing with her, teasing and toying with her as she gushed arousal and cum again, feeling it drip out of her like a faucet. "It's so...mmm..sensitive."
He loved how she twitched and gushed against him, feeling her wriggle under his touch. "I bet it is. I've never seen someone squirt that much, you're perfect for this," he crooned to her. They still had an audience, but Oz would let her have a moment if she needed it. "Do you think your holes can take more, baby girl?"
She hummed quietly her eyes looking back up at him. She gave him a dirty little smile, and nodded, "They can. Especially if you want them to."
Oz grinned down at her, thumb stroking the corner of her mouth. "Perfect answer." He pressed one more kiss to her mouth, then sat up, shifting to help Stacey lean against his chest with her legs spread wide. "Who wants to be next to take my kitten's tight ass?" A young man stepped up, clearly a freshly marked Dominant, nervous but sweet. "Don't be shy, handsome. She'll love your cock. Won't you, baby girl?"
She smiled, pressing a kiss back to him. She hummed as Oz moved her into place, happily letting him pose and position her however he wanted. She leaned her head back against his chest. She looked at the man who came up, licking her lips to entice him. "OH yes please," she moaned needily, "Please, fuck my tight little ass Sir? Please," she begged quietly.
His hands slid down her body to lightly cup and knead her breasts as she begged so prettily for the next cock in her ass. A slightly older woman, clearly his Dominant sister, nudged the young man forward. Oz's eyes widened when he opened his pants. "You're definitely going to feel that one, kitten," he murmured, licking his lips as he watched the man bring his impressively thick cock to Stacey's ass and start to ease himself inside.
Cloudy and hazy, she lifted only her head, eyes bulging as she saw the man's impressive cock. "Oh god," she moaned, arching as she felt the thick tip press against her right muscle. Her hands gripping tighter to Oz as she breathed through it, slowly feeling bit by bit spread her wide. "Oh my god...so big," she moaned, feeling her pussy start to drip again as the man thread himself into her ass, her clit swelling and twitching with pure arousal and want.
He kept up the gentle attention to her tits, occasionally moving to pinch and tug her stiff nipples. "It looks so good going into your tight hole," he purred to her, winking at the flushed and panting Dominant who was clearly struggling to control himself. "Don't be afraid to go hard, handsome. She loves having her ass pounded like a proper whore," Oz told him with a smirk.
She whimpered with each pull of her swollen, sensitive tits, her ass being beautifully stuffed by a beautiful man. "F-feels good, Sir," she whimpered, gasping as the man was finally able to bury himself inside her. "Yes, Hard!" she cried in agreement, the man starting with slow, even strokes. But suddenly, the sensations overpowered him as well and he pushed and thrusted hard and needy into her. Her body banged against Oz with each one, her power being overtaken by needy and lust. "S-sir," she whimpered, closing her eyes tight, "Please..i need to...please!?" she gasped, unable to keep her orgasm back as she started to cum again, shaking violently, squirting another load against the man, which only seemed to excite him and spur him on.
Oz held her as best he could to try and keep her from tumbling off of the chaise, her perfect little body limp in his arms. He hadn't told her to wait this time, but he loved how she begged, making him grin. "Good girl, kitten," he praised, wiping her cheeks as the young Dom continued to fuck her, seemingly possessing a surprising amount of stamina. "Wait for me on the next one," he murmured to her, sliding a hand down her stomach to drag his fingers through the wet mess between her thighs.
She was still shaking as the man continued to fuck her ass beautifully against Oz's body and the chais. "I can't..i can't," she muttered, the onslaught continuing keeping her body buzzing right on the edge once again. She arched her body into Oz's touch, his fingers running over her skin, continuing to ignite her. "Oh fuck...oh fuckfuckfuck," she growled and cried, her eyes starting to roll again as her stomach tensed with the next orgasm building. She screamed and cried as she teetered right on the edge again, "It's too good..i can't...sssiiir!" she screamed loudly, trying desperately to hold the next orgasm but unable to stop the heat thrashing through her body, making a new mess beneath her.
With how overwhelmed she was and her lack of experience with denial, he wasn't going to fault her for not being able to hold it. Oz would be sure to talk with her about it after all this, so she wasn't concerned, but in the moment all he could do was reassure her. Her next orgasm seemed to tip the young man over the edge, her thrashing making her body slide off of his cock so he came all over her stomach and drenched cunt. "Mm, it's all right, kitten, I know it's hard when you're a needy slut," he purred to her, leaning down to press a kiss to her parted lips. Glancing up, he saw the Dom's sister approaching, a strap on hanging from her pants, and he nodded with a smirk to let her know she was good to proceed. The Domme slid into Stacey's well used ass easily, as Oz rubbed one hand over her messy stomach.
She managed to look down as the man pulled himself out, watching his massive cock spurt and cover her messy body with his cum. His words made her coo, nuzzling her face against his abs with her head still in his lap. Her face blissed out again, feeling a new cock push deep into her ass. "Oh fuck yes! Mmm, i love my slutty ass getting fucked like this," she mumured, speech slurring as she felt her ass clench against the toy. She watched and felt as Oz's fingers played in the mess against her stomach, and she looked up at him, opening her mouth wide for a taste of it.
The way she slurred just sent a fresh surge of arousal through him, his cock absolutely uncomfortable where it was trapped in his pants - but this wasn't about him. Not yet anyway. "I think everyone here knows what a filthy whore you are, baby, you're covered in cum and still begging for cock," he said, though he had a proud smile on his lips. Oz chuckled, scooping up some of the mess to paint it over her parted lips, letting some drip onto her cheeks.
She moaned wildly, both at the friction in her ass, and Oz's beautifully harsh words. "Yes! Mmm, covered in cum, dripping with cum," she repeated, hazed and blissed out. She whimpered as the cum was missing her mouth. "Sir pleeeease," she begged, sticking her tongue out, crossing her eyes, "I wanna swallow it, I want cum everywhere," she whined, moaning harder as the next orgasm started to build again, "OH god! I'm gonna cum again...i can't stop cumming!" she screamed, voice cracking as she came again, much to the woman's delight as Stacey squirted once again, shocked there was anything left at this point.
He couldn't help but laugh at her pretty begging, the perfect slutty expression on her face. "Messy cumdump," he teased, dragging his fingers through the mess again before shoving two into her mouth for her to suck clean. Stacey was definitely impressing him, with orgasm after orgasm. She had to be nearing her limit - but he didn't think she was there just yet. Oz slid his fingers out of her mouth and down to her pussy, rubbing fast circles over her throbbing clit as the Domme fucking her neared her own pleasure. "Give us another one, kitten," he urged, looking down into her flushed face, nearing the point where he knew he would need some attention.
She smiled at the new name, embracing every bit of it. She moaned as she felt the fingers push into her mouth, sucking and bobbing against his fingers roughly and hungrily, as if she'd never ever get enough. She was breathing so heavily she was sure her lungs were going to burst out of her chest at any moment. Each orgasm left her was unbelieveable pleasure, but also a painful desire for more. The only time she'd ever cum this much was after a marathon masturbation session in college, but never with this many partners which only made it all hotter. She screamed loudly when she felt his fingers rub against her sensitive nub, all while the Domme continued to fuck her harder, needier. She breathed roughly as his command, the added sensation of her clit being rubbed proved just the ticket and she felt her toes curl and her body tense as she came again, arching high off her position on the chais, nearly looking like a scene from the exorcist. As she came down, the Domme reached her peak as well, and Stacey laid back, breathless, against Oz's lap again, "Oh my god, Sir, I..i don't know how much more I can take," she panted and whimpered.
Oz grinned as he watched her nearly shoot off of the chaise, one arm holding her around her chest to keep her from getting hurt. The pretty Domme eased out of Stacey with a chuckle, wiggling her fingers in a wave as she sauntered off with her brother. Oz looked around at all of their onlookers, clearly hoping for a turn, then had a thought. "How about just one more cock in your cunt, kitten? Because I think I'd love to fill up your pussy myself while all these nice gentlemen jerk off over your face and tits," he suggested, eliciting low laughter and moans from the men around them.
She was trying to catch her breath, waiting for the next cock when Oz spoke. Her eyes widened in excitement and she was nodding before she could form the words. "Oh please fuck me, Sir," she begged, "i want you to fuck me like a dirty little whore, getting sprayed with cum and cum all over your cock," she whimpered, the idea exciting her more than anything else so far.
Her excitement made him grin, and he pecked a kiss to her mouth before shifting out from under her head. He undid his pants, letting them fall to his ankles to show off his slim muscled thighs and round ass, his long, slender cock hanging heavily. "Tell me again how you want to be fucked, kitten," he murmured, running his dripping length against her swollen, slick folds before letting it slap against her clit. The men watching had shifted to stand around them, dicks out and in hand, ready to make Stacey a mess.
She lazily kissed him back as he moved infront of her, loosening his pants and pulling his cock from them, her eyes widening and licking her lips desperately. Her body shook in oversensitivity as the beautiful tip of his cock teased her. "OH fuck Sir please!" she begged, a tone of alert in her voice, "Please, I need your cock in me, I need you to fuck me like a dirty whore. Ahh! Oh fuck my pussy Daddy PLEASE!?" she arched her back, breathing deeply, her eyes locking on his in a desperate plea. She could feel the other men starting to surround them, but her eyes were locked on Oz, waiting to be filled by him.
Something tingled through him when she called him Daddy like that. He slid his hands along her thighs, offering her a dirty grin before pressing his cock into her firmly. Fuck, she was still so tight around him, a hiss escaping as he sank fully into her. "Filthy slut, how are you still so tight?" he groaned out, locking eyes with her even as the circle of men around them started to jerk off over her torso. Oz set a hard pace, pounding into the beautiful blonde, hungry to have the final taste of her pleasure.
She didn't even realize it came out until it did, and her focus was pused back to the long cock pushing in between her folds. She clenched around him, arching off the dais again as Oz filled her. She moaned at his words, burning red as the arousal from them rushed through her veins. She smiled hazy at him, "Need to stay tight for Daddy's cock," she moaned as her eyes locked on his, feeling hot, sticky cum splash over her body. "Harder," she whimpered, "Please."
The way she looked at him even though other men started unloading onto her surged through him, and then she called him Daddy again - he was powerless to resist the sweet whimper she let out. "You got it, baby girl," he crooned. Holding onto her hips, he thrust harder into her, watching through hazy eyes as her small, pert tits bounce wildly on her chest. Her tan stomach and chest were covered in cum by now, only a handful of takers remaining to cover her in their cum. But all he saw were those bright eyes and flushed cheeks, and all he could focus on was making her scream just for him to finish out their evening together.
She let out a combination of a gasp and a scream as Oz slid harder, more purposeful inside her. Her back arched off the dais, the cum covering her chest and stomach shining under the club lights. "Oh god! You fuck me so good!" she screamed the harder he pulsed into her. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, her screams high and loud as each thrust inside her brought her close to another orgasm. "OH fuck! Fuck...i'm gonna...fuuuuck Daaaddy!" she screamed as she came again, her body rutting and shaking, but pinned to the dais by Oz's body.
God, watching Stacey lose her entire mind to pleasure was quickly becoming one of his favorite things. He held onto her tightly, their audience finished covering Stacey's body in their mess by now. Her writhing and pulsing around his cock made him groan low in his chest, his cock finally giving in to his own peak and shooting heavily into her well used hole. Uncaring of the mess, Oz leaned over her to capture her lips in a kiss, warm but a little lazier now as he basked in the glow of his orgasm. "Such a good cockslut for me, kitten," he whispered against her lips.
She was breathing heavily, almost to the point of hyperventilating as she was coming down from her high, kept in a solid feeling of pleasure the more Oz continued to fuck her. "I..I can't...i can't," she shook her head, still moaning as the last man sprayed her with his cum, just in time to feel Oz fill her. It was her favorite load of the night. She moaned against his lips. "Thank you, Sir," she panted, lust blown eyes blinking up at him. "Please...no more," she chuckled and licked across her lips.
He chuckled breathlessly and nodded. "No more. You did so well," he hummed, kissing the tip of her nose. Lifting up slightly, he caught the eye of a staff member nearby. "Could you bring me some towels?" The woman nodded and bustled off. Carefully, Oz eased himself out of Stacey, then moved to lay alongside her on the dais, gently pulled her into his arms. "How are you feeling, kitten?" he asked, absently running his fingers through the mess on her stomach.
She hummed lightly at both the kiss and his agreement. She let him drag her into him, curling up into his lap like a small cat as he casually touches her spent body. "So so good," she purred, nuzzling into his neck, the desperate need to be as close as possible running through her. "Thank you," she whispered into his flesh, "I loved every minute of it."
He smiled against her warm skin, running one hand over her back protectively. The staff member set a small plastic tray of warm, damp towels next to them, along with some dry, but Oz didn't move to use them just yet. "Good. I'm very happy you enjoyed yourself. You were absolutely stunning," he praised. Oz shifted her slightly on his lap, enough so he would be able to reach her chest and stomach, so he could start gently cleaning the mess from her skin with a soft, moist towel.
She smiled again, the sudden knowledge that she was naked and covered in cum making her cheeks flush in a fun embarassment. She never thought she'd do something like that. It was fun to fantasize about, but she never thought she'd trust someone enough to do it. She turned as Oz brought the cloth to her stomach and began to wipe off the mess left by everyone else. "mmm," she hummed, watching as he cleaned her, hissing with a playful giggle as he clean between her legs, her body still over sensitive to his touch.
Oz enjoyed her sweet playfulness even after such an intense scene. "I know, but you're a little bit messy down there," he teased, pressing a kiss to her temple. "We'll have a proper bath when we're back to the hotel." He set aside the dirty towel and grabbed a clean dry one, pleased to notice a robe included in the pile of fabric. "Then you can be the littlest spoon with me and Michael. Don't think I haven't noticed how much you like that," he hummed, obviously pleased by it.
"I know," she giggled again, "but it's so sensitive!" She smiled at the set up he was prepared for her. "OH the littlest? Well, that actually makes sense since the two of you are tall as trees," she said, a little listless as she let her brainfog settle inside her. "What's not to like?" she hummed.
He finished drying her off before wrapping her in the robe. "You know, I haven't the faintest idea what wouldn't be to like, but then, I might be biased." Oz kissed her head, then eased her off of his lap so he could pull his own clothes back on. "You ready to head back, kitten?"
She moved to allow Oz to put the robe around her. She looked up, simply nodding at him.
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aspacetobe · 1 year
What is love? the romantic type of love, that is. What is it?
i’ve never experienced it before. even though i thought i did. twice. thought it was once. experienced a second. realized the first was not love at all. a half a dozen of years post the second, i realized the second wasn’t love either.
that was at the end of last year. when it finally registered that both of those relationships were weirdly mildly emotionally abusive. i think it’s when you finally have love for yourself that you know what love truly is.
but romantic love, what is it?
i’m sitting in a random park in Copenhagen. the second random park of the day for me.
it’s 6pm. the sun is still bright. like a 3pm in summer in los angeles. just without the heat. there’s a couple next to me. they’re playing coldplay very softly on their bluetooth speaker.
that’s something about Copenhagen. it’s quiet. it’s soft.
i noticed people can hear my soft spoken voice easily. i don’t have to “yell” which is my experience everywhere i go. especially at home. and i do feel like i’m yelling when to others i’m just speaking up, speaking louder.
but here, i speak softly. even softer than usual and people hear me. and understand me. it’s amazing.
i’m heard. and i don’t have to project my voice for others. i can speak kinder, or so it feels, and i’m heard.
so, this couple came and sat next to me. in a place i thought secluded. clearly not secluded enough.
two boxed pizzas in hand. a blanket. two cokes.
they sat down, facing the sun. which is facing me. so i suppose i faced away from the sun.
they ate and sipped and listened to coldplay and laughed and chatted. and that’s when i realized there must be a coldplay concert coming up or one that just happened because i’ve seen so many people wearing coldplay shirts around today. (i googled it when i got to wifi, it happened two days ago.)
i went back to reading, writers and lovers. (Thanks Katie for the book rec.)
they’re laying down now, absorbing the sun. his hand is on her upper thigh, tapping along to the beat of yellow.
i hadn’t noticed they moved from eating to laying. i myself was absorbed in the book i’ve downloaded.
in the shade.
but when i looked up, i looked directly at them. looked at that slight touch of his hand. her hands resting on her own chest, on her heart.
i thought, how beautiful.
two people. dating. and the touch of a man. a man you like.
every time i look up they’re in a new position.
now she’s moved to be laying on her side, towards him. he remains laying face up, and his hand is between her legs.
she’s slowly tracing his arm, gently up and down. their eyes are closed.
yet, despite the physical distance that still exists between them, i can feel their warmth and comfort.
i don’t know what love is. but i feel like whatever exists between them is pretty close. it’s not the physical touch i note. rather the lack of it. the comfort of just the tiniest trace of affection and yet they’re clearly independent. i can feel their individuality. and i can feel their choosing of each other. i can feel that they’re happy alone and happy together. i don’t know how else to describe it. their individuality and their coupling exists at once. and maybe a part of love is the choosing of yourself and the choosing of another. that they can coexist. that you don’t need to lose yourself to love another. of course that’s true.
of course.
and like magic, it’s like a vision of them thirty years from now just walked by and set their own picnic up a few feet away.
and when i look back at the young couple they’re both laying on their sides, facing each other. the man laughs.
i didn’t really realize i was missing something until it was right in front of me.
so with that, i’ll slide up away from this notes app to another app, the app that holds my book, and continue reading.
ps my allergies are horrible.
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survey--s · 1 year
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If you have a job, how long is your shift? Generally I work 5-6 hour days which is plenty long enough considering I’m on my feet all day walking dogs - it’s pretty physically strenuous.
What was the last thing you received in an envelope? A letter about the cats’ insurance renewal.
Do you ever wear your hair in a pony tail? Not really, I tend to have it up in a messy bun 99% of the time as it’s quick and easy and keeps it out of my face.
When was the last time you got a new phone? About eighteen months ago I think.
Do you wear your watch on your left or right arm? I don’t wear a watch.
What was the last kind of pop you drank? Pepsi Max.
Do you think you’re single because you repel the opposite sex? I’m not single but what the fuck kind of question is that? lol.
What language did you take up in high school? I took French from about age 5-6, then Latin for a couple of years, then German for five years until I went to university.
Why are you home? Because it’s Saturday night and I have nowhere else to be lol. Plus I’m out first thing tomorrow morning.
Do you like sunflowers? Yes.
Whose bedroom were you in last? Mine.
Are you counting down for anything? Meeting Reuben the puppy tomorrow morning! He’s not even mine but I am ridiculously excited hahah,
Are you watching TV? What’s on? Re-runs of Mock the Week.
Have you ever been bitten by a mosquito? Sure.
Do you have a sweatshirt on right now? No, it’s waaaay too warm for that.
Where is your ex? I have no idea. I think he still lives in the same town but who knows with him - he probably lives with the latest poor girl to believe his sob stories.
Have any pictures on your dresser mirror? No.
Did you hang out with anyone today? What did you do? Just Mike but we haven’t really done anything particularly exciting. Just chilling out at home and enjoying not having to be anywhere.
Have you had any beer this week? No.
What channel did you last watch on tv? Channel 4.
What was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed? I have no idea, probably an Amaretto and coke.
Currently waiting on something/someone? Nope.
Last time you painted your nails? I painted my toenails a few days ago. For my fingernails, probably when I got engaged in Lanzarote lol.
What was the last thing you watched on television? Mock the Week.
Is your shirt yellow? No. I don’t own any yellow clothes.
How old will you be in 12 months? 35.
What did you do last night? Watched TV, messed around on my phone and had an early night.
What woke you up this morning? Mike’s phone vibrating for no apparent reason.
Do you sleep naked? No, I normally wear underwear and a t-shirt. I don’t find it comfortable to sleep naked, I get too sweaty.
What should you be doing right now? Nothing.
Looking back, did you ever think you would be where you are now? I honestly never imagined that my life would turn out this way but I’m eternally grateful that it has.
Do you have make-up on? No.
Have you kissed anybody in the last 4 days? Yes.
Have you ever held hands with someone in a car? Sure, loads of times.
The last person you kissed whose name started with a J or R? J - Joshua. R - Richard, but both of those happened about a decade ago lol.
Are you taller than 5 foot 7 inches? Yeah, by about an inch and a half.
Would you rather be called honey or baby? Neither really, but baby is probably the best.
The person you have the most feelings for calls you right now, what do you do? Ask him what he’s forgotten as he only left home about 20 minutes ago.
Why aren’t you texting the last person you kissed? ^^ because he just left a while ago to go fishing. And I don’t really feel the need to be in constant contact all the time.
Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette? Yeah.
Your last kiss meant nothing to you, right? Wrong.
Where is your phone? On the sofa to my right.
Will you kiss the last person you kissed again? Yes.
What if you had a baby with the last person you kissed? I don’t want to have a baby with anyone.
Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? eBay.
Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years time? I hope I’m still married in five years, yes.
Would you ever try being a vegetarian? I was vegetarian for a few years as a teenager but it’s not something I’d willingly choose to do again.
Did anyone call you babe yesterday? No.
Did you ever slam a door on someone? Of course.
Have you ever walked on the beach at night? Yeah, plenty of times. I live five minutes from the beach.
I bet you’re thinking about someone right now? Susie as she just liked something I posted on Facebook.
Are you in love with someone right now? Yes.
What have you watched so far today? The Simpsons and Mock the Week.
What is the weather like right now? Hot, muggy and sticky. Bleurgh. It’s gross.
Are you talking to anyone on AIM right now? Who? Ha wow, how old is this survey? I miss AIM.
What is your favorite card game? I’m not really into card games.
What kind of pet do you have? Any certain breed? Two black moggies (one long hair and one short hair) and a tan & white beagle.
Do you wish someone was dead? No.
What’s your favorite ice cream? Lately coffee or vanilla.
Have you ever given a toll collector 75 cents in pennies? Not personally, but my dad used to pay them in coins.
Give me the link to your favourite Youtube video: I don’t really have a specific favourite.
The last time you hurt yourself-how did it happen? Just getting jumped at by a dog - I think it was Ollie lol.
What’s the name of dance you can actually dance to? YMCA.
If you could have any pet you wanted, what would it be? Another dog lol.
Did you ever have an invisible friend? Yeah, one called Rosie and one called Samantha.
How many emails were you sent today? A few but they were just from random companies rather than specific people.
Favorite sleeping position? Curled up on my right and cuddling my bear.
What are you drinking right now? Nothing, I’ve just finished a Pepsi and debating what to get next.
What’s your favorite alcoholic drink? Raspberry vodka mixed with lemonade.
How many hours of sleep do you get each night? It depends, normally anything between 6-9.
Are you a good morning person? Yeah, I’m actually fine to get up early as long as I’m left alone for the first hour. Physically I’m really productive, I just don’t want to talk to anyone lol.
Have you ever been on a diet? Yes.
What’s your favorite dessert? Cheesecake, tiramisu or pavlova.
What was your favorite Christmas gift you got last year? My dad gave me £1000.
What have you thought up yet for this year’s list? Nothing really, I would rather have money so I could just choose what I want/need over time.
What’s the best activity you’ve done so far this summer? It’s not quite summer yet.
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