#there's also private RPs which I've still never done before
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gr8stoneddragon · 8 months ago
How many works do you have on AO3? 46
What's your total AO3 word count? 661,297 (not including drafts or currently unpublished chapters)
What fandoms do you write for? Right now? Just YYH. But I've been wanting to write more HxH.
Top five fics by kudos:
Confession x Revelation x Satisfaction (HxH)
Tired Revenge (AtLA)
Demon in Training (YYH)
Frustration (AtLA)
Breathing Fire (YYH)
Do you respond to comments? I have been trying to be better about this more recently (since last year-ish) but now that I actually have regular weekly commenters, it can be hard haha. I've never had to deal with having so many comments before and I'm honestly so grateful. Love my readers ❤️
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't usually write angst tbh, but Absent Goodbye (AtLA) is about a character death so there's that.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? The first one that comes to mind is Confession x Revelation x Satisfaction because that one actually has an ending hahaha
Do you get hate on fics? Nah. I somehow manage to join fandoms way late, after any and all ship wars have died, or just at the right time when they are starting to get popular and people just want more content.
Do you write smut? Yup. Though I actually find explicit content a lot harder to write than fluff. Doesn't mean I wont try.
Craziest crossover: Gosh. Have I ever written a crossover fic? I don't think so. I think all the crossover stuff I've done has been strictly roleplay.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of
Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I know of
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Lmao, yes. With the person who tagged me and also my husband. @sokkarang
All time favorite ship? This is an impossible question. I am currently in YYH multiship hell, but if I had to pick some top non-YYH OTPs they would probably be:
KilluGon (HxH)
NezuShi (No. 6)
Tokka (AtLA)
TaiYama (Digimon)
Drarry (HP - don't come for me, I know)
I could definitely keep going but I'll stop there.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have a really long Jet/Zuko High School AU fic that I doubt I will ever pick up again. I was so into it and had so many ideas for that fic when I was still rping in the AtLA fandom, but I've moved on for the most part and I'm not sure I could remember now what the end goal was for that fic or all the things I wanted to include. Which is sad but... it happens.
What are your writing strengths? I have been told that my character dialogue is very good, and I'm a really strong character-driven writer in general I think.
What are your writing weaknesses? Plot. Lol. Coming up with plot ideas is really difficult for me sometimes. And then when I do come up with an idea, they always seem to be novel length monstrosities. Writing one-shots, or anything I can actually finish within a week or so is just so fucking hard for me for some reason.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I'm always tempted to do this, but it does feel awkward at times, and as someone who is only fluent in English, I'm always afraid of getting things wrong.
First fandom you wrote in? The first fandom I wrote in was YYH, but that’s not the first fandom I published fic for. I kept a lot of my writing private for many years.
Favorite fic you’ve written? Oh lord. This is such a hard question. If we're talking fics that I wrote myself as a single author, I would have to say I'm really proud of Confession x Revelation x Satisfaction (HxH), Breathing Fire (YYH), and Shower, Interrupted (DRRR). But I am also completely obsessed with the long-running rps I have right now with people, and some of those get published on Ao3 as well.
Tagged by: @snarkyauthor
Tagging: @zuzsenpai
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consequencesofargentdawn · 2 years ago
Do you think the period before the PCU came into power was similar to the end of the Republic in the Star Wars Prequels? Then when the PCU came into power and strength in 2018 it was effectively like the Rise of the Empire, they enjoyed a stint of power before the general community rebelled against the project. I'm glad that the PCU was short-lived much like Sidious' Empire in Star Wars
I don't understand why guilds signed up to the PCU or why the group gained a lot of power and traction. I do remember the witch hunts and purges in the early days though, the PCU went after certain prominent eras in the community from the previous period and essentially drove them into exile on private servers, or forced them to start anew due to the ongoing harassment, or attempted and failed to drive them into obscurity. I've also wondered if it was Perroy who wanted to go after these players, or if it was PCU officers who brought old grudges with them and Perroy simply went along with it to garner their favour. From what I remember Thunderbraid, Grelind, Hamfist, Arthedun, Shonn and Siavash were targeted. I always found it strange why during the PCU resurgence they never went after Didonus, which always made me wonder if the two groups had any links or affiliations.
A friend of mine was in a guild who was absorbed into the PCU at the time. He said it was a strange time of uncertainty, where officers and members were purged and labelled as traitors and ERPers and then the GM announced that the guild would be joining the PCU.
Times are better now, but there is still work to be done. Thank you for all you've done CoAD.
Firstly, we thank you for your continued support. Sharing our work with the server is a good way to keep our player base informed, especially those who may not be entirely aware of how deep the PCU problem goes.
As for analogies and allegories we have had many given to us over the years. The PCU have made a point since its inception to target players or guilds who they believe are a threat to their narrative, their version of how things should be done as well as individual players who can galvanize others into opposition or to think critically about what is in front of them.
While there is no clear link from the DiCU and the PCU, it is very clear that Perroy was inspired by the methods Didonus, Hrothgarr, Ottaline, Luciase, Hylde and the others employed to sabotage, undermine and tarnish opposing groups. It is likely that why there was no direct attacks from either cult against one another was Perroy largely abandoned Stormwind based RP after the Bloody Verdict ended in shame. There was no overlapping boundaries between turf.
Your scenario about guilds being purged resemble what happened around the Argent Crusade RP scene in Hearthglen before Ardent Pursuit came into being and with Azure Dawn before they joined the PCU. In general, if the PCU says someone is bad, they are (with a few exceptions) doing something right and generally better than whatever the PCU is offering. Endorsement from PCU players generally means the player or guild in question is dubious at best and at worst a satellite of the PCU.
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drakomod · 3 years ago
4 and 5
4. Favourite thing about roleplaying?
It can be a lot easier to have characters interact like this when you don’t have to draw it! I also really enjoy that each character comes from someone else’s headspace so you’re never 100% sure how the others will respond.
5. Least favourite thing about roleplaying?
As I’ve already said, I’m still new to rp. The Dweets are what got me into it so I am very insecure and anxious about it and often rewrite my responses multiple times over before finally sharing it.  For something that doesn’t have to do with my own anxiety, let’s see.... I find it difficult to do small things? Like idk, if my character pats the other’s shoulder. I would want to know the other’s reaction before I continue the rp on my side, but that’d mean my side of the rp would get cut off awkardly. So sometimes the rps can get a little disjointed lol, if that makes sense. 
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dvrklyte · 2 years ago
How long have you been roleplaying?. It's been at least 10 years, that's for sure. Maybe a little more, I don't really keep track anymore.
What platforms have you played on?. I was biggest on Gai.aOn.line and N.eoP.ets in the public sphere before coming to Tumblr. Other than that it's always been private over texts with my closest friend.
Do you make other fanworks, or just roleplay?. When I'm inspired enough I like to write fanfics! But lately I just like to fantasize and find works other people have done. Mostly art, I can't bring myself to read fanfics.
Do you prefer canon, divergent or au?. Personally I like to stick to canon when it comes to backstory. But when it comes to rp? I'm open to change. Let's see what we can do!
How many languages do you write in?. Just English, anything else is google translated and I'm really sorry for that 😂
Where you do you get your inspiration?. I don't know a lot of the time, especially right now when I'm struggling to want to write. Used to be I could just watch or read whatever canon was available or consume whatever I associated with my specific characters. But, life has gotten in the way too much lately that it doesn't always work.
Do you write with music?. Depends on how I'm feeling. Sometimes my playlists are enough, sometimes I go and find some specific mood playlist on YouTube. How I'm feeling matters and also the tone of whatever I'm writing. But, over all typically yes.
How many characters do you write?. On this blog I have 8. Outside of here, all my FANDOMLESS and other canons? It's hard to say when you have to factor in side characters as well haha! But I have like 10 other blogs at least.
Who was your first rp muse?. The first one... Actually would be the first two. The original story my friend and I tried to write, I had two characters, Xaviee and Cassia. They were the best sort of opposites attract that I still love, even if I've long since stopped writing them.
Who is your most recent muse?. Most recent on this blog is technically Aiden Pearce of Watch Dogs, even though he hasn't been officially added yet. Before that is just another idea who also does not have a blog yet.
Which three (3) OCs do you wish got more attention?. Well... My OCs are all other blogs, I don't want to seem like I'm trying to beg for any attention there (I'm taking a break from them at the moment) but, @itsagraywcrld Eloise Gray and Cody I especially wish got more attention. And also my boi @homemadehappiness Simon Baker. I love my babies, I just need the inspiration to get back to writing the.
Which three (3) canons do you wish got more attention?. Oh god Jordi Chin, Elias Bouchard, and Zenyatta for sure. They are by far my 3 strongest and faves. Zen hasn't gotten any attention, but I've been more or less hesitant to reach out as much. I need to sort him out again.
What song always reminds you of a character? Which one?. My OCs absolutely have them, but the ones here I haven't really found yet. Aside from ones that came out of the canon material like Run Boy Run by Woodkid for Five. Sound of Silence might fit for Oliver Banks 😂
Do you have character playlists?. I'm terrible at making playlists 😂 I have Pinterest boards though.
Do you have characters you used to write, but don’t anymore?. Oh so many. Some I truly love more than others, but have no way to really know how to take them out of their respective stories. Also Tohru Honda. She's one I'd love to write again, but don't know if I will.
Any you’d love to bring out of retirement?. Mmm... Not sure about that one chief. It always depends on what I'm into. Though I will say, one that I may very well take back out is Yato. As soon as I get my butt together and finish Nor.agami.
Characters you love, but could never write?. Markus (DBH) is one. Now I don't think I NEVER could, he just doesn't mesh with my brain I guess. I'd love to try, but I really don't know if I would succeed. Or if I even should try. I'm already hesitant on Aiden Pearce.... I think my problem is main characters 😂 they are harder for me. Five is pushing that boundary just enough. Oh, writing ahead, I'd love to write like the Ma.ndalo.rian or something too, but I'm too afraid to touch anything sta.r wa.rs. I don't know enough to even try. I just love the show.... And aesthetic....
Do you like shipping?. Yeah! Absolutely. The good, bad, and ugly.
Single or multiship?. Multiship!!!!
What was your first ship?. My very first two muses, that I mentioned above, technically would be the first ship since they were written to be together. But my first ship written with another person... Was my first Det.roit: Bec.ome Huma.n blog for Simon. I had such a wholesome ship with a Daniel whom I adored and still miss to this day and just hope they are doing well.
Which ship have you always wanted to try writing?. Right now? I wish there were some DBH blogs still around so I could write with Josh. I... Totally ship him with Simon and with Markus. But I'm open to ship him with basically anyone because it could be fun!
Are there any popular ships you love?. Well.... I love Simon/Markus for DBH, and also Markus/North wholeheartedly. Looking to Magnus Archives? Who the heck wouldn't love Jon/Martin.
Ones you hate?. Hate is a strong word... Because just because they aren't for me doesn't mean I hate them. That being said, I highly dislike Zenyatta/Genji (romantically I can't get behind it) for overwa.tch, for Magnus - Elias/Peter Lu.kas (I like the vibe of a divorced couple but not it actually being that. I just don't see it), and also for watch dogs Jordi/Aiden.
Any guilty pleasure ships?. Simon/Daniel was definitely a sort of guilty pleasure for sure. Also Simon/North? Just love?? And Elijah/Chloe. I ship them romantically as much as platonically.
Do you ship anything ‘problematic’?. I have had a truly problematic one in the past, but that's all I'll say about it.
Do you have any ships you miss?. I kinda already jumped the gun with Simon/Daniel. I haven't really had many others that didn't last or aren't with people I still talk to. I honestly haven't had too many ships in general really. At least not on the canon side of things.
Do you prefer common or rare pairs?. Oh god rare pairs. They're so much more fun.
How many fandoms have you written in?. Uh? Less than 10 that's for sure. I dabble mostly in fandomless work.
What was the first fandom you wrote in?. I think it was technically Fruits Basket, I do remember I did some OC writing with a friend that didn't last.
What fandom do you wish more people knew? (And tell us a bit about it!). The only one I can really think of right now is the Magnus Archives. Which, I mean, is fairly popular but it definitely deserves to be bigger. It's a horror podcast that is told through the perspective of an archivist reading first hand encounters with the paranormal. It's really well written and the sound design is BEAUTIFUL. And the fandom is pretty dedicated.
Do you like crossovers?. Yeah! As long as it plotted out and not thrown together for shits and giggles.
Which fandom have you always wanted to write in?. I'm trying desperately to write in the Watch Dogs fandom but man is it empty! Aside from that? I don't know, I don't really look at them like that.
Do you prefer animated, text, or real life media?. As long as it has a good and compelling plot to hold me, I'm game for it all.
What is your favourite genre?. I guess I love sci-fi most? I love robots... But I also love when sci-fi mixes with like - well, western is such a good one. We.stwo.rld did that beautifully, and the Mand.alori.an too oh my god. You can't tell me Mando isn't a space cowboy.
Least favourite?. Romance maybe? Like, not romantic comedy, just straight up romance. It gets so boring in my opinion
What tropes do you love?. Found family for sure, any sort of family trope. Friends or rivals to Lovers is good too. love/hate rivalries??? Frienemies??? Star crossed lovers... I like drama and fluff.
Which do you hate?. Right now I can't think of anything, but I'm sure there's something I can't stand. I don't really like purely romance to begin with, I need there to be a bit of action or drama or just more than just the two. But I wouldn't say I even hate it. Just not the top of my list.
Do you write in any dead fandoms?. I pretty much live in dead fandoms at the moment. Watch Dogs is all but buried, I don't think Magnus is very active, at least I haven't noticed it to be, and Detroit definitely died off, even the new people probably won't last without more around haha! (Not that I'm calling anyone out or anything! If you are writing I just don't see you. COME TO ME. I beg you, I want to write with you......pls...)
Tagged by @bottledmoonlight 🥰
Tagging: @wynterlanding @lavishbylaw and anyone who wants to steal it uwu
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kinqemperor · 6 years ago
Hey Nyo sorry to be bothering you but I'm fairly new to this fandom and have read through what there is of translated manga and I was kinda curious as to why Emperor x Gloves works? I really find them cute but how would they find themselves together or even getting into a relationship? Is it their personalities? Really wanna hear your thoughts I don't think anyone else has dwelve into how they would get together (at least from what I've seen) ^^
Oh! First of all welcome to the fandom, hope you enjoy your stay buddy!
Warning, lotsa rambling:!
To answer your question, oooh boi! First lets look at the times theyve met and interacted:
-They met on the mountain before, had a convo, Emperor gave him his dualies (yes, I know, he mostly gave it to him to mess with him in their battle but yknow.)
-Later in the tournament, Emp defeated him and was harsh, Gloves was shook and upset
-Then later again during Salmon Run.
-Durin the new chapters we see them at the same location- doesnt rlly mean anything, but who knows! Maybe they talked!
Okay so, its clearly obvious Gloves sees Emp as an idol and respects him, when he met him on the mountain he was totally surprised and starstruck. My personal headcanon is that he had a lil celebrity crush on him at that time- which just got worse after receiving a new trendy weapon from Emperor. So yeah, I assume til the tournament he was super excited and looked forward to battling Emp (in the mountain chapter we saw Emp being awfully polite, not showing much ego and gifting him a new weapon). After Emp defeated Gloves, we see him completely shocked on the ground,
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I dont think I have to explain this scene, but Gloves had to realise his idol wasnt as nice and friendly as he thought. Emp was the complete opposite of the person Gloves met on the mountain (which mightve also been for show, since that was a public tv streamed battle and all that, who knows.)
So after that, Gloves was probably disappointed and upset as fuck, but determined to get better. Some say Gloves hated Emp after that but, ehhh I dont think so. I feel like, even tho he was hurt by his words, they also motivated him to become a better player yknow? If he really hated him, he wouldve thrown away the dualies he gave him, or at least said some sort of bad thing about him. Which he didnt.
Bla bla bla, stuff happens, bla bla Blue defeated Team Emp, Gloves and everyone else watched. Emp went to become a better King aaand,
now the Salmon stuff happens, when they meet again, months after the tournament (talking bout the tournament where emp defeated gloves) and dualie event happened,
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We see them fighting and working together,
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We see them being dorky,
and most importantly, this scene:
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He complimented him, and Gloves seemed to appreciate it quite a lot, he sees it as an honour to receive a compliment from him. Which means, Gloves still respects him, still sees him as someone important, and clearly doesnt dislike him.
All of that makes a decent amount of chemistry already, everything that follows after this is pure imagination and headcanons!
Sooo, their personalities! I love them! I personally think they work together perfectly,
you got this rich, cocky, (pretty clueless) famous dude with a huge ego, and a trend seeking, energetic and dorky cool kid. What more could you ask for lmao.
Ahem anyways, I personally like to imagine Gloves managed to befriend Emp! Whether its through convos during locations they all met at, or somewhere else. They have the usual convo stuff and learn a lil more bout each other, get closer over time, meet up a few times and do fun stuff! Like, turfing, watching a movie, playing video games!
(We see Emp being completely clueless when it comes to basically anything outside of turf, he doesnt even know how washing machines work. So Id like to think Gloves shows him the basics of life lmao. I personally rped this with a friend, it was great! Gloves showed Emp pop tarts ksksks.)
Anyways! Then the usual developing feeelings happeensss,
and theres lotsa awkward momentssss, and theyre both completely obliviouss
and then their first date happensss, and then,
gay happens.
Okay Im so sorry I got lazy at the end but like I said, everything that happens after the Salmon event is interpretation, and you can imagine that however you like! I just love the idea of Gloves showing Emp all this basic life stuff he never experienced, like fucking taking him to Mc Donalds or something, just, showing him fun stuff yknow! Helping him become a better person! AAaa im shit at explaining but i hope you somehow understand why I love these two so much lmao. If I could Id show yall the amazing rps ive done that are full of lovely development of those two, but yknow, private stuuufff!
But yeahHhh, rambling over- this is super long im so sorry!
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the-sapphire-general · 7 years ago
My Thoughts and Feelings About Sephiroth (Part 3)
Well I did say I would make a third part if I had more in mind about Sephiroth. And much to my surprise, there is more! So here it is! Parts 1 and 2 can be found here so you can keep up just in case I mention anything from those posts:
My Thoughts and Feelings About Sephiroth (Part 1)
My Thoughts and Feelings About Sephiroth (Part 2)
Now this one will be a little different because I will include more about the portrayals I've seen throughout the Internet, my own opinions about them, and my own portrayal. Plus I will include the essay I wrote about him for one of my college courses and I might say random things about Sephiroth that I will discuss. 
First will be the portrayals of Sephiroth I have noticed throughout the Internet. I will not attack any of these or offend anyone who has these headcanons. I respect everybody's headcanons, and it's a good thing too because being a jerk to anyone who has portrayals that are different from yours is stupid and a waste of time. I have friends whose portrayals are varied, and we don't fight over how Sephiroth should act. Love them, hate them, be neutral to them, just as long as you handle this in a mature manner. 
Now I have mentioned the portrayal of Sephiroth where he's unnaturally hypersexual in part 1, so I will not go into detail about it anymore. It's already been done. Another one I will not discuss again is the mindless killing machine portrayal (mentioned in part 2). To those who do or like these portrayals, I dislike them but I will respect your choice.
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Now for the portrayals. The ones I really enjoy are the ones for his Crisis Core self (or pre-Nibelheim if you want to put it that way). As I have stated before, I can relate to his past personality, so I really like a lot of the headcanons. Picturing him, say, struggling to socialize, not knowing much of certain things (i.e. video games), spending time with friends, basically being human is heartwarming for me. I take it a lot of people like CC Sephiroth, and who wouldn't? There was this one story where Sephiroth took a liking to lemon drops, which is one thing I added to my own headcanon page on my blog. I found it rather sweet and cute. That's like me but with chocolate. I love chocolate. And then there's one where he has no idea what a sitcom is due to his sheltered upbringing, and it was pretty amusing to picture Genesis and Angeal trying to explain it to him as they watched TV. There are many others that I don't think I can list since there are so many of them, and for a lot of them, I like them. There's some that I don't, but that's just my personal opinion.
Now for the Sephiroth we all know after the Nibelheim Incident. Man, I'm beginning to remember what I've read. It's hard for me to find some portrayals that I like because the ones I've seen so far were unsettling. Sephiroth being a sadistic rapist is one of the worst ones I've seen so far. Not as in the stories are poorly written or something like that but for me, it's one of my least favorite portrayals. I get that he lost his mind, but I believe he wouldn't go that far. I wouldn't go that far with my own portrayal because it just makes me feel uncomfortable. Just thinking about it makes me uneasy.
I confess that I don't know my limits when it comes to portraying Sephiroth. For a long time, I've been trying to grasp his evil demeanor and I still hesitate to go further and struggle to get inside his head sometimes. So I don't know how far I can go with dark, twisted, cruel scenarios, but rape is one of my limits. I won't reveal the user, but I was recently asked if I could do necrophilia. When I got the question, I was speechless. That's another one of my limits. I really can't imagine Sephiroth being...intimate with a corpse. Much to my relief, they respected my opinion. And I like that. People should respect others because everyone has limits and if I have to force myself to write Sephiroth doing rape, acting all creepily intimate around Jenova, asphyxiation (as in the kink), or something that I don't see him doing, I won't enjoy the roleplays at all. I used to wish I could please everybody, but that's an impossible goal and I should keep in mind about what I want and don't want to do. Again, I don't know my limits too well, so if anyone wants to RP with me on my Sephiroth blog and it involves something that you're not sure if I accept or not, please message me. I'll try to get out of my comfort zone, but please respect my limits. If I don't do certain things, there are other Sephiroth blogs out there. It's simple and it will prevent pointless drama.
My portrayal for Sephiroth is close to his canon self but mixed with his CC side and my own headcanons. I try to stay close to canon as I write, and I silently read what I wrote and then read it out loud while picturing Sephiroth saying it. If what I wrote doesn't work, I revise them until they sound like Sephiroth. It's still not easy because I'm still struggling with his dark, insane, cruel self, the villain everyone knows and loves. One thing is certain is I do try my best to make him more human but still maintaining his character. I can't make him too human or else that ruins his cold and distant qualities, like making him fall madly in love with someone or bawling his eyes out. Now I haven't seen these examples anywhere, so I'm just throwing in random hypothetical headcanons here. The point is I do try my best not to make him too kind, soft, patient, you know, real nice or else that's not really Sephiroth. Lol But I also don't make him relentlessly cruel to the max 24/7. Both extremes aren't portrayals I like, so I am tackling middle ground. It's possible, and if others don't like my portrayal, that's fine, but they shouldn't judge me for it.
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Since I'm discussing my own portrayal, I might as well explain other things about it. Let's see, he has interests outside of trying to destroy/conquer the world and messing with Cloud. My character is a loyal follower. Her profile isn't on my blog but her name is Maybelle Rose, and she's Sephiroth's love interest. Speaking of this, I make Sephiroth a bit of a Tsundere towards others, not necessarily involving romance like with Maybelle. He doesn't act like a stereotypical Tsundere, but he's a very, very subtle version. 
Romance. Now this is something that might piss off so many, but I can picture him in a relationship. No, I'm not talking about Crisis Core Sephiroth. I mean post-CC. Say what you want, but I can see it. If done well, it can work. I don't like following the stereotype that villains are incapable of love. Some villains can truly be incapable of love, but not ALL villains. It's not mandatory. A friend of mine claims that Sephiroth is bland. Now I completely disagree with his opinion, but it did give me confidence in pursing romance regarding Sephiroth. Heroes are written as human beings, why not do the same for villains? That's what makes characters compelling, it makes them real. That's what I'm basically trying to do with Sephiroth, and as challenging as it may be at times and despite people probably going against this idea as they read this, I'll do it. My blog now allows shippings. Yes, I now accept shippings. I used to not accept them, but I changed my mind. My reasons are shown in my rant here:
Sephiroth Fandom Rant
Okay I know I said I wouldn't mention the hypersexual Sephiroth portrayal, but I might as well. If he were in a romantic relationship, he wouldn't be like that. Sephiroth doesn't get horny around everyone. Seriously, he's not a sex-obsessed maniac. Sephiroth is a private man with dignity and he would never act extremely sexual, let alone sexual in general. He would be intimate with his significant other, but it would be in a normal level and he would be intimate in private. And I must add that my portrayal does involve Sephiroth having kinks, but he's not sex-obsessed like I said. He has self-control and he keeps things private. 
Now for the next thing. I wrote this essay over two years ago, and apparently I kept it after all this time. Lol Yes I wrote an essay about Sephiroth, back when I was still somewhat of a new fan. The assignment was to do a paper on a criminal, real or fictional, and diagnose them with specific personality disorders. However, it didn't mean that they HAD to have any of these disorders. We just had to show the instructor that we understood the material we have learned during class. Take a look at my essay here:
Essay on Sephiroth
Fun fact: My other choice for this assignment was Gaston from Beauty and the Beast. XD But Sephiroth was a better candidate and I was able to write more about him than I could have ever done about Gaston. Schizoid Personality Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder were two of the ten types of personality disorders that came close to Sephiroth's behavior. I don't consider either of these disorders as my personal headcanons for him. I honestly never did despite Schizoid PD being pretty close. And much to my shock, my instructor liked my paper and I wound up getting an A! I never got an A on any papers, so it felt amazing to finally get a grade that was higher than a C.
Speaking of psychology, one headcanon that's somewhere online is that Sephiroth has autism. Well, it is possible because I have a friend who is autistic, but during my research on this condition, I don't see Sephiroth as autistic. Sure some of his traits do seem to resemble signs and symptoms, but speculation isn't considered a confirmation that he has autism. He might have it but I would rather have Square Enix confirm it if he really is autistic. On another note, I do understand why they headcanon him as autistic. They relate to Sephiroth because some of his traits remind them of themselves. I get that and if they think he's autistic, that's okay with me. This headcanon is also given to Papyrus from Undertale and Pearl and Peridot from Steven Universe, so I'm familiar with this. Even L from Death Note is believed to be autistic. To be honest, I kind of believe it regarding L. That's just my opinion, though.
Tangent aside, courtesy of a friend, I am more intrigued by Sephiroth in a new level. Aside from his appearance and personality, his intelligence, the way he thinks has me curious. Yes I have been trying to get into his head to improve my portrayal, and I think I found a strategy. If I want to portray and act like Sephiroth, I have to think like him...in less destructive ways, might I add. Lol I may not be an expert as Sephiroth yet, but I'll get there. I've come this far on my blog, and I'm not throwing it all away. 
Speaking of my Sephiroth blog, besides that it would be fun and such, I created my own blog because I wanted to express my passion for him. He's one of my role models that made me stronger and I just really admire him. And like I said, I knew I could connect with other fans. Sure, there's a toxic side of the fandom, but that won't stop me. I did feel offended several days ago, as mentioned in my rant, but I'm fine now. In addition to my reasons, I didn't start the blog for fame. Popularity isn't really a big deal for me, I just want to show everyone how much of a Sephiroth fan I am in creative ways. Besides, I found the thought of portraying Sephiroth a fun challenge considering he's my opposite, and he pretty much started my fascination for villains. I also made friends thanks to the blog, one of them being my best friend here on Tumblr. :)
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Now to finish this post with one more thing. When I was still a new Sephiroth fan, I confess that I tried to redeem him. Of course it was a difficult task to do for a story, and I admit I was determined to do it. However, as I kept going, I slowly realized doing this implied I didn't like him the way he is, the villain he is widely known as instead of what he used to be before discovering his origins. So I drifted away from redemption and focused on Sephiroth on who he is without changing him. Today, I love Sephiroth for who he is, cruel, cold, calculating, everything. Why change a character you're supposed to love? You wouldn't do that to a real-life partner, or anyone in general. Sephiroth wouldn't have liked me for trying to make him turn a new leaf. Lol So I never pursued redemption for him again. It was too hard anyway. It's like trying to redeem the Joker! That's how hard it was for me. So screw that mind-numbing task, Sephiroth should remain as the badass villain I have grown to love.
Well, this is it. For real this time! Lol This is my final part of the "My Thoughts and Feelings About Sephiroth" posts. I said everything I had to say about Sephiroth as I included all my thoughts, feelings, etcetera. I'm out of things to say about him, so no fourth post! XD If I ever have more Sephiroth-related comments that comes to mind, I'll just make small posts. Will I make more long posts like these? Perhaps. I had fun writing these posts. Maybe I can tackle other topics, or maybe talk about another character in detail. Well, see ya!
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elvctrickiss · 7 years ago
I can't speak for everyone, but speaking as someone with a general verse muse, I try to play her as accurately as possible. Being considered an 'older' muse, combined with the fact that I've had her on and off for years now, she's worked through a lot of the 'kinks' you mentioned. She still has issues she works through, but she works through them privately or with those she's close with. Because that's the type of person she is, I won't create flaws where there are none, (cont)
nor will I have her broadcast her problems to the public when that simply isn't in her character, and I'm sorry if that's boring to you. On the flip side, I've noticed when a female (or male) fc is widely considered 'sexy', people often have preconceived notions of who/what they should be, and treat them as shallow characters. I've noticed this with starters and replies you've written for people, too. Myself included. It's a two way street, if you want to dig deeper into interactions between muses, you have to put the effort forth to communicate with others or be open minded enough to give people starters or replies that don't pigeon hole their muse. I would love to flesh out certain aspects of my muse further, but I rarely have the opportunity to because people don't look past her looks and only give me threads which emphasize that, and it's hard to plot when you feel disinterest from your partner. Just thought another perspective might be helpful.
hello! thank you very much for your insightful message. first of all, i completely understand where this is coming from; i concede that my post was written while i was in a place of frustration and that i didn’t, perhaps, express what i wanted to properly. i’ll try to tackle your points as comprehensively as possible, but i apologize if i don’t fully explain myself, as this is an issue that does appear to be sensitive. i’ll also put this under a read more just so that i don’t clog people’s dashes (as i expect this will be a lengthy response); apologies in advance!
first, i appreciate you telling me that your muse is one that has worked through her kinks and issues and, for the ones she has now, she is doing so privately. i respect that you have had the opportunity to do so over a long period of time, and i of course understand that you have no intention to broadcast every single gory detail of her personal life. i can see how my post may have come across as me just shunning nice, normal muses form the get-go. please understand that this was not at all my intention, and i apologize for suggesting that i demand every muse i interact with to be openly problematic. 
i go through the muse pages of people religiously, and i don’t turn away from them just because they have nice muses. i have never done so nor will i ever.  my post was referring to specific instances in which people and i would already be communicating or talking/plotting and i would want to know more about muses that i know nothing about. this is because their muses don’t have clear descriptions or perhaps have sparse bios that present me with minimal insight -- this is actually fine as long as the person is willing to tell me later on what to expect. when i ask about them, i get the same answer. “they’re nice and friendly.” when i ask them for more (and not necessarily more conflict), rarely do i get any information that suggests that they were built as muses with dimension. perhaps, conversely, if a person just told me “they’re horrible,” but couldn’t really give me anything else, it might be the same issue, but i’ve yet to encounter a muse that’s just simply horrible. 
last night, i read through a few muses’ bios that were quite nice; they weren’t problematic, nor did they have any horrible childhood to suggest their niceness was a front for something, or anything like that. but i noticed that their creators put in thought into them; they know what pisses them off, what they’re afraid of, what they obsess over, what they dream of/to be, etc. this information isn’t even necessary in a plot, but it gives me a better understanding of the muse as a character and not just a cut-out. i don’t have a problem with them at all, and i look forward to interacting with them because i can see that their muns like their characters enough to think a little more about them. 
now, the above statement might be misconstrued as me saying “oh! i see some bios that are meh and their muses are one-dimensional so nope! not interacting.” that’s not what i mean at all! again, this is already in regard to some people who i’ve talked to and tried to gain a better understanding of in terms of their muses but have gotten back very little. 
again, this post is not in relation to people i haven’t ever interacted with; i don’t not follow people and diss them after reading about their nice muse. i, myself, have some nice muses -- miyoung and minseok, for instance, are pretty unproblematic as attitudes go! i think it’s a little too much of a leap to suggest i don’t put in the effort to interact with people and just avoid them; i made that post in referral to interactions i already had in the last month. this is more deeply rooted in the problem i’ve been having with shipping, which is when people approach me for ship plots but don’t give me enough to help me understand what the basis of any kind of ship is. i suppose (and this is just me, maybe!) it bothers me when i try to ask them how they’d fit together, and sometimes i get responses like, “she’s cute and friendly, so he could fall in love with her,” but it doesn’t match the context of what we were talking about. if the person gave me more to work with after i asked, it would be fine, but with little else, i’m not sure if i could feel comfortable continuously interacting with a muse like that for the thread we’re talking about. additionally, if we talk about multiple threads, would it not be frustrating if i were interacting with three different muses from the same person that were virtually identical to one another? this has already happened to me during the plotting stages on this blog and on another rp blog for another fandom. 
as for starters and replies that i’ve written, i don’t want to sound defensive when i ask for this! but may i know which starters and replies you’re referring to? many of the starters i’ve posted are ones i’ve talked about with other people at some length, and i tried as much as possible to carry out the plot that we agreed upon together. some of them are for smut or for a romantic relationship, so maybe that might be what you’re referring to, but these were always plotted out to a pretty good extent with a partner. the ones that were at random (i looked at the recent ones only, so please let me know if you’re referring to something older!) that i generated at a more quickfire pace were not for anyone in mind; they had ?’s, so i didn’t choose any muses in particular, and i’m really uncertain about which muses im treating as specifically shallow just because they’re sexy. if you let me know which starters you’re referring to, i’ll gladly address any pigeonholing if i can see that i just stereotyped a “hot muse,” but i will also try to determine first if this was a starter written for a plot that was discussed before. 
i am the first to admit that i am sometimes a victim to disinterest, but i will also be the first to say that i don’t usually feel disinterest without ever trying to be engaged or immersed first. i was non-selective for a very long time and was happy to rp with anyone, but over some time i’ve noticed that some people (i won’t say a majority, because that’s obviously not true) i already had threads with just want something and also don’t give me any indication that they’re willing to let both our muses grow or develop. maybe it’s not right for me to expect that, and perhaps you can also tell me if that’s too snooty; maybe it is? but when i approach people (and 9/10 times i do make the first step), i always ask these questions: is there any muse of yours you want to develop? any specific plot you think would be good for your muse or might help you develop you writing?
i don’t ever see myself as an initially or inherently snobby rp partner, but over time, i’ve become guarded and maybe a bit sensitive; maybe that’s the wrong reaction on my part, and i’ll think about that more for sure. i’d just like to, again, emphasize that the post you seem to be responding to is in any way attacking nice muses, although, again, i can definitely see that it might come across this way. sometimes, when i rant, i don’t provide the right context (or, in this case, any at all, which was an error on my part), and perhaps that might be the reason why i worded things so terribly. i’ve been reading it over for the past 30 minutes (as i reply to this), and i do apologize for sounding so problem-hungry and snobbish. you’re absolutely right when you say that it’s okay that a muse is nice and has no huge kinks, and i have never thought that it wasn’t okay for them to be so. perhaps what i should have said is that when i’m plotting with someone, i really do want to see the dimension in a character that suggests the mun has really put some good thought into them. if i ask for “anything else,” apart from the “friendly and nice,” i just wish the answer weren’t “nah, that’s it!” you can tell me about their interests, what they do in their spare time, what their pet peeves are, and these are things that will help me feel like oh, so i can talk about this with this muse! and it can be like a point in which their friendship/romance/mentorship/hateship blossoms. 
that’s really all i want. again, i have no excuse for wording things the way i did, and i’ll definitely think about explaining things better. i think the better promise i’d make is to not post about what i’m feeling when i haven’t fully processed my emotions and thoughts. thank you for your perspective, and i will also take into account any further replies you have. however, i actually really hope that you can come off anon and we can talk. i’m not an inherently angry person (i know my post must have made it seem that way, but i’m really not), and i’m open to learning the error of my ways, but, perhaps, if there’s a response to this very lengthy post, we could talk about it more concisely. 
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