#there's others I know have rp'd this stuff in the past
isei-silva · 11 months
As I am replaying Deyaenus and re-exploring his character through RP, I noticed the difference in how I RP'd him in the past, versus how I play him now - especially in regards to his confidence. His lack thereof before, to today's abundance. Back in the day, Deyaenus was far more ill-tempered, anxious, and depressed; a reflection of myself. We often say and try not to bleed over into our characters, but these figments of our imaginations are our brain-puppets, and as ours as can be are inevitably reflected by the thoughts, emotions, and constitution of their birth place.
Once my exterior environment changed and bettered, so did I. And, by extension, so did Deyaenus. This reflected itself in RP through a burst of confidence and tempered demeanor from the character that was a pleasant surprise.
Mind you, the meat and potatoes of the character has not changed: opinionated, stubborn in some archaic beliefs, and faction biased. You know, the good stuff that people dislike him for. And that's fine! I enjoy being the "in-the-wrong" character if it helps push other people's RPs and character development. Both those things can only really move forward with conflict.
"It's me hi, I'm the problem, it's me~"
It's just funny how I remember Deyaenus, as a Holy Priest, desperately clinging to the doctrines of the Church, the Light, and stomping his foot about being right in it all, when he was at his emotional lowest because being part of something greater and as non-negotionable as The Light made him feel just as indomitable. He could hide behind the white robes, and the verses and preaching, behind prayer, behind dogmatic virtues of beliefs carved by mortals, because it made him feel good. He wanted to be a preacher for the immediate idolation he would get, for the attention, the praise, bask in the benefit of devotion, from the lack of receiving the same in his home life. Of course he never recognized this himself, and he DOES truly, honestly believe in the goodness that the Church has extended and wants to be part of that, but with that little sidenote of "and I will get everyone's love and respect because of it too".
Now, as a Shadow Priest, stuck with a parasitc infant (not so?) Old God and dealing with it through the adventures, trials, and shenanigans thereof, he is both at his loneliest (no guild, friends moved on, on-and-off romance(?)) and, at the same time, his most confident. I've been personally headcannoning and RP'ing that the void parasite - named Junior - managed to anchor itself to the physical realm by feeding on Deyaenus' depression and poor emotional state. He doesn't know it, recognize it, or think about it, under the misguided belief that this is just normal and every shadow priest has a little bugger like his. It's not like the parasite has 'eaten' or removed or replaced Deyaenus' depression. It's, much like in Real Life, you can eventually learn to positively live with it! I still have the same poor thoughts, fears, and insecurities as before, when I first roleplayed Deyaenus and these were more evident both in RP and in myself, but over time I've grown to nurture myself, build myself up, and find confidence inwardly.
Nowadays, I like thinking that while Junior is the symbolic, physical manifestation of depression (how similar are those corruptive "your friends hate you" whispers in-game to actual depressive thoughts?), Deyaenus has learned to depend on himself and keep positive momentum regardless. Junior works for him. Deyaenus can't afford to wallow in these poorly thoughts, even though he won't ever get rid of them. And if ever he did end up overpowered by those thoughts, THAT'S when corruption would kick in at its strongest. THAT'S when depression eats you alive IRL too.
Deyaenus cannot ever get rid of depression, mental illness, what-have-yous, but what he has done is recognize it ("I guess this weird worm is part of me"), take responsibility for it ("The actions of this weird worm and the powers thereof are what I make of them"), and move forward with it ("Weird worm is coming with me whether I like it or not"). And he's that much better for it.
Not perfect, but better.
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patchdotexe · 1 year
ok i really quickly need to sidebar to talk about the KGs and Ninten because i talked a little bit about them around when i wrote the First masterpost and it's still so so funny to me bc the more i dig up about the different KGs the sillier it gets
bc like . okay. in the rp group that prime/ellis/self/heart/ride system originated in, my best friend at the time rp'd Ninten and i thought he was The Coolest.
so the Very First Appearance Of A KG happens, which is The Origins Of Ellis where the setting is, like, the Real World but then an alien apocalypse happens so everybody bands together and has to survive, and it crossed over with the wider rp continuity because the guy behind the invasion was a reoccurring character... who was friends with Ninten! and had gone evil! so Ninten showed up. and.. okay i need to . directly copy-paste The First Instance Of Ninten Showing Up from the fic version i wrote because:
The black-haired boy nodded. His striped shirt and neckerchief had given him away instantly. What was he doing here? Katie had a vague memory of the psychic getting arrested. He'd been acting oddly when it happened.
Ninten showing up is never explained in the fic. he's just.. there. and Ellis knows him. which knocked me out when i was re-reading the fic earlier this week
and then like, in the noncanon stuff, it was everybody's OCs and any canon characters they rp'd put in the same building and let wild, and that included Ninten and later-established-as-Prime KG! and also Ninten's son from the future, Artemis. and they heckled each other a lot and it was fun. Prime did a lot of heckling people. it's kind of their job. i still write Prime sometimes and their job is still Heckling People For Fun
(so like, in the current Explanation for why KG is Like That, Prime knew Ninten from the Noncanon Zone and that's why Ellis would've recognized him. because shared memories. yea)
i am now grabbing Artemis with force. Artemis was also written by my best friend and he was, like, a Cool Guy that did dark magic and liked Castlevania and whatever. and Artemis ended up being part of the big Heartless battle with Sora and Heart and other ocs when we did the kingdom hearts crossover, and both of them lost their hearts so Artemis/Rasemtix was like. alright. i am grabbing Teixak and i'm gonna figure out how to shove her heart back into her because she's being cringe (rasemtix would've said it derogatory but i'm saying it affectionate). Artemis was ALSO part of the noncanon shenanigans so he ALSO knew Prime, although not... canonically. or well i guess he knew them but None Of The Events Happened except for when they did
(amount of KGs Artemis knows: 2.5, including teixak)
and now we get into when that friend got me into homestuck, and we all had self-insert ocs for a fan session, and then a big plot twist was that millennia in the future Artemis made himself immortal, gave himself god powers, and then also cloned himself. and one of those clones ended up being A KG.
(amount of KGs Artemis knows: 3.5, one of which is his daughter)
so when i was writing the most recent iteration of the masterpost i kinda just had to step back and start cracking up over, like, the Weird Friendship of Ninten and KG and how one of them is, like, related to him. and neither of them had any idea because kaotic wasn't part of the prime/ellis/self/heart/ride wombo combo at the time so i'm picturing it as, like, kaotic's minding her own business when she gets slammed with the full Shared Awareness of NINTEN IS MY GRANDPA????????
"why don't i have psychic powers :( this sucks"
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billyholztisch · 2 years
I recently took on a new story with a new writing partner just a month before the holidays. Since the holidays usually keeps myself and past partners busy, I won’t even bat an eye when the two of us are preoccupied. It’s obvious to me so I won’t say anything since it’s not a big deal after all. We all have lives outside of the hobby with all kinds of stuff going on. (Usually it’s a good way to get back into things too with a whole new perspective after the break!) Sadly, this new partner of mine must not have a lot going on since I came back home to 30+ messages from them. :’( Them being upset would be putting it lightly.
Let’s just say we aren’t going to continue our story and I’ll be going on a little hiatus for a little while from rping.
(Sorry for the story time vent! I hope you had a good holiday weekend!)
I am sorry to hear that. You must feel very hurt.
In this case it shows that the person you rp'd with can't be patient and can't control there emotions. It's not ok to get personal over a hobby. You don't live for there entertainment.
Hope you can forgett them and continue your life as always. You know... the past is the past. Live your life, don't be stuck in the past but learn from it.
I hope you find joy in rping again.
I had good holidays so far and I hope you also have a good time. Don't let yourself feel down by others.
If it gets to much go elsewere/block them and enjoy yourself.
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keyblade-nocturne · 5 years
Hey, hey. Super random question but can you suggest other funny kingdom hearts blogs to follow? love your blog, btw!
Glad you like it! I appreciate being labeled a funny kh blog. Unfortunately i’m still getting back into things and some of my old kh rp mutuals aren’t active anymore :(
But I’ll try to suggest a few other rp blogs that enjoy crack shenanigans! ((I assume that’s what you meant by funny blogs))
First thought is the Xigbar’s. @invertxgo @thefatalmarksman @askxigbar All know how to have fun with the character, but have different takes. It’s fun to watch them play off other characters.
There’s @xseeker and @dearlybelovedhearts who have fun interactions between Ansem and Xemnas. Toss the Ansem double @andallsoend into the mix for extra chaos.
@twilighttwin has been the main Roxas I’ve interacted with since the early days of my old blog. If there’s late night org crack on the dash you can expect them in it.
@lunsai is a fun Saix that isn’t afraid to do crack from time to time. They also write really long and detailed replies that I love to read.
@devoratrixlux (gula) and @eyesofparoxysm (master of masters) have hilarious crack and ic conversations. the current one is about an eldritch horror.
@spellweaverbladed is a nice Aqua that’s always stuck dealing with everyone elses nonsense.
@radiantmyde isn’t an rp blog, but makes a lot of crack posts. Quite a few include Demyx/Myde so you’d probably enjoy their content too.
There’s plenty of other great blogs I follow or watch from the sidelines. but not all of them rp crack threads. Usually more serious in character threads which are wonderful too! Just figured you were looking for the lighter stuff.
Please note: These are rp blogs so some of them might have rules about main blogs or non-kh blogs following them. I didn’t double check everyone’s rules before writing this. So if you’re a non-rp blog I would keep that in mind. But last I checked most don’t mind main blog following and watching the fun.
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heromanvasco · 7 years
☣ Have you ever rp'd with someone you knew for a fact was abusive but tried to give them a chance/to make up your own opinion on the roleplayer? Did they change or did you understand what people were talking about?
Taken from meme: [x] ||No longer accepting||
Warning: This will get long and I will be very mad as I recount this story. Sorry for me getting really riled up about it, but ughhhhhhhhh I just can't. I have to tell the full story to really get the point across.
OKAY SO LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT A PERSON. This person literallybecame the bane of my existence even though I didn't actually interact withthem in the truest sense.
Even though I wish for nothing more than for them to trip over arock and land on a pointy rock, I am still a bit grateful towards them. I'llget on that a lil later down the line.
Let's start with how I know them. As we may probably know, I'vestarted Tumblr rp'ing as an indie, with Haru Miura as my muse. A lot of theissues I have with tumblr rp'ing came about on her blog mainly. Ahahahathere were some hard times, but I stuck with it. I love Haru too much to justditch her, in other words. I'm a stubborn mule, what can I say?
Anyways, she's from the series: Katekyoushi Hitman Reborn! andthere are a lot of attractive male charas in the series. This fandom is justnotorious for the yaoi shipping. Like it's very hardcore. There are sometimeshetero ships too but not a lot of it.
Let's put it this way: I've been turned away many times with the'but my muse is gay' excuse. Like---- okay? Did I ask to get in their pants?No. Canonically, Haru is die-hard in love with 'Tsuna-san' so what now? Don'tuse that against me. B[
Again, lots of very attractive male charas... and these musesattracted a certain muse from the DNangel series. (yes the same one I mentionedin a different ask if you read that one) Daisuke has forever been ruined and Irefuse to even try to read the series because the situation just gave me somuch stress.
So the muse was set to a very young age, most probably the canonage. I forget if that meant he was 16 or younger. I don't know the series so Idon't know the age. Let me tell you, I have so many issues with the person. SO.MANY.
Where to start? There is the fact that even without eveninteracting with the muses to start, they'd instantly try to form relationswith them. Sending some suggestive memes or asks. You cannot just go to aGokudera and have Daisuke glomp him. It doesn't work that way? If you knowGokudera, you should know that he does NOT take kindly to people who act toofamiliar.
The mun could NOT understand for the life of her that mun=/=muse. They kept sending anons about why are they so mean? Be nice to that'Daisuke kid'. Um... no? How about you calm down a bit and actually try tointeract rather than jumping the gun? It was in their rules they wantCHEMISTRY. They want to take things slow and not jump the gun. You broke so manyof their rules. You kept sending in anon asks and even if they tried to talk toyou on im, you'd try to play all the pity cards.
I will NEVER EVER live down the fact that you told someone: I'mtaking medication because of you. It's because of you that I'm depressed so I'mtaking pills.
EXCUSE MOI!?!?!?!?!??!?? What is wrong withyou??????????????????? SHE ACTUALLY LEFT TUMBLR RP BECAUSE OF YOU. I LOST AFRIEND BECAUSE OF YOU. Then you have the gall to say that you never said it?I've seen the screenshots, don't mess with me.
I do NOT condone underaged things at all. Your muse is 16 andthere is no indication as to whether or not you (the mun) were underaged aswell. Of course people will be nervous about the way you kept trying to force18+ content on them. If you are underaged, that's illegal and that can makethings very complicated. People kept telling you they were uncomfortable withit, but all you'd say is: "Age is only a number!~"
Now, I can think of at least 5 muses that I know were heavilyaffected by this person. I know for a FACT that at least 2 left because of themand their constant harassment. A very close friend of mine had to constantlytoggle between enabling and disabling anon asks because they'd send so many.
We don't understand how much anger and stress this caused me. Ireally detest seeing my friends bothered. Having two of them leave the rp sceneforever makes me so angry. They didn't really ever rp with any female muses.Only one that I saw and she was a space sheep alien... I'd show proof but theblogs have long since been deleted---.
Now, it isn't to say that they only targeted KHR muses. Therewere others too from DBZ, Jack Frost, Pitch, a final fantasy character (who Ican't remember), and many... many more.
If you didn't reply to them quickly enough, they would get madat you in im. They'd try to guilt trip you into answering quicker by sayingthings like they felt hated, why don't you like them? Are you avoiding them?Things of that nature. I've seen things of that nature from various people Italked to. I talked to a lot of people about their experiences with this mun.
You could see their ooc posts talking about how they felt and itsounded like this person just had a lot of self-confidence and perhaps trustissues. I know how that is. I felt maybe they were just misunderstood orsomething. IDK. I felt they could be given a chance to talk if someone tried toapproach them slowly. (more on this later)
Though I would look around and see all kinds of interactionswith other characters. Muns getting the same kind of harassments. It was evenWORSE when any of these muses interacted with a certain muse from the KHRfandom. Apparently the muses were dating? idk. Either way, Daisuke washorrendously jealous and territorial.
If you so much as interacted with that KHR muse or had anythingremotely flirty in thread, an anon was sure to tell you to back off. They'dgrill you with questions about 'how do you feel about them?' 'are you datingthem?' things like that. It's annoying. I saw those messages so much. That KHRmuse is sort of a main character so it's hard to NOT interact with them if youare in the KHR fandom?
Like what do you want? Chill out, boo.
I've seen many friends of mine just being harassed by anonsbecause they interacted with them. Hilariously enough that other mun didnothing about it. Even if people asked them to talk to that person. Make themstop harassing people. She apparently doesn't like drama and that's fine--- butif you are the REASON because a lot of the drama because your friend refuses tochill--- That is quite literally your problem.
I do not believe you are being a good friend if you allow suchbehavior to continue. Even if she had a reason to acting that horribly topeople, you could always try to explain to people so they understand. Whenpeople understand, they may be more willing to forgive. The fact that she didabsolutely nothing did absolutely nothing to help either of their case. In theend many people tried to avoid both muns.
I played a female muse so it was fine for me to continueinteracting with them though. I never got hassled by them. I unfollowed thatKHR muse the moment I saw that she went along with doing 18+ stuff with thatunderage muse. I personally couldn't do it. It made me think of something in myown past and it made me feel horrible. I still interact with them, but I don'tfollow em.
So I saw their condescending attitude on many blogs. This onepitch in particular kept getting hounded over why they wouldn't be kind to Daisuke.(We realize this is PITCH, yes?) They were getting hounded by anons over whythey wouldn't give Daisuke (a kid) a chance. Like, it's illegal, that's why.
They weren't replying quickly enough to the threads they onlydid in ask format. The person was getting upset with how 'slow' they werebeing. They had time for 'other people' so why were you avoiding their threads?Why can't you reply already? Then it happened: "I'll give you one morechance to thread with me."
Yes, that is what was sent. I'm dead serious. I got sent thattoo so I mean, yeah.
Let's move away from other people and let's talk about ME. As Isaid, they don't interact with male muses. The only muse that I could possiblyplay as (and was super duper attractive) was Shugarl. I had a lot of caps in mycomputer because I like his face.
I sort of rp'ed as him 2 years prior to that but it didn'treally last as the only friend I interacted with left tumblr rp because ofdrama. So I shelved Shugarl and the Knights from the 'Legend of the Sun Knight'series. So I was like okay why not.
They do know of me from Haru's blog, so I had to make analterego mun. I named them Jay. This version acts like Neo when she's justtired and done with the world. I had to pretend to be a new person. Iinteracted with a close friend who was hassled by Daisuke a ton, and then Iinteracted with the KHR muse that Daisuke apparently is shipping with. That'show Daisuke took the bait and contacted me.
It didn't take long. I mean if you look at how attractiveShugarl is, wouldn't you also bite? lol
Anyways, I tried to talk to them, but unfortunately at the timeI was really sick. I was on a lot of medication because of my gastritis. It wasmost probably stress induced but also because of my diet? When I'm stressed, Icrave spicy food. If you know those super hot fire noodles... let's say I livedon that for a while lol. So yeah it got bad. Just drinking water had methrowing up everything in my stomach. I lost 15+ pounds in under a month.
It was bad. My one medication had a side effect of extremedrowsiness. Let me tell you, EXTREME was right. I was constantly just passingout. So I wasn't around much to talk or thread. Let's say that started gettingthem mad.
Why wasn't I responding? Did I hate them? Stop ignoring them. Ikept having to sorta apologize for being 'busy' aka I was super sick but Ididn't want to admit that. I'm stupid like that, okay?
So I kept asking them how they wanted to interact. I didn't knowa thing about their muse so I asked for their about page. Or even a rules page.They didn't have one. Too much work. Okay no, they had an about page but it wasliterally like their url, the name, age, and gender or something. A very simplebio.
They told me to read wiki to learn about the muse. Are youkidding me? No rules because why do they need one? Mistake number 1. They keptsaying they read rules of many blogs but we know they didn't. They keptbreaking them. It was in Jay's rules to not pester them too much about activitybecause he was a busy college student.
Did that stop them? Nope. //squint
Now let me tell you, even if I was sick, I still visited tumblrevery day. So making them wait for 3-5 hours was too long. I was going to begraduating and I had finals. YEAH, I'M BUSY. I was also super duper sick. Iwon't be online every waking moment, please. Did that stop them from getting somad at me about it? Nope.
I told them that I felt that they were guilt tripping me becausethey kept lamenting over how people don't want to interact with them. They keepgetting 'bullied' by people. I told them that I felt they were guilt trippingme at the moment. They kept saying that they weren't before they blocked me.Then a week passed and they talked to me like 'sorry I accidentally blockedyou!'
Sure. okay.
So I was like 'okay we can thread but I want to talk to youabout how I felt you were guilt tripping me.'
I'm not kidding. I got blocked by just that. Do you understandhow much my animosity spiked because of that? My blood was curdling I was somad.
So another like half a week passed and they say something alongthe lines of:
"I'll give you another chance, do you want to thread with meor not?"
"I already told you that I want to thread with you. Youkeep asking me this. This is the 5th time you asked me. How many times do Ihave to tell you yes? Do you not understand that I'm busy? I'm a collegestudent. I'm not always online. I also told you saying things like that isreally guilt trippy."
Insta-blocked. I was mad, so I went off so I can understand theblock.
After being blocked for the THIRD time, I soft-blocked them.They tried to follow me again and sent a message: hi! :) This time Iinsta-blocked them. Not about that life.
I love how they always started and talked with cat emojis. Bylove, I MEAN I HATE IT WITH A DIE HARD PASSION. It was like they cared fornothing that other people felt. It was their way or the high way. They couldn'tbother to learn to do anything for other people.
Don't get me started on the fact that they didn't tag anythingand they NEVER EVER CUT THREADS. NEVER. Do you know how hard it was for me tofind anything on that blog? One thread was over 100 notes long and it wasn'tcut. Let that sink in.
It was long.
I had them followed on Shugarl's first blog. Do you know what mydash looked like? It was one-liner 100+ note uncut thread HELL.
So in other words, I wanted to talk to them and be a friend.Someone that they could talk to. I tried to talk to them many times but theykept saying 'I'm feeling uncomfortable so I don't want to talk about thisanymore'.
Dude, one time all I said was: "I think you should tryputting up a rules page. A lot of people like seeing one."
"I feel uncomfortable so I want to talk about somethingelse."
.... wut. Like, WHAT? I was just... giving you advice? It wasthe start of our interactions too. I just-- what?
I kept asking them if they wanted me to write the starter andthey kept holding back like 'I want to talk it out first' because they didn'tknow my muse. So I explained to them and they kept asking stupid questions.
"So he's an angry human?" "I just told you he's a demon. Like, he’s a real demon." "Oh okay! :) So he's got special powers. He's got angelic powers?""No... I just told you he's a demon." "What powers does he have?" "He makes use of mathematical equations to summon blades and otherthings." "Oh okay."
5 mins later."Can you tell me more about his fire powers?" "... He doesn't have fire powers??? Are you even reading any of what I'msaying? You are the one who asked me to tell you about my muse. It's rude foryou to not be properly reading." "I don't feel comfortable anymore, so I'm going to go to bed. Bye! =^.^="
I legit felt like I got cancer from this person.
I'm so serious. I forever laugh how they tried to make mepromise to be nice to Daisuke.
"I can't promise that. Shugarl is a demon. He's not nice,but he can be nice towards kids sometimes. You need to make Daisukebehave."
"I can make him glomp him and have marshmallows!"
"He will literally kick Daisuke if you do that. I told youhe's not nice."
"He's such a meanie!"
"He's a literal demon."
It was like talking to a 5 year old.
So in the end, I tried to interact with them but they drove meso insane we didn't even get that far before I finally blocked them forever.
TLDR: I tried to give them a chance but I couldn't do it. Mypatience reached it's limit and I blocked them. This is the first and only rpblog I ever blocked to truly block them and not to softblock. All because ofthis person, the name 'Daisuke' makes me feel unjust rage, and I'll never everlook at DNangel the same way. I'll never even attempt to touch the serieseither.
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