#there's ridiculous posts about Calypso and Circe yes. but that's already something that he's gone through. can't exactly undo it.
dootznbootz · 2 days
Odysseus is already a SA/rape survivor twice over. WHY are people compelled to make him have to go through it again with a different immortal? WHY are people making coercion a JOKE? Something to LAUGH at. The guy who cried every day as a "unwilling lover beside lover all too willing" and was already coerced once before in order to save his friends is clearly a "slut" who would LOVE to do this again, right?
Do people laugh at other characters who have to go through this too? Why is it “funny” when it's Odysseus? Because he's a guy? Because it's a male god who's making him do this therefore it's “funny”?
Is it because it was Goddesses who hurt him in the first place? Therefore not seen as "valid abuse"?
Or is it because since the Goddesses were "bad", a God doing it will be "better"?
If Odysseus would not have done this (which yeah he wouldn't have of his own choice) if it weren't to save his men then it's coercion.
I don't like that this stuff is almost taken to be “lighthearted”.
You could say it's because "It's AU Odysseus who would "want" to do this" which sure...but please look into WHY it's "funny" to portray the victim of SA as a "Manwhore"? or why you're portraying him that way in the first place. What about Odysseus makes him a "manwhore" specifically?
(can there at least be a specific tag for this whole "Zeus makes Odysseus have sex with him in order to save his men AU" for folks who want to block it? ;~; Don't take this to heart too much but just...please look into WHY it's funny.)
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