#there's at least 50 families who weren't so lucky at that track
hyacinthsdiamonds · 3 months
Fuck anyone who makes jokes about a crash that literally sent a driver to hospital.
Max's crash at Silverstone is the third most severe crash we've had in F1 in the past five years (most severe being Grosjean's in Bahrain 2020, followed by Zhou's in Silverstone 2022).
Additionally, the fact he was sent to the hospital at all is significant as Silverstone has its own medical facility on the grounds. It says everything that even as a precautionary measure, Max (+ Alex & Zhou the following year) was sent to the nearest hospital instead.
Do not for a single second take a driver walking away from a severe crash for granted. Sometimes, the miracles don't happen. Sometimes, a driver doesn't walk away unscathed. You do not want to be watching when the worst-case scenario becomes a real possibility, or worse; a reality.
If the like from Lando's dad is real... I have nothing else to say, from the bottom of my heart; FUCK YOU!
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