#these were all wonderful questions hazel i'm really glad you decided to make this ask game :)))
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casspurrjoybell-26 · 11 months ago
💖Sweet Revenge💖 - Chapter 3
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*Warning Adult Content*
Aaron Keene
Blake is looking at me and I can tell he's doing his best to turn on the charm.
If he was anyone else, it would totally be working.
His eyes are a mesmerizing hazel, green shot with gold and the toasted amber of Fall leaves and his James Dean jawline and chin make me wonder what the scratch of his stubble would feel like against my... I give myself a hard mental kick.
'He's the enemy, Aaron,' I tell myself. 'He's the reason you keep your heart in a steel box.'
I notice that his upper lip catches on a slightly crooked tooth when he smiles and I hate how cute it makes him look.
When he says he doesn't remember me, I'm not sure whether to be relieved or furious.
Then again, maybe the thing that almost destroyed my life was just another laugh to him.
A moment of amusement, not even worth a thought after the fact.
While my brain tries to decide whether I want to laugh or die, I answer his question.
Leaning over the counter, I look down at the day's creations.
"What do I recommend? Well, what kind of flavors do you like?" I ask.
He shrugs and I notice his eyes are still on me and not the candy.
"I like sweet but I like bitter, too. Sometimes I just want the smoothness of milk chocolate. Other times I want something a little more... adventurous."
"Here... try this."
He takes it and eyes still locked on mine... pops it into this mouth.
You know how they say you'll know porn when you see it?
Well, I swear if someone made a film of this guy eating chocolate, people would think it was porn.
His eyes roll back in his head and he lets out a moan that makes me really glad that Mrs. Garcia and her little girls are gone already.
I can see him rolling the truffle around on his tongue, sucking on it until he finally bites down and gets to the spicy center.
His eyes slide open and they have this weird, unfocused look.
He's literally breathing hard and when he swallows I can't deny that my pants are feeling a little tighter than they were before.
"Oh... my... God... That was amazing," he gasps.
"What was that?"
"Um... a South American inspired... hot truffle," I say and hate myself for the blush I feel spreading over my cheeks.
I can't help it.
Suddenly 'hot truffle' sounds like some sort of dirty sex act and I think I'm going to have to re-think the name.
"Wow. That's, like, my new favorite thing. I don't think I can handle another right now though."
He looks a little dazed, to be honest.
"What do I owe you?" he asks, pulling money from his wallet like a drunk guy at a strip club.
"For the truffle? Nothing. It was a sample."
"Seriously? Well... at least let me buy another toffee then," he says, searching the case.
"Oh no... are you all out?"
"Of what?"
"The... the toffees with the pistachios," he says, looking like a kid who lost his puppy.
"Huh?"Oh no. I only make those on Mondays. Do you like nuts?" I ask and then give myself another mental kick.
He nods.
"I love nuts."
God, kill me now.
"Okay, try this."
I hand him a chocolate-caramel-pecan cluster.
"Oh, better put it in a bag," he says.
"I only eat one a day."
I raise a skeptical brow at him.
"Yep. One treat a day."
"Okay," I say and put the nut-cluster in a little wax paper bag.
"Dollar-fifty," I say and he gives me a five.
"Keep the change," he says.
Then he grabs the bag and practically runs from the store.
'What. The. Actual. Fuck.'
When he's gone, I turn the sign, pull down the blinds and close the store.
There's a half-hour left until closing time but the end of the day is always slow and I just can't handle anything more right now.
I grab a rag and start cleaning the finger-prints off the display case but after a few swipes, I stop.
I let the rag fall from my hand and sink to the floor.
There's a pain in my heart I haven't felt in years.
It's something I thought I'd buried so deep I'd felt sure I'd never feel it again.
When I was sixteen, Blake Welling broke my heart and almost destroyed me and apparently he doesn't even remember who I am. 
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igarbagecannoteven · 3 years ago
good luck on writing your novel opening! i am sending you lots of positive writing and plot vibes!!! but also i would like to know the answers to 5, 11, 12, 24, 35, 43, 54, 72, and 77! That's a lot of questions so feel free to pick and choose but i am genuinely curious about all of them -hazel
thank you for the positive vibes and good luck wishes!! they have been received and i edited and reworked the first 4.5k of the assignment! (most of it had already been edited previously, so don't be too impressed lol)
5. how many wips do you have? how many fandoms/pairings are they for? depending on what you count as a "wip", i'd say somewhere btwn 30-40ish? all 5sos pairings have more than one wip, and i've got a couple hp wips (and one doctor who drabble, but that's finished so it doesn't count)
11. do you write scenes in order or do you jump around? i usually start from what i think is the beginning at the time and then start jumping around when i either run into a wall or am inspired by something that will happen later!
12. do you outline your fics? if yes, how detailed are your outlines? how far do you stray from them? it depends! most fics i start have a general idea of how they'll go, but they rarely get an outline (unless you count one sentence in a notes app as an outline, but i don't) as for proper outlines, i have three aus (my big superhero au, we gotta make a decision's parent au, and my crazy scifi au) that have "proper" outlines, which range from extremely vague to very specific. i have yet to stray too far from any of them, but i'm also not super far along so we'll see! (my 4th of july au and my baby blue au also have docs that are vaguely outline shaped, but i'm not counting them for multiple reasons, chief among them being that they may never be written)
24. how do you choose which pov to write from? answered here!
35. what's your favorite fic you've posted? ohhh gosh. i really do love what if i'm weak (and i need you tonight?) i think it's one of my strongest writing-wise, i love the characters, it's my 2nd most popular fic,,, yeah idk i just think it's nice :))
43. is there a trope or idea you'd really like to write but haven't yet? lots! there are so many that are in wip-land, but one that hasn't even gotten a doc yet is a longer fic that's both a quarantine au and a slowburn and a fic that centers around the character's ace-ness. i've been thinking about it for a while now and i think it's something i need to sit on for a few months/years before i start it, but hopefully someday it'll be written :))
54. what's the fandom/pairing distribution of your posted fics? it's very sad :(( i've got 3 malum, 2 lashton, 1 mashton, 1 cake, 1 malum friendship fic, and no muke or cashton :(((( i can't wait to release more stuff with other pairings i don't like how unbalanced it is :((
72. what's your favorite writing compliment you've gotten? today in my creative writing class i got a very nice compliment from a classmate that made me very soft(tm). he said something like "we've talked about how great your ideas and concepts are in your story and that's true, but the real strength is the characters, who are so real and strong that they help me believe everything about this world you're building". and i just. :') i mean any compliment on my writing makes me melt but i think characters are the most important part of a story and for him to say that??? i did not propose but it was a close thing ksdjflkdsjfljsd
77. why do you enjoy writing fanfic? i like the freedom it gives me! i like that i can write characters and not have to worry about telling people what they look like or their general vibe bc they already know! (i hate describing how characters look lol it's the bane of my existence) i like the community feeling! i love how people can just comment on what they liked best and know that i'll read it! i like that so many different kinds of writing can fit under this one umbrella! i just love it!!
writer’s ask time!
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helloalycia · 4 years ago
teenage dirtbag [five] // wanda maximoff
summary: spending the afternoon with the Maximoff twins proved to be interesting... and prom night finally arrives!
warning/s: none.
author's note: here’s the final part to this mini series! i’m so glad you all enjoyed it and i appreciate every note i get, thank you 😊♥️ i’ve still got other wanda stuff in the works that will be posted soon, so stay tuned!
part one | part two | part three | part four | lil bonus bit for after p5 |masterlist | wattpad
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After a few tries and encouragement from Pietro, I managed to win the black cat plush toy for Wanda. It was strange, her brother wanting me to make a move on her, but I guess it reassured me a bit to know he thought I was actually good enough for her.
The two of us headed to the diner next door to find Y/BF/N and the other Maximoff twin, myself hiding the plush toy behind my back.
"Finally, you two took forever!" Y/BF/N exclaimed when he saw us approaching their table.
"Y/N here is one stubborn girl with that machine," Pietro explained with a smile as we took our seats. His eyes fell to the drink in front of him. "Oh, you ordered!"
"Just the drinks," Y/BF/N said, before looking to me as I slid in beside him in the booth. "I got you a Cherry Coke. Your favourite."
I smiled gratefully. "Thanks."
"So, what d'you win?" he asked, quirking a brow.
Feeling the heat rising up my neck, I looked to Wanda who was sat opposite Y/BF/N. She was leaning on her hand as she stared at me with a kind smile on her lips.
"You said you wanted the black cat," I said nervously, before holding it out to her. "Here."
Taken aback, she raised her eyebrows but accepted the gift. "Aww, Y/N... you didn't have to!"
I shrugged, smiling awkwardly.
She grinned, studying the toy before looking up at me with sparkling hazel eyes. "I love it. Thank you."
Nodding, I glanced at Pietro who was grinning with pride before me. I could feel Y/BF/N staring at me and when I looked his way, he was smirking and wiggling his eyebrows knowingly. Rolling my eyes, I focused my attention on the menu to distract myself.
"So... what shall we order?" I asked, hoping to change the subject.
After relaying our order to the waitress, Pietro was the first to speak up.
"Okay, I have to ask," he began, leaning forward slightly as he looked between Y/BF/N and I. "Are you guys dating?"
I almost choked on my drink as I looked over my glass to see him grinning cheekily. He knew full well that Y/BF/N and I were only friends, so what was he playing at?
"Definitely not," Y/BF/N answered with a chuckle. Y/N here is practically my sister."
"Exactly," I added, giving Pietro a look that basically said I'm going to murder you. "He's been my best friend since we were kids."
"So there's never been feelings there?" Pietro continued to question curiously, leaning back in his seat.
Wanda slapped his arm gently. "Leave them alone, Piet."
"Never," Y/BF/N answered for us both. "Like I said, she's my annoying little sister."
I quirked a brow and looked to him. "Little? I think I'd be the older sister in this fake sibling relationship,"
"But I'm a month older than you," he stated like that was explanation enough.
"But you act like a child," I retorted. "I'd be the older one."
He rolled his eyes, though a smile was playing on his lips. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say."
I rolled my eyes, too, before looking back to the twins. Wanda was smiling as she sipped her drink and Pietro had a mischievous glint in his eyes as he looked to me. What the hell was he thinking?
"So you're not interested in Y/BF/N," he thought aloud. "And you definitely weren't interested in me..."
"You made a move on Y/N?" Wanda asked suddenly, looking to her brother with knitted brows.
I breathed out through my nose, eyes falling to the table with embarrassment.
"Yeah, but she made it clear she didn't like me," Pietro said with a shrug, before looking to me again. "So who do you like then? Or is their a girlfriend we don't know about?"
Looking up, I saw three sets of eyes on me and I suddenly felt nervous. Y/BF/N and Pietro were watching with amusement dancing in their eyes as Wanda chewed her lip curiously, awaiting an answer.
"You know there's nobody, Pietro," I said through a forced smile as I looked to him.
His cheeky smile was still present as he said. "Really? I thought you mentioned someone back then. Whilst we were playing in the arcade."
Oh, boy, was he going to die.
"You misunderstood," I played along, before kicking him in the shin to shut him the hell up.
Of course, it was just my luck that the leg in front of me was actually Wanda's. She squeaked an 'ow' as she bent down to rub her leg.
"What was that?" she asked with confusion.
Pietro must have pitied me, having put me on the spot enough in the past two minutes, as he looked to his sister with an apologetic smile. "My bad, Wands. My foot just twitched."
I breathed out with relief as Pietro looked to me, trying not to laugh. He was lucky we were with company otherwise I would have killed him there and then.
I wasn't expecting to be hanging out with the Maximoff twins on a Saturday afternoon, but by the time dinner came to an end, I realised how much I enjoyed the day. And I think I could say the same for Y/BF/N, too.
The rest of our meal was pretty uneventful after Pietro's initial teasing, to my relief, and Pietro eventually quit it with the overt hints towards his sister. The last thing I wanted was for Wanda to feel uncomfortable, so I was glad he eventually cut it out.
At the end of the meal, Pietro and Y/BF/N offered to split the bill between them – something about chivalry not being dead, I don't know, all I knew was Wanda and I were getting a free meal so why complain? – and headed to the till to pay, leaving Wanda and I alone.
She was hugging her new black cat plushie on her lap adorably, making me smile.
"Aren't black cats supposed to be bad luck or something?" I asked, earning her attention.
She put her arm on the back of her seat, leaning her head on her hand as she gave me her full attention. "I didn't peg you for the suspicious type," she taunted.
I smiled. "I never said I believed it. Just what I've heard."
She chuckled, licking her lips. "Fair point... I don't believe it either. I just love black cats. They're so cute and get way too much stick for merely existing."
It was my turn to laugh. She had such a unique way of thinking that I couldn't help but be attracted to. Something as simple as the way she was smiling at me right now warmed my heart.
"How is your hand by the way?" she suddenly asked, eyes looking down to it.
I squeezed it into a fist and released. The purple bruising along my knuckles had turned yellow-green which meant it was getting better, but it did still hurt a little. Nonetheless, I didn't want to make Wanda feel bad, so I gave her a reassuring smile.
"It's okay," I said, making her look up at me with concerned eyes. "I mean, it hurts a little, but it's getting better."
She pursed her lips, nodding. "Nate really did deserve what you did. Bet it felt good."
I raised my eyebrows with surprise, certainly not expecting that. "I guess it did a little, but..."
"It's okay, I'm not biased," she promised with a slight smile. "We broke up, remember?"
I relaxed before mirroring her expression. "Then yeah, it felt pretty great. Karma for hitting me with that stupid football."
She chuckled, leaning back into her seat and clutching her cat. "Karma, indeed." There was a pause, before she grew excited. "So prom is coming up. How are we feeling?"
I groaned playfully. "We're feeling exhausted already. I'm not a huge prom fan."
She gasped. "Seriously? Y/N, come on, it's our last one! How aren't you excited?"
I pulled a face. "The concept of dancing in a hall with people I barely speak to isn't exactly appealing."
She straightened up, hugging her cat closely. "So what, you're not gonna go?"
"I'm not sure yet... Y/BF/N has plans to ask someone and really wants me to go, too," I admitted. "But I've not decided. I might just leave him to it."
She tilted her head to the side curiously, eyes studying me intensely. "What if somebody asked you to go with them? Then would you go?"
I tried not to laugh as I leaned my head in the palm of my hand on the table. "Nobody is going to ask me, Wanda. Nobody even knows who I am."
She scoffed playfully. "Now that's just not true. You're beautiful, Y/N. Funny. Kind. Intelligent. Someone is bound to ask."
I rolled my eyes, hoping to distract from the heat rising to my cheeks. I knew she was just saying all of that stuff to be nice, but God was I awful at accepting compliments.
She must have noticed as she leaned forward on her own palm, eyes glowing with entertainment. "Okay, what if you asked somebody?"
Appreciating the subject change, I leaned back in my seat. "I wouldn't even know who to ask."
She thought about it for a moment, before saying, "Pietro was being annoying earlier with all of that questioning, but he's right. Is there nobody you're even remotely interested in at school?"
I quirked a brow, wondering if she was serious. The way she was watching me patiently, a small smile tugging at her lips, made me believe she was. And I found that I couldn't bring it in myself to completely lie to her. So, I didn't.
"There's one person," I admitted reluctantly, swallowing hard. This piqued her interest as she sat up straight, an excited look on her face. I continued, "But I could never ask her."
She gave me an are you serious? look. "And why not?"
I tensed my jaw, smile fading at the thought. "She wouldn't say yes."
Wanda's expression softened. "I doubt that."
Feeling a little uncomfortable, I shuffled in my seat. "She wouldn't. And it's fine anyway! I mean, I wouldn't even know what to say. It's pointless."
"Try," was all she said. And in response to my confused face, she added, "Try asking me. Practice what you would say if I was this girl."
I shook my head. "Wanda, that's not–"
"Just try!" she insisted, sitting back in her seat and smiling encouragingly. "No harm, no foul, right?"
Maybe a little, I thought, but straightened up anyway.
"Okay, er..." I cleared my throat, suddenly feeling nervous as her eyes followed my every move. Looking up, I felt intimidated by her gaze, even though she had the softest smile and kindest eyes directed my way. "Wanda, would you like to go to prom with me?"
Without hesitation, she nodded. "I'd be honoured to, Y/N."
It was fake, this whole thing was 'practice'. But God, I wanted it to be real so bad. She held my gaze, confident and startling and wonderful all at once, and I had no idea what to do. My palms were getting sweaty and my heart was racing the longer she stared. My gaze fell to her lips at the wrong time, as she licked them and I wanted to lean in, wanted to kiss her. I wanted to kiss her hard and tell her how I felt. I wanted to ask her to prom and dance with her in the school gym. I wanted to hold her hand and pull her close, staring into her eyes without fear of going too far.
I wanted her.
"Okay, we're all done here," Pietro's voice broke our staring contest. He clapped his hands together, stopping by the table. "You both ready to go?"
Wanda nodded, already sliding out from the booth. "I'm ready. Y/N?"
I looked up and forgot how to breathe when she smiled down at me.
"Y-yeah," I got out, wiping my palms on my jeans before sliding out the booth. "All ready. Let's go."
Prom came upon us in no time and I'd made the decision to attend. My sister ended up convincing me with Y/BF/N, the two of them rambling about how it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and a rite of passage before graduating high school. As much as I hated the thought of attending, I knew they were right, so I agreed to go.
Y/S/N came over to help me get ready, as she was the one who picked my dress. I wanted to wear a cute pantsuit, not really one for dresses, but after her complaints – "you're really milking that whole 'I'm a lesbian' look aren't you?" – I agreed on a dress that she chose.
She helped me do my hair and makeup before taking loads of embarrassing photos of me at the door. I went to prom with Y/BF/N and his date – some girl he liked in his Maths class – which wasn't too bad, but I didn't want to third wheel too much, so I gave them space when we actually arrived.
The school had done a good job at converting the gym into something unrecognisable, I must admit. Plus there was food, which was always a good distraction.
Some acquaintances from some of my classes said their hellos to me and engaged in some quick conversations before moving on. Admittedly, it wasn't too bad catching up with people I'd shared class with over the past several years. Y/BF/N even had a few dances with me, both him and his date, which was sweet, but honestly, I still felt out of place.
Two hours in, I was already fed up of the experience, opting to stand on the sidelines by a cocktail table with a sad glass of punch. I definitely didn't expect to see Wanda approaching me with an impressed smile on her lips. I hadn't actually seen her since arriving, the place full of students and myself barely recognising anyone as it was, let alone in a full gymnasium.
"You came," she said when she stopped my table, eyes looking me up and down. "You look amazing, Y/N."
She was one to talk. I tried not to drool over how beautiful she looked. I assumed she'd be one to wear a dress, but I guess I assumed wrong as she was pulling off a burgundy suit and white blouse. Her hair was curled and left out, paired with a smokey eye makeup look that only complimented her eyes perfectly.
"Says you?" I replied with a smile. "You look gorgeous, Wanda."
She smiled bashfully. "Thank you... so what made you change your mind in coming?"
I laughed uncomfortably, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Partially forced by my family, partially felt like I had to."
She laughed alongside me. "Well, I feel like you made the right choice."
"Not too sure about that," I joked, before straightening up. "So, who was lucky enough to bring Wanda Maximoff as their date to the prom?"
She rolled her eyes at my compliment, smile on her lips still. "Nobody. I came alone. Well, alone but with my brother."
I was surprised at that, but tried to hide it with a nod. "Alone works, too."
"Says the girl who also came alone," she teased.
I couldn't help but smile with amusement. "Yeah. Says she."
Setting her purse on the table, she began to open it. "I was looking for you earlier. But I couldn't find you."
I watched as she fumbled around in her purse. "Yeah? And what did you need?"
After a moment of searching, she finally pulled out two slips of paper that looked like tickets. Holding them up with a small smile, she said, "I've got two tickets to the Paramore concert happening in the summer."
My jaw dropped with disbelief. "You're kidding."
She shook her head, holding them towards me. I accepted them, looking to see if she was pulling my leg. She wasn't.
"These are really good seats," I pointed out, before looking up at her. "You scored big time."
She laughed as I held the tickets out to her. Accepting them back, she said, "I did. And I bought them for a reason."
I raised an eyebrow as she watched me.
"We've got to get matching tee shirts somehow, right?" she joked lightheartedly before looking to me with certainty. Green eyes sparkled with hopefulness as she said, "Come with me."
My mouth went dry. She was asking me to go with her, holy shit.
I opened my mouth, about to speak, but she cut me off.
"Don't say maybe," she said, chewing on her lower lip nervously. "Say yes."
The music and the dancing students and the lights all faded into nothing as Wanda waited for a response, stepping closer to me, way too close to be platonic. I was overwhelmed, definitely not expecting this. Never in a million years did I think Wanda Maximoff, the most popular girl in our grade, would be asking me to see Paramore with her. I didn't even think she knew I existed! 
Her eyes darted between mine patiently, sending shivers down my spine. I could feel her breath tickling my lips as she waited and I looked down to hers, suppressing the urge to lean in.
"Yes," I finally spoke, voice barely a whisper as I swallowed hard. "I'll go with you." 
She nodded, but that wasn't enough as she licked her own lips. I looked back to her eyes, only to see her looking down at mine.
"Can I kiss you?" she muttered softly, making me freeze in place.
Her eyes looked back to mine, dark and patient. I managed to nod weakly, and she wasted no more time when pressing her lips to mine a in a slow, gentle, warm kiss. Her hand wrapped around my waist, tugging my body close to hers, as the other rested behind my neck, giving me goosebumps and turning my insides to jelly.
I closed my eyes, melting into her embrace, one hand planted firmly on her waist as the other rested on her chest. She tasted like peppermint and her floral perfume was infiltrating my senses, making my head dizzy in the best way possible.
When she pulled away, I opened my eyes and was immediately submerged in pools of green. Still so close to her, I kept ahold of her waist as she did the same with me, eyes flickering down to my lips once more.
"I've wanted to do that for a long time," I admitted breathlessly.
She looked to me again. "Why didn't you?"
Her lips were swollen slightly, red lipstick ruined. I could only imagine the mess on my own lips, but I didn't care.
I smiled nervously. "You were with Nate."
She tried not to laugh. "How stupid of me." Eyes falling to my lips again, she added, "I should have broken up with him sooner if it meant I could do this."
I smiled widely, heart fluttering in my chest at her words. Leaning forward, I took her bottom lip in mine, giving her a final kiss that was long overdue before pulling away.
"In case you couldn't tell, you were the girl I wanted to ask to prom," I said, stepping back slightly, but taking her hands in mine.
She bit her lip to contain her smile. "I figured... and for the record, I would have said yes."
My cheeks began to heat up, but I smiled nonetheless. "Well, in that case... Wanda, would you like to go to prom with me?"
She grinned. "I would be honoured, Y/N."
I mirrored her expression. She held out her free hand.
"Do you wanna dance?" she asked gently.
I accepted her hand, squeezing it gently. "I'd love to."
Before either of us could make a move to do so, we heard Pietro's voice shouting in the distance.
We turned to the left to see him racing towards us in his blue suit, a knowing smile on his lips.
"You took forever," he said with disbelief to his sister. "I thought I'd have to keep flirting with Y/N in front of you for you to get the hint and make a fucking move."
Wanda rolled her eyes, but I smiled as her cheeks dusted pink.
"And you!" he said, looking to me. "You're so oblivious it hurts."
"Wanda didn't know I existed before this year," I told him, half joking and half serious. "I had every right to be."
Wanda squeezed my hand, earning my attention. She shook her head. "That's not true. I always noticed you."
I gave her a knowing look. "Seriously?"
With an endearing smile, she nodded. "Seriously."
I sighed, looking away and definitely not expecting that. "Well, okay then."
She laughed, pulling me close and wrapping an arm around my waist comfortably. "I believe you owe me a dance. C'mon.
Pietro opened his mouth to speak, but Wanda merely pushed past him, guiding me to the dance floor.
"Not now, Piet," she said, before looking to me with sparkling eyes. "I want to dance with my girlfriend."
I was sure it was impossible for me to smile anymore.
"Girlfriend," I noted aloud, nodding. "I like the sound of that."
She grinned before standing opposite me, holding out her hand. And as I accepted it, I felt a warmth spread all over me that was only possible because of one girl and one girl only.
Wanda Maximoff.
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mutants-and-soldiers · 4 years ago
The Proposition (Ch. 1)
summary || You've been thinking about Steve's proposal a lot. Part of you wants to decline but a bigger part of you wants what he's offering.
pairing || alpha!Steve x omega!Reader (Past alpha!Bucky x omega!Reader)
word count || 3,706
warnings || A/B/O, eventual smut, therapy talks, kink negotiation, lots of dialogue — 18+ ONLY//MINORS DNI
notes || I can't get this story out of my head, really! First chapter is all about setting up the smut so I apologize but I believe in talking things out. Thank you to everyone who commented on the first part of the series! I'm going to try and be better about answering comments from here on out! Keep the comments coming, I love hearing from you guys so much!
You can also read it on Ao3. Do not copy, translate, rewrite or repost any of my work, even if you credit me. I always welcome comments and reblogs!
Sequel to Helping Hands: One Two Three Four Five
Divider courtesy of the talented @firefly-graphics
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After so many years of going to see Dr. Beta, you were used to the routine when you stepped through the doors. It was late in their work day so you were the only person in the office other than Valarie, the receptionist, who gave you a kind smile. “Good afternoon,” she said, typing something onto her computer. “Dr. Beta’s just about ready.”
“Thanks, Valarie,” you say, setting your bag down to take off your suit.
It had been weird the first time Dr. Beta had demanded you not wear the suit during your sessions. You protested but in the end, she won out. There were a lot of reasons for choosing a female-only office but this was the biggest one. They accommodate you so much just to make you feel welcome and safe in your own skin. It was one of the few places that you could take the suit off and feel comfortable.
The suit was just being zipped up into your bag when the door to the doctor’s office opened. Dr. Beta was a matronly middle aged woman with plenty of laugh lines and crow's feet from years of laughter and joy. She was a kind beta who had done wonders for your mental health and self esteem. Without her, you probably wouldn’t have gone through with the job proposal.
She called your name with a gentle smile, “You ready?”
“Yep,” you smiled, walking over to step into the room. The blinds were closed tight but there were several lamps around the space that allowed a soft light to keep it illuminated. The wooden diffuser was pumping out the soothing smell of lemon and sandalwood. Dr. Beta had always said the lemon helped cut the potency of your powers but you weren’t sure if that was true or if it was something she said to make you feel better.
The two of you settled into your usual spots before the doctor asks, “Anything new since we last saw each other?”
It had been a month since your last session. The milestone of going monthly instead of bi-monthly had been huge for you. There was a time that you saw her weekly, which was when you were at your lowest. You were glad to be where you were.
“Where do I even start?” you laugh, leaning casually back on the leather couch. The cold material felt nice on the bare skin that peeked out from your denim shorts and athletic tank top. “I’ve been meeting regularly with three guys to run with them every Tuesday and Thursday. We also go out for drinks and the game on Sunday.”
“Wow, that’s fantastic!” she gushed, genuinely excited for you. She even sat her clipboard and pen down to lean forward with her elbows on her knees. It was something she only did when you made some kind of...positive choice in your life. The way it made your chest swell with self pride was silly and kind of childish but the woman had always been extra motherly to you. “Clients?”
“One of them was,” you nod, trying to keep the flush of excitement from making you seem too eager. “They’re really nice guys and they invited me to start sparring with them next week after our runs.”
A gentle look crossed the doctor’s face that had you melting. It was a look that she gave when she was proud and the way your name came out of her mouth spoke volumes. “I’m so proud of you,” she said aloud even though you knew it by her body language. “It’s been a long time since you took time for yourself in your personal life. Are they on your level of martial arts?”
“Better!” you said, excited to have a good challenge.
“Better than you?” she laughed, sounding incredulous. “I’d have to see that to believe it!” You join her for the laugh. “Anything else?”
Your mind flutters to a certain blond and his proposition but decide to keep that to yourself for now. It wasn’t good for you to hide secrets from Dr. Beta and you usually didn’t, however, she would definitely encourage you to take him up on the offer. You didn’t think you were ready to come up with reasons (lies) for why you couldn’t do that yet.
“Not really.”
She nods, grabbing her clipboard to flip the paper. “Dr. Noland said you were going to get your heat early this time around. She said you mentioned you might know why?”
Damn it. You forgot how much the two doctors communicated between each other about your health. It was the program you were in and, while amazingly helpful, could be very annoying at times. Case in point, now you need to make a choice on whether to point blank lie to Dr. Beta or just tell the truth. Lying by omission was much more your style.
“Yeah,” you sigh, resigning yourself to the conversation. “The last client I helped had...intense pheromones. I think it may have kicked me into my heat cycle early.”
The doctor’s hazel eyes widened in shock, “Even with the suppressant you took?”
Nodding, you look away for a second. “The client was a super soldier,” you admit, running a hand through your hair in frustration.
Understanding blossomed on her face when she made a guess as to who you were talking about. “Well, that might do it, for sure,” she nodded, making a note. “Still, I’m going to have Dr. Noland change your suppressant just in case it’s not working.”
She stood up, going over to the cabinet behind her desk. She took out a large bottle, tossing it to you, that had heat vitamins in them. Another bottle was thrown your way full of pills specifically for healthy slick production. The last thing she came over with were a few vouchers for omega-centric energy drinks and heat-snacks.
“I know you hate this question but I am legally required to ask,” she chuckles. “Do you have someone you trust to help you through your heat?”
You hesitate. “No.”
Her head snaps up, hazel eyes pinning you to the spot. “You hesitated. You never hesitate,” she points out with far too much excitement. She sets the clipboard down, doing the lean again. “Do you have someone in mind?”
Well, the cat was out of the bag and now you couldn’t lie because she would never believe you now. “I was...propositioned,” you admit, feeling stupidly relieved that you had been honest with her. She had conditioned you so fucking well to feel better when you told the truth as opposed to lying. It had been a ‘bad coping mechanism’ you created during your childhood to gain some control of your otherwise uncontrollable life.
“By one of your new friends?” she asked, already getting the gist of the conversation. “Was it your client?”
“No, not my client but his...best friend,” you whisper, feeling a little embarrassed that you were having this conversation.
Dr. Beta is quiet for a moment, contemplating how to ask the question. “What’s the big deal then? Why not take him up on the offer?”
You cringe. “There are…a lot of reasons but I’m sure you’re going to make them seem like they’re not problems but things I’ve blown up in my mind.”
She laughs, shaking her head. “You know your feelings and worries are valid! I just help you see things in a more logical light. I think you should really talk this through with him but...would you like to practice with me?”
You bite your lower lip but give a heavy sigh when you realize there’s still nearly forty minutes left of your time with her. “Fine. It can’t hurt.”
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You sat in the booth twitching with your napkin. You and the owner were good friends from back in your academy days so he allowed you to pay a certain amount for the whole rooftop terrace. It meant you could enjoy a meal with someone without having to wear your suit. You also got the same female server every time who knew your situation and didn’t care.
“Hey, sorry I’m late,” you heard a familiar voice say to your left.
Not really sure why, you stood up when he approached. He was wearing a thin blue zip-up jacket over a blue and white plaid button up shirt that was unbuttoned enough for you to see the white t-shirt he had under it. His jeans were dark and fit far too well around his massive thighs. A plain blue ball cap sat on his head and some fake glasses to help hide his identity. The smile he gave you was enough to make your preheat brain purr.
It took you by surprise when his big arms wrapped you up in a hug that smothered you in his masculine scent. Your hands touched his back, hugging him hesitantly. The squeeze lasted a little longer than you expected, just enough for your head to be perfectly swimming in his pheromones.
You pulled away when he did, allowing him to sit at the far side of the table, facing towards the rest of the area. He had insisted that you come without your suit so it was the least you could do to keep the waitress from noticing his erection.
“It’s okay, I ordered some water for us,” you smile, genuinely happy to see him. It wasn’t often that you saw any of the three men individually. They usually hung out in a pack and you were happy to know that you fit into the group pretty well. “Get whatever you want, Steve. It’s my treat.”
He gave you a look. “I would prefer it if you let me pay.”
Your heart gave a hard thump in your chest. There was something about the way he said it that was just short of a command. You look into his blue eyes, trying to gauge his intent before setting down the menu. “Is this some old-fashioned pride I see leaking through?” you tease, giving him a mischievous grin.
“No, I just figure it was only right that I buy you lunch before helping you with your heat,” he said so casually it made your face heat.
“What makes you think I’m going to agree?!” you laugh loudly.
There is a knowing glint in his eyes that makes your stomach flip. “Isn’t that why we’re here? Alone?” he questioned easily, looking up just as Julia came to the table.
“Welcome back,” she greets you, setting two empty glasses and a pitcher of water down on the table. “My name’s Julia.”
“Nice to meet you Julia,” Steve responded with a neutral smile. It caught you a little off guard because it...definitely wasn’t the smile he gave you. Was it just part of his disguise?
You both ordered a beer and your entrees. It wasn’t until Julia walked away that you focused back on the alpha across from you. He was already looking at you with an intense expression. You feel like he’s basically prying into your soul.
“I...spoke with my therapist yesterday and…” you start, finding it very hard to talk about this kind of thing. It was so easy to soothe your clients but so hard to give yourself a break. “She...convinced me to talk with you about my...worries.”
His expression softens a bit. “I’m willing to work with you,” he soothes, reaching out to take your hand. His fingers curled around yours, warm and solid. “Tell me everything.”
You take a deep breath. “I’m not afraid of hurting you,” you blurt out. “You can take me even on your worst day. I’m...embarrassed to count myself among the small population of omegas that go...feral during their heat. I...fight my partner. Dr. Beta says it's because of the trauma I experienced. Trauma doesn't just disappear during heat...it gets worse. I’m just not the usual kind of docile omega that society seems to exemplify.”
He looks up to alert you that Julia was returning with your drinks. He didn’t speak until she was back inside the building. “Truthfully, I’m actually more intrigued than put off by the notion,” he finally said after taking a sip of his beer. “Do you fight the whole time or just in the beginning?”
It wasn’t a line of questioning that you expected so you gaped at him like a fish out of water for a few seconds before finding your words. “I don’t...know,” you admit sheepishly, sipping your hard cider. “I’ve only been with one alpha during my heat and he had to go to the hospital a few hours into it.”
Something dark and tempting flashed through the blond’s eyes. “How do you feel about restraints?”
Your core throbbed at the simple question. It probably showed on your face because his smile started to widen in understanding. “Yes, that’s fine,” you breathe, trying not to think too hard about the implications.
“Would you prefer to do this at your house or in my suite?” he asked as if you had already agreed to the whole thing.
Your mind screamed at you to say decline. It was dangerous and there were so many things that could go wrong. Your omega brain though had already bought into the whole thing. You wanted this big, powerful alpha to hold you down and take you in the most forceful of ways. You wanted him to restrain you to your nest and have his way with you until the heat fog cleared.
“Wait, wait,” you say, trying to finish your thoughts before deciding anything. “I’m serious when I say I’m insatiable. I don’t have any refractory period between one wave and the next.”
Julia opens the door, alerting you both that she was coming out with food. You both wait until everything is set and she walks away before continuing. The food smells delicious so you grab the burger and bite into it. You always craved red meat before your heat so when the flavors burst across your taste buds, you hum in appreciation.
Steve took a few bites of his own meal before responding. “The super soldier serum makes it so I don’t have any refractory period,” he shrugs casually with a smile. “I’ve never met someone who could keep up with me so...I’m interested to see if you can. Any other worries?”
Heat blossoms across your cheek and in your chest. “I don’t want our friendship to be jeopardized,” you finally admit after finishing half of your burger. You grab some of the fries and eat them while thinking.
“Did helping Bucky keep you from being friends with him?”
“No, of course not,” you sigh, running out of excuses. Dr. Beta had been right, talking with him had definitely made you a little more comfortable with the idea. “Fine, okay, I accept your offer.”
“My place or yours?” he asks with a genuine smile.
You mull over the question for a bit before shrugging. “I have all of my nesting supplies at my house so we can do it at mine,” you chuckle, feeling a little nervous but excited too.
He nods. “Do I need to bring any supplies? Snacks or drinks?”
The two of you continue talking about the logistics of your heat while you finish the food. It makes you feel a lot better knowing you wouldn’t have to go through with it alone. You had already taken the initiative to send a message to all of your clients to let them know you would be out for your heat. You even went ahead and took an extra week just for yourself.
After you pay and you have your layers back on, the two of you stand outside the doors to the restaurant. You don’t want to leave him, truthfully. He smelt so good and you were so close to your heat that it was hard to separate from him. “Thanks for talking with me,” you smile despite the bonnet covering everything but your eyes. “I’ll give you a text when I’m ready.”
“Of course, thanks for lunch,” he chuckles, leaning down to kiss your forehead through the layers. “Here, take this for your nest.”
He shucked his jacket and offered it. Your hand reaches out to take it slowly. “Thanks but this might just push me into it faster,” you laugh brightly, holding the large jacket close to your chest. You could smell the scent of him even through all of your layers. It made your head foggy.
“That’s the idea,” he smirked, turning towards the tower with a wave. “Just let me know when you want me to come over.”
You watch him walk away, eyes lingering on the way his biceps stretched the fabric of his shirt and down until you stared at his toned ass in those jeans. It was obvious how close you were to your heat when sweat started to form along your temples and slick started to dampen your panties.
Once you got back home, you arranged your snacks and vitamins on the counter so they were easy for Steve to find. He might need to feed you for the first few waves because you weren’t sure if you’d be coherent or not. Then you went into your extra bedroom that you used for your heats and started getting it ready.
You pulled out all of your slick-resistant pillows, cushions and blankets from the closet to make a nest on your king sized bed. It was a nice four post bed that had your mind in dark places. All you could think about was being restrained with cuffs around one of those posts while Steve fucked into you.
It didn’t take long before you needed a pad for all of the fucking slick that was making everything so annoying. The nest took a lot longer that you would like to admit because it just didn’t seem...right. You’d never had this kind of issue before but your omega brain wanted Steve to be comfortable and happy too.
Looking back at the closet, you debated on whether or not you wanted to pull out the box of toys. You weren’t sure if Steve would want them or need them or…
“Fuck it,” you mutter, grabbing your phone to send the alpha a quick text. Toys or no toys?
You were adding his jacket to your nest when your phone vibrated in your pocket. Instead of the one or two word answer that you expected, it was...something else.
Definitely toys. I’ll enjoy teasing you until you’re begging for my knot.
Fuckin’ hell! Was this the same blond with the surprisingly boyish face that you had met during lunch today? The same guy that Sam teased about being an old virgin?
You didn’t think the pad was going to hold up to all of the slick that gush from you at the text. How does one respond to a text like that? You grabbed out the delicate pink box out of the closet, wincing at the color because it was the only color that the shop had to store your toys. Omegas were feminine right?! They liked pink, right?!
Laughing at yourself, you set the box on the little table in the room. You opened the lid and set it to the side so you could look at your assortment of toys. It was a collection you started when your first heat hit you at sixteen. You had been a late bloomer because of your constant martial arts training, which stilted your omega hormones.
It had all the necessities and even some extras. You had your typical knot dildo, a vibrator, a clit vibe, a few different types of condoms for when you weren’t in your heat, a bottle of lube that encouraged slick production, a bottle of regular lube, and a few different sized anal plugs. The last few were just because you enjoyed the feeling of being full when having sex.
Quickly you took a picture of the box and sent it to Steve as a reply. It was the best you could come up with. You had never really been good at those kinds of things. Well, you’d never had someone try and sext you.
Happy that everything was prepared, you cuddled under your fuzzy blanket in your nest. Comfort flooded through you as you nuzzled into the man’s jacket, deeply taking in his scent. It was nice and musky and made you feel warm and safe.
The phone buzzed. You’re okay with anal during your heat?
Your pheromone idled brain made you giggle, “Consent is important,” before you could text him back. Yes, I like being stuffed full.
It didn’t even register how inappropriate the text sounded before you hit send. You were obviously a lot further along than you had previously thought. The subtle throb of your core was starting to get worse but you weren’t too far gone to see his last text.
Good to know. Get some rest. Need me to come out and check on you before dark?
You groaned as a cramp hit your pelvis, slick becoming an issue. It simultaneously hurt and felt good. You were so distracted that you couldn’t answer the text message. Everything was suddenly too hot so you threw off your clothing, slipping your hand down to brush against your clit. It was already so sensitive it hurt but you needed relief.
It wasn’t enough and you knew that it would be futile to try and get yourself off with just your fingers but your brain wasn’t working. You groaned helplessly as the lackluster orgasm washed over you. It wasn’t enough, so frustratingly not enough. Sweat dripped down your cheek from your hairline making you kick off the blanket so you could turn over.
You didn’t care how it looked with your ass up because the scent of Steve on the jacket helped clear your head a little. It made your core throb but it also helped you become coherent. Enough so that you grabbed the phone and typed in a one word response that only said:
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Credits for the pictures in Moodboard:
Unsplash photographers:
1. Kelly Sikkema
2. Vulkan Olmez
3. Toa Heftiba
Like, comment and reblogs are always welcome! Thanks for reading!
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supraveng · 4 years ago
Moving On - part 4
Summary: You are moving on from your past and starting a new life with your future as a Winchester
Characters: Reader x Sam Winchester, Dean x Cas, John x Mary, Joy Winchester
Warnings: fluffy Winchesters, swearing
Moving On part 3
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@iamwarrenspeace @mythandmagik    @lieswithoutfairytales   @bbmommy0902  @hailmary-yramliah  @jessyballet @paryl @tcc-gizmachine @vicmc624
The next two weeks in DC were a blur of meetings and packing up the personal belongings you had accumulated over the past 4 years, most belonging to Joy. By the time you were heading to the airport and saying goodbye to your life, you were feeling a bit overwhelmed. It reminded you of your escape from NY but this time with a bit more excitement of the unknown.
Settling in on the plane heading for your new home, you had brought everything you could think of to keep Joy occupied on the 3 hour flight. By the time you touched down and made your way through the airport to baggage claim, your daughter had become a deadweight that you were now carrying along with your other items, you couldn’t imagine never having the support you currently have from Sam.
Then you thought about trying to make this same trek with her if you were further along in your pregnancy and knew you couldn’t do this alone, you consider yourself a strong independent woman, but not nearly strong enough to be a single mother, those women were warriors that you could only aspire to.
Baggage claim was a madhouse and just as you are about to reach out and grab Joy’s car seat, someone moves around you and grabs it right out in front of you. You were too tired for this, and you looked up to yell at the culprit only to see the beautiful hazel eyes of the man you love.
“I thought I told you that you didn’t need to pick us up” you whispered, hoping to not wake your daughter.
He leaned in for a quick kiss, “I know, but I’ve missed my girls, and this way I get an hour just the two of us before getting to my parents house for dinner.”
“Well, I could definitely eat, but I thought you would be in court all day, so I really am surprised to see you” you snuggled into him as best you could before he started to take bags off your shoulders.
“Let me get this stuff, and you hold on to the precious cargo” he smiled down at Joy, rubbing her back and placing a kiss on her forehead before leading you out of the airport.
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By the time all your things were loaded in the car, your daughter was waking up and squealing when she saw Sam. He listened and responded to her the entire way down the highway and only stopped when we reached the Winchester home.
"Babe, I thought we'd be going to your apartment, I could use a shower and nap before dinner with your family" you tell him as you lean over and pull him into a kiss. Whenever you two were apart for any length of time you were always very touchy feely that first day, but even more so when it's been weeks apart.
"Didn't I tell you, I didn't renew my lease, I've been staying here for the time being until we get our own place" he mentions as he exits the car.
"I vaguely remember you mentioned your lease but I thought we had a few more months'' you try your best to smile. You were really hoping for a quiet night in with Sam, but it looks like that's going to be postponed for who knows how long.
Before you even made it to the door, Mary was coming out with a huge smile on her face and pulling you into a hug, “we’ve missed you around here, well I probably missed you the most, there are too many men around here” she whispered before releasing you.
“Nana!” was heard from inside the car as you saw your daughter try to unbuckle and reach her grandmother as soon as possible. You were about to go to her when Mary stepped up, “please let me, I need snuggles with my Joy”.
“By all means, but she slept most of the flight, so she’s going to be full of energy” hoping to warn Mary but by the look on her face, she doesn’t mind at all. The two are running toward the house as you help Sam with your bags from the trunk.
You always loved the Winchester home, large but still inviting, spacious but still cozy, and the fact that every member of the family; immediate and extended; welcomed you with open arms from the beginning was the best feeling.
Growing up in foster care, you never had a home, not for more than a month or two at a time. Then being on your own since you were 15, you never expected to be here now, but it was as if all the years of struggling and trying to find yourself had been worth it to get here.
Becoming a Winchester was something you never knew you always wanted and desperately needed. You can hear Mary and Joy chatting in the kitchen as you make your way upstairs hoping for a bit of relaxation before you become completely exhausted. Sam pulls you into a warm hug before you’re even completely in the room.
Calming any nerves with a kiss to your forehead. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the apartment, I’ve been working so much trying to catch up so that we could have a nice weekend together as a family now that you are officially moved to Kansas that it completely slipped my mind. What can I do to make it up to you?” looking up at him you could see a glint of mischief in his eyes.
“There’s nothing to make up for, but if you were offering a back rub before my nap, I would greatly accept.” as you reach up and kiss me softly before making your way to the bed to remove your shoes.
“Well, if you insist, but I’m almost certain my world famous backrubs is what got you pregnant the first time” he chuckles as turns towards you.
“Good thing we don’t have that to worry about” and you kiss him again. Snuggling as close as you could to Sam, you fell asleep almost instantly, his arms being your safe place, your home.
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Waking up with a chill, you realized you were now alone and the absence of Sam made the room feel like a freezer. Quickly getting up and showered, you made your way downstairs to find your family.
You smiled watching Joy, curled up in Dean’s lap watching Scooby Doo, both laughing at the same spots, those two had such a great bond.
"There she is, how was your nap?" Mary asked as she entered the living room from the kitchen with Sam following behind.
"Wonderful, thank you. I promise to not disappear on you again" you told her as she pulled you into another hug.
"No need to apologize for allowing me more time with my granddaughter" as she moved towards the sofa and handed Joy a drink.
"Dinner will be ready as soon as John gets home, so I didn't think she needed a snack right now"
"thank you, but I was planning on cooking for y'all tonight" you told her as you and Sam joined them, while Joy and Dean shushed us for interrupting their show.
"Don't worry about that sweety, John is picking up dinner on the way here, we're just happy to have you two back in town"
The Winchesters were always so inviting, you had dreamed of a family like this when you were growing up and now you finally had it.
By the time John had come in with dinner, the tv had been turned off and you were helping your daughter clean up as Castiel came in and greeted you both.
"Unca Cas! I sit wit you" Joy squealed as she ran and hugged his legs.
"I've missed you too, and as long as it's ok with your mom" He crouched down to her eye level before she was throwing her arms around his neck.
"Don't you want to sit with your favorite uncle?" Dean asked as he patted the seat beside him. Joy laughed as she climbed into the seat between them "luv yu unca bean" and blew him a kiss.
"So, Y/N, we are so glad you two are back for a visit, how long do we get to keep you this time?" John asked as you all started eating.
"Well, about this visit, its um" looking at Sam for some help as he just shrugged with that cute smirk on his face. "Sorry, I'm not sure how to say this and I didn't really have a plan but, this isn't a visit" you looked around and everyone seemed a little confused. "We have officially become Kansas residents as of today"
"Oh, that's fantastic!" Mary told you as everyone seemed a bit shocked.
"Were you able to transfer to a local office?" John asked.
"No, actually, I resigned but they call it retiring so they have the option to hire you back when they need the help, but I don't think that will be a concern for many years if ever" you state trying to reassure Sam that this is it for you, for your family to be together.
"I'm happy for you, sweetheart, but that seems a bit sudden. Is something going on?" Dean seemed to be concerned by your sudden change.
Finally Sam spoke up, "yes Dean, something is going on" he smiled down at you. "Y/N wants to move the wedding up and become a Winchester as soon as possible."
You smirk at him and look back at the family, they seem happy but a bit confused. "Sam and I have a little surprise" you tell them as he squeezes your hand "we are expecting"
There was a unified gasp from the table before everyone was congratulating you.
Once the celebration was over it was time to put your daughter to bed, but with a house full of her favorite people you figured you wouldn't be able to do it tonight even if you wanted to. While Mary opted for handling bath time, the rest of you settled down on the patio, the men opting for whiskey to end the night while you stuck with a cup of tea.
"Might I suggest the name Dean, if it's a boy?" Dean told you with a smirk on his face.
"Really?" you asked "you don't want to use the name for your own kids?" Dean looked a little shocked but shook his head almost defeated.
"Come on Dean, you and Cas would make amazing parents, you never thought about it?" you questioned.
"We discussed it but I'm not sure kids are a realistic idea with as much as we work and travel all the time" he shrugged looking defeated.
Noticing Dean give Sam a pointed look, you realize you may have overstepped and decided to drop the subject. “Well, as your sister-in-law, I support any decision you make for your family. You need to do what's right for you"
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The morning was a whirlwind of finding what you needed amongst the bags you had packed and boxes you shipped, but ultimately you were able to get yourself and Joy looking presentable for breakfast with the family. By the time you make it downstairs, John is kissing Mary goodbye and heading towards the door. “Papa wait!” Joy runs full speed and hugs John's legs. “Oh sweetie, I’ll be home tomorrow and we can have a whole day together, how does that sound?” he asks as he leans down to give her a goodbye hug. “Yay, I wan pancakes” as she runs to the kitchen to find her Nana.
“You are working on Saturday? That’s awful” you tell him as he pulls you in for a hug also. “Small little hiccup, I’m hoping to make it back tonight but just in case, I will see you all tomorrow” he waves and is out the door. “So mom, do you think you can keep an eye on your granddaughter for a few hours? I have something I want to show Y/N, and maybe grab lunch in town”
Within the hour the two of you are driving through Lawrence and he’s pointing out all his favorite places growing up before he stops in front of a beautiful two story house on the north end of town.
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“So what do you think?” he asks as he opens the car door for you
“It’s beautiful, but what are we doing here?” you ask.
“Well, I was looking around and found this place, and thought we could have the wedding in the backyard” he tells you with a small grin.
“This is perfect, I wanted something small and intimate, but this is just someone’s house. Why would they rent it to us for our wedding?” you question as you walk around the house to the backyard.
“Well, that was the catch, we can’t rent it, so I bought it” he responds with a look between hope and apprehension.
“You bought a house?” you were shocked to say the least. You weren’t sure if you should be upset that he made such a big decision, but Sam was always one to surprise you.
“Yes, for us, technically it’s not ours until we sign the final closing paperwork on Monday but we need a place of our own and what better way to start our family than in our own home” he pulls you into a hug and you can only respond with a huge smile
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suchalonelysunflower · 5 years ago
(Ashton Irwin X fem!Reader || Angst)
Summary: Based on the song “Unsteady” by X Ambassadors. You and you husband Ashton, got into an accident. As the months pass, Ashton is starting to lose hope.
Warnings: ANGST, mentions of Drunk Driving, hospitals, coma, accidents (kinda explicit) panick attack, a lot of crying, swear words, death, blood, violence, overall sadness, bad English (not my first language, my apologies)
Word Count: 3.9k
A/N: here I am with another Ashton Angst. Hope you like it 🦋 and remember that reblogs and likes always help and feedback and comments are always welcome! I would love to hear your thoughts 💙 You can check my other works HERE.
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Hold on
Hold on to me
'Cause I'm a little unsteady
A little unsteady”
‘Her hand is too cold’ Ashton thought ‘She must be very cold’
You were lying in the hospital bed, unfazed. Ashton knew you couldn’t feel anything, at least that’s what the doctors told him. But he couldn’t help but wonder if you were cold. If you could feel your skin becoming more like ice every second but were unable to ask for a blanket.
He would give you the sun if you asked.
But you couldn’t.
Ashton hasn’t heard your voice in over three months, and damn, how he missed it. He misses you, all of you. He often wondered what he’d do if when you open your eyes. Would he cry? Kiss you? Pass out? He didn’t know. All he knew is that he’ll be the happiest man on earth once you did.
But your hands were cold against his. Your body numb in the bed. And he was by your side, unmoving.
The nice nurse came in, he liked her and knew you would too, once you meet her “It’s four already” she said, smiling kindly to Ashton. He nodded and stepped aside to let her work.
He became familiarized with the routines pretty quickly. He memorized the medicines, the sounds of the machines attached to your body, every single technicality. Ashton always hated not to know, so he spent many nights next to you studying everything he could so he’ll be up to date. It became his life mission to make sure you were treated correctly and that you were safe.
“Her hand is cold” he muttered
“Okay, I’ll make sure to bring something warm for her when I come back” the lovely nurse smiled. Ashton breathed a small ‘thank you’ as she left, taking his usual spot in the chair next to your bed, holding your hand.
“You will love her” he said to you. He read that talking to you could be helpful, since you could probably hear him “She’s very nice to us, to you. And she has that ‘loving granny’ energy you talk about. I don’t know if she’s a grandma, though. She’s probably around 52… you would know better. You always do”
His eyes landed on your face, you look beautiful as always, but you didn’t move a muscle. Ashton squeezes your hand, waiting for a reaction of any kind, but getting nothing as a result. He felt the tears coming back, they haven't left since that night, and his voice broke as he tried to hold them.
“Baby, please come back” he pleaded “I - I know you’re trying to fight when you feel like flying. I know you’re there, Y/N. Please, hold on to me. Come back to me” breaking down as he couldn’t contain the tears any longer, he whispered ”I - I miss you”
“Ashton, you can’t be serious” You said giggling.
You were coming back home after a concert. The last concert of tour and you were ready to have your husband all by yourself again. You looked at Ashton as his smile spreaded through his face, making all of his dimples pop out and your heart flutter. His hands were on the wheel, but his eyes kept drifting from you to the road.
“I mean it!” He said with a laugh “Don’t tell me you didn’t think the same thing when you saw them!”
“I did, I’m not gonna lie” you admitted “But do you think we are ready? I mean, a kid is a lot more responsibility than some plants in the garden”
It was not the first time the ‘baby conversation’ popped out. But it was always dismissed, stating that neither of you were ready for that yet. Tonight, however, one of Michael’s friends brought her baby backstage and your mommy instincts kicked in. You were pulled towards that baby like a magnet, impossible to deny how cute they were, specially in a little 5SOS hoodie customized to their size. Ashton saw from a distance how good you were with that little baby that he felt the need to have one of your own. Falling in love with the thought of you being a wonderful mother to your child.
“I know that, but think about it, love. The tour’s over, the boys and I already decided to take a little break before starting to work on a new album, we all want to dedicate some time to our families, so I’ll be around for anything you need. Not to mention that we are financially stable and completely in love” Ashton grabbed you hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it gently “Plus, think how beautiful you’ll look with a baby bump”
“Yeah, all bloated and irritable”
“Still beautiful” He fixed his eyes on you, still smiling “Look, if you’re not ready then we can wait but -“
“Let’s do it.”
“I said, let’s do it. Let’s try for a baby”
Ashton’s eyes gleamed under the night sky as he looked at you with adoration. You were both smiling like fools. It was decided then, you were going to have a baby! You were so immerse with happiness at that moment,, maybe that’s why you didn’t see the car heading towards you.
“You should go home for a bit, mate” Michael said as he placed his hand on Ashton’s shoulder. He didn’t move.
It was visiting hours, Michael, Luke, Calum and their girls came today. They always do. Making Ashton company as he patiently waits for you next to your bed.
“I’m fine”
He really wasn’t. His hair was a mess, he had dark circles under his eyes and he can’t even remember the last time he ate a proper meal or took a real shower. But he didn’t care. All of his attention was on you, all of his hopes, his prayers, his pleads, all came back to you and the chance that you’ll open your eyes.
“You’re not fine, Ashton,” Michael pleaded again, but got no response from him “Look at me” He squeezed Ashton’s shoulder, turning Ashton around to look him in the eyes. The same hazel eyes that a few months ago were filled with love and spark, that now were empty and sad “You need to go home”
“Go home, Ash. If not for you then do it for Y/N”
Ashton was taken aback. Michael never spoke with such authority as he did at that moment. He knew he was right but still he couldn’t leave you.
“Mike and I will stay with her” Luke said “Visitors hours don’t end until two hours from now. That’s enough time for you to grab some things from home”
“And for goodness sake, take a shower” Cal intervened.
“We’ll be here and we’ll call you if anything happens. But you can’t take care of her if you don’t take care of yourself, you were hurt too”
Ashton felt like he was being cornered by his three best friends. They were right, of course they were. But this was harder that it seemed and he didn’t know if he was ready to face it.
“I- I can’t” he mumbled looking down, feeling three pairs of eyes on him “I can’t go home without Y/N,, I don’t think I’ll be able to take it”
A pitiful look was exchanged between the three men. All of them hurting for him, for you.
“I’ll go with you, mate. You don’t have to go alone” Calum said, extending his hand to his best friend, helping him getting up.
When they reached the parking lot, Ashton tossed his keys to Calum, not saying a word. He was not ready to sit behind the wheel again. So Calum drove them through the familiar streets of LA, back to an empty house that was once filled with songs.
Ashton held his breath when he opened the door and stepped in. It was all too familiar but at the same time so strange. Everything was like the way you left it, the news paper on the kitchen table, next to the glass of wine you didn’t get to finish. The pair of shoes you decided to change at the last minute were still by the door and your perfume invaded the house as a ghost. Every inch of this house had your presence in it, but you were nowhere to be found.
Calum placed his hand on Ashton’s shoulder, something they all seem to be doing a lot lately, as he took in the empty house “Take all the time that you need” and he did.
Ashton walked through the deserted halls, stopping in front of his and your room. He placed his hand on the doorknob but didn’t have the heart to open it, knowing you won’t be there waiting for him like each night. He felt the tears coming up again and his breathing was uneven. It took all of him to step away from the door and head towards the guest room. At least he knows it won’t smell like you.
After a much needed shower, he went to the basement. The basket filled with laundry was still there, you told him you lost track of time and forgot to put it back up. He was glad you didn’t. Ashton grabbed a few shirts and jeans and put them in a bag, he also put a few of your clothes in there, thinking you’d feel more comfortable once you wake up. He couldn’t ignore the pain of smelling your perfume so close to him after so long. He didn’t want to.
He was about to head out when he walked by his music room. The door was open, so he was able to catch a glimpse of a few books you recommended him, but that he never had the chance to read. Maybe he could read them to you, he thought.
Stepping into the room he found thousands of papers scattered around the coffee table. Bunch of scratches and unfinished songs he was ready to show you.
It wasn’t a secret that you were Ashton’s muse. Every song he wrote was inspired by you in every possible way. And you were his number one fan, always encouraged him to do what he loves and to do better by himself. Always taking care, not only of him, but of everyone else. No kindness in the world could compare to yours, no love in the world could compare to yours and now…
Where were you? Why? How could this happen? Why you?
A million questions ran through Ashton’s head, making his senses go black as he ripped apart every piece of paper he could find. Not really paying attention to the damage he was causing as he threw everything in his way. Glasses, picture frames, drumsticks, the drums themselves… all for what? What did it matter? How could anything matter if you were not there?
Calum heard the thundering sounds and cries of his best friend and ran to him. But, to his eyes, it was almost impossible to describe the broken scene that played before him.
Ashton was crying out of rage, sadness, hopelessness and some relief. Letting it all out as he trashed the music room that was once a comfort for him. The tears were mixed with his sweat, grunting and panting as he destroyed every piece of himself in that room.
“Ash!” Yelled Calum as he stepped into the chaos, trying to reach his friend “Ash-Ashton!” He managed to dodge a few pieces of glass and plastic from the broken drum kit.
He reached him mid rage, grabbing his fisted hands with all the strength he could use “Ashton fucking stop! You need to stop!”
Ashton froze as he opened his eyes and found Calum staring at him in fear. Trembling and falling to this knees, he found himself unable to stand on his feet. Tears streaming down freely.
“She’s gone” he sobbed. Completely broken.
Calum let his guard down, softly saying “She’s not gone, Ash. She’s not gone” He grabbed the tall man and pulled him into a hug. Ashton didn’t put on a fight as he let himself be comforted by his friend “She’s going to be fine. You hear me? She’ll be okay”
“We were supposed to start a new chapter together. We- we were going to start a family and… it all happened so fast, Cal”
He cried even harder “Cal, I don’t remember if it was my fault”
“You were hit by a drunk driver, none of this is your fault”
“I should’ve paid more attention! It should’ve been me! I should be the one in the fucking hospital bed”
It was all too much. It all hurt too much. It’s just,, it wasn’t fair. You didn’t deserve this, being connected to a machine, fighting to stay alive when he was the one driving the car. Three months without opening your eyes, without hearing your laughter, or your off key singing. He would do anything just to feel your arms around him one more time, to hear your voice saying that everything was going to be okay. He needed you. He needed you desperately. How could he live without you when you were all he knew? How could he sing about love when you’re not here to hear it?
“This house doesn’t feel like a home without her” He sobbed “I- I don’t know what I’ll do, I can't lose her”
“You won’t” Said Calum, fighting his own tears when the image of you fighting for your life came to mind. But he knew he had to stay positive, for Ashton, for everyone “We won’t lose Y/N, she will wake up”
“Cal, I -“ whispered Ashton in a broken voice “I don’t think she will”
Darkness. Everything was dark and everything hurts. Where was he? Why,, why couldn’t he move?
It took him a second to figure out that you were upside down, still inside of the car. He called your name one more time, but there was no answer. His eyes needed to adjust, he needed to find you. But then..
Your voice was weak. Barely even a whisper filled with pain.
“Y/N?!” Ashton called, his hand immediately trying to get to yours. He didn’t care about the broken pieces of glass and concrete that cut through his skin, he just needed to hold your hand “It’s okay, you’re okay”
“Ash” you cried in pain. Squeezing his hand, trying to hold onto something real “I can’t move. Everything hurts”
“Don’t move, Love. Don’t move until they come for us, okay? They’re going to help you. You’ll be okay”
Ashton tried to remain calm for you, soothing your cries by running circles in your hand. “Just hold onto me, baby. Hold my hand. We’re gonna get through this, okay? We are going to be fine”
You could only cry in response. Every ounce of pain hitting you from different parts. It was almost intolerable, but Ashton tried his best to comfort you and you got lost in the sound of his voice, starting to drift away.
“Don’t let go, Y/N. Baby. Don’t let go of my hand, okay? I need you here with me, you understand me?”
“Ashton, I’m tired”
“No, no no no, baby stay with me. Tell me, what names do you like?”
“Yes, Love. For the baby”
“The baby…”
Ashton was crying, but he wouldn’t let you see it. He squeezed your hand.
“Yes, yes the baby” He could hear your breathing slowing down “You can’t go to sleep, love. Baby, hold on”
He could hear the sirens coming closer, they were going to be okay.
“W-what about Alex? Do you like that one?” You could only hum in response “Stay with me, Y/N. What about Rose? You told me you liked that name, remember?”
The lights of the ambulance shined in the pavement. They were here. Help was here.
“Rose…” you said faintly
“Yes, yes baby. We are going to have such a beautiful family” Ashton cried as he felt your hand gave in “And you’re going to be an excellent mother.”
“You’ll be an excellent father”
“I’m so tired, Ash. Everything hurts” you cried.
“Baby no, don’t leave me. Just hold onto me, keep holding onto me”
He was panicking now, feeling you fade away.
“I love you” you said.
“Y/N?! No, baby c’mon. Hold on, please. If you love me don’t let go. Don’t leave me here”
Ashton didn’t feel when the door of his car opened next to him. He didn’t feel when they pulled him out of the car and into a stretcher. He just wanted to know that you were okay.
“Y/N?!” He screamed at the paramedics, trying to find you among the crowd that has gathered around the wreck “Where’s my wife?! Y/N!”
All he could hear was “She’s losing a lot of blood!” “We need to take her now” “I don’t feel a heartbeat, we’re losing her” as he saw your figured being pulled away in another ambulance, away from him.
He yelled, screamed, cried and kicked, trying to get to you somehow. He needed to be with you. He needed to know that you were still with him. That you were okay.
He didn’t feel when they injected him with a sedative.
From that moment on, everyday was the same. Everyday hoping that it might be different.
After the wreckage of your home, Ashton came back to the hospital to find you still asleep on the bed. He thanked the boys and said goodbye, promising them that he’ll be fine.
“I went home today” he said as he sat down on his usual spot, cupping your hand in his, letting your wedding bands touch “everything is where you left it. I - I didn’t dare to put everything back, I know how mad you can get when I move your stuff” Ashton let out a sad laugh, holding your hand even tighter “I’m sorry if my hands are a bit rough, I.. well let’s say you wouldn’t want to come into my music room for quite some time. I’m sorry”
Ashton looked at you. The bruises and cuts from the accident were almost fully healed. Your hair was longer, but it wasn’t as soft as it used to be. Your eyelashes rested peacefully over your cheeks, it was almost like if you were dreaming.
“I wish you could tell me how stupid I am. Believe it or not, I miss your nagging” he sighed “I miss everything. I miss you”
The machine that was connected to your heartbeat played its usual melody, filling the gaps that were created by your silence.
“I can’t help but think that this is all my fault. Everyone tells me it’s not, that I wasn’t the one driving drunk on the streets of LA. But then I look at you and, fuck Y/N, I don’t even know if you’re in pain and it kills me. If I could trade your life for mine I would, darling, in a heartbeat.”
‘“ I should’ve paid more attention to the road. I should’ve moved out of the way or.. I should’ve done something to avoid this” silent tears rolled down his cheek, he didn’t even attempt to wipe them away “We had so much ahead of us… we were going to start a family and I.. I can’t help but think that I took that away from you, from us”
‘“ I need you here, Y/N. I need you here by my side. I can’t live without you, I don’t want to live without you, baby. You are my everything, my Y/N, my love. Without you I’m unsteady, you’re my rock, my ending and beginning, my North Star.. Y/N you’re my home. And I know it sounds selfish but I’m not ready to give you away. I love you. I love you so fucking much, Y/N. Please don’t leave me, don’t let go. Come back, baby. I need you”
He cried through every word, every confession. He cried for everything they had and all that they could have if she wakes up. He cried so hard he didn’t notice when her Heart Rate went up all of the sudden.
“Y/N? Baby don’t. No no no no don’t let go” The beeps were faster, violent, shaking up Ashton from sorrow. Having him screaming at the top of his lungs for a doctor.
It all happened so fast. A sea of white coats surrounding the room and pushing Ashton out of the way and into the hall. He tried to step in again, but a nurse cut his way.
“I’m sorry, sir. You can’t go in there” he said, sternly.
“B-but that’s my wife.. That’s my wife!”
“Sir, I will need you to stay calm and stay here while the doctors work. Okay?” He went into the room, opening the door just enough for Ashton to see two paddlers hit your chest.
Ashton punched the walls out of frustration, almost breaking his hand and making it bleed. He rested his head on the furthest wall and slowly fell to the ground, sobbing his heart out.
He stayed like that for a long time before the doctors and nurses stepped out of the room, all of them ignoring him as he stayed on the floor. It wasn’t until Y/N’s head doctor appeared that he got up.
His eyes and face were puffy red, his hand was bruised and swollen. But he couldn’t seem to find a care. Not now. Not when his Y/N was all alone. Not when there’s a chance that she’s not there anymore.
“Mr. Irwin” said the doctor in a low voice that made Ashton’s world fade to grey, swallowing the lump he had in his throat “Mrs. Irwin went into cardiac arrest. It seemed like all of this got the best of her. Her vitals were…”
But Ashton couldn’t hear her anymore. In his mind everything was pure bullshit. All of this speach saying how sorry they were and that you’re in a better place, bullshit. You were gone. You were really gone. The universe could fall apart right there and there and he wouldn’t bat an eyelash. His universe died with you.
His eyes were an empty void. He could see the mouth of the doctor still moving. But all he could think was you. You and your perfect smile, the way your eyes shined every time you talked about something that you were passionate about. The way you looked in your wedding day and how nothing could even come close to the feeling of happiness when you said your ’I do’s’ How you would dance on each and every concert, cheer him up from the side of the stage, waiting to be kissed once it was over. And now you were gone.
He would never hear you laugh or say I love you again. He would never see you walk around the house in one of his shirts, trying to call his attention. He would never feel you close in the mornings, cuddling until you eventually had to let go. You were gone. And he wasn’t ready for that. He will never be ready for a life that doesn’t have you in it.
“... So would you like to see her?” The doctor said. Calling Ashton back to the real world.
“I’m sorry, what?” His shock was palpable. Voice sounding broken and weak as he was. Lips trembling as he held his breath, afraid that he misheard her.
“She’s stable, at the moment. She asked for you. She mentioned something about a rose....”
You were okay? You were awake?!
Ashton burst into the room without a second thought. Tears falling as he saw you looking at him from the hospital bed, smiling weakly. He stood there for a second, whispering as he thought it might be a dream.
”If you love me, don't let go
If you love me, don't let go”
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raging-violets · 4 years ago
Cadence Nash . . . let's plot-bend a bit. Nora's arrival in season 5. (I'm assuming she doesn't exist, in your flash and flame series?)
Actually...she does! That’s who Alexis is! I just changed her name and some of her background, because Barry and Iris aren’t together in my series. (If this doesn’t actually answer your question, I’m sorry! lol).
I actually have a bit of this scene written out already so I’ll copy/paste that in for you!
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[Send one of my OCs + A Canon scene]
Barry stared at the ceiling, eyebrows pinched so tightly he was starting to get a headache. And yet, he didn’t move in fear of removing the arm laid gently around his midsection, hand brushing against his thigh. If he moved too much, he’d wake up Cadence, and if he woke her up, then she’d take one look at him and he’d have to explain why he had such a concentrated look on his face.
Especially when there was no explanation necessary.
He was a father.
Barry Allen was a father.
Not that he hadn’t been a father before, long before himself and others had realized it—Brady had certainly moved his way into his heart easily. Since first meeting the then eight-year-old in Jitters, who looked up at him over the muffin he demolished, only knowing Barry as his mother’s friend, and liked being around him long before he knew Barry was the Flash, Barry felt a sense of protection over the young boy that he’d quickly grew to feel was a son.
But, it was different to know he had a daughter who was, in fact, his. Especially when said daughter wasn’t supposed to exist yet. Wasn’t supposed to be known for a few decades. More importantly, the first thought that came to Barry’s mind was how was he going to explain her presence to everyone he knew and loved?
How much was there to explain when your future daughter appeared out of thin air—out of the future, from thin air—and said they were now stuck? Barry knew there was something a bit off about her when he met her at the wedding, saw his daughter for the first time and the way she grabbed his hand…
Barry gently lifted his head from his pillow, far enough to look at the ring that glistened on his left finger. Then he looked towards Cadence, who’s own finger was bare, save for the lightning bolt tattooed in its place. Nevertheless, as his wife lay on her stomach arm stretched across him, he could see the glimmer of the necklace around her neck, holding her ring.
Had it really been that long ago? He remembered it as clear as day, as if it were yesterday, as if nothing with DeVoe and his stint in prison had ever happened.
Inside the church, Barry paced, running his hands over his hair, muttering to himself. Just pre-wedding nerves. Jitters. Something that hadn’t struck him until the last five minutes. Everything needed to go perfectly. He needed to have good memories of something. Anything other than his being kicked from the CCPD and…DeVoe…and Demon…and…
“Sparkling water?”
“Excuse me?” Startled, Barry faced the waitress who stood behind him, holding a tray. She seemed to appear out of nowhere. Barry looked around, noticing the other guests all were holding onto glasses from her dwindling tray. “Oh, uh…” He hesitated. If food went through him that fast, a fact Diggle consistently wondered about, drinking too much wasn’t going to help before he got to the front of the church, either.
But he couldn’t get drunk, so that wasn’t much of an issue.
“I thought you might be a little parched,” The young woman said. She pushed her tray towards him, keeping a firm control of the pale liquid that sloshed around. “Jitters. Big day and all.” She gestured with her tray. “You’re getting married.”
“I am,” Barry agreed. He stepped back, eyeing her closely.
The young woman beamed. “Today.”
“Yes, I am. Today.”
The young woman continued to smile up at him. Her eyes sparkled, almost as if it couldn’t contain the mischief within her. Or she was laughing about something someone had told her before. Barry’s eyebrows came together. The young woman jumped at the change in his expression and offered the tray once more. “So, uh sparkling water?”
“No, uh, I’m good.” Barry waved her off. He quickly added a, “Thank you,” noticing her face fall.
Instead of going on to the next guest, the young woman continued to speak rapidly. Almost rambling. “Okay. So, uh, I’m really excited to be here. I mean, at a wedding. A-any wedding, it just so happens to be your wedding. But I’m happy. To be here. Today.”
Barry smiled a little. The energy and friendliness she exuded was unable to be ignored. She was already starting to make his nerves recede. “You…love weddings?” He guessed.
“I really do.” The young woman looked around. “I mean, this looks to be a little expensive for something of your guys’ taste. Not quite something I would’ve chosen for you. But, it’s still beautiful.” She chewed her lower lip, her smile growing wider. “I’m sure you’ll all enjoy it. You know, the whole wedding deal. Wedding day, wedding night…everything that comes with it.”
Barry could feel himself starting to blush, unsure if she realized the double entendre she managed to put into her words. “That’s cool,” was all he could manage to say, hoping no one around had the ability to read his mind.
The young woman blinked rapidly. “Not that I’m a weirdo or anything. I’m coming off weird, aren’t I?” She tapped herself on the forehead, as if reproaching herself. She sucked in a deep breath, shoulders slumping. Curling her fingers around the end of the tray she admitted, “I just love weddings. Some people call me a nerd for it.”
Her comment made Barry laugh. “Well, coming from the biggest nerd on the planet.” He gestured to himself. “I think it’s cool.”
“Thanks.” She smiled widely, obviously relieved. “I just…I don’t know. I feel like this is going to be one for the ages. I’m really glad I got to see it.”
Barry got a good look at her face. Something about her seemed to familiar. So much so, it was practically radiating off her. She looked to be an asian woman; no, he decided after a moment, biracial. Very youthful with hazel eyes that looked bluish towards the center. Her smile was wide, a mixture of what appeared to be shy and outgoing. She stood a bit shorter than him, about 5’6” if he had to guess. Hair hung low, past her shoulders in long waves.
“I…I’m sorry…” Barry tilted his head. Continued to watch her. Couldn’t shake the feeling. “Have we met before?”
“No!” The young woman jumped backwards. The sparkling water she carried threatened to slosh over. Both reached for it, but the woman expertly moved her hands and followed the momentum of the tray to keep it up. “No, I’m a complete and total stranger. So! Good luck up there.” She grasped his wrist, holding him firmly. Barry glanced down, feeling a tingling sensation run up his wrist. “Remember to say ‘’I do’.”
Despite his confusion, Barry managed to grin. “Have you been talking to Brady?” How many times had he been buzzing around him, pestering him to be sure he knew what he’d say for his vows?
“Not recently.” Once again, the young woman looked startled. Nervous. She dropped her hand from Barry’s wrist and took a large step back. “I’m sorry. I have to go.” She turned on her heel and headed to the nearest guest she could find.
If Barry were more naturally suspicious, he would’ve said something then. Asked her more questions, let him know he was onto her. Onto her about what? He wasn’t sure of at the time. But now…to know what she’d done? To know how many lives she’d put in danger? To know what she’d done to the timeline. Or what was left of it? How did he know he wouldn’t wake up that day and Brady was no longer a boy but suddenly twin boys? Or that he’d married Caitlin instead of Cadence and he hadn’t just finished some sort of an illustrious affair?
At the thought, Barry shook his head, sitting up. He raised his knees, prompting Cadence’s hand to drop from his lap, and he pressed his face into his hands. His cheeks were warm to the touch. He’d hoped he wasn’t getting sick from stress.
He replayed the conversation from before. How she, Alexis, his daughter, barged through the front door at baby Jenna’s party and explained herself, speaking rapidly and enthusiastically to Barry’s question of, “Who are you?”
Alexis smiled awkwardly at her father, placing her hand on her chest. She took in a deep breath to steady herself and said, “My name is Alexis. And I’m your daughter…” she looked to Cadence. “From the future.”
Brady nearly choked on his drink. He sputtered, turning to the side to spit a mouthful of soda to the wooden floor. Joe and Cecil were too stunned to reprimand him for damaging their floor. Brady sputtered, coughing before he finally managed to squeak, voice cracking, spitting it out and coughing hard. “You’re what?” He demanded, glancing at his mother, whose expression rivaled that of his step-father’s.  
“Okay, uh...” Alexis ran her hands through her hair. She closed her eyes, collecting herself.
Barry took the moment to looked toward Cadence, who looked back at him eyebrows lowered, lips pressed hard together. She was angry, he could tell. Not enough for smoke to come from her ears, but angry. Barry blinked in surprise. There were many things to be in the situation; shocked, confused, curious, but not angry. She took her eyes from her husband when Alexis continued.
“Let me explain.” Alexis searched the sea of confused faces, looking for a friendly face. When she found none, she cleared her throat, wringing her fingers together. “I’m Alexis Nash-Allen and I’m the fastest woman alive. Where I’m from, 30 years from now, I’m the guardian of Central City. I’m a speedster.” She smiled at Barry, a smile filled with pride. “Just like my dad. People call me Overdrive.” She then paused and shrugged. “Or Flash Fire.”
At that, Cadence raised an eyebrow. Barry looked to her again. This time she was less angry and more curious. No, Barry understood now. She was watching Alexis closely, trying to determine whether she was telling the truth. He could see his wife’s eyes gently and subtly flicker back and forth over Alexis’s face hoping to find anything that’d prove her to be untrustworthy.
Alexis seemed not to notice as she continued. “Every day, I hope to live up to the legacy of the Flash.” She shrugged once more. “But I’ve still got a long way to go.” Silence punctuated the end of her speech. She looked at the sea of faces once more, smiling, giggling nervously.
Finally, Barry broke the silence. “You’re our daughter?”
“From the future?” Cadence asked to make sure.
“Named Alexis?” Barry continued.
Alexis smiled and nodded.
“Does anybody need a refill?” Cisco’s sudden and loud question broke the stunned silence that followed her admission. He jumped when all eyes turned to glare at him. “Just me?” He squeaked. “No one else?” He practically melted into the couch as he slouched. “A-are you sure? Okay, just me then.” He got up from the couch and headed towards the refreshments. He paused, glanced at Alexis, and grabbed a bottle of champagne, pressing it against his lips to take on a large, gulping swallow.
Alexis, on the other hand, continued to grin around the room. “Cisco Ramon,” she gushed. “Always cutting the tension with a well-timed joke.”
Caitlin finally came from her deep freeze as she listened to the future speedster. “You know our names?” She asked, voice soft with confusion.
“Of course!” Alexis replied. “I know all of you!” She gestured toward Caitlin and Ralph. “Caitlin Snow, my mom’s best friend. Ralph Dibny, my dad’s annoyance.” Ralph turned to Barry with a look that read ‘Really, Rookie?’ while Barry simply opened and closed his mouth like a gaping fish. Alex motioned to Joe and Cecile. “Papa Joe, Mama Cecile, Little Auntie Jenna, Uncle Wally, Aunt Iris, and of course.” She beamed at Brady. “My big brother, Brady!”
Brady paled, looking like he was about to pass out. He turned to Cadence, who looked back at him, their faces screwed up in identical expressions of confusion. He turned back to his future sister, looking at her suspiciously.
“And your nickname is…Overdrive?” Wally asked. His voice sounded curious, but hesitant. Almost as if he were trying to test her name roll off the tip of his tongue.
“Uh, not really.” Alexis waved a finger in the air. “I mean, it is. Sort of. Overdrive is what some of the people of Central City call me. But some others call me Flash Fire…after my mom,” Alexis said, casting Cadence a look out the side of her eye. “Because I’m also a fire meta.”
Caitlin’s head jutted forward at the casual comment. “I’m sorry, what? A what?”
Barry lifted his hand to cover his mouth, then let out a sharp breath, running a hand through his hair. A speedster and a fire meta. A meta-hybrid. The first they’d ever come across. Just as Brady was the first half-meta any of them knew about.
Alexis ignored Caitlin and continued. “And, well, Overdrive makes sense. It’s sort of a nickname you guys gave me. Because, I always move so fast. I always move in overdrive. I’ve always been like that, overdoing things, getting in over my head.” She twisted her mouth to the side, kicking at the floor. “Like, recently. Like, when I helped you break, the STAR Labs satellite last night.” Barry’s eyebrows as his eyes widened. “I just couldn’t help myself from getting involved. But something happened when I did, because I can’t seem to go fast enough to open the speed force.”
Ralph loudly, made a disgusting sound that, maybe, could’ve sounded like someone clearing their throat. Jenna whimpered, her face scrunching up as Cecile quickly started to bounce her. Hoping to soother her cries. “Are we talking about actual time travel here?”
Iris groaned, tilting her head back. “Do you not ever pay attention to our briefings?” She demanded. “Even once? Even a little bit?”
“Wait a minute,” Wally interrupted. “You didn’t teach him about the Legends?”
“No one said anything about time travel,” Ralph pointed out.
At that, everyone started to speak at once, their voices rising over each other’s as they tried to get answers from each other and simultaneously ask questions. All the while, Alexis stood off to the side, smiling awkwardly, intermittently waving her hand and trying to raise her voice over the din that broke out.
It wasn’t until Jenna started to cry that everyone started to calm down. Cecile quickly leapt to her feet and left the room, bouncing Jenna up and down in her arms, cooing quietly as she went.
Alexis clenched her teeth as she grimaced. She waved her hands. ‘I’m sorry, I know how bizarre this must seem meeting your daughter from the future as an adult.” She turned back and forth from her parents to her brother as she spoke rapid-fire. “It wasn’t my plan at all. But I’m kind of stuck here now, and you’re the only ones who can help me so…maybe you know what to do?”
If we knew what to do, we wouldn’t be in this mess, Barry thought. Every time I’ve ever time traveled, I’ve never been stuck there.
“You’re forgetting about Flashpoint.”
If it were any time before, Barry would’ve been startled by Cadence suddenly speaking, voice soft with sleep. But since their powers merged, they’d seemed to read each other’s mind. Not to say it was an actual ability they had, but the hard work that’d paid off after having had to learn how to work together again once Barry’d come back from the Speed Force. A quick look in the heat of battle conveyed a game plan that they’d follow to the T. They didn’t have to look at each other before flinging themselves off a roof or into a dangerous situation knowing the other would be there in that split second of free fall.
They were a unified front, and in that moment, as Cadence turned and rested her chin on her cheekbone, pressing her elbow into her pillow, he truly felt it. He didn’t have to say anything about Flashpoint out loud, didn’t have to mention any of his thoughts about Alexis and the future, and yet she knew everything he was thinking.
“Flashpoint’s the only time you’ve ever been stuck somewhere,” Cadence reminded him. “Future or past.”
“That was by choice,” Barry reminded her. He took in a deep breath. “I decided to stay. Where things were…” he trailed off, thinking of the best way to explain himself. “Different,” he finally decided. Different, because, both of his parents were alive. He had the life he wanted. And, all the same, it was one of the worst lives he could ever had. His friends weren’t his friends, the love of his life didn’t know he existed, his powers were starting to fail. And the only way he’d gotten back was from trusting the person the hated the most in the world.
“Right,” Cadence agreed. Barry’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Cadence let out a quiet sigh through her nose. She looked away for a moment. “I’m just saying it sounds weird.”
“What does?”
“All of it?” Cadence shrugged. “That she’s our daughter, that she’s from the future, that she’s stuck here. It all doesn’t make sense.”
Barry’s eyebrows furrowed even further. He looked her in the eye, searching for an explanation. She looked back at him. Silently prompting him it was his turn to speak his mind. He parted his lips, hesitated. Then rubbed at his eye. “Time travel is a tricky thing. Messing with the timeline…it can have some of the weirdest effects any of us, let alone a speedster, could imagine.”
At that, Cadence lifted an eyebrow. She slowly pushed herself into a sitting position, studying her husband. Almost in disbelief. “You believe that she’s stuck here?” Now it was Barry’s turn to shrug as he repeated, “Time travel is trick.” Cadence conceded that point, “Time travel is tricky, it’s dangerous, it affects a lot of things, but no one’s ever gotten stuck anywhere. Other than Eobard Thawne and the only reason he got stuck here was because his Tachyon device made it so he lost his connection to the Speed Force and it kept him stuck here. Alexis doesn’t seem to have that problem at all.”
“We don’t know that.”
“But it’s convenient, don’t you think?” Cadence insisted. “And you’re already saying she���s our daughter?”
“Did you see her? Yellow lightning like mine, a fire trail like yours? It’s definitely her.”
“But, I agree with you, I think we need to send her back to her time.”
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Hi duck! Would you be able to do me a ship (Queen&BohRap)? I'm tallish, blonde short hair, I swap invariably between very masculine style and very feminine depending on the mood. I'm a carer in a care home but I'm studying to be in PR, I'm an avid feminist and reader. I get told by friends/coworkers/residents that I'm very friendly, come across as extremely happy and optimistic, and I love helping people as much as I can - I work really hard to be pleasent and look after people I love. Thnk you!
hiiiii hi hi hi
sorry this took forever hehe college SUX
anyways ships below the cut!!!
For Queen, I ship you with Brian May!
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I almost said Roger but I feel like your height, activist stance, and happy demeanor would mix very well with Brian’s personality!
You would meet Brian through a PR job, possibly a band interview that you were conducting for a publicity thing where he was absolutely smitten with you from the get go.
Although you tried to keep it professional, it was very hard to ignore how intensely he was focusing on you and how the rest of the band was getting a kick out of you two.
“So, Roger, rumor has it that you recorded something of your own during the studio sessions for News, any idea when we’re going to get a peek at that?” you asked, giving the blonde a toothy smile that he easily returned before he launched into a lengthy explanation about how it was actually partially a cover of a previously recorded song by a different band. And you listened, of course, but you kept getting distracted by the warm hazel eyes that were boring into your skull as you nodded along.
You could see Deacon’s shoulders shaking in silent laughter as he elbowed Brian, getting a swift elbow in retaliation as a deep blush covered the tall man’s cheeks. He sat back, crossing his arms grumpily and avoiding looking at you for a moment before falling right back into the same groove, unable to focus on anything else other than how intriguing you were in your more masculine-style suit. It was beautiful, and you were beautiful.
Catching his gaze for a moment, you flashed a quick smile at him before returning your attention to Roger. Brian’s cheeks flushed even more as he looked down at his lap, Freddie shaking his shoulders and snickering as Roger finally finished up his summary.
Looking down at your questions, you noticed that the next one was directed towards Brian, and you tried not to smile too wide as you replied to Roger. “Sounds pretty exciting, can’t wait to hear it! Maybe a full album is in the near future for us?”
Roger shrugged coyly and you laughed along, then cleared your throat and shifted your attention to the curly-haired guitarist who looked so lovesick even you could notice. “Brian, what about you? Any solo works in progress?”
He looked so horribly put on the spot that you almost started to apologize, but a gentle jab in the spine from Freddie sprung him back into action as he let a small smile take over his lips. “Actually, not right now. I’m afraid that’s Roger’s territory as of late, but I hope to do something soon. Just very busy.”
“It’s hard to be in a band and maintain hair like this,” Freddie joked, patting down Brian’s hair and laughing when Brian ducked away, protesting gently. 
“I’d imagine,” you giggled along, Brian shyly laughing along with you as he attempted to fix his hair. “It’s quite impressive, actually. Is it natural, or do you perm it?”
“Au naturale, darling,” Freddie interjected again, trying to muss with it but missing as Brian shifted his head to the left, shooting him a nasty look over his shoulder. “Sorry, Brian, it’s just so much fun to see you like this.”
You all knew he meant flustered from Freddie’s antics and being entranced by you, but you brushed the allusion aside and laughed once more. “Well, anyways, I hope we get to see something in the works from you soon, Brian.” He nodded, smiling bashfully, and you decided to spare him the next question until later, directing the attention to Deacon instead.
After the interview, you were gathering up your materials to leave when Brian approached quite nervously, a lilt in his step and his hands in his pockets as he tried not to fiddle with anything, already feeling anxious enough.
“Great interview!” you praised as you straightened up, holding your binder to your torso. “Seemed like Freddie enjoyed bullying you a bit much, but it’ll make for good material for the fans. You guys are phenomenal!”
“Thank you,” Brian replied, his voice soft and still quite bashful as he sent you a smile, rubbing the side of his head. “He thrives whenever I’m in a situation like that. My discomfort is his excitement. Always the challenging lead singer.”
“You did wonderful, I’m sure he was just having some fun with you. But a situation like what?” you pried, trying to remain friendly but also drop a subtle ‘flirt with me’ comment in. 
Brian’s cheeks reddened for what seemed like the 20th time in a few hours, and you grinned wider as you cocked your head to the side, trying to make him feel as comfortable as possible. “Well, you’re very fascinating. I may have stared a bit too long during the interview. Fred took that and ran...”
“I noticed,” you teased gently, reaching out to give his arm a soft nudge. He laughed at that despite look a bit tense, so you decided to relieve him a bit. “It’s not every day that handsome guys are checking me out, so I appreciate it.”
He definitely unraveled a bit at that, a weight dropping off of his shoulders as you carefully flirted back. “Well, I’m glad I could help, I guess.” After a pause, he cocked his head to the side and smiled a bit more. “Are you doing anything after this?”
You weren’t. So you and Brian went out for some drinks together, which led to another date, which led to more dates, which led to you and him becoming an item. And years later, when he did finally get around to recording something away from the band, you were right there with him.
“So you’re not going to put these out for public release?” Roger questioned as Brian flopped down on the couch between you and the blonde, stretching his arm out to wrap around your shoulder.
Brian looked introspective for a moment, then shrugged and pulled you a bit closer, smiling. “Don’t know. Still on the fence.”
“I think you should,” you chimed in, snuggling close to your boyfriend’s side and resting a hand on his knee. “It’s so... you. I love it.”
Roger fake gagged and made the both of you laugh before Brian pressed a kiss to the top of your head, nuzzling your hair. “Well, if the missus says, the missus says,” Brian quipped, Roger pretending to gag again and making you roll your eyes playfully before leaning up to kiss Brian quickly, then nudging his leg.
“You should get back to recording those backing vocals. We have a reservation at 8, love.”
“Am I invited?” the blonde across the couch questioned, turning so he was draped across the couch, his legs easily stretching out over Brian’s lap and feet resting in yours.
“No, Rog. Adults only.”
And for BoRhap, I ship you with Ben Hardy!
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I almost said Gwilym - almost.
But I think Ben gets shipped with conventional, cookie-cutter types too often, and I think he can be more unconventional than that - for example, your versatile style may be intimidating to him at first, but I think he’d really enjoy it after the initial intrigue.
You’d meet Ben through Gwilym for sure - Gwilym and you would be on your way back from the Women’s March, when he mentions that a friend is going to be meeting the two of you for drinks at a pub near his house.
You don’t panic - although Gwilym’s friends are usually pretty recognizable stars, you’ve passed the point of starstruck despite your job in a care home. Meeting any of his friends was a positive experience, and you loved every minute of meeting such rich personalities.
So when you met Ben, you weren’t disappointed at all.
Ben was very overwhelmed at first - you were wearing a blazer and matching trousers with cartoon reproductive systems all over it, which he didn’t notice until he took a second look once you’d shrugged off the blazer, leaving you in a white button-up of Gwilym’s.
“Are those-”
“Yep,” you replied, already knowing he’d be questioning the pattern’s similarities to the female reproductive system (since it was). Giving him a toothy smile, you raised your beer in cheers before taking a sip. “Women’s March, after all.”
“Huh,” he remarked, not sure how to respond as he looked over the blazer once more before looking back to you and raising an eyebrow. He wasn’t offended in any way, just very surprised and confused by your comfortability with the subject.
But he quickly noticed that you were not an aggressively judgemental or harsh personality, so as the hour went on, he switched into his usual goofy demeanor with the two of you.
“No, Ben totally fell for it! I though Rami was going to pass out from laughing so hard.” Gwilym was laughing deliriously at that point, Ben pretending to be miffed but still grinning as his friend talked. Shifting his fascinating green eyes to you, he gave them a bit of a roll before he cut in.
“See how I get treated by my friends? I trust them with everything, and then they decide to falsely inform me that Roger Taylor wants me to play one of his drum solos.” You giggled at the banter between the two of them, Ben throwing up his hands in exasperation. “I didn’t even know how to play the bloody drums before I got the part!”
“He literally locked himself in his trailer!”
“In your trailer?” you questioned, Ben hanging his head in faux embarrassment but quickly raising it when you reached over to pat his arm, shooting Gwilym a gently scathing look. “Poor guy! You all were so mean to him, I’d understand why he did lock himself in! I’d do the same.”
“See, I like this girl,” Ben observed, nodding towards you as he kept his eyes on Gwilym, but you saw the way his cheeks flushed slightly as he said it. “She’s nice. Knows that I have feelings and emotions and that anyone in my situation would literally be terrified.”
“Oh, cry about it,” Gwilym gently teased, knowingly looking between the two of you as you removed your hand from Ben’s arm. Raising from his chair, Gwilym went to go replenish all of your beers, and by the time he got back, the two of you were chattering like chipmunks. 
And you never ran out of things to talk about. Not on your first, second, third, etc. date. The only time you were genuinely speechless was when he finally asked you to be his girlfriend.
All you could do was nod and cry a little. I mean, being Ben Hardy’s object of affection would be pretty overwhelming for anyone, y’know.
When you finally met Rami, the mastermind behind the joke about the Roger drum solo, you couldn’t help but bring it up. 
“You should have seen his face when I sent over the assistant to tell him!” Rami gushed, making you laugh as Ben rolled his eyes playfully and wrapped his arm around your waist.
“All of ‘em, bullies,” he remarked as you leaned into his side, grinning at him.
“Oh, I’m sure they were just having fun with you,” you gently admonished, fixing the collar on his shirt as Rami continued on.
“I’ve never been more proud of an on-set prank in my life. It didn’t even require any effort. All I had to do was tell him one thing and it was like his life was over. So dramatic.”
“I’d imagine,” you agreed, Ben pursing his lips playfully and pinching your side, garnering a small yelp and a laugh from you. “Hey! Watch it.”
“I don’t appreciate being tag-team bullied by you all right now,” he groaned, letting his head fall back dramatically as Rami laughed. 
“Again, as I said, so dramatic!”
“Oh, shut up,” Ben grumbled, trying not to grin as he started ushering you away through the party’s crowd, sending a generous middle finger to a still-amused Rami before he was enveloped by the crowd once again. “All so mean to me.”
“Aw, don’t be sore, bubs. You wouldn’t survive without them teasing you,” you reminded him sweetly, making him chuckle and shake his head as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, walking towards the bar with you.
“You’re so cute, I hate that. I want to disagree with you right now but it’s like yelling at a puppy.”
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arrowheadproductions · 7 years ago
Glad you're back and super excited you're extending your repertoire (if that's what you want to call it) to other fandoms aside from Arrow. I love your writing and I'm actually a huge PJO fan so I was soooo happy to see you're into it too. Can you possibly do a fic of Percy being on the swim team? You can include whatever ships you want (:
Yes! I love Percy Jackson and have for pretty much the past 10 years since I got into reading the books in middle school. It’s always held a soft spot in my heart as one of my favorite universes and I’m always open to writing about it. Anyway, without further adieu, here’s this little beauty (slightly suggestive themes, but nothing smutty/explicit)
Speedos- Rated T
Percy Jackson never ever saw himself as someone that would be considered a jock, but that all changed when he got to college.
I never believed I would ever, in my life, be at the top of the food chain in school. Sure, I’ve beaten Titans, Gods, and saved the world a few times, but I still never expected this luck would translate into my “real” life in the mortal world. 
This all changed when I got to college in California. I managed to squeak into UCSF after being on the waiting list forever while my girlfriend got a full ride to Berkeley. I’m still not sure how I got into school at all let alone a school that’s 45 minutes away from Annabeth. In case my life decides to resume its regularly scheduled dose of trouble, we’re both pretty close to Camp Jupiter and I have my car on campus. 
But anyway, my heart leapt in my chest the way it does when I’m hungry and finally getting dinner when I realized that California was stereotypically full of swimmers. And my school had a pretty good swim team that made you popular. The popularity thing isn’t a big deal for me, since I know who my friends are and don’t really need too many people in my life that I have to lie to or anything, but it was nice not being treated like gum on the bottom of people’s shoes.
Of course I made the team. I can breathe underwater. Do you know how much of an advantage that gives me? Before you accuse me of being cocky or conceited, just remember that I have been given one real gift in this world and this is it. 
I do take a breath for show every lap, which is still super impressive to the mortal eye, but also let’s them know them I’m not a robot or anything. 
That wasn’t to say there weren’t some steep competition. Some of these swimmers made me question if whether or not my father broke his pact more than once in recent years. They’re all super skilled and clearly have put in the work since they were little. So, I actually need to try if I want to earn my place. 
Everyone is pretty cool with me, though. They’ve all tried to ask who my trainer is and my records (that I don’t have), and very few are really buying that I’m just a normal dude that loves to swim. They’ve stopped pestering me though.
Oh Gods, there is one downside to swim team and that’s the actual suit. It squishes everything (and I do mean everything) all together to be on full and compact show for everyone to see. It leaves very little to the imagination and resembled really ugly panties. 
I made a pretty big mistake of mentioning this to Annabeth one Friday night she was staying over in my dorm. My roommate actually ended up being a Gorgon, who I had to smite during orientation (boo!). So, I got my own room (yay!). 
“It can’t be that bad.” She called from outside the bathroom, though I could hear trying to stifle her amusement.
“I’m not coming out.”
“C’mon, Seaweed Brain. I’m going to have to see you in it tomorrow at the meet anyway and that’ll be in public.”
“Yeah, thanks for that.” I grumbled. 
Everyone is coming to my first meet tomorrow: Annabeth, Mom, Paul, Grover, Hazel, Piper, Leo, Jason, Frank, Nico, Tyson, and even Chiron. My old Latin teacher is about to see me in in tight, glorified tidy whities and a swim cap. 
“You’re never going to want to see me, let alone touch me, again after you see me in this thing.”
“I find that very hard to believe.” She said dryly. “I’ve seen you in a toga, remember?”
It took about 30 more minutes to convince me to come out and honestly, my growling stomach had a lot to do in the efforts. She played to my weaknesses and I was finally coaxed to exit the bathroom and likely embarrass myself in front of my girlfriend.
When the door flew open, she did the decent thing and looked at my face first, which I appreciated, but my face was likely the color of a firetruck, which made her eyes wander downwards. When she caught sight of the navy atrocity that left very little to the imagination, her eyes went wide like silver moons and a deep blush flushed to her cheeks and neck. 
She shifted awkwardly as she choked down a laugh. “That’s not… so bad.”
I felt like I was on fire and couldn’t meet her gaze. “You better just be laughing at the swimsuit.”
This time, her eyebrows shot to her hairline before she threw her head back and actually laughed. 
I immediately turned on my heels, determined to swim in a full wetsuit tomorrow. I even considered wearing one under all of my clothes until Annabeth used her quick reflexes to grab my hand before I could go.
“I’m not laughing at you.”
“You could have fooled me.”
She pulled me close so our chests were pressed against each other. I could feel my skin getting hot for a whole different reason. She stopped laughing, but her eyes still sparkled with merriment. 
“It’s a bad suit, but everyone looks funny in them.”
I couldn’t find it in me to be annoyed with her while she was very pressed against me and her hands stroked over my shoulders approvingly. She cupped my face and brought my head down in a slow kiss.
“It makes your butt look good though.” She said in between the kisses she layered down my jaw. I stood paralyzed like a big dumb dope, because I’m so gone for her.
“Everyone’s going to laugh at me.” Though this was becoming less of a worry or fear as she worked her way down my neck.
“You’re full of encouraging words.”
She chuckled against my skin and I swear all of the blood left my head.
“In my defense, I’m trying to stop talking.”
I quirked an eyebrow at her in disbelief. I was still adjusting to this aspect of our relationship, which was still relatively new to us. In baseball terms, our senior year of high school brought us around the bases whenever we were alone together for too long, lingering quite a bit at second and third. This summer at camp had officially taken us to home plate. It still amazed me every time that she liked me this way.
“Really? But it’s a hideous suit.”
“Yeah.” She stood on her toes and wrapped her arms around my neck. “You should take it off.”
And that was how I’d come to terms with the worst part of swimming. Everyone did laugh at me. A lot. But, I rewarded them all with a “spontaneous splash” when I dove into the water. Everyone that didn’t already know was wondering how I managed to do that with a regular dive. 
“He did that on purpose.” Grumbled Jason. 
“Why wouldn’t he? I’d be embarrassed to wear that too.” Frank said emphatically.
“It’s not that bad.” Annabeth tried.
“Oh yeah?” Leo asked. “What’s that on your neck?”
I could feel her glare from across the gym and tried my best not to laugh. 
I got over the judgment when I took first in my 500 IM. I swear I’ve never heard my mom cheer so loud in her life. Then again, I never gave her much reason to growing up since I sucked at all other sports and never exactly made scholastic decathlons. Grover accidentally bleated a few times, but the others were kind enough to try and cover it with whistles and whoops. 
“Yeah Percy!” Piper cheered as they all stood to their feet.
“Leave it to the son of the sea God to win a swimming race.” Jason smirked. 
“I think you’re just jealous that Quidditch isn’t a thing so you don’t get an advantage.” Teased Nico.
“Quidditch actually is a thing.” Annabeth said. “You just don’t fly.”
Hazel struggled to see. “Frank, I told you not to sit in front of me!”
“Sorry…” He said awkwardly.
“Does he get a medal?” Leo asked.
“Do you think he’ll let me eat the medal?” Grover tried.
“No way!” Sally nudged him. “I’m hanging that up in my house forever.”
I grinned as I reached over the lanes to shake hands with the other swimmers beside me. I ripped off my cap and shook my shaggy black hair. I was getting used to actually being wet unlike when I went swimming at camp or on adventures.
I slipped on a pair of trunks over my speedo like most of the other guys do (except some who are strangely proud) before making my way over to the stands. Grover clapped my back and Annabeth leaned over the rails to kiss me before complaining that I tasted like chlorine. My mom ruffled my hair while Paul winked at me in pride.
My teammates were excited too and lifted me on their shoulders since we won the meet. They dumped me in the water, of course, but that was hardly a punishment.
I loved college.
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princesshumayrah786 · 4 years ago
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Rachel and Emily were the daughters of  Amanda they had lost their father in a tremendous accident.  Due to his death, they went from the middle class to broke.  He died 7 months ago. (and Amanda is expecting)
The girls wore broken socks and shoes. 
Their mother worked hard to let her beautiful daughters have something to eat at least twice a day. Even if she had to sacrifice or pretend that she had eaten already, but they never knew that she went. For days without food. 
Rachel is 7 and Emily  11 David unborn 
They have been bonding since their father passed on. 
For Amanda it was not the same although her daughters were in the same boat she had lost year's of spending her life with her beloved and now he has left her forever. 
Rachel and Emily we're jolly and very delightful girls. They attended a girls school for under privilege kids. 
One fine morning. 
They received a letter from their wealthy grand father & grand mother.
An aunt uncle and a two cousins. 
The letter was written neatly. 
Amanda read the letter to her beloved little angels. 
Amanda: alright have a seat girls I will read the letter any moment now. 
Rachel: I am so excited, I hope grandad misses us so much. 
Emily: well he will miss me the most in his favourite. 
Amanda: hush, he loves both equally. 
Let me read the story now. 
Amanda clearing her voice and she started reading 
Amanda: To Amanda Sullivan
I hope you are good by the grace of God. 
We would like to extend a hand and would be so thrilled having the girls residing with us, that is only if you are willing to send them. We have botwellearched for something in your criteria and hope that you would like working at the bakery. Down the road. And we would arrange our guest house for you, the girls can reside in the main mansion with us. 
Schooling is our main emphasis we don't want the girls going down the pit,  hope you understand you have experienced that. So you would know. 
Hope to hear from you shortly. 
Grace & Richard Ozborne 
Keep well. 
Goodbye. Until next time.
Amanda gave a great sigh. 
Rachel: mom would you be so such mother to send us away from you? 
Emily: well if it will benefit us in the future sure mom will send us away. 
Amanda: I haven't said a anything yet. 
And they want me there as well. 
I have to think about everything, before we make a decision.  Said Amanda. 
Very angry. 
Emily and Rachel then had a meeting one their own about their grandparents. 
In the mean while. 
Rachel : i would  love visiting but I will never go and live with them. No will do. .
Emily: well since I'm more intelligent than you , and granddad has always been my favourite person in the world. We both love nature and photography. 
Rachel: stop praising yourself. You building pride the exact same way as grandmother. 
Amanda was restless that night she dreamt. Her dead husband. Telling her to move to his parents. 
To her, The  dreams felt real. 
The next morning she packed all their belongings. One suitcase for each. 
Rachel: I don't believe this.mother!!! 
Amanda : yes daughter what's the matter? 
Emily: your daughter doesn't want to leave her hometown. She wants to live in poverty all her life. 
Rachel: how dare you? 
I havent said anything as such.
I will never go against my mothers words. You know that very well. 
Amanda : silence I am taking a big step. There's no turning back now. One's I have made up my mind I'm staying there. 
Emily: Good choice mum. 
Rachel just gave a big sigh. And said. 
Rachel: well. I am not going to fight with anyone about this. It is final when mother decides something we will do as she said. 
Arrival at the Mansion.
Rachel: This is really beautiful, but weird. 
Emily: stop being so negative we are definitely going to enjoy it here. 
Grandfather: Good morning  . my grand daughters. I am glad you have decided to come and live with me. 
Grandmother. Well well well. . come on now Amanda take in you're luggage. 
Richard:  Good morning Amanda I am glad you came back. I have been waiting for  you and the kids for so long. 
Amanda: Do not tire yourself Father, we are here to live with you. I hope we haven't cause you any inconvenience?
Richard: Never! I love having the kids around. 
Grace: Amanda let me show you,  their rooms, and yours. 
Amanda had a tear flowing from her rosy cheeks.  She had just seen her late husbands brother. He was the split image of his brother. 
Then Sam made it towards her and whispered in her ear. 
Sam: My wife ain't happy to see you but I have no objection I love the girls. And I am pleased to have you all with us. 
Nathaniel: oh my word. Look who the car dragged in. Wait until my sister sees this. 
Sam: Nathaniel!. That's no way to speak to your cousins.  Go to the study  room and complete your task. 
Nathaniel: ugh. Yes father I am going. 
Hazel: Hi there cousins. My word I can't believe you both so grown. 
Emily: excuse me. We're the exact same age. Don't tell me you think you're older. 
Rachel: Emily! Come on let's go to our room. 
Hazel hated Emily. And Rachel they were really beautiful just like their mother. 
No wonder their father were so head over hills, his daughters were really earth angels. 
Richard: Emily. How's your education? 
Emily: Grandad we Havent been in school since dad had passed on.
 Amanda didn't want Emily uttering anything about their finances. So she interrupted them.
Amanda: Emily come on now,  help me with the kitchen.  
Emily: yes ma'am. 
Grace:Amanda! My word no my granddaughter will not be placing a hand or a fingernail in the kitchen, this is why I have assigned maids. Come on Emily let me show you your modern cabinet. 
Sam: Amanda come on and have some tea with me and my wife on the deck. I'm sure you in need of  a break. 
Emily : grandmother I love the wardrobe it's so fashionable. 
Grace: I guess I did good. Didn't I?
Emily: grandmother did well. You're the best. 
Emily didn't know how to ask about her mothers side of the family. Her grandmother knew she had something on her mind.
Emily: grandmother could I perhaps ask ma'am a  question?
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