#there's like two more cute ones in wips heehee
haikyooot · 3 years
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Kita Shinsuke: Scholar by Day, Fox Spirit by Night
“Charmed me at first glance. They do say foxes preyed on scholars.” --The Butterfly and The Flower
Related Works: [Kuroo] [Akaashi] [Matsukawa]
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ishibishie · 2 years
Hi there! Do you have any headcanons for your favorite characters?
oh yes! they're not my favorite characters without headcanons and self projection after all :,D
for steven, i've made a few posts dedicated to just steven hcs! can't remember what that tag was (just "headcanons" maybe?) but all you need to know is that my absolute favorite ride or die steven headcanon is that he's half galarian on his mother's side. don't know where the thought came from either, i just thought british steven was cute or something. i've got way more on those dedicated posts (i think like... 55-ish hcs?) so i won't ramble here much longer unless i want this post to become Ungodly long (it probably will)
i briefly mentioned this in my silly wip pile post, but the one thing i will yell into the quite frankly empty void of juan's tag is that GNC JUAN OR BUST! i know people use that term for a bunch of different stuff so i like to use gnc for him in terms of breaking gender roles and not really anything to do with the character himself if that makes sense? like. he's a contest star or something, i think he would like to look pretty no matter how 🥺 put the cute little man in a cute little dress! (bonus points for wallace "YAS BITCH SLAY" moments lol. also not sure where to put this but i think he/they juan would also be kinda cute heehee). if he's from the pokemon version of greece, he's super into cats as well and probably has like 5 skitty he picked up from the side of the road and it's wallace who needs to physically restrain him from the 6th because "you don't need it yoU HAVE ENOUGH CATS" and THEN on that note i'm a chad and believe that juan adopted wallace as his son because this is such a sweet headcanon GUYS GET ON THIS
clair and lance i think come as a package deal because it's either 1) i like to think that at some point before lance became champion HE was the one taking care of clair (for some reason. parents busy? idk) which makes their relationship lean closer to siblings or 2) fuck canon, they are straight up siblings. i have accidentally called them siblings to some friends so at this point i'm going all in on my mistakes and i also..... kinda hate how their relationship is presented in canon so fuck that it's (canon) morbin' time. but a bit for each character individually: you have seen this in most my lance posts, he has heterochromia because it's badass and is also pokemon's gay icon and is kissing my oc. clair would just roll her eyes and go "oh geez really" whenever this happens. she's basically the kid who thinks everything love-related is gross and sappy. also you know how most teenagers need to get approval of their partner from their parents? lance needs to go through his bratty little relative. anyway, lance. he's a mess in super social situations (at the end of hgss he says being around TWO people is too noisy for him or something at the hall of fame?), a hopeless coffee addict, and he's a closet contest fan and has had crushes on like Way too many cute male coordinators (legal adult male coordinators ofc). and for clair herself.... i wanna think she's really good at swimming because hanging out with the dratini and dragonair at the dragon's den is her favorite way to calm down and chill out, and she has also fallen to the same fate of buying identical capes at the goldenrod department store
with falkner, pokemon masters has made me realize the brilliance of narcoleptic falkner because he talks about being tired and falling asleep a few times in his pokemon center dialogue! also on that note, he says he wants to go to galar just to take the corviknight taxis, so maybe he's a fan of travelling around? he'd love going to different regions and observing bird pokemon he's never seen before! he is also pathetically short i wanna punt him into orbit lovingly
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wincore · 4 years
HIIII im the anon who sent in the message about the line from your yangyang fic :) im happy u liked my message bc i love ur writing!!!!! if you dont mind, im going to spam you with my favorite #wincore lines heehee
- tata
ADHJKASDL??? YOUR SPAM MADE MY ENTIRE DAY PLEASE ???? i love you so much????? im replying to each under the cut i just 😭❤
“I…I’m sorry if I…if I… Did I hurt you?”
“I wouldn’t want to make a habit of calling you love,” he reasons.
THESE TWO QUOTES TOGETHER FROM HEAVEN, FALLEN ....THEY GOT ME SO GOOD!! the internal fight between being in love and being afraid.... hesitantly caring and being cautious... u are a god wincore
- tata
ahhh it’s been a while since i wrote that and i’m so happy to hear you talk about it??? at first i was afraid the complexity of the emotions might be confusing (but then again they’re not AS complex 🤡 i just overcomplicated some stuff) thank you so much for this !!!
“If it’s love, I think it’s quite wonderful.”
this line from heaven, fallen got me so good too... it’s been a while since i read this one but i remember crying here. the whole work is filled with back and forth tension of should-we-should-we-not and taeyong being so simply accepting of it.. it’s beautiful. i love taeyong in heaven, fallen in general too though
- tata
heaven, fallen was one of my fav works when i wrote it!!! im so glad you liked it you don’t even know 😭 also omg i keep including taeyong as the lovable side character in my fics jdhksdj but i have SO many wips for him??? #freehim 😔
“He hates it, the way he loses his temper with you, how you’re the one seeing this side of him that no one has seen with the exception of his brother. He hates this part of himself, and you’re the last person he wants to be seeing that.”
this line from talk always stood out to me even tho it wasn’t a major turn in plot or even a main scene because it’s just so...human? i really related to hating the part of yourself that gets angry and especially the fear of someone you care about seeing that part
- tata
i loved doyoung in talk because like i wrote him in a way that was very familiar/personal to me and i’m glad you could relate to it too!!! AAAA just love writing doyoung in general hes just 😳❤
i read talk after i read heaven, fallen and i think you are just a freakin god at love-hate with doyoung... two of my favorite works ever for him. my favorite line from talk is:
“You don’t say anything and he continues, “Do you even know how hard it is? To be the one in love in a one-sided relationship? Do you even care?””
it made me SCREAAAAM like the “do you even care” when, as the reader, you know how much they both care was *chefs kiss*
- tata
when i tell you i LOVE writing and reading e2l/love-hate with doyoung like!!! mans is a walking representative of that trope + this is supposed to be a secret but i have an e2l planned for him not sure if i’ll get to write it though 😭 but AAHHH okay this one made me bust a nut in the heart (i wish i found a more appropriate phrase but........)
“You wonder what it’d be like to be Yukhei—ruin it all and hope it works out.”
i dont know what it is about this but i love the feeling of this line hahaha thats the best way i can explain it
- tata
main actor was such a comfort fic for me (and really fun + easy to write??) im glad you liked the feel/vibes of it!!
“Because you were ignoring me,” he replies, leaning in.
this line in sweet tooth made me 😳 in real life. i just read it last night & it was so sweet and cute!!!! i also really loved that the reader said no to being bitten i feel like that part is very overromantized in a lot of aus :’)
- tata
the vampire bite being overromanticized in fic i f e e l you like what’s so sexy about teeth in your jugular 😐 and!!! im happy it came off as sweet (haha) and i wanted to portray him with cute bf vibes but also there is untapped potential for comedy in vampire aus (i wish i could write humour well enough 😔)
“Why? You wanna make out?”
YANGYANG BEING A LITTLE SHIT IN TROUBLEMAKER!! this is literally my favorite line LOL i really really love how you write yangyang and winwin in general
HONESTLY i get this a lot and it cracked ME up when i wrote no clue why 😭 but mr yangyang might actually say this shit out loud - and im glad you liked my characterizations of yangyang and winwin dhsdshj that made me really happy 🥺
alright im done, sorry for the spam 😅 i love your writing wincore!! moonie!! 💚
- tata
and i love YOU tata you have made my entire week (maybe MONTH maybe YEAR) with this and i’ll be looking at this at regular intervals for the rest of my life im not even kidding 
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axietoh · 7 years
Shizaya fic recs
Here are the fics I mentioned previously! These are my absolute faves in the fandom~ Some of them are really underappreciated because of the lack of pairing tag/ mention, but legit qualifies as preslash (which I actually prefer), so do give them a chance!!
Sunrise by Azurelitestar (Lengthy oneshot; Preslash; Was actually written for me and fuck its so good I CANNOT OKAY SHAKES FIST; Feels like a legit continuation from/ extension of the novels)
This is the beginning of an end; an end to the relationship these two mortal enemies once had.
To Try Again, or The Tale of a Family by Threesmallcrows (Completed; Absolutely golden Izaya character exploration, and Orihara family dynamics. Not Shizaya but if you’re an Izaya fan, please read and give it more love!!)
When Izaya left, he ripped this family open. Now, he's back- after a two year absence. And they are dying again, mother and daughters, father and son. Why can't you see what you do to us, Izaya? You shouldn't have come back.
The Mercurial Mask by Karasu Yurei (Completed; THE PLOT MAN THE PLOT; Mild hints of Shizaya preslash)
A new gang comes to town looking for something special, and is willing to turn all of Ikebukuro upside down until they find it.
Lies and Truth by ZS fan (WIP; I literally teared up trying to stifle laughter reading this at 2am ok)
What if you could tell if someone was lying? After an accident, Izaya gains the ability to see lies, which a certain monster happens to be impervious to. Bored with his humans, he decides to toy with the unpredictable man, unaware that Shizuo has secrets of his own. 
Hi, I'm Shizuo's sunglasses. Shizuo's shoes need hearing aids, and his bow tie thinks it's gangsta. But who's this scrawny human with the bitchy jacket? And would somebody please give his switchblade some Xanax?
The sequel: Izaya’s Ring (WIP)
Denial by LadyCharity (Complete; More Orihara family dynamics, Shizaya only at the end. Honestly I don’t really want to spoil it, but I don’t want to put anyone through undue trauma so... rape warning. While the fic doesn’t really focus on it as a core thing, please put yourself first.)
In a twist of fate, Izaya becomes the victim of another's mind game. His sisters' lives are at stake and any choice he makes could end in someone's death. It takes only one night for his entire world to be destroyed.
Not Justice by izanayas (WIP; Quite short but rather recent, hoping it’ll get updated soon! It’s shaping up to look really good, like a legit continuation from/ extension of the novels)
What’s weird isn’t that Yahiro thinks Orihara Izaya should come back; it's that he's not the only one who does. The solution to this problem is obvious to him. But those who share the same idea don't necessarily share the same goals... and Izaya himself is as alive as ever. As destructive as ever. Brimming with potential to make everything worse.
The Gain-Loss Theory of Attraction by caffeinekitty (Lengthy oneshot; great take on the Shizaya relationship, if they do start dating)
In which we value more the things we have to work for.
It Just Happened & May the Best Man Win by ZS fan (WIP; but the plots are tantalizing man; Note - this author likes to write in a style similar to the original novels. It might be a bit hard to get into at first because the style’s unfamiliar and quirky, but I came to enjoy it. I hope you do too!)  
To Hell and Back by Jillyfish (WIP officially, but I think it stopped at the right point and can be taken as completed as it is. But ofc, if there’ll be more, I won’t be complaining at all haha)
It starts with post cards. Izaya has disappeared and gone up on some obscure form of vacation. However, when Shizuo tracks him down to enact a spontaneous whim of revenge, they each have a change in plans. They ultimately end up traveling together.
What they encounter on their journey are people and places that teach them that Ikebukuro isn't the only Hell on Earth. Their experience becomes one about Humanity, whether it be lost or found.
Everything by TastewithoutTalent on AO3 (Seriously, I binge-read everything in like, 3 days its so good)
Mezhdu Dvukh Ogney (Between Two Fires) by Delphicy (WIP; Fandom classic for a reason. ‘Nuff said. Borderline crack, but there’s a hidden reason for it!)
Simon’s ill-fated decision to play match-maker forces Shizuo and Izaya to become reluctant allies. Their goal? To demonstrate what a horrible idea it is to force them into a relationship. Or: how KFC nearly sparked the apocalypse. Now with 70% more arson!
This is an English fanfic about a Japanese series that is riddled with Russian proverbs and Celtic mythology. It's like riding It's A Small World, only instead of animatronics you have violent manchildren and an entire city's unhealthy fixation with their sexual relationship.
Landscape Over Zero (WIP; Izaya and child!Psyche&Tsugaru; Supposed to build up to Shizaya, but didn’t develop that far. My own imagination made up for it though: How did Nebula develop them to look so much like Izaya and Shizuo? I also noted that they never outright stated they were androids; Izaya had assumed that himself... Plus Nebula does have a connection to Shinra, who has access to Izaya and Shizuo’s DNA...... Waggles eyebrows)
Asphyxiation (Short kinky PWP, heehee)
FILL (Short fill; I know it’s actually an untitled fill, but I think the title’s oddly appropriate HAHAHA)
The Morning After.
One Plus One Equals Fun (Short fill; Basically, DRRR the Musical. That last line hit straight home man)
It’s Just a Kiss by Shizayabayo (Oneshot; Cute AF)
“Ah, I hear you loud and clear,” Izaya pauses for a moment. “but, you know...”
Suddenly a tall, lanky man with bleach blonde hair enters the room and lazily makes his way down the stairs.
“I also have my methods.”
In which Izaya finds himself in the middle of a meeting with some very intimidating characters and a pajama clad Shizuo swoops in to unknowingly save the day.
There’re actually quite a few more fics I bookmarked, but these are my faves! Hope y’all get something outta this list!
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