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i checked duolingo and i realized i completed the entire french course in gr7... sometimes i wonder where all my motivation to learn went 🤔
my instagram 🌱 [ tracking #sorcierstudies ]
#handwritinginspo#handwriting inspo#aestheticnotes#aesthetic notes#notespo#notespiration#mathnotes#math#notes#og#phxto#studying#teamconquer#heypat#scholarstudy#adelinestudies#morganastudy#thesmartstudy#heyindia#studiousliz#quadrtics#dutchlabstudent#studyingjade#problematicprocrastinator#procrastilate#catstudies#heyxueyan#studejing#juliasacads#lunetudes
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my google calendar is stuffed atm but next week is last day of classes!
studygram | kpopblr/main
#mine#original#emmastudies#emma studies#studejing#studyingjade#history#womens history#womenshistory#notes#note#notetaking#scholarstudy#adelinestudy#morganastudy#studiousliz#thesmartstudy#lycheestudy#elkstudies#stvdybuddies
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07.07.2020 | ミ★ 22/100 days of productivity ★彡
throwback to one of my favorite themes from my bullet journal - skies!
really love the lettering font that i used for september it’s soo cute lmao. i think i’ll redo this theme again when i get my new bujo
#thesmartstudies#bujo#studyblr#aesthetic#heyabby#heysareena#designstudy#bujowsofie#einstetic#studywithinspo#heyaestudier#obsidianstudy#rhubarbstudies#studypetals#100daysofp#100 days of productivity#100dop#quarantine challenge
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i painted the stuff on this page and i think it looks really nice and calm.
stay safe y’all :=)
- sofie
#bujo#bullet journal#painting#aesthetic#ocean#waves#weekly spread#mine#sofiesbujo#bujo ie#look here cherry#academiix#heyaly#thesmartstudies#heyrosiebee#soymilkstudie#stillstudies#itshannyb#heypat
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sunday the 22nd of september 2019
hi! i’m back from the dead!! sorry for being almost inactive here :( school started and it got busy really fast and i didn’t really have anything to take a pic of.
yesterday: i planned my day, did my physics hw, studied for my philosophy test and studied for my maths test
have a lovely day!!
#studyblr#study#studying#studyspo#studyinspo#studyspiration#student#studying motivation#studysthetics#mine#problematicprocrastinator#heypat#thekingsstudy#thekingsstudent#thesmartstudies#studylustre#studylilacs#cyclicstudies#pinetreelookie#heysareena#bentostudy#heylittlewitch#saylorlook#heysucculent#tmedic#parisgellerstudies#comosstudies#moonshinestudies#lawyerd#catharticstudying
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02.06.20 // 2020 is a startling mix of ‘omg it’s may already, where has the time gone?’ and ‘it’s only may.... can this year end soon?’
devastated to hear the news about george floyd... hope the african american tumblr community knows that they are deeply loved and supported. to any followers who may be of that descent, i am fully with you in this movement, and i pray for your safety and good health through these tumultuous times.
listening to: this is america - childish gambino (rather apt song for the current political climate)
#studyblr#bujo#studyspo#originals#beauty#studyspiration#study aesthetic#studystudystudy#studysthetics#thesmartspo#thesmartstudies#bujoblr#bujo layout#bujo weekly spread#bujo inspo#bujo inspiration#bujo spread#building aesthetic#bujo aesthetic#gloomstudy#light academia#uglystudies#milknotes#jeonchemstudy#study spaces#study#study motivation#study layout#bujospo#studysmart
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These pictures are from awhile ago. I wouldn’t say that college is kicking my butt, but I would say I’m incredibly busy lately. But I love my English class and I’m so excited to take more next semester!
#studyblr#mine#new studyblr#english major#adelinestudies#elkstudies#gudetama studies#thesmartstudies#thesmartspo#psychologyhermione#bookblr#annastudies#problematicprocrastinator#my posts#janetstudies#designstudy#ghiblistudyy#studywithme#study blog#study motivation#studyquill#study hard#umich#university of michigan
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27.10.19 | How is everyone‘s weekend going? I should be studying again for course 2. But once again I‘m spending the weekend away not thinking about school one bit😅
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28/4/19 - 22/55 days of productivity
so far today i’ve ticked off 3/7 things i wanted to do, despite having spilt a whole mug of tea over my flashcards :0 luckily it was only a few of them that got soaked!!
🎶 - happy birthday, johnny // st. vincent
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some english notes. the finals start in only ten days aaaahh!!!
hope you’re having a lovely day! 💗
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looking at my april calendar makes me sad,, the amount of crossed-off events and white out :(( cheers to a better 2021 though 🤧
my instagram 🧞♀️ [ tracking #sorcierstudies ]
#handwritinginspo#handwriting inspo#notespo#notespiration#aestheticnotes#aesthetic notes#mathnotes#math#og#phxto#notes#teamconquer#heypat#scholarstudy#adelinestudies#morganastudy#thesmartstudy#heyindia#studiousliz#quadrtics#dutchlabstudent#studyingjade#problematicprocrastinator#procrastilate#catstudies#heyxueyan#studejing#juliasacads#lunetudes#serenistudy
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“he sneak
he peak
but most importantly
he sleek”
- The best of our group chat (by Hajra. No context. )
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05.18.2020 | ミ★ 20/100 days of productivity ★彡
throwback to my February spread! it was book themed. loved how this turned out and will for sure try it out again
what is your current favorite book and why?
“whatever our souls are made of,
his and mine are the same.”
-emily bronte, wuthering heights
#thesmartstudies#bullet journal#bujo#february#studyblr#heyaly#studypetals#ankalook#rhubarbstudies#obsidianstudy#heyaestudier#einstetic#bionctes#studywithanna#studywithinspo#100daysofp#100 days of productivity#100dop
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I really like this kinda beige/gold colour palette! the star is from this theme party at my school where every class had to dress up as a different painting. we chose van goghs starry night and it was so much fun and there was glitter everywhere lmao.
- sofie
#bujo#bullet journal#aesthetic#brown#gold#beige#studyblr#heypat#itshannyb#lookherecherry#academiix#heyaly#thesmartstudies#heyrosiebee#soymilkstudies#stillstudies#sofiesbujo#mine
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sunday the 12th of may 2019
hi! i had a very productive day and i’m so happy about it!! i studied for my chemistry and physics tests and i wrote an essay. hope you had a lovely day ✨
song of the day: hooked on a feeling by blue swede
#studyblr#study#studying#studyspo#studyinspo#studyspiration#student#studying motivation#studysthetics#mine#problematicprocrastinator#heypat#thekingsstudy#thekingsstudent#thesmartstudies#studypetals#studylilacs#studylustre#cyclicstudies#pinetreelookie#scrunchiestudies#looknystudies#heysareena#bentostudy#heysucculent#saylorlook
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8.14.18 || just finished reading Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close for school, it is so good omg
Also using sticky notes to track motifs and write down thoughts is So much more satisfying and useful that writing directly in the book (and nicer to the book, too!)
#mine#extremely loud and incredibly close#books#booklr#bookish#student#studyblr#ap lit#studying#studyspo#gloomstudy#architstudy#ohlookcecilia#cinnamonelizastudies#anascoldcoffee#thesmartstudies#youngminstudies#studyingboba#chrissiestudies#eintsein#nerdastically#erasign#noodledesk#equaticns#nihaonicole#studywithjordan#studywithjacki#ittybittystudyblr#studytune#xiutingzainali
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