#they WOULD be surprised and would wonder if he intends to replace it but they'd never press him to do so. especially not right then.
riddlerosehearts · 3 months
figured out how to edit the game files and combine some mods so i could try out different things with gale's earring because i have a lot of thoughts... also gale's earring should really be positioned lower but i'm having an issue with one of the mods, oh well
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resowrites · 2 years
Two’s Company - a Walter Marshall oneshot.
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Summary: Walter tries to think of a way to to help his girlfriend with the long, lonely nights he spends away from her working…
Pairings: AU!Walter Marshall x Girlfriend!OC
Warnings: angst, fluff, distressed gf, mention of a police case/serial killer, mention of a medical condition, nondescript OC body type/appearance, lightly proofread.
WC: 2159
My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! No copyright infringement intended, gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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Two's Company - a Walter Marshall oneshot:
It had been another long, lonely evening. For the past two months, Walter had been working until late at night, trying to crack a particularly difficult case. Apart from their hurried breakfasts, she'd seen very little of him. Even on the weekends, he was holed up in his office, the back wall looking like a conspiracy theorist's dream. She hadn't complained, she knew better than to put that kind of stress on him. This was just his job and if she struggled to cope with it at times, then that was on her. She was the one who'd agreed to be in a relationship with him. Not that that made it any easier. She started having doubts, wondering if this was what their married life would also be like. Would he even be around to watch his kids grow up or be there to attend birthday parties and recitals? She tried to push those thoughts away, like every other thought she'd been burying lately. As far as he was concerned, she was her usual happy, bouncy self and she was determined to keep up the facade. She didn't need him worrying about her as well as a serial killer currently at large in Michigan.
She pulled the throw around her tighter to try and mimic a hug, she'd felt so touched starved lately. She didn't even want to think about the state of their sex life. But she had to try and be grateful, in every other regard he was a wonderful boyfriend. He respected her and treated her with nothing but love and kindness. How she wished he had a different job though. He'd been injured twice in the last six months and she dreaded the police chief showing up on their doorstep one day, cap in hand. What she needed was a distraction, but everything she'd tried up to that point just hadn't worked. There was no real replacement for the company of the man she loved most. She supposed sooner or later they'd have to talk about it. But what could either of them really do? She sighed, realising he probably wasn't going to be home anytime soon and it would be better if she went to bed. Suddenly her mobile rang, the noise almost making her jump out of her skin. "H-hello? Is that you Walter? What is it, what's wrong?" She could hear him chuckle lightly on the other end.
"Nothing babe! I just wanted to check in, make sure you're okay. I'm surprised you're still awake. Why don't you get to bed, I won't be home for another couple of hours." She bit back her sigh though she didn't know what to say. "Babe? Is everything alright? Look I'm really sorry about this, you know how I hate being away from you. This won't go on much longer, I promise. We're really close to finding the bastard." She’d heard Walter say the same thing before. There was always going to be another case, another criminal that separated him from her and put his safety at risk. When she still hadn't said anything, Walter became worried. "Babe, what's wrong… are you upset with me?" His voice was so concerned she felt tears well up in her eyes. She cleared her throat and adopted her usual sunny tone.
"No, I'm fine… just don't overwork yourself and drive back safe. I'll see you tomorrow morning." She went to hang up, with him only just stopping her in time.
"Wait, I want to hear about your day… what have you been doing? Are you remembering to take your insulin?" She'd been diagnosed with diabetes a couple of months back, which had worried Walter no end. He'd come back a couple of times to find her having a hypo.
"Yes darling, I'm fine. Don't worry about me, just focus on your case." He hesitated for a few moments, not knowing whether to push her any further. He'd caught the look of sadness on her face a couple of times when she thought he wasn't looking. Of course, she'd smile and put on her usual happy act, but he knew deep down she was hurting. She missed him terribly on the long nights he spent away.
"Okay babe, well listen… I need to get back. Get to bed for me okay? Lock all the doors and windows too, I'll get home as soon as I can. Goodnight darling, I love you so much." She gulped back the lump in her throat.
"I love you too sweetheart, take care and I'll see you soon…" She hung up, never feeling more lost and alone than at that moment.
The next day.
She felt exhausted the next morning and struggled to get out of bed. But when she could smell coffee wafting into the bedroom, she assumed Walter was already awake and preparing for his next shift. She couldn't remember him even coming home. She quickly pulled on her dressing gown and headed downstairs. The house felt slightly chilly and she realised she should have put something on her feet. "Morning darling, are you alright? You look a little tired." But her eyes were roving around the kitchen, mentally trying to locate all the stuff she needed to make him a proper breakfast. "Haha don't worry about it love, I just had some toast. Come sit down and I'll get you something, I want to see you take your insulin as well." She felt irritated suddenly and he caught her rolling her eyes as she refilled the kettle. "Hey, what's that look? I'm allowed to be worried you know. Look, I know I haven't been around much lately. I'm going to try and do better. I've put in an application to be transferred to another division, the hours are better and the job's somewhat safer. I didn't want to tell you as it's not a sure thing just yet." She didn't respond, still absentmindedly casting around for tea bags and milk. He was growing concerned. "Did you hear me, love? I thought you'd be happy darling." She spun round to face him, plastering on her usual fake smile.
"No, I am… that's great sweetheart. I'm really pleased, let's hope you get it." She smiled wider before going back to preparing breakfast. She knew fine well his boss would never let him leave his current department, he was far too good a detective.
"Listen, are you alright? You seem a bit down, you know you can tell me anything?" She hesitated for a moment as she stirred their cups of tea, knowing Walter always enjoyed this after guzzling down his coffee. She handed him a cup with another strained grin on her face.
"Don't be silly, I know you're busy and I completely understand. Please don't worry about me, you just focus on your case. Are you making any headway?" He knew she was just trying to change the subject but if she wasn't prepared to talk about it, there was no point in pushing her.
"Yeah, we figure another couple of weeks and we'll have bagged him. You know I was thinking maybe this weekend we can head up to the lake, the cabin looks beautiful surrounded by all the snow. What do you think?" She smiled again, ever the calm, placatory girlfriend.
"That sounds great, anyway you better get going, otherwise you'll get caught in traffic." Walter sunk back half the tea, though how he managed to drink something that hot she'd never know.
"I will, I will… but first I want to see you take your insulin and have something to eat." She exhaled somewhat impatiently, worried he was going to be late for his shift. So she kissed him on the cheek and handed him his lunch.
"I'm a big girl, don't worry about me, now get going or you'll be late." Walter sighed as she guided him towards the front door, anxious about her being left on her own all day. As she worked 9 to 5 from home, she didn't even get to go out much or see anyone. He turned to face her and cupped her face in his hands.
"Listen to me, you can call me anytime for any reason… even if you just miss me okay?" She smiled blankly and kissed him a final time.
"I know, please stop worrying, I'm fine." Walter stared into her eyes, knowing that was far from the case, and on his way to the station he desperately wracked his brain for a solution. If he couldn't be around her more often, he'd need to find some other way of keeping her company. Luckily halfway through his shift, he got an idea. It would take some time to arrange, but he was sure he was on the right track.
A month later.
He sped through the empty roads, it was way past rush hour but at least he was going to be home earlier than usual. The case had rumbled on as they both secretly expected, and he knew his girl was starting to crack under the strain. But when he looked at the gift he'd found for her resting on the back seat, he smiled from ear to ear. He just knew she was going to love it. He turned off his headlights as he pulled into the driveway, wanting to surprise her. He pulled the gift behind his back and snuck up to the front door. When he tiptoed into the living room, he could see her still standing in the kitchen, scraping away yet another uneaten dinner into the bin. She was crying softly and his heart shattered. Is this how she'd been every night? He felt his gift wrigging in his arms and he had no choice but to step into the kitchen. "Hi, love… I'm back early. My boss let me go for the evening. Are you alright? What's wrong?" His booming voice almost made her drop the plate she was so shocked. She hurriedly wiped her tears away, embarrassed that he'd caught her so upset.
"Oh, hi darling… yes I'm fine. Just a little overtired. What have you got there?" She'd seen Walter squirming slightly and wondered what on earth was going on. He then grinned, pulling from behind his back a small, very cute German Shepherd puppy. She was so shocked as he walked towards her holding the bundle of ears and fluff, her mouth just hung open.
"This here, my love, is Kal. It turns out he's a bit too nice to be a police dog, so he's been retrained to detect glucose levels instead. He's going to help keep you safe when I'm not here and give you all the cuddles I can't when I'm away. What do you think?" She had tears in her eyes, not quite knowing what to say. He then carefully placed Kal into her waiting arms and watched as he made a beeline for her face, licking away her tears as his tail wagged fiercely. For the first time in a long while, she laughed.
"He's just about the cutest puppy I've ever seen! Are you sure we can keep him?" Walter placed his arms around them both, rubbing her back as he did so.
"Of course! Well, do you like him?" She laughed again and kissed him before placing even more kisses on Kal's nose. "I take that as a yes, then?" They both laughed and he felt as though a weight had been lifted. He knew she'd always miss him and wish he was around more, but at least Kal would look after her as well as provide some much needed emotional support. "I have some more good news, my transfer's also been approved." She couldn't help but let out a squeal, which caused Kal to tilt his head in confusion.
"Oh, darling that's wonderful! Are you sure, though? I don't want you changing departments just to keep me happy?" Her biggest fear was that Walter would eventually resent her for how much he had to fit his life around her and her needs. But he just shook his head and smiled.
"Nah, I want this just as much as you. I've been in the same role for the last twenty years and I'm getting too old for it. I also want to make the most of our time together. I can't do that if I hardly ever see you, it's not fair to either of us." She looked down at Kal, still unsure that he was making the right decision. But he lifted her chin and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. "Darling, this is the right decision I promise. Unless you're happy with Kal? In which case, I suppose I can just go ahead and move out…" She swatted him on the arm as they laughed again. The sparkle in her eyes had returned and that, to him, was priceless.
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A/N: I hope you guys like this new Henry Cavill oneshot, I enjoy creating pieces for characters I don’t often use, so I hope I did ok! Please feel free to send me any more requests for stories/series. I love hearing from you all! Thanks so much for all your continued support and I hope you enjoy the story ~ Reso x
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