#there's people targeting vulnerable groups like the Hindus and indigenous. but there's a lot of people working hard to protect them too
gh0s1y · 2 months
so bangladesh's policing system is broken and by broken i mean the public set fire to a few police stations on the day hasina fled and no cops have come to work since. literally all of them are in hiding. basically the students amd neighborhood youth have stepped up to control traffic and set up nightly watches to get rid of robbers and protect minority religious institutions etc. which. mixed feelings. first of all it's great to see that a police free society is possible. we're literally doing it right now!! but at the same time, there's no accountability anywhere to be seen. like. people have been keeping eachother in check for the most part. but "robbers" have rights to and thats almost totally forfeit. most of the times, rhe stolen goods are returned, and robbers publicly humiliated is all. i cant say im against this because these robbers are most of the time backed by bnp or jamat, so they're let go. but there is no due process. what I want to say is basically i can totally see a system without cops is possible, but a system is also necessary. the interrim government doesn't have any plans to abolish cops tho and the cops will probably return eventually. but someday. hopefully. someday a police-less society will be possible
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