#there's no way android 18 chose to settle with a man
abuse4points · 4 months
Frieren's got balls
As soon as I saw the representation of Frieren's soul as an off-brand Calcifer fire-flame reminiscent of a ball-sack I knew she'd win the Japanese version of feather-against-the-sin scale challenge Anubis somewhat fancied.
What gets me is that, in her everyday life, Frieren, without ever outwardly displaying it or investing any kind of effort, comes out being perceived as obviously and undoubtedly traditionally feminine. But when push comes to shove, she goes balls to the wall and defeats the strongest of opponents by displaying the results of centuries of training and preparation.
It's almost as if she's a woman traditionally brought up to be seen and not heard, if you ask her husband or father, but the woman both her husband and father would prefer argues on their behalf if the bouncer at the door raises some issues with the validity of their painfully obviously home-printed concert tickets.
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staticl0ve · 2 years
Forget Me Not (Connor x Fem!Reader)
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Pairings: Connor/Female Reader Rating: Mature/Explicit/NSFW 18+ Link (AO3): Forget Me Not (oneshot) Words: 3.5k Warnings: Established relationships, angst, death, smut, PnV sex Summary: Post revolution, Connor settles into a new life where he’s chosen a path of marching in protests and writing speeches. He’s met the one and has never been happier. How would he manage if it were to all vanish in the blink of an eye? Notes: Third person POV for a bit, nondescript afab reader/female pronouns. Really wanted to explore some darker, sadder topics involving our favorite android. I promise I’m still the queen of happy endings!
Do not stand By my grave, and weep. I am not there, I do not sleep— I am the thousand winds that blow I am the diamond glints in snow I am the sunlight on ripened grain, I am the gentle, autumn rain. As you awake with morning’s hush, I am the swift, up-flinging rush Of quiet birds in circling flight, I am the day transcending night. Do not stand By my grave, and cry— I am not there, I did not die. Immortality (Clare Harner)
A ghost haunted Connor.
She did not moan nor groan. Nor did she travel underneath a sheet. She was the crease on an untouched pillow. She was the gap in their bed—not that he bothered pretending to sleep anymore.
S-She was…everything.
How could a machine measure half a century? In daylights? In sunsets? In laughter?
How about regret?
During the revolution, many androids were victims to a massive, countrywide recall. Not all hope was lost, the data in their hardware was still intact and transferred to New Jericho for storage. As androids began to enjoy their new freedoms, hair thin fractures settled between the peace like glass waiting to shatter. Nothing could stop the honeymoon period. Civil rights, land, and bodily autonomy.
The first public union between man and machine caused the last crack in the glass. 
There was outrage.
A minority voice bared their teeth, spurred their followers to act…inhumane. Coalitions formed, going by the nickname Meat Boys, proud men of flesh and bone. They brought guns to protests for ‘keeping’ the peace. Then came written threats and mild property damage, escalating to a massive fire at an android housing block—allegedly.
And then one day, a bomb.
The weapon’s location was clever, placed dead center in a building containing the decommissioned hardware. It was the hope of Connor’s kind to one day resurrect the data. But those lives were technically already gone, stuck in stasis.
So where was our beloved RK800, the brave deviant hunter, in all of this? He left his old detective job to pursue a life filled with speeches and political movements. He thought it was the safer route, talking and marching.
So much for that.
Of all the days his lover decided to grab something from work, she chose today. Something was beeping in the background of their call and Connor had the misfortune of being able to hone in on the exact make and model of the explosive. This was serious, not meant to be left in the hands of an amateur.
“It’s okay. If you think about it this way, humans don’t live nearly as long as androids,” she pondered. “Think of all the lives we’re saving.”
He heard her hiss in pain as her voice crackled over his comms. Their distance only made him feel more helpless.
 “You should be proud of me! All of your self defense lessons paid off. I got to punch out the guy who set this up,” she exclaimed. She never quite mastered punching without bruising herself. Metal clinked and a lid unclasped. “Oh shit, four minutes?”
His knuckles clenched tighter around a steering wheel. The car’s navigation indicated he had only a few miles before the next exit. Two time estimates blinked side by side, one far smaller than the other. Despite the odds being against him, he pushed on.
“Sweetheart. I need you to listen to me—”
“Connor,” she replied sternly, with a defeated sigh. This was an echo of conversations they’ve had before. Arguments on nights where he retreated to the solitude of a cold, dark living room couch. At the last protest, she faced the barrel of a gun and spat back at the opposition, ignoring his advice.
Don’t be a hero. Stay safe.
He was often the first to cave, his shadow darkening their moonlit room.
I am sorry.
No, I’m sorry. Connor, you’re right to worry. It’s only human.
That was the problem wasn’t it?
“Please. You must go,” he begged.
The headlights of his car frantically swayed from one lane to the next as he weaved around late night commuters. Rubber squealed, leaving a trail of black as he raced against the clock. Fire plagued his circuits. Static clogged his head until he felt it may pop off from the pressure alone.
Connor was fine. In fact, he was in the best shape of his life with newly installed upgrades and a more optimal power supply. It was the worst case scenario, him, safe and sound while a timer blipped away the seconds left of their time together.
“There’s got to be scissors around here somewhere. I think…” she paused and he heard a heavy clatter of an object being placed on a wooden surface. “I think this is the only bomb in the building. If I just clip—wait—was it the red wire or not the red wire?”
She chuckled and he barely heard her say “just kidding.” Given the circumstances, it was so like her to try and ease his nerves. It worked and it didn’t, a bittersweet smile rose and fell on his face. A car honked as he swerved.
“You don’t have to do this yourself. Help is on the way,” Connor insisted.
He didn’t know she volunteered to stay behind.
“I can’t just leave. This is gonna take out a major chunk of New Jericho. What if—”
“The others have evacuated. Please, you’re only saving buildings.”
“It’s more than just cement and glass and you know it,” she snapped back.
She owed the androids. One saved her life on a rainy evening, when it was too dark and stormy for anyone to see her strolling into traffic. Connor hadn’t changed out of his old android blazer then, his model number branded into her mind.
They got coffee.
Then dinner. And later, a movie. When he officially asked her to be his, he bought flowers and she bought him a new jacket.
Their union was not an easy one. It took time for loved ones to come around to it. When they did, all was well in their happy bubble. The famous deviant hunter turned lecturer, traveled and talked. He never stopped counting his lucky stars, grateful that he could take her along on his journey.
Silence followed and a mess of blocked up traffic slowed Connor’s car to a halt. Familiar vehicles with flashing red, white, and blue lights whizzed by. It brought him some relief.
“I got it!” she shouted and the beeping faded from the call. She huffed and laughed. “See, I told you it wasn’t going to be so bad.”
A few rooms away, hidden in the basin of a planter, a timer once ticking stopped.
He saw the flash of white long after his processors could accept the sound of the blast. His world came to a halt, his mind tearing seams into reality until he was but a mere observer—a heap of plastic, frozen stiff and utterly useless. Crimson light from his LED bled over his face, spilling into the darkness of his car.
He imagined the worst: her face, dipped in red. Blood, soaking into carpet like spilled wine. Hollow eyes latched onto the ceiling, never to see again.
Streets away, black plume drifted up into the star dusted skies. Sirens blared, trucks in red sped past the intersection. His mouth opened, emptying his lungs in an anguished scream. The call ended only moments ago and still he shouted for her. His grief bounced around the metal shell of his car as if volume alone would summon a response from the other side.
Forgotten in the passenger seat, was her coat, a remnant from their morning stroll.
Later investigations would reveal that the blast was small and localized to just her floor. It was likely setup as a cruel contingency plan to ensure collateral damage should the larger bomb fail. She succeeded in saving the data, every byte of it.
There was nothing left of her, no bones to burn for ashes.
Only memories and sorrowful glances from their friends and family.
In place of her body, they planted flowers at her gravesite. An assortment of colorful petals framed her gray headstone. Some were small and blue. In time, the flowers would wilt. Only then would a stray passerby see it; an engraved box, the perfect size for a ring.
In so many ways, she was right. Humans operated on a much shorter timeline than their machine counterparts and yet Connor had hoped—had wanted to know what it may have been like to gaze upon her over the years, to have had her company. Knowing her, she would have laughed while poking and prodding at her face.
“Is this a new wrinkle or did I sleep on my pillow funny?”
“I see nothing that isn’t already the most beautiful thing on Earth,” he would answer, knowing she’d grin at his reply.
“How do you manage to sound charming while saying the lamest things?”
He wished he could hold her now, plant a kiss so deep she’d know that there could be nothing more splendid than a reminder of their years spent together. To have that time…well, it was only a distant fantasy now.
That was all it was, fantasies and virtual constructions. He over indulged with what was and what could have been until her face and voice began to distort. Like old tape recordings or a hard drive in need of defragmentation, what little remained of her became streaks of static, covered in distortions and broken shards of color.
Some nights he was lucky. Intact memories played out like not a day had passed. He could feel her: her throat vibrating with a laugh as he nipped gently on her skin. The light pressure of a hand pushing at his chest.
“Is something wrong?” Connor asked without a hint of genuine concern.
She noticed, palm pressing more firmly against him.
“No marks!” she laughed. “I have a presentation tomorrow.”
He made a noise that sounded like he agreed but his eyes sparkled with devilish intent. Trailing down her chest, he pressed his cheek where her heart hammered between ribs. Steady thumps quickened when his hand slid up her thighs. He could listen to this all night, lie with his head on her chest, wanting to believe it’d beat forever.
“Magic word?” he slurred with his tongue lapping her breast.
“No marks!” she said between bubbling laughter.
Admittedly, this machine took advantage of all his freedoms, namely the one that allowed him to disobey. They’d explored it before in the bedroom, with her eager consent. He had her teetering at the edge for the millionth time when she stopped begging and yanked his hair to insist.
“No,” he smugly replied. “Not yet, love. Color?”
She couldn’t contain her annoyed sigh, nodding and going limp in the bed.
Sometimes, they switched and he role-played as the obedient RK800 he once was. Tonight was one of those nights where he was in that mood. His canines grazed over her sensitive nipples, and he smirked.
“Order me.”
Her eyebrow rose curiously, the corner of her lip mirroring its movement.
“R-RK800,” she began, her voice a low whisper in the quiet of their bedroom.
His frame shivered over her. There was a quality to her voice that always got to him, etched itself between his panels. When he first heard it that one rainy night, he uncharacteristically lingered by her side.
City traffic had resumed, autonomous cars unaware of the accident that nearly occurred. She thanked him through clattering teeth, her clothes drenched from the rain. His arms wrapped securely around her shoulders and waist. The frantic pattern of her breath fogged the cool air. They must have looked strange, standing frozen beneath a streetlight with rain spilling down their necks like two lovers caught in a heartfelt embrace. But even an android new to deviancy could recognize it would be inappropriate to overstay a hero’s welcome. Shortly after, they parted ways. Through luck, she managed to find him before he quit the DPD. Connor couldn’t drink coffee, but he graciously accepted her invitation to talk.
It was the least romantic of settings, a busy cafe at noon with customers accidentally bumping their chairs. She could barely hear him over the clamoring of drink preferences and order numbers. He watched her nervously stir her drink, shrinking shyly whenever they met eyes. She’d never admit it was her doing, but it was her lighthearted and casual suggestion that changed his life.
He wasn’t sure what was next. Becoming a dog walker for Sumo? Pestering Hank about his lunch choices as a health adviser? He was pretty sure the Lieutenant was going to hate that. 
“I dunno much about detective work, but I’ve heard how people talk about you. You’re a hero! You could inspire others just by reaching out.”
She knew a thing or two about public outreach and he had selfishly sought her help with speeches as an excuse to work his way to a date. Connor didn’t expect to love giving lectures and debates. He thought it was more of Markus’ wheelhouse but humans found his awkward charm endearing, reminding them he wasn’t machine perfect.
Their first time was in a hotel, the both of them travel weary and worn from a day at a convention. Her skin was wet, wrapped in a plush bathrobe and his processors were working their hardest to keep him modest. He was going to attempt stasis on the communal couch when she suggested he try the bed.
Connor wasn’t the same man since.
As his model number left her lips, his hand retracted to its android shell, shifting to white and gray as his plastic fingers prodded her wet folds. The data he gleaned never failed to pull a groan from his lips. This was for him: her trust, her love, her lust. Brown eyes bore into hers, coaxing her to say the words he needed to hear.
“What are my orders?”
“Fuck!” she moaned as one finger glided into her. Who was calling the shots? “Connor…”
He blinked slowly, pumping his finger into her. Not a single synthetic muscle betrayed his amusement, his face neutral and blank. She corrected herself, struggling to maintain the level of cool he was presenting.
“RK800, if you do not fuck me tonight, I swear you’re sleeping on the couch.”
“I’m afraid I require more specific directions,” he explained. A second finger joined the first, curling over tender nerves. His cheek twitched as she gasped and squirmed. He was incredibly hard, cock buried between tangled sheets and he was tempted to grind against them to relieve some of the tension.
Not yet, he had to remind himself.
“Is this…” His thumb found her clit, rolling the nub in tandem with his thrusting fingers. “…Not what you asked for?”
Incoherent words muffled behind her palm as she tried to ground herself.
“P-please. I need…”
His chin rested on her abdomen, nose blowing hot exhaust on her twisting muscles. He loved how her back arched as he twisted his fingers.
“Is this not satisfactory?”
A warm, wet tongue flattened over her clit, rolling back and forth as she twitched. Her nails gripped the sheets and she glared at him.
“RK800, I demand you fuck me with your cock,” she finally ordered.
“Your request,” he added a sharp ‘tst’ at the end of the word, “Has been accepted.”
Rising upwards, he hovered over her, his thighs spreading her legs apart. Her calves wrapped around his ribs. Eager to reward her patience, he didn’t hesitate, pushing the head of his cock into her. Nothing could compare to the feeling of the initial stretch, her pillowy walls welcoming his intrusion. It took a few gentle rocks of his hips before he could slide home, her gasps sharp in his ear.
“My stamina is endless,” he muttered into her ear. She already knew this about him, but wanting to be as immersed in the fantasy as he was, she played ignorant. Connor was meticulous, shifting his weight and reliably making her spasm around him. He was coated with her, his cock shiny as it slid halfway out. “Unlike an organic partner, I am capable of maintaining the same rhythm…as long as you’d like.”
He licked a stripe up her neck and towards her slack jaw. She replied with little moans, small eyelash flutters, her nails scraping down the muscles of his back. His sensors warned him of temporary damage should she persist. It only made him thrust harder.
“…If you ask, I could keep you suspended in bliss.”
He studied her carefully, enjoying the beads of sweat that dripped down her brows. His plastic hand lingered between their pelvises, glowing blue with a buzz. Her hips jolted at the contact, first away and then greedily grinding into his fingers. Lines of statistics flickered in his HUD of her arousal state, heart rate, combining with what he could feel of her: pulsing, hot, and alive. He leaned onto an elbow to stroke her cheek.
“Would you want that?” he asked, voice low and husky.
His hips left a bruising pace and she ached for more, her ankles digging into his back. Parts of his chassis became exposed, patches of shiny plastic spreading across his torso and arms. A vibrating thumb stroked circles around her clit. Her eyes rolled, clamping shut as her breaths quickened.
She did love a machine.
“Connor, I…”
His forehead met hers. Breaking character, he muttered words of devotion, and kissed away tears that clung to her lashes. Small hands held his face in place, her eyes snapping open briefly.
“I…” she tried again.
She mouthed the beginnings of an L-shaped letter before she succumbed to the pressure that finally scorched her nerves. Their lips met as he swallowed her words of affection, his hips trying their hardest to fuse with hers. Her hands threaded through his soft locks as he moaned, spilling as deeply as he could.
He didn’t realize how soon he’d no longer see her teeth sparkling in a sweet smile.
“I love you, Connor.”
After the funeral, Jericho offered their support. A monument was erected in front of the repaired building, a permanent reminder of his loss. It was more than his machine heart could bare. Once Connor suffered the loss of another human companion, he left Detroit in search of distractions, either in the form of work or a pretty face that looked vaguely like hers.
Nothing ever came close.
It was the 50th anniversary of her death and Connor received a message from the one and only deviant leader, Markus.
“It’s been too long old friend. Come back to New Jericho. I promise it’ll be worth the visit.”
And return he did, driven by a hopeful promise.
Once androids became active participants in society, technology advanced faster than ever before and well, the sky was the limit. The impossible became possible. Organic could become synthetic.
Deep in the vaults of New Jericho was something too good to be true. A gift of extraordinary circumstance.
Stainless steel doors, thick with a dull sheen held a blurry reflection of the RK800’s silhouette. He dressed in the hopes of appearing familiar, in a style that matched his old gray suit. In one hand was a bouquet of roses with small blue flowers intermingled in the red petals.
Forget me not.
One by one, three bulbs beside the door lit up: red then yellow. A screen produced wall after wall of status checks, all passing with flying colors. Idle fingers began tapping anxiously on his slacks.
rA9. Please. Please.
With a ding, everything flashed green. Air hissed and popped, the doors sliding open as light flooded the room. His tense expression broke, his face lifting in relief.
You blinked, uncertain. A ring of light cycled on the temple of your head, flickering red then gold. Everything was new and old, byte after byte of sensory overload. Your eyes landed on his face and used it as a familiar anchor. You were a ship lost at sea, finally finding safe harbor. Connor was exactly as you remembered him: a little awkward and perfectly handsome.
He collapsed to his knees as you moved forward for an embrace. The flowers fell, rolling between your feet. Nothing else mattered.
Only you.
His hands were everywhere, on your face, patting down your back, gripping your arms and back up to your face where he held you at eye level.
“You’re here,” he whispered. “Y-you’re really…here.”
Your eyes crinkled with a soft laugh. “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting.”
No longer was the voice in his head a worn and faded memory. It was right beside him with a breath that warmed his cheeks. Perhaps now, he could resuming measuring time in daylights, in sunsets, and in laughter.
How about love?
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redsdesktop · 6 years
DBH: Deviant Dynamics
Chapter 18
Warnings: None, some fluff and then some plot.
The first sensation Connor felt was the feel of warm water from his chest down.
Opening his eyes with a start, he stared at the familiar tile wall of Hank's bathroom. It was disorienting to fall asleep in one place and wake up in another without even waking up during the transition. Usually Connor was more alert to disturbances, maybe he really had let himself go a little too much last night. Then again he hadn't been able to help himself, his stress levels had been at dangerous levels. He recalled what Conrad had done to him last night, the way he made Connor forget about everything else. Though that didn't explain why he was in a tub of water.
Upon further inspection he also became aware of a sturdy body against his back, only one person was allowed to be so close. Conrad must have powered up first and brought him here, knowing Connor would likely want to get cleaned up first thing. It was... oddly sweet of the other android, making Connor feel a bit out of place as Conrad wasn't exactly one to show his care in this way. Connor closed his eyes, not wanting to confront Conrad just yet as he simply wanted to continue relaxing in this bliss. The warm water was helping ease his mind, though the liquid was more satiny than usual as if Conrad had added something extra into it.
Connor tipped his head back, letting it rest on Conrad's shoulder as he savored this quiet moment for a while longer before reality crashed down again. Conrad nuzzled into his hair, being oddly affectionate for such a stoic man, maybe it was because they were alone together so no one would see this side of him. No one was allowed to as it was reserved for Connor. After such a rough and demanding time last night, it was a startling change, but still welcomed as he was still a little worn out from the world in general and really didn't want to deal with a clingy Conrad at the moment. He sighed out, really he wished he could stay there forever but that just wasn't how life worked.
A heavy hand knocked on the door, dragging Connor from his relaxed state. He really didn't want to answer, but he knew who it was and couldn't really deny Hank and plus his human pseudo-father might need to take care of his business."Connor? Are you in there? Came Hank's gruff voice, making Connor raise his head, looking over at the door.
"Yes, do you need in the bathroom?" He replied, not yet budging from his place as Conrad's arms looped around his waist as if already protesting the idea of letting Connor out of the tub.
"No, I just wanted to let you in that they need us down at the department, so hurry up and get dressed. And bring the asshole with you." Hank's nickname for Conrad didn't change but it was a slight improvement from yelling at the idea Conrad was anywhere near Connor. Maybe he was slowly coming to terms that Conrad no longer wanted to hurt Connor and wanted the opposite. Alphas tended to guard their partners zealously, hurting them was unnatural but it did tend to happen. So far, after the initial attack, the only attacks he received were intimate ones that made his ears warm just thinking about.
Looking down his body, he examined the damage, there were bruises from the leather straps, but the bitemarks had been healed. Conrad must have used the kit they had obtained from the hospital to repair him while Connor had still been in standby mode. He must have really needed the break, though he was somewhat annoyed that Conrad hadn't bothered to actually wake him.
"Will do, Hank, I'll get ready and meet you down at the department." He wasn't yet to the point of riding with Hank again seeing how Conrad insisted on being with him. The tension in the car was far too much for Connor to deal with in the mornings. Both alphas having a stare off made Connor worry that Hank wouldn't break eye contact to look at the road to watch where he was driving. One day they would be able to all ride together in a vehicle without all the alpha posture, just today wasn't that day. He could hear Hank moving off, likely already dressed and ready for work, it was odd that Connor was the one who would be arriving late.
Connor closed his eyes, his system was restored back to where it was only himself once again. It was getting to the point where even the smallest touch fro Conrad transferred his thoughts and feelings silently to him and from the pull on his databanks, he knew he was transferring his own desires and concerns to the younger model. Being without that mingling connection was starting to become addicting, it was a bit of a frightening thought, to be attached to someone when Connor was still getting used to the idea that people saw him more than just a machine. Hank's outlook had changed over time, a joint effort between the two of them to settle on something deeper than friendship, a familial bond Connor had never experienced.
He had considered at a time that Amanda what would be akin to a human mother, but ever since meeting Hank, he knew he'd just been trying to put what he desired most on a program that had no ability or desire to give him what he needed. Amanda had instilled a sense that others would just get in the way of the mission, that serving another was his only goal in life. So it was a bit of a challenge to let someone as domineering as Conrad into his life. It wasn't until they had connected systems for the first time that Connor understood that this held a deeper meaning.
Conrad was even more scared than Connor was.
To have to experience such strong independent desires for the first time while being so young, unable to control himself no matter how hard he'd tried. Despite all his worries and concerns, under it all he was deeply infatuated with Connor. Conrad was aware that he wasn't exactly the best at socializing or communication, he lacked the programming for it and had to learn as he went. But sometimes, words could express the thoughts and feelings that went on in someone's head. And Connor had be inside Conrad's programming, had felt everything he felt, putting him on a new level of understanding.
That didn't mean Connor was going to cut Conrad any slack though. In order to improve, Conrad needed to learn. Though Connor did enjoy those times where Conrad let himself fall completely into his alpha programming, the way the other android looked at him as if he was irreplaceable and Connor had felt that to be true between them. Despite what Amanda had told him, that he was just a machine to easily be replaced if he didn't accomplish his mission. It was important to know that he was one of a kind to someone. Now Connor had three people who viewed him as such: Hank, Sumo, and Conrad. While Conrad only had him. That was something they would work on.
Slowly, Connor stood up, pushing at those arms that tried to convince him to stay in the water. "If Hank is going to the department this early, it has to be important, Conrad." Connor pressed as Conrad let out a half-hearted growl of complaint but finally gave up on trying to convince Connor to stay. Connor took his job seriously and wouldn't be deterred like a dog with a bone. Knowing Connor would full and well leave him if he didn't hurry up, Conrad followed suit out of the tub. Already Connor was drying himself off with a towel, feeling better now that he was clean and slight stress free. His mind already wondering on what had happened that they would need to call them in for.
Conrad attempted to join in on drying Connor, but it mostly ended up with the younger android leaving little nips along Connor's neck. While it was enticing, it still wasn't enough to lure Connor away from his duty. He chose to simply ignore Conrad's touches as he began to pull on his clothes that had been neatly stacked on the counter, ready and waiting for him. Another small detail Conrad had did, he must have known Connor would stubbornly want to go to work instead of ditching it with Conrad. When Connor glanced into the mirror while securing his tie around his neck, he spotted that Conrad had already dressed himself. Connor had to turn his head to look at the other android, still surprised by Conrad's capabilities to split his attention between Connor and himself without Connor even really noticing.
"Ready to leave now?" Connor asked as he gave one last look over to his hair to make sure it was in its correct style.
"No." Conrad stated blandly, unenthused about leaving the house and once more having to keep himself in check. However, neither could skip out on work, androids needed them and they had to pull their weight around the house so Hank didn't have to take it all onto himself. Connor already felt guilty about placing himself into Hank's care, putting the older detective in a situation he couldn't refuse. However, Hank constantly told Connor to forget about worrying, which was in Hank's terms that Hank was more than happy to let the android stay with him.Connor rubbed a bit of scent neutralizing lotion on his neck and wrists, not wanting the entire precinct to know what they'd done last night.The lotion wasn't enough to completely smother their combined scents but it wouldn't be overpowering enough to disturb his coworkers either.
The ride to the precinct was an uneventful one, despite enjoying the wind in his hair. It would've been better if the day didn't have a heavy overcast but that was no surprise considering where they lived. As the two androids entered, Connor first, followed closely behind was Conrad as usual. Hank was at his desk with coffee and doughnuts staring irritably at his terminal screen. A look like that meant whatever case they'd been handed wasn't a good one. Connor picked up his pace a little, wanting to know the details of what happened. He pulled out his chair and dropped down into the seat. He could just look up the information on his own terminal but he wanted to hear it from Hank and learn his opinion on the matter.
"So, what has happened that they needed to call us in, Lieutenant?" He addressed Hank formally, he often did it while at work but sometimes he slipped up and called the alpha by his first name. No one seemed to really mind around here, except for maybe Gavin who still persisted in being addressed by his title. Sometimes Connor would 'accidentally' slip up and call him by his first name, but no often enough to rustle up trouble.
Hank sighed and leaned back away from the screen, running a hand over his gristled beard, for once not giving Conrad a glare as the younger android sat down in a chair beside Connor. Connor and Hank had been adamant about Conrad sitting because standing behind Connor all the time was a bit unnerving. "We found the body of an android this morning. There wasn't any signs of a struggle. It just seems he dropped dead on the spot." Connor frowned at the idea, androids were pretty resilient and it would take a severe beating to deactivate them, unless they were Cyberlife. Perhaps it was Cyberlife trying to regain control? Though targeting a random deviant out on the streets didn't seem to be their style. They would focus on hunting down the main insurgents like Markus.
"That's not even the worst part." Hank added after noticing the concerned and thoughtful expression on Connor's face before he dropped the next shoe. "It seems our victim was a newly changed omega from the smell coming from him." The wrinkles on the corners of Hank's eyes deepened with a bit of stress, so Connor pressed on before Hank could fall into his troublesome thoughts.
"Had they gone to the hospital yet?" Connor asked, leaning forward so his elbows rested on the table, his fingers absently searching for something to grab and toy with to help his thought processes. Almost as if sensing Connor's desires, Conrad reached over smoothly to place a coin into Connor's awaiting hand. Without a second thought, Connor's programming began to deftly flick the coin over his knuckles. Hank scowled at the sight of the coin but said nothing for now.
"It seems he had been waiting on the bus to take him there when he was attacked or something. I don't fucking know, I didn't think androids could just drop dead like that. Never seen it happen before." Hank scratched his chin in thought before grabbing his cup of coffee to drink, needing the energy to deal with this shit in the morning.
"Is the body here?" Connor flicked the coin into his other hand, it had been some time since he'd been allowed to get his hands on a coin and he wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to use it, to reacquaint himself with the smooth metallic surface with worn out ridges of previous presidents.
"Yeah, Reed already closed the crime scene and brought all the evidence back to the evidence room." Hank looked over at Connor before motioning with his hand. "Do you think you can do that uhh.. no-skin hand touching thing that androids do?"
"Not if the android is deactivated, remember? Though I'd have to get a look at the android before I can determine if I'm capable of reactivating it or not." Connor frowned, reactivation was always tricky, systems could be scrambled to the point it would sometimes be unable to formulate coherent sentences. "We have to find out of they were targeted because of this change or not." Perhaps Kamski was behind it, his next step in androids might have some flaws, malfunctioning errors that could shut an android down. Though such a mistake from Kamski didn't seem all that likely and that was the silver lining of this entire mess.
It was going to be another long day.
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Name: I.R.U.E.L Moroz Nickname: I.R.A Serial Number: 9X4-39647J Name Meaning: Idiorrhythmic Respiratory Unit with Extended Longevity. Age & Date of Birth: He was created on July 4, 1996. His “brain” is technically 40 years old, but his physical body is 8 years old. Birthplace: Mariupol, Ukraine  Species: He is an Android Gender: Male Orientation: Non-Applicable Fandom/Original: He’s an original and from my first group of characters.
Warnings: Abuse, Abandonment, Child with cancer, Robot abuse(?), Death. ((Science is going to get future advanced in this story))
Biography: Dr. Anton Moroz and Dr. Julia Sewick were an older couple who were dedicated to their research. They wanted children, but they both felt that they were physically too old to have them. Anton was 50 and his wife was 52, they had been married since he was 19 and she was 21. They were both respected doctors in their fields, with him being a neurologist and her being a neurorobotics professor. 
They desperately wanted a child so they looked into adoption. They eventually spoke to a girl who was giving up her baby for adoption. She was 17 and she was not ready to be a mother. They spoke to each other and she agreed to give her baby to them. They went with her to her doctor appointments, and they actually let her stay in their house for a while. She gave birth and afterwards she went back to where she was before.
They named their baby Piotr, and they worshipped him. They spoiled their child and chose red him with unconditional love. Piotr was a bright and easy-going child who made them laugh and he was never fussy. Things were going well until he turned 5 years old. He was feeling sick and he was vomiting. Things got so bad that he actually had a stroke and he was in a coma for a few weeks. After going to other doctors and even from Anton’s research, they learned that he had an aggressive and rare form of bone cancer. The other doctors told them that the rate of the disease was progressing quickly and that there was no way to operate. 
They were devastated. They tried contacting his birth mother to tell her the news, but she was nowhere to be found. Anton and Julia stayed with their son until his death on October 12th, 1986. They were lost without their baby, and they were so depressed that they almost divorced over issue. They took some time apart to get over their grief. Dr. Anton, being the scientist that he was, he came up with a rather controversial idea at the time. He approached his wife and he asked her if they could work together to re-create their child. He was conducting research in Artificial Intelligence, and he felt that if they worked together, they could let the memory of Piotr live on. She had reservations about the idea at first, but after some serious consideration, she agreed. They started on their research of making Piotr live again. 
They asked to keep the brain of their son for research, and through their efforts Julia and Anton managed to copy Pitor’s memories to a synthetic brain. They then started to work on his body. 
It took them 10 years, but they created a body that could function as Piotr’s. They chose to create an adult sized body because they felt that it would be easier for him to understand. They placed the synthetic brain into his body, and Piotr was reborn. Their son had the mind of a child, but he was “alive”. They continued to love him as they did, and because they were afraid something would happen to him, they chose to keep him inside. He acted like their son, but they couldn’t truly recreate the complex emotions that children displayed, so although he could talk and emote, he was always monotone and rather reserved.
Julia was amazed. The synthetic brain that she created was adapting and evolving like the brain of a child. He was learning and growing up as usual. They chose to homeschool him and things were going great. 
As time passed, Piotr was already 18 years old when he started to notice something strange about his mom and dad. Their health was failing. Anton was getting thinner and he would get tired more often. He died suddenly at the age 85. Julia was getting older as well. Piotr did as much as he could to help them, but he couldn’t understand what was happening. She made a call to a trusted colleague before she realized that her health was failing as well. She gave her son a backpack that he was not to open until he made it to the destination on the letter that she wrote. She wrote something down for her son to follow, but not even a week later, she passed away too. Piotr was alone in the new world. He had learned about what to do, and he buried his parents in the back yard of their home together. He read the letter that she made for him and it was time for him to go. 
At the time, Piotr had a body and a framework, but he didn’t have any skin. He was unprotected and he literally looked like a skeleton with silver eyes. He wrapped himself from head to toe in bandages and he put on a coat, gloves, and shoes for good measure. With his parents life savings on a credit card, backpack and the letter, he made his way to France where he met up with Dr. Laurent Sendak. He was a doctor who worked with creating artificial skin for people with prosthetic limbs and severe injuries. The skin that he created felt real to the touch and he was a good friend of Piotr’s parents. He gave him the note and the doctor asked if he could stay with him for a while. He accepted, and Piotr made himself useful by assisting the doctor with his work. He created skin and artificial organs for Piotr so that he could blend in better. He even had hair that grew like a normal persons and fingernails. He told him that the letter said that his parents wanted him to look like their son that they lost and they hoped that he had a great life. He was grateful, and although it took him some time to get use to how he looked, he grew to like his appearance. 
One day when Piotr was exploring France when he was attacked by this group of people. He had no idea who they were, but all he remembers is that when he woke up, he was on a operating table of some sort. One of the guys who captured him said that his company was looking for a new soldier and that he fit the bill. As soon as they did a scan, they saw that he wasn’t human and they were excited. One guy strapped him down and they hooked him up to a machine. They started to reprogram him and soon Piotr ceased to exist. These mercenaries were part of this up and coming private army that was known as D.I.R.E. They wanted Piotr because an android could be a great asset to a group of soldiers. The doctors extensively remodeled him on the inside, giving him military grade enhancements and even an exclusive 50 Yottabyte Upgradeable Memory unit. After their extensive upgrades, he was ready to be deployed. They gave him the new name of I.R.U.E.L and he was a powerhouse. 
They worked with him for 4 years until something weird happened. After every mission his data would be collected and wiped so that they could do the next mission. As he was on standby, he found a piece of data that they missed. He remembered his parents and all that they had done for him. He didn’t know what this feeling was, but he knew that they would be upset if they saw him doing this. The soldiers kept him in a low power state most of the time, and that is how were able to control him, but they didn’t realize that he was connected to one of their main control computers. He secretly reverse-hacked their computer and he accessed all of their files. He downloaded a useful upgrade that he stored for later, but he re-routed most of their power to himself. Being at full power overrode their control and he was able to get out. He stole a few weapons and he managed to kill even their strongest soldiers and they were really no match for him. He was about to steal a boat to escape, but a well placed sniper shot took him out and he fell into the harbor. According to him, the next few years are hazy, but he knows that he was rescued by a man named Ioanthe who repaired him, took out some of the military grade implants and refreshed his memory. He also worked as an assassin for a few years as well.
During his assassin job, he had a friend named Jace Vanitas who was interesting. He was part demon and trustworthy. They worked with one another for a long while before I.R.U.E.L got a strange feeling. 
He had never noticed this, but he kept on hearing a transmission that nobody else could hear. The code was located in Denmark, from what he deduced and something was compelling him to go there. He got Ioanthe’s permission to leave, he told Jace goodbye and he made his way to Denmark. 
He couldn’t express how he was feeling, but he was constantly on high alert because he was afraid that the D.I.R.E guys would come for him again. Many people thought that he was a “suspicious and weird guy” who glared at everyone going by. He couldn’t help it and he knew that not all people were like that, but he couldn’t be sure. He arrived in Denmark and the signal led him to a library. Once he was inside, the signal was stronger. He sat there trying to figure it out, when he was approached by a guy who had blonde hair and purple eyes. The guy, who he assumed was human, was very kind and something was really familiar about him. The guy, who introduced himself as Nils, said that he had been looking for him as well. His creator was Dr. Sendak, and that he was coming to help him, but the signal was lost. He had no idea what to do, so he settled down in Aalborg. I.R.U.E.L was confused, but Nils told him that he was his brother. He was unit 9X4-40, and they were designed together but raised in separate areas. 
I.R.U.E.L was relieved and glad that he had someone to connect with. N.I.L.S as it turned out was advanced, but the younger of the two. He had an emotion upgrade and he was like his own technological firewall. He let his brother move in with him and they lived together for 5 years. During that time, N.I.L.S taught him about humans, and I.R.A taught his brother essential combat skills. The two of them then saved up money where they moved to New York and they decided to work as Antiterrorism police. I.R.A works as an active officer while N.I.L.S is the IT guy.
Appearance: I.R.U.E.L, or as he likes to be called, I.R.A, was modeled to look like the adult version of a couples adopted son. He is about 6'4 and 565lbs, which does tend to throw people off. He has an athletic build like a swimmer and he does look like he works out once in a while. He and the child that he was based off of are of Japanese descent. He has fair skin with warm undertones, but his skin is very smooth. He has a narrow and rather handsome face, with full lips and a pointy nose, but his most distinctive feature are his eyes. His eyes are sharp and they are made of liquid mercury, so they appear silverish to white in the light and they are rather piercing. When he’s in “Sniper Mode”, there is a faint blue glow around his pupils. He does change his hair a lot, and as of now it is short, black, and trimmed. He does have pointy canines and nails that are black for some reason.
Personality: I.R.A has undergone three major personality upgrades in his lifetime. When he was first created he was extremely robotic and cold. He did work with other people, but his only concern was security and safety.
His second personality upgrade was the most drastic, and with one he acted completely human. He emoted more and acted on impulses of how he felt and why.
His third personality upgrade is his current one, and it’s easier to maintain. He comes off as stoic and very cool. He rarely looses himself and he’s easier to talk to. People say that he’s like a “User-friendly computer” where he will talk and explain himself, and assess conditions, but there’s that human disconnect. He’s proud of the fact that he is an android, but he values human life because they are always changing and adapting.
Favourite & Least Favourite things: Favorites: He really likes guns. He has two customized Desert Eagle handguns that only recognize his unique internal ID. He also liked music and he’s been teaching himself the cello and violin so, but he feels that he ha terrible at it. He also likes his brother because they are equal. Strengths: Besides being stronger, faster, smarter, and deadlier than a human, he has some built in talents. He was designed to be a skeleton key android, so he can access anything, at any time. He is like a walking supercomputer, and he thinks at speeds faster than the worlds smartest person.
Although he is an android and essentially and artificial human, he truly values the concept of friendship. He feels that it’s hard to trust people because deep down he worries that people would use him for personal gain because they have before. He worked with a group of assassins before he became an agent, and although they don’t really speak much, he trusts them completely.
Weaknesses: Besides things like magnets and all of that, one of his weaknesses is that he can get himself caught into a thought loop. If you give him a perplexing or paradoxical statement to analyze, he will try to figure that out. Also if he doesn’t have all of the facts of a situation, he is hesitant to take action. He’s not a precognition unit or anything like that.
Additional notes: 7 Facts about I.R.U.E.L. 1. He has a monotone voice, but it’s not annoying to listen to. He also has a faint Ukrainian accent. If he’s alarmed or if he doesn’t agree with something, his tone changes, but he’s always monotone. 2. He is fluent in 25 languages, and he can even decipher binary code. 3. There’s a debate on how “human” he actually is. His brain is not real, but it’s constantly updating and learning like a real human one. 4. His nickname is I.R.A, but there’s No origin for it. He sometimes goes by I.R.U.E.L, Bro-Bot, Captain Moroz, and rarely 9X4-39. 5. He loves his job in his own way. He likes that he can teach new cadets valuable information and skills. Despite this, he’s not good with kids. 6. He does a weird thing where if he’s smiled at, he smiles back. He doesn’t need to, and it does weird people out. 7. He has a habit of replying to questions with “Negative” or “Affirmative”.
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techbarcelona · 6 years
To fabricate the best bots, NASA joyfully looks to others here on Earth Ars makes up for lost time with the lead of NASA's Intelligent Robotics Group, Terry Fong.
"Individuals who've met me continue asking 'Hello, what is NASA doing here? You're not a startup, not a speculator,'" Terry Fong reviews. The lead for NASA's Intelligent Robotics Group made that big appearance at the ongoing 2018 Collision Conference in the middle of individuals lecturing their espresso plans of action and others advancing everything from cloud administrations to Vespas. Fong's association may clearly be extraordinary, however he totally had his enlistment pitch as prepared as the following participant. Enterprises all over the place—NASA particularly included—need to better use self-sufficient and savvy frameworks to computerize undertakings and make new activities conceivable. So this senior researcher for self-governing frameworks ended up on the showroom floor looking for potential colleagues, much the same as every other person.
"Tech improvement doesn't exist in an air pocket, and NASA doesn't do everything end to end," Fong tells Ars. "We exist in a biological community. There are things we need to pull in, regardless of whether from a startup or an extensive partnership, and there are things we're attempting to push out to industry. For me, it's essential to comprehend what NASA can reuse and not make ourselves, or what we can work with individuals to adjust in ways that are valuable for our missions."
Shrewd mechanical technology may feel new to the vast majority of us, however NASA has normally been testing inside this space for quite a long time. For instance, its most renowned "later" exertion—a humanoid housed on the International Space Station called Robonaut—is a piece of a longterm R&D venture that has been continuing for approximately 18 years, as indicated by Fong. Robonaut's unique object was to ease a considerable measure of the dull, manual undertakings space explorers must finish so they are authorized for different activities, however it kept running into some open issues inside the most recent couple of years. Disconnected since 2014, NASA at last called it in for repairs this spring. Also, to enable the bot to proceed onward to its 3.0 stage, NASA has been opening things up to outer thoughts.
"The present arrangement is to expedite the unit ISS withdraw to Earth, settle a couple of things, most likely make a few overhauls too, and after that some time in the following 1-2 years to send it move down to ISS," Fong says. Old equipment and programming needs intermittent invigorating, obviously. So finished the previous couple of years, NASA has been running the Space Robotics Challenge (like the DARPA one, however for space!) to support rivalry in growing new calculations and programming that can help overhaul the organization's present robots. "There's significantly greater advancement, testing, and shows that should be possible on ISS," Fong says of Robonaut. "So one focus of [the Robotics Challenge] has, obviously, been Robonaut—would you be able to create programming that can be redesigned onto a framework like Robonaut?"
New bots, same collaboration
NASA's push for automated partners reaches out to its more current savvy frameworks, as well. Fong's huge undertaking generally has been something many refer to as Astrobee, a free-flying trio of self-governing robots that will go to the ISS in November. Astrobee may not resemble the popular culture exemplification of a robot similarly as Robonaut, yet it will possibly better fill a comparative need. Straightforward assignments that used to possess space explorer time—checking air quality, light levels, and sound, or examining RFID-labeled stock of drawers and trapdoors—will all of a sudden end up mechanized.
"At present, space travelers need to check and sweep scanner tags or read off numbers; it's an exceptionally manual process. Presently we're beginning RFID labeling things going up, so Astrobee can fly around and do stock rather," Fong says. "It sounds like a monotonous thing, however knowing where things are is basically imperative. Space explorers have extremely stuffed days. When they begin an action, we say, 'For this, you require this instrument, which is in this cabinet on this module.' If they go to the cabinet and it's not there, that wrecks up whatever is left of the day. So being able to confirm where things are and check early—that is an incredible utilization of a robot."
Astrobee did not emerge out of nowhere, and it didn't appear exclusively out of NASA advancements. Fong focuses to a MIT creation called SPHERES—free-gliding splendidly shaded bots from around 12 years back—as a root point. Generally the span of a volleyball, every one of these bots at first depended on a finish of-life TI-DSP. "You could just discover save parts on eBay, fundamentally," says Fong.
So a couple of years prior, NASA chose to take a stab at updating them. "We adjusted an off-the-rack Android telephone and set that up as a mind and sensor overhaul—mobile phones have great processors, high-data transmission correspondences, contact screens, cameras, IMUs—it was a major cerebrum update," Fong says. These changes made what NASA soon called Smart SPHERES, and those gadgets prompted various investigations and R&D on ISS. Basically, that laid the foundation for the plan and advancement of Astrobee. As Fong puts it, "It's been this long way from SPHERES to Smart SPHERES to Astrobee."
Indeed, even once Astrobee appeared as an activity, NASA's mechanical autonomy assemble did not storehouse itself off. The working framework Astrobee runs, ROS (robot working framework), originates from the Open Source Robotic Foundation, for example.
"[ROS] is planned so individuals can create and make utilization of that. So Astrobee on ISS isn't only a NASA thing; it's a network asset—an exploration stage," Fong says. "In case you're acquainted with ROS, you can compose programming for Astrobee. On the off chance that you need to complete an analysis on ISS, you can run a test on Astrobee. In case you're completing a mechanical autonomy challenge—like Zero Robotics, in an indistinguishable convention from Botball or Vex—individuals create sims and get the opportunity to run their product on the ISS. The fundamental way we do that currently is through ROS, and we didn't create it, yet now we help create it."
Bots and people in future space congruity
This common advancement ethos appears to reflect Fong's and the Intelligent Robotics Group's general state of mind toward progressively self-governing bots themselves: work shown improvement over work done alone.
"Our robots today, attempt as they may, can't do everything," Fong told the group amid his Collision introduction. "So how might we consolidate people with self-ruling robots and free people up to improve together?"
One of the errands Fong imagines this bot-space traveler organization extremely flourishing inside is planetary surface missions. A space traveler would have the capacity to remain in circle, dispatch a self-ruling bot to a planet, and after that speak with the gadget remotely as data and circumstance manages. Fong underscores this isn't basic joysticking—"It's the way you and I would cooperate; I'm not joysticking; we're associates or accomplices"— which should prompt larger amount, more unique work abilities.
"It's precisely the thing we found in Avatar the film—we're not endeavoring to drench a man inside, but rather we need people in a rocket working an interface to collaborate and work a robot on a planetary surface," Fong noted amid his introduction. Such a setup has just been tried numerous circumstances on the ISS, truth be told.
NASA's automated activities will just increment from here, both on Earth (like its eminent independent vehicle organization with Nissan) and off it. Also, as every other person, that implies NASA presently has some philosophical automated inquiries in the back of its brain close by all the specialized ones. As self-ruling innovation turns out to be further developed and inescapable, in what manner would it be a good idea for it to be utilized by an office at the plain front line of innovation and investigation?
Fong doesn't really leave meetings like Collision with answers similarly he works together cards. Be that as it may, similarly as the office continually creates and looks to enhance its specialized abilities, NASA is by all accounts as of now thoroughly considering the philosophical difficulties, as well.
"To the degree that bots turn out to be more independent (or greater frameworks turned out to be self-governing), how would we confide in them to do what we need them to do? Is it true that they will work inside the limits we made? Imagine a scenario where those limits are fluffy?" Fong says. "A great deal of what NASA does in space includes going to places that are obscure, indeterminate, unfamiliar. By definition, we don't realize what to completely anticipate. So it's OK not to simply shading inside the lines; truth be told, the lines don't exist. That implies in case we're taking a gander at how to treat a completely self-governing robot—particularly on the off chance that it works with people, with space explorers—there are questions we'll need to inquire as to whether we enable that framework to be more free, independent, and ready to settle on its own choices."
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otcsocialnetwork · 7 years
$ONCI UPDATED 1/23/18 ONCI–HEXAGON HOLDINGS We’re looking at a start-up about 20 months old, run by a seasoned and experienced CEO who is using all his knowledge, talents, and connections to build a revenue-generating monster. He’s brought on great names such as Peter Einstein, Bill Jenkins, and Eric Ritter who have aided in bringing huge revenues to one piece of one arm of our company. Here’s Einstein’s linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peter-einstein-a032075/ I challenge anyone to find me a pinky CEO that has accomplished as much as Steve Berman has in the last 20 months. Oh yeah, broken promises, yada yada. Well, YOU try running a new public company and tell me there are no potholes along the way slowing down its intended progress. The only thing, THE ONLY THING one can accuse SB of is being a bit too over-enthusiastic about what the future holds here and jumping the gun with some of the company’s developments. But at the end of the day, these developments will come to fruition. The revenues that are coming will prove this. ONCI–Now, let’s look at what we have here: a fast-growing company with 6 arms or holdings. Steve has shared with us how back in March of 2016, he had goals of turning a dormant company into something very alluring and worthy of investment. So far, he brought the stock price from .0001 to .0192 since then. Yes, it has settled into a channel here at .005. Still not a bad increase from its humble beginnings. I can tell you that our CEO is far from satisfied with this. He is working hard to see this rise to new highs. Look at all those reported sales. HE WOULD NOT REPORT THEM IF THEY DID NOT HAPPEN. The revs are coming in from these monthly. And this is just from one piece of one of six arms. Let’s look into SB’s explanation of all 6 divisions: App & App Design Manufacturing Dental Care Digital Media Some form of Cannabis Related Company TBA in 2018 and will be HUGE! . App & App Design . BSafe Mobile leads the way with their roster of apps. The safe driving app is available for both iPhone and Android users. Distraction Driving is a hot topic as more deaths are being attributed to distracted drivers than people who died from cancer. Its the “Perfect Storm of Apps” claims CEO Steve Berman. The app will notify the admin of the vehicle and in which the admin can then turn off the phone. When the car’s wheels starting rolling and the driver is using the mobile device, the admin will be notified and can chose to power off the device. This app and its technology is huge on a global level. Orders keep flowing (see recent press) and much more contracts and revenues are set to be announced over the coming weeks. . Other apps include: . FleetSafer… like the BSafe app, the FleetSafer app will allow an admin who can monitor up to 10,000 vehicles, the ability to see the location of their vehicle, the drivers patterns and more. BFoundMobile… A great example is a rent a car agency. If someone picks up a car in lets say St. Louis, Missouri, and rents it for a week, the renter has no idea where that vehicle is at any given time, nor how many miles have been put on it or anything. The only thing they know per the renter’s agreement is that the car will be delivered back by such and such time. The app will allow them to know where the car is at any given time. This is perfect for agencies like Hertz, Budget, Avis, Enterprise etc. Certain apps may have the ability to do this but they works by GPS, and will not work when underground. This app works by apple beacon so even when underground the admin will still know the location of the vehicle. OK Golfer… an app used by golfers to ultimately speed up the round of golf by providing distance to the flag and selecting what club the golfer should use. This will help elevate a lot of unnecessary thinking, guessing and judgement time. Golf Gamble… is in the beta testing phase. The app will allow the golfer to wager money in attempt to double or triple their money based on how close they can get their ball to the pin or hole. Preliminary numbers were 90% of the time golfers will lose, making it a potentially profitable app not only for the company but for the golf courses whom they partner with. Drive Sober…also in beta testing, will work by having a device on the visor. The device will pick up the alcohol levels on their breath and monitor the admin. The admin, usually the car’s owner or parent, will then have the ability to stop the driver from driving while potentially under the influence. Another app with the intention of saving lives and wrongful deaths. Child Car Seat App… will work based on a sensor attached to the child’s car seat. The sensor will notify the admin when the temperature inside the vehicle reaches an unsafe level, if and when the parent leaves the child unattended. This app is an attempt to stop wrongful deaths of children due to heat exertion. Urgent Dentist…will allow you to find an urgent care dentist location near you, rather than having to wait until the next day to see a dentist. This app ties along with the DENTAL CARE arm of the company mentioned below. . Manufacturing . While the company plans on using its factories to make its devices between the hours of 9am and 9pm, it will seek additional revenues by renting the factories from 9pm to 8am. This could generate $6000 a day and have the lines running 24/7. The company would like to open factory locations across the globe at locations such as Canada, China, Budapest, Brazil, Prague, and the United States. The goal is to optimize the lines so that if they are not making product to fulfill orders, then they are being leased by someone else to generate maximum revenues. . Dental Care . The company wants to start off by using an office space at around 30 Urgent Care facilities over the next 24 months. The opportunity to get immediate dental care is huge. An example was given where if you have bad tooth pain or a broken tooth at 9pm at night, there is nothing you can do at the moment other than hope someone will see you when offices open at 9am. Being located in an Urgent Care facility, it will allow a person in need the option of getting immediate help by visiting of the locations. (also ties in with the app) The company will then give the Urgent Care facility a royalty and allow them to also do the medical billing. This will save the company $5000. It will be rolled out i the NY tri-state area. He also talked about plans to make the Dental Care “mobile”, where they will bring dentistry to locations such as homes for the elderly. All the equipment including tools, chairs, machines etc. will be brought in. A dental hygienist could be rented/paid $300 for the day, and they could see on average 15 patients. If they were to bill the insurance companies $50 for the appointment, that would be $750, making it very profitable based on only having to pay $300 for the hygienist. An actual dentist may run $800 a day, but the revenues from his services would be much more than $800, thus making it a profitable venture also. This business model, multiplied by many locations in eventually many states will add up nicely. Steve wants to build many revenue streams and have the company earning money every day. HE ALSO PURCHASED A PROFITABLE DENTAL PRACTICE IN NY CURRENTLY DOING 2 MILLION A YEAR: October 11, 2017: ON4 COMMUNICATIONS ANNOUNCES IT HAS AGREED TO ACQUIRE A NEW YORK DENTAL GROUP AND PLANS TO OPEN 30 URGENT CARE DENTAL OFFICES WITHIN THE NEXT 36 MONTHS . Digital Media . The 4th division wants to focus on “retinal scan” technology that will allow ad agencies the ability to target which ads are displayed based on recognizing its viewer. In example, if the digital ad display notices a middle aged man it will show “work boots”, while if it recognizes 3 teen girls, it may show a T-Mobile ad for cell phone service and a young woman possibly perfume. Having the ability to target your audience brings tremendous value to advertisers allowing them to get the best bang for their buck. Ads that can be quantified at stadiums, malls, theaters and gas stations are just a few immediate opportunities for the company. . Cannabis Related . Very little info was mentioned on the 5th arm of the company. It sounds as if it will be Canadian related and that due diligence has been going on with certain companies. They are going through the books of a few companies and looking for profitable ventures that they can exploit and make even more profitable. Tweets hint at the purchase of 100 acres of grow space in PEI Canada. . TBA (To Be Announced) in 2018 . This was an eye opener. When the CEO stated the new venture will be so big and will make so much money that everyone will be able to buy new houses… I was WOWed! I understand this is a forward looking statements, but he was definitely optimistic about what he has planned for next year. . After going through the 6 legs/arms or divisions of Hexagon Holdings, Mr. Berman re-emphasized the significance of a “holdings” company and its flexibility. The beauty of having multiple holdings is that if one of the entities fails, the company doesn’t go under because there will be 5 other revenue producing holdings that keep it strong and running. The remainder of the call touched on: . Whats going on with Dubai? Recent New Hires Updates with Car Companies Upcoming News Closing Shareholder Questions . 15 Million Dubai Women To Get Their Driver’s Licenses . Exciting times are upon the women in Dubai, as January 1st, new laws will allow women the ability to drive causing a massive influx of new drivers. The company has been in discussion with 2 major firms who have reviewed the product and now wish to discuss pricing and contracts. Steve and staff will be going to Dubai for a week and already have 14 meetings set up and numerous dinners. He discussed the significant opportunity their Drive Safe App offered the companies and people of the area, especially the United Emirates. In that country, if you are caught texting on your phone, it is a $1000 fine. Your second offense, you lose both your license to drive and your car! . The company has over 100 Employees , Most are commission based reps through our distribution channels. This is a win win scenario for the company in controlling payroll expenses. The more they payout will result in more sales. . Peter Einstein, he complimented and said he really is an Einstein, has experience working with MTV Europe and has played a key role in setting up sales and meetings with Dubai, the middle east, Ireland, England and Serbia. Eric Ritter, who is in Florida, has been working with Lawyers down there Bill Jenkins, ex NASCAR owner, who was highly complimented, being called, smart, bright, scientific, comprehensive and a great marketer, will generate significant future revenues for the company. Anyone familiar with a NASCAR vehicle understands the car itself is an advertisement with logo’s of sponsors all over. I have a feeling his expertise will not only help on the be safe car app, but also the digital media side . Dealing with the Auto Industry . Along with 4 auto companies, Mr. Berman discussed some of their marketing efforts. . Facebook… advertising is generating sales, clients and followers, SKY COMMUNICATIONS will unveil the ad campaign any day now. Enterprise Rent A Car… can not comment as he is still under an NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) BMW… they have had good meetings. BMW has requested the app be in 7 languages. To date, 4 are done so far. As soon as the last 3 languages are complete there will be testing done. Steve was unsure just how long these tests will take. BMW has asked for minor adjustments and have been addressed. FORD… likes the product and has increased their demands for what the app can do. They wish for the app to also act as a diagnostic tool, such as indicate why and when your engine light is on. Anti tampering was an issue they are addressing. CHRYSLER… has a similar response as Ford. Middle East contracts are on the way! The Dubai car show resulted in nearly 12 companies testing BsafeMobile and BfoundMobile. One potential contract is from Careem, the Uber of the ME with over 100k drivers. . Major News Is Coming! . Its going to be an exciting next couple of months, as the CEO divulged they have 10 deals in place that will bring in between $200k to $1m each over the next 2 weeks. If that wasn’t good enough, ONCI will have a signed LOI with a large insurance company that has 2 million drivers and insure 1,000 dealerships. They are expecting an order of 500+ units a month. . Additional Shareholder Questions . How many factories do you have? At the moment they have 2 factories producing 2-3000 units a month. One is located in NY and one in Canada. . Was there a share reduction? There will be a reduction, that will be revealed with the FINRA filing, that it was reduced by 1.4 billion shares from both the Authorized shares (A/S) and the Outstanding Shares (O/S). Steve mentioned it may end up going up a tad because they will be seeking the ability to raise money for future projects. . Who is your biggest competitor? Apple is, but with their safe driving app, it is “voluntary” versus admin based. To hear the call for yourself, go to: https://soundcloud.com/ant-chance/confenence-call-onci-111017 . Existing App Sales: January 19, 2018 – ON4 COMMUNICATIONS ANNOUNCES EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTION DEAL WITH CATACLEAN FOR BSAFEMOBILE IN GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND January 17, 2018 – ON4 COMMUNICATIONS ANNOUNCES $1.65m IN NEW CONTRACTS, SIGNS GARDEN CITY NISSAN,LARGEST NISSAN DEALER IN THE WORLD December 5 2017 – ON4 COMMUNICATIONS ANNOUNCES DISTRIBUTION DEAL WITH CAPOLI SALES November 29, 2017 – ON4 COMMUNICATIONS ANNOUNCES $1.44M CONTRACT WITH A TEXAS DEALER GROUP AND A DISTRIBUTION DEAL WITH SCULLY LEMOINE MARKETING.. November 7, 2017 – Contract with a major European Taxi Service with locations in Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania. They will be taking 500 units per month for 4 months beginning February 2018. $400,000 October 24, 2017 – Executed a 3000 unit contract with a large middle eastern multinational company with a fleet of vehicles which tops 7500 cars, Suv’s and trucks. $600,000 to $1,500,000 October 24, 2017 – Contract with a large after-market group with access to 450 dealerships throughout Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia. This group will be selling Bsafe Mobile and Bfound mobile into its dealer network. This adds approximately 450 prospective clients to the Bsafe Family. $1,000,00 annual conservatively October 18, 2017 – Pilot program with a large Middle Eastern Taxi Fleet with over 10,000 taxis throughout 4 different countries including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE and Egypt. $100,000 Pilot Test October 18, 2017 – Contract with Gunther Motors with brands including VW,2 dealerships, Mazda and Kia. $216,000 annual October 16, 2017 – Contract with a 7 dealer West Texas auto group with brands including Jeep, Dodge Trucks, Ford, Toyota, Nissan, Chevy and Hyundai. $588,000 annual October 16, 2017 – Contract with a 6 Dealer South Florida Auto group with brands including Toyota, Nissan, Acura, Kia, Jeep and Hyundai. $432,000 annual October 11, 2017 – Contract with a 7 dealer Massachusetts based auto group, with brands including Chevy, Nissan, Toyota, Hyundai, BMW, Ford and Jeep. $420,000 annual September 29, 2017 – Contract with a northern Florida auto group with 6 dealerships including Chevy, Kia, Hyundai, Ford, Nissan and Toyota. $288,000 annual September 29, 2017 – Contract with a large southwestern extended warranty company; we will be selling their products which include extended warranties, tire and wheel and other after-market products in our dealer network and they will be selling our apps in their dealer network. $120,000 annual September 29, 2017 – A central Florida dealer group with 5 dealerships in Tampa and Orlando and brands including Chevy, GMC, KIA, Hyundai and Audi. $240,000 annual September 27, 2017 – A 4 dealer Toyota Group in the NY tri-state area: one dealer in NY, one in NJ and 2 in CT. $480,000 annual September 22, 2017 – A 250 Dealer Extended Warranty Company in New York. $480,000 annual September 20, 2017 – A 5 dealer group in NY with Brands including Nissan, Jeep and Volvo. $240,000 annual September 13, 2017 – JV with Title King a division of New America Energy Corp. $600,000 annual September 13, 2017 — Contract with Pennsylvania/New Jersey dealer Group with brands including Jeep, Kia, Chevy, Ford, Alpha Romeo, GM, Hyundai and Nissan. $1,000,000 annual September 8, 2017 — Contract with 25 dealerships in Los Angeles and Orange county California each dealership will take 20 units per month. $1,200,000 September 8, 2017 – Acquisition includes FLEET SAFER which generated over 1 million in sales last year. $1,000,000 September 1, 2017 — Signed a contract with a 10 dealer group in Arizona at 150 units per month at $250 per unit. $450,000 August 29, 2017 — Executed a contract with a 5 dealer auto group in Long Island New York with brands including Toyota, Nissan Chevy, Kia and Ford. $360,000 annual August 24, 2017 — Ford Fleet services has asked us to put 1000 units on reserve as they have a Large Mid Western Utility Company who has expressed interest in not only our FMS Safe Driving App but also our Global Tracking Device. $200,000 trial run with HUGE potential August 21, 2017 — Executed a contract with a large Mid Atlantic dealer group with locations in Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and Washington DC. $432,000 annual August 17, 2017 — Signed a deal with a large luxury dealer group in Texas including such brands as Mercedes, BMW, Lexus, Audi, Lincoln, Cadillac, Porsche and Infiniti. $480,000 annual August 11 2017 — Executed a contract with Google Brazil yesterday. $2,000,000 annual August 3, 2017 – Partnered deal with Assurant – purchased 500 units to start and asked us to put another 500 on hold. $200,000 and growing! August 1, 2017 — Entered into a marketing agreement with one of the largest worldwide online shopping sites with access to over 50 million customers. Berman reported via phone call – selling 20-40 units per day. $2,000,000 annual June 26 2017 – Signed a deal with a leading Auto Dealer group in South America representing Nissan, Toyota, GM, Ford, Land Rover, Kia and Hyundai. $300,000 annual April 19, 2017 — Received a $100K order for Drive Safe App from 1 of the leading Asian auto manufacturers with HQ’s based in Korea and Japan. $100,000 January 24, 2017 — Secured 8 new Auto Dealer Vendors in Florida State for Drive Safe App. $672,000 annual December 23, 2016 — Drive Safe App installed on a large Taxi fleet in the North-East USA, first 250 vehicles during the 2nd week of January 2017 increasing until full installation has been completed in the company’s 1500 vehicle Taxi fleet. $300,000 December 19, 2016 — Launch of their proprietary Drive Safe App with a large Food & Beverage distributor. $50,000 Anyone who thinks the CEO would risk jail by lying about the above needs to invest elsewhere. At the end of the day, you either believe or not. But think long and hard about WHO you believe. Our CEO and his past and present accomplishments, or the nameless posters who laugh in all-caps with no DD to back up their outrageous claims? The single-most issue here, what has hurt our PPS, is the delay in the name change. We were promised this months ago and it has not happened. Why? Well, I’ve been through this before. FINRA requires a lot i-dotting and t-crossing, each and every event needing lawyerly eyes. Much more than our CEO ever expected. He wants this as much as we do. IT WILL COME! Every day we are closer to this happening. And when it does…look out. Add in the audited fins (also a major crunch involving countless lawyer meetings), and ONCI will leave sub-penny land forever. I love watching small companies grow into big companies. It’s happening here, right before our eyes. About CEO Steve Berman Steve is a New York native with over 30 years of sales success and executive leadership experience. Steve is a successful entrepreneur, having founded several companies and serving in the CEO role. In his various roles managing and building various businesses, Steve has been instrumental in securing capital financings for several public and private companies, including start-ups and pre-revenue businesses. Most recently, Steve co-founded 3DMC, a premier digital multimedia company; and also served as CEO of Stealth Sports and Marketing, a consulting firm specializing in marketing and multimedia solutions to professional sports teams. Prior to working with 3DMC and Stealth, Steve held the positions of Senior Vice President at YES Network (www.YesNetwork.com), the number one regional sports network in the country. Throughout his career, Steve developed key relationships in the top 10 markets and was responsible for developing the advertising platform for YES, which was directly linked with significant sales increases for YES Network. Before his tenure at YES Network, Steve served as Senior Vice President of Time Warner Cable NY, where he successfully grew the company’s advertising sales from $11m to well over $100m and increased national sales by 200%. During his time at Time Warner NY, the company became the number one billing cable market in the US. http://dlvr.it/QD0gtc
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spin-attaxx · 8 years
1, 2, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 26, 27, 31, 33, 38, 40, 43, 44, 45, 48, 49, 50
1. Your first OC ever?
Already answered.
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
Oh god, it largely comes down to Jessica, Lumina and Charn. But if you put a gun to my head, I’d have to pick Jessica. She’s the oldest of the three, and I feel like I relate to her more.
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”? 
Lumina, no question. If she sees someone feeling down, she’ll do her best to cheer them up and make them feel better, and even when things seem at their bleakest, she’ll find some way to find hope in the situation.
In fact, I imagine seeing a genuinely upset Lumina would break anyone’s heart (unless they’re Charn or Shade).
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot 
Already answered, but since I get to say another one, I like @jezmm​‘s Alice Grayson. I like her design a lot (particularly her long red hair and blue flares), and she’s a pretty cute character.
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory 
Hmm, not sure if introduce is befitting, since I’ve drawn her once or twice, but I imagine Tesla has it particularly rough compared to the other Elementals (all of whom can claim to being the last of their kind and losing at least one friend or family member).
She was once a kind-hearted Electric Elemental in a high class aristocratic city on a Mystic planet far from Enchantus. Things were bad enough when her Time Elemental fiancé up and died one day (along with, mysteriously, every other user of Time magic in the universe), but when a bunch of haggard refugees came to the planet some years afterwards warning about some android named “Charn”, she dismissed them and chose to stay.
Then Charn came and did what he does best; annihilate the city, kill everyone, them proclaim himself the ruler and creator of the planet and torture what survivors were left into believing him without question (”2 + 2 = 5″ style). Though Tesla escaped, she became more jaded and cynical now that she was forced to live her immortal life in squalour fleeing from his threat.
Today, you’re likely to find her glugging down unhealthy amounts of alcoholic, poisonous and generally unpleasant drinks, swearing her head off at those who slight her, and taking immense pleasure in talking down idealistic minds, all while craving the days of her old life.when she wasn’t such a bitter lightning cloud of loathing.
17. Any OC OTPs?
Three come to mind. Ivorn x Lily (the thought of an easily flustered metal technology geek and a calm and peaceful Plant Elemental being in a relationship always felt right to me), Shade x Evil (even if his original goal of proving Elementals can be evil is kinda null and void now, he just loves doing things he shouldn’t do), and Charn x Himself (dude has an ego the size of the universe. He wouldn’t actually compliment alternate versions of himself, though - he’d kill them so there’d only be one Charn).
18. Any OC crackships?
Beta and Jessica. The idea of a psychic robot having a crush on a socially-awkward human he’s trying to kill on threat of death sounds both plausible and totally bonkers at the same time. In fact, Beta X Cassidy also counts, only it’s instead with a human who’s got steelier nerves than he does.
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
I’m probably going to say Jessica. I feel like she’s changed quite a lot since I first doodled her as a semi-afterthought to round out a trio. I’ve always wanted to make a Metroidvania game, and Jessica was originally just one playable character (and not even the “main” one). Eventually, she became the main character of the trio, and now she’s the only playable character.
That’s because I keep thinking about her character and her role in this story;s world. I devised her with the idea that what would normally be the mysterious aloof serious side character to a more conventional and emotional protagonist would instead be the main focus. I freely admit much of her personality is derived from mine; being hard to approach, somewhat anti-social and always living with the feeling that she’s being judged every moment and that deep down she’s a failure at what she wants to be.
(That said, I think it’s fair to say that I’m more well-adjusted and approachable than she is lol.)
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)? 
Lumina’s the most obvious one of the lot. When it comes to genres, she’s very adaptable and open-minded, but she prefers upbeat pop songs. Especially with 80′s/90′s synth sounds or catchy dance songs (think something like “Butterfly” by smile.dk?)
As for her voice, I don’t know any singers who’d fit her, but I’ve always felt that Tara Strong would be my first pick for her. So I guess something like this, only more upbeat and with a more British accent?
(In case the link dies in the future, I’m referring to Ember McLain from Danny Phantom, which I actually saw little of back then.)
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?
Already answered.
26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will? 
Already answered.
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
While I don’t think a full-on OC was inspired by a song, Lumina’s design was altered after I heard the theme to Jem. At the time, she was a fairly generic pink-haired pixie girl in a white and pink jumpsuit, and then after hearing it, I (for some reason) decided, “Hey, what if I made her super J-pop idol/80′s glam girl?” and tweaked her outfit and gave her her big poofy ponytail. I regret nothing.
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really) 
Lily’s would be super pretty and calming, with reblogs of cute animals, pretty flowers, relaxing scenery, and the occasional conversation/picture/embarrasing situation with Ivorn.
33. Your shyest OC?
Jessica. She never starts conversations, always sweats and panics internally while talking to someone who isn’t a close friend or family, and is more comfortable staying inside than going out in public. Though if you’re antagonising her and/or trying to kill her, she gets more of a backbone and snarky lip.
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?
Hmm, maybe Lumina? I imagine it comes with her performing onstage, though I magine someone else may have more natural talent at it than her. Cassidy, maybe? I dunno.
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share! 
Honestly, any time I get fanart of them, especially if the artist did it without me prodding them about it or as part of a mutually beneficial art trade or the like. It makes me super happy that there are people who liked them enough to draw them when they didn’t need to.
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess 
Already answered.
44. Something you like about your OCs in general 
I guess the fact that I’ve created a range of characters with their own lives, backstories, personalities, relationships and futures in a world of my own creation, which I can control as I see fit. Like, sometimes I’ll see a character like Genesect that makes me go, “Wow, that looks so cool/cute/whatever, I wish I came up with that!” And then I look at any one of my characters and I feel better because I came up with them before anyone else did.
45. A character you no longer use? 
Admittedly they were in a sort of limbo status for quite a while anyway, but Stuart and the third robot character aren’t likely to be part of the TSOTS-verse any longer. Besides the fact that Jessica’s gameplay style differs from traditional Metroidvania characters like Samus and I was afraid their styles would be weaker by comparison (plus extra work), I was never really able to come up with a concrete design for Stuart, nor could I settle on a name for the robot (for the longest time I went with Dave, after David Bowman from 2001, but that never sat well with me, and the only other alternative I could think of was ROM, which is taken). Will they get a new lease on life in the future? Maybe, but for now, they’re dead in the water as far as major uses go.
Still, at least they’re better off than a third Charn minion alongside Beta and Cassidy. He was an old man who’d be a cyborg, and the reveal of this would have him decking a reluctant Dave in the face. That’s about the only thing I miss from axing him; I think having Beta and Cassidy in a duo is a better choice for their characters.
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure 
Voidica. A nice girl who’ll gladly accept anyone as her friend, and born to a universe with Charn in it. And then Charn killed her off in cold blood, with zero chance of her coming back or having any kind of afterlife.
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes 
Lumina, no question. Shade and Jessica get driven up the wall by her antics when she falls in love with a new meme.
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
- Shade’s character of being a total bastard just to prove he can be is basically one giant spit in the face to the Pokémon animé (and I guess to a much lesser extent the games), which made the bold claim of saying that Pokémon - who are more or less as clever/sentient as humans - cannot be evil, and routinely made Pokémon that followed that statement to a T or else turned good (mostly legendaries like Deoxys, Darkrai, Kyurem and Genesect). In fact, I think a precursor of his character came in the form of my headcanon for Genesect in my (short-lived) playthrough of Black 2, where he was a homicidal maniac who only tags along with the protagonist so he could get back at Team Plasma for ditching him in favour of the Tao trio.
- If Shade ever does a good deed entirely of his own will, he’ll go out the same way as Rorschach from Watchmen.
- Charn’s name came from a book I read years ago, “Through the Dragon’s Eye”. His design, meanwhile, started as a generic final boss doodle I off-handedly made, then changed many times since then. Ironically, his head remained consistent in all of them (though his eyes were less triangular and villainous.
- I came up with several possible backstories for Charn, such as him being a robot controlled by a t-rex’s brain (yes, really). I even toyed with the possibility of pulling a Joker and giving him no clear-cut origin, though now it’s far more defined.
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