#theres a lot of reasons why sylvain is the favorite that i won't go into
yellowocaballero · 5 months
i’ve typed and re-typed this paragraph in my head several times but. just. i am at a complete loss with how i should say anything. your writing is compelling and genuinely cried (when i thought i’d never relearn crying again). on a slightly more articulate note - i love your sylvain. so principled to the end. kudos in the truest sense of the word.
Thank you so much this is so extremely sweet!! ;-; The story really hit at some personal topics for me too...everything I write does, but in a few chapters it'll be most obvious.
Having feelings really is the worst thing in the world. I'm the type of person who's tried many times in in the past to carve out my heart. You have to be a little jealous of Byleth - of her own little world where nothing hurts, where sadness and pain and loneliness cannot penetrate. She can't love, but she can't feel the pain of a broken heart. There's far more pain than joy in the world, so it really seems like she has the better end of the deal. But I think the only way to survive is to be saved, and you have to save others before you can be saved yourself. And in order to save others you have to live in everybody else's world too, where pain and heartbreak is inevitable. It's like forcing yourself to place a hand on a hot stove, and to do it again and again no matter how often it hurts, but doing otherwise means you aren't living at all. You're not saving yourself or anybody else. We only have one life, and I'd rather live it.
Byleth's a fictional character. She can live 20 years without emotions, but we can't. Any attempt to carve out your heart will ultimately be unsuccessful, because we'll always reach back out to touch that stove again. So long as there's a billion assholes out there like me making very small and stupid little attempts to save people, I think we can't lose the ability to cry - I mean, you reached back, didn't you?
UM I HAVE A LOT TO SAY ABOUT SYLAIN BUT THIS POST IS ALREADY STUPID...I don't make it obvious but Sylvain is low-key my favorite character, up there with Felix. Like Felix, he does bad things for self-centered reasons. All I'll say right here is that Sylvain is the only one of the childhood friends who fully understands that Dimitri is a prince, and that as a big brother figure he is caught in a bad crossroads of protecting Dimitri and protecting others from Dimitri. Thanks for reading!!
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