#there's absolutely smaller sections of that shipper base that don't know cause
poisonousquinzel · 3 years
hey i dont mean to be rude but i dont think most people who like the joker or who like joker and harley are even familiar with the comics where their relationship is abusive. like theres batman stuff where the joker and harley stuff is just them being silly cartoon clown villains, and movies and cartoons with the joker where harley isnt mentioned at all.
I get whatcha mean, but that's under the assumption that their relationship has only ever been abusive in the pages of a comic book and that's just not true.
Their relationship was never just them "being silly cartoon clown villains"
J*ker always been abusive.
There isn't content you can consume without realizing that for the most part, especially Batman: The Animated Series.
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And that is one of the main pieces of media that those shippers flock toward. They know he's physically abusive towards her in that, Mad Love is the ship name and that episode/comic has some of the most graphic and blatant on the nose " hey this is abuse!!" Out of all of them.
They don't care because they've romanticized her suffering or victim blame her for it.
The abuse is not comic specific, it has never been comic specific. It's in over 90% of their content. And yeah, there's a lot of J*ker content without Harley, like where he paralyzed Barbara, stripped her naked and took photos of her.
J*ker is just an unfunny, sexist domestic abuser. They know that. They just don't care.
It's been a canon fact for his character 30 years now.
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