#there's no expectations on how these gifsets must look so i just follow the flow
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seance · 11 months ago
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THE MUSKETEERS 10TH ANNIVERSARY REWATCH / fave episodes [4/?] ↳ SEASON 1, EPISODE 10 / musketeers don't die easily
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the-littlefangirl · 4 years ago
TFATWS episode 1 rewatch commentary
The first scene was so beautiful. I loved that we didn't start directly with the fight sequence. It feels way closer to the quiet beginning of CATWS and I love it so much.
The title is also SO NEAT, music's on point too but hey it’s Henry Jackman the one thing I’m sure it’s going to be great overall is the score.
The choreography is AMAZING, really well shot. Sam shielding himself with only one wing was MA-JES-TIC.
I did feel so uncomfortable in regards to the military aspect of it. Not that I was expecting anything else, but both here and in Captain Marvel the military we're good guys < 3 propaganda is so blatant and ugh:/ At least there wasn’t a literal recruitment spot like with CM. 
The yellow filter in the Tunisia scene BYE please stop with the yellow filters 2k21
"I've been working with the Air Force for six months now" So, did Sam even catch a break at all after Endgame? Or did he just throw himself to work like SOMEONE did after being iced for 70 years. Hmmm? Sam????
"Essentially, these people, they want a world that's unified without borders" OH NO! HOW AWFUL, how evil of these bad guys smh
Joaquin: SO about Steve
Sam: :)))))) nope
"Moon stuff" SAAAM
#1 cry with Sam's speech, full on chills.. Fuck. Me. His voice about to break before saying thank you bYE.
Shady politician: "It was the right decision" (FUCKKKKK YOUUU)
Rhodey: *press any key to doubt *
I need someone to analyze the different curation of the two exhibits pretty please
NOT THE PHOTO POST-AZZANO JFC. That photo is my weakness, Bucky sweetie (also I find hilarious that usually when there are articles about Stucky and/or #givecaptainamericaaboyfriend they aaaalways use that photo LMAO)
In case someone wants to read the transcription of the texts about Bucky: "In 1944, while on a mission to thwart a Hydra weapon transport in the Alps, Barnes was thrown from a train and believed to have been killed in action. It wasn't until 2014, over seventy years later, that it was revealed that Barnes was alive, having been found by Hydra operatives. Captain America himself (i can't read) the effort to bring Barnes in only to later aid in a escape from custody having been convinced of his innocence. Steve's loyalty to his old friend, coupled with his refusal to sign the Sokovia Accords, led to the dissolution of the Avengers and drove the Captain into hiding with other like-minded Avengers including Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, and Sam Wilson. The current whereabouts of Barnes remains unknown, habing been labeled a fugitive following his escape from custody."
"current wherabout unknown" but not the government, interesting. Also, pretty good summary of CACW from the public's perspective, although one of the things I always wanted to see explored was the public's reaction of the fallout of them going into hiding after Civil War (which I'm hoping we'll get to see a little bit of in Black Widow).
Interesting point about the 70 years without having Captain America. Clearly the sacrifice play wasn't enough this time to fuel the nationalism so they went with a squeaky clean John Walker instead.
Sam saying the shield belongs to Steve I'm going to cry now excuse me. Sam. Sam sweetie.
The No. 1 Captain America comic in the display ugH fuck yes
See this is how you do a cameo that has actual meaning. Thank god for Malcolm Spellman being a competent writer. That scene was so well written.
HAVE YOU PRAISED ANTHONY MACKIE'S PERFORMANCE TODAY?? Holy shit that last shot fucked me up.
I'm loving the use of the wide shots, especially in the flashback. The camera movements are in synch with The Soldier's state of mind and mission focus, so good.
EVERYONE STAND UP FOR THE NATIONAL ANTHEM aka The Winter Soldier theme composed by Henry Jackman.
Without a doubt the most brutal TWS fight scene there has been, People involved in Punisher and John Wick are involved in this and it SHOWS. 
For the record, still stands that the only time we've seen him chocking someone with his right hand instead of the metal arm remains the Maria Stark assasination. I know it's probably because of blocking and the way the shot was composed but the implications are still bone chilling. God.
Uhhmmmm I'm very ambivalent about the "Hail Hydra". On one hand, it was 100% fanservice and the internet is probably going to go insane over it, and the dead way Sebastian Stan delivered the line. Good shit. Buuut what I love about CATWS is the way Bucky never, ever ever, mouths Hydra rethoric, and even when Pierce tries to gaslight him with it, it's just an empty effort. The Winter Soldier isn't doing anything because of ideological loyalty to Hydra, even if it's product of brainwashing, it's just sheer dehumanization. They don’t need him to say the words because he’s just An Asset. There are people who have put it more eloquently but yeah, I rather go with the fanon interpretation of that aspect.
The music growing louder with the shot of the keys. GOD.
I'm fine this is fine.
#2 cry with the therapy scene of fucking course.
The government monitoring Bucky is noooot going to end well lmao.
"We need to know that you're not gonna * slowmo stabbing motions *
Bucky: * nodding along slowly * 
I laughed out loud.
"It's passive agressive" I love him.
The way this scene just sucker punched me in the face, made me weep and then had me cracking up. Amazing.
Therapist: You can't do anything illegal
Bucky: yup yup check checkity check. What IS considered illegal tho?
*aggresive tablet finger pressing *
"Then why isn't it rule number one?" Bucky your Steve is showing.
I love the close up shot. I'll keep saying it. It's so good.
"I'm James Bucky Barnes" yeah you are🥺
That smile is nightmare fuel LMFAO I love it.
Uhm the way I'm kinning Bucky it's not funny anymore damn
That whole “are you lashing out at me” rambling is really reminiscent of the bar scene in CATFA and how he lashed out at Steve after Peggy left. Uhm yeah fuck.
"That is UTTER BULLSHIT" "You're a terrible shrink"
yeah ugly crying to ugly laughing speedrun for me
"You're free" "To do what?" jesus. That entire scene. #3 and #4 and #5 cries for moi.
Ugh that Brooklyn shot. Someone needs to do a gifset compairing it to the one in CATFA asap.
"It's like Monique but it's got a "U" in there for uniqueness" "That's absurd" LMAO
"You can't keep fighting with your neighbors" uHM * redacted redacted i'm shifting into 1940s mode abort abort *
"Nobody passed 90" "So young. Such a shame" FGADHGA
🥺🥺 yes flex those flirting skills good for you
"It's a dance to this things. You can't… you gotta warm up and I haven't danced since 1943. Feels like." #6 cry I completely broke down into tears with that.
This Yori storyline is going to punch me in the face with a metal fist. Great!
The TWS theme when he looks at Yori fuuuuuck.
Those shots of Sam in the car. Immaculate. Showstoping. Yes.
Marvel, what if instead of promoting the military industrial complex you put a lot of publicity about cars?
"Uncle Sam!" LMAO subtle.
Everyone trying to have the wings lmao same.
I've only had Sarah for a day but etc. Brooklyn 99 meme
Good mirroring about Steve and Sam family's legacy. Good shit. Goooood shit.
Sam is trying so hard ouch my heart. I can't imagine how painful the scene with them reuniting must have been. He 100% still feels a lot of guilt about being gone for those 5 years (and even longer before that).
"Maybe it is time for us to move on" uuuuuuuuuuh
"To the rescue" "Always" 🥺🥺 i love them so much already
That shot outside the restaurant is so beautiful. Can't wait to see the night scenes in Madripoor tbh.
"I tried the whole online dating thing. It's pretty crazy". Uhm well that is something that Bucky Barnes has now said. In canon. Damn.
"It's a lot" "You sound like my dad" LMAO
Every Bucky fanfic trope speedrun with this scene
"Wow you really can drink" OH you have no idea
Just realized we don't even know her name, well.
"You have any siblings?" "I have a sister" THE WAY I SCREECHED. We're definitely getting Becca
Well that escalated quickly. The important thing is to try?
I can't deal with this BUCKY SWEETIE #8 cry right there fuck
The wardrobe department is KILLING IT, there's such a difference between the outfits of the shows vs how ugly and generic it usually is.
"ThEre is NO such thiNg as on time. You're either EARLY or LATE . picK One" lmao the way he delivered that line
At first I thought the flag smashers had thrown two cars out of a window LMAO
"I don't know how jurisdiction works here, but I'mma have to place you under arrest" uhm yikes. The way they changed Joaquín Torres backstory to just random army nice guy #1 is not sitting well with me, what can I say.
Sam's wings motions I LOVE HIM YOUR HONOR
Fuuuuck this guy.
"Funny how thing's always thighten around us" "Look, I'm on your side. After all, he's a hero". This script is C R I S P as hell, great fucking job.
"I don't care, I'm not gonna quit" "What are you trying to prove? And who you trying to prove it to" SHIT HSIT SHIT!!! UGH amazing. Look it's not necessary to say the show's questions out loud but how they flow between the conversations is still very satisfactory without feeling in your face about it. Inner conflicts have been set up fucking perfectly everyone * claps *
Ugh here we fucking go.  I knew this was how the episode was going to end but my stomach still dropped like a rollercoster. God.
The score is on point. Damn. Damn.
God, Sam.🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
The captain america franchise's visuals in the credits are always so amazing.
Also, does anybody know why Mackie isn't first in the billing?  Uhm what's that about?
ANYWAY CONCLUSION THAT EPISODE WAS SO FUCKING GOOD LIKE HOLY SHIT. I love them so much. The balance between the personal conflicts and the political aspect (although the military aspect is still very much yikes) was on point and it was overall a joy to watch.
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softjeon · 6 years ago
The perfect Illusion | Pt. 2
• Pairing: Geisha!Jimin x Namjoon | Side-Pairing: Geisha!Jungkook x Yoongi • Genre: Fluff / Angst  | Geisha!AU ( → Gifset Trailer) • Words: 9,8k | ↳ AO3 • Disclaimer: mentioning of abusive behavior
*** please note that this story doesn’t mean to represent accurate geisha tradition, it was solely inspired by the beautiful art form, giving it a modern twist in a fictional universe and therefore has been dramatized for entertainment purposes.
written with @cassiavioletblue
↳  He was the perfect illusion. The getaway for anyone who didn’t want to face reality. And yet, there was something in his eyes, something vulnerable and hopeful as if he was dying for someone to see through him, to care for him enough to look behind the mask and draw out the real Jimin. And Namjoon couldn’t wait to do exactly that.
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Yoongi’s eyes were following Namjoon’s movements for more than ten minutes now. He was walking towards his desk, sitting down for a couple of seconds only to get up again and walk over to their flipchart to stare at it intensely. He had long put his pen down, leaning back to observe whatever Namjoon was doing. There was nothing the other would need to be nervous about, no meetings to prepare but their usual everyday business. 
Yoongi hummed, raking a hand through his hair while his eyes followed Namjoon once more as he walked to the little fridge and got out some water to gulp it down hastily. “You’re behaving strangely,” Yoongi finally spoke up, “Did you take drugs or something? Is this some after effects? Or is this your new workout routine?”  He pointed with his finger back and forth between his desk and the flip chart.
Namjoon almost choked on his water. Normally Yoongi could be silent for hours when he was immersed in his work and he hadn’t expected the other to observe him let alone notice what he was doing. “Ah, no, I’m… I’m just…” He knew that he was just making it worse with how flustered he was so he sighed and decided to come clean. “To be honest I am thinking about the tea house again. Or rather the dancer, Jimin. I was wondering if there was any business thing that I could use as an excuse to go there and then I wasn’t sure if that was such a good idea because if I can’t concentrate now I definitely won’t be able to concentrate then when he’s right in front of me so I thought I should schedule something alone with him but then I wasn’t sure if an appointment alone with a geisha is even possible as they are supposed to entertain groups and I was scared that they might tell me off or think that I want to book Jimin like some kind of… homeboy so I thought if you maybe wanted to come along but it is a lot of money and I know you’re busy with your designs right now.” Yoongi had been quietly watching him while he was talking and walking which only made him more nervous so he plopped down and sheepishly smiled at him. “Yeah so that’s what I was debating while walking up and down.”
“My goodness!” The smile on Yoongi’s lips grew steadily. “You really actually have a thing for that dancer, don’t you?” He shook his head, “Out of all people I would have never thought that you would be one of the unfortunate and romantically inclined people to fall in love with a geisha!” 
Namjoon quickly interrupted him, “I’m not in love, Yoongi, I barely know him! I’m just.. interested. Intrigued. Curious.” 
“Yeah, yeah, I got it. Add ‘horny’ to the list. As far as I know you haven’t had action in months. Maybe it might help to get rid of the excess hormones in your bloodstream. If you got laid and still want to sappily gaze at that dancer with your heart eyes then I’ll agree to help you meet him again. Do we have a deal?”
Namjoon just simply ignored the „deal” and looked at Yoongi thoroughly. “Says the one who hasn’t had gotten action as well,” He reminded his friend about his boyfriend-less years, “I just want to talk to him again. Nothing more. Don’t you want to see that maiko again?” He winked at his friend playfully, knowing very well that he had Yoongi wrapped around his finger already.
It was the perfect agreement. For Yoongi, as well as for Namjoon. Neither really sure on how to do this, but both focused on seeing the dancer and his maiko again. They were let in easily, leaded to one of the more open tea rooms - not a private one this time. They had asked, but there was no big show tonight, but from where they sat now they could see a boy dancing to the sound of a shamisen. His movements were beautifully flowing, but still he had nothing on Jimin - at least in Namjoon’s eyes. “Do you think he will be here tonight?” Yoongi asked, his eyes searching the room and once more both men were thinking about two different boys. 
“We’ll see.” Now that they weren’t in the privacy of their own office Namjoon tried to tone down the excitement a little. It flared up all on its own again when he saw Jimin at the door together with Jungkook. They were talking to each other and after a quick little bow it was only the Maiko who entered. Namjoon couldn’t help the disappointment that rushed through him at that. Yoongi on the other hand perked up as if Jungkook had been the one he had been waiting for. 
Jungkook’s eyes widened immediately, not being able to hide the surprise and excitement he felt when he saw the two young businessmen again. He bowed deeply, not trying to hide the smile. “You’re back,” Jungkook said and his eyes glistened with joy, as he reached for the tea can to start preparing, “I hope you enjoyed your last stay. Unfortunately, there won’t be no show tonight, but there will be some dancing later.” He bit his lip quickly, pouring in the hot beverage realizing way too late how chatty he had become just because he got a little excited. 
It brought a smile to Yoongi’s face how happy the younger had looked when he had seen them and he reached out with his tea cup. He almost told him that he was looking forward to get tea spilled on him again as long as it was by him but he had a feeling it would destroy the younger’s confidence too much so he kept his mouth shut and just observed the Maiko while he was pouring in their tea. 
“I’m sorry I’m talking too much,” Jungkook apologized quickly as he finished pouring himself a cup. “Are we celebrating something again?” He asked, blinking back and forth between Namjoon and Yoongi. It wasn’t often that Jungkook really enjoyed a visitors stay. He had discussed this with Jimin a couple of times and how there were different kind of visitors. There were the ones who came for the show, the artistry and enjoyed the cultural aspect of it all and then there were the ones who were just looking for the attention of a young geisha or maiko. Jungkook by far liked the first ones better.
“I don’t think you could ever talk too much with us. I like your voice. So when you feel like it please talk as you’ll know now that it makes me happy. And making a customer happy is what you’re working for, right?” He gave him an encouraging smile and then leaned over a little so he could tone down his voice. “This time we’re solely here for pleasure. Namjoon here didn’t really like tea houses before. But somehow your geisha made him change his mind pretty quickly. Do you think he’ll have a chance to see him tonight? Is Jimin the one dancing?”
Yoongi was so close that his warm breath against his neck send a shiver down his spine and his eyes flickered to Namjoon. A blush appeared on his cheeks. “P-pleasure?” He asked a little unsure what Yoongi was referring to, “Oh, Jimin? No. He won’t be here tonight.” Shaking his head, Jungkook pointed somewhere behind him. “He is taking a lot of private appointments. He is barely in the main room like everyone else is on normal days.” Smiling at Namjoon reassuringly, Jungkook leaned a bit over the table, “Jimin is a really great teacher and dancer. He has a habit of changing people’s mind. You’re probably not the first one.” Jungkook giggled softly, before taking a sip from his tea, “If you want to see him again, you have to book him privately.” There was a weird feeling tingling in the pit of his stomach. Excitement blooming at the thought of Namjoon wanting to see solely Jimin again. Looking back at Yoongi, Jungkook wondered if the other was back for him as well – just like he had promised the last time?
Namjoon swallowed harshly at that. Not the only one. Jimin probably turned a lot of heads and had countless men and women happily booking him. Of course he had heard Yoongi spilling the tea on him and he was ready to pinch him for it when Jungkook willingly gave out information. The shy boy had warmed up to them - or Yoongi - quickly or so it seemed and he suddenly wondered if the interest Yoongi had in that boy really was one sided. Sadly he didn’t have that luck. He sighed. “I’m not sure if I like that thought. You must feel like personal servants if you’re booked privately like that  right?”
Jungkook shook his head immediately, “I don’t think we are servants, Sir. We are here to entertain you, to destress you, to take your hand and take you onto a journey. To make you forget about everything else existing outside of this tea house for a couple of hours. We don’t just serve tea. And if you’re really worried, Jimin likes private sessions way more than the main room. He loves to perform, no matter where or for whom but it’s especially fun if you do it for someone who appreciates the art form. I heard you really liked his dancing.” A soft smile played on his lips.
Jungkook had said exactly what he needed to hear and he looked so genuine about it, so happy to share his passion that Namjoon could feel his worries melt away just like that. “Thank you for your insight. I’ll book Jimin for a private session soon then. And as we’re already sharing secrets and Yoongi had no problem with sharing mine before I can tell you that Jimin isn’t the only one making customers happy with his presence.” Yoongi’s narrowed eyes were worth the smile he brought to the maikos face.
The smile couldn’t be wiped off his face the whole evening and when Taehyung reprimanded him to keep his posture, Jungkook still smiled and even the cleaning of the tea rooms didn’t seem as much of work that night.
“Are you good to go?” Jimin yawned, leaning against the door frame as he watched Jungkook fluff up the cushions one last time, placing them back neatly. The geisha was already fully dressed in his casual clothes and now that the heavy make up was gone, Jungkook could see the exhaustion in Jimin’s face. The young maiko quickly caught up to his geisha, following Jimin outside and through the garden towards the main house.  
“Minnie!” He caught up to the other who wasn’t exactly fast but determined to go to bed as quickly as he could. “Wait, I have to tell you something! The business man from before, he was here again with his friend. You know the one you mentioned meeting at the market? And he was specifically asking for you so… I told him that he could book you privately and he said that he would. Minnie, he’ll book you and you can play all your charms and maybe he’ll fall for you and then he can become your sponsor and you… can get your own tea house or marry him and…” 
Jimin stopped immediately and his heart picked up its pace when Jungkook kept on talking, making him feel only more confused and… He reached out for the young maiko and held onto his arm to stop him. “Jungkook,” His voice had gotten softer and his smile turned from surprised to faint quickly. “You are right, I will play all my charms and he will fall for me. For the illusion, for the perfect picture and dream I portray for him. That’s what we do, Jungkook. That’s what a geisha is for. Nothing more.” He soothed over Jungkook’s arm and turned to walk ahead, opening the door to their small shared room. “It is a sweet dream that you have there, please hold onto it. For yourself, but not for me. My debt is way too high and you know that.” Jimin held his breath for a moment, biting his lip as the image of Namjoon’s smile crossed his mind and he wondered how he had been holding onto that imagery for so long. He would be lying if he didn’t say that he wasn’t excited to hear that he had been in the tea house again, asking for him…but Jimin knew better. He always knew better. 
Hoseok would never let him go.
Jungkook’s eyes turned sad. He couldn’t take it when Jimin talked like this so… so hopeless. And the worst was that he was right. Jimin had been in the tea house since he had been very, very young so his debt for the food and clothes and care that he got for about two decades had been piling so high that even his mizuage couldn’t pay it off. He was still so much in debt to Hoseok that he would either need a wonder or would have to work the rest of his life for him. Jungkook’s heart ached for his friend - and it also clenched tightly in anxiousness about how much money he would get himself for his ceremony. If it wasn’t enough he would be in the same position than Jimin. Though maybe he could keep a little bit of it, just a tiny little part and he could get Jimin a day off and they could eat Patbingsu and sit in the sun or visit the market and he would make sure to make Jimin forget everything that burdened him.
“Some people are made for love,” Jimin reached under his pillow to take out two fans and gave one over to Jungkook, “And some aren’t. And some…still need to practice their skills.” It was a weak attempt to make Jungkook drop the topic.
The little stab had Jungkook gasping in fake hurt. “What? Are you saying that I’m lacking? I didn’t even pour tea on anyone today how dare you insult my skills.” He threw a cushion at Jimin, trying hard to wipe the sadness from Jimin’s face - even though he secretly wouldn’t give up on his hopes for a happy end for the both of them.
“Pouring in tea and dancing with fans are two different things, Kook.” Jimin laughed, falling back to sit on his bed, “Now go wash up and then we practice.” He send Jungkook off with a wave off his hand and then let himself fall onto his back, staring up at the ceiling. What Jungkook had said repeating itself on his mind, fighting over wrong and right. Jimin had no idea how he was supposed to ever pay back any of the money he was owing Hoseok. When Jungkook came back, Jimin’s lips quickly curled up into a smile and he waved the younger over to sit right next to him. “Now just follow what I do, okay? I know you have training with Hoseok tomorrow…and I barely saved your ass because you rushed into the tearoom with Taehyung, remember?” Jimin chuckled and began moving the fan delicately, balancing it out perfectly. “Just keep your eyes on it. Imagine it to be like a butterfly.”
“A butterfly would never be stupid enough to let itself be waved around by me,” He mumbled defiantly though he was actually ashamed that Jimin’s had to cover for him again. Hoseok could be ruthless in his punishments and even if he would have just given him kitchen or waste duties for a week it would have meant a painful punishment in his case because his mizuage was so close and he needed to be seen, to show off his charms or else his biddings would be low and he would have to sell his virginity for just a fracture of his debt which meant there would be a pile of it left and each year it would get more as he would be still living here and a geisha that couldn’t even pour tea or dance with a fan properly was worth nothing and would never make it. 
Although it was late they both gave it their everything and Jungkook soon started to sweat so much that he had to wash up again. When he came back they decided to do it again one last time… and then another… and when they really couldn’t dance any more they sat down and Jimin told him more about the posture and what he should portray. Jungkook tried to focus but he was so sleepy that he only snapped out of his haze when he realized that it had become too quiet. “I…I’m sorry, what were you saying?” There came no reply and when he turned a little to see if Jimin was pouting he saw that the other’s eyes were securely closed. He had fallen asleep like that; leant against his side and back against the wall.
A fond smile appeared on Jungkook’s lips. Not really thinking about it further, Jungkook simply took the fans and placed them aside before gently making Jimin lay down and drape the blanket over him. Instead of going to the other side of the room to his bed, which stood just a few metres away, Jungkook laid down beside Jimin, letting the geisha cuddle up to him, who sighed softly. It wasn’t the first time they had slept like this. They had done it many times before. Sometimes because the thunder was just too loud and scary for Jungkook and on other days they just liked the comfort of not being alone. 
“Jungkook!” Jimin’s voice echoed through the whole powder room, searching for his maiko in the pool of Geisha’s getting dressed. He was halfway in his costume as well, only that it was hanging loosely around his shoulder right now and Jungkook was nowhere to be found. 
“There you are! Can you please help me?” Jimin turned around, so the maiko could dress him up, soothing over the robe before he adjusted the belt. 
“I’m sorry, Taehyung asked for help with something. I needed to get his robe all the way from Jin’s,” Jungkook was still feeling a bit breathless from the little sprint he had done to be back on time. “You’re not too late for your appointment, yet right?” He asked carefully, visibly relaxing when Jimin shook his head. “I’m fine, but Jungkook you aren’t.” Jimin said and Jungkook furrowed his brows in confusion.
“You’re makeup isn’t done, yet. I told you to always get yourself ready first before you do tasks for others, remember?” Jimin took the younger by his wrist to pull him towards his makeup table and sat him down. He soothed over Jungkook’s hair and placed a finger under his chin to make him look up. “Hold still, will you.” The geisha took out his brush and red lipstick, starting to apply it carefully to his lips. 
“You will dance with Jaehyun and Joowon in the main room today. Remember to guide them a little, okay? They are younger than you and it’s their first time performing. You’re the oldest maiko here.” Jimin smiled proudly, touching up Jungkook’s cheeks with a bit more rouge. “Hoseok will watch you closely, so I want to hear only good things when I come back tonight. I sadly can’t see you as I’m booked for the rest of the evening.” He pursed his lips into a pout, taking Jungkook’s hand to pull him up and into a hug. Sometimes it felt weird to see Jungkook so grown up now, when Jimin had the image of the young, shy boy still imprinted on his mind. On some days, Jungkook still was that boy but tonight he seemed more confident, ready to take on a new step into the direction of his mizuage. “Break a leg,” Jimin squeezed his hand one last time, before letting go, walking into the exact opposite direction that Jungkook was suppose to go. 
Quickening his steps a little, Jimin was hoping not to be late now. Checking the number of the room once more, he quickly got onto his knees right in front of the door taking in a deep breath. Having only one customer for the whole night could either be really nice and calming or stressful and long, depending on what the visitor was awaiting to see. Jimin had it before that a visitor wanted him to dance all night, thinking that he was some kind of robot that could dance without a break. His knees had felt so wobbly that he almost had fallen down the stairs that night. Although it wasn’t fun in that moment, it now had turned into a fun memory and Jimin couldn’t help but chuckle low. By now Jimin had learned how to say ‘no’ in a polite way and without angering the customers - so he was sure he would be fine. Sliding the door open, the dancer instantly bowed deeply, doing his usual greeting - that was until his breath got stuck somewhere in his throat when he saw who was waiting for him. 
“You remember my name!” Namjoon greeted him with a soft smile. Jimin looked gorgeous, just like he remembered him, wearing a colorful robe with ornaments and an embroidered obi again. His make up brought out his eyes and even though it looked good on him Namjoon wondered why anyone would mask a face as naturally beautiful as Jimin’s. The surprise on the geisha’s face to whom was expecting him was evident so he had probably only gotten a notice that he had been booked by ‘Mister Kim’. And his last name wasn’t exactly rare. 
Namjoon bowed slightly and then motioned for Jimin to come in. He could see the younger’s gaze flicker around the room and he started talking right away because he was nervous. “It’s just me this time. Yoongi’s still at the company. And as he’s the one who knows all your rules I’m a little nervous about accidentally doing something impolite again. I tried to memorize everything he told me about how to behave in a tea house so I hope I’ll leave a good impression on you but if there’s anything that I’m doing wrong then please tell me right away. And don’t worry.” He gave him a little smile, “No touching this time. You can relax. I won’t disrespect you again.” He didn’t want the other to feel uncomfortable around him especially as he was sure it must be nerve wracking for a him to be in a room with someone who had broken the rules before and overstepped the boundaries of forbidden skinship.
“Just you?” Jimin asked astonished. Usually people came by to celebrate with friends, to see the show, to have a nice evening out. Namjoon was certainly not the only one, it was rather rare for just one person to book an evening with a geisha. As it was tradition, the Geisha usually sat down next to the one who was the ‘money giver’ the one who had initiated it all and because Namjoon was the only person here, Jimin sat down right next to him. “If you want…and you’re eager to learn,” Jimin placed a hand on Namjoon’s thigh and turned to look up at him, “I can teach you all about the rules. Because I heard that you haven’t been into tea houses before?” Jimin let go off his thigh and began to prepare the tea and snacks onto the table, unwrapping the chopsticks for Namjoon as well for himself. “Tell me, why is that? What changed your mind?” A mischievous smile played on his lips, curious if Namjoon was going to hold his opinion back or sugarcoat it for him.
He was more than surprised about Jimin’s hand on his thigh and almost asked about if before the geisha suggested to give him an insight into the world of their tea house and he happily complied. “No, I have actually. I’ve seen a few from the insight when business partners invited us or one or two times with Yoongi as well but I wasn’t really interested in that world. Not like I am now at least.” He didn’t come clean with the reason right away as he was embarrassed about voicing it out loud - and he also had a suspicion that Jimin already knew what or rather who had changed his mind about all this.
“I’m glad something made you change your mind then,” Jimin chuckled softly and motioned for Namjoon to take some of the snacks that were perfectly prepared for them. Jimin wasn’t allowed to start eating before he did and he was starving, waiting for Namjoon to finally pick something. “You can ask me anything you’re interested in - anytime,” The geisha smiled genuinely, taking a sip from his tea. “And I will answer honestly. Will you be honest with me too?” Jimin had reached for Namjoon’s arm, his eyes blinking up at Namjoon’s so sweetly. 
“Yes, I will,” That was a basis that Namjoon could work with and honestly now that he had the chance he was burning with questions and had to hold himself back not to delve into the private area right away. He wanted to know how Jimin had gotten here if he had family how he felt about his job, if he would leave if he could, what he had wanted to be when he had been little, if he still wanted to become someone or something else. Instead he decided to start with a question he had more ‘right’ to ask it directly affected him. 
“I’ll start then. How is it that you are touching me so casually now when I obviously overstepped a line while touching you? Is it generally like that; that you are allowed to while I am not or are there different rules in the private rooms because no one else is looking? You’re not… this isn’t… I mean you entertain me, right? Nothing more?” He was a little scared of the answer and it must show on his face.
Jimin couldn’t help but giggle softly at Namjoon’s first question. “I am allowed to touch the customers in a certain way of course,” The geisha cocked his head aside, explaining carefully, “We’re trained in the featherlight touch. But I do have to admit that when someone is exceptionally handsome I can’t keep my hands to myself as much as I probably should.” He bowed his head in apology, a light blush appearing on his cheeks. Jimin had said he would be honest, so now he had to live with the consequences, even if it meant blushing uncontrollably. “You’re not allowed to pull me, hold my hand or touch me in a way that is ‘claiming’. That’s why I startled when you held me back. But don’t worry too much. I didn’t feel threatened, it just surprised me. As a Geisha, I control how much I let you in, not the other way around. But if you come back an earlier evening, you can link arms with me on a walk through our garden if that is what you like to do one day?” 
It made sense the way Jimin explained it and Namjoon nodded lightly, a smile forming on his face at the thought of talking a walk together with the beautiful boy besides him. “I’d love that.” Then he sat up a little, his gaze on Jimin as he mentally prepared himself for what the other might possibly want to know. “Your turn now. I guess you didn’t asked me to be honest without a reason. So what is it you want to know?”
The geisha turned a little more towards Namjoon, taking a deep breath before saying, “Actually there’s two things. First, I’d like to have your honest opinion about something…and you tell me if you like it or not, okay?” Gazing deep into the other’s eyes for a moment, Jimin got out a small usb-stick. There was a keychain dangling from it on one side, with something that looked a lot like a small calico cat. “It’s not done, yet. And I’d like to have someone else’s opinion but Jungkook’s. Will you watch me dance?” 
“O…of course!” Whatever Namjoon’s mind could have come up with this wasn’t it. Watching the younger dance had been a pleasure and so he didn’t understand why Jimin was even asking. The cute key chain with the kitty pendant was like the cherry on top of Jimin’s natural cuteness and he would have made a bet that Jimin was one of those people who got all soft and smiley around animals and were loved just as much by them in return. the only question was who would be softer; Jimin or a cuddly cat?
The younger smiled and got up from where he sat to get over to the music box, searching for the right number. “Imagine this with thousands of butterflies all around me.” Jimin turned to look over his shoulder to Namjoon and got up, rolling his shoulders back to get into the right mindset. But before he closed his eyes Jimin added cheekily, “And can you please eat something? I am starving and I can’t eat when you don’t.” There was no chance for Namjoon to answer, when Jimin began to dance. 
It was mesmerizing.
It was like the boy was in his own world and Namjoon was just lucky enough to catch a glimpse of it. Jimin moved fluidly, as if he was a butterfly himself, riding the wind with opened wings. Namjoon had no idea how the younger could dance like this with his eyes closed when he himself managed to fall over chairs and ran into tables with his eyes wide open. He had reached out for a snack with rice with heated cheeks, to not keep Jimin from eating any longer - but as soon as the music started the snack layed forgotten. 
How could he do something as mundane as snacking while there was pure art happening in front of him.
The geisha only opened his eyes again, when the music faded out. He instantly locked eyes with Namjoon, anticipating and waiting for him to say something. When there was still silence, Jimin began to get nervous, fumbling around with the fabric of his robe. “It’s…it’s not done, yet. It’s just something I thought about. You know how butterflies are always seen as so mesmerizing, so delicate and touching them is deathly. For the beautiful creature at least. People don’t care. They hang them, show them off. Sometimes I feel like that, too.” He gulped heavily, when the last words had come over his lips so quickly, but so quietly that he just hoped Namjoon hadn’t heard them. Jimin turned around and turned down the volume of the music, letting it play softly in the back, before returning to the table. He would have loved to stuff his mouth with food now not to keep on talking – but again, Namjoon still hasn’t begun to eat anything. “Was it okay?”
“Okay?” He couldn’t help but stare at the other who seemed so shy, so insecure all of a sudden, baring his thoughts and his soul so easily through his dance while everything else in his life was pretty obviously controlled by other people’s rules and boundaries. “Do you really not know how amazing you are? How stunningly beautiful you look when you move, like art come to life or the veil to another world ripping so that your viewers can get a glimpse of it before it closes again the second you stop moving? It was beautiful Jimin, a little sad, a little bittersweet but it made me feel  and I guess that’s what you wanted to achieve, right? To make the viewer feel what it’s like to chase after perfection, to try for completion while it’s always out of reach, just a hair’s breadth away, too close for you not to try and reach for it but too far to ever achieve it.” He saw Jimin’s eyes flickering towards the food and jolted. “Oh, I forgot!” Hastily he stuffed a snack into his mouth and then motioned for Jimin to eat as well. “I hope I don’t have to eat every time for you can take a bite because I’m not that hungry and I’d rather watch you enjoy the food than eat it myself.”
Jimin didn’t know what to say. He was just blushing, averting his gaze and trying to calm his rapid heartbeat. 
“I…I…’m…” It was a weak try to thank Namjoon for his kind words. “You’re probably the one doing a lot of the deals, right? You have a way with words, Namjoon. Thank you. I still think I can tweak it a bit. I wish Mr. Jung will let me perform it one day. Imagine the stage filled with flying paper butterflies hanging from the ceiling. Wouldn’t that be beautiful?” He bowed his head again, shyly reaching out for a snack. “You just had to take the first bite and now I can eat as much as you let me. I would have eaten something before, but I had to get Jungkook ready. He’s having a performance in the main room tonight. I hope he’s doing alright.” Jimin’s gaze wandered off to the door for a moment, before turning back to Namjoon, “But enough about me.”
He laughed, “You see right through me, hm? But I can assure you that I never tell my business partners how beautiful they are - and that I absolutely meant what I just said.” He watched as Jimin took some snacks, quick and still a little shy, eating them with little careful bites as if he was prepared to jump up at any second to do whatever he was supposed to. He liked listening to Jimin talking and he nodded encouragingly while the other shared his ideas with shining eyes. “He’s a sweet one, your little Maiko. I wouldn’t have dared to book you for tonight if he hadn’t reassured me.” He confessed, a little surprised at his own courage. “Oh it would be a pity if that’s all I got to know about you tonight. After all that’s kind of what i’m here for.”
Jimin’s eyes widened, just for a second, before he regained his posture. So, it had been true what Jungkook had told him: Namjoon came back to get to know him. Him – out of all people Namjoon could choose. 
Customers came back a ton of times for him and almost every week he got a new proposal but none of them had interested him in any kind of way because deep down Jimin knew it was dumb to get involved with something. His debt was too high and not even marrying would get him away from this tea house. What else did he have anyways? This was all he knew, all that he was good at. Hoseok had made it clear dozens of times that he’d probably end up as a stripper if he tried to make it as a dancer outside of this establishment. But still, Jimin had dreamed about making it. One too many times. He wasn’t a catch for someone like Namjoon. He was the perfect illusion. The getaway for anyone who didn’t want to face reality. That was all there was about him. “Jungkook is really sweet,” He finally answered, feeling a little breathless, before speaking softly, “I’m just a Geisha, Namjoon. There’s not much to get to know about me.”
“Ahh, I see.” Namjoon’s voice softened a little. “So Geishas have no past? No dreams and no future?” He could understand why Jimin was hesitant to open up to a stranger that he’s barely met a handful of times but still he didn’t want to leave it at that. Because even though Jimin tried to tell him that there wasn’t anything to tell about him there was something in his eyes, something vulnerable and hopeful as if he was dying for someone to see through him, to care for him enough to look behind the mask and draw out the real Jimin. And Namjoon couldn’t wait to do exactly that. 
“Then maybe, just maybe you want to tell me what you do or what you think about when you are not busy being a geisha? Surely you must have free time every now and then?”
The geisha smiled at Namjoon, his hand reaching out for the collar of his suit jacket. He got onto his knees, getting a little closer to him to soothe over the soft fabric. “Technically when you become a geisha you fully let go off your past and embrace what it means and stands for entirely. Not everyone has a dream, Namjoon. Having dreams is a luxury that a geisha can’t afford.” Leaning in a little closer, Jimin began fixing his jacket while explaining, “A geisha is a dream. Your dream. My day is filled with duties of a geisha, from the moment I wake up to the moment I close my eyes. I practice, I do my laundry, I practice some more with Jungkook and sometimes, when I’m lucky and put enough money aside or gotten a good tip, I go out onto the market and buy new fabrics for my robes. And when I’m even more lucky, I will stumble upon a handsome stranger.” He winked playfully, but the breath got stuck somewhere in his throat right after. Jimin only realized now how close he was to Namjoon, nervously soothing over the man’s chest one last time. Maybe just to feel how the shirt was stretching over Namjoon’s chest so tightly, wondering how the buttons were still holding on and feeling his heartbeat for a moment under the palm of his hand. “I’m sorry, it bothered me the whole time. Your collar was all twisted.” 
Namjoon’s skin was tingling where the warmth of Jimin’s hands had seeped through the fabric. Jimin’s words were spoken so lightly, so nonchalantly as if their meaning didn’t hit Namjoon right where it hurt. He leaned in and as Jimin was still close he could almost taste the other’s breath against his lips. “What if I told you that there is something that bothers me as well? Something that isn’t as easily fixed as a collar.” He came even closer until he could whisper right into Jimin’s ear. “I think you are lying right to my face, butterfly. Didn’t we agree on telling the truth? I think you do have dreams. And if you tell me right now I might forgive you for breaching our agreement.”
Jimin was frozen, his hand had gripped tightly into the fabric of his robe when a shiver ran down his spine the moment Namjoon’s breath was tingling against his own skin. He was glad that the other was whispering into his ear though, this way he couldn’t see his unsure gaze, the sudden stunned expression that only lasted for a moment, before he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He sat back onto his legs (feeling a bit more secure now because standing on his knees had made him so nervous that he was shaking) keeping Namjoon at an arm’s length distance from himself. 
“I wouldn’t call it a dream, but I do have a wish,” Jimin’s spoke softly, very carefully choosing his words. He didn’t want to offend Namjoon. He was right, they had asked for honesty and so Jimin would give it to him in return and still he would try to keep his dreams to himself. He had sworn himself to never dare speak them loudly. They were dreams after all and not meant to become real. And still he had those dreams, wishes, those ideas of his life becoming better - different maybe. It was the stupidest wish to have, Jimin was very well aware of that, because to people on the outside world it may seemed he had a lot. Beautiful robes, jewelry, makeup and a place to live but nothing did he call his own. In the end it all belonged to Hoseok, just like he, himself belonged to him. 
“I wish to have something that I could call my own.” Jimin looked at Namjoon with a faint smile, “Just mine, you know. That I don’t need to share with anyone else but myself.” His eyes widened, when Jimin realized that he had spilled a little too much, had sounded a little to self-centered. He was a geisha. He was suppose to put his own needs far back. If Hoseok would have heard him…Jimin gulped heavily and bowed his head quickly, “I apologize for sounding selfish, that wasn’t my intention. Please forgive me.”
Namjoon’s eyebrows went up. He had not expected something so small, something that was so natural for most people that he hadn’t even considered it something Jimin could wish for. “You mean… you don’t have anything that’s yours?” He shook his head in disbelief. “What about the robes you buy on your own? Or the gifts you receive from admirers? I’m sure you have a lot of those, don’t you?” Even he had been ready to gift Jimin with something after their first real encounter. It wasn’t ready, yet or he hadn’t brought it with im but he had meant it when he said that he wanted to give Jimin something from his company that was designed for him.
Jimin softly shook his head. He was telling Namjoon too much already, but there was just something about him that made Jimin want to share a part of him. Namjoon just seemed so honest, so pure and kind. “I don’t. I am not allowed to keep gifts out of different reasons. The clothes I wear all belong to the tea house. I am allowed to chose the fabric sometimes, but that’s it.” He smiled faintly, “None of this is mine. It never was and it never will.” He took in a sharp breath, blinking at Namjoon, his voice sounding so small and quiet that it was barely audible. “Not even myself, but I guess you figured that already.”
Now he had finally said too much. And still it had spilled out of him, like it never had happened before. No one had broken his Geisha persona so easily like Namjoon did. With just a simple look. His eyes looking at Jimin so honestly. Almost as if he had seen right through Jimin and he had no choice but to speak from his heart. Hoseok always said it was his only weakness – but he’d also said he would train it off. Why did he break now? Hastily, Jimin got up. 
“I am sorry. I know I said I would be honest but there are things I can’t tell you. I already said too much. I am very grateful for Mr. Jung and this establishment.” He bowed his head deeply, taking a few steps back, feeling way too shaky on his own two feet right now. What if Namjoon would tell on him? That he was an ungrateful person? That he dishonored Hoseok in just a couple of sentences for making sure he had somewhere to live. 
Jimin looked so scared, so shaken that Namjoon forgot his initial decision to not give into his urges this time and only approach Jimn when he was absolutely sure that the other was okay with it. He couldn’t just keep his distance now and let the other stand there on his own, looking so small and vulnerable, eyes wide and fearful as if he expected someone to jump out from behind somewhere and punish him for talking. 
“Jimin…,” He reached out his hand for him and when Jimin didn’t flinch back he got closer, careful and slow, watching the younger attentively to react to the slightest discomfort. He placed his hand on the boys shoulder as a soft reassurance before he told him, “No one can own you. Ever. They might think they do with buying your time and… and I’m no different really, forcing you to be with me but… no one can really have you if you don’t let them. Your soul is entirely your own. No one can touch that against your will.” 
Jimin scoffed, but gave in to Namjoon’s touch, just because it felt good. He leaned against the hand on his shoulder, wishing that he would take him into his arms - just once. But instead, Jimin just took a slow, deep breath and looked up at the handsome man. “Can’t they? I see you’re not familiar with the world i’m living in. It’s okay, I don’t blame you.” With a shaking hand and a fast beating heart, Jimin reached out for Namjoon, placing his hand against his cheek, just to feel the soft warm cheeks under his palm. “You’re so sweet, Namjoon. Too kind. Please don’t think you’re forcing me.” His gaze wandered over the soft features of his face, the sweet dimples that showed, the warmth in Namjoon’s eyes. It was luring him in, way more than Jimin wanted to admit.
“I’m not?” Namjoon’s heart beat faster at that as hope was blooming in his chest. “So if we had met under different circumstances and I had asked you out on a date - would you have accepted?” He hesitated torn between his morals and his heart’s desire, his logical thinking and his stupidly strong feelings for the other. “Is there.. is there still a way where you could do that? Date someone I mean? I don’t want to take advantage of you or save the money or anything it’s just… it  feels a little strange to be with you like this. Could we go out somewhere where no one would breathe down your neck or control what you’re saying? I meant it when I said that I want to know you… and I mean you, Jimin, not whatever you think you have to be to fulfill my fantasies.”
The geisha’s eyes turned wide while his heart was beating so fast and hard that Jimin was sure it would jump right out of his chest. Many men had asked him to marry them before, but no one ever dared to ask him out to date. He was completely overwhelmed, his face paling visibly. 
“Y-yes m-maybe,” Jimin whispered but let go off Namjoon, his hands wandering down his shoulders, “But there are no different circumstances. You really don’t know much about this, hm. Maybe you should ask your friend.” He squeezed Namjoon’s arm softly, biting his lip, “Maybe then you would understand a little more.” There were many things Jimin wasn’t allowed to talk about - his past, his debt and the way he had been brought to the teahouse. Leaning in carefully, Jimin placed a barely there kiss on Namjoon’s cheek. “Please come back,” He whispered, before turning on his heel quickly, sliding the door open a bit too hastily that he almost bumped into the person standing in front of it. 
“Oh, there you are!” Hoseok chuckled low, glancing over Jimin’s shoulder and bowing to Namjoon. “I’m sorry to interrupt sir, but as you had been over your time for a bit now I was wondering where my geisha was.” He easily discarded Jimin and walked in to shake Namjoon’s hand with a firm grip, “Mr. Jung, nice to meet you…Mr…? I’m sure you understand. It’s just safety measurements. I hope you had a good evening with our sweet little gem. Was everything how you wanted it to be?”
Namjoon didn’t have to ask who that person was. The way Jimin had straightened his back and cast down his eyes and the way the person in front of him acted told him enough. When he called Jimin ‘my geisha’ it confirmed his suspicions: This must be Jung Hoseok, the owner of the establishment. 
“Of course, I understand. I take care of what is mine as well.” When Hoseok didn’t correct him his eyes flickered over to Jimin. So the geisha hadn’t exaggerated when he had hinted at being treated like some kind of possession. “Everything was to my delight. He exceeded my expectations, even so I’d like to book him again very soon.” He was talking to Hosek, polite and distanced but what he was trying to do was telling Jimin that he would come for him again very soon. Now that he had gotten a glimpse into the youngers mind there was no way he could just forget him and move on.
“Oh, that’s wonderful to hear,” Hoseok said and looked over to Jimin, whose gaze was fixed on the floor. “The reception downstairs will be very happy to help you find the perfect date for your next appointment. Unfortunately for now, I have to take Jimin with me.” He smiled at Namjoon sweetly, wishing him a good night with a bow. The moment he turned around; his smile faded. He placed a hand on Jimin’s back pushing him further out of the room and down the hallway with him. 
“Since when are you going over the time? There’s a time limit for a reason, Jimin. Do you think I got the time to go and search for you each time?”
“No, I am sorry, Hoseok. I didn’t mean to…,” Jimin stumbled a little, because Hoseok was walking fast and his own shorter legs in comparison couldn’t hold up with the large steps he was taking. “You should be sorry,” He hissed under his breath and came to a halt, just to pull Jimin by his wrist and into the room at the end of the hallway. Despite it all, his expression turned softer the moment he looked at the geisha, his finger trailing along Jimin’s jawline until he could lift his chin just a little. “My sweet Jimin,” Hoseok hummed melodically, “You really don’t want to anger me, right? Not with something as simple as coming too late…”
Namjoon looked after them and when Hoseok placed his hand at Jimin’s back there was suddenly something bitter in his mouth that he couldn’t swallow down. There weren’t all those rumours about tea houses for a reason and even if Jimin hadn’t said it clearly he had told him enough for Namjoon to feel anger at the thought of someone telling Jimin that he “owned” him and treating him as such. He knew he should go, he couldn’t interfere now, there were rules and if he didn’t follow them it wouldn’t help Jimin it would only lead to him not being able to see him anymore. 
Namjoon had just forced himself to turn when he saw how Hoseok pulled Jimin aside, the younger obviously struggling to keep up and visibly uncomfortable - and Namjoon just acted. He would so totally regret this, especially when Yoongi kicked his ass for this but he couldn’t tell Jimin he was interested in him and that no one owned him and then let him be bullied a second after. Hurriedly he ran after them and then knocked at the door; a formality really as the walls were so thin he could have just started talking. “I’m so sorry to interrupt and take even more from your precious time but… I fear I’m kind of lost. It’s my first time in this private area and I seem to have lost my orientation. Would it be too much of a favour to ask for your geisha to show me the way to the reception? I’ll make sure to pay him for his overtime of course. I don’t want him to get into any trouble because of me.”
Hoseok opened the door, fake smile perfectly in place while Jimin was sure he would faint any second now. He wanted to tell Namjoon that he was fine, keeping up a smile himself and looking at him with a warm gaze. “Oh, it’s simple, Mr. Kim…” Hoseok was just about to start explaining the way when Jungkook passed the corner. “Our lovely maiko will show you. Jungkook!” He called out loudly making the younger startle and turn around quickly. The maiko bowed the moment his gaze fell onto his superior and Namjoon. “Show, Mr. Kim the way back to the entrance, will you?” The younger nodded eagerly, glancing inside the room just for a second to see Jimin staring right back at him. “T-this way, please.” Jungkook motioned towards the stairwell, but his eyes were on Jimin and only when the younger formed the words ‘I’m okay’ did he return his attention to Namjoon. 
This wasn’t what Namjoon had wanted but he couldn’t say no now or insist on it being Jimin who went with him so he had to smile and bear it and with a little bow he did just that, thanking Hoseok for the help while trying not to make it obvious that all he wanted was to make sure that Jimin was fine. When the door closed behind them his smile fell and with a frown he followed Jungkook in the direction of the reception that he absolutely knew how to find.
“You shouldn’t worry, Mr. Kim,” Jungkook spoke up as they reached the last step, giggling softly at Namjoon’s confused expression. “I can tell that you are. If you keep on frowning like that you will get wrinkles…at least that’s what Jimin always tells me.” He said, playing with the fan in his hand while he accompanied Namjoon. “You shouldn’t put too much attention onto yourself like this.” Jungkook’s voice was quiet, almost a whisper as he gazed up at the taller man, “It won’t help any of us. Especially not Jimin…if that is what you are trying to do, Sir.”
Namjoon almost startled when the boy started talking out of nothing. He took it as a good sign that Jungkook trusted him enough to talk freely, even more so than Jimin even though he had barely talked with the Maiko. However he couldn’t let go of it just yet. He stopped before they came near the reception so that it was only them with no one else around. “Could you tell me a few things please? Jimin told me that he’ll be honest but I think it scares him a lot to do that. You are not scared, are you? So… would it be okay if I asked you about him? I could pay you if you want. Not as a bribe to make you talk but as something to give back in exchange for your trust. You can take it to buy something for you and Jimin or save it up, that’s entirely your choice.”
Jungkook stood frozen, his mouth hanging open in an attempt to say something but there were no words coming out. He looked up and over his shoulder into the direction that Jimin was right now and then back to Namjoon. “I get him into a lot of trouble all the time, Sir. I can’t take your money and I don’t want it.” He sighed deeply, lowering his voice, “Even if I could…I wouldn’t be able to buy us something or save it up. I would need to pay back, just like Jimin. He only has it worse than I do.” Namjoon’s sudden change of expression made Jungkook gasp, “Oh. You don’t know?” His smile was a weak attempt at lighting up the mood a little, “Sir, if you really like Jimin, please keep your head down. I don’t want you to get into trouble…not you or your handsome partner. That’s all I can tell you. I am sorry.”
“But how can that be? You’re younger and as far as I know you can only book geishas so how can Jimin have it worse? Does the geisha attire cost so much? But  I thought that was what the mizuage was for, to pay for everything the Maiko needed to become a geisha and in return…,” He broke off, embarrassed about talking about Jungkook’s virginity that the younger would lose sooner or later in exactly that way, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be insensitive. I just… don’t get it.” He lowered his voice, concern still evident in it, “Hoseok doesn’t… hurt you, right? And as the guests aren’t allowed to touch you… you are safe, aren’t you? You’re not… you don’t have to be afraid of…” He didn’t even what to think about it let alone speak it into existence. It might be cowardly but the thought alone tightened his chest painfully. There was enough pain in the world. He didn’t need to see the one he liked involved in it.
Jungkook was getting nervous the more Namjoon was talking and at the same time he only grew fonder of that man that seemed to have taken an interest in his geisha. “No, no, we’re okay, we’re safe.” Jungkook tried to calm Namjoon quickly, his hands up in defense not to stir up any drama or cause a scene. “A mizuage can’t always pay off a lifetime’s debt.” Jungkook anxiously motioned for Namjoon to walk further, “You really have to go, Sir. I mean it…please.” Jungkook felt out of depth, pushing Namjoon slightly to finally move along.
There were still so many questions on the tip of his tongue but he understood that Jungkook had to go back and he didn’t want to get the boy in trouble (apart from the fact that Yoongi would kill him if he would mess with ‘his little maiko’) so he nodded and thanked him and apologized profusely for keeping him for so long. If he could only get sneak peaks from the boys during situations like that he had would have to go back to asking Yoongi and hoping what the other told him was true and not something Yoongi had heard from others who didn’t knew a thing. He didn’t want to feel so clueless all of the time (which was new for him because normally he was the one holding the facts and explaining it to others.) 
While walking home he got out his phone, calling Yoongi even though the other would be certainly busy at that time. As he expected he got straight to voicemail but it was better than having to wait to call him tomorrow. “Yoongs, it’s Namjoon. I… I was at the tea house again. And I need you to explain it to me. Everything. Because I think I might have… I mean… I really like that Geisha. A lot.”
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A/N: Here we go again!!! Thank you so much for the great feedback we got on the first part. Cat and I really appreciate it! ❤❤❤ And we hope you like this chapter, too ;) Don’t forget to leave us a comment on what you think is going to happen next hihi
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lostinfic · 6 years ago
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Summary: She writes for magazines about luxurious resorts in exotic places and five-star hotels in glamorous cities. He’s photographed devastated war zones, refugee camps and child soldiers. For both of them travel is an escape, but he’s had enough of this grim reality, and she’s had enough of this disconnected fantasy. Perhaps together they can find something in between, something real, and stop running from themselves. Each season, a new destination and a chance to grow closer.
Pairing: Alec Hardy x Hannah Baxter Rating: Teen (for now) Word count: 2.3k
Ao3    |    Gifset
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Hardy woke up gasping for breath. The room spun above him. The pillow was damp under his cheek. He squeezed his eyes shut and held his breath until his heart rate slowed down.
The city shone through the curtain-less window. 3:16 blinked on his alarm clock.
He turned on every lamp in his tiny flat, filled the empty space with light. He scrubbed a hand down his face and prepared a cup of tea. As the computer whirred to life, a knot formed in his stomach.
Nightmares were nothing new for him, but they harassed him more frequently since he’d been tasked with selecting his favourite photos for a retrospective exhibition of his work. For twenty years he’d roamed the world with his camera, documenting the best and worst of humanity. Mostly the worst. From war zones to refugee camps, from barren deserts to overpopulated slums. Shining a light on those forgotten and left behind. Twenty years of anonymous faces. Twenty years of people he’d promised to help staring back at him on his computer screen.
Had his work really made a difference?
He clicked on a folder labelled “Syria 2014”. Thumbnail pictures popped up one by one. He’d never accustomed to this jarring feeling: looking at devastated places from the safety of his flat. His brain couldn’t reconcile the vivid memory of fear gripping his guts and chemicals burning his lungs with his quiet surroundings. Here, only the rattle of a too-close commuter train track and one nosey neighbour bothered him. But his brain sought hidden dangers, pushed warnings through his blood.
Tess would have helped him pick the photos, he thought. She’d once been his editor. She’d encouraged and admired his work until his commitment to it drove her into another man’s arms.
Just like this flat, the separation from Tess was meant to be a temporary situation. But three years had passed and now the divorce papers rested in their sealed envelope on the corner of his desk. He wasn’t sure which of the divorce papers or his old photos were the hardest to look at. The children and women he’d failed to help properly or the woman and child he’d failed to make happy.
He opened another folder of pictures, these ones from Tunisia in 2010, during the Arab Spring. An intense time, exhilarating. Still on his chair, he felt the protesters pushing against his body, carrying him like waves. He felt their thirst for freedom, the shift in the balance of power.
He selected a photo of a passionate young woman, shouting her heart out against the regime. Her eyes glistened with tears, her hands held high in peace signs. Red smoke surrounded her like a divine aura. In the next shot, a soldier punched her in the stomach. Hardy’s first instinct had been to take the photo. Thankfully, a young man came to her rescue. Hardy scrolled farther down the folder to another picture of the same young woman, a month later. In the crowd of protesters, she and the young man who helped her are exchanging wedding vows. He wondered what happened to them. He wondered what happened to their hopeful spirits.
Hardy slipped a hand under his grey t-shirt and touched the fresh scar on his chest.
Maybe this retrospective exhibition of his work was a second chance. An opportunity to atone for leaving these people behind.
The exhibition was still months away, in autumn, during a World Press Photo conference. Until then, he’d have to live with the nightmares.
His computer pinged with a new email notification. His eyebrows rose when he saw the sender: Ellie Miller.
I’m sorry to reach out to you like this, out of the blue. I know I haven’t been in touch, but we need your help.
Maybe you’ve heard, I’ve moved to Indonesia. There’s an island here, Pulau Kesuma, and there’s something really wrong going on. Foreign investors seized a huge part of the land to build a hotel, the Mahal Kita, and it’s been having a terrible effect on the local people and nature. I’m sure they must have done the same in other countries too.
I tried to reach out to my former colleagues at BBC World but it’s a small island and they’re all very busy. What we need is a photographer to show the destruction.
Give me a shout if you’re available and I’ll tell you more.
Hardy’s doctor had warned him against stressful work, but not helping people in need stressed him out more than throwing himself in the middle of a conflict. He replied to Ellie right away.
Hannah signed on the dotted line and returned the contract to her editor, Duncan. In exchange, he handed her a plane ticket to Pulau Kesuma and the necessary documents to complete her assignment for Elite Travelers magazine.
“The Mahal Kita Eco-resort & Spa,” Hannah read out loud. “Eco-resort? Didn’t you say ecotourism is a load of bullshit?”
“It is. That’s not the part I’m interested in: this island was closed to the tourism industry before now, at least not our kind of tourism. Smelly backpackers could go all they wanted and sleep in a goat pen.”
“How come it’s opened now?” she asked.
“There was no point in keeping it a nature reserve after the tsunami. So the Indonesian government lifted the restrictions. About two years ago. In exchange, the company helped restore the island.”
“That’s nice.”
“Anyway, just focus on the resort, the beaches, the night life… ”
“I’ve an angle to sell it, the ecotourism—” she spread her hands in a presenting gesture— “treat yourself to a guilt-free escapade.”
His reaction was something between a nod and a shrug. He didn’t believe it could interest their readers, but the comments on her blog told her otherwise.
“Stick to what you’re good at. Don’t fuck this up. If you get this right, you could become a senior writer.”
Hannah gasped and smiled. “Really?”
Senior writer meant less freelance work to make ends meet, business-class travel, press pass to fashion weeks, yachts and five-star restaurants. Not to mention she’d be the youngest and only female senior writer.
Duncan drummed his hands on his desk. “All right, fuck off, I’ve other writers to babysit.”
After the meeting, Hannah went straight to Stanford, an iconic travel bookshop in London. Even as a child she loved this place with its hundreds of globes and ceiling-high shelves of guidebooks. She’d pester her parents relentlessly until they agreed to take her here.
There was an enormous vinyl National Geographic map on the floor, and she trailed her feet from England to Indonesia. It elicited a lightness in her chest, and she nearly danced to the Asia section.
She would spend a week at the resort, then she intended to visit the rest of Indonesia for two weeks. She flipped through guidebooks, and compiled a mental list of ideas she could pitch to other magazines.
In the periodical section she checked out the trends and the competition. She scanned the racks and flipped through a few magazines. Three of them mentioned carbon-neutral travel, zero-emission hotels or sustainable tourism. She didn’t want to bore her readers with the science of climate change or to make them feel guilty about flying in a private jet, but being environmentally-conscious was trendy right now so she needed to get on that.
Hannah herself had become interested in the subject after a trip to St. Maarten in the Caribbeans. Not because of the trip itself but a documentary she saw after about a side of St. Maarten hidden to tourists: a vast and ever-growing landfill caused by the flow of cruise ships. Half the island’s population lived in that junkyard. Filled with good intentions, she had bought the filmmaker’s latest book. A year later, it was still on her nightstand, a bookmark halfway through chapter two. It had not been written for neophytes, that much was clear. She had returned to her usual travel ways, but a discomfort lingered.
Should she stick to what she was good at, as Duncan put it, or go all environmentally-friendly? She knew what her editor expected but, if done right, bypassing his instructions could work in her favour. Or ruin her chances at a promotion.
Back home, she dropped her magazines on the small kitchen table that doubled as a desk. For all intents and purposes, her two-room flat was a storage unit: a place to keep her things while she travelled the world. She had plans to make it cozy and pretty but had yet to do it. The few weeks a year she was here, she spent working, eating takeout and trying to catch up on whatever normal people did with their lives. Still, the flat held all her souvenirs and books. It was a place to rest her weary feet and head. A place to listen to the rain and traffic, and to dream of her next trip. When it came to travelling, having a home was just as important as having a passport, it was the difference between traveller and vagabond.
Ben was coming by later, meanwhile she fixed her make-up and curled her hair.
When he arrived, he entered without knocking first. He carried a plastic bag of thai takeout.
“Panang chicken for you,” he said as he placed the white oyster pails on the counter.
“Extra pineapple?”
“Extra pineapple.”
“Thanks, you’re the best,” Hannah kissed his cheek.
He blushed lightly and looked her up and down.
“You look beautiful.”
“Thanks, but don’t get any ideas, it’s for my followers,” she replied with a humorous tone.
She handed him her camera and stood in front of the one nice wall in her flat. She posed in a calculated casual way with various travel accessories and her new book on Indonesia.
“How much are you getting paid to have that bottle of sunscreen lotion in the frame with you?” Ben asked.
“Don’t ask, it will only make you mad.”
“Do you even like that stuff?”
“It’s alright.”
She actually couldn’t afford a regular supply of it beside the one sponsored bottle, but the product was very on brand for her.
After Condé Nast named her in their top ten travel blogs, her follower count surged. Sponsored posts became a significant source of income which translated as two more trips a year. She liked thinking of herself as an entrepreneur. She sold herself and her lifestyle— well the brighter side of her lifestyle— and it allowed her followers to indulge in a little fantasy.
She looked over Ben’s shoulder as he swiped through photos on the camera screen.
“Are we done? I’m peckish,” he said.
“Just a couple more, I’m not sure about that shirt.”
After some consideration, she switched her top for one that wouldn’t make her look so pale.
“Thankfully I’ll have a nice tan soon,” she said.
The change in Ben’s mood was subtle, he blinked too fast and his shoulders stiffened. And she felt herself becoming defensive, her cheeks warmed up.
“Oh. You’re leaving again.”
“You realize that’s like me saying: ‘oh you’re going to the office again’?”
“Yeah, the office, a cubicle with annoying coworkers and a boss, not a five-star hotel in L.A.”
“Christ, Ben, you know I didn’t become a writer for Elite Travelers by lounging around the pool all day.”
“I don’t need your resume.”
“I wouldn’t need to give it to you if you stopped implying mine’s not a real job.”
Ben tried for levity: “I’m just saying, why go halfway around the globe when you’ve got the best right here? You said so yourself.”
Hannah went along with the joke even if she knew part of him was serious. She tried not to create false hopes in him. She’d said she wasn’t interested in a relationship, that he shouldn’t wait for her. But when she travelled alone and felt lonely, she called him and, in-between trips, he was her only friend left in London.
She offered him a beer from the fridge and neither of them mentioned the trip again.
As they ate, she chose the best picture out of thirty and posted it on her Instagram account. She was the first to use #pulaukesuma, but not the last if she did her job well.
Scrolling through her feed, she noticed a picture posted by her sister: her son’s birthday, with their whole family gathered for the occasion. It was today and they hadn’t invited her. “I didn’t think you were in the country,” Jackie replied when Hannah confronted her in a text message. She didn’t insist. What was the point? She was leaving soon anyway.
After the meal, she watched a movie with Ben, but her mind kept drifting off to her next assignment. She repeatedly stood up to get a glass of water or add something to her packing list. At the thought of Indonesia, her limbs buzzed with a sort of restlessness and her stomach swooped.
She often thought of visiting new countries as a fling. The way they occupy all your thoughts and that anticipation of seeing them. You want to know everything about them. There’s always more to discover and experience. You can’t get enough, but you know it can’t last. And in a way, that’s the best thing about it because you only have time to see the best of them. You must enjoy it while it lasts. When it ends, you’re sad and miss them, but, in all honesty, you wouldn’t settle there permanently.
She was only ever faithful to London. Or perhaps she had yet to find the one.
→Chapter 1: CGK
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softjeon · 6 years ago
Devil’s Hand | Pt. 3
• Pairing: King!Namjoon x Jungkook • Side-Pairings:  Namjoon x Jimin | Namjoon x Yoongi | Prince!Hoseok x Jungkook • Genre: Angst / Smut | Royal!AU ( → Gifset Trailer) • Words: 7,8k | Co-Writer: Cat @cassiavioletblue • Disclaimer: alcohol, abusive relationsships, abusive behavior, (sexual) violence, major character death
↳   There had been rumors, but in the end it was not really a secret that Namjoon loved delicate and beautiful things. Especially when it came down to his lovers and his castle. It was decorated with lot of flowing, long blue curtains, colorful paintings in every room, rows of marble columns leading along every aisle. There was a large garden surrounding the palace, which was by far Jungkook’s favorite place to be – next to the king’s bedroom.
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Jungkook was looking left and right, turning the corner quickly then rushed down the corridor. A soft giggle escaped his lips, greeting a few others on his way down the stairs. When he was sure that no one else was around, Jungkook took a sharp turn, walking to the left corridor of the castle. The one side where all the guest rooms were. His breath came in short pants, his heart beating so fast, Jungkook was sure it was jumping right out of his chest. Looking over his shoulder again, he squealed when out of a sudden a tight grip on his arm pulled him inside a room.
He stayed still, his heart skipping a beat, when his gaze fell onto Hoseok’s smile. “Hey,” He breathed out, not being able to shake off his nervousness.
“There you are! I wondered what took you so long!” A guilty expression flickered over his face as he continued, “I wasn’t sure if you’d be able to come at all tonight or how late it would get and I was hungry so I got myself some food. Have you eaten yet? If not we can share. I can never finish the food here because they always bring so much. They’re probably afraid that I could cause a scene if I was still hungry - or maybe you people just eat more than we do in my kingdom.” He pinched Jungkook in the side to test his theory and then shook his head, “Although when I see how skinny you are that's probably not true. What’s your favorite food?” Hoseok lead Jungkook further into the room where there were cushions and a low table on the floor. It looked like it had already been prepared for two people and when Jungkook noticed Hoseok piped in, “Well, I was hoping you would still come so I prepared another plate just in case…”
Quickly he sat down and then watched Jungkook who seemed so shy that Hoseok reached over the table. “Please, relax. I’m not going to tell anyone. I promise. They would probably have to throw away the leftover food anyway. So, look at it as you are doing me a favor. Does that sound better? And the food is really delicious. You just have to try some.”
Jungkook was a bit hesitant, waiting and watching Hoseok take the first bite and only then allowed himself to reach for something, too. It wasn’t the first night he met up with Prince Hoseok in secret. They had sneaked into corners, or empty rooms before – always careful that no one would see. Jungkook was starting to get addicted to the rush, to the way Hoseok was flirting with him, telling him all those nice things that made him feel so good. That made him feel like he was on cloud nine. Just like Namjoon had made him feel so many times before.
It wasn’t like the king hadn’t asked for him anymore. He still did and Jungkook was there, just like the good servant he was. He still loved Namjoon. Jungkook couldn’t just stop caring about him. Instead it felt like each time he gazed up at him, his ache for him only grew stronger, his need to be held holding more power over him, making him want to lay down next to Namjoon and just never wake up again. To sleep in Namjoon’s arms forever. Unfortunately, Jimin’s visit became more regular, too and Jungkook hated it. Everything about it. Because Jimin was everything he wasn’t.
Jungkook was a little quiet, while he was taking small bites, obviously careful not to take food that was the prince’s in the first place. “Thank you for sharing your food with me. It’s more that I could ask for,” Jungkook said with a shy smile, “You’re too kind to me.”
“Jungkookie, how many times do I have to tell you to stop being so formal with me. I really like your company. So, the least I can do is give something back. And it’s not like I paid for this food. I’m just sharing. If I cooked for you, made your favorite food for dinner or took you with me to a banquet - that would be something you can say ‘thank you’ for. Though… I have to admit you’d probably prefer the latter. i’m not that great of a cook. But I have other qualities I can show you.” He winked at Jungkook before biting into a piece of chicken. “So, tell me, how long have you known the king?” He had asked for bits and pieces of Jungkook’s life before, but it was the first time he actively asked for something that involved the king. And the way Jungkook reacted would tell him if he could push further or if he had to wait and do some more flirting and trust building before he could finally get where he wanted to.
“I..I lived in the castle all my life,” Jungkook reached for the cup and sighed when the cool drink run down his throat making it so much easier for him to relax. There was nothing he needed to be afraid of. Namjoon was occupied and he had to be back in an hour or so for his duty. But until then, Jungkook could have some fun. “I basically grew up with him. We used to play as children and we even learned with the same private teacher, only at some age I started working for Namjoon, while he was still learning to become a king.” The young servant happily munched on his food, telling cute little anecdotes from his life as a kid. “My mom was the king’s father maid…so it was only natural that I would follow her footsteps. That’s all I know.”
“Oh, then you must have quite the knowledge! So much for being ‘just a servant’, hm? I knew it was just you downplaying yourself again.” Hoseok reached for a grape but instead of eating it himself he held it up to Jungkook lips who accepted it in his surprise. His fingertips just barely brushed Jungkook’s lips and he smiled. “Did your relationship with Namjoon change after he had been crowned king?” He asked casually, careful to call the king ‘Namjoon’ to make it feel more personal and less like he was asking him questions about the king. It was so easy to get Jungkook talking. He wondered why he hadn’t tried this sooner.
Jungkook almost choked on the grape, his eyes wide when Hoseok asked that question. “I…I am not sure what you mean. Of course, it changed in a way,” He pulled his legs in a little, averting his gaze, “I had to address him differently. My whole day changed when I needed to adapt to him being the king. But our relationship in general has always been close. We grew up together, you know.” Jungkook shrugged his shoulders, a rose color dusting his cheek. “But now let me ask a question,” He quickly turned the situation around and leaned closer to Hoseok. “What made you change?” The servant asked, eyeing the other with interest, “The last years you had been quite… childish, if I dare to say that…I recall a few memories of you acting up...something has changed.”
Hoseok sighed deeply, caught between the urge to just laugh it off and the need to play along if he didn't want to irritate Jungkook. “Honestly.. it’s something very personal.” He made a little pause to build up the tension making Jungkook think he wouldn't answer before finally continuing, “Though you told me about your childhood so I’ll tell you about mine. My father, the king, always had high expectations. I could never meet them, no matter how hard I tried. So, I revolted as a teenager, I just didnt give a damn. Or at least that's what I tried to make myself think. In reality I probably wanted someone to take me aside and ask me what’s wrong, to help me instead of the constant threats and yelling and all the punishing. But it only made things worse. And now my father is getting old as you might have heard and while this is unfortunate enough I realized that I’ve done nothing to prove myself worthy as potential king. So, if someday my father has to resign I want to be sure that the kingdom is in safe hands. Cause no matter if my father loves me or not - I do love my kingdom.”
Jungkook looked at Hoseok in awe, reaching out for his hand in the process. He believed him. Every single word. He had no reason not to. “I am glad you found your way. I am sure you will be an amazing king and rule your country wisely.” Jungkook couldn’t keep from smiling, keeping his hand on Hoseok’s for a little while longer. His skin was so soft and Jungkook would have loved to lean in if he’d only hold his cheeks, come closer and…his heart skipped a beat. Was he already daydreaming about kissing the prince?
Shaking himself out of his small daydream, Jungkook got up from where he sat. “I…ehm…I have to go again. I bet Namjoon is waiting for me already,” He breathed out the words, but he couldn’t move away from Hoseok. He didn’t want to. It had been so lovely to spend the time here with him. “Will…Will I see you again?” The question spilled from his lips faster than he could think about it and Jungkook averted his gaze shyly.
“Of course, you will.” Hoseok did his best to hide his disappointment. Another meet up with Jungkook and he had gotten nothing out of him. Such a shame. “As long as I’m here I’ll try to spend as much time with you as you let me.” He got up to hold the door open for him but hesitated for a second. “Just answer me this one little question please before you go. Is Namjoon the only man you’ve been with so far?”
Jungkook blushed furiously for the nth time today. He thought about how he should answer but settled for the truth, nonetheless. “Y-yes,” Jungkook said, playing with the fabric of his shirt nervously. Despite his better knowledge and not to get mingled into this game Hoseok was playing, Jungkook leaned in, kissing Hoseok’s cheek fleetingly. Just a soft brush of lips against his skin.
Hoseok smiled at that, honestly smiled. Gosh, the younger was so innocent, no wonder Namjoon liked to have him in bed; he was gorgeous, smart (about everything excluding human relationships and honest affection) and so cute that one couldn’t decide between kissing him senseless until he smiled that cute little bunny smile of his - or just stripping him down and fucking him right on the floor because his body was so damn hot. In the end Hoseok opted for kissing Jungkook back the same way, just a soft brush of lips before he opened the door and let him out. “See you soon, Jungkook. I can’t wait to explore you further… through our conversations of course.”
Jungkook’s cheeks were heating up again as he stumbled out onto the hallway. For a moment he was completely stunned, before he quickly gathered himself, walking back to his room with a stupid grin on his face.
Meanwhile on the other side of the castle, Jimin let his finger trail along the many books in the shelves in Namjoon’s room. He was bored out of his mind. Namjoon should have been back from the meeting a long time ago, but Jimin was still alone. He let himself fall onto the soft bed, staring up at the ceiling. In his boredom he flipped open his fan and closed it again, repeating it a few times.
Namjoon entered the room with slamming the door shut behind him. “Idiots! Goddamn, mindless, obstinate…,” He trailed off when he saw Jimin on his bed, face half hidden behind a fan. “I didn’t know you were in my room. Did they let you in like that?” He sighed. “Great. If you were an assassin I’d be doomed now. How reassuring to know my guards don’t give a damn about their king’s life.” He let the royal cloak slip off his shoulder to have more room to move. The satin gear he wore beneath was more comfortable and it also wouldn’t be a disaster if he ripped it. The cloaks though cost a fortune and ruining one would cost him a lot. He let himself fall besides Jimin, laying back comfortably. “Come on then, assassin. Kill me with your beauty, please. Or whatever else you have to offer. I’d do anything to not hear those fools argue over trade route placements again when the only thing they should take into consideration…,” He rubbed his face, sighing again. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bore you. Please shut me up if you want.”
Jimin didn’t let himself be told twice, turning around and simply sitting himself onto Namjoon’s lap, pushing his hands onto Namjoon’s chest to keep him down. “Relax, you’re with me now…,” Jimin whispered and leaned over to kiss the king’s neck softly, licking and sucking lightly (to not leave a bruise but the sweet sensation). His hands were massaging over his broad chest, kneading his shoulders a little to make Namjoon relax, while he was moving on his lap sensually. He was circulating his own hips smoothly, as Jimin leaned his head back, a little moan escaping his lips, giving Namjoon quite the view. Biting his lip, he gazed down at him again, his hands finding their way under the king’s shirt. Hovering over the king’s lips for a moment, he leaned in devouring him fully, while moving on him and making him forget all about the meeting in a matter of seconds.
It was really nice to have someone like Jimin taking the lead. With all his casual flings it was always him initiating it - and it was mostly short affairs except for Jungkook.  Though Jungkook was the absolute opposite of Jimin, where the dancer was confident and almost cocky, Jungkook was sweet and almost naturally submissive, obeying to Namjoon’s every wish. Jimin didn’t even ask he just did what he thought was best. And right now, he was absolutely right. Namjoon tried to push the thought of Jungkook way back into a darker corner of his mind to fully enjoy what Jimin was doing. Because Jimin absolutely knew how to play his talent and every second that he’s miss because he was thinking about his shy valet was a second wasted.
“You like that,” Jimin said, rubbing a little harder on Namjoon’s crotch, feeling him harden under his movements, “I can feel it…” Jimin moaned sweetly throwing his head back at the sweet sensation it brought himself. He pushed himself back and off the bed, settling in between Namjoon’s legs, when he opened the king’s pants and pulling them down right away. His hardened cock sprung free right away and Jimin smiled. “You’re so...big,” Jimin licked his lips, moving closer to wrap his hand around his length, pumping it up a few times. Staring directly into Namjoon’s eyes, he licked along his cock, sucking at the tip deliciously. Blinking his eyes a few times, he pursed his lips, jerking him off at the same time. “You will stretch me out so good,” Jimin hummed, already lost in the thoughts of Namjoon taking him. He kissed the tip of the king’s cock one last time and then got up.
Turning around, Jimin was moving his body sensually, his hands following the line of his body. “Do you want me to take your mind off things?” He whispered, pulling his own shirt over his head. He was moving gracefully, using his advantage of being a dancer, while he was stripping in front of Namjoon. Jimin bend over, losing his pants easily, his hands caressing up his own thighs up until his bottom, when he arched his back beautifully.
Namjoon licked his lips, just watching, observing as Jimin put on a show. “I want you on my cock. You can call it however you want as long as you come over here and show me your talent, my little dancer.” Namjoon patted his thighs as a sign for Jimin to come sit on them, just like one would try to tempt a cat to sit on your lap. When Jimin came closer he admired the younger’s flawless form, tracing every line and dip with his eyes. “How come you are still so flawless? Even Jungkook has scars and he’s younger than you and not even a dancer, he only does light services for me. And those of intimate nature of course. But he doesn’t look as soft or as flawless as you. What’s your secret? Have you never been hit or punished?”
“You can’t be punished if you’re doing it right,” Jimin said and moved against Namjoon’s thigh, biting his lips when he felt the muscles shift underneath him. “So, you’ve always been a good b..-” Jimin’s kiss interrupted him pretty efficiently and then every possible conversation was forgotten anyways when his lust took over and the desire to take Jimin wiped out everything else. “Let’s not talk,” Jimin devoured Namjoon’s mouth, licking and kissing him so heatedly that it left the king speechless. Namjoon pushed him around and onto the mattress easily, locking Jimin in underneath him. The younger was completely naked, his beautiful body moving so sensually and soft, ready to be taken by Namjoon. When the king got up to take his own clothes off, Jimin took it as an invitation to get on all fours, one hand caressing over his own bottom as he was watching Namjoon over his shoulder. He was putting on the perfect show, moaning, whispering the king's name, while he was playing and preparing himself, moving his hips just right to let Namjoon see what he could do to him. He was the perfect tease.
It was a shame Namjoon had to get up again to get rid of his clothes (cum stains were a problem on finest satin) but it was worth it, not just because waiting made claiming the final prize so much sweeter but also because Jimin absolutely knew how to make one lose his mind with the kind of show he was putting on. “You’re really good at this, aren’t you,” He asked, half admiring his confidence and half jealousy that took over, having him picture Jimin exactly like this with other men. “How often did Hoseok lend you to other kings or kingdoms. Or am I your first?” He smirked at him, hoping that Jimin wasn’t so used to this already that Namjoon would be just one of many to him.
“You’re the first,” Jimin sat back a little, pursing his lips into a pout. “It gets quite boring to be all alone by myself. Hoseok isn’t around much. I had a lot of time to practice,” He bit his lip to keep from smiling, when Namjoon came back onto the bed. Jimin crawled back a little, his eyes gazing back at Namjoon’s hungry stare. Just when the king was hovering over him again, kissing down his neck, Jimin spread his legs, showing off his flexibility. He giggled softly, when Namjoon stopped and looked at him in awe. “You like what you see?”
“Of course, I do. And you know it, don’t you? How fuckable you look like this, how you make every man dream of owning this body when you move so fluidly on the dancefloor. I honestly can’t think of a reason why Hoseok would neglect you. You deserve all the attention one could give - and more. There’s no one in this kingdom like you. None of my other lovers could show off like you, they are all... too easy to get to. You are something special, Jimin! And I’ll take advantage of that for as long as I’ll have you.” Not knowing how long exactly Hoseok would lend Jimin to him just added to the thrill of taking him now while he still could.  
Sinking into Jimin was the most satisfying thing Namjoon had ever felt. He had growled so loudly that he was sure the whole kingdom knew now. But it had felt so good to take him. Jimin knew how to move for him, making him lose his goddamn mind over the dancer. Pounding into him, he was going all out, taking the younger roughly, only to change positions again. It would be a waste not to use Jimin’s flexibility tonight. He was leaving marks all over the younger’s body, bruising his delicate skin just like he loved to do it with every lover of his.
Riding him, Jimin moaned softly, bouncing on Namjoon's cock hard. “You feel so good, mhm,“ Jimin changed the angle again, circulating his hips and his abs twitching whenever he hit the right spot. It was the sweetest torture to let Jimin have some control, who knew exactly how to tease the king.  “I want you to cum all over me, please, my king,“ Jimin demanded, blissfully gone in a state of ecstasy, “Ahh please!“
Jimin’s dirty mouth was an absolute turn on for Namjoon and so it was easy to lose himself in Jimin and everything he entailed. The dancer was such a sight as he moved on top of him that he couldn’t stop staring, thrusting into his sweet spot on purpose to make Jimin moan and tremble and gasp. He loved the younger’s sweet voice, how vocal Jimin was when Namjoon fucked him just right. He wanted the younger to remember this because even though he would go back to Hoseok someday he wanted Jimin to think of how he made him come so hard he saw stars. So that’s what he was going for, holding Jimin’s hips down while thrusting up into him, using all his stamina to push the younger so close to the edge he could taste it on the tip of his tongue.
With the way Namjoon was fucking into him, it didn’t take long for Jimin to cum all over the king, trembling and moaning loudly while his whole body was shaking. He fell over with a whimper, not caring that he was spreading the cum all over their chest. Indeed, he loved the dirtiness of it all, while Namjoon was using him to chase his own high. He hummed with each thrust of the king, whimpering, pleading to use him just as the king desired. He was his to use and to play with.
Jimin came beautifully and as the younger kept begging him to use him, voice broken and raw, sounding so stunningly sensitive Namjoon couldn’t help but follow right after. He pulled out right before, to so as Jimin asked him to and come all over his skin. Jimin’s abs clenched when the king’s come hit him and his satisfied smile, together with the fucked out look in his eyes had the king pulling him down into a sloppy but intimate kiss. They both were out of breath, so they just laid there for a while, waiting till their hearts had calmed down and their bodies had cooled down.
Namjoon frowned when the stickiness on his stomach got uncomfortable. Jimin didn’t seem as bothered, but he nudged him a little nonetheless, gesturing for him to let him get up. Jimin was about to put on his clothes when Namjoon held him back. “Wait. I don’t like to just fuck someone and move on. You can join me in the bathroom if you want. It’s way more comfortable to clean yourself up there than in the small one at your room, isn’t it?” He took the robe from Jimin and took his hand to lead him to the bathroom.
Jungkook had been walking mindlessly back to his room, tracing the spot on his cheek where the prince had kissed him deep in his thoughts. Just when he reached his door, Jungkook jumped around though, remembering his duties. Turning around on his heel, Jungkook ran down the hallway and to the kings suite. Never in his life had he forgotten about him. 
Panting, Jungkook knocked on the door twice before letting himself in. He gazed around the room when he couldn't find Namjoon, seeing the ruffled up bed sheets he gasped quietly. Then he heard the kings laugh from the bathroom and Jungkook gulped heavily against the lump in his throat. Taking a deep breath, he walked up and knocked again. Jungkook couldn't help it but when he opened the door the jealousy was hot in his lungs, burning and making it harder for him to breathe. The scene in front of him made his heart stop. Jimin in Namjoons arms, cuddling up to him, while the king was cleaning the dancer with a smile on his face. Everything about this hurt. It triggered memories. The start of it all, when Namjoon had asked for Jungkook to join him one night. It had been their first night. And it had ended the same exact way. The night he had fallen in love with Namjoon.
“Your bath is ready, my king.“ Jungkook said and no matter how hard he had tried, one could still hear how nervous he was around the king even after all these years.
“Thank you, Jungkook. You really are the best at this.” Namjoon let the robe slide from his shoulders, standing there naked without any shame. He had known Jungkook for years and they had both seen each other naked a few times already so there wasn’t really something new to see. Still he caught Jungkook staring when he sat down on the edge of the bathtub, dipping his fingers into the warm water. When he turned his head Jungkook quickly cast down his eyes, the blush evident high on his cheekbones. It only made him look more beautiful. Before he could think about the consequences Namjoon just spoke from his heart, a daring suggestion that made both of them hold their breath for a second after, “Why don’t you join me, Jungkook?”
Jungkook gazed up at Namjoon with wide eyes. His heart was beating fast and the young servant quickly shook his head. “No, my king, it's your bath. The crowning...it had been a rough day...you...need the relaxation.“ Jungkook spoke fast, obviously nervous about Namjoons offer. “Do you want me to get you a mistress? I could ask for one of the girls...“
“No, Jungkook, it’s fine. I didn’t mean.. it’s alright. Maybe you’re right.” He let himself slide into the hot water, sighing as it immediately loosened his muscles. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, only when he didn’t hear Jungkook leave did he open them again. “You can prepare my bed. I will go to sleep right after my bath.” With a wave of his hand he send him off.
Jungkook nodded, turning around but he didnt move. Namjoon had almost seem shy asking him and it left him wondering. He got back into the young kings bedroom, preparing the new bed sheets and fluffing up the cushions. Jungkook took his time, humming to himself quietly and Namjoons naked body on his mind. He had always admired him but never in Jungkook's dreams would he allow himself to think Namjoon would want him to. He was just a servant after all. 
Jungkook almost squealed when Namjoon was next to him again. He hadn't heard him. “I'll get you a towel,“ Jungkook gulped and turned hastily to get one. “Here,“ He barely breathed out the words his eyes fixated on a droplet of water running down Namjoons chest. “Sh- should I...do you need me to dry you up?“
Namjoon reached out for the towel but instead he took a hold of Jungkook’s wrist. “Why are you behaving like that?” He let his gaze wander over Jungkook’s form, lingering a little too long on his lips at the end because Jungkook was biting his bottom lip nervously, making it all plush and red. “You’ve seen me naked before. You know that this is what you are supposed to do; run me a bath, prepare my bed, take care of me in general. Do you have a problem with that all of a sudden?” Namjoons voice was soft but there was a dangerous edge to it that told Jungkook to not make the wrong answer.
“My king, I...“ Jungkook wasn't sure what he was supposed to say but Namjoon was expecting an answer either way. “I'm just... I don't know I am nervous today. Maybe it is because it had been a long day,“ He answered honestly, averting his gaze to show his respect, “I want to take care of you to my best ability, Namjoon.“ He gazed up again using the kings name on purpose. “I’d give you everything. But I am just me... I am afraid I won't be able to satisfy you the way you need it now that you are king,“ He paused for a moment, feeling disappointed with himself. “I was always there for you with all I can offer, and it will stay this way until I die.“
“Satisfy me?” Namjoon couldn’t help but smile at Jungkook’s choice of words, wondering if the younger knew what he was implying here - or if he maybe did it on purpose. However, Jungkook’s shyness spoke volumes and therefore Namjoon watched in delight as the younger’s eyes widened when he got closer, so close that he could lean forward and whisper right in Jungkook’s ear. “What if I needed you to do something else for me to keep me satisfied? Something you never did before? At least not with me.” He let his warm breath fan over the sensitive skin on Jungkook’s neck before he continued. “Would you really do everything I want, Jungkookie? No matter what it is?”
Jungkook's breath hitched but he stayed still, nonetheless. He closed his eyes, shivering from the feel of Namjoons breath on his neck. The kings naked body so close to him that he only needed to reach out to put his arms around him. God, how he wanted Namjoon. Taking in his familiar scent, Jungkook blushed before finally answering: “Of course. You're my king. It’s my duty and desire to fulfil every wish of yours to my best ability.“
Namjoon sighed. “How convenient. Because right now it is my desire to sleep with you.” He trailed a hand up Jungkook’s bare arm, enjoying how easily the younger reacted. “Do you know what that means, Jungkookie? Do you think you can do what I want?” He placed a finger under the youngers chin and made him look up at him so he couldn’t avoid his eyes again. “If you can’t do this then tell me now please. And don’t lie. It’s alright if you don’t have the... experience to do what I ask of you. I can wait. Give you the opportunity to learn somewhere else if you would prefer this. I could ask you somewhen else when you’ve got time to think about this and…,” He broke off, looking at Jungkook like this, with those wide eyes staring back at him, so beautiful, so innocent - he couldn’t hold himself back. He put his arm around the youngers waist and pulled him against his naked body, feeling how Jungkook froze, a soft gasp escaping him. It was the perfect opportunity to steal a kiss from him, open his lips with his tongue and plunder the younger’s sweet, sweet mouth.
Jungkook had no time to think about this and even if he had wanted to, his body reacted on instinct. He had never tasted something as sweet as Namjoon’s lips. His warm body against his, while his hands found their way up his chest. He wasn't sure what he was doing but Namjoon would never let him fall. He trusted him. “As you...wish,“ Jungkook mumbled, completely love drunk.
Jungkook was so soft, so pliable… Namjoon loved kissing him. It was their first proper kiss and he was already hooked, drunk on Jungkook’s taste, on how innocently he let Namjoon take what he wanted. The younger was wonderfully responsive, with soft sighs and cute little sounds. Jungkook didn’t even seem to realize that he was the one making them. Namjoon gently pushed Jungkook backwards until the boy left balance, falling backwards onto the back with a yelp. The king chuckled at the way Jungkook looked up at him, surprised, confused, heated in a way that suited the glint in his eyes. “Do you want more, Jungkookie?” He teased him, climbing onto the bed and opening the belt on Jungkook’s robe without waiting for his answer. “Do you want me to make you come tonight?”
Jungkook nodded, crawling back onto the bed a little but there was no escaping from Namjoon. Not like he wanted to. It was so easy for the king to get rid of his clothes, while Jungkook felt like he was under a spell. His gaze was locked on Namjoons, not being able to tear it off of him while he was stark naked himself now. He realized it soon after when Namjoons hand trailed down his body and Jungkook blushed. His body was far from perfect. Beauty marks and a few little scars adorning his body. “Are...are you sure you want me and...,“ When Namjoon rutted up against him, Jungkook moaned softly, falling back, while his hands were holding on tightly to Namjoons arms.
“Does that answer your question, my little valet?” He kissed down the youngers neck paying close attention to the spot below his ear where Jungkook reacted the most. “Do you really think you would be in this situation if I didn’t want you? Though if you need more proof I can give that as well.” He took Jungkook’s hand and placed it on his erection, chuckling at the way Jungkook looked at him with a mixture of surprise and embarrassment. “I’d really like to have you, Jungkook. What do you say?” He kissed the younger’s cheek sweetly, as if he was asking him to lend him a book or some other small favor.
“Oh-okay,“ Jungkook said, feeling out of breath already. He was doing what he thought was right, letting Namjoon use his body while jerking him off. He couldn't help but gasp each time another kiss was planted on a sensitive spot, but it only urged Namjoon on. It felt like Jungkook got tossed around by higher powers, his body only reacted to whatever the king said. He jerked, whimpering, when Namjoon’s hand found its way in between his legs. “You're playing unfair,“ Jungkook smiled up at him, “You always did. I'm standing no chance. Please, Namjoon. I want to be with you.“
He stopped Jungkook’s hand and ravaging his lips to look at him again, taking in his dark, wide eyes and the beautiful smile that still felt a bit insecure. “You really want this, don’t you? But you don’t know a thing about what I’m doing to you. You’ve never had sex before, have you?” He stole another quick kiss from the younger, smirking when Jungkook gasped helplessly into the kiss as he was starting to caress his length. “Am I the first to touch you like this? Does it mean you’ll remember me forever now?”
The blush went all the way down on Jungkooks chest, when he confessed that he was a virgin. Where could he have fallen in love anyways? He'd always been in the castle with Namjoon. Always had been by his side.
“I could never forget you either way,“ Jungkook let the king do with his body as he pleased and Namjoon was eager to show the younger all the pleasure he was missing out on. He was relaxing into his touch, dwelling in the attention and love coming from Namjoon and only did the nervousness come back when he found himself manhandled on all fours.
“Just breathe through it Jungkookie. I promise I will make you feel good if you trust me in this. You can handle a little pain, can you? You did so well till now. You’ll manage the rest. This night will always be special, not only for you. I’ll remember it too. The night you gave your most precious belonging to me. I really own all of you now, don’t I? My sweet little valet, you’re all mine.” He entered Jungkook without any further warning, trying to go slow but it was difficult because the younger was so deliciously tight and his desire for him was endless.
Namjoons love had always been different, but it was the only thing Jungkook knew. His love meant pain, softness, roughness and sweet longing all in one. It was everything he wanted, so Jungkook let the king take him apart piece by piece until he was nothing but a whimpering mess underneath him. Their moans filled the room mixing beautifully with the sound of skin on skin. Jungkook was gone in a state of ecstasy, a smile on his lips when he looked at Namjoons expression hovering over him. He reached out to cup the kings cheek, wanting to never forget how beautiful Namjoon was looking right now. Jungkook was sure that he’d give in to him over and over again, just to be able to witness this.
Afterwards they had cleaned themselves up with another bath, one that Namjoon had prepared himself because Jungkook was aching and Namjoon wasn’t cruel. So, they ended up in the bathtub together, Jungkook’s back against Namjoon’s chest as the king cleaned the sweat away from his temples, massaging his head so gently as if they were lovers. “Now I made you share the bathtub with me anyway.” He chuckled, placing a little kiss on the youngers temple. “Next time you can just give in. I’ll always get what I want anyways.”
And what he wanted wasn't Jungkook anymore.
He took in a sharp breath, trying to stay professional even though everything in him was screaming. And just like back then, Jungkook nervously stood aside the bathtub, reaching for a towel. “I am sorry I only got here now. They told me the meeting took longer than usual,“ He mumbled a quiet apology and started drying off Namjoons body. Jimin was still in the tub, his head resting on the edge, blinking up at the king. “Is that your servant you told me about?“ Jimin didn't even look at Jungkook, talking as if he wasn’t worth addressing directly, “He's adorable.“
“Yes, he is. I’ve known Jungkook like practically forever. He is the most loyal soul in the palace, aren’t you, Jungkook.” Namjoon took the fresh clothes that Jungkook had offered him with a smile and got himself dresses with the youngers help. “He knew me before I was the king - and he’ll probably be at the palace after.” He patted Jungkook’s shoulder casually.
“That's very honorable,“ Jimin looked over to Jungkook and smiled at the young servant, who was so eager to help Namjoon. He got up from the bath seconds after, the water slowly turning cold. Tip toeing carefully Jimin reached for a towel himself, noticing Jungkook’s side glances right away. But he wasn't admiring his body but eyeing the bruises and love bites on the dancers body. It hurt so much and Jungkook hastily returned his attention on Namjoon.
“Well I won’t keep you from your well-deserved slumber now my king. Thank you for…before. It was fun.” Jimin bowed his head a little, giving Namjoon his best mischievous smirk while he looked up through his long lashes. “If you want to de-stress again - you know where to find me.” The dancer got dressed quickly while Jungkook fulfilled his duties and fluffed up the pillows, brought a clean sheet. When the valet had collected all the dirty items that needed to be cleaned he almost stumbled over the linen sheet, that was too long for him. “Wait, let me help you,” Jimin took the sheet from him and bowed one last time to the king before opening the door for Jungkook and himself with his free hand.
Jungkook was surprised at Jimin’s behavior, helping him on his way out. He had thought that Jimin would be a little more arrogant and don’t care about him. He was after all a guest of the king, while Jungkook was one of the servants. He wasn’t supposed to help him. That’s why he gawked at the dancer for a little while, not sure how to respond, but settled on a quiet ‘Thank you’. Jimin made no effort to give the bedsheet back to him, instead followed him down into the cleaning room as if it was perfectly normal for him. “You really don’t have to help me. You should be resting as well,” Jungkook said quietly, trying not to show how much the affair was affecting him.
Jimin laughed softly at that. “You don’t have to treat me like a nobleman, Jungkook. I’m not. I’m lower class just as you are. And yes, I might have my own chambers here, but I am a foreigner. I don’t understand the dialect the servants speak in the kitchen. I have no one to talk to. I dance for the king and he fucks me. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less.” He carefully placed a hand on Jungkook’s shoulder. “You don’t have to be jealous, little one. I’m not going to take your king away from you. I’m interesting now because i’m foreign, unusual, something new. And after he’s had enough of me he’ll come back to what he truly loves. Someone who has always been there for him. Someone loyal and solid and true. He is yours as much as you are his, Jungkookie. Don’t forget that.” Jimin put the sheets into the empty laundry bag and then bowed his head a little as a sign of respect before he went back into the hallway.
Jungkook was looking after the dancer with big eyes and a fast beating heart. Worrying his bottom lip, he thought about what Jimin said for a moment, but no matter how beautiful it had sounded to him - Jungkook knew it wasn’t true. Yes, maybe he was loyal but Namjoon wasn’t and no matter for how long Jungkook would live, the king would always find someone new. Someone better and more pure than him. And he still had nothing. Only the feeling of finally belonging somewhere. The image of Hoseok suddenly came into his mind and Jungkook wondered if the prince’s interest in him was real. He had shown so much respect and love towards him, despite him being of lower status. Even Namjoon hadn’t shared his food with Jungkook in private. Hoseok had made the effort and told him many times that he was interested in him.
Jungkook’s steps gotten quicker, his breath more shallow when he ran down the hallway. The same way he took earlier. He needed to know if there was more for him out there. More than just being the fleeting servant for someone else. He wanted to live his own life and make his own decision.
He knocked on Hoseok’s door loudly and when a sleepy groan came from the inside, asking who it was, Jungkook simply opened the door and peeked his head through. He couldn’t risk saying his name out loud if someone could hear.
Hoseok was about to yell at the intruder who just opened the door to his private chamber without any respect for his privacy - when he saw who it was. “Oh, look at you, all feisty and confident, breaking the royal rules just like that!” He laughed, waving Jungkook inside. “Come in, quick before one of Namjoon’s guards sees you. To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit? If you were hoping for another snack then I’ll have to disappoint you, I’ve already eaten. But if you’re hungry I could order something for you.”  The prince had been sleeping so he had lost the brocade robe and put it over the chair besides the bed. The blouse that he was wearing now was transparent and half open, definitely nothing to be seen in but Hoseok didn’t seem to mind that Jungkook saw him in such private clothes.
“N-no, I am not hungry. I apologize for barging in like that...I was…,” Jungkook was stuttering a little, rubbing his neck awkwardly, while his gaze was wandering down Hoseok’s chest. He was well built and Jungkook had to fight the urge of touching him. Taking a few steps closer, the young servant stood at the side of the bed and only when Hoseok pulled at his wrist, he allowed himself to sit down. “I wanted to...to ask you something,” Jungkook’s cheeks were heating up, blushing deep red as he was fumbling around with the hem of his shirt.
“Oh, of course!” Hoseok sat up a little, the last remnants of slumber disappearing from his eyes. “What is it? Tell me what kind of favor you need from me.” When he realized that Jungkook could barely speak because of how embarrassed he was he smiled at him, nodding over to where he had pen and paper within reach. “If you’re not comfortable with saying it out loud maybe you could write it down? I’m sure it won’t be anything that will make me blush, will it? I’m really expecting something embarrassing now that you are adorably shy about it.”
Jungkook chuckled a little, contemplating for a moment if he should write it down. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes, before he simply leaned in. Jungkook held nothing back, pouring everything he felt into the kiss. The fear, the uncertainty and all the new found feelings. He was leaning in further, his hand moving up Hoseok’s chest on his own as the prince deepened the kiss. And only when he felt the prince pulling him towards him, Jungkook snapped back into reality with wide eyes and a gasp that fell from his lips, stammering an apology.
“There is no need to apologize” Hoseok smile, soft and seductive. The kiss had been short and sweet, just like he had thought the young servant’s kisses would be. How should he tell Jungkook that he wanted way more of him than just that? He wanted his heart, his mind, every piece of information Jungkook could give him about the king. It would make it easier if Jungkook fell for him and apparently he was doing a very good job at it considering Jungkook had practically risked his head right now just to steal a kiss. But it was so far from being appropriate that he was honestly wondering why Jungkook’s heart wasn’t beating into overdrive already. He caressed the younger’s neck, stroking down his shoulder until he could place his hand over Jungkook’s heart. He tried to hide the smirk when he felt the younger’s heartbeat like a little bird fluttering against his fingertips.
A/N: Oh, oh, Jungkoookieeeee what are you doing??? Thank you for reading another chapter! We really hope you liked it! Leave us a comment down below or send us a message! We love hearing what you guys think! 
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