#these two give me extreme brain rot i literally can NOT infodump abt them even if it's joke-y
arcenergy · 5 years
👀 describe arcetri thru alistiars pov
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god i mean i wanna say that alistair’s view of arcetri is definitely deeper than funny and sexy unhinged lady who gives him brain rot but it’s very close to that EHASG*SHD*GHSDISD
no no but alistair Does love arcetri very very much and it makes me weep if i think too hard about it and i will get very emotional if i make this not joke-y so i will try to find the thin line in the middle of “the embarassing amount of emotional depth i put into their relationship but it physically pains me to think about it for too long” vs “hehe arcetri pegged him” 
i think even from the very beginning when alistair first met arcetri it was very obvious that arcetri had Issues but like we all do so he was like ok queen werk but even tho the two of them had a lot of shit thrown at them during the blight and the two of them still managed to maintain a sense of lightness and sarcasm just to kinda Cope with it all but it was definitely a relief for him i think to actually find someone who was goin thru it but still just kinda be There and to have someone he actually could relate to and maybe talk to if push came to shove bc arcetri was rly sympathetic towards him after duncans death and i think that kinda made him kinda cozy up next to her bc she is genuinely a kind and compassionate person but she just got fucked over by Everything so it’s covered up by paranoia and got mucked around by like . trauma. 
but also i think he just also really ended up really Caring for her thru it all bc of their shitty situations but also how arcetri reacted to it in a pretty isolationist way n alistair wanted to repay the kindness shown to him by arcetri and i think it just kept on going until they were both in Love and to alistair i think arcetri is just an example of someone who got dealt a shitty hand but still manages to be incredibly lovable and be (for the most part) a good person. he also knows that arcetri looks at him in a similar light and i think he just really wants to move on from everything that was the blight and just kinda like . start over if it’s even rly possible anymore but he wants to at least try w arcetri bc she was there for him when everything was Awful and he thinks that they both deserve something better so they might as well like…try to make things work 
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