#there's spaleb and sparco (?) scenes
spencerjills · 7 years
i wanna say I'm surprised we got no spoby deleted scenes or bloopers...
but you know what, I'm not :-) used to being treated like crap by the producers!!
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mayasdeluca · 7 years
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These writers truly believe that we should be satisfied with Spoby’s ending. That just because Toby was able to choose the real Spencer from Alex and that Spencer recited poetry to him in French, that completely makes up for the fact that we didn’t get to see Spoby as a couple on screen. We didn’t get a kiss or hug, we got the girls talking about it for 30 seconds at the end. 
At first I wanted Marlene to acknowledge Spoby fans after she screwed us and Spoby over but now? I just feel even more aggravated. How can she seriously think that their ending is fair compared to what she gave the other couples? And to say it would have been rushed? YOU are the one who controls when they reunite!!!! They didn’t HAVE to use Spencer’s twin to trick Spencer. They could’ve done this reveal and twin theory if they so badly wanted to WITHOUT ruining Spoby and getting Toby involved. He could’ve caught on that there was a twin around that wasn’t the real Spencer without him getting fucking raped by deception twice first. 
We didn’t get one damn scene of them as a couple in the time jump but we had to sit through 10 episodes of Spaleb when I can count the people who wanted that on one hand. And not only that, we had to deal with Spencer and Marco afterwards which was literally useless and took up screentime that could’ve been used for Toby and to progress Spoby. The fact that Spaleb and Sparco both had more screentime in season 7 than Spoby is just sad. That Marco, a useless as hell character was in more episodes than Toby, a character that has been there since the start, in season seven. And also, as much as I liked Yvonne and found her death completely unnecessary, why bother with that relationship? Why did they feel the need to give Toby a love interest when they couldn’t even give us anything they gave them for Spoby, a ship that’s been developed since season one? They put him in four fucking episodes per half season and THATS when they decide to give him a love interest instead of building up to romantic Spoby again?
And the sad part is, all of Spoby’s scenes in the finale WERE cute. They were them. We got that nostalgia feel of how they were in the earlier seasons, we could see they still loved each other and wanted to be together. But why couldn’t that happen ten episodes ago? They deserved to be in the same position as the rest of the couples, ready for an engagement or a wedding or a child by the end of the series. The fact that these writers don’t see that is beyond frustrating and I feel more angry than I was two weeks ago. 
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buskuta · 7 years
Wowoowowowwowwow… I was clearing my notes and I found this LONGASS rant that I made about Spoby probably like a month ago. If you don’t like long rants about Spoby don’t read this:
(Rant) people in the fandom are so freakinf ungrateful when it comes to their ships because Ezria was the first couple to get back and they got a nice proposal and a wedding, Haleb eloped and Hanna’s pregnant, Emison is engaged and have twins, but Spoby? A dead wife and a scrabble game! That’s all we got. Oh, let’s not forget that Toby had sex with Alex (thinking it was Spencer) multiple times when that time along with Spaleb and Sparco could have been used for Spoby. Let’s go back to time jump, shall we? It was uncharacteristic for Spoby to break up in the first place for reasons that could have been solved very simply. Then they drag in Yvonne for extra drama. The writers keep Spoby in our faces for 2 and a half years and they never got together. Because Marlene kept putting their storyline off and blowing off chances for their ship to progress and when she realized they had less than 10 episodes to bring them back together she killed off Yvonne who 1 was a sweetie and didn’t deserve it and 2 made it look like Spencer was Toby’s second choice, hurt Toby, and it was lazy writing it total. No, it was lazy writing from the start. Since 6B which was YEARS ago. All thanks to our good friend I Marlene King.
So instead of giving them a wonderful storyline like the rest of the ships and the “number 1 spoby fan” as she says she is, what does she do? Give spencer irrelevant boyfriends such as scumbag Caleb and dumbass Marco. Advance Yvonne and Toby’s relationship instead of the ‘endgame’ one - oops, it wasn’t endgame b - and kills Yvonne off because she realized she screwed up. So that’s, what, a season of wasted screen time that could have been used for Spoby? And we can’t forget the Alex fiasco, which we will get back to in a bit.
Caleb didn’t deserve Spencer. Their storyline was irrelevant and he never made up for the fact that he cheated on Spencer. And Hanna seems to be okay with that. Then Hanna trashes Spencer for a while like it’s her fault. Hanna gave Spencer permission to date Caleb, so I don’t know what’s up with her. But we’re getting off topic here. They still had time for Spoby, but blew it with Sparco. Which was even more irrelevant. Anyways, take a look at Alex Drake. So. By the time she rolled around, it was nearing the end and Spoby still wasn’t happening. But if Marlene played right, she could have at least had Spoby in a relationship in the last 5 episodes. But instead she makes Alex falls in love with Toby? Why? What was the point of that? You just wasted the last episodes on HER? Alex and Toby’s sex scene was sexiest in my opinion. Too bad it was Spencer. Let’s take another look at this. Alex made Toby think she was Spencer to have sex with him. Alex knew he wouldn’t have had sex with her if he knew she wasn’t Spencer… so she raped him, technically. Marlene made her rape Toby and didn’t address it. She romanticized it. How sick is that?
But this isn’t the first time. Oh no. Jenna raped Toby multiple times. It was never addressed as wrong. It makes me want to sick. It’s not only with Toby. Ezra has raped Aria. He was her student, and even though Aria consented, he was writing a book then. Do you think Aria would have had sex with him if he said “hey. I’m writing a book about your dead friend and I’ve hooked up cams all around town to watch you and your friends. Wanna make out?” Probably not. He was using her anyways. Anyways, back to Toby. Can we talk at how much Marlene has treated him? His mom died, he was raped by his step sister and nobody would believe him. Alison blackmailed him into taking the blame for Jenna’s blindness because Alison knew how “close they were”. He was sent to Juvie for a year. When he came back nobody cared about him. He was accused for the murder of Alison. Then he gets raped again. Dear god.
I remember sending this to my friend who just sent back a K
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Spoby rant (If you don't want to read it,then don't because I don't want to hear it)
Ok I'm going to rant about spoby because someone needs to. It's unfair that Spoby fans got like nothing in the finale/last season. Half of what we did have was taken away because "oh it was Alex" we didn't even get a final scene after Alex was hauled away. I'm not saying they had to get married or have Toby propose I'm talking we didn't even get a fucking hug or anything at the end. Yeah one of the girls was like "Toby's gonna keep crawling into your sheets" or some shit like that but seriously? It's such a fuck you to the fans. A lot of people stuck around for the ships (me being one of them) if it wasn't for Spoby I probably would have quit watching like 2 seasons ago. I know I'm not alone in that. We sat through Spaleb and Sparco, we had to watch Toby marry Yvonne, then you killed her off because if it wasn't obvious enough before the finale you're a horrible fucking writer. Then you take back the 7x10 kiss saying it was Alex, the 7x18 sex scene and the 7x20 sex scene. We didn't need to see Alex raping Toby twice(we really didn't need it at all but I digress.) Also I'd like to say 95% of us are probably not the 12 year old trolls from twitter that sent death threats, or harassed Troian about Spaleb or whatever "spoby fans" did that pissed you off so bad you had to write this shitty ass ending for them but whatever. Meanwhile Emison, Haleb, and Ezria (who I'm sure also had their own evil trolls)not only got happy endings (they got ridiculously happy endings.) I'm not going to say that I hope you never work again because that would be mean. I hope you get a job writing Lifetime movies because that I think you may be able to handle.
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Rewatching 6x14, I can't help but notice how much emphasis was put on Detective Furey's watch. In the first Sparco scene, Spencer accidentally knocks it off her nightstand when she goes to answer her phone. Later on in the episode -- without any build up -- Spencer and Hanna are literally on the bedroom floor looking for it under Spencer's bed. It's in this scene that Hanna asks a very pointed question about Spencer's dating life, essentially asking her the same question that Marco would later raise about Spencer conveniently getting involved with a cop. I definitely think it all served to foreshadow the significance of Spencer's watch but what if there's something more to it? Something we're all missing..? I mean, her reasoning for sleeping with Marco felt so odd. She was 'upset' about the situation with Toby and Yvonne... so she decided to get it on with one of Toby's colleagues after one day date? After her wound reopened during a game of ping pong, Caleb had just got sent to the hospital, Yvonne died, and Toby had collapsed into her arms -- somehow it's made out to look totally normal that she ended her day with sex? And then you have all of the weird text messages that Spencer has received, some shown to the audience and others hidden. We have a sweet scene between Spaleb that shows a level of understanding and mutual respect in one moment and then blatant awkward tension displayed in another. And what are we supposed to make of the fact that from 6x11-6x14, Spencer is seen wearing her signature black leather watch until it's replaced entirely by an Apple Watch from 6x15 onward to parts of 7A? Additionally, it's Spencer that reads aloud the text sent by -A in 6x14, "I don't lurk in the shadows, I hide in plain sight". It's also Spencer that reads aloud a part of -A's message to Hanna in the beginning of 7x20 that says something along the lines of "this is between you and me", in reference to the staged confession of Charlottes killer.
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smoakqueenfam · 7 years
Thoughts on 7x11
Went back and re-watched 7x11 and took some notes. This episode wasn’t all it was hyped up to be in my opinion. Still good, but I feel like since there are only nine episodes left, there needed to be serious answers in all ten episodes. Sure we for confirmation about Mary being Spencer’s mom/Peter being her dad, Toby being alive, Ali really being pregnant, etc. I just wanted the episode’s intensity level to be where it was at the end of 7x10. Oh well, onto 7x12!
• Spencer was on the verge of dying, but now her arm is just in a sling? Cool. • Toby is alive! Yay! Really thought he would have been in the medically induced coma, not Yvonne. I thought she would have been dead already. • Still ridiculously mad at Ezra. • My babies are still perfect. Caleb pushing Hanna to follow her dreams is everything. • Of course Paige and Emily both got hired. • I find it hilarious that Emily is surprised EVERY single time Ali shows her disdain for Paige. You know home girls hate each other, Em! • I really don’t know how I feel about this game AD is making them play. • Hanna’s advice to Aria about keeping the wedding plans is not her best. • Ali’s bitchiness is so annoying, omg. • “Too bad about Noel…well no, not really.” Mona. My second spirit animal. • Mona and Hanna’s friendship is one of my faves on this show. I love it. • “Do you trust me?” “Sometimes..” I love everything about this scene. • I REALLY wish they had made Sparco a thing instead of Spaleb. Their chemistry is fire. • Surprise! Jenna didn’t actually shoot you, Spence. • Holden! I was wondering how they were going to work him into the storyline. Interesting. • “Is this a conflict..?” “No conflict here! Scouts honor.” Well May, you’re about to find out how much of a conflict it really is. • Aria not being able to answer any of Holden’s questions about the wedding is red flag numero uno that she should not be going ahead with planning this wedding. • Cue the tears. This Spencer/Veronica scene is too much. • “Alison’s husband wasn’t a real doctor, turns out he was a crook and took all of her money, Noel Kahn kidnapped Hanna, she got away, Noel Kahn is now dead, Jenna Marshall shot me, probably, Toby and Yvonne were in a car crash…do you want a glass of wine?” This made me laugh way harder than it was intended to. 😂😂 • Veronica is so scared that she is going to lose Spencer. It’s so evident in this first scene. • “There she was at the door like any neighbor. Come to borrow a lawn mower. Or a husband.” Oh, Veronica. Good one. • Peter Hastings. Original fuck boy of Rosewood. • This scene absolutely breaks my heart for Spencer. Literally crying with her as Veronica tells her this story. • That baby is at least 6 months old. There’s no way she’s a newborn. • Oh hey, Ezra. Thanks for reminding me that I’m Team Jason. • “Who’s Nicole?” Exactly, Holden. Exactly. • Not. Enough. Haleb. In. This. Episode. 😭 • This Emily/Paige/Alison bickering scene is just ridiculous. • Do they have to charge that cell phone that comes with the game or? Asking for a friend. • This Spoby hospital scene has me all in my feels. The looks. The hug. The conversation. Everything. Troian and Keegan’s chemistry is fire too. • “You should try putting on your glasses, old man.” Oh. My. God. Perfection. • I feel for Ali. I really do. But her cattiness needs to cease. • “Please don’t kiss me again. Not until you know.” Tell her, Em! Makes me wonder if Emison really is endgame. • Hanna’s sass is everything. Just in case y'all forgot. • “I was excited that we could finally be able to work together! Other than you know, kidnapping my ex-boyfriend?” Mona. Your one liners kill me. 😂 • The one thing about this game that has me intrigued is the puzzle pieces. Are they going to spell out who AD is or…? • This letter to Spencer from Mary isn’t very heartfelt. Not really feeling it. • I’m shocked that Veronica didn’t read the letter. She had ample opportunity. • “Ever notice how she’s always the victim? Always needing to be rescued? Some people make it a habit of being rescued. Just like some other people make it a habit of jumping in after them.” YES, PAIGE! PREACH GIRL! • Emily’s confusion about Spencer’s mothers is hysterical. And how we’re all feeling at this point in time. • I really wish Hanna would have stabbed that game. I have a feeling it would have been juicer than what is going to happen the next couple episodes. • Jenna, AD can keep you.
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