#there's only so long she can resist his cute freckled face before she inevitably gives in
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sorry if I’m adding too much to your to-draw list 😔😔
🎅 + Yara!! -🍂

OC outfit ask meme: 🎅 ~ Festive/Holiday gathering (Christmas on the Moby Dick!) (and don't worry, I've had so much fun with these prompts!!)
ok so the story here is that I was looking for a silly Christmas sweater to force upon Yara for this prompt but then I came upon this and it gave me the STRONGEST Ace/Yara vibes EVER so I had to draw 'em both! (Rescuing Ace from his impending execution? No problem; Yara's on it as soon as she notices something's slightly off with his vivre card. Matching Christmas sweaters, however? Now that's going a little too far lmao it took him nearly a week to get her to agree to it)
Yara-enablers tag: @auxiliarydetective
#oc: bravada yara#my ocs#my art#asked and answered#chats with alvita#yara haaaaates christmas sweaters lmao she thinks they're tacky#she might not have been raised by mihawk but she is still a dracule and that means having Taste#unfortunately for her ace has the most effective puppy-dog eyes in existence#there's only so long she can resist his cute freckled face before she inevitably gives in#this is the first time i've drawn them together (and first time drawing ace) and it's for a dumb christmas meme LOL#ship: portada#i love these two so much#ace has golden retriever energy and yara has black cat energy and somehow it works
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The end of a long chapter
On mobile, so of course cannot 'read more' my apologies to my friends.
This is an arc ending for Elliarie where I finally make her retired and half her really be happy. She'll be around more often, just in casual clothes and ready to share war stories with any fool willing to talk to her.
@olliehaldstan and @nyura-shadowstep since you seem to like my writing so much.
The trek to Duskwood had been a long one. Not just for time, but emotionally. Every thought that crossed the graying woman’s mind was something along the lines of ‘Go home and forget it.’, ‘You aren’t worthy of their time any more.’.
‘You still get to see her when she comes to stormwind.’ She pushed on.
‘Don’t ruin that much.’ She resisted.
‘He never wants to see you again.’ Her heart ached as she walked further
‘Just go sit by his grave and wait for the inevitable.’ it shouted in her head.
‘Die with honor. Die with pride. Die on the battlefield like he did.’ Apart of her agreed with it. It was what she should have done. She’d been apart of this war for over thirty years. She should end it on the battlefield like her husband had. But she couldn’t do that. Not to her brother, not to his kids.
Apart of Elliarie’s mind looked at this cold, dark, ghostly forest as the beautiful and lush one it had once been. It still heard the birds that chirped in the healthy green trees and the many travelers who came here to look upon the legendarily beautiful part of Elwynn Forest. Another part looked at the forest and saw it for what it was, cold, dark desolate. It chilled her to try and recall what had happened. But she didn’t have to as soon as parts of the ruin of Darkshire started peeking through the overgrowth.
How in the world her brother thought it was safe to raise a family here, she could never understand. Had it still been the lovely forest and gorgeous town it once was, perhaps she could put it together. But it wasn’t. It was dangerous.
Stone rubble marked a place that had once been so incredibly important to her, the cross that once stood so tall acted more as a gravestone to the sacred place where she had learned to be a priest. It stood on the edge of town. It was a forgotten grave after thirty or so years, and honestly, it was fair. There was clearly no good in the light forsaken place. Otherwise it wouldn’t look the way it did. It broke Elliarie’s heart to look at it. But she hadn’t been there to stop it from happening, she shouldn't be there to grieve.
The ruins of the church marked the edge of town, beyond the fallen stones barely stood run-down wooden homes, likely crawling with termites. The stone pathway riddled with grass and cracks and all kinds of signals of wear. The Tavern looked lovely though. Perhaps because it was the only place that was commonly used by the people of Darkshire. For a moment Elliarie wondered if her brother was often there. But she knew Alois would never want to be like their father was. Not to his children.
The streets were nearly empty, not even lurkers looking to steal and ‘bargain’ walked the paths. Only the occasional under-dressed guard from the Night Watch passed through, casting skeptical, untrusting glares towards the old woman. It chilled Elliarie to her core, how these people could change so much. But the last time she had been here, felt like forever ago.
Across from the Tavern was a small place. A home with light smoke erupting from the chimney. It was maintained much better than the other homes on the edges of town. Not by much but they clearly tried. Newer planks of wood were nailed on top of old ones clearly covering holes, a thick cloth tarp sat over the roof shielding it from the elements as they likely couldn’t afford a whole new roof. On the other side of the windows sat cute homemade curtains made out of various fabric, none of which matched. But it gave them privacy. It almost looked the same from when it did when she was still young.
A deep breath escaped Elliarie’s lips as she approached the rotting steps, logs carefully cut and placed to replace what had been lost to time. Her hand raised next to her cheek in a fist, ready to knock on a door that for a moment looked like it would cave in when she did. But instead she stood there, fear shaking her bones.
Perhaps she would have preferred it if she were to drop dead right there, if the cruel hand of fate would finally unleash it’s hold on her and not make her face the consequences of her actions. But she was soon pulled out of when a shriek sounded from behind the wooden home, the shriek of a young child.
Elliarie had drawn her sword, not willing to traverse Duskwood without protection, she ran from the stairs and sprinted past a corner and along side the long wall of the house, coming face to face with a well maintained gate and on the other side of it short fields of wheat and picked berries, far on the other side stood a line of about a dozen or so trees with apples growing on the limbs and several ladders leaning on the trunks. In the farm a little boy sat curled up. Elliarie knew him, he was a sweet boy, but what had done this to him.
“Phoenix!” She called out, vaulting over the gate and running through the crops careful not to trample them as she went to comfort the boy.
He was small, only about four years old. He had thick ashy brown curls and skin that had the vaguest of purple tints to his otherwise pale white skin. His longer years drooped down as he slowly walked back and forth and his usually cheerful round face was stained with tears and flushed to an almost violet hue, even managing to hide the scar that adorned a good chunk of his left face. His otherwise soft brown eyes were closed tight as if he was trying to hide from something.
Elliarie had soon approached the young boy, skidding to a halt through the dirt and swiftly clambering to get to the boy’s side, wrapping her arms around him and taking him into her lap.
“Oh Phoenix sweetie! What happened?” Elliarie cooed, rocking back and forth slowly while the boy sobbed. He opened his eyes just the smallest amounts to realize who it was, turning to look at Elliarie as he launched himself upwards and wrapped his arms around her neck and hung on as if it was the last time he’d ever see her. And through heavy, snot-filled, sobs he explained the ever so dire and world ending story that he had just experienced.
“I was d-doing my job and scaring the.. The birds. And… and and one of them. One of them it was flying right at me and. I.. I was thinking it was gonna… that, that is, that it was gonna poke my eyes out!” He stammered into her shirt. Elliarie patted the hal-elves back a few times, struggling to control her laughter.
"Oh no! Baby…." She said affectionately, her laughter barely escaping with the phrase. "It's okay, auntie Ellie is here now." Elliarie spoke, comforting him.
It wasn't long after that a man came running from further beyond the farm. He was tall and built well and had a strong face complemented by the long stubble of a beard that was just beginning to grow back. His striking blue eyes were filled with worry as he rushed towards Elliarie and picked up the half elf from his arms. Cradling the toddler in one arm as he helped Elliarie off the ground.
"Sweetie are you okay?" He asked, his voice clearly raised an octave as he spoke the the child. But Phoenix was unable to respond through sobs. "Ellie what happened?"
"I heard a shout while at the front door and came to his rescue. Apparently one of the birds scared him." She informed, her voice soft as to not tell the child that she didn't relay his story directly as told.
"Thank goodness. We were all finishing up the north fields harvest when we heard him shout. I thought he was closer than that. Oh I'm so embarrassed. I must look like a horrible father right now." He laughed uncomfortably as he went to support his sobbing son with both arms.
"You're fine Lucan. I'm sure the town wouldn't let anything happen to him. Besides he's so adventurous, he might have been right behind you but got distracted with his scarecrow duty." Elliarie chuckled, wrapping an arm around Lucan and giving him a hug. Lucan laughed along, unable to return the hug due to the child that was still calling upon the protection of his big strong dad .
"Are you just in town on guard duty or are you here with that company again?" Lucan asked, looking her up and down, realizing something was off with her more casual attire.
"Actually…" she started, nervously rubbing her hands together. "That's what I came here to talk to you and Alois about." But she wasn't able to elaborate as soon two girls had jailed the woman between their arms. Both were much taller than her five-four. The one in front of her had bold blonde hair and rested her chin on Ellie's head, her blue eyes closed right as she and her sister rocked her from side to side a few times.
"Aunt Ellie! It's so nice to see you again!" The blonde declared stepping back.
"By the light Scarlett! The last time I saw you was just a few months ago, you shouldn't be this tall already!" Elliarie proclaimed, to which Scarlett laughed. Elliarie turned around to face the other girl, she was shorter than her younger sister. Her hair was a deep black color and her eyes brown in color. Her freckled cheeks turned up with a beautiful smile.
"Oh Solei! You too! Can you both stop growing and be short like your aunt?" She asked, reaching up to put an arm around both of their necks and bringing them down to eye level with her in an affectionate way. Giving them a tight squeeze around their shoulders before releasing them.
The last member of their lovely family as finally showed up. Shorter compared to the family, about five-six. His blonde hair was fairly short all around but longer on the top. His face was similarly structured to Elliarie, in that while long it was still fairly round and his tanned skin was dotted in far too many freckles. He was about seven years younger than his sister, but looked even younger when compared to her war torn age riddled features. His warm brown eyes looked at Elliarie with a cold glare.
"Good to see you're okay, Elliarie." He spoke, a passive aggressiveness in his tone as he approached his sister, arms folded over his chest.
"You too Alois. Really good to see that the family is doing well!" Elliarie laughed uncomfortably as she went on. "How's the harvest going?"
"We're done with the north fields. Just need to grab the bags and start on this one." Alois responded rather dryly as he motioned around him at the wheat.
Lucan butted in, handing the now, much quieter, yet still sniffling, Phoenix to his oldest sister.
"Well in that case, Solei, Scarlett? Can you both take Phoenix and grab what we picked? I think your father, Ellie and I are gonna go inside for a bit." He spoke as the two girls nodded, carrying Phoenix off past the wheat crops as the three adults disappeared inside.
The small tired home was quite cozy. The wooden floor covered in a cacophony of rugs and carpets. A nice couch and a few done chairs faced the now dying fire as Lucan rushed to revive the flames and continue the warmth through the home. Alois had taken a seat on the couch, his husband joining him soon after with an uncomfortable smile on his face.
"Why did you come back?" Alois started. His tone much more outwardly hostile than it had been in front of the children. "After everything you've done this past year? Why do you come back now!"
Elliarie felt his anger. He was so rightfully so. Last time she had sat down to talk to him it was after their march on Lordaeron. He had every right to be angry about that. She didn't blame him anymore.
"It's not about Solei this time, Alois. I came here because I had time to think-"
"Had time to think did you? I sure as hell hope you did!" Alois' body language spoke as if he wanted to lunge at his sister, but Lucan's hand was interlaced with his. It seemed to calm at least his physical temper slightly.
"You didn't talk to us for nearly a year! This was… this was an important year! Your own daughter turned sixteen! We welcomed Phoenix into this family, and he'll you turned fifty! We thought you'd come by for at least one of those. But instead you wish Solei a happy birthday when she's in town on her own time and only meet Phoenix when he's taken to visit! The least you could have fucking done was respond to the letter we sent you!"
Alois raged on, his brows furrowed as he ranted. Each word aimed into her heart as a personal attack, and she sat in a stunned silence contemplating as he went on.
"I don't even care about the Solei thing anymore! I know that you know she's my daughter. I know that you would realize that I was right! That's not what I'm angry about anymore, I'm angry about the fact that you decided to be so goddamn petty about the whole entire thing that you cut me, my husband and our kids out of your life until it was convenient for you!" Alois had thrown his hands up and changed his tone to directly mock Elliarie.
"'Oh look at that, my nieces and nephew are in town! They can stay with me but as soon as they step outside the city gate, I don't know them anymore!' you got so wrapped up in a king that doesn't even know exist, that you forgot about your own fucking family Elliarie. You got so involved in grief for someone that died nearly sixteen years ago because you saw him when you should have been dead. You got so involved in a war that's killing our planet that you forgot about the only people you had left. And that is what I'm angry about Ellie. I don't care what need you have! I just want to know what went through your head to think that any of that was perfectly acceptable!"
Alois' speech had ended in a shout, his anger resonating through the room as he leaned back on the couch with a huff. Nestling next to his husband as he bravely kept his tears back. It broke Elliarie's heart. She had practically raised her brother for seven years after Grand Hamlet fell, and his stance… it felt like an adults. He was an adult. He wasn't the sobbing twelve-year-old he had been when she last really looked over him. He was an adult, with responsibilities, with a family and people that depended on him. He was right. What she had done was immature.
"You're absolutely right Alois. I shouldn't have done all that. You're my brother. I should have listened to you right after I told you about Lordaeron. I shouldn't have distanced myself as much as I did. But I can't take that back now. What I can do is come and make amends. And that's what I plan on doing." Elliarie paused, watching Alois' demeanor relax in the slightest of bits.
"That's why I came to tell you something." Elliarie paused, ruffling through a pocket on her pants and pulling out a detailed gorgeous pin in that of of a golden lions get with a silver and white banner draping from its mouth.
"Yesterday the rest of the royal guard thanked my for my years of service to Stormwind and I officially retired. I have the rest of my life ahead of me and that's why I want to spend it with you." Elliarie spoke with a smile on her cheeks, pinning the adornment to her left breast.
"But along side that I wanted to offer you two and your family a place in Stormwind. It's safer there, it's easier for your kids to get around, the people are lovely and there is this nice little place near the farm where the Kal'dorei stay. I've saved up so much from work and retirement and the odd jobs on the side. And I really, really want to make it up to you."
The two men seemed to be stunned for a moment. Lucan looked towards Alois and murmured something Elliarie tried very hard not to hear. Alois seemingly didn't respond to him, only turning to his sister and standing up.
"No. You don't get to do that Elliarie. Safer or not this is their home and we've gotten along just fine. You don't get to barge in here and suddenly try to be the good guy. If you want to repair this relationship, you're going to work. And the way you can start is by helping finish harvest." Alois spoke. His voice still the smallest bits cold towards his sister as he extended a hand.
"And you better believe if you're going to start making it up, you're living under my roof here in duskwood."
Elliarie took his hand, and with sudden strength was pulled into her brothers arms in a tight hug. Elliarie wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him tight.
"I'll do whatever it takes, I promise. I missed you Ali."
"I missed you to Ellie."
#wow#WoW#world of warcraft bfa#warcraft#long post#my writing#wow RP#writing#wyrmrest rp#wyrmrest alliance#wow oc#Elliarie Newbury
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Eddie stared at the building, unable to shake the intimidated feeling that rose in his chest. His backpack was hugged to his chest and he resisted the urge to chew on his lower lip that already bore the marks of his teeth’s abuse from the past several days. As much as he knew he couldn’t sit there forever, it was hard to make his body move.
“You okay?”
A hand settled on his arm and he inhaled deeply, turning his eyes away from the school and towards his dad. Frank Kaspbrak was a kind-eyed man with a gentle touch and an understanding nature. In every possible way, he was as far from Eddie’s mother as possible. They were still adjusting. It wasn’t easy, especially with all of his mother’s many, horrible words and actions still rattling around in his head.
But they were trying.
So Eddie shrugged one shoulder and held onto his backpack just a little tighter. His eyes darted back to the place that would be his new high school. Several large, brown-bricked buildings full of people he didn’t know. Desks covered in germs and air filled with possible diseases. Eddie fought the need to reach for the hand sanitizer he had zipped into the front pocket of his bag.
“I will be,” Eddie said, doing his best to sound confident.
His dad gave him a small smile, looking even less certain than Eddie felt.
“I don’t… want to hover,” Frank said hesitantly, making it clear that he knew exactly the kind of person his ex-wife turned out to be. “But I’m a phone call away.”
Eddie nodded slowly, still trying to figure out whether he found that reassurance comforting yet.
“Thanks,” he said quietly.
Then he was reaching out with an uncertain hand, knowing that he couldn’t delay the inevitable. He slipped out of the car and inhaled sharply when his feet hit the pavement. They were just on the cusp of spring, with the morning air crisp and sun shining brightly over the green grass and blooming flowers. Eddie blinked against the brightness as he stepped on the sidewalk and slipped his backpack up onto his shoulders.
As he walked, Eddie’s eyes were lowered to the ground for the most part, only darting up to measure how much further he had to go to the doors that seemed so far away. There was activity all around him, students talking and laughing and constantly moving around. Eddie tried his best to block them all out, closing his hands around the straps of his back and focusing on breathing in and out.
Then he heard a loud laugh, delighted and carefree and rising above everything else. Eddie’s head lifted just slightly and turned, his eyes falling on a group not far away. Five boys and a girl, gathered under the shade of a tree with differing expressions on their faces all varying from annoyance to amusement. His steps slowed as he watched them, his eyes mostly falling on the one who laughed.
His hair was dark brown, verging on black and his shirt was an atrocious lime green Hawaiian print. He was lying on an incredibly uncomfortable looking bench, a worn jean jacket thrown across his lap and rips in the knees of his black jeans. He was gesturing wildly about whatever he was saying, making the redhead girl laugh as she leaned into the side of a strong-looking blonde boy.
Eddie didn’t realize that he’d all but stopped, unable to explain the inexplicable draw to watch them, until the loud boy’s eyes darted away from his friends and somehow fixed straight on Eddie. With a small gasp, Eddie turned his head away and picked up his pace again, heading for the door. He didn’t mean to get in anyone’s crosshairs, not when he hadn’t even stepped foot in the high school yet.
“Richie where the hell are you going?” he heard someone call out.
“Don’t worry about it Staniel!”
Eddie’s breathing picked up in his chest and he braced himself as he saw the much taller boy approaching out of the corner of his eye. He was prepared for the worst. Name calling and cruel jokes and even being tripped or shoved because it was all he ever learned to expect at his old school where Henry Bowers ruled all and made Eddie public enemy number one.
Instead, what he got was a breathless “Hey!” as the boy fell into step with him. It was hard for Eddie to even hear it at first. He frowned a little, not slowing for even a second as he gave him a side glance. It was easier now to see his features. Freckles that dotted across his cheeks and nose and bright blue eyes surrounded by sweeping dark lashes. Chapped lips and a scar on his chin along with a black stud earring in his ear.
“What?” Eddie finally said, unable to quite wrap his mind around what was happening.
“I just thought I’d roll out the red carpet for you, buddy, metaphorically speaking,” the boy said in an odd accent, getting a little ahead of Eddie so that he could turn around and face him while walking backwards. “See, I’m the welcoming committee at this here institution and it has been a while since we’ve had any fresh meat as cute as you. Handsome Hanscom over there was our last newbie and that feels like it was about twenty-seven fuckin’ years ago if you know what I mean.”
Eddie blinked, stopping place again as he tried to sort out and make sense of the out pour of words.
“Welcoming committee?” he finally said.
“Oh yeah,” the boy, Richie apparently, said with a nod that made his dark curls bounce around his head. “We take the induction of new kids very seriously around here. It’s my job to make sure that you are feeling as warm and welcome as possible. Anything I can do to facilitate your… needs. Just call on me, baby.”
He punctuated his words by giving Eddie a very slow once-over with his eyes as a grin tugged at his lips. Eddie’s own eyes narrowed, anger rising in his chest that may have not had everything to do with this Richie guy, but that was certainly called forth by him.
“Do you think this is funny?” Eddie demanded, stepping towards him.
The humor on Richie’s face faded just slightly, his eyes widening a little bit.
“Uh…” he trailed off, looking as if he was trying to figure out the right answer.
“I’m not interested in letting you turn me into the school joke on my first day, thank you very much,” Eddie said brusquely, already moving forward to sweep past him. “Fuck off back to your friends and stay away from me.”
It probably wasn’t the best reaction he could have had. Eddie could have handled the entire situation with far more grace and politeness than he did. But the anger that bubbled up in his chest just made him see red, which he now regretted, cursing his words and actions with every step he took. But he didn’t look back, pulling open the door and stepping inside of the school while inwardly hoping that he never had to come across that boy again.
It didn’t take long for his hopes to fall flat. Eddie made it through two full classes before finding his way to the third and walking in only to find himself face-to-face with Richie. Well, not quite that dramatically. But he was certainly sitting in the middle row next to the window with a pencil tucked behind his ear and his tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth as he scribbled out something into a shabby-looking notebook.
Eddie drew up short, inwardly cursing up a storm as he took a deep breath and tried to tell himself that it didn’t matter. He was really unconvincing. He heard someone complaining about blocking the door behind him and quickly moved, walking to the teacher’s desk slowly as if he was being led to his death. It was only a matter of time before he got noticed. His cheeks were already warming at the idea of it.
“Can I help you?” the teacher asked.
Eddie swallowed hard and nodded, shoving his neatly folded piece of paper towards the older man.
“I’m Eddie Kaspbrak,” he said quietly.
“Ah yes,” the teacher said, peering through his small reading glasses at the paper that introduced him as a new student. “I heard I’d be getting you in here. Wait a minute until everyone gets seated and we’ll find a place for you, okay?”
“Okay,” Eddie said, stepping to the side of the desk so that he wouldn’t be in the way.
He kept his eyes lowered to his folded hands as he bit down on the inside of his cheek.
“Nice shirt, Tozier,” he heard someone said with a snicker in his voice. “I think my grandpa might have it too.”
“Good one,” a familiar voice shot back, sounding utterly unconcerned. “You know, I think I heard you practicing it in the mirror when I snuck in through your mom’s window for a nice long fu-”
“Boys,” the teacher said, interrupting them as Eddie’s eyes widened.
He, along with every other person in the room, was easily able parse out what Richie was about to say.
“Sorry Mr. T,” Richie said as a few quiet giggles rose up around him, his voice making it clear he was smiling.
Eddie risked a glance up only to see that those blue eyes were fixed on him already. He looked away, focusing on the pattern of the teacher’s desk as if it was the most interesting thing he’d ever seen.
“Take your pick, Mr. Kaspbrak,” the teacher said, gesturing his hand over the classroom while looking down at an attendance book.
Eddie peeked up and swept his eyes over the seats. There were three spare ones. One in the back corner beside the trash can. There was no way in hell that Eddie was going anywhere near that. Another was next to a beefy looking guy with a Letterman jacket and intent in his small, beady eyes. Eddie didn’t know for sure what that intent was but he wasn’t willing to find out.
That left the last one as his best option. The one that was by the window, next to last row, right behind Richie Tozier. Eddie stared at it for a long moment, knowing that he had little choice otherwise. So he moved forward, slipping his backpack from his shoulders as he went. As he drew closer, he saw that even bent, Richie’s legs were too long for the desk and sticking out of either side as he had them splayed out.
Eddie turned to the side to keep from brushing his knee, feeling Richie’s eyes on his face but refusing to look back. He took the seat with a hard swallow, setting his backpack next to his desk after curling one leg beneath him. He unzipped his bag and pulled out a notebook and pencil, feeling strangely jittery as he did it all. The teacher started going through attendance, calling out first names in a bored tone.
It wasn’t until he saw Richie turning around, clearly intending to face him, that Eddie’s heart jumped in his chest and his breath caught in his throat. He didn’t want to be confronted with his biting response from before. He just wanted to forget all about it. He lifted his eyes to meet Richie’s when he finally faced him, preparing for the worst. But then, when the other boy barely managed to open his mouth, someone else spoke nearby.
Both Eddie and Richie looked to their right, to a boy with angular cheekbones, clear skin, golden brown curly hair, and a stern look in his eyes. He looked at Richie, shaking his head once. Eddie glanced between the two, watching a silent conversation pass between them. Then Richie was turning around again with a huff, muttering something underneath his breath that Eddie couldn’t hear.
He looked to the boy who interrupted and saw both curiosity and uncertainty in his eyes as he stared right back at Eddie. With a small, polite smile, he turned to look at the front of the classroom, leaving Eddie to consider the whole strange interaction until he heard the sound of his name being called for attendance, uttering a quiet “here” before sitting back in his seat and praying for the class to go quickly.
The rest of the day went quickly, much to Eddie’s relief. He only had Richie in two more of his classes and managed to avoid him in both. He recognized his friends too, both from seeing them outside that morning and from the curious looks they shot his way, even more than the rest of the school. Eddie avoided all of them too, eating alone beneath a tree outside and moving through the halls quickly.
It wasn’t until the end of the school day that it all came to a head. He was headed down the sidewalk, mapping his journey in his mind since he had to meet his dad at his shop instead of being picked up. He went over it several times with his father, not wanting to get lost in the town on his first day. He was so lost in his mind that stopped short and nearly tripped when a skateboard rolled into his path, his eyes darting up from the ground just as someone spoke.
“If it isn’t the new kid.”
Eddie recognized the voice as the boy who taunted Richie in third period. His instinctively reached towards his pocket as he watched the blonde-haired boy with cold grey eyes walk into his path, kicking the skateboard up into his hand. His inhaler wasn’t there. Eddie made himself stop carrying it around, even going so far as to throw it away before moving into his dad’s house.
His tongue felt like it was glued to the roof of his mouth as a few other boys lingered nearby, all grinning at whatever they anticipated would happen. Eddie’s eyes darted up to the school with uncertainty, wondering if the staff here cared very little for the safety of his students just like at his last school. His eyes flitted back to the person in his path, wondering if he would stop Eddie if he just tried to walk away.
“That’s a pretty fruity shirt, don’t you think?” the boy asked, smirking as his friends all laughed.
Eddie didn’t feel insulted by the dig at his shirt. The color of his clothes wasn’t going to change anything about him. Wearing pink didn’t make him gay. Wanting to kiss boys made him gay, which in turn caused his mother’s ultimate breakdown that had the neighbors calling the cops which lead to a judge handing full custody over to his dad. Eddie felt his retort rising to his lips before he could help it, his anger taking over again.
“You seem really concerned about what other people wear,” Eddie said, tilting his head to the side. “Are you interested in the fashion industry?”
The boy seemed to glitch at that, his eyes darting all over Eddie’s face.
“What the fuck are you trying to say?” he demanded after a few seconds.
Eddie didn’t say anything, sighing inwardly at his own inability to keep himself under control. But before either of them could do anything else, someone stepped up next to him.
“Oh Austin Austin Austin,” Richie Tozier of all people said, shaking his head. “I know you’ve probably gone partially deaf from hearing your old lady scream my name night after night but I believe the young lad here was suggesting that you have a curious interest in the things that other men wear. Is it true, sir?”
He held his hand out as if he was holding a news microphone even though there was nothing there. Austin didn’t hesitate to slap his hand away, stepping forward with fury in his eyes.
“You just hoping you finally found a pillow princess to hop on your dick, Tozier?” the seething boy demanded.
Eddie gritted his teeth, his hands curling into fists.
“You mean you’re not volunteering?” Richie asked without missing a beat, pouting slightly. “I thought we really had something going, sweetheart.”
“In your fucking dreams,” Austin said, shoving Richie.
Eddie moved with him as he stumbled backwards, not really knowing why he did it. He just felt the same pull from before, trying to keep him close to Richie and far away from the obvious bully.
“Hey,” a strong, warm voice came from behind them.
Both Eddie and Richie turned their heads in time to see a boy their age with dark skin and hair and a concerned expression on his face step up behind them. One hand rose to clasp at Richie’s shoulder and for a second, Eddie was afraid that he was another bully. Then he was moving between them, staring Austin down as he exuded a calm, collected aura that was entirely unlike Richie’s chaotic energy and Eddie’s own quick temper.
“I think it’s time we all walk away,” the boy said.
He was much taller than Austin and looked as though he could easily toss him several yards if he wanted to. Eddie wasn’t surprised when Austin stepped away, narrowing his eyes at all three of them.
“You fairies got lucky today,” he said, making it clear that he was talking to Eddie and Richie alone.
Then he and his friends were wandering off, sauntering away to clearly try and safe face like they didn’t all flee at the sight of the bigger boy. Richie let out a heavy sigh as Eddie stepped away from the both of them, uncertain as to what he was supposed to do now.
“You’re a goddamn hero, Mikey-Mike,” Richie said, bumping fists with the boy that Eddie didn’t know. “I think he was about to eat us for dinner.”
“Maybe if you’d stop baiting him with jokes about his mom,” Mike said with a smile and a shake of his head.
“Nonsense,” Richie declared dramatically. “You can’t stop our love.”
Then his eyes moved to Eddie as Mike stepped away. Eddie shifted in place with uncertainty, wishing that he’d moved a little faster to avoid the whole situation with Austin and now with Richie. To be fair, the other boy looked just as uncertain as he felt.
“Thank you,” Eddie finally said.
Not because he needed the help or he couldn’t handle himself. He probably could have figured a way out. But after a lifetime of dealing with a lot on his own, it was surprisingly nice for someone to have his back. Eddie didn’t really know how to react to it. All that he knew was that he might have judged Richie Tozier entirely wrong.
“Ain’t no big thing, cutie,” Richie said, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket.
Eddie’s cheeks filled with color and he shook his head, looking away from Richie. He knew that he should get going. It wasn’t a far walk and his dad would worry if he didn’t show up soon. But still he stood there, staring at Richie as Richie stared back.
“I’m Eddie,” he finally said, reaching out his hand. “I’m sorry about earlier.”
“Richie Tozier,” Richie said in yet another strange voice that Eddie couldn’t quite place. “The man with a plan and a short term memory. Don’t you think on it for a second.”
He punctuated his words with a wink and Eddie tried his best not to smile.
“What’s your plan?” he asked.
“Ask me when you’re older and I may tell you,” Richie said mysteriously.
He was frustrating. Eddie was rapidly coming to understand that. But he almost didn’t mind it.
“Goodbye, Richie Tozier,” Eddie said, already turning to walk away.
“Short and sweet, I like it,” Richie decided. “See you later, Eddie Spaghetti.”
Eddie stopped short, turning his head as his face darkened.
“Never call me that again,” he said in a low voice.
Richie’s face brightened and his eyes gleamed with mischief. Eddie was almost certain that he’d be hearing it again.
“The cutest,” Richie said with a shake of his head, grinning at him before turning away to walk down the sidewalk towards where his friends were waiting.
Eddie began his walk towards the auto garage that his father owned, ruminating over the odd interaction and wondering if he might have just found a friend in the very odd boy. The more he thought about it, the more he knew he wouldn’t really mind being friends with Richie. By the time he reached the garage, there was a smile on his lips and Eddie found himself almost looking forward to school the next day.
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Wanted | 04
pairing: Jungkook x reader genre: space!au, alien!au, alien! Jungkook, smut (future) words: 12.6k+ rating: sfw warnings: they get frisky in the forest (no smut :( ) notes: holy shit
You were a deserter, a renegade, a wanted “criminal”. It was never in your plans to crash land on that planet, and it most certainly wasn’t in your plans to fall in love with it’s handsome ruler.
masterlist | moodboard | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | complete
“Hmm, I’m not feeling that one. Try another.”
You couldn’t help the glare you sent the blonde male who was reclining across your bed like he owned it, nibbling on a fruit as he gazed over at you imperiously. You were sure Jimin could feel your annoyance from where he stood several feet away, rifling through the closet.
“Taehyung, you’re not the one helping me choose, stop talking,” you bristled, putting the dress under fire back in the closet despite your words. He’d spent the evening throwing in his unhelpful two cents as to what you should wear tonight— or rather, what you shouldn’t wear. He’d chosen his clothes a while ago and was now bored and relishing in the opportunity to stir you up a bit. As much as it bothered you, he was right, you weren’t feeling this particular dress either— but he was annoying you so you weren’t going to give him the satisfaction of letting him know. From the look on his face, however, it seemed like he already did, and he was revelling in it.
“This one, y/n,” Jimin’s mellifluous tone greeted your ears and you turned to see a dress in his outstretched grasp. Your eyes lit up as you saw it.
“Ooh, pretty,” you cooed, fingers coming to caress the deep, wine-red silk. You took it from him, inspecting it closer and already liking what you saw. You’d tried on pant and shirt sets, dresses— pretty much everything by now. But this dress was probably the prettiest and most enticing one you’d seen.
It was almost a week ago that Jungkook, the Kelkie King, had invited you to watch him and Jimin spar. It was almost a week ago that you’d glimpsed a mark on his neck, something Seokjin had informed you was a Fate Mark, and you’d been left burning with curiosity ever since. Within that week, you’d explored the palace a bit more, spent some time with Seokjin and Jimin, and visited Taehyung once as he worked on the radio with the former in tow. The mechanical engineer was making some headway with the radio, which was impressive since with how completely and utterly destroyed it had been in the crash, Taehyung may as well have been building it from scratch. He estimated another couple of weeks, and he’d have it up and running. He was working hard, but you’d made him slow down and take a couple of breaks— getting back to the rest of your crew was important, but not as important as his wellbeing. He’d decided to listen and today was one of the two days he’d taken as a miniature holiday of sorts. It coincided nicely with the event that Jungkook had invited both of you to, the event that you were currently choosing what to wear to.
In short, it was a dinner. Jimin had informed you that in a couple of weeks there was a big lunar event coming up, and that even without the event it was customary that with each cycle of the moons the leaders of the towns within the kingdom would come and meet with the King over dinner, and issues, if any, would be discussed, along with the general status of the towns. It was something you’d been informed not only helped keep peace but helped ensure Jungkook could continue doing what was best for his people. You were eager to attend, curious as to how something like this usually went. There was also another part of you, however, that was eager to go because you knew Jungkook would be there, too. You tried to pretend you weren’t as stupidly excited as you were.
Dress in hand, you moved to the bathroom to try it on. The welcome sensation of the cool, silken material sliding against your skin greeted you as you pulled it on delicately, aware of the garb’s ability to stretch a little but wary of pulling too much and ripping it. It slipped up, over your hips and waist, and finally your chest, your neck and arms sliding into the allotted space with ease. You were always astonished at how the clothing managed to hug your form without clinging in an unsightly manner. You were going to miss this when you finally managed to leave.
The dress fell to the floor with slits along the sides and sported a deep halter neckline that dipped enough to reveal a liberal amount of your chest, the thick, ribbon-like straps meant to loop around your neck and double around in a choker-like fashion to tie at the back of it. It would seem that even in a dress like this, your neck and throat remained covered. You were beyond curious as to why it was that all Kelkie clothing was fashioned this way, but kept forgetting to ask Jimin or Seokjin when you had the chance.
You attempted to tie the ribbon yourself a couple of times, but ultimately gave up since the end results were not something you were proud of. Jimin and Taehyung’s eyes whipped to you as soon as you exited the bathroom, the latter choking on the large bite of fruit he’d just taken and coughing violently. You rolled your eyes— served him right for being annoying on purpose.
Jimin beamed with pride, hands clapping together. “Excellent! It looks just as good as I envisioned!”
You blushed slightly, holding up the ribbons with your hands behind your neck so the top didn’t fall down and you didn’t flash them. “Can you help tie it? I can’t do it.”
When Jimin nodded and beckoned you closer, you moved over, turning your back to him and waiting for him to take the ribbons so you could move your hair out of the way.
Taehyung chortled. “I can’t believe you’re wearing a dress.”
You glared at him. “What’s that supposed to mean? You’ve seen me in a dress before!”
At the befuddled expression that crossed his face you sighed, feeling Jimin take the ribbons from your grasp. “You saw me at Namjoon’s sister’s wedding? Actually, I’m not surprised you don’t remember. You were drunk off your face.”
Taehyung hummed, eyes glazing slightly as he remembered the night in question, and probably the copious amounts of alcohol he consumed before blacking out. “It was a night of celebration.”
You rolled your eyes, contemplating a response as you grasped your hair and moved it aside. You were distracted by the soft gasp that escaped Jimin as the nape of your neck was revealed. You wondered what he was looking at, but Taehyung was apparently way ahead of you.
“Oh, that mark on the back of her neck?” he queried, meeting Jimin’s gaze over your shoulder. “We don’t know what that is. It just sort of… appeared, out of nowhere, a couple of months ago— around the time we fled the garrison, actually. I guess we haven’t really had time to question it.”
Jimin hummed in acknowledgement, and you peered over your shoulder to catch his facial expression. It was a peculiar combination of pensive and shocked, and it made you wonder what exactly was going on in his mind that made his thoughts transfer into such expressions on his face.
He seemed to shake himself out of his stupor, dark eyes meeting yours and lips curving in a smile that, quite honestly, spelled trouble. You were instantly wary.
“How curious,” the Kelkie commented, mischief glimmering in his gaze. Your own eyes narrowed, ready to question him when he looped the ribbon around your neck and tied it at the back with a certain finesse that rendered you speechless and, as a result of your stupor, completely forgetful of what you had been going to ask. The remainder of the ribbons fell down your back, tickling the skin where it was bare. “There you go, perfect. You look good.”
Taehyung snorted, squinting at you playfully. “Good? She looks amazing— are you sure you’re y/n?”
You threw a brush at him, the blonde cackling as he dodged it and inevitably choking on the large bite of fruit as he did so. You shook your head— of all the people you could have gotten stuck on a foreign planet with, did it have to be Taehyung?
x x x
Apparently it did. You didn’t know if anyone else could have charmed and befriended an entire room of aliens so quickly and so effortlessly. Within minutes of entering the room, Taehyung had grinned and garnered the interest of every single new face in the vicinity. You watched in awe as he flittered about the room, introducing himself and making friends. It was incredible to see him at work— you were now more sure than ever that no one could resist your best friend, Kim Taehyung, even if they wanted to.
All of the town leaders were already present, and Seokjin had arrived not too long after Jimin, Taehyung and yourself. The only one remaining was Jungkook, and Seokjin had said he wasn’t too far behind. In the meantime, you trailed after Jimin since Taehyung was lost to the world for now. The short male guided you around, introducing you to the leaders and vice versa. You weren’t sure what you’d expected, but every leader you met was completely agreeable, friendly and eager to make your acquaintance— you guessed that they hadn’t seen a human before, and the fact that they were now seeing two in one night must have been pretty incredible for them. You got the feeling they were eager to learn as much as they could while they still had the opportunity.
You were currently talking to a tall, slim Kelkie that went by the name Yugyeom and was the delegate from a town not too far from the palace. Much like the King, he was youthful, however he had a certain air of mischief about him that you’d only glimpsed around Jungkook. His eyes were dark, meeting your own with a pleased glint, and you noted that not only did his raven hair compliment him well, but he had a cute mark beneath his eye, nestled amongst the luminescent freckles smattered over his cheekbones and nose. He too wore the same silken garb with a high neckline, and you had to admit that it suited him well.
Even so, a not-so-quiet voice in the back of your mind noted that there was someone you knew that suited it better.
You were quick to dismiss that errant thought, resisting the urge to physically shake your head as another leader, someone named Youngjae, introduced himself to you. You smiled at him, returning the sentiment and providing your name, grinning wider as his markings flared a pleasant, contented violet. As you spoke you couldn’t help but catch sight of Jimin from the corner of your eye, watching discreetly as he sidled up to Yugyeom and leaned up to whisper something in his ear. The taller male straightened, eyes shooting wide and flying over to you, freckles blooming bright blue, before Jimin could smack his arm and stop him— which he proceeded to do anyway to get him to stop looking. Yugyeom leaned to whisper something to Jimin, rubbing his arm where the shorter male had hit him, but before you could continue to surreptitiously peep at whatever they were doing from the corner of your eye the doors swung open and only moments later there was an amused voice sounding from behind your conversation partner.
“Ah, Youngjae. It’s good to see you again.”
At once your spine shot ramrod straight, the softest of gasps catching in your throat. Your mark tingled, something you assumed to be a side effect of the absolute fright you’d just gotten, and you forced your gaze to turn over Youngjae’s shoulder at the King’s rapidly approaching figure.
Jungkook looked just as good as you remembered and better. The silken set he wore today was a deep, glimmering obsidian. There was no coloured undertone, only the richest of blacks, contrasted sharply by the silver embroidery lining the edges of the clothing. It was a hot evening, and so the King had opted for a sleeveless shirt, arms decorated with the engraved silver bands and rings that set your heart on an unsteady beat and your breath aquiver.
It shouldn’t be allowed for someone to look that good, a distant part of you decided.
Until this point Jungkook’s gaze had only been on the male before you, and he hadn’t realised you were there behind him. You could tell the exact moment his eyes fell upon you.
His entire form seemed to freeze, stuttering in his step, his eyes widening and breath halting in his lungs. The galaxy of luminescent markings that had graced his skin a contented blue instantly burned a bright, bright pink before shifting into a deeper burgundy, a wine-red that were it not for its almost imperceptible violet undertone would have perfectly matched the colour of your dress. His gaze burned your skin where it travelled over the length of your figure the dress did nothing to hide. Your heart thrummed, no doubt loud enough and heavy enough in its frantic beats that the Kelkie nearby could hear it, and your tongue darted to wet your lips. The King’s dark eyes focused instantly on the movement and the colour of his marks burned deeper than you thought was possible.
You were broken from your trance by an amused sound from Youngjae as he watched the entire event transpire. Your cheeks instantly flushed, burning as you shot the male a sheepish grin. Jungkook was quick to recover, expression shifting back to one of amicability, but the colour of his marks remained, dimmed only slightly against the warm tone of his skin.
“It is good to see you once more, Your Majesty,” Youngjae spoke, unable to his the amused edge to his words.
“I see you’ve met one of our lovely human guests,” Jungkook voiced as he continued closer on his original path, an almost imperceptible tremor to his tone that your ears nearly— nearly missed.
Youngjae smiled, gushing excitedly about the things he’d learnt of you, and you were carried into conversation once more, the only thing tethering you to the stark heat of reality being the heady, molten burn of Jungkook’s ceaseless gaze against your skin.
The evening progressed and sooner than you thought you were moving to sit at the long, u-shaped table in a large hall with towering ceilings and chandeliers carved from large crystals that illuminated from within. As everyone seemed to take a designated seat, you began to stress slightly— there was nothing indicating where to sit, and you had no idea where you were meant to plant yourself.
Jungkook caught your silent floundering and peered over, hand grasping a chair beside his own at the head of the table as his mouth opened. Before he could even utter a word there was a hand brushing your arm and your attention was brought to a grinning Yugyeom, a suspiciously smiling Jimin a foot or so behind him.
“There’s a space here,” he tugged you over with bright eyes and a brighter smile, pulling out the chair for you; it was at the end of one of the longer parts of the table, probably as far from Jungkook as you could get. “Sit next to me.”
You couldn’t help the way your gaze momentarily flew back to Jungkook, and were surprised to see Jimin pulling out the chair besides the king and plopping down happily. The look on Jungkook’s face was almost comical, and if you weren’t in a somewhat public place right now you probably would have laughed aloud.
You took the seat besides Yugyeom, noting the mischievous curve of his lips and the sly gleam in his dark eyes to ponder at a later time, and allowed yourself to be swept into the process of the evening.
The leaders spoke, and Jungkook listened. When the meals were brought out Jungkook closed his eyes for a second, reminding you oddly of a human tradition you knew of, before reopening them once more and at the smile gracing his lips everyone began to eat at once. As per usual, you were in awe at the food— you didn’t know what the hell it was, but it was good, and it graced your tastebuds in a way you doubted anything else ever could.
The leaders took turns reporting to the King on their respective towns, filling him in on the people’s happiness levels, trade and economy, and agriculture for the towns further from the palace that focused on farming. Your eyes were often drawn to Jungkook, even as you listened and ate, and it was because of your constant gaze on him that you noticed him glancing over to you every so often. His marks were in a constant state of change, wavering from soft blue when he listened to the leaders speak, to the same deep red from before when his eyes fell upon your form.
He seemed embarrassed each time you caught him looking, if the petal pink blossoming on his cheeks beneath his marks was anything to go by. He was always quick to move his gaze back to the speaker at hand, and it made your heart squeeze excitedly each time you caught him.
A Kelkie named Mark was taking his time informing the King of the recent bountiful harvests that came as a result of a generous rain season, when you felt a nudge at your side. You turned to see Yugyeom grinning at you, and caught Jimin peering over from the head of the table.
“Is Kilkhea very different from Earth?” he queried, hand resting against yours on the table— his skin was much cooler than yours, a pleasant contrast to the heat of the day lingering in the air. You couldn’t help the instinctive skip of your heart at the touch.
“Well, yes and no,” you responded, thinking about how to best answer. “Kilkhea is very warm and humid, and there a places on earth like that too— but there are also places on Earth where it’s much colder, and dryer.”
Yugyeom’s mouth fell open slightly as he nodded in understanding. “Does it look very different?”
You smiled at him, the back of your neck tingling as you felt a certain gaze on you once more. “I haven’t been to Earth in a long time, but from what I remember it’s almost completely different! The plants, foliage, flowers— everything is so beautiful here. The way they illuminate the night, and how they glow different colours… I love it. I’ve never seen anything quite so mesmerising, and breathtaking.”
Yugyeom listened eagerly as you spoke, smiling pleasantly. “You’re a fan of the flora?”
You nodded, spearing a piece of meat with your utensil. “Yes! On earth, everything is just green, and brown, and the flowers can be pretty, and different colours, but not much else,” you hummed in thought. “We only have one moon too.”
The tall male gasped, genuine surprise filtering over his face. “Only one?!” he echoed, hand falling over yours. “How do you have festivals and events like the Lunar Festivals?”
At the confused tilt of your head, Yugyeom explained. “It’s an event that happens every couple of years where our three moons align, and sometimes it coincides with another event and the planet’s shadow passes over them. The first event is called a Lunar Union, and the second is called Lunar Null— the Lunar Null is much rarer, but there’s actually one happening in two weeks time.”
Realisation coursed through you— ah, that must have been the lunar event Jimin mentioned earlier. Yugyeom grasped your hand in his— you could feel the stare burning into you intensify at the touch— and shot you a winning smile that tripped your heart up two beats.
“If you are interested, I would be happy to take y—”
“Yugyeom,” It was the King’s voice that cut the male off, both of you turning towards where he sat at the head of the table. Your eyes widened slightly at the deep, deep green of Jungkook’s marks, and the stern clench to his jaw that paired with the darker tone of his eyes. A smile, strained in nature, tugged the King’s lips. You caught Jimin looking rapidly back and forth between Jungkook, yourself and Yugyeom, a sly turn to his smile. “How are things in your domain, down by the river?”
Yugyeom blinked, before he beamed at the King, his hand leaving yours to grasp his utensil and spear a piece of meat. “They have been excellent, Your Majesty! There was ample rain in the monsoon season, the river is flourishing and so is the town.”
And just like that, the dinner resumed. You continued eating, ignoring the satisfied look Jimin had adopted after that little event and trying not to stare at Jungkook like you had been before. It’s not like you could really help it— he looked incredible, your eyes were drawn to him much like they would be a fine artwork in a gallery. Everything about him drew you to him, and tonight it was like it was magnified tenfold.
Yugyeom continued as he had been for the rest of the dinner, a tentative touch here, a sly smile there— you didn’t get the sense he was being malicious, but you definitely knew he was up to something, and if the furtive glances shared with the King’s shorter advisor meant anything, then it had to do with Jimin too. A sneaking suspicion told you it was related to the way Jimin was monitoring each and every one of Jungkook’s reactions to you and Yugyeom, but you couldn’t be bothered trying to decipher it when there were more important things at hand— namely the delicious looking dessert that had been brought out and placed before you.
By the time the evening event was drawing to a close, you were full and very curious as to what Jimin and Yugyeom were up to. As the town leaders rose from their seats at the table and bid the King farewell, you witnessed the two of them whisper to the other once more. It was kind of funny, since it reminded you of the way you and Taehyung would cause mischief as cadets, back when you had free time and your biggest concern was making it through morning training. Seokjin was at your side with Taehyung in tow before you could ponder it much longer, his eyes warm and holding a certain sense of mirth as they greeted yours.
“Are you ready to return to your rooms?” the taller male asked, and at your affirmation he grinned, leading you from the hall, Taehyung gushing to you about the friends he’d made as you went. The last thing you saw before the dark walls of the hall greeted your eyes was the heat of Jungkook’s gaze as he watched you leave, eyes following you the entire way out and his marks a deep, wine-red.
The air filtering through the open window was, for a change, cool, the sheer gossamer curtains billowing lightly from its gentle flow. The breeze may have been cool, but the air still retained some of the warmth of the day. It was a peculiar sensation, your room bathed in the cool light of the room and the glowing crystal beside you bed, but the air still warm against your heated skin. As much as you admired the deep red dress you’d worn to the dinner, you’d been glad to slip it off and pull on the singlet and shorts you’d been provided as sleepwear. You were praising whoever invented the satin-esque material as it slid against your torso and the top of your thighs, offering some much-appreciated cool relief.
You’d returned to your rooms not long ago, maybe an hour at the most, and had only managed to get rid of Taehyung maybe ten or so minutes ago. You’d had to literally shoo him out the door and down the hall so he’d stop pestering you; you could listen to all his gushing another time. For now, you wanted to relax, and that started with getting changed and ridding your personal space of Taehyung.
The dinner had finished quite late, closer to midnight than you had imagined, and the three moons that orbited the planet sat high in the sky by the time you’d had a chance to slow down and look out the window. The darkness that settled beneath the foliage outside your room reminded you of the last time you’d noticed the night, and your thoughts were taken momentarily to the garrison.
You didn’t know what they were planning, what they were going to do next— if anything. As far as they were concerned you still had the important object they were seeking, the kelkite, and you knew how badly they wanted it, needed it, for their plans. You knew the fact the Kelkie had an accord with the Intergalactic Union was one of the only things stopping them from sending in large forces to retrieve you and the object you stole, but you also wouldn’t put it past them to send another assassin in anyway. They were desperate to reclaim what had been taken from their grasp, after all, and desperate men were dangerous men.
It was a knock that broke you from your thoughts, the sound somewhere between urgent and leisurely. You turned, curious and slightly alarmed, wondering who in the heavens could be knocking on your door so close to midnight. The polished stone beneath your feet was, thankfully, cool to the touch as you strode over to the door quietly. Against what was probably your better judgement, you opened it straight away.
Jungkook flinched, caught wide-eyed as he moved to knock again, freckles tinting pink. Surprise filled you at the sight of the King before your door so late at night, and you couldn’t help but wonder what he was here for.
You couldn’t fight the smile that tugged your lips at how flustered the King seemed as you cocked your hip and leant against the doorframe, gazing at him expectantly. You waited as his eyes roamed your form, clad only in small silken shorts and a singlet of the same material and make. Curiously, the King’s marks fluttered to that same deep, wine-red you’d seen earlier, the same colour that was tinged with an undertone of violet. You had to wonder what emotion that lovely colour betrayed.
“Can I help you with something?” you queried, unable to help the slightly amused lilt to your voice. Jungkook’s eyes, with the same burning intensity you’d felt all night, shifted up to meet your own. He smiled, and in its sincerity it was one of the most endearing things you’d ever seen.
“But of course, little human,” his voice graced your ears and the reaction of your body was instantaneous; heart skipping its usual beats before fluttering excitedly against your ribcage, your breath threatening to catch in your throat as your lungs constricted slightly and your tummy was alight with the tentative brushes of thousands of butterflies. “I wouldn’t bother you at such an hour were it not for good reason.”
Your curiosity piqued, you found yourself leaning forward slightly. “Oh? What would this good reason be?”
He faltered for a moment, the smattering of freckles over his form flushing pink. “Well,” he began, gaze averting for a moment and allowing you the luxury of breathing. “I overheard, at the meeting this evening, when you were talking to Yugyeom…”
You waited, watching as he considered how to word what he wanted to say. His doe-like eyes moved to meet yours once more and yet again you were trapped. “I overheard, that you are fond of the flora on this planet.”
Instantly your face lit with a bright smile. “Yes! It’s beautiful, I really do love it.”
Jungkook seemed relieved, a soft breath escaping him before a large smile of his own tugged his lips, excitement welling within him and spilling forth through the light in his eyes. His hand moved to grasp your own, turning and tugging you after him as he led you away from your room. “Excellent! Come, little human. I have something to show you.”
Curiosity burned at you as you allowed yourself to be swept along after him, mesmerised by the sheer excitement— childish, almost, in its nature— glimmering in the depths of his dark eyes. He led you through halls, around corners and through doorways until you were rapidly approaching a large set of crystal doors that lead to a balcony. It was only now that you remembered your state of dress, turning your gaze to see the King wearing his usual style of clothing, with the addition of a thin coat that looked more like a dressing gown of sorts. You were surprised he could wear it, considering how easily you could get hot in the night, before you remembered that Kelkie had a lower body temperature than humans, and so it was probably easier for them to get cold.
“Jungkook,” you voiced, tugging his hand lightly to get his attention as he pushed the crystal door open. He immediately halted, turning to you with wide eyes. You offered a soft smile, gesturing to your body and the short, thin clothing adorning it. You were unsure what laid outside those doors, and whether or not you were going to be seeing people. “My clothes…”
The Kelkie King flushed pink, a soothing colour against his warm, bronzed tone, and his marks followed suit. His mouth dropped open as he realised your problem and he dropped your hand to remove his coat without a second thought. You could feel heat gracing your own cheeks as he slipped his arms from the cloth, turning and draping it over your own shoulders, his fingers lingering against your throat and collarbones for the most tantalising of split-seconds.
“There,” he hummed, pleased by the sight of you in his coat. “Now you won’t get cold, and no one will see y…”
He cut himself off, cheeks burning, and reclaimed your hand with a soft smile before continuing on his original path outside the palace through the crystal doors. His thumb ran over your knuckles and he spoke as he led you off the balcony and into the forest that lay beyond. You almost struggled to keep your attention on him with such absolute, natural beauty around you. The mesmerising, luminescent glow of the plants, the deep blues and violets of the shadows beneath their leaves, and the cool cerulean glow cast upon your surroundings by the three moons hung high in the sky— you didn’t know if you’d ever find another planet so heart-wrenchingly, stunningly beautiful.
“There’s a certain place I know,” Jungkook said, and for a moment you were distracted by the sight of the muscles in his back working beneath the material of his shirt. “I think… you will like it a lot. It is very beautiful, very serene. I often go there to think, and relax.”
You were honestly touched that Jungkook was doing this in the first place, but hearing that he was sharing a place he coveted, a place precious to him, a part of him, with you… you couldn’t calm the quivering beats of your heart, the molten heat that seemed to make itself at home in your cheeks.
“You seem to have good taste,” you smiled when he looked over his shoulder at you. “I’m sure I’ll like it.”
Jungkook’s marks seared bright, blossom pink, his cheeks suffering a similar fate as his chest seemed to swell with pride of sorts. He didn’t respond, his grasp on your hand tightening ever so slightly as he turned back and continued leading you through the forest that took your breath away. You walked a while, maybe ten minutes at the most, with conversation sprinkled across the way, when suddenly Jungkook stopped before you. There was a glow in the air before him, from a source you couldn’t see but could tell wasn’t the moons. He spun, grasping both your hands in his with unadulterated excitement, before his actions seemed to catch up to him and he faltered slightly.
Even when they were coyly flicking from your own to your surroundings, Jungkook’s large, dark eyes were intense in their own right. A part of you, a large part of you, wanted to explore their depths, upturn each and every secret and covet the emotions there, the desires there, as your own. You tried to ignore that feeling, because with each time you met this boy’s eyes, each day you spent in his care, it grew a little bigger, a little stronger, and a little closer to swallowing you whole.
“This is it,” Jungkook’s voice was soft against your ears, but still clear over the sounds around you from a forest that was alive in the night. His teeth sank into his lip and you tried, you tried not to focus on it. “This is the place. I hope you like it.”
With that, he stepped aside so he no longer obscured your view, and at once your breath was stolen from your lungs.
It was stunning.
A lagoon, a pond of sorts, lay before your eyes in one of the most ethereal sights you were sure you would ever see. It glimmered and glowed, inky depths broken by a smattering of luminescent turquoise and cerulean. The surface was still, a perfect reflection of the spread of stars decorating the skies above, but within its depths there was movement— colours shifting, twirling, swirling. Shapes shimmered and wavered, the banks of the pond lined with luminescent mint vines and the surface sprinkled sparingly with violet lilies covered in luminous navy markings, the pads beneath them deep greens. You hadn’t realised the trance you’d slipped into in the face of such raw, untouched beauty, until Jungkook’s soft tone was gracing your ears once more.
“The stars in the pond,” he said, voice much closer to your ear than you remembered it being. “They’re a rare bioluminescent algae, one that the fish adore.”
You realised belatedly that was what the shapes where— fish, beautiful and decorative with long, billowing fins that trailed behind them like ribbon behind a dancer.
Jungkook grasped your hand once more, leading you over to a well-worn space on the ground, the fine soil much softer against your feet and cool to the touch. He sank down, tugging you with him and delivering you with a wide-eyed, imploring look you couldn’t have denied even if you wanted to. You sat beside him, your feet just inches shy of the pond edge when you extended your legs.
For a while, you didn’t speak. There was an understanding between you, both of you simply sitting and admiring the beauty before you, the ambiance and serenity such a sight elicited within your very soul, and the comfort of the other’s presence. You couldn’t say how long you sat there, watching, mesmerised, as the fishes danced in the pond, twirling and tangling around each other before splitting and darting to find another partner. You couldn’t recall a time you’d felt so relaxed, so at ease, so utterly soothed.
“What do you think?”
A soft querie, so gentle against your ears, that reminded you of the fact you hadn’t told Jungkook what you thought of the place yet. You’d been too distracted, too entranced.
“I love it,” for some reason, you couldn’t bring yourself to speak above a whisper. Your eyes remained on the pond, and you could feel that his did too. “It’s beautiful.”
Jungkook hummed, a melodic sound, a controlled sound against the gentle wilderness gracing your ears. “I come here to think,” he repeated his words from earlier. “It’s calm, and soothing… It soothes me.”
You could see why. Mouth falling open as you prepared to ask another question, you turned your gaze to him and halted as it met his own. At once it was as though you entered your own pocket of time, the pond, the forest, the skies, and even the palace in the distance all inconsequential when you were face to face with him, like this.
The air that had been brewing between you all evening thickened, tensed and charged, and you could feel it coming to a head as you finally lost yourself in his gaze— and you couldn’t bring yourself to care. Already so close to him, his face lowered and something soft brushed your cheek, his thumb, palm cupping your jaw, and you had a split-second more to gaze upon the beauty of him before his lips were on yours and your eyes fluttered closed.
Your heart raced against your ribs, Jungkook kissing you with such—such something, everything, that it stole the breath straight from your lungs and returned it in the span of a heartbeat. Something burned within you, set alight by the soft touch of his lips against your own, the searing press of his mouth against yours and the brush of his firm chest against your breasts. You parted, hardly a second left to catch your breath before his hand slipped to the back of your head and his fingers threaded through the hair at the nape of your neck and you were lost in him once more.
There was urgency behind his kiss this time, lips pressing and moving firmly, eagerly against your own in his hunger to devour more of you. His mouth parted, tongue brushing the sensitive flesh of your own and you trembled, the softest, slightest of wines escaping you as you allowed him entrance. His body shifted, hovering over your own as he rested his weight on his elbow and his free hand found your waist, slipping beneath the material of your shirt and causing a shudder to roll down the length of your spine at the cool sensation and the way it made your stomach flip.
He sucked your bottom lip into his mouth as your hands found his hips and your thumbs pressed into the flesh, heart soaring as you relished the low moan it elicited from him. Your fingers slid against the smooth of his skin, pushing beneath the material of his shirt and clutching at his sides as he pressed your back to the ground gently and shifted above you.
Your mind was spinning, surprising amounts of pleasure thrumming beneath your skin at his every touch, his every noise, his every shift against you. His teeth found your lip and you couldn’t help the sharp gasp that escaped you, or the way it melted into a soft moan. His hold on you tightened possessively, hips pressing deliciously against your own as your thighs parted for him.
The noises you were both making only served to feed the fires blazing through your veins, hands searching, clutching, grasping for something to hold onto, something to tether you to the here and now as Jungkook kissed you so deeply your mind threatened to erase everything else. Your fingers pressed, kneading, over his hips and up his sides, down his back from his shoulders until your fingertips encountered something other than smooth, cool skin. The tentative brushes of your fingers over the peculiar, slippery sensation and the strange indentation in Jungkook’s skin were interrupted as he moaned against your lips, hand rising up beneath your shirt for his nimble fingers to brush over your nipple and bare the underside of your breast to the cool air as your shirt caught on his wrist. You gasped, grasp tightening reflexively and fingers pressing as a result into the slits they’d discovered lining Jungkook’s lower back. A sudden, loud moan tore from the King’s throat, a rough gasp catching on his next breath as his hips rolled against yours and the resulting flush of pleasure had your head swimming and your own whine entering the air to entwine with his.
The movement jerked your thoughts back to the present, and all at once reality seemed to catch up to you. Seokjin’s words echoed in your head, out of place but a stark reminder—Kelkie have Fate Marks, Kelkie have Fated Ones… Kelkie have soul mates.
Jungkook was a King, and he had a soulmate, someone he was fated— destined— to be with, and here you were seducing him on the forest floor. It was like you’d been doused in icy water, something crumpling in your chest as you pulled back, the both of you gasping for breath as Jungkook rested his forehead against your own.
Your teeth found your swollen lip before your eyes opened and met his heady gaze, catching the question in their depths.
“You have a soulmate,” was all you could whisper in answer. Jungkook’s gaze remained trained on you despite the shock reflected in his irises at your words. “You have a Fated One. We can’t…”
Contrary to what you’d expected as a reaction to your words, Jungkook smiled softly. His head dipped, face pressing against the skin of your neck, and he adjusted you both so you were both reclining, his arm around your waist.
“Kelkie are free to take lovers before the emergence of their Fate Mark,” Jungkook murmured against your skin, his words bringing further heat to your flushed cheeks as he slipped the hand that had been on your chest lower, fixing your shirt as he went, to rest his palm securely over your tummy, fingers tracing patterns into your skin. You shivered. “But beside that, in my case, you don’t… need to worry.”
Your head tilted questioningly, but his face remained nuzzled comfortably against your neck. He let out a sigh, a moment passing before he continued, “I’m sure Seokjin let it slip by now if you already know about our Fated Ones, but I got my mark early. That… wasn’t the only thing different to how it usually goes.”
“We know our Fated Ones by our matching marks and an inexplicable draw to each other, but I… my mark does not match that of anyone in my kingdom, anyone on this planet. My mark is different in nature to the usual for Kelkie. No one was drawn to the palace, to me, as it had happened for my parents before me, and their parents before them,” Jungkook was silent a moment, the slightest quaver present in his tone. “I’m the very first Kelkie to take the throne so young, to get the mark so young, and I’m the very first Kelkie without a Fated One.”
It took several long moments for his words to catch up to you, your grip on him tightening once they finally did. A soft gasp fell from your lips. “You don’t…? Jungkook…”
He didn’t say anything more, merely humming against your neck and relishing in the feel of you in his arms, the comfort you provided, the warmth. You didn’t speak— you couldn’t find anything to say.
You simply held him in your arms, soothing him where he lay, and together the two of you relaxed against the other until the first inklings of dawn began to peep over the horizon, and you made your way back to the palace, hand in hand.
x x x x x x x x
A week passed since the night of the dinner, the night you’d ventured outside the palace to the pond with Jungkook. Nothing else had happened, but the two of you were closer now— you felt it when you met his gaze across the room, when he offered a smile that had happiness curling in your gut and your heart swelling. You thought that Seokjin and Jimin might have noticed it too, if their sly, knowing expressions when they caught you looking at each other were anything to go by.
The lunar event Jimin had told you of, the Lunar Null, was set to happen in a week’s time. With each night you watched as the moons grew closer and closer together, feeling a certain anticipation build up within you for the day they would align. You were extremely curious about the event, and when Jimin had mentioned there was a festival in each town on the night it occurred to celebrate it, you couldn’t deny the urge that rose within you to go and see it for yourself.
You were currently doing your nightly stargazing, or rather moongazing, leaning against the large window in your room to peer up at the glimmering skies. Honestly, it was late, and you should have been asleep, but your mind had been whirring nonstop all week— a new thought crossed your mind every two seconds and you’d follow down that train until you reached a dead end, at which point another thought would make itself known and the process would begin all over again. It was strange for you, since you were historically someone who hadn’t ever really had trouble sleeping, and now here you were unable to rest, at the mercy of your thoughts and overactive mind.
Being awake longer meant there was more time to become aware of your body’s needs, the ones usually masked at this time by sleep. You’d been thirsty for a while, but had ignored it for the most part. It was getting to be a fairly prominent sensation, however, and you finally couldn’t take the dry, sticky feeling in your mouth any longer. An inspection of the water bottle by your bed told you your stores were empty, and so with a sigh you left your room, heading in the direction of the kitchens. You’d become familiar with the palace over the weeks, but the kitchens were one of the only places you knew how to find. As soon as Seokjin had told you their whereabouts you’d made yourself very acquainted with the path to and from that side of the palace.
The walk there was, expectedly, uneventful. The halls were quiet and barren, something you attributed to the late hour at which you were making the trip. You found yourself easily becoming lost in your thoughts once more along the way, succumbing to the whirling mess that had been overtaking your mind the past week.
If you were being honest, the topic of your deep musings was almost always Jungkook.
How he looked at you, the way he made you feel, how tenderly he treated you, touched you— and what he’d said that night, what you’d done. You were overwhelmed by it all, trying to sort though it bit by bit and how you felt. It was something that at this stage, you honestly didn’t know.
Sooner than you’d anticipated, you reached the large door marking the entrance to the kitchens, and without a second thought you were pushing it open, taking two steps into the large room before freezing as your eyes fell upon a figure seated at one of the long, large tables.
The very object of your tumultuous thoughts, the Kelkie King, sat towards the end of the bench, head resting on his palm and gaze directed down at the table. His markings were a deep, murky blue scattered against his golden skin, and there was a glass of water and a dessert by his elbow, looking sad with only small few chunks taken out of it before it was seemingly left unwanted and discarded.
He was so taken in his own musings he didn’t even notice you were there until you slipped onto the seat next to him, tone soft, “Jungkook?”
He started, stiffening where he sat on the bench, gaze shooting to you— but you noticed even when his eyes met yours, his marks didn’t shift far from that deep, swimming blue. A part of you realised instantly that something was off with him.
“y/n,” he nearly stuttered, blinking at you. You knew something was wrong if he didn’t use the nickname he was so fond of— you didn’t think you’d ever heard him call you by name before now.
You watched him silently for a moment, analysing his features, the depths of his dark eyes that seemed to swim with emotions too deep and murky for you to make out. It would seem you weren’t the only one kept awake by your thoughts this night.
“What’s wrong?” you questioned, deciding it was better to get straight to the point. Jungkook seemed alarmed you’d picked up on his mood so quickly. “You seem… down. And your marks, I’ve never seen them this colour before.”
Jungkook’s cheeks tinged pink at your last comment, the fact you’d paid attention to him enough to notice his marks so much, but he couldn’t muster a smile. A soft exhale left him, and his gaze turned back to the table— only now did you notice the large locket sitting upon the dark wood, opened and displaying a portrait of two dark-haired Kelkie and a child in their loving hold. It didn’t take you long to realise that the child was Jungkook, and the adults—
“My parents,” he mumbled, blinking at the portrait. “They have been gone a while but… I miss them.”
You waited patiently, hand resting beside his on the table, for him to continue at his own pace. You looked to the people in the locket, his parents, and couldn’t help but note just how much he looked like them. Just like Jungkook, his parents had been beautiful. You couldn’t help the part of you that wondered what had happened to them.
“I usually do not think about them so much, miss them so much, but with the Lunar Null so close, in only a week’s time….” Jungkook’s teeth found his lip as he blinked once more, shoulders hunching slightly. “It is a powerful event. The last time there was a Lunar Null, was when my parents…”
He halted, turning to you, a smile tugging his lips that was absent of any humour. “You are probably confused, right? You do not know what happened to my parents.”
“A little, yeah,” you admitted, placing your hand on his arm and offering a soft look that you hoped conveyed your understanding. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
Jungkook shrugged, gaze returning to the locket for a moment before his eyes slid closed. “It is fine. There is no reason you should not know.”
You waited, silent as he let out a soft breath before his eyes reopened and sought yours once more— the inklings of pain swimming in their depths gripped your heart firmly and threatened to crumple it in its grasp. His voice trembled almost indiscernibly as he spoke, “Kelkie are all linked in some way, through a dormant hive mind type of method. The rulers, my bloodline, are even more so. When the heir comes of age, they take the throne and a process is set in motion. It happens over years, but when the heir comes of age they begin to grow more powerful, drawing this energy from their own parents. Eventually, the parents waste away. It is the way things are.”
Your mind reeled as he continued. “Kelkie come of age at twenty. We receive our Fate Mark at twenty-five, the final telling of our entry into adulthood.”
He dragged his finger over the wood of the table, nail scraping slightly and his brows furrowing. “You have probably noticed by now, probably heard, that things have not ever gone for me the way they have for others. As a child, the court called me a prodigy. I completed my training, my schooling, with flying colours. I excelled in combat and using my abilities. I used to be proud of it, but possessing so much so early…”
His brows furrowed further. “Everything happened earlier for me. I did not come of age at twenty, but at sixteen. I did not get my Fate Mark at twenty-five, but five years before I should have.”
His hand came to subconsciously rub his throat where it was covered by the material of his shirt. “Everything was different, for me. When I came of age, a Lunar Null was set to transpire only a week from the day. It is powerful alone, but combined with the nature of my already hastened growth… my parents did not last years. They wasted away within the week, a-and I…”
Jungkook’s words caught in his throat, teeth finding his lip once more as he blinked down at the locket, unable to push the words from his tongue. Your thoughts meshed, connecting all he’d told you so far and your heart ached deep in your chest.
“You were left alone, with more power than you’d ever handled before, and no one to help you, to teach you what to do with it,” you finished softly, grip on his arm tightening as he turned to you with wide eyes, surprised reflected in their depths. He nodded.
“Seokjin and Jimin have been with me since we were children,” he started, holding your gaze a moment before it returned forward. “But it feels like… the fates, the universe, have destined me for a lonely path. My parents were gone sooner than they should have been, I am the first Kelkie without a soulmate, and Seokjin and Jimin are my friends, my brothers, but… it’s not the same.”
He sniffled, muffling a soft curse and giving you a somewhat sheepish look. In his moment of weakness the accent that had been fading in strength came back almost in full force. “I am not usually so weak, but next week will be the first Lunar Null since that time and… it has brought up a lot of memories, I suppose. I miss… what I used to have, and I think… I miss what I can’t have, what I won’t ever have, too.”
You didn’t have words for how badly you felt for him, for the tremendous ache in your heart or the sting in your eyes. You hadn’t ever gotten so emotional over someone else’s situation before, but for some reason, when it was with Jungkook, it felt normal.
You lifted your arm around his broad shoulders, resting your cheek on the one closest to you and pushing your side against his. He turned to face you, surprised.
“I’m sorry, Jungkook,” you murmured, rubbing his arm softly. “I’m sorry. I mean, I was an orphan, but knowing your parents so long only to have them disappear from your life so suddenly… I’m sorry. I don’t think anyone really deserves that.”
You could feel the slight tremble in his limbs as you comforted him, continuing when he didn’t speak. “But everything that has happened to you has helped you grow, you’re free to do whatever you want, become whatever you want—already you’ve become someone remarkable. I think your parents would no doubt be proud of you. You work hard, you’re a good ruler, you’re just and fair— I mean you could have killed me and Taehyung when we crashed here, but you gave us a chance… you’re kind. There’s a lot to like about you, Jungkook, and I think your parents would be proud of how far you’ve come and who you’ve become without them.”
You could feel his hand come to clutch the shirt at your waist as you continued, voice soft as it graced the air, “And the universe can try and give you a lonely life, but you’ll always have people around you that care for you, and love you. Even if you feel lonely, you won’t ever be alone.”
Jungkook sniffled slightly, turning so he could bring you into his hold more, arms curling around you and his face pressing against your neck and shoulder. “What did I ever do to get such praise from you, little human?”
His tone was still shaky, but you could tell he was trying to lighten the mood a bit, searching for a way to express his gratitude since he didn’t know how. You smiled, chin resting on his shoulder. “You’re always worthy of praise, Jungkook.”
His grip on you tightened for a moment, and you could feel his back trembling against your arms as he exhaled shakily. It was silent as the both of you revelled in the other’s touch; the warmth, the comfort your embrace brought. It was minutes later when Jungkook’s voice sounded against your ear once more.
“Thank you, y/n.”
You smiled. You’d happily comfort him again. There was a part of you that ached and wailed at his sadness, that yearned for his happiness, and with each day, each moment you spent with him and in his arms—
That part of you grew a little stronger.
x x x x x x x
The air of the night was unusually cool against your skin, the close hour to midnight meaning there had been ample time for the heat of the day to fade from the air. You were being led through the luminescent forest once more, a firm hand clasping yours and a bright smile on Jungkook’s face as he directed you both between trees and through glowing foliage.
It was the night of the Lunar Null, and earlier in the day Jungkook had mysteriously told you to meet him outside your room later, dressed to go out. You’d been somewhat confused— he’d left before you could question what he was up to— but had done what he asked nonetheless. An hour or so after dinner you waited outside your rooms, and he’d arrived not long after with bright eyes and a smile to match, his marks soft violet against his skin.
“Come, little human,” he’d spoken with a grin, taking your hand in his and entwining your fingers instinctively. “Let us go, before we miss the festivities.”
“Festivities?” you echoed, excitement beginning to bloom in your chest as you hastened to walk beside him. Your peered up, meeting his gaze. “What festivities?”
Jungkook’s head tilted, raven locks falling delicately over his forehead— you were surprised to note the lack of circlet, and as you surveyed the rest of his form you found he wasn’t wearing the usual embroidered cloth but pieces that were plainer, less notable. He wore only a few bands and rings around his arms, plain and thick instead of delicate and engraved. You wondered why he’d dressed down so much, and what it had to do with ‘festivities’ he’d mentioned.
“For the Lunar Null,” he smiled softly, and surprise filled you. “There are celebrations, festivities in the closest town.”
You were sure your surprise was displayed across your face plainly for him to see. He was taking you to see the festivities, even though they were for an event that reminded him only of things he had lost? You’d seen firsthand how this event had affected him, yet here he was, grasping your hand and taking you to the nearest town so you could see the festival for yourself. Your eyebrows furrowed slightly. “Are you sure?”
He blinked, before his gaze softened and his smattering of freckles warmed to rose red, cheeks pink beneath them. “Yes, I am sure,” he said softly, grip on your hand tightening. “I considered what you said that night, and decided I want to make the most of this— the Lunar Null brings only bad memories for me, but I wish to replace them with new ones, better ones, with you.”
You were wrought speechless, mouth falling open in shock as you heart gave two heavy thuds before kicking into overdrive and fluttering hastily against your ribcage. Happiness, warmth, and something else bloomed in your chest and you couldn’t have stopped the stupid grin from spreading over your face even if you tried.
“Okay,” you breathed, searching for something to say to convey what you were feeling and coming up blank as your eyes held his. “Thank you.”
He grinned, a boyish action that highlighted his youth once more to you, and sped his pace up. “You are welcome, little human. Now hurry, I wish to show you the festival.”
He’d led you through the forest one more, explaining that the festival didn’t take place in the actual town, but in the forest around it since it was considered sacred and connected to the moons. He continued providing you with information about the event and you listened eagerly, unable to stop smiling as you stepped after him. Many twists and turns later, there was a glow ahead that didn’t belong to any of the plants— it reminded you of the glow given off by the crystals the Kelkie used to light the palace. Jungkook turned to flash you a grin, then he was tugging you forward and both of you broke from the treeline.
The sight before you stole the air from your lungs on your next breath, a sheer sense of wonderment settling within you as you gazed about the clearing that was illuminated, as you thought, by crystals hung along string and thin rope like ‘fairy lights’ back on Earth. Your eyes didn’t know what to focus on first. There were booths, vendors selling things to do with the moons and the eclipse, and there were games— you could see small children running about in cute masks, passing coins to adults and trying their luck. The air was charged with a certain something, and you could only describe it as magic. It was foreign, but in the best way; you’d never been somewhere so peaceful and full of joyful anticipation. These were the people of Jungkook’s kingdom, and they were happy. You were sure your eyes shone as they moved back the male beside you, taking in the soft smile upon his face as he gazed over the clearing full of festivities and celebration.
You opened your mouth, words on the tip of your tongue, when he turned and beamed at you. “Come on, let us get our masks.”
“Masks?” you echoed, blinking as he brought you over to the closest stall that had an assortment of lunar themed masks. He nodded, peering over the selection before him, analysing the colours and shape of each one.
“Yes,” he answered, gaze halting over two to the corner. He reached up, the muscles in his back shifting as he grasped the masks and eased them down. His gaze flew to your face as he compared it to the masks. “It is tradition to wear masks during a Lunar Null, although I’m not sure where it originated.”
The masks in his grasp were beautiful. They were masquerade-style, covering the top half of the face only with shaped holes for the eyes, and covered in the silken material you’d come to associate with the Kelkie. Atop of that, they were studded with tiny gems and crystals in intricate, twirling patterns. Jungkook held up one up to your face, a deep wine-coloured one that matched well with its obsidian partner, a bright look instantly crossing his face.
“Beautiful,” he murmured distractedly, before immediately turning to the vendor who was running the stall and speaking in his native tongue. You were surprised at the sound of the clicks and trills of Jungkook’s language, considering it had been a long while since you’d heard it, but couldn’t deny how nice it sounded against your ears when it was spoken in his soothing timbre.
The vendor smiled, uttering a pleased-sounding response and Jungkook grinned, taking out a small pouch from a pocket in his pants and retrieving several coins, placing them in the vendor’s hand. The old man smiled, eyes flicking to you for a moment as Jungkook tucked the pouch away and grasped the masks, before he spoke once more.
Jungkook chuckled, throwing a response back before he grasped your hand and tugged you to a free space. He undid the silken ribbon at the back of the wine-coloured mask and held it up to your face, spinning you around so he could tie it at the back.
You couldn’t help your curiosity, “What did he say?”
Jungkook chuckled from behind you, turning you back around with gentle hands on your shoulders. His eyes swept over your face and the mask now adorning it, marks flushing deep rose. His eyes glimmered as they met yours.
“He said to have fun,” the King beamed, slipping his own mask on and tying it skilfully behind his head before you even had a chance to offer your help. “To enjoy the festivities, and try the drinks by the last stall on the right.”
Your mouth fell open at the sight of him, the obsidian of the mask matching his raven hair and dark eyes, highlighting the darker parts of his deep burgundy clothes. You didn’t think you would ever get used to how beautiful he was. You had to physically shake your head a bit to get your thoughts back on track.
“Oh,” you murmured, a smile slipping onto your face as you recovered from your shock at the stunning sight of him. “Then we should probably do that.”
Jungkook grinned, and then he was taking your hand once more, leading you further into the festival and celebrating townspeople. A peek at the sky told you that the Lunar Null would happen soon, the moons almost unbearably close together— you were burning with the desire to see them align, and the planet’s shadow to pass over them.
The two of you stopped by many stalls, Jungkook showing you how to play the games and playing with you when the rules allowed. You won a fair amount of times, receiving small wrapped spheres Jungkook informed you were candy, but Jungkook won more. Although, in the end, he ended up giving you half of his hoard, falling victim to your puppy eyes.
Eventually you made it to the last stall on the right, Jungkook obtaining the drinks the old man had mentioned from the vendor with a blinding smile and turning to you with a charming smile. The liquid shimmered in the cups, a luminescent blue that should have concerned you but at this point hardly phased you. Jungkook tapped your cup before downing it and you followed suit, the fluid cool against your tongue and a peculiar combination of sour and enticing sweet blooming on your tastebuds. You’d assumed it was alcoholic in nature, and weren’t surprised when the tell-tale aftertaste hit your tongue.
You didn’t have long to process it, your attention being drawn almost immediately away from the drink you’d just downed and towards your left, past the stalls, where the enticing sound of drums and instruments lured you closer. Noticing the direction of your attention, Jungkook grinned and threaded his fingers through yours once more, leading you over.
To your delight, it wasn’t just music, but a performance too. A large circle of space was cleared for the dancers in silk and ribbons as they moved around like they weighed nothing more than a feather, forms entwining and parting with such fluidity and grace you had to blink and wonder if you were really witnessing it with your own two eyes. The drums beat in a symphony that echoed through your being and called to a deeper, more primal part of you, a mixture of instruments adding to the beat and drawing you deeper, deeper, deeper. A crowd surrounded the circle, hands clapping in unison and urging the beat faster, faster, faster. Those that didn’t clap were dancing along, turns and twists that looked too complicated for your eyes to keep up with. The dancers tilted and spun, movements led by their feet, then their hips, their hands, silken ribbons trailing behind in a shadow of where they’d been just moments before. Another drink met your hands, breaking your trance, and even though there was a haze beginning to skirt the edges of your mind you felt nothing but security, safety, warmth with Jungkook by your side. A large smile split your lips as you met his eyes, and the two of you downed another.
The moons grew closer still in the sky, beginning to infringe upon the other, and when the beat hurried and shifted, more percussion instruments added into the mix and a sound oddly similar to a flute carrying the tune. Jungkook’s hand grasped yours and he was tugging you from the density of the crowd, to a space still within view, and he began to move.
Perhaps, at another time, another day, you would have been embarrassed, too shy to participate, but now… the mirth, sheer joy glimmering in Jungkook’s eyes was more than enough to convince you. You allowed him to take both your hands, and you allowed your body to move and sway, to follow the beat and echo the movements of the male in front of you.
He grinned, leading you with ease, and spun you out to reel you back in, planting a soft kiss on the tip of your nose as you grew close enough. Warmth and affection bloomed in your chest, and you couldn’t help the soft laugh that escaped you at his action, the sound bordering on a giggle. You continued to dance alone, dipping with the drop in the beat, spinning when it increased, and each time you came back to Jungkook’s chest he would plant another kiss on your face. Your cheeks, your nose, your chin— you were swimming in a haze of him and each press of his lips, so soft against your skin, pushed you deeper, and deeper, and deeper.
As the moons neared their alignment the music and drums began to work towards the climax of the night, a crescendo just over the horizon, and you were lost in the flow of movement with Jungkook. His hands moved from your own to your waist, your hips, his own pressing against yours as you dipped back, so far back that when you returned upright your head swam in the most peculiarly addictive of ways. Jungkook never stopped smiling, cheeks pink beneath the mask and marks alight in all the warmth, the beautiful colours of a sunset on Earth.
There was a haze over your mind, touching, caressing your thoughts and through it you barely registered as the music came to a looming crescendo and at once your gaze was directed upwards. The moons were aligned, and you watched, mesmerised, as the shadow of Kilkhea crept over it, rendering the inky skies a moonless sea of stars and galaxies. A grip on your waist, your hip, tugged you, tethered you to the here and now and you were tilting your head down just in time for Jungkook’s palms to cup your jaw and bring your face forward.
His lips met yours as the last booming beat of the drums ricocheted through your chest and warmth was blooming beneath your skin, your hands coming to cup his cheeks. Beneath a moonless sky, you became lost in him— the sound, the touch, the feel, the warmth, the sensation of every part of him enveloping every part of you — and even as his lips parted from yours, breath hurried and gasping, you couldn’t bring yourself to mind.
The shadow left the moons and one by one they graced the sky once more, the drums beginning anew with another beat, a different beat. Jungkook leant, capturing your lips once more before he was dancing away, grinning with all the glee and joy you would expect of a child, new and innocent to the world. Another drink found its way into your hands and you downed it once more, head swimming and skin alight with the remnants of his touch scorching pleasure over your limbs. Your mark sang as he grasped you and once more, you fell into the beat.
You danced into the early hours of the morning, drinks aiding the thick, pleasant haze over your mind, and eventually you both found your way back to the palace.
You stumbled into a room— was it yours?— with the King’s hands on your waist to steady your wobbling steps, and as one you collapsed onto the large bed. A soft, pleased sigh escaped you as the cool of the sheets brushed your flushed skin, Jungkook’s arm winding around your waist and tugging you close, his body cool against your back as he quickly fell into sleep.
You were out before you could even think to process it.
x x x
When you awoke, it was to a slight headache, tired limbs, and the soft sound of snores beside you. You could tell from the ache in your eyes that you hadn’t gotten much sleep, and noted from the bright light seeping through the open window to your left that it had to have been somewhere around mid-morning. You blinked, trying to…. Wait. You looked to the window again. It was on your left, but the window in your room was on the right of the bed…
At the gentle nudge to your thoughts, your mind flooded with a sudden barrage of images and memories from the night before, a feeling of warmth accompanying them. The festival, the Lunar Null, Jungkook… You vaguely remembered the trip back to the palace, enough to know that the two of you crashed pretty much as soon as you hit the bed. Your gaze flicked to your side, mind suddenly registering the weight of an arm curled possessively over your waist and a face pressed into your neck.
At once, you were reminded of the way you felt last night, the warmth, the elation… the love. You weren’t surprised to find yourself filled with similar emotions right now. You found yourself nuzzling into Jungkook’s hold before you even knew it, turning in his grip to face him more. You were going to miss this… your heart ached at just the thought. You froze, a sudden realisation falling over you and rendering you immobile.
Here, surrounded by the alluring scent of him, the warmth and security of his hold, the tenderness of his embrace— there was a part of you, a very big part of you, that didn’t want to leave. A big part of you that wanted to abandon everything, all of your worries, and stay here, with Jungkook. A big part of you that, even in so little time, had fallen for Jungkook, the Kelkie King, and was continuing to fall with each second longer you spent in his presence, in his embrace, in the warmth of his gaze as he regarded you.
Your head throbbed, too much thought activity going on for so early in the morning and after as many drinks as you’d had last night. Your eyes closed as you waited for the throbbing to ease, and they reopened when it did, your gaze falling upon Jungkook’s form.
You couldn’t deny the existence of such a big part of you, but still… what did you do, knowing what you did now?
You didn’t have an answer, couldn’t bring yourself to think of one, and decided instead to just relax, and relish this while you could. You allowed your eyes to slip closed once more as you pressed a soft kiss to the top of Jungkook’s head. This was something you could worry about another day, tomorrow, when you were done appreciating all you currently had in your hold.
As your thoughts began to drift and you fell into sleep once more, you couldn’t have ever known what tomorrow would bring.
masterlist | moodboard | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | complete
#kpoptrashtag#kreativewritersnet#boy group writers net#jungkook x reader#jungkook smut#jungkook series#alien au#alien!au#alien jungkook#alien!jungkook#alien jungkook x reader#alien!jungkook x reader#space!au#space au#scifi#sci fi#jungkook scenario#jungkook imagine#bts series#bts scenario#jungkook oneshot#bts oneshot#reader insert#my work#rbuns#fluff#smut#wanted#soulmate au#soulmate!au
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