#there's a yagami to accompany him too but
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telomea · 2 days ago
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Perpetually tired
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rinneroraito · 1 year ago
is it really the alcohoL?
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L was going through the surveillance tapes for the nth time tonight, taking notes, labeling peculiarities in every frame.
“Let’s entertain the possibility that Light Yagami is Kira again,”  he thinks to himself as he types away on his keyboard. “He hasn’t done anything suspicious in the whole week that he had been under surveillance, only keeping up with his studies and engaging with his mother and sister. Assuming he’s only keeping up with his facade as a model student, son and brother, it could either be that he’s really good at it, or he’s entirely innocent.” 
The clacking of the keyboard fills the room as he scans the rest of the footage on multiple monitors, pausing on the scene where Light was having potato chips while studying.
“Light, you-”
A faint smell of lemon accompanied by the unmistakable sharpness of antiseptic fills the air. Flavored alcohol. L feels someone behind him and the scent of alcoholic citrus becomes more apparent.
“Miss Uehara, I can smell the alcohol from here,” L says, not looking up at you, a little displeased that you’ve managed to derail his train of thought.
“I’m off duty at the moment, aren’t I? Don’t worry, I’ll be alright in the morning, I have a regimen for this.” you reply, putting an arm on the back of the chair he was sitting on and leaning towards the back of his head. He is surprised by the contact but continues with his work as he tries to get his thoughts back in order, noting them down on his computer. They were important observations and your presence will not be a distraction for these findings to not be written down.
“You want some?”
L looks to his right side to see you offer him the can of alcohol and he silently huffs at the proposal, knowing the brand wouldn’t even be sweet enough for him to try anyways.
“No thank you, I’d like to keep a clear head while working.”
“Why are you even here, Miss Uehara?” He muses to himself. “If you’re not here tonight to help further this investigation, what business do you have? It does not make any sense for you to be here when you’re off-duty, the office hq is not the place to relax in.”
“I figured. You’re such a workaholic, Detective. Such a workaholic.”
“Your speech isn’t slurring yet so I assume you’re just buzzed. Were you pressured by the events as of late? I didn’t expect you to be the type to drink alcohol, actually.”
L replies, still mulling over the reason behind your visit as he continued to note down his observations, the clacking melody of the keyboard being the only thing making an audible sound in the electric silence of the dim office.
“Oh, you didn’t, did you? Well, it has been stressful, but I can manage. This helps.” You bring the can to your mouth, taking a long swig from it, exhaling after. “And I guess, in some way, you’re helping me, too.”
L was very much aware of the effects of alcohol and how it lowers down a person’s inhibitions significantly. The way you were approaching him right now was more daring than usual. Did you come here just to chat him up while he was working? But why? Is it the alcohol? Has the alcohol affected your judgment so much that you’ve become quite inconsiderate? You knew very well how he worked late into the night, you’ve sat through many playbacks of surveillance tapes with him yet now you’re here, and with the lack of a better phrase to describe it, wasting his time. “Would you please elaborate on that, Miss Uehara? Besides helping out with the actual Kira case and that small encouragement I gave you some time ago, I don’t suppose I’ve done anything of significant help towards you.”
You chuckled and he felt a bit of your weight on the back of his head as you leaned towards him. L shifts slightly at the contact but doesn't fuss about it, continuing with his task. He assumes that you were most likely going to leave soon anyways, your inebriation could only keep you awake for so long.
“Because you’re an inspiration to me and well, I like that you’re here, World’s Greatest Detective. It’s like, a biiiig deal to me that I get to work with you, you know?” You ramble.
“You speak rather highly of me, Miss Uehara, I’m touched, thank you.” He speaks in his usual monotone voice. There was genuine gratitude in it, but he also knew right from the start that you looked up to him quite a bit, hearing from Matsuda how you got so excited when he decided to ally with the NPA in catching Kira.
“Also, I think I actually like you, L...”
The keyboard’s clacking stops as he hears the words that escaped your mouth. Not only that, you dropped the usual honorific you called him by, likely influenced by the alcohol. 
“Like me?” His forehead knits as he rolls the thought in his head. This is new.  He knew you felt comfortable around him but… “It’s the alcohol.” L rationalizes.
He was still, and you continued to ramble on in your intoxication.
“I like the way you stare at things like you’re trying to dissect them before you, your piercing glare so intense that I feel like if you had lasers in your eyes I’d be bisected right in front of you.”
That description was pretty grim but… Why would you like that? Most people did not want him to stare at them as he seemed “eerie” and “creepy” when he did, but… You liked that?
“I like the way you daintily hold things with your thumb and forefinger, and it makes me wonder just how strong your digits are.”
More observations about his idiosyncrasies that most people just found strange. He’s never actually thought about how strong his fingers were, but now that you’ve pointed it out it made him look at his hands for a bit. And he realizes something. You were watching him really close, you were observing him. You had no aversion towards him.
He shifted slightly forwards, and you brought the arm that you had resting on the back of his chair around to rest on his shoulder. The contact surprises him again, but he stays still.
“I like the way you eat your sweets, it’s nice to see you enjoy them.”
You do?
“I like how I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or you’re just being blunt at times, and it sends the rest of the Task Force in a state of confusion whenever you say something.”
That, too?
You chuckle, pressing your cheek on the top of his head yet he was too lost trying to make sense of what you’re rambling about that he doesn’t move.
“I like your face, the seemingly permanent shadows under your eyes, your sharp jawlines and how long your neck is, your lanky frame…”
L’s eyes just stay wide as he listens to you. The surveillance footage seems to be in freeze frame as you keep talking. Is he just supposed to believe you? That you find him… attractive?
No, wait. Wait.
“I like how you’re so smart and you know that you’re the smartest guy in the room but you give everyone the benefit of the doubt because of the way you look.”
“Miss Uehara…”
It’s the alcohol.
“I don’t know, Detective, maybe I do like you or maybe it’s the alcohol.” Hair strands fall off your shoulders caressing the nape of his neck as you lower your face on the back of his head, his hair brushing against your cheeks.
He was so distracted by your words that he almost, almost forgot that you were drunk. “Your hair smells nice.” You say, and your breath bounces off of the nape of his neck. He bends forwards, away from the warmth of your breath as the proximity makes goosebumps on his skin.
“While I am flattered by your words, Miss Uehara, I have my reservations over accepting them due to your current state. Were the things you just said truthful and you’ve been harboring feelings for me for a while or were they just a product of the mock confidence induced by alcohol?”
He knew asking you right now would be futile because you were still intoxicated, but he just had to make things clear. You have only been working together in person for no more than 2 weeks, so to rationalize this behavior of yours, he’s decided to label it as some sort of callow infatuation.
It was just the alcohol… But, was it really?
He feels you shift your weight while your face was pressed on his head.
“If I remember all of this in the morning and start acting awkward around you, then you’ll know..”
I’ll ask her again when she’s sober.
“Would you kindly stand up so I can move away, please? I’ll have Watari assist you back to your room.” Getting you back into your room where you could sleep the alcohol off  was the most rational thing to do right now, and he needed to go back to work anyways. He feels the weight lift from the back of his head as you lean away, exhaling slowly.
“Can I sleep on the couch over there? I don’t..” You sway slightly on your feet.
He turns around and looks up at you, his wide eyes illuminated by the electric lighting of the monitors. He watches you closely, curiously, a faint tenderness that seemed to plead for the things you said earlier to be genuine.
“I don’t want to be alone tonight. I just want to know that there’s someone else within the 4 walls of the room I’m in.”
There it is. The reason you came to the office. You were seeking out a companion in your solitude. To pick him was something he had to find out the reason to later, something he had to clear up in the morning. 
“Very well. I’ll have a blanket brought up here for you.” He gets out of his seat and walks around his chair to your side.
“Thanks, Detective.” You step back so you could walk to where the couch was when the rest of the alcohol suddenly hits and you stumble backwards. L, who had been perceptive of the entire situation, was able to grab you by your shoulders before you could lose even more of your balance.
That was close.
“Easy. It seems like the rest of the alcohol you drank is starting to run its course, please hold on to me and I’ll walk you to the couch.”
His grip on your shoulders was firm and secure. You lean on to him and he brings one of his arms around your back as he walks you to the couch by the other end of the room. 
L looks at you as you drop yourself onto the sofa, making it seem more comfortable than it actually was.
Your voice comes out a little ragged as he watches you pull your feet up onto the couch.
“Hey, Detective..?” 
“Yes, Miss Uehara?”
“I still have the lollipop stick from that day we met.”
“You do?” 
That’s another revelation he wasn’t expecting, his brows furrowing in curiosity. But you had already fallen asleep.
You have left L with these alcohol-induced confessions, and he was pondering over them. He’s decided to file them into the back of his head for now, waiting until the morning to ask you about it when you’re awake and sober. 
“Good night, Miss Uehara.” He says to a sleeping you before he turns around to walk back to his monitors, resuming his role as the World’s Greatest Detective.
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catboymettaton · 2 months ago
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[ID: a banner that says "beauty queen on a silver screen." the background image is an Instagram post in progress featuring Light Yagami's face. the title text covers up his eyes. end ID]
in which L investigates the Yagami children's Instagrams
450 words - read on ao3
Sayu Yagami’s Instagram page was typical for a 14 year old girl. Chaotic, scattered, uncultivated and authentic. She flashed peace signs with her friends, took out of focus photos of late night concerts, and captured her brother’s worst angles. The latter shots always included a blurry hand reaching to snatch the phone away.
On December 27 at 4:42pm, Sayu had been at the mall with her friends, nowhere near the Yamanote Line. Not proof of innocence, but relevant regardless.
L opened up her story archive - private to most, but not to him. He scrolled back to early December. The day of his face off with Kira, she’d posted “OMG WHATS HAPPENING ON TV???? WHOS THIS L GUY???????” accompanied by a shocked selfie.
Kira would certainly never make a post admitting guilt, but feigning shock to deceive L seemed entirely in character. However, it could just as likely be a genuine reaction. As he scrolled back, he found that this was Sayu’s standard typing style; she loved to abuse caps lock and punctuation.
All in all, Sayu appeared to be a perfectly normal 14 year old girl. She had barely posted about Kira since that first story; it seemed she was more concerned about Hideki Ryuga and jokes her friends told and how annoying her mom was. None of this ruled her out as a suspect, but none of it was particularly damning either.
Next, Light Yagami. His father was shocked that L could consider him as a suspect. He was an incredible student and a loyal son. Until his senior year, he’d volunteered with a local tutoring service and received stellar reviews. His clients described him as kind, understanding, and supportive. Matsuda described him as a good friend, though L took all of Matsuda’s judgements with a heavy grain of salt.
Light Yagami’s Instagram was as perfect as he was. Beautifully composed shots of coffee next to homework. Sheets of notes, every character drawn with clean, crisp strokes, highlighted with pleasant pastels. He never posted his face, but often his hand gripping a pen. He was ambidextrous - naturally or through practice, L wondered.
It was too perfect. It was too clean, too neat.
He had posted three stories in the three years he had the account, all of them wishing Sayu a happy birthday. His sister’s chaos would have shattered his perfect page if he had allowed it to persist past the twenty-four hour mark.
Light had never even deleted or archived a post. He had never posted anything he regretted.
It was obvious that Light spent a considerable amount of time cultivating his reputation. A very useful skill to have as Kira.
L adjusted his mental models. 55%.
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nanaminokanojo · 9 months ago
-meet cute? a cheesy musical number? forget it! love makes itself known to you through a minor car accident, a broken arm, and a treacherously charming temporary chauffeur
CHARACTERS: sukuna x you/reader | jjk characters
GENRE: full-length smau + prose | bad boy x good girl | college au | a lot of firsts | aged-up characters | strangers to lovers | smut | fluff | angst | ooc depictions - soft sukuna ftw
TW/CW: strong/mature language | adult content so mdni on some parts | mentions of alcohol and/or smoking | mentions of injury, promiscuity and bullying | pet names because they're cute with 2D men | toxic behavior | will add more if something arises
<<prev part 19 next>>
A/N: Contains prose with panels in between paragraphs.
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Sukuna stayed rooted on the spot. The room went silent as all eyes shifted from Uraume to you, their look of concern morphing to that of horrified looks when they finally turned their line of vision to the pink-haired male. However, his attention was on you and the apologetic look you had as you regarded him.
“Ryomen told me how you kept telling everyone about that for his sake,” Uraume began, “You don’t have to do that here, Y/N. It’s not like we’ll like him any less or otherwise, so it’s okay.”
“Still…” Suguru glared at Sukuna. “The fuck were you thinking, man?”
You started waving your hands in front of you, your ears and cheeks feeling hot from embarrassment. “I-it was an accident. Please don’t fight.”
"We're not," Sukuna assured you, arching a brow at Suguru who had a protective arm in front of you.
Satoru, who had been silently listening to the conversation, also chimed in. “Bet he had a girl with him when that happened.”
Everyone burst out laughing and Sukuna could just roll his eyes as he carelessly bumped against everyone on purpose until he was seated next to you on the couch, swatting Suguru away. He heard your apology the moment he was close enough. “It’s fine, Y/N. It’s the truth after all. I don't have to hide anything from them now.” He handed you the strawberry milk. “I didn’t think you should be taking alcohol with your constant intake of painkillers.”
“I didn’t think that was a good idea either,” you agreed thoughtfully but you still looked at him anxiously. “Thank you.”
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“So, how come you’re not chasing him to hell?” Nobara asked you. “Is there some bizarre love story we don’t know about here?”
“L-love story?” If you were blushing earlier, your face was beet red from your neck to your scalp as you shook your head, but you still smiled graciously, not missing a beat when you said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“That’s very convincing, Y/N.”
You just bit your lower lip.
“Hey, stop it!” Sukuna growled, causing everyone to shut up, but he didn’t miss the way you flinched, too. It was endearing, but he felt annoyed with himself at the same time. “Sorry.”
Your familiar mega-watt smile immediately made itself evident and he couldn’t help but return the gesture. As per usual, everyone liked you, watching as how you take every snack the boys were offering, engaging the other girls in the room in friendly conversation, being fast friends with them. Your attention may not have been solely on him like all those times he accompanied you to functions, but he still felt happy watching you interact with people he trusted. As always, you attracted them, and this time, he hoped you will be real friends with them, too.
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TAG LIST: @catobsessedlady @kyo-kyo1 @junehasnotbeenfound @lavender-hvze @guacam011y @eyered @hellomeow12 @its-princessmara @light-yagami-l @domainofmarie @mythoscalliope @noble-17 @pheonix-eclipses @weebbuscuit @sukunasbudussy @lu-c1na @vinnieswife @the-haitani-baton @iaminyourfloors @needtoloveoutloud @r-ryuko09 @somestardeww @swirlingcurses @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @bronze-metal @iluv-ace
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lemonxdaisybby · 10 months ago
May I request to have Dating Headcanons with Yagami Can be SFW or NSFW ones, If you're free 😳
I'm missing for my man and hooping He will come back one day for the Judgment 3 😩🙏😭
Maaaan, what I wouldn’t give for Judgement 3 😭 Hoping that because Sugiura and Tsukumo had a lil cameo in Y8, it might be a thing 🥺
Here u go some Yagami hcs, hope you like 💕
It likely took such a long time for Yagami to ask you out. There would be a lot of tension and subtle flirting beforehand, but he’d be so preoccupied with work that maybe Yagami would try and convince himself that he doesn’t have time to date.
Kaito would be having none of this, however. He’d push Yagami so often to confess to you or ask you out on a date, to which Yagami would attempt to deny his feelings, protesting that the two of you are just friends, but he’s fooling no one.
Once the two of you do start initially dating, despite being busy, he would try to make as much time for you as possible and would text you throughout the day. Casual dates would also take place once or twice a week, both initially and once the relationship is more established. Yagami would take you out to grab food at cafes or small restaurants, you two would meet up for coffees and for walks around the city, and maybe there would even be a little VR date every now and again.
Yagami would try his best to keep you separate from his work. He is a professional after all. However, you often hang out at his office with him when you have spare time, and he’s stuck working. Sometimes, he may ask for your input on some cases, getting you to look over things to see if you can bring a fresh perspective.
Be prepared to take lots of naps together. Yagami is a very sleepy man. Also, considering he practically lives in his office, more often than not you’ll probably invite him to stay at your place, to the point where he’s sort of unofficially moved in. He’d be super grateful for you allowing him to crash at yours so often.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Yagami smells amazing. It would be cologne, mixed with leather. It would be such a comforting and manly scent. It wouldn’t be overpowering, but you’d definitely get a whiff of it when he brushes past you, and when you hug him you’d just want to bury your face into his chest and inhale the scent.
He is protective, but to a nice degree, where it comes across as more gentlemanly. He trusts you, and knows you can handle yourself and make sensible decisions when out and about, but he will still walk you home if it’s late, or if you’re needing to walk through more shady areas he will accompany you. If anyone ever gives you trouble, he’s there for you straight away.
Yagami is really observant, and so has learned to be pretty receptive of your feelings. He caught on to your little behaviours and quirks very early on, and can always tell if something is off, or if you’re not feeling too good. He’d ask you about it outright too, letting you know that if you need any help, reassurance, or someone to rant to, he’s there for you.
When it comes to sex, he is a fairly passionate man. He’s pretty vanilla, and doesn’t go too wild, but he can be very intense and intimate.
He is obsessed with your hips and legs. His hands are always gripping on to your thighs or hips tightly during sex, to the point where he almost leaves bruises. Wearing short, tight dresses that really enhance the curve of your hips and showcase your legs would turn him on so much.
On days where he doesn’t get to see you, and the office is pretty quiet, Yagami would totally lean back in his office chair and jerk off to the thought of you. Maybe if you’ve recently sent him some dirty texts or pics he’ll use those as motivation. He might also send a quick video of himself jacking off in return, if he’s feeling brave, or if you’ve asked him to do so at one point.
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hikaritakaishi · 7 months ago
Takari Week 2024 - Day 3: Third Meeting
Days: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Title: Intertwined (Third Meeting)
Characters: Takeru Takaishi, Hikari Yagami, Daisuke Motomiya
Summary: They didn't know how, or when it started but they had developed the habit of holding each other’s hands. They were just friends and that was their love language. It felt safe, comfortable, needed.
" Can you promise me not to hold anyone else, the way you hold me?"
Note: A collection of stories that gives us an insight into Takeru and Hikari's relationship over the years. It was really hard to put all the prompts explicitly in the story, so I tried to metaphorize some of them, in order for them to make sense at the end.
It is composed of two prologues, one for Takeru and one for Hikari, exposing events before 1999. And a final epilogue, summarizing all the feelings exposed in the previous chapters. In the intermediate chapters, we follow all the challenges that a long-term friendship has to face when it becomes a romantic relationship, and how we form solid and permanent bonds with the ones we love the most.
The three classmates walked calmly through the school corridors, talking and laughing about the trivial things they were sharing.
Daisuke Motomiya was the loudest, and without a doubt the one who talked the most. A carefree and extremely social spirit, exempt from any type of judgment from anyone who thought that he could be too much.
Takeru and Hikari accompanied him to the lockers, holding hands.
They, despite openly admitting that they were just friends, had habits that seemed peculiar to most of their colleagues.
Holding hands were one of them.
It was not uncommon to catch them casually walking around like that. They didn't know how, or when it started but they had developed this habit, that they defended as a normal display of affection between two individuals that happened to be friends. Just friends.
Many believed it was an excuse not to draw attention to them and to their hypothetical romantic relationship, but the reality was that in fact, they were just friends who felt immensely comfortable in each other’s company.
“Now we must pray that my notebook is here, and not at home. Otherwise, I'm screwed.”
Daisuke took a small key out of his pocket and placed his two hands together as if it was real prayer.
“Please, please, please…”
“That’s what you get for not taking care of your own things! You need to learn be more responsible.” Hikari commented in a light joking tone.
“But I am responsible! Just not… always.”
Slowly, he put the key in the locker and turned it. He closed his eyes. He could hear his friends behind him laughing at his exaggerated theatre of despair. One eye after the other, he looked inside.
“I can’t believe it, it’s here! It is here!” He hugged the notebook as if his life depended on it.
“What a drama queen!” Takeru rolled his eyes and softly let Hikari’s hand go. It felt empty for a while.
He looked for something in the right pocket of his light brown uniform trousers. Also took out a locker key, identical to the one Daisuke had. But before doing anything else, he noticed a small white paper coming out of his locker, which was placed right next to Daisuke’s.
“What… again?” He commented while taking it out.
“Again indeed!" Daisuke affirmed a little bit surprised “It’s the third one in two weeks! I think we have a record!”
Hikari stayed silent for a while, only admiring what was going on with the most forced neutral look in her face, trying her best to look completely unbothered by this succession of events. She surreptitiously grabbed her uniform skirt with the hand that Takeru had let go of, as if trying to fill the void she was feeling.
At this point she was just accepting it as normal. Takeru was very popular, she understood it. Her childhood friend was a complete magnet for female attention.
“What’s written? Is it signed? Do you recognize the name?”
“Let me see.”
 Very slowly, Takeru unwrapped the paper. It was written in clearly feminine handwriting. The effort to look beautifully appellative was explicit. Red ink pen. Several hearts drawn, and a poetic request.
“I’ve been admiring you from afar for a while, just waiting for you to notice my presence. But you don't even seem to know I exist. Please come and meet me, after classes, in the main courtyard. Today I'm wearing a pink bow in my hair, and red sneakers.” Daisuke read what was written on that small piece of paper in a theatrical tone. In a failed attempt to sound romantic.
To Hikari, it all seemed just pathetic. An unnecessary pleasantry ceremony.
“Oh, here we go again.”  Takeru laughed as he wrapped the paper up again and awkwardly put it inside his pocket.
“Do you recognize the handwriting, Hikari?”
“Could it be from someone we know? A classmate maybe?”
“I don’t usually notice people’s handwriting, Daisuke, nor the way they like to draw hearts.”
Unfortunately for her, this last sentence came out in a slightly rude resonance.
She just didn't want to talk about that stupid paper, or what could potentially happen after classes because of it.
Remembers being shocked when Takeru received the first one. Even though to him, it all seemed like nothing was happening.
She felt her heart break slightly during that day, and the fear of losing her friend filled her with insecurities. Couldn't focus on anything else other than that, until he told her that he had politely rejected the girl who wrote it. But it all happened again, and again. Hikari felt exhausted.
I can’t let myself feel like that again, she thought.
Daisuke and Takeru went ahead towards the classroom, possibly talking about what happened, Daisuke’s arm around Takeru's shoulders while Hikari stayed behind, walking slower on purpose. She wasn't in the mood to participate, just wanted to save herself as much as she could to avoid more headaches related to that.
“Admit Takeru, of all the girls who have already declared themselves to you, how many have you kissed? No, wait! Who kissed better?”
“What are you talking about!” Takeru laughed. “I did not kiss any of them!”
“Oh, come on! Don’t lie! If it was me…”
Their voices seemed distant, even though they were just in front of her a few meters.
Hikari stopped in the middle of the hallway, clearly hurt by that inconvenient discussion. She clearly made a mistake in letting herself fall in love with Takeru. And now she was paying the price for her childish illusions. He might even hold her hand, but that doesn't mean anything. At least not to him, it seemed.
She heard someone calling her name. Absurd in her thoughts, she didn't even notice that they had already reach their classroom. And she was still there, standing still, like an absolute idiot.
“Hikari, are you ok?” Takeru approached her and touched gently the hand that he had previously held.
“Yes!” In a rapid movement, she pulled her hand away from his. “I’m fine, don’t worry.”
She avoided his eyes. Passed in front of him and entered the classroom, leaving Takeru behind with a confused look in his face.  
She didn't even look at me, he thought. Sighed. All because of a silly piece of paper.
Daisuke stretched out in his chair right after the bell went off.
“It’s finally over!” He yawned and stretched his arms up “Hi, Takeru! Hurry up, pretty girls do not deserve to wait!”
“You seem more excited than me. You know, it's not pleasant having to explain to someone that you don't... you feel the same way about them.”
Takeru was calmly organizing his things in his backpack. He always tried to be the most respectful and honest person when it comes to other people’s feelings. His mother had taught him not to take advantage or hurt anyone just for his own ego, and he followed that strictly.
Hikari pretended not to hear them, and packed her things as quickly as she could. She didn't want to talk to anymore, nor did she want to know what would happen in that meeting. She got up from her chair and took the backpack in her hands.
“Wait Hikari, I will go with you” Daisuke was so engaged in the conversation that he didn't even notice her getting ready to leave.
“Hikari, wait.”
Takeru gently touched her arm before she walked through the door, to capture her attention. “Wait for me, it won’t be long, I promise.”
“Ok… understood.”  Daisuke got up “I can go on my own. But tomorrow I want to know what happened!”
Hikari looked at Takeru and stood still, waiting for Daisuke and the rest of the class to leave.
“You should go. She is waiting for you.”
They were all alone now. He held her hand once again. She didn't move this time. Instead, she looked deep in his eyes. A deep dark blue sky. Felt the warmth of his hand.
“I know, but I will leave my things here with you, just for you to know that I will be back.”
“It’s ok, you can go. I’ll wait.”
He gave her one last glanced and smiled weakly.
When he left, she took a big breath. Sat back in her chair and closed her eyes.
“What am I doing here…” murmured.
Why even care about that? It wasn't like she was going to stop him from doing anything. Pitiful. She felt ridiculous. What was she waiting for? An apology? For what? Being popular? For being the focus of the female attention? She had nothing to do with it.
The ticking of the wall clock was irritating her. She felt the pressure of time. How much time had passed since he left?
Shortly after, heard footsteps back in the hallway. Hikari opened her eyes slowly. Eyes fixed on the door. Finally, Takeru was there.
“How did it go?”
“As usual. She told me that she liked me, and that she would like to go on a... date with me.”
He reached for a chair and sat next to her, looking her in the eyes. There was a certain type of sadness in his eyes, which she didn't quite understand.
“And you?”
“I thanked her as politely as I could, but I rejected her proposal, of course.”
“I see. Was she pretty?”
“I don’t know. “Takeru laughed “It depends on what you intend for aesthetically pleasing.”
Hikari laughed as well and felt her heart getting lighter. He had very strange ways of making her feel better.
“Tell me, what’s wrong?”  Slowly, he reached for her hand to meet his. “Did I hurt you?” Those eyes she knew by heart didn’t lie. He really cared about her and genuinely wanted to know what was concerning her. She realized that she needed to be honest with him.
“No, no you didn’t. I just felt a little… insecure. About this whole situation. “ Her discomfort was evident. She was terrible at expressing her feelings, but with him she knew she could be vulnerable.
“I understand. I also feel very uncomfortable when I see boys looking at you… that way.”
“Takeru, don’t play with…”
“I am not. I am not playing you. Please don’t ever think that.”
A moment of silence. Neither of them knew what to say.
Hikari followed what her heart was saying and simply hugged him. She felt him hugging her back, bringing her closer. Heard his heartbeat, and it sounded like home.
“Takeru, can you promise me that… you will not hold anyone else, the way you hold me?”  
“Don’t worry, trust me.”
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nic0-r0bs · 1 month ago
Following this post, I decided to dump my introduction of Misa in my Death Note fanfiction.
May 22nd, 2004 Aoyama.
In a cafè, a girl was sipping from her cup, scanning every person who entered her field of vision.
Names and numbers filled her head, but she had learned to live with them. They didn't matter.
She tapped her sunglasses and fixed her wig, then turned to look at the other customers, and the gigantic demonic figure behind her moved to allow her to see better.
A couple. The boy was smiling, but it was clear from how he clenched his teeth and his hands on the edge of the table that he was feeling very uncomfortable. Probably gay, but he didn't know it yet. The girl would have been safe, unless the boy, in a moment of great frustration, decided to attack her.
She moved on.
The guy who served the drinks seemed very busy; he looked like a student with a little job to make some money for university. He often turned to look at his manager, and cleaned obsessively. Clearly that job was too important for him, and he was focused on doing the best he could to keep it. Unlikely that he could be someone who spikes girls' drinks.
She moved on.
Near the door leading to the bathrooms, a businessman sat alone, drinking beer and reading a newspaper. He looked up every time a girl passed by, and followed her out of the corner of his eye as she entered the bathroom. Potential sexual predator.
The girl took out a small notebook with a glittery cover, memorized the man's face and wrote down his name, which she saw suspended above his head in red, trembling letters, and then some more details to remember him. Just as a precaution. Then she nodded to the shinigami accompanying her, and turned to keep an eye on the street in front of the cafè.
And, after reading names and numbers, names and numbers again... finally… nothing.
“Even those who possess the eyes of the shinigami cannot see the lifespan of another owner of the Death Note” the demonic being had said. And, among that group of young people strolling in front of her, the handsome boy named Light Yagami had no number under his name.
The girl took a better look, feeling her body tingle and burn with excitement. It was him. The savior of the world. The one who had brought justice where authority had failed.
And he was young. And beautiful. And he wasn't casting prying glances at the cleavage of the girl clinging to his arm. He continued to keep his hands in his pockets and his gaze fixed forward. And he didn't watch the little girls in school uniforms happily running around the street. And he didn't cast fleeting glances at the exposed skin of the girls who could finally show off their summer wardrobe.
He smiled jovially, and seemed to be entertaining the whole group in an affable manner.
He was young, he was handsome, he was popular, he was fashionable, and he was perfect.
The girl felt her heart sink into her chest, and then rise to the surface, lightly, as if she had dived into a cold pond.
“This is Kira.” she thought. “I'm safe with him. Everything will finally be perfect."
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pokespefangirl · 10 months ago
(For the Pokéstar Studios AU)
Hey this is the same anon, I'm super happy that you liked the idea! Sincerely, I am extremely stoked, thank you so much!
This concept has been running through my mind nonstop ever since that ask and I have a few more ideas. Not to pressure you to add this in the fic or force these ideas on you, yet again I'm just having fun sharing these.
Anyways, Blake and Black brother-in-law moments REAL?! Whitley and White sister-in-law moments TRUE!? Ugh i'm eating up these hypothetical scenarios.
White most likely assigns Black to be Blake's bodyguard whenever he decides to go out, since he has celebrity status and all. The same thing goes for Whitley, though I see Blake accompanying her a lot too. So Black has to thirdwheel, not knowing it's Blake enacting vengeance for all those time he was the thirdwheel when it was just White, Black, and him at the BW Agency.
Also more of how I think Blake would be as an actor, though in this scenario he never received super spy training, he probably got super intense media training from White. They're both coming up with insane, genius, absolutely unhinged strategies to manipulate the media, Light Yagami monologuing typa bamboozlery. And Whitley and Black are just having a pleasant chat, side eyeing them every thirty seconds or so.
I imagine Blake's acting style to be refined, perfect, infallible that it's almost too much. Since he doesn't understand emotions, he studies, studies, studies, and studies. Writing down what his character would do, analyzing every line of dialogue, down to the body language and speech patterns etcetera. That's how he's able to nail so many different characters. AKA Christian Bale ahh acting style.
Now for Whitley, she's the opposite, she's new and unrefined, full of flaws. But full of emotion, her performances reaches out and captures. Delivering the feel needed for the scene and character.
And it really fascinates Blake, how she's so in tune with her emotions, making him kinda obsessed with her reactions...
That's it for now, I haven't even touched the surface for Blake and White's sibling dynamic but I sort of don't want this to be novel-length. Yet again, I am so happy that you accepted that ask! I really look forward to what you're cooking up, take as much time as you need!
Lil Bonus:
Blake: *trying to spook/fluster Whitley* Great job on set, your acting needs a little more work but you've got potential.
Whitley: Oh! Um, thanks...
Blake: You should learn how to be more confident, we don't want people to think you're easy to take advantage of...those rumors in Pokéwood are not to be taken lightly. *attempts to rizz* don't worry I'll-
Whitley: OH NO, w-were you a victim!?
Blake: Wh-what of course not-
White: *Bonks him on the head* Of course not! I made SURE that never happened to him, and I will DEFINITELY do the same for you!
Blake is studying Whitley right?!!! Almost out of a curiosity as to how she feels and experiences all these emotions?? So naturally!! Especially her beautiful eyes that get teary whenever shes thinking about something sad! He could study her all day!!
To add to that: Blake never had pets or cared for animals bcs you know... sociopath and all, but he starts seeing Whitley feeding a stray cat!! ANd EVENTUALLY (WHEN THERES SOME ANGST POINT) HE STARTS FEEDING THE LITTLE KITTEN HIMSELF just from seeing Whitley when he's walking by all alone!!
And you're so right he'd craft his image with the convoluted intelligence of Light Fucking Yagami lmaoo that's so good!!
AND UK WHITE IS THE MOST AMBITIOUS GIRL LIKE SHE'S MAKING SURE BLAKE IS TOPPING ALL THE RATINGS AWARDS WHATEVE, BUT her YOUNGER BRO ALSO ANNOYS HER SOMETIMES W HIS HEINOUS SOCIOPATHY AND SHE HAS TO DO DAMAGE CONTROL LMAOO (mostly it's him being with all sorts of ladies before being w Whitley and unintentionally breaking their hearts cus they didn't interest him for too long)
so yeah Whitley!! Whitley is pure!! Unfiltered!! And blake doesn't know what that's like aside from his family everybody else in Hollywood tend to be shallow and judgemental and fake!! But Whitley s not afraid to cry, to smile, to laugh, she's not afraid of what ppl think and guess what!! Blake needs that bcs he's been hiding his sociopathy all along! Bcs his career would be over if anybody revealed his diagnoses!!
Initially it started out as fun that he studied Whitley and tried to get emotions out of her!! Initially he just joked she was becoming an addiction! Just something to have!! But then things started to get real and he began to experience!!
Something big!! Something else!! Nobody had ever kept him that interested in his life!! Jumping from person to person!! Director to Director!! Everybody was fed up with him but then came in Whitley!! And this man just cannot let her go!!
And ya know Black is ready to defend his whole family!! He's outside of his work hours still doing his job cus that's what he should do!! Is Prez okay?? Where should we go next?? Lemme be with you Prez i cant risk anything happening to u not on my watch imma be the best bodyguard ever!! And Blake's just standing there like- "Bet"
ANYWAYS I SAID I DIDN'T HAVE MUCH TIME BUT I GUESS I HAD TO RESPOND HAHAHA, thank you so much this whole au and concept is honestly making my day and i can't wait to finish it!!
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sasorikigai · 6 months ago
▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 || With every inch of him tense with an uneasiness at the core deep, Iori futilely seeks to release this vice-grip of his tension with the soul-churning tune of his bass guitar without much success. Often, he feels too alone in this existence, and yet - still not alone enough. Cacophonous screams rush through his mind, and Iori feels the need to break open this caged heart of his.
Why couldn't he be a free spirit with a wild soul, untamed by Orochi's vicious grasp? Usually, the music would rise his mind phases into the glide of daydreamer's delight, akin to the early morning's sun reflecting the light, shining upon him as it'd accompany trickles of cool air, as his thoughts would effortlessly drift towards tranquility. It would eradicate even the most violent raging wave of wretched spectacle he would leave in his wake, yet Iori would still nearly tumble to his death, but yet - he still exists, as if paralyzed for the rest of his life in this shrouding darkness.
It plagues him, allows its rot to give him the warmth he desperately craves. Like a moth to a flame, the red-headed pyromancer would set himself up for an eternity of misery, until his last breath. Instead of depth, intellect, and beauty, beneath the lavish makeup intended for a stage, Iori Yagami remains twisted and dark. Mangled from brokenness existing without a truly-beating heart. In this full-length mirror reflecting every angle of him imaginable, he no longer sees himself at his core. How can he ever condemn the bloodthirsty monster that he himself created?
It takes him longer than he'd like to admit to sense the presence of another soul, another heart - perhaps another metaphorical loss of life. Wasn't it all part of the despicable journey humankind all have to partake? As he sits here quietly watching like a prowling predator, the light in his cerulean blue eyes remain unfading. "Scoot," he grumbles, clearly aggravated by the presence of another. "You should've left when all the others did." ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 ||
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dearestones · 2 years ago
Trust Fall (Yandere! Yagami Light x M! Reader)
Warnings: Yandere character, yandere behavior, obsessive behavior, possessive behavior, implied drugging, slight NSFW, etc.
Anonymous Request: I may or may not have just binged all your yandere Light fics and wow you write him really well!! If requests are still open and you don’t mind writing for him some more, could please maybe do yan Light (romantic) with a male childhood friend reader? Maybe even a little nsfw if that’s okay? Thanks a ton for your work so far!!
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“Would you do it?”
“The only other option is to let you fall.” Light paused in the middle of his note taking, his handwriting as meticulous and detailed as ever. “If you fell at the right angle and without preparation, you could end up with a severe concussion. Or worse.”
“Well yeah, but even if I wasn’t at risk of falling, would you still catch me?”
His brown eyes glinted and he looked back at his notes, the dismissal clear in his actions. “Don’t you trust me? I will always be there for you.”
That was years ago, back when you were still first years in high school, but you can still remember that conversation to this day. 
He didn’t talk to you all that often—he was consumed by his parents’ high expectations—but you knew that he valued your friendship that had arisen from your shared childhood. 
But that was back in high school.
Sometimes, you worry about Light. He’s an all right kind of guy, brilliant and morally upright. However, despite the facade that you’ve seen him portray for everyone, including yourself, you cannot deny that there are moments when you feel like you don’t know him at all. Nowadays, whenever you see him, you’re struck with a sudden feeling that there’s something off about him. Sort of like if you leave last night’s dinner on the counter instead of kept in stasis in your refrigerator. On the surface, nothing’s changed, but if you really pay attention, you’ll find that the food is no longer the same.
In the same way, when you met up with Light several months into his first year at his university, you noticed that Light wasn’t as gregarious or as friendly as he was back in high school. At first, you had chalked it all up to maturation and a heavy workload from higher education, but that theory didn’t hold up too long. His features, already so handsome, had become almost gaunt, his cheekbones sharper and his eyes that much narrower. When he looked at you, he didn’t seem to actually see you.
He was somewhat closed off when you were younger—and you had entertained that he must have been lonely at the top—but now it seemed like he didn’t care. What used to be brown eyes brimming with wide eyed wonder at the world had become colder and harsher. Like water that had hardened to ice. 
Oh, he played the part of someone who was happy to see their childhood friend again. When you approached him, you saw the cogs in his head turn at a terrifyingly high speed, before he made an offhand comment on how great you looked and if you were still in school. It was like a computer had latched onto your figure, made a calculation, and then delivered it promptly without room for error.
He made sure that he sounded warm, that his inflections were in the right place, and that he made the accommodating facial expressions spot on, but you felt like he was playing a role. 
It didn’t feel like it was Light anymore.
Then again, you supposed that now that the both of you weren’t in the same school anymore, it was to be expected. New life experiences alter one’s perspective on life and you supposed that maybe Light was finally expressing his potential to those who could finally understand him. In fact, you thought that since he seemed so comfortable in that suit of his and surrounded by what you could call were his disciples (seriously, the young men and women who sometimes accompanied him seemed to praise his intelligence at every turn), he would dismiss you and never speak to you again.
Yet, that simply was not the case.
No sooner did you return to your apartment that you received a text from Light.
The text was rather cordial, but you could almost imagine Light was ruffling the back of his hair sheepishly, his fingers flying up and down the buttons on his cell phone. There was that nagging feeling again that this was a ploy for something, but since Light wasn’t there to influence your perceptions, you brushed it off. 
Maybe you caught him at a bad time.
Maybe he was acting so strangely because it had been a long time and you did manage to surprise him when he was clearly on an outing with fellow university students. 
You replied back and within an hour, the both of you switched to speaking on the phone and scheduling a place and time where you could meet again. 
The next time you saw Light, you were once again somewhat aware that Light had changed, but it was muted now. It was like the last time you had seen him, the curtains had been raised open to let the audience take a sneak peek of the inner workings of the stage. However, as you seated yourself near a fountain in the middle of a mall, you saw that Light looked more open, looked a lot more like the Light that you used to know, but you knew that it was all a lie. 
If he had seemed a little eerie, but bearable then, you were downright unnerved now. 
Because Light’s smile and his flowing conversation drew you in and to your surprise, you wanted to be kept near his side. Was this what his disciples at the university felt like? It was almost like you were being inducted into a cult. 
The stage curtain had been pulled aside during your first encounter, but now it was closed shut without any hint of an encore.
This Light you saw before you was trying to emulate the friend that you used to idolize back in high school. 
And yet, you didn’t care.
The both of you got to talking about what was going on in both your lives. Well, it was mostly yourself now that you thought about it. Light was keen on knowing everything about you: from your work and school schedule, your current friends, and even your political views. In contrast, Light remained mostly silent and had only given you a paltry response to your inquiries about his time in university. Apparently, he had spent some time away from school to help work on a murder case for his father. 
You were intrigued and somewhat confused. Was he truly that intelligent and qualified?  
He waved away your concerns and said that he had taken classes online, thereby making sure that he was still up to date on his education, but that he was still surprised that his social life had flourished rather quickly. He laughed at that, almost like he was in on an inside joke. For reasons unknown to you, a sense of dread pooled and congealed into the pit of your stomach.
Eventually, the conversation stretched into the late evening and he convinced you that you should be with him more often. 
And so you did.
As time went on, those fears and anxieties faded away. Your misgivings were still hanging around the edges of your mind, but they were muted and the emotions you associated with them were hollow at best. If you thought about them for too long, a sense of foreboding would overcome you, but you would think of Light and his kindhearted nature, of how he sacrificed so much of his first year as an adult helping his father out on an important case. Sometimes, when the both of you were accompanied by his other friends, you would see him praising them for their achievements and give them tips on how to improve their standing. 
He was a great guy if you think about it and maybe that first few meetings with him since you were separated was just a result of stress. There was no reason for you to be suspicious of him, right?
And then, time passes and the both of you begin to grow closer together. The both of you talk about your hopes and dreams, of where you think you’ll be ten years down the future. Eventually, you no longer see Light’s friends. Rather, it’s just the two of you and whatever topic you want to talk about. It’s during these moments, when you think that the both of you are alone, that Light acts more touchy than usual. 
At first, it confused you, but he would hold your hand gently, as if you were glass and his eyes would immediately seek you out whenever you enter a room. You had your suspicions at first, but when the both of you decided to visit a club late at night—you had brought it up as a joke, but Light took you seriously, almost as if he thought that you were challenging—you realized why Light was acting the way he was. 
After downing a drink or two, a pretty young woman took you by the shoulder and asked you to dance. A little buzzed from the drink, you were more than happy to accompany her, only to find that Light’s hand was firmly clenched around your hip and that he was staring hard at the young woman. It was rare for him to pull rank on someone, but you had seen him before in action when an academic rival of his decided to “fact check” only for his rival to fall flat on his face when Light delivered a grenade that knocked him back into place. 
“He’s with me,” Light said with confidence. 
As he said those words, he tugged you into him and you were flush against his chest and his other arm curling around your waist. Dread filled you again, but it was mixed with those drinks of yours. You could say that you were… somewhat awed. Maybe even impressed? No, those were the wrong words; you were aroused by his confidence that you would acquiesce to his dominant nature. 
“O-oh, sorry!” The young woman, who had been smiling in flirtation, quickly took her leave and began hitting on someone else. 
Together, the both of you stayed in that same position. As the club’s light pulsed in time with the rhythm of the pounding music, you could feel him. Just him. His breath ghosted across the skin of your neck, his arms were your cage. His chest, his legs, his entire being was like a wall that you hesitantly leaned towards. 
He hummed in approval and you felt your pants become just a little bit tighter and the hold on your sanity slowly slipping. 
“Was that necessary,” you mumbled, knowing that he would hear. 
“Well, I should hope so.” His hand squeezed your hip and if it weren’t for the fabric of your shirt shielding the smooth expanse of your skin, you expect to see a series of crescent moons close to bleeding. “You’re my friend and I’m not too keen on letting you go that easily.”
“Friend?” You parroted back at him, unsure if he was joking. You had suspected that maybe…
Suddenly, you felt something rough grinding up and down against your ass, something hard poking against you. You gasped and if you had the strength, you would have turned around, but you didn’t want to. Was it really Light who was touching you so inappropriately, yet embracing you with the devotion of an intimate lover? 
Hesitantly, you looked back.
His eyes met yours and they gazed at you with what you could only assume was predatory delight. Apprehension ran up and down your spine, your breath stilled, but you remained still in his hold. You even found yourself leaning into it.
He hummed under his breath—you could feel slight rumbles under his chest. 
He was pleased with your response.
“A misnomer,” he seemingly apologized. He spun you in his arms and his mouth neared yours. You prepared yourself for a kiss, but he laughed. “A little bit eager, are we? Do you want me to kiss you now?”
The lights pulsed, your head pounded, and you were feeling so very warm. So very hot. 
You couldn’t think clearly, but you felt your head nodding. 
“Hmmm, but would this make you mine?”
What did that mean? Never mind that, you thought. The heat was clouding everything around you until you were stuck in a bubble that was just you, Light, and the rising tension and crackle of electricity between the two of you. 
“Yes,” you leaned into him, only for him to dodge your attempt to kiss him. You pouted, but continued to plead in a way that would embarrass you come morning. “Yes, I’ll be yours. Just—!”
He kissed you sweetly, but at the very back of your mind, you couldn’t help but think that his kiss was too perfect. Too practiced. 
If you were being really honest…
You could have sworn that it would have taken more than just two drinks for you to become so pliant and trusting.
Oh well, you always trusted Light to catch you if you ever fell. You just never realized that it would be in a romantic light. 
DISCLAIMER: I do not condone yandere behavior outside of fictional settings. Please don’t mistake the actions of fictional characters displayed in works of fiction to be considered harmless in real life.
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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cicadasrubbish · 2 years ago
this is my first fic on tumblr, sorry if it’s bad im kind of inexperienced
thanks @todorokiiwassad for basically forming the plot, ilyy
pairing: light yagami x reader
warnings (possibly): caught cheating
genre/fic type: angst
pronouns: you (if that counts)
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Caught Cheating
You calmly enjoyed the quiet noise of soft rain landing on the pavement and on your umbrella. The familiar scent of an overcast day filled your nose as the clouds softly rumbled with light thunder to accompany distant lightning. You had a soft smile on your lips as you basked in the state of your day. You had gotten off of work early to see your boyfriend, Light, after he had been gone for multiple weeks. You found it strange how he never specified where he or what was going off to do, but you figured it was fine. You were a faithful and loyal partner, at least, by your standards.
Not wanting to dwell on negative thoughts too much, you instead decided to remember what it was like when he was around, times where you were in his embrace and him making sweet little comments about you and generally making you feel loved flowing through your mind. The mere thought made your smile widen as little remnant tingles of being in his arms danced across your body, making you pick up your pace and the rain make little gentle splashes across the pavement, as your nice rain boots made contact with the wet concrete. You observed the neighbourhood as you wandered past various mailboxes and other assorted neighbourhood norm, knowing his house by heart. Your eyes scanned through the rows of houses, taking in the muted colors of your surroundings as the rain drowned them out, all the while scattering little raindrops across the area.
Soon enough, you began to recognize color patterns on houses, lawns, rows of trees and bushes that decorated the quaint little neighbourhood that your boyfriend lived in, and eventually, his house. As you strode up his driveway, making your way to the steps that emphasized the entrance to his home, you noticed that all the lights were off, strange, yet you just simply hummed and shrugged it off. He was expecting your arrival anyways, why wouldn’t he be there? You walked up the steps to his porch with a light skip of excitement in your step, excited to greet your boyfriend after weeks of him being away. When your eyes locked on his door, all you were met with was a wide open doorframe, with only a simple screen door separating anyone from entering his home, also strange. Your eyes scanned through the grayscale colors of his living room, thanks to the dim, gray lighting of the that shone through his front door where you stood and a window in the living room, leading you to familiar brown hair as your finger hovered over his doorbell, lying only inches away. In mere seconds before you would press the button that would alert him of your presence, you noticed that he wasn’t alone in that dimly lit room.
As your eyes adjusted to the lack of light, and shadows moved around the ground, the light from the doorframe you stood in shines just enough for you to see quite clearly, you dear boyfriend, having a seemingly very enjoyable make-out session with some girl. As the cogs in your brain began spinning trying to process the scene in front of you, it didn’t make it fast enough before you emotions responded first. Your throat stung with dry mouth and a large lump forming from the emotional buildup, and tears pricked the corners of your eyes as one of your hands made its way to cover your mouth, as the pleasant smile that once graced your features quickly dropped and faded away, as if it were never there to begin with. Any happy feeling you had before that moment was immediately washed away by a tidal wave of tears, emotions, and dread as your grip loosened on your umbrella from weakness and shock.
Not able to bear to look at the scene in front of you anymore, your hand tightened around your umbrella once more, and you fled from the house of your cheating boyfriend. As you ran from the neighbourhood you were once happy and gleeful entering, tears fell to the ground, hidden by the rain. You couldn't comprehend what you just saw, you thought he loved you. You thought he cared. Everything he said to you, everything he did for you that made you happy when you thought of it, instead washed a wave of nausea over you every time the thought entered your conscious mind. The rain began to pick up, and so did your pace. You didn’t want to be near the neighborhood, near him. Your mixed emotions gathered in your stomach in a sick feeling that only added to your discomfort while hot tears contrasted the cold weather around you. You wobbled along the sidewalk, arm gripping your side as you knuckles turned white with your grip on the umbrella. Your hand began to hurt but you didn’t care, you needed a grip on something as you made your way to the crossing light.
You continuously wiped your blurry eyes from tears as you waited for a crossing signal, along with many others. You were grateful the sounds of rain and soft chatter around you disguised your distraught sniffs and hiccups. The light changed and you took it as an opportunity to run through the crowd back to your home, desperate to get to some form of privacy.
You saw people running for shelter from the rain, some laughing as they shielded each other with a coat or things of the sort. You couldn’t help but feel jealous at how happy they looked contrasting your sulking state in the gray colors around you. You pulled up your hood as you splashed off to your house, wanting nothing more than to just scream.
As you walked in the front door, you quickly discarded your rain-wet umbrella along with the rest of your rain gear and power-walked to your room, slamming the door aggressively behind you as you stopped resisting the urge to cry. You fell to the floor as you hugged your knees to your chest and his your face in them while hiccups and sobs racked your body as you thought about what you saw. You wailed into your knees in a futile attempt to relieve your emotions, but it failed miserably. You tried to convince yourself that it wasn't what it looked like, but you couldn't bring yourself to justify those claims.
They were just friends.
Friends don't kiss like that.
Friends don't touch like that.
You took in a deep breath, attempting to come to terms with what you saw.
He cheated.
He cheated.
He cheated.
It’s not fair.
After your tears calmed down somewhat, you picked up your phone, about to send a string of sad vent texts to your friend, but you hesitated. As your finger hovered over the send button, your eyes skimmed through the messy paragraph you had typed out. You second guessed yourself as familiar words crossed your eyes with the illumination of your phone’s light on your face in the darkness of your room.
You knew very well that sending those texts would result in Light finding out that you saw him, because your friend cared and they wouldn’t let someone else treat you like this. You appreciated that, you loved your friend but Light would probably want to break up after that, and despite everything you weren't ready to let him go. You thought maybe, just maybe, he still loved you. Maybe, if you pretended, he would hold you again, he would kiss you again, he would love you again, and you could forget about what you saw. Maybe if you tried hard enough, you could be what he saw in that girl. Even though every part of you was tugging and pulling, begging you to do what you knew was good for you, you couldn't bring yourself to do it.
You loved him too much. And maybe, if you tried hard enough, he would love you too. You laughed bitterly at yourself, any stray tears left on your eyelashes falling and soaking into your clothes.
You, deciding to rest after the emotional roller coaster you had just been through, laid down for a while. You felt yourself drift off into a gentle sleep, the dream taking away the events of your stress-inducing day. About two hours later, you woke up to the repeated noise of a message notification. Opening them, you found that it was Light, asking why you weren't there. You simply responded that something came up and that you'd meet him tomorrow, and that you did.
The next day when you met up with him, and he entangled you in his arms, bringing a smile to your face and upturning your tired eyes. The two of you simply walked as he ranted about things that happened on his trip, and you tried your hardest to mimic your same behaviour and façade as you convinced yourself everything was ok, that maybe things could last just a little bit longer. You didn’t say much, scared that you would slip up on your words and just hummed and shot him a grin every couple of sentences. You convinced yourself that this could still continue, no matter how much it hurt you.
But you knew in the back of your subconscious that things would collapse sooner or later, and you would be at the center.
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patamon · 3 years ago
Takari Week 2022: [Day 2 prompt: First Date]
I’m kind of nervous about posting this fic but I still hope everyone enjoys! Warning: This fic gets spicy (but nothing explicit). Also, I've been terrible at editing my work so this feels so...unfinished and I apologize T-T
Also, Tumblr keeps eating this post if I include a picture, so I have to leave it plain and without my usual accompanying visuals -_-
Title: F is for Firsts Character: Hikari Yagami & Takeru Takaishi Pairings: Takari Word Count: 5939 Rating: T+ Summary: The spring of Hikari’s 18th year brought with it an abundance of firsts.
Cross-posted on AO3 Read below the cut 👇🏻
F is for Firsts
The spring of Hikari’s 18th year brought with it an abundance of firsts.
First, it was her first funeral, dressed in her modest black dress, she walked up to her grandmother’s casket as her and Taichi said their final farewell. Then, it was her first trip on a plane alone: a solo flight to Hong Kong to visit her cousins, no friends, no family member, not even Tailmon, just her suitcase and a string of worried reminders from her mother to be safe.
It didn’t end there. It was a string of firsts after that: first cup of coffee, first time riding a rollercoaster, first job at a photography studio. Hikari never thought, after 18 years of living, that there were still so many firsts to experience.
She always considered herself lucky. She had opportunities and first experiences that many people would never have a chance to live through: running through the fields of the newfound Digital World, witnessing her first digiegg hatching, watching her Digimon evolve for the first time. But best of all, she had someone to experience all her firsts with. If she was curious, she would bring it up, and often, he would comply, no questions asked, no explanations necessary.
First hug with someone other than a family member, nestling herself close and smelling the fabric softener his mother used, which was both foreign and familiar at once. It felt comfortable.
First time holding someone’s hand, feeling the satisfaction of having their fingers wound through the gaps between hers. It felt complete.
First kiss, tasting the chocolate ice cream on his lips as she awkwardly thought about where her tongues should be placed. It felt sweet.
Can we…?
Have you ever wondered…?
Do you ever think about how it would feel…?
It felt good to know that she had a scratch pad, a secure base to deposit all her hesitations and insecurities, and even if the first hug was a bit tight, the first hand hold a bit scratchy, the first kiss a bit clumsy, she knew she could make all her mistakes with him, and there would never be any misgivings.
After all, he was her hope. Her Takeru.
The summer of Hikari’s 18th year, the air was thick with sweat and restlessness. Despite the heat wave burying the city underneath its oppressive rule, the school’s soccer team carried on with their match. Hikari watched with beet-red face from the sideline as the players glistened with sweat, speeding from one end of the field to the other while calling out to each other in spirited voices.
The whistle blew, and Hikari jumped in her seat, realizing a second too late that she was once again lost in following the lean, muscular frame of the soccer team captain. Her feet jerked upward, knocking over her glass water bottle, the shatter drawing the attention of everyone around her, including said captain.
She blushed hard, ducking low to quickly investigate the aftermath of her clumsiness, only to find her water bottle now in a hundred smaller pieces at the bottom of the bleacher. She groaned quietly, but when she stood up, she was shocked to find Jun, the captain, standing opposite her with an unopened water bottle in his hand.
“Here,” he offered.
Hikari froze, her eyes skittered from the water bottle to his sharp face, dark and chiseled, and glistening with sweat. Her body was no longer hers, just a victim to the hormone coursing through her vein.
“Thank you,” a cheery voice called out from beside her. She turned and caught a glimpse of purple, then watched Miyako snatch the water bottle from Jun’s hand.
Jun’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion for a moment, before offering a loose grin.
“See you around, Hikari,” he greeted before dashing away.
Once he was gone, Hikari’s entire posture collapsed. Her body woke up to the myriads of sensation prickling under her skin. Miyako phased into her line of sight, standing before her with her hands on her hips, her long purple hair tied up in a perfect bun.
“Holy fuck, Hikari,” Miyako cried out, “You should have seen your face,” then burst into uncontrollable laughter
Flabbergasted, Hikari jumped up, attempting to cover up Miyako’s mouth while shushing madly as Miyako flailed about, laughing and pushing Hikari away. All the while, the crowd and the players on the field gawked, Jun’s amused dark eyes boring holes into Hikari’s consciousness.
“MIyako, shut up,” Hikari hissed, but to no avail.
Finally, she had enough. She grabbed her bag and hat, then pulled Miyako away by her wrist, moving past other spectators in a huff.
“Miyako, that wasn’t cool,” Hikari gritted out once they were far enough from the soccer pitch, “You’ve no idea how badly you’ve embarrassed me”
Miyako sighed, readjusting her glasses before speaking, “Fine, fine, sorry, I lost control back there. But holy fuck Hikari, you didn’t do yourself any favour either”
“What are you talking about?”
“Oh come on, Hikari, it’s so obvious how attracted you are to that soccer guy. I watched you the entire time. You couldn’t stop staring at him the entire game, and when he came up to you, you were like…” Miyako paused, opening her eyes wide and throwing her head back, mimicking the startled expression Hikari must have given when Jun tried offering her the bottle of water. She blushed, horror possessing her every limb.
Did she really look that stupid in front of Jun?
“I was not,” Hikari countered.
“Believe whatever you want, Hikari. But I am telling you, you need to get better at these scenarios, have a little more confidence, throw yourself out there a little more. Learn how to flirt, show him you’re interested in ways that are more mature than a 12-year-old girl crush”
“Miyako!” Hikari cried out in exasperation.
“Hey, I’m only trying to help. Honestly, I am. I mean, look at Mimi, she’s got guys and girls lined up around the street for her. It doesn’t hurt to have a little sex appeal,” she winked at Hikari, which prompted her to roll her eyes.
“I’m fine, thank you,” Hikari responded.
“You’re fine until you need to impress a certain soccer player,” Miyako continued with a giggle, “Between you and me, how about a little harmless girl talk? Tell me, have you ever kissed a boy?”
“Of course”
“Second base?”
Hikari scrunched her face in confusion, “What?”
Miyako rolled her eyes, “That’s a no then. So I’m assuming you’ve never been intimate with anyone?”
Suddenly, Hikari had an almost violent urge to escape the scene. She felt irritated everywhere, her fingers digging deep into the meat of her arms as she looked for a way out of the situation.
“Oh and just so we’re clear, Takeru does not count.”
Her eyes widened, the irritation melted into shock as she thought about Miyako’s declaration.
“Why doesn’t Takeru count?”
Miyako stared back at her in horror, “Wait…does that mean…?”
“No, no, no, no, I promise, nothing happened between us, but, why doesn’t Takeru count?”
Miyako sighed in relief. She then pressed her palm against her forehead, rubbing it in slow circles as she threaded her explanation together slowly.
“He doesn’t count…because…he’s Takeru. I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s just a rule. You two are like best friends and creepy twin angel children, whatever happens between you and Takeru won’t ever be real.”
Miyako beamed, “I guarantee you. Now, back to that hot soccer player dude. I was thinking...Would you be open to a makeover? I can rope Mimi into it. I think that’ll help catch his attention, and maybe she can teach you a thing or two about embracing your sexiness…”
“Is it...is it bad that…I don’t have any experiences?” Hikari asked in response, the sharpness of her question quieting Miyako’s rambling.
Miyako thought about the question for a long while, longer than Hikari had anticipated. Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore. She continued before Miyako could offer her responses.
“My mom...is a little old-fashioned. She always tell me to wait, to save myself for marriage…” Hikari whispered shamefully.
“I think all our parents say that,” Miyako countered with a playful laugh, “My mother did, too. But luckily, I had older siblings, and it was my older sister that told me that’s not how the world works. In fact, maybe that’s not how the world has ever worked, and your parents had to make up and enforce all these rules because they’re your parents and they don’t want you getting hurt and growing up too soon, you know?”
“Have you been intimate with anyone?” Hikari asked quietly, almost too quiet.
Miyako flicked her wrist nonchalantly, “Yeah but…I have a boyfriend, so it’s a little different.”
“Do you think…the others? Like Mimi and Sora?”
“Well, I don’t know for sure but…I think…most certainly, yes. Especially because Mimi and Sora are both with someone at the moment. Also, have you seen Mimi with her boyfriend? They can barely keep their hands off one another.”
“So then, is it bad, Miyako? Is it bad that I’ve never done it?”
“You’re overthinking it, Hikari. It’s not necessarily a good or a bad thing.”
As she spoke, Miyako shifted nervously, moving from one feet to another. Hikari decided to nod in understanding, so they could change the topic and talk about Mimi’s party this weekend. But she didn’t tell Miyako about similar conversations she’s had with her friends, and that it wasn’t the first time she’s asked herself that question and wondered if perhaps she was missing something.
To Hikari, it felt that in this new world of secrets and closed doors, she was once again being left behind.
Three days later, Hikari made a decision.
It would be the most daring thing she had ever done, risking more than she cared to admit. But in the end, she decided this pursuit would be worth it, and she knew in her heart that Takeru would understand.
So that night, she found herself facing Takeru’s apartment door, her mouth painfully dry as her heart hammered hard in her chest.
Before she could knock, the door opened, she almost yelled out in shock as Natsuko appeared on the other side.
“Oh, Hikari, sorry, did I startle you?”
Hikari shook her head instinctively, her head swirling with the shame of what she was about to ask her son to do for her. Natsuko, unaware of the turmoil within Hikari, threw her head back over her shoulder and called out in a cheery voice.
“Takeru, Hikari’s here.”
Hikari froze at his familiar voice, her cheeks reddening as Natsuko sidestepped to leave the apartment.
“Have fun tonight,” she called out before disappearing around the corner.
Hikari almost laughed at the statement, but then Takeru appeared. his smiling face like sunshine peeking through dark clouds. And just like potent medicine, Hikari’s entire body lightened, her muscles loosening as she watched him walk down the corridor towards her.
“Hey,” he greeted her, “Hope you’re hungry, I ordered us some pizza.”
Hikari smiled in response, she stepped into the foyer and closed the door behind her, watching as Takeru disappeared into the kitchen.
This was Takeru, she reminded herself. If Takeru was her first embrace, the first pair of hands she held, her first kiss, then it would be fitting if he could be this first, too.
And besides, he didn’t count. Miyako had affirmed that whatever happened between the two of them won’t ever be real. This is practice, just to understand how it feels, so she can finally say she did it.
She entered the kitchen and was greeted by the enticing aroma of the promised pizza. Takeru had his back turned to her, busy putting ice cubes into two empty glasses.
“I know, I know,” Takeru chirped, “You like extra ice,” he turned around and flashed a smile at her. For the first time since they’ve known each other, the gesture turned her legs to jelly, her stomach churned painfully as she thought again about what she was planning to ask of Takeru.
If this ends badly, she could lose Takeru. She understood this. But still, the memory of their firsts flooded back to her, the most memorable being that time at the pier. They only had enough money for one ice cream cone, and Takeru being Takeru, insisted Hikari had it for herself, but she being who she was, insisted they shared, until they found themselves giggling and passing a chocolate popsicle between the two of them under the setting sun.
Hey Takeru, have you ever kissed anyone?
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to kiss another person?
Could we try it?
Until this day, the taste of chocolate ice cream brought her back to that moment by the pier, where the world evaporated into a haze of bliss, where sweetness invaded her every sense, and it wasn’t just from the chocolate ice cream.
“Hey, are you okay?”
Hikari’s head snapped up, the memory dispersing slowly until she cued into Takeru’s blue eyes before her.
She cleared her throat. Takeru will understand. He always understands.
“Actually, uhh…” her voice trailed off as she eyed the pizza box. Not on a full stomach, Miyako had joked to her last night. Still, she took the advice seriously.
“Are you upset I ordered mushroom topping?” Takeru asked while scratching his head, “I thought maybe we could try something different. There’s a first time for everything, and who knows, maybe we’ll like it.”
Hikari almost choked. But she shook her head and tried again, “Uhh…actually, I’m…not hungry. So maybe we can leave the food until later”
Takeru pursed his lips, but ultimately nodded with an easy smile “Yeah, of course. So, what do you want to do then?”
The anxiety returned. Her heart fluttered while her head spun, she became all too conscious of the way her fingers picked at the hems of her blouse incessantly. And of course, if she noticed, then Takeru definitely noticed as well.
He stepped forward and placed his hand on her forearm. Normally, it would be comforting to Hikari, but today of all day, she picked a sleeveless top to wear to combat the heat, and now, the feel of Takeru’s hand on her bare skin felt too overwhelming.
“How about we sit down?”
Speechless, Hikari nodded. They walked outside the kitchen, Takeru holding onto her hand as they made their way to the sofa in the sitting room.
“So, what’s going on?” Takeru asked once they sat down.
Hikari lifted her head and fixed them upon Takeru’s blue eyes, studying the way it furrowed with concern. How many times has she seen this look? How many times has she heard him speak to her with that voice laced with worry.
They’ve known each other far too long. They’ve known each other far too well. It was then that she knew in her heart, Takeru will understand.
She cleared her throat, “Umm…I…I was just wondering…”
Takeru inched closer, eyes narrowed in concentration as he attempted to pick out her words. She realized then that his hand was still on hers, and they were holding hands as she struggled to form her question. In spite of all the fear and anxiety, the gesture brought to her a brief moment of serenity.
Can we try holding hands? I want to know what it feels like.
…and it felt like they have never let go since.
“Takeru, have you…ever been intimate with anyone?”
If silence had an edge, then Hikari definitely felt it at that moment, cutting into the tense air like a thousand knives. She watched slowly as the colours drained from his already pale face, his pupils shrinking by the chokehold of fear. Hikari remained still as the space between them, waiting patiently before Takeru spoke again.
She wanted badly to laugh at his demeanour, but swallowed it whole and repeated the question.
“Have you ever been intimate with anyone?”
“What do you mean? Like intimate as in…”
He flinched. Even Hikari was shocked by how brazen she was in saying the word. He brought his hand up and rubbed thoughtlessly at the back of his neck.
“Why are you asking me this?” he questioned after a while.
“I just want to know,” Hikari responded.
He bit his lips, then veered away from Hikari. The silence continued to permeate every particle in the room. But still, Hikari sat stone faced, waiting patiently for a response.
“Uhh…this is awkward,” he breathed out at last, the volume barely a decibel above inaudible.
In response, Hikari scooted closer, squeezing Takeru’s hand in-between hers.
“You can be honest with me, Takeru. There’s no judgment between us. I promise.”
Takeru turned back to Hikari, his eyes tearing up as he scrutinized her.
“What do you want me to say, Hikari? Do you want me to say yes or no?”
“I…” Hikari began, then stopped abruptly. She had thought about the possibilities of his responses, and couldn’t land on any concrete theory. She knew he never had a girlfriend, but there were plenty of girls in school throwing themselves at him to no avail, and it wasn’t a secret that Takeru could flirt. Hard. So it wouldn’t surprise Hikari either way, yes or no.
“Well?” Takeru’s pressed. She looked up and saw his lips twisted in a smug smirk. Most people hated it, she found it endearing somehow.
Hikari retaliated by offering her own sly grin, pinching his arm in jest.
“Let me guess,” she began, “You’re one of those boys Taichi warned me about.”
“What boys?”
“The boys that sleep around and around and around,” she raised an index finger and spun it in circles. Takeru shook his head and lowered her arms.
“Who do you think I am? Jun?”
Hikari blushed at the name, a part of her sank in despair as she considered the insinuation.
“Yeah, the soccer captain, he’s known to break a few hearts, or many.”
No. She clung onto the disbelief, then forced herself back to her quest at hand.
“You still haven’t answered my question,” she pointed out.
Takeru sighed, he sat back against the sofa and held their hands up, studying the way their fingers fit perfectly together.
“No judgment?” he whispered.
“No judgment,” Hikari repeated.
“No, I’ve never been intimate with anyone.”
Her body lightened, breathing became easier as she processed Takeru’s response, realizing that Takeru was like her, that once again, they could be each other’s firsts.
There was something so perfect about that.
“I haven’t either,” she blurted out.
Takeru’s blue eyes snapped back at her, there was a hint of understanding to it now. Perhaps he was remembering all those times they sat together alone, when Hikari would grill him on other corners of his experiences, and ask if perhaps they could try things together, to see how it would feel, just to say they’ve done it.
“Do you…do you ever wonder what it would feel like?” Hikari asked in a shaky voice.
Takeru’s eyes widened. He fixed his posture and cleared his throat, then nodded.
“I mean, yeah, of course. You probably have no idea, Hikari, but boys talk about it a lot, like A LOT, all the jokes, all the questions, it’s kind of hard not to think about it”
Her curiosity flared. She thought back to all the times she would see Takeru in the crowded hallways of their schools, sometimes walking with his school bag in hand, other times leaning back against his locker, but always with one, two, or a gaggle of gawking girls around him. Somehow, it didn’t make sense.
“Have you never really been intimate with anyone?” Hikari pressed.
Takeru blushed, his pale cheeks colouring a deep red as he turned away, “Now you sound like Yamato,” he pouted.
Hikari winced, perhaps she hit a nerve. If she felt wholly insecure by her lack of experience, then Takeru must have felt it, too.
“Sorry, I was just curious. You just seemed so…popular around school.”
Takeru chuckled, “Let’s just say…I wouldn’t want to be one of those boys Taichi warned you about”
It was silent again after that, a pregnant silence, full of expectation and knowing. She could sense that Takeru knew what she would ask next, and it made it easier for her to finally say it.
“Could we try it?”
She held her breath, waiting and watching Takeru, but he remained frustratingly stoic, stewing in secretive silence.
“I’m sorry, I know it’s a lot to ask,” Hikari stammered, then removed her hand from Takeru’s. “I don’t know what got into me, can we pretend this conversation never happened? Please?”
She was anxious again, but for a different reason altogether. For the first time since she concocted the idea, she was genuinely afraid that this could destroy them, and she would lose Takeru forever.
Takeru gulped, with his freed hand, he resumed rubbing the back of his neck thoughtlessly. Then finally, after what felt like forever, he reached for Hikari’s hand again and nodded.
“Okay,” he whispered.
“Yes, okay. Let’s try it. Together.”
Hikari beamed. The disbelief at her own audacity knocked out all the fear from her. But it wasn’t until they moved to his room, when she sat on the edge of the all too familiar bed when the panic returned.
What was she doing?
This is crazy.
Is she really going through with this?
Is this really happening?
Her breathing quickened, until she was taking in shallow gasps while sweat condensed all over her body. Takeru swooped down, landing beside her on his own bed. Within her line of sight, she could see stacks of notebooks laid on top of one another, the spine crinkled with frequent use. She counted the books in her head, mentally tracing the stroke of each title to dissociate herself from her fear.
“Hey…look at me,” Takeru whispered.
Hikari obliged, staring deep into Takeru’s eyes until she could see her own reflection imprinted in those orbs.
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” he assured her.
To her own surprise, she shook her head. Her hands moved on their own to grasp onto Takeru’s.
“No, I want to do this.”
“Are you sure?”
She nodded, “I want to know…what it would feel like.”
“Is that it? You just want to know what it would feel like?”
“Umm…” she looked away. Because really, there was another reason, a part of her that wanted to get this first over with.
“Because I think it would be different with different people, it won’t feel the same every time”
Her throat dried up, thinking of what it would feel like with Jun, wondering if she could ever have a chance to try it with Jun. But she was sure of one thing, if she did find herself with Jun, she would want him to know that she knew what she was doing.
She grabbed Takeru’s waist with conviction, turning his body until they faced one another.
This doesn’t count, she chanted in her hand, Takeru doesn’t count. This was practice, a scratchpad, the first pancake in the batch.
“I’m ready,” Hikari declared.
Takeru balked, he looked away from her. But she kept her gaze, watching as his Adam’s apple bobbed with discomfort.
“Hikari…are you…are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure. That’s why I’m here. That’s why I came tonight”
“O…okay,” Takeru breathed out, then he leaned forward, and much to her dismay, she found herself on the receiving end of the second kiss they shared.
This time, it tasted like peppermint and faded cologne. His lips were dried too, his breathing heavy, and beneath the anxiety and uncertainty, Hikari sensed a little something else too. Desperation. Relief.
Maybe he was desperate to get this over with as much as she was. Maybe he was relieved that he could finally say he did it, and not have to feel pathetic around his friends.
But she couldn’t dwell on the curiosity for long, because things moved quickly after that. Hikari remembered undressing, that part she was never nervous about, because if it was anyone beside her family seeing her bare and naked for the first time, she was glad it was Takeru. Takeru was home and comfort and familiarity. In a way, she had already exposed herself in ways far more vulnerable than this to Takeru, so being physically bare felt comparatively easy.
But after that, no matter how much she grasped onto the present, how much she worked to commit the moment to memory, everything smudged together into an incoherent blur. She could recall certain details afterward, like the unsteady rhythm at the start, almost erratic as Takeru laboured to figure it out. She remembered him apologizing a lot, they came as quiet whispers in her ears. She never realized he could sound this abashed, this nervous as he struggled on top of her. But then something clicked, and the rhythm came as if it was second-nature to both of them, and afterward, instead of hushed apologies and jittery groans, she heard a different question repeating at regular intervals.
Does it hurt, Hikari? Am I hurting you?
I don’t want to hurt you.
Yes, it hurt a little at the beginning, but the pain was miniscule compared to all the sensation she was feeling now. For the first time in her life, she understood pleasure and ecstasy. She heard novel sounds bubbling forth from her parched throats, her toes curled inward as her hips buckled around Takeru.
But what surprised her was how it felt, nestling herself within Takeru’s body and running her fingers through his hair, inhaling his scent, feeling the sturdiness of his body, the smoothness of his skin, and tasting him again and again as his lips plowed into her.
It felt comfortable. It felt complete. It felt sweet. It felt…real.
Impossible, she told herself. This shouldn’t count. Things that happened between them weren't real, shouldn’t be real. This was practice for when she found herself with someone she was truly interested in.
But yet, the question haunted her. Why then did this feel so real?
They laid in the dark afterward, catching their breath together. She curled her body towards him, and Takeru knew to pull her close, wrapping her up in his hold. It felt so natural, like they were on the same wavelength, moving to the same rhythm.
“So…how was it for you?” Takeru asked timidly once he caught his breath.
Hikari thought about it for a moment before answering, “I’m not sure, because I don’t really have anything to compare it to.”
Takeru chuckled, “Are you saying you want to do it again?”
Hikari laughed with him, but remained quiet. Yes, she was sure she’ll do it again, but most likely with someone else. After all, this was practice. This wasn’t real. They weren’t real.
“I didn’t…I didn’t hurt you did I?” he asked again.
Hikari smiled against his skin, the kindness of his tone enough to melt her heart.
“No, don’t worry, Takeru. That wasn’t an issue at all.”
“Oh…okay good. Because I thought I heard you strain a few times, I was worried…”
Hikari giggled, “Well, you don’t have to. I promise you”
He sighed in relief, before relaxing against his bed. They laid in silence for a while, until Hikari thought she should excuse herself and leave. But there was something so intoxicating about being in this moment, wrapped up in Takeru’s essence, so she stayed, basking in a different type of intimacy, her first experience of this kind.
Another first, just between her and Takeru.
“Remember that time when we were young, I think we must have been 9 or 10, I can’t even remember. But it was the first time we came back to the Digital World after we left, remember?”
“We hadn’t seen each other in so long. I remembered…all the older kids got together and was talking amongst themselves, and I was so glad you were there, because then we wouldn’t be left out again by my brother and his friends”
Hikari smiled, remembering the two of them underneath the tree, while Taichi and the others were occupied by some other businesses with Gennai.
“You made fun of my new hat”
“That’s because it was ugly”
“It was not ugly,” Takeru countered.
“Yes, it was”
The sounds of their laughter bounced through the room, then, Takeru spoke again.
“I remember you telling me about the movie you watched the night before. You saw a couple holding hands, like this,” he linked his fingers through hers and raised it until they could both see it, “And then you asked…if I have ever held hands with anyone before.”
Hikari emitted a soft smile. Until this day, she could still recall Takeru’s confused expression in response to her question.
“I said no, you asked if I ever wondered what it would feel like, then you asked if we could try it, and I said yes. Then we held hands, and…it felt so…comfortable and just so…right. I couldn’t explain it, but I just knew that we fit together so well. Do you remember what I asked next?”
Hikari nodded, the sound of Takeru’s boyish voice filtered into her memory. It sounded much higher, squeakier than the one his voice has deepened to today.
Does this mean we’re boyfriend and girlfriend now?
“You were so dumb,” Hikari commented with a chuckle.
“Yeah…yeah I was,” Takeru mumbled half-heartedly, then cleared his throat. Hikari felt his body stiffened against hers, ushering in an uneasiness within herself
“Hikari…can I…can I ask you something?”
She bit her lips, no please don’t go there, Takeru, please
“Sure, what’s up?”
“What are we?”
“No, that’s not what I meant, Hikari. I meant…you and I…what are we?”
Hikari squeezed her eyes shut, the alarm bells ringing in her head. This can’t be real. This conversation cannot be real.
“What do you think we are?” she ventured.
“Well, that’s the thing, I don’t know. I only know that there’s no one else in this entire universe that’s more important to me than you, Hikari, and you understand me better than anyone else I have ever met. We hang out, we talk, we laugh together, we cry together, we share so much together. We were each other’s first kiss, first everything…”
Hikari shot up suddenly, untangling herself from Takeru as she grabbed for her clothes.
“Hikari?” he called out timidly. He switched the lamp on, and watched nervously as she began pulling on her clothes.
“We’re friends, Takeru,” she asserted as she hooked her bra on. She kept her head down, working furiously to dress herself.
“Friends?” he repeated.
“Yes, friends,” with her blouse in place, she turned to face Takeru, scooting close and putting her hand on top of his, “Takeru, please, I think you and I both know this wasn’t real. This didn’t count. We were just trying it out, practicing for when we do have a chance to follow through with someone we actually like.”
For a moment, Hikari caught the crack in Takeru’s demeanour, the shadow that flashed as quick as lightning. But much to her relief, Takeru donned on his smile and nodded.
“Yeah, yeah, you’re right. We were just experimenting”
“Yes, and there’s no one else I would have asked to do this with, because there’s no one else I feel more comfortable with. I’m so thankful to have you as a friend, Takeru, I hope you feel the same.”
Takeru nodded, while Hikari forced herself to ignore the way his eyes glistened, or the way his shoulders slouched down in defeat.
“I do,” Takeru assured her, “Sorry, I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page. But I think…maybe I was being dumb again.”
“No, you weren’t. I’m glad you asked, I’m glad…we are on the same page.”
He flashed a small smile, but Hikari could see the tension in it, the emptiness. Takeru smiled with his entire face, his eyes practically lit up with the glow of his smiles. But now, they were faded and dim. Still, she chose to ignore this detail, because there was no way this moment could really be real.
“Walk me out?” Hikari offered, to which Takeru agreed.
Hikari excused herself immediately, citing his mother’s imminent return as the reason. But she couldn’t escape without half the box of pizza in her hand, because as Takeru put it, he wouldn’t know how to explain why they didn’t touch the pizza the entire night.
As she walked down the stairs and out into the night sky, she couldn’t help but embody a new type of swagger, acknowledging the invisible frontier she crossed into a new chapter of her life. She was so much more aware of her body, the physical aspect of her existence. At the very least, she’s done it once, and at least she’ll know what to expect when it happens again.
At the door of Takeru’s building, she turned and looked up towards his balcony. The curtain was drawn open behind shuttered windows. She caught a brief glimpse of Takeru’s blond hair streaking away from the screen, then she was left staring at the darkness of his room.
Her heart quickened, and she laid her hand on her chest.
“Be still, my heart,” she whispered, “Not for Takeru, please, not for Takeru.”
But her heart rebelled.
She continued home, forcing her thoughts on Jun on the soccer pitch, imagining what it would feel like to be with him for the first time. But when the dust settled in the thick of night, as Hikari laid in her bed stewing in dreams and fantasies, the person she imagined in her arms was Takeru. Takeru and his bright smile, Takeru and his hair full of sunshine, Takeru and his warmth.
Takeru, Takeru, Takeru.
“It wasn’t real. It wasn’t real. It wasn’t real,” she chanted to herself in the dark.
But still, the question lingered, the smell and taste of Takeru still all over her, his essence drenching her every pores.
Why then did it feel so real?
The summer of Takeru’s 18th year brought with it an abundance of firsts.
First funeral, first job, first meal he cooked on his own, first time learning French, first solo trip overseas.
First time.
First time being together with the girl he dreamt about.
First time realizing his deepest fantasies, the one he was too embarrassed and scared to admit to anyone, even himself.
First time accepting he was truly, madly, deeply in love with his best friend.
First time understanding it was real.
First time having the courage to ask the question he mulled over for years.
First heartbreak.
And as he now watched her walk away from his building, her scent and taste still all around him, her rejection still piercing the delicate fibers of his heart, he wondered if perhaps, this should have been the first time he stood his ground and finally asked her…
Can we try it, Hikari? Because I want to know what it feels like, I want to know what it’s like living in the hopes that I could be your first…and last.
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ko-riacchi · 4 years ago
Live Stream
Pairing: Shigaraki x F!Reader Genre: Smut, Angst Length: 4,3k
Thank you to @cultbabyyy who read through it as soon as I was done  And thank you to @kazooli whose fics made me realize that I can write whatever the fuck I want
(Inspired by Yagami Yato’s Shigaraki Pt.3 audio)
Tomura was a man-child. Which meant that when he had a new toy, he couldn’t help himself but to rub it in other people’s faces that he had something that they – in fact – no longer had.
 The room was dimly lit, most of the light coming from the computer screen and the various sources of blue light stemming from the computer tower, mouse and keyboard.
Tomura sat in his computer chair, arms possessively wrapped around your form and you wriggled and squirmed in his grip, trying to get loose.
“Now, now,” Tomura rasped into your ear. “Don’t struggle too much. You wouldn’t want any accidents to happen, now would you?”
Your face scrunched up and you bit your lip, knowing exactly what Tomura could do to you – even accidentally – and you stilled in his grasp.
 His right hand left your figure now that you were placated and grabbed the computer mouse, the sound of it clicking reverberating through the otherwise quiet room.
You weren’t particularly interested in whatever he was doing on his computer, so you let your eyes wander through the room. You needed to find a way to get out of this situation, this room and especially this dangerous hold that he had over you.
You knew that the first two were comparatively easy to achieve, once you had successfully managed to pull off the latter one. After all, you hadn’t managed to become a pro hero without learning a skill or two.
But your offensive quirk just wasn’t suited to squirm free of his grasp without potentially getting disintegrated should all of his five fingers touch your body. Usually, you were quite content with your abilities but right now you couldn’t help but curse yourself for not being born with a quirk more similar to the one of your old teacher, Eraserhead.
Your gaze continued to examine the room, trying to find anything at all that could help you in your predicament. But mostly, the shelves were littered with games upon games, accompanied by the corresponding console. Behind you, a bed stood in the corner of the room, the sheets thrown on it carelessly. While those may not be able to aid you in your initial quest to rid yourself of his dangerous hands, you would be able to use them to cut off his vision once you had gotten free – even if it was just for a second.
 Your thought process was interrupted by Tomura, whose hand slid back to your body, grasping your hip in his hand while making sure that his pinky was lifted as to not accidentally kill you.
“Now we just have to wait for a few more minutes and the show can get started,” he said, his hands leisurely beginning to stroke your sides.
“Show?” you echoed confused and for the first time, your focus landed on the computer screen in front of you where a website you didn’t recognize was opened.
What you did recognize however, was the screen in the middle which reflected your own surprised face and the grinning one of Tomura behind you. Your eyes flitted to the top of the monitor to find a small camera on top, the little red light on the bottom center telling you that it was currently recording.
Back on the monitor screen, your eyes zoomed in on a small number in the corner and quickly you concluded that it showed the current viewer number of what obviously was a live stream.
“Wh-what are you planning, Shigaraki?” you asked him and turned your head and upper body so you could look in his eyes.
His gaze locked on to yours and a grin stretched across his face, cracked lips quickly moistened by his tongue so they wouldn’t crack further.
“Why, I thought since I’ve got you here, it would be a… shame not to share all the fun we’re about to have with the world,” he explained. “I even sent some links out to your dear colleagues, wouldn’t want them to miss out on it, now would we?”
Your eyes darted back to the monitor for a second, the viewer counter steadily rising, before you locked your eyes with Tomura again.
“It doesn’t matter in what way you’ll try to hurt me. I’m a hero, for God’s sake, don’t think I’m not used to pain. All you’re going to achieve by streaming this, is that my colleagues will trace the IP and find this place even faster.” You sent him a defiant look.
 Tomura erupted into cackling laughter, sounding like the crazy madman he was. “Hurt you? Oh no no no no, I think you’re misunderstanding. I’m not going to hurt you.” His right hand moved upwards to grip the top of your hero uniform; his pinky raised by acquired habit.
“Rather, I thought…” he continued, his grip hardening around the sturdy material before he purposefully burrowed his hand in it. “We could have some fun in a different way.”
Your horrified gaze went towards your chest, where the material of your suit began to crumble away in ashes, opening the view to your undergarments.
“Fuck you!” you screamed and started to struggle in his grasp. His left hand gripped your side harder, pinky raised, while his right hand came up to grip your chin.
“N’ah, ah, ah,” he chided you and his grip on your chin became painful. “Don’t forget that I hold your life in my hands.”
Before you had the chance to reply to him, his lips descended upon yours. His kiss was harsh and bruising, the feeling of his chapped lips uncomfortable on yours. You tried to break free of his hold, but it was futile. His tongue slipped out of his mouth and licked your lips, hoping to gain entry. You pressed them together more fiercely, your jaw gnashing with the force you brought up to keep your mouth closed.
Tomura clicked his tongue in disapproval. He took his mouth off you for a second to take a look at your tense face.
“Now, now, doll, while it would be a shame if this level was too easy to clear, I think you still don’t understand exactly in what situation you are currently in.”
As if to prove his point, his hand lifted from your jaw and gripped the fabric of your sports bra with all of his fingers. Instantly, the material began to crumble away under his grip until all that remained was a small heap of ashes on your legs.
Now, with nothing to cover your shame, your face burned with embarrassment and your arms shot up to cover your breasts.
“Oh, don’t get shy on me,” Tomura grinned and grabbed your arms to pull them away from your chest. “I’m sure your viewers would love to get a good look at you.”
 You tried to fight his grip, but his raw strength was far superior to yours, so you had no chance but to uncover your breasts for everyone to see. Your eyes felt hot and began to sting but you refused to let any tears fall. A hero didn’t cry, no matter how dire the situation got. On the screen, you saw an influx of messages on the chat, not even bothering to try and read the contents; you were sure that it wasn’t something you would actually want to read.
Before Tomura could continue to embarrass you further, a “ding” sounded from the computer speaker into the silence of the room. This led Tomura to giggle in excitement.
“Seems like the first one of our special guests has just entered the stream,” he said from behind you. Your head whipped around to face him. “What is that supposed to mean?” you asked him, your voice barely louder than a whisper.
“Oh, don’t worry, my doll. That ‘ding’ you just heard? Means that one of my invitation links just got opened and one of your colleagues just decided to finally join us. Why don’t you be nice and greet him?”
Tomura took your right hand he was still holding and began to wave it for the camera. Your eyes closed in frustration, knowing there was nothing you could do about it. When he was finally done waving for you, his hand let go of your wrist and immediately you covered your chest the best you could.
His now free hand gripped your hair and pulled your head back. His head burrowed itself in the crook of your neck, nibbling and biting at your skin. His lips moved up towards your ear and he whispered “Now, let’s make sure that we put on a good show for our viewers.” before taking your earlobe into his mouth and biting on it.
“Once I’m out of here, I’ll fucking kill you,” you answered him through gritted teeth, trying to ignore the unpleasant wet feeling of his mouth on you. You felt him smile against your skin, but he didn’t say anything to you in return. Instead, his hand left your hair and glided down your face and neck, making its way down to your breasts.
Your hand gripped his wrist, trying to keep him from touching you in this intimate place but you already knew that you wouldn’t be able to stop him. Moments later, Tomura’s hand had reached its goal and he began to fondle your breast roughly, pulling and twisting your nipple.
Your face scrunched up in pain and once more, you tried to pull his hand away from your body – to no avail. He continued tugging and twisting and shamefully you noticed that your nipple was getting hard. You knew that it was merely a bodily response to being stimulated but it was still hard to stomach that your body was reacting to it when you sure as hell weren’t enjoying his ministrations in the slightest.
And it seemed like you weren’t the only one who had noticed. Tomura had as well and you felt his grin against your neck. “Oh, seems like somebody’s enjoying it?” he gloated and tugged on your nipple harder.
“As if!” you exclaimed, hoping that nobody else would believe his incredulous words. Everything about his touches was uncomfortable: His grip was rough and his hand felt scratchy on your delicate skin.
Once more, you started to wriggle in his grasp, knowing that nothing would come out of it. With just the threat of his hands, he had you defeated before you had even started fighting. And although what was about to happen horrified and scared you, death scared you even more.
Now his left hand let go of yours and instantly, you started curling in on yourself, trying to prevent him from touching you further or the viewers on the stream from seeing you. He allowed you to remain in this position for a few moments while his gaze was fixed on the screen, reading the influx of comments.
“It seems like the majority of our viewers want us to move on to the next level already,” Tomura said and his left hand snaked under your armpit and up to your throat, tilting your body back against his.
“What do you say we give the people what they want?” Another tug on your nipple, and his hand left your breast before it continued downwards to your panties. Your hands clawed at his arm, trying to free yourself from his grip and save the last bit of dignity you still had left. Tomura wasn’t fazed by that however and his hand steadily continued until it had clawed into the material of your underwear and it decayed into nothingness along with your last shred of hope to somehow free yourself of this situation.
The little pile of dust that had settled on your crotch was blown away by Tomura and his mouth stretched into a wide grin, his dry lips close to cracking open. The hand that had disintegrated your panties now took your right thigh and pulled it to the side, effectively spreading your legs and displaying your pussy for everyone on the stream to see.
You had closed your eyes, not wanting to see yourself and your shameful display mirrored on the screen. Your hands, that had been on his arm up until now, trying to free yourself of his grasp, fell limply to your sides as all fight left your body. You knew that there was no way you would be able to get yourself out of this situation before Tomura had had the chance to defile you. Your only option at this point was to wait for your colleagues to arrive and save you – and hoping that you wouldn’t get killed before they would do so.
Once Tomura felt your body slacken, he began to laugh. “What? Not gonna fight me anymore?” he asked, his voice full of malicious joy. “And here I was beginning to enjoy your feisty attitude.”
Your change in behavior didn’t however stop him from continuing on with his little show and his right hand moved from your thigh to your pussy lips, spreading them open with the pointer and middle finger of his hand to give his audience a good show.
“That’s some grade A hero pussy,” he grinned into the camera as rubbed his finger around your hole a few times. “I wonder how many dicks it has taken so far…”
He turned his face from the camera to you as if he was waiting for an answer. You weren’t willing to give him that information though and kept your mouth shut, even as he lifted his other hand from your neck to your cheeks to squeeze them and get you to talk.
After a moment however, it seemed as if he had lost patience waiting for your answer, as he retracted his hand and put it back into place on your neck.
“It doesn’t matter. Once I’ve fucked you, I’ll have you ruined for other dicks for all eternity,” he cackled, his pointer finger pushing into your dry cunt immediately after he had finished his sentence.
You hissed out in pain. The skin on his finger was rough and you – surprise, surprise – were not turned on at all, so it hurt when he shoved it inside without any preparation at all.
When Tomura heard your hiss, he cackled again, moving his finger around inside you.
“If you’re already struggling to take my finger, you will break apart once I shove my cock inside you.”
Slowly, he began to move his finger, and with horror you felt yourself getting wetter and wetter the more he prodded your walls. Soon, he was able to fit a second finger inside your heat, angling them upwards and against where he had read the g-spot was.
When you took a sharp breath, he knew that he had been successful and he continued to push against the little rough patch of skin, knowing it would be so much more bitter for you if your body enjoyed the ordeal.
After a few moments of pumping his fingers inside you, he stopped and leaned forward a bit, reading through the comments in the chat.
He laughed. “Yeah, that little hero pussy is getting nice and wet,” he replied to one commenter. “It’s sucking my fingers right in.”
As if to demonstrate, he pulled his fingers out a bit and moved them around, until a squelching sound could be heard, and then pushed them all the way inside again, which elicited a muffled moan you hadn’t been able to stop in time.
“She’s definitely enjoying herself,” he answered another comment, looking at you with a sleazy grin. “Isn’t that right, hero slut?”
You grit your teeth and held back the curses and slurs you wanted to reply with, knowing that it would amuse your tormenter.
Once Tomura felt like he had replied to enough comments, he turned his attention back to you, thrusting his fingers inside you harshly one last time before he took them out, lifting them to the camera first to show the glistening juices before he put them inside his mouth and licked them with an exaggerated hum.
“I hope you’re ready for the final boss,” he whispered into your ear, although he made sure that it was loud enough for his audience to hear.
You shook your head, one last time trying to squirm out of his grasp. All that achieved however was that your ass rubbed against Tomura’s bulge and he let out a soft hiss.
“No need to be impatient, little hero slut,” he said with a grin as the hand that held your neck lifted you higher so the other hand could loosen and push down his pants.
Even if you hadn’t wanted to, as soon as Tomura’s erection bobbed free and sprang up between your legs, your eyes wandered to it, widening when you saw his size.
Tomura had to have seen your expression mirrored in the stream because he let out a manic laugh, his entire body (and dick) shaking with the emotion.
“Oh, don’t worry, it won’t hurt… much,” he cackled as he rubbed his dick along your slit, coating it in your juices. You body twitched when the tip of his dick rubbed over your clit and a shameful whimper escaped your throat, although you willed yourself immediately to shut up.
Not wanting to see your own violation, you closed your eyes as Tomura positioned himself at your entrance and began to slowly push inside.
You couldn’t hold back the hiss that escaped your throat at the intrusion, nor the squirming as you tried to get away from it.
Tomura only tightened his grip on your neck you, pushing your body down on him as his dick breached further and further into your wet heat.
Tears threatened to escape your eyes once Tomura was fully seated in you and only through sheer willpower, you managed to hold them back, unwilling to give up this last bit of pride you had.
“Fuck, you’re tight,” Tomura groaned, stilling for a second to get used to the feeling of your cunt. “Don’t tell me you were a virgin?”
You bit your lip, refusing to answer the villain. No matter what you would say, he would only find it amusing and possibly use it to torment you further, either calling you a stuck-up hero bitch, thinking you’re too good for anyone, or a hero slut, willing to let anyone willing fuck you.
When Tomura realized he wasn’t getting an answer from you, he chuckled before he adjusted his four-finger grip on your neck, pulled almost all the way out of your cunt and slammed you down again until he was inside you to the base.
A pained cry flew from your lips but you had no time to even try and hold back your voice anymore, because Tomura immediately continued to jackhammer into you, moaning and panting into your ear as he showed the world how your cunt ate up his dick.
Your hands flew up to grab at his arm, futilely trying to steady yourself at least a bit, as he pushed and pushed and pushed into you. Squelching noises you were sure the microphone was picking up as well, came from your cunt as it greedily sucked Tomura’s dick back in every time he pulled back.
“Fuck, this is some grade A pussy,” Tomura groaned, his hips only slowing down a bit as his muscles began to hurt from the position. He caught his breath while he lazily thrusted into you, his moist breath uncomfortable on your ear.
Suddenly, Tomura moved and stood up from his chair, pushing you up as well with his hips. The hand that was around your throat slipped from under your arm and instead pushed down onto your back, laying you flat on his computer desk while his dick never left your tight cunt.
As soon as he had finished adjusting to the new position, he began railing you again, his hips slamming against your ass as his dick burrowed inside you further and further.
You let out a pained scream as his thrusts reached even deeper now, clenching your eyes shut as you tried to shut out the pain. At least in this position, the camera wasn’t able to get a shot of your face, you thought in relief, as it was too high to capture your body laid out on the desk.
Tomura must’ve noticed that fact as well because the next moment, the hand that pushed your back down moved up and grabbed your hair, pulling you up so your face was angled towards the camera. Your eyes flew open, a choked cry leaving you as you felt the burn on your scalp of your hair being pulled.
Right in front of you, you could see the red blinking light of the recoding camera and even though you wanted to close your eyes again, you found that the position made it impossible for you to do so.
So you had no choice but to stare into the camera as Tomura fucked you from behind while grunting and panting, your eyebrows furrowing as your eyes filled with tears.
After a minute of thrusting and you getting slammed against the desk again and again, Tomura leaned forward to read some more comments, his face erupting into a cackle when he read one of them.
“They’re saying I’m not taking care of you,” he told you, pulling at your hair some more so your head leant on his shoulder. “Saying you look like you’re not enjoying yourself.” He let go of your hair which caused you to fall forward onto the desk, almost slamming your head on the wood. “Let’s change that, shall we?”
With those words, his right hand began snaking around your waist, moving down so he could rub at your clit. His other hand pulled your back against his chest, giving the camera a better view and himself some more room to move his hand around your little nub.
At first, it was easy to ignore the touches on your clit, instead focusing on your uncomfortable position but then, he moved his fingers in a way that teased your clit just right and your mouth flew open as a loud moan left your lips.
“Ahh, so that’s what gets you going,” he laughed, immediately repeating the motion and trying to get you to make some more noises. You tried to hold back the sounds, tried to force yourself to close your mouth so no more moans and whimpers could escape you, but Tomura simply moved his hand on your chest upwards, pushing two of his fingers inside you mouth so it would stay open.
His thrusts had increased in speed again, his dick rubbing against your g-spot as his hands teased your clit and you felt yourself getting closer and closer to your peak.
You moved your body and tried to angle your hips in a way that would made Tomura’s actions at least a bit more bearable but he noticed right away and made sure that you could not escape the orgasm that was building inside of you.
“Fuck, you’re getting even tighter,” he rasped, out of breath due to his insane pace. “Are you gonna cum around my dick?” He laughed at your pained expression, letting out a grunt as your walls began twitching around him.
“Yeah, just like that. Cream around that villain dick like the hero slut you are,” he groaned, feeling himself edging closer and closer to orgasm as well.
With one last effort, you tried to move away and stop his hand from pushing you over the edge but it was useless and with a cry, you came on his dick, the tears you had held back the entire time running down your face as your body twitched and convulsed, milking his cock like some desperate bitch in heat.
Tomura let out a choked groan, pumping into you a few more time as he announced that he was going to fill your slutty pussy with his cum, before you could feel his dick twitching inside you. You wanted to shout, wanted to beg him to at least not cum inside but his hand was still in your mouth and so you simply cried in silence as his warmth spread through you and began dripping out of your pussy.
Tomura let out a shuddering breath as he calmed down from his high, falling down in his seat and taking you with him. His dick began to get flaccid and with a plopping sound the pulled it out of your abused cunt, spreading your pussy lips for your audience to show them the copious amounts of cum that now dripped out of your slit and down your ass.
“Next time,” Tomura laughed as he pushed his cum back inside with two of his fingers. “Let’s try out that back entrance of yours.” He teasingly let his finger circle around your cum-covered asshole while you simply lay on his chest, motionless except for your harsh breaths and the sobs leaving your body.
He wiped his gooey fingers on your chest before he leaned forward to grab his computer mouse, waving to the camera one last time and telling his audience he hoped they had enjoyed the show before he cut the stream and the red light of the camera turned off.
When the screen turned black, back at the agency Katsuki slammed a fist on the table. He didn’t want to watch one of his coworkers violated but they needed to make sure you weren’t killed while his colleague on the desk worked on tracing the IP.
Katsuki whipped his head up, shouting over to the other pro-hero. “Did you fucking trace the stream?!”
It was silent for a minute while his colleague typed furiously, trying his hardest to get a location.
Katsuki’s scream of rage could be heard through the entire agency.
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seventeenlovesthree · 3 years ago
“Shall we go together?” (24/24) | A Taishirou Christmas drabble countdown
Just a little Taishirou-centric Christmas fic I’ve been meaning to write all year long, so here we are. The plan was to post 12-24 drabbles to complete telling the story and the Christmas spirit succeeded in the end.
Chapters: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24]
Characters: Taichi Yagami, Koushirou Izumi, Agumon, Tentomon (mentions of other Chosen Children)
Main POV: Taichi Yagami
Genre: Friendship & romance
Rating: K
Wordcount: 1260
December 25th,08:42 AM
 What Koushirou hadn’t taken into consideration was that Taichi had developed quite a habit of not taking the front door. The Izumi family was residing on the ground floor of the building, so before Tentomon could even attempt to warn him, it was already too late.
 Taichi was hastily knocking at his room window, still catching his breath while Agumon was panting heavily next to him, having tried his best to catch up.
 “Hey, Taichi-san… Aren’t you freezing?”, Koushirou asked after opening the window, eying Taichi up and down who undeniably didn’t look fit for the cold temperatures outside.
 “I feel like I just came out of a sauna, so don’t worry”, Taichi replied, little clouds of breath escaping him as he looked at Koushirou with intent eyes. Both Tentomon and Agumon watched them silently through the awkward pause of them just staring at each other – whereas Agumon was shivering in opposition to Taichi’s obvious stubbornness.
 “So I presume this means you don’t want to come in?”
 “I already broke your conditions anyway, so you can give me your explanation right here”, Taichi blurted out, lips forming a tense line that almost resembled a smile while he held up the tickets he had held onto the entire time. Deep down inside, he knew he really should have given him a warning via text, but his heart was still pounding loudly in his ears, craving for things to get settled. “What’s this supposed to mean?!”
 Koushirou’s eyes flickered quickly and he took a deep breath, leaning onto the windowsill to even out the switched height difference between them. It did feel awkward.
 “They’re tickets for a prestigious football match, a friendly between two teams you said you’d like to see”, he eventually started to go into detail, leaving Taichi no choice but to sneer at him just stating the obvious.
 “Yes, I remember that. Or… At least I think I do. But that’s not the point!” He took a step closer towards the windowsill himself now, unwilling to wait even a minute longer, completely blinded in his determination. “Izumi Koushirou, I swear, what in the world has gotten into you that you thought it was okay to spend half a fortune on me?!”
 The more he thought about it, the more he believed that the tickets must have cost more than all presents he had bought for their entire friend group combined. He couldn’t believe him, wanted to shout at him, grab him by the shoulders and shake him…
 The fact that Koushirou gave him a somewhat bashful look, the red on his cheeks a neat contrast against the dark green, comfy sweater he was wearing, wasn’t helping the storm of emotions either.  
 “… Well, to use a very fitting analogy…”, Koushirou began, nervously rubbing his wrist – and Taichi could spot Tentomon patting him from the side in an encouraging manner. “I’d say it were my feelings for you that got into me. My feelings of love, to be exact.”
 Whether it was another thunderstorm, the imaginary sauna heat or a pixilated Christmas tree punching him in the face – Taichi felt himself holding his breath.
 “I wasn’t thinking at all, for once”, Koushirou continued, a soft smile on his lips accompanying the honest expression in his eyes. “So… I assume everything I’ve been doing since yesterday hasn’t made much sense to you either. My initial intentions… If I had ever been aware of them… Weren’t about the tickets themselves, since you obviously could use those however you liked, but since the match will take place next week, I needed to think closely about how I’d intend to phrase my proposal before you decided whom you wanted to go with, so…”
 “Yeah?”, Taichi nearly swallowed his own tongue, voice hoarse, barely able to contain himself as it was Koushirou’s turn to open up his entire heart to him.
 “What I meant to say was: Shall we go together?”
 “Is that an invitation?”, it automatically broke out of Taichi as he felt his whole self overflowing with affection and fondness at the sight of Koushirou –, honest, blunt Koushirou – growing more and more scarlet.
 “Not precisely. It’s… Me formally asking you to go there with me.”
 “As in… A date?”
 “As in a date, yes.”
 Hearing that, nothing would have been capable of holding Taichi back any longer – getting on tiptoes to reach him as good as he could, he finally pulled Koushirou down to himself and into a firm hug. Feeling his warmth seeping right through his clothes, smiling deeply to himself once he felt him return the embrace, slender arms wrapping themselves around him. Careful, delicate, yet welcoming and loving. Thus, acting on intuition alone, Taichi set a small kiss into Koushirou’s neck, feeling his body tensing up for a short moment, before sinking even deeper into their hug.
“Man, you really got me good there, making me wait like this…”, Taichi chuckled as Koushirou’s short hair tickled against his cheek. “Don’t ever scare me like that again, okay? You usually don’t stop talking when you’re on a roll already, so I really thought…”
 “You thought I didn’t get what you meant or that I was opposed to it, right?”, Koushirou quietly mumbled into his shoulder, his own smile audible in his voice. “I’m sorry…”
 Taichi simply shook his head, too stunned with happiness to even bother with it. “We’re a mess, aren’t we? Can’t even function if we’re not together…” Nuzzling a bit more into Koushirou’s neck, he suddenly noticed a certain scent. “Is that…?”
 With that, Koushirou loosened their embrace, right hand absentmindedly starting to rub his left wrist again. A mix of pine and aloe vera still remaining in Taichi’s nose – telling him that Koushirou had been just as impatient as himself and must have opened his present early as well. And if he hadn’t gotten soft for him already, Taichi probably would have melted right on the spot. He made a mental note to never buy a different brand of ointment ever again.
 “It does smell nice, I really like it. And thank you so much for the book too, I didn’t think physical copies of those existed anymore, since I didn’t even find any pirated copies online either, which was truly remarkable.”
 “Heh… I’m full of surprises.”
 “I know”, Koushirou laughed, Tentomon and Agumon joining in approving fashion. “That’s one of the many reasons why-”
 “You love me?”, Taichi finished the sentence eagerly, yet with an openness that had seemed locked within himself for the longest time; a hint of cheekiness and hope, all rewarded and validated by Koushirou responding in a similarly teasing manner.
 “Most likely.”
 “I love you too – I mean, for making plans that work out 99 percent of the time. Good thing the one percent didn’t get in the way…”
 They both giggled at that, a heavy weight lifted in a way Taichi hadn’t considered possible just 24 hours ago – and now he was absolutely certain that Koushirou felt the same.
 “… Do you want to come in now?”
 Koushirou nonchalantly nodded towards the entrance area as Taichi and Agumon slightly quivered, a glimpse of hope resonating within his tone as well.
  “Psssst, Kae-han already asked if Koushirou-han was awaiting a guest earlier, so it’d be rude for you to refuse!”, Tentomon added – and Taichi couldn’t imagine any way he would rather have spent the rest of Christmas.
 “Well, my mom will probably ban me for having skipped Christmas breakfast anyway, so… I’d love to.”
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formenis · 4 years ago
Anon asked “Can you do one shot were before the Kira case L and reader were trying for a baby but after he takes the Kira case they agree to stop and after L meets Light reader finds out she is pregnant. L tries to send her away but she refuses and they end up fighting in front if the Task Force and that's how they find out L and reader are married and that she is pregnant “
pairing: L x fem!reader
warning: mention of food play
requested: yes
A/N: I apologise for the mistakes you will find in my stories but English is not my first language. Sorry ^^”
Y/A = your alias
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Y/N sighed placing the pregnancy test on the sink. It was the second one that week with that same result…Y/N started to believe either she or L were able to have a child.
After a little time off, she washed her face, now her S/C skin was flawless and smooth, and then the teeth. She brushed her H/C hair and took a moment to observe her own reflection: the exhaustion in her E/C eyes was clear (and her job wasn’t helping her) and even her skin lost a bit of colour. In moments like those Y/N wondered what someone as the greatest detective in the world found attractive in her.
Her negative thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.
«Miss Y/N? It's Watari, I brought you breakfast» the kind voice of L's right-hand man showed a hint of concern and this made Y/N smile. Watari was always by her side, God blessed him.
«Thank you Watari» before leaving the bathroom she threw the pregnancy test in the bin and adjusted the PJs. Once outside the bathroom she saw Watari serving the breakfast in the cart: fried eggs, sausages, back bacon, tomatoes, mushrooms, fried bread and a slice of white pudding; it was accompanied by tea and hot, buttered toast. To sum up: a typical British breakfast.
«Watari, you don’t have to spoil me like that…» Y/N told him already drooling.
«Miss Y/N, I believe you need some fresh air and relax. Please, enjoy me this afternoon at the shopping centre, I will need your precious advices» and then the old man placed a hot cup of tea on the cart with the rest of the breakfast.
It was not the first time Watari would make such an offer, he knew very well that being L's wife could be stressful. Yes, you heard right: Y/N L/N was L's wife. Despite the young age, both of them got married few years ago and they couldn’t be happier. Well, actually there was something that would make them happier: a child. Both L and Y/N wanted their own child despite the Wammy's House had many orphans.
«They're not orphans, Y/N. They are all adopted by me» L said few months after the marriage when the topic popped out in a conversation. He considered those children as his own, he loved being surrounded by their presence. Maybe because L was a bit childish himself.
However, despite their strong desire to have a kid on their own, it seemed nature didn’t agree with them.
But back to the present. Y/N was thinking about Watari's offer. If people considered L's life as secretive, his wife's one was twice as secretive but Y/N accepted it when she married him: she knew the risks and the conditions of being the greatest detective in the world's partner. So when Watari asked her to go with him at the shopping centre she seized the opportunity and said yes.
Disguise check. Sunglasses and hat? Check. F/C wig? Check. Y/N was ready to leave L's secret base with Watari.
«Are you ready Miss Y/N?»
«Of course, Watari. Let's go!~»
Unaware of Miss Y/N, Watari hadn’t to buy anything at the shopping centre. It was an excuse to let Y/N leave the base, a chance to get some fresh air. He pretended to buy some stuff for him: a new fedora and raincoat to be precise. He would need them for the new case L was going to take.
«Are you feeling better, Miss Y/A?»  
«Yeah! Thank you Watari! I really needed to leave that place» Y/N was smiling again, her skin had a more healthily colour and all the tiredness in her eyes was gone. Watari smiled too. «However…»
«What is it, Miss?»
«Today's test was negative again and…» Y/N sighed and checked the time on her phone.
«If I could dare an advice, Miss, things will come when you stop looking for them. So don't be sad, it only means it's not the right time…»
Y/N looked at him and smiled. «You're right, Watari»
December 2003. L was going to take part at one of those boring ICPO meeting. An emergency Interpol meeting, with delegates from all around the world, held in order to discuss a rather strange situation that was occurring in Japan. They are convinced that something was happening but cannot be sure what it is.
L was going to take the floor but before that he called Y/N.
«Did you call me?» Y/N entered the private and empty room that was L's personal "office": a desk, a fancy armchair and many many computer screens at their highest brightness level.
«Yes. Please, come closer» L replied. When he was with her, his usual monotone voice would become warmer and gentler, something reserved to his wife only.
Y/N walked towards him, next to his armchair waiting for an explanation. «Y/N, this case seems quite interesting. I think sooner or later we have to move»
«We?» she was surprised. Was she really going to go with him? It would be the first time.
«Indeed. If you agree, obviously»
«Of course I agree. I'll help you as always, L»
He smiled and took her hand, kissing tenderly the knuckle. «So would you agree with me if I say that it's better stop trying to have a baby, my dear?»  
Y/N thought for a while, calculating every scenario. «Yes, you're right»
L smiled again, this time wider. «Thank you, my love»
Y/N smiled as well and L returned to his bright screens. Then she noticed his personal stash of sweets beside him and took the opportunity to steal a Bon Bon Cherry (A/N: they are shortbread cookies wrapped around a cherry and topped with cherry frosting).
«Y/N, those are mine»
She snorted but ate the sweet regardless of L's warning.
«Are you coming to bed, L?»
«Not now, Y/N»
She walked closer to him and hugged the detective from behind. «But I prepared some creme pat~»
At those words L froze. Those words meant one thing: food play. And L couldn’t renounce to food play. «How much?»
«Two bowls…one has chocolate too~» she whispered alluring to his ear. In one swift movement, L was already up with Y/N in his arms –bridal style- leading towards the bedroom.
Japan was so full of life, wherever you turned you would be surrounded by different cultures. And the people was so kind and polite, they had a very high respect of other costumes and traditions. Y/N loved everything about Japan, she wanted to visit each district of Tokyo: from Akihabara (Tokyo's Anime & Gadget Town), to Shinjuku (Culture Clash) and to Kichijoji (a glimpse of Japan’s rural life within the city). She even prepared a tour on foot for each of them.
But at this point a question could arise: what was Y/N's job? Everyone who had the opportunity to work with L knew that each of his "co-worker" had a specific task to fulfil. So what was Y/N's real task? To be L's shadowy wife? Oh no, nothing like that.
Her role was very important in the couple: she "filtered" the information from Watari to L, she represented L in many circumstances and helped him in solving cases. In other words, Y/N was a sort of "Watari 2.0".
Once the couple moved to Japan, they booked a room at the "Imperial Hotel", one of the fanciest hotel at Tokyo. Until the construction of the new Japanese HQ wouldn’t be complete, L and Y/N had to change often hotel for safety reasons. But Y/N didn’t mind, for her it was the chance to visit the city.
"Kira…eliminating those FBI agents has got to have put you on the defensive. What are thinking right now?" L thought while looking outside the window, in front of him a breathtaking view of Tokyo at night but he wasn’t focused on it.
«Ryuzaki, are you still awake?» Y/N entered the room, she was already wearing her F/C PJs.
He nodded and watched her walking closer through the reflection of the window. She hugged him from behind and observed the scenario outside the window.
«Tomorrow you'll meet your task-force, you have to sleep»  
«Maybe later, Y/A»
They stood there, their bodies were hugged together but their minds had different thoughts. Between them, a pleasant silence filled the air, the couple was enjoying each other presence.
However, Y/N had to break said silence. «Maybe I'm intolerant to soy sauce»  
«To soy sauce?» L asked concerned.
«Yes…today I ate the famous Kobe meat but not much after that I threw up»
L stood in silence, deep in thought for a while. In those minutes he was analysing the current situation: what if Kira found out Y/N's true identity? Would he use her to blackmail L? He was so focused on those things that he almost didn’t notice Y/N was leaving.
«I'm going to bed, dear» Y/N kissed his cheek on tiptoes. «Please, rest for a bit alright?»
L smiled at her taking her hands in his. «Good night, my love» and then he kissed first the knuckles and after her lips. From this point of view L was really romantic despite his external cold behaviour.
Y/N smiled at him and left the room, now L was alone again with a new thought in his mind: «Since when Y/N is intolerant to soy sauce?»
January 2004 could be sum up with three major events: Raye Penber and Naomi Misora's deaths and the surveillance at Yagami and Kitamura's households. In particular, L's suspects moved to the son of Soichiro Yagami, Light. Technically he had access to the police's private dossiers and database since his father was the Chief and most importantly…he was too perfect according to L.
«Y/A, I don’t want you to meet Light-kun»
«Do you really think he is Kira?»
«It's not an assumption but a matter-of-fact. Of course he is»
However, it was inevitable. Light noticed Y/N's presence at the hotel and he wanted to meet her. He had to. So he "pretended" to be lost and asked Y/N for directions.
«Excuse me, Miss. I think I'm lost, do you know where room 684 is?»
Y/N, with one of her disguise on, turned towards the teenager: in front of her a young man, standing at above average height with light-brown hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a school uniform with a bright red tie.
«Uhm no sorry…but if you follow the numeration on the doors it must be easier for you» and with that Y/N left an astonished yet angry Light Yagami in the middle of the hallway.
She hadn’t the time to think about him, she had a more important thing to do. Since December, she missed her period twice: at first she thought it was because of the sudden trip to Japan but it was already the second time it happened. Could it be…?
«Such a bad timing…» she said out loud once in her room. However, she couldn’t hide the nervousness: she agreed with L to stop trying to have a baby before the Kira case and if the test she bought was positive…what would be L's reaction?
«"Get rid of the cause and you get rid of the problem" they say…let's do this then»
The task-force was working quietly in L's room, sharing information and dossiers. However, that atmosphere was abruptly interrupted by someone that thrusted open the door.
«Ryuzaki! Ryuzaki! I have something important to tell you!» Y/N appeared in the room, tears in her eyes and a wide smile on her face.
The entire task-force looked at her in awe and confusion. Who was that woman?
L turned towards her as well. Of course when she barged into the room he was shocked not only because of that sudden appearance but because now the task-force knew about her. There must be a really good reason for that.
He stood up and walked towards her. «Please Y/A, not now. You'll tell me later»
«No Ryuzaki, you need to hear this now!» she was so excited that she couldn’t be still.
«Y/A, it's not the right moment. You have to leave, please» L insisted trying to guide her towards the door.
«Ryuzaki stop! I'm your wife and you need to listen this!»
The task-force behind them stared in shock (and Aizawa almost spilled all his coffee). Did they hear right? Wife? What? Someone like L…married?!
«No Y/A, you have to stop. Your behaviour is highly unprofessional. Moreover, you don’t have the permission to stay here so please leave» L was becoming more and more bothered and it was clear by the tone of his voice, deep and fierce at the same time.
«Ryuzaki, I'm pregnant!»
It was so loud that you could hear a pin falling down.
Heavy and tense air was breathable, even the task-force noticed it. Y/N was there, with her heart in her throat, waiting for a reaction or a word from L. Fear was soon replaced by terror because L wasn’t saying anything.
«Are you…?»
Deducing what he was going to ask, Y/N showed him the test: two blue lines. At that sight L hugged her tightly, starting spinning together. Y/N burst in a resounding laugh, all fears and nervousness were gone.
«Oh my, Y/A. Finally! I knew it was not intolerance at soy sauce» he placed the forehead against her own and smiled widely.
They stood hugged together for a while and in the meantime the entire task-force was complimenting them about that news (especially Soichiro).
«We have to tell Watari too» L added shortly after the hug.
«Yes, he is going to become a grandpa after all»
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kikyan · 4 years ago
The Forbidden Fruit
Yandere Light Yagami x Female! Reader 
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“ Don’t worry [Y/N], my brother is amazing at studying! We can ask him some questions and you’ll understand it also immediately!!” Sayu said as she walked inside her nice decorative home with [Y/N] following behind. She took off her shoes and put on slippers, with [Y/N] following her actions. Sayu went to the kitchen where her mom was preparing a meal to fully satisfy the family during dinner and their little guest. 
“ Hey, Mom! Is light home yet? Me and [Y/N] need help with our homework!” 
Turning to face Sayu, she removed the ladle from the steaming pot and tilted her head to ponder on a suitable answer. 
“ He isn’t, I think he has cram school today. He’ll be a bit late so why don’t you guys get started on it now and skip over the ones you don’t know? I’m sure by the time he arrives you’ll be finished with a majority of it!” 
“ Hm. . .Okay! Wait, [Y/N] how long can you stay?” 
“ The latest I can stay is around 8. I live 3 blocks from here so I should be fine staying this late.” 
“ Oh, then you can stay for dinner! In the meantime, let’s go to my room!” 
[Y/N] and Sayu ran to her room, Sayu loudly speaking moving about grabbing pens and pencils as she sat down on her bed. Instead of doing her homework, she grabbed a nearby magazine and examined its contents. 
“ Hey, [Y/N]! Come look at this!” 
“ What happened to homework Sayu?” 
“ Later! My big brother will help us so don’t worry! Hey, come look at this though! Isn’t it pretty?” 
[Y/N] simply turned away with a pout on her face. She sighed as she reached into her backpack and pulled out her homework and began to work on it by herself. Sayu put her magazine down before chirping a small, “When you finish let me see the answers” and picked up where she left off.
[Y/N] grumbled a small, ‘ if you aren’t going to help then neither will I’ before focusing on a question. Sayu whined loudly before placing the magazine down and joining her friend on the floor. 
“ Fine, if you want to do homework, we can do homework.” 
“ Good, that is what I came here to do.” 
“ You’re no fun.” 
Sayu eventually gave in and began to do homework with [Y/N], stumped on some of the problems they ignored them. The front door was opened and soon enough Light entered the room as Sayu let out a happy gasp as she turned to [Y/N], “ Brothers home! You know what that means!�� 
“ Sayu, while we may need help you shouldn’t use your brother like that.” 
“ Oh c’mon, he is super smart and top of his class, he doesn’t mind helping!” 
“ Sayu. . .” 
[Y/N] kept an emotionless expression as they witnessed Sayu running down the stairs with glee. [Y/N] felt that the least they could do was accompany Sayu to greet her older brother. Once [Y/N] walked downstairs, regret was deep inside their soul when Sayu made eye-contact with her friend. 
“ Oh Light! Here, this is my friend [Y/N]!” 
“ Oh hello. It’s nice to meet you.” 
Light replied with a small smile as he turned to his mother who asked him about his grades and he replied with handing her a parchment in which his mother gasped at seeing them. A smile of delight played on her face as she tilted her head cutely. [Y/N] just turned away and nodded. Light was a bit tired, but he did not fail to see the strange expression on [Y/N]’s face as she looked at him. 
“ I know my brother is popular but jeez [Y/N], drool much?” 
“ Your brother is strange.” 
“ If you mean strange in that he studies a lot then yes!” 
With a laugh, Sayu turned away to return back to her room. 
“ Isn’t he supposed to be helping us? I don’t think mocking him will do you any good, Sayu.” 
Sayu gasped as she ran to Light’s room to apologize. [Y/N] sighed before grabbing her things, it was close to her curfew even though Sayu rarely did anything. Light’s mom smiled as she walked closer to [Y/N]. 
“ Say, aren’t you hungry dear? Dinner is ready, why don’t you get Sayu and Light and come down to eat? Have a bite before you leave, sweetie.” 
“ Are you sure? I don’t want to impose.” 
“ Nonsense dear! Any friend of Sayu is welcome here! My husband for once won’t be working that late, it’s rare to see everyone together so this will be great!” 
[Y/N] felt a bit strange, her choice clearly had an impact, but still, she would feel even worse for not accepting. She ran upstairs, opening the door to Sayu’s room and shaking her head when she didn’t see her. She went to Light’s room and knocked on the door, after hearing a small ‘  Come in’ from the other side did she open the door. She saw Light in a black long-sleeved shirt and his dress pants. Sayu was begging him to help her with her homework, even pointing to you and saying that you were having difficulties with it as well. 
“ Well. . . if [Y/N] is also struggling then I could offer to help.” 
“ Why does she get special treatment?” 
“ What do you mean, if she knew how to do it then you could just ask her, but if you both need help then I can help you both.” 
“ Sayu, Light, your mother says that dinner is ready and that your father is coming home soon, also, I taught you how to do it Sayu, you just didn’t listen.” 
Before she could even say anything, the moment the door was open, Sayu, bolted out of the door and ran to greet her father. [ Y/N ] stood there, confused momentarily before shaking her head once again and staring at the door. 
“ Sorry, Sayu is a handful at times.” 
“ More like all the time, no offense.” 
“ None taken, though I think we shouldn’t tell her that.” 
“ Maybe so, is Sayu close with her father?” 
“ That’s just her typical reaction to anything really, besides we rarely see our father so I guess her behavior is acceptable.” 
“ I see, does he work often?” 
“ Yes he does, he is a police officer.” 
“ Oh, I see. Anyway dinner is ready, your mother asked me to tell you.” 
“ I’ll be down in a second.” 
[Y/N] nodded, turning away slightly until she laid eyes on a black notebook. It was strange, wasn’t expected of Lights aesthetic, but she didn’t question much about it. Light turned to his notebook before hiding it away and turning to face the door. 
‘ Her friend seems to be perceptive. . . I should be fine if I keep up with the appearance of a good role model citizen.’ 
Light finished his business and went downstairs to where they were all gathered around the table and waiting for Light. Once he made his way to the table, they consumed the meal that was prepared for them, light talk in between bites. 
“ So dad, this is a rare sight. Is everything okay at the station?” 
“ Yeah. . . I can’t say much but this case is putting a big scare on everyone. We’ve never had anything like the Kira case before.” 
“ Kira?” 
[Y/N] perked up at name and everyone was a bit surprised to see that she was a bit unaware of the situation. 
“ You aren’t aware of the news?” 
“ Gosh [Y/N] the whole school talks about it!” 
“ I’m sorry for not paying attention to what they say, most of the time no one has anything worth listening to.” 
A deep, loud laugh was heard as Sayu’s dad chuckled a bit, before turning to Sayu, “ I think I like your friend a lot more Sayu.” 
Light cleared his throat before proceeding, “ Kira is more of a vigilante, he is known for “cleaning up” the streets by killing the criminals in it. Essentially, he is taking justice into his own hands. It wasn’t until the detective known as L broadcasted a video feed that he determined that he only needed a face and a name to kill. The internet is full of information like that, I’m also surprised you didn’t hear about it.” 
[Y/N] paid more attention when ‘L’ was mentioned, she started to deduce her own ideas inside. Sayu looked at her friend and with a snarky smile, “ So, are you team Kira or L?” 
“ Sayu!” 
“ Sayu, we talked about this!” 
“ What, I wanted to see what it was.” 
“ It doesn’t matter, your father is on this case so it’s disrespectful!” 
“ No, it’s alright, anyone is entitled to their opinion. It doesn’t change the fact that we are determined to stop Kira.” 
Light stared at his father and his expression, this did not go unnoticed by [Y/N]. She finished her meal and went to wash the plate. 
“ Oh dear, please don’t worry about the plate. I can do that.” 
“ So can I ma’am, it’s the least I can do in exchange for all the kindness you showed me.” 
[Y/N] finished washing her plate and grabbed her bag, thanking the family and putting her shoes on. Sayu’s mother walked to the entrance and thanked [Y/N] for being Sayu’s friend and for everything she has done. [Y/N] nodded and thanked the woman for her kindness and hospitality.
“ It’s late, Light can walk you home. Can’t you Light?” 
“ No, that’s okay. I don’t want to impose-” 
“ Nonsense, he would be happy to take you. Just a moment, Light sweetie? Can you take [Y/N] home?” 
Light nodded before grabbing his coat and headed outside with [Y/N]. As they were walking, silence fell upon them like snow, until Light attempted to lighten the mood and start small talk. 
“ Thank’s for looking after Sayu, ever since she met you she has been more excited.” 
“ You can say it, she’s been more annoying huh?” 
“ Well, I wouldn’t put it like that. . .” 
“ It’s okay, besides, it’s Sayu I should be thanking. I recently moved here, and it was Sayu who helped me make friends. I know I don’t look it, sound it, or am that person, but I care a lot for her.” 
With a soft smile, Light looked at [Y/N] before continuing his talk. It wasn’t until a bit later did they talk about Kira. 
“ I know that we were a bit loud back there, but I want to hear your opinions, who do you go for?” 
“ Oh, the L and Kira talk, well, it sounds to me that Kira is doing everyone a favor and killing the criminals, the crime rate will go down from the looks of it, with everyone fearing it, but I think that too much power can get into Kira’s head and he can start hurting innocent people. I don’t have enough information on them to make a decision, but I know that L is a good detective, he might find Kira, or Kira can upstage him, who knows. Personally, I think that he isn’t setting a good example, he kills other while he hates them killing. Ironic really. I have different opinions on both, but I wouldn’t call myself a Kira or L supporter just yet.” 
“ I see, I would love to hear your thoughts when you do!” 
“ Okay. . . anyway’s this is my house, thanks for walking me back. Thank your mom for the meal and tell Sayu that I wrote her how to solve the problems on her sticky note.” 
“ I will, it was nice meeting you!” 
“ Likewise. . “ 
Both separated, Light went home and [Y/N] inside hers. It was dark and cool, she went into her room and looked out the window, Light was walking and for some reason, his lips were moving? Was he talking to himself? His lips were more like, trying to remain quiet, there was no one around and it gave the impression that he was being too cautious. Just what was Light Yagami? 
It was a normal day, like any other, someone else died so it was whatever at this point. [Y/N] sighed as she sat in her chair and focused on the board, it was hard to remain awake. Sayu noticed this and leaned over to whisper, “ Didn’t get much sleep?” 
“ Pay attention Sayu, I can’t come over everyday can I?” 
“ Well no, but I should be fin-!?” 
Sayu panicked when the teacher slammed her desk before continuing her discussion, Sayu sent [Y/N] a sour expression as [Y/N] laughed. She stayed up all night this week to read up on the Kira case, L, the killings, everything. It sounded like Kira has a power that is strange to everyone, but they had limits. If anything, she was leaning more towards the L side of anything. Someone who thinks that they have infinite power will more than likely think of themselves as highly. She was just waiting for a chance to prove that. While she didn’t participate in them, she lingered whenever someone wanted to argue about the cases to hear their opinion, in short, they suck. 
She was walking one weekend, she came back from the store when she saw Light in town. He was just leaving as well so he decided to walk with her. She was thankful enough and the small talk turned into a conversation, at first he asked a bit about her thoughts and that was when she revealed some of them. 
“ What I fear is Kira straying off his ideology and hurting others, other than that I don’t have many issues with him. L is more entertaining in my opinion, this whole battle is.” 
“ Oh, well I see. What do you think Kira’s end goal is?” 
“ A better society, that’s why he is getting rid of the criminals at least, I only hope it’s only bad guys.” 
After a short conversation, they encountered a small dog as [Y/N] went to pet it, for some reason the dog was fixed on Light. 
“ I think the dog likes you Light.” 
“ You think so?” 
“ He seems to like staring at you, or more like someone next to you, but there is nothing there, or is there?” 
‘ Did she touch the notebook?’ 
Light questioned it while looking at [Y/N] as she was looking at something other than Light, she was looking straight at Ryuk. Light turned to look at Ryuk, turning back to [Y/N]. Ryuk moved to the side and while the dog’s eyes followed, [Y/N] did the same. 
“ It’s a joke.” 
Light changed his expression to one of amusement as he laughed a bit. Deep in his mind he was worried, was she playing with him? 
“ You know, I had a friend back then before I moved that told me that animals can sense or see the things we can’t. She mentioned that animals can also see ghosts and impure things. It is rumored that when a dog barks, but there is nothing out there is because they are trying to drive out the evil spirit or alert others. Who knows, it was fixated on something next to you, maybe you’re being haunted or something.” 
“ Haha, well, I don’t think we are but who knows, maybe you are right.” 
Light glared at Ryuk as he was cackling. 
‘ That was a close one wasn’t it Light, to think that this whole operation would have been blown off by a little girl. If anything, you aren’t being haunted by a spirit, more like you accepted the spirit.’ 
“ Hey, Light, how do you deal with it?” 
“ Deal with that?” 
“ School and stuff, you seem to work hard to keep up your grades and I dunno, it seems stressful. You must either have a good coping method for it or you really like studying.” 
“ Well, I have other hobbies that help me relax, but I rarely get stressed. Why do you ask?” 
“ I dunno, don’t want to see you bottle everything up and then explode on us.” 
“ You’re really kind, you know that?” 
At the sound of this compliment, [Y/N] turned into a darker shade as she looked away. She was never good with compliments but nonetheless, while she was embarrassed, she accepted them. 
“ What do. . .you mean. . .” 
“ Although you have difficulty expressing it [Y/N], you seem to be emotionally connected with people. I guess it’s rare to see someone so kind, just like you said, it’s hard to find people who have something worth saying you know?” 
“ Most people are assholes, excuse my language, but they are like a test. If you can notice flaws in others, you can avoid having those with yourself. If you see someone insulting others, then you’ll try to perfect yourself to not be like them, you’ll try not to insult others but people like them are fair game. It’s just something strange I thought of but, while it would be nice to not have them in society, it’s hard to picture one without since we are so used to it. I guess we kinda need people like them in life for us to be better, I honestly have no clue I’m just a teenage girl after all.” 
“ You have an interesting take on your views, did Kira impact it?” 
“ Actually, yes. Both Kira and L, the whole battle really. One is fighting for a better society and it gets you thinking if Kira is a bad guy or not, then you have L who strives for order in society but is trying to rid of us the one thing that keeps us safe. I see both really, fear conditions you to not act out since you fear punishment, but laws do the same, if anything its similar, just that this lesson, laws start to morph into morals that society just follows. Both shape society, one is faster and the other takes years to perfect. Anyway’s sorry for geeking out on you, thanks again for walking me home Light. Give your family my greetings, hope to see you soon.” 
[Y/N] thanked Light one last time with a small bow before proceeding to enter her home. Light only looked at her before waving off and leaving with Ryuk following Light. 
‘ Isn’t she perceptive? Well, if anything at least she seems to be a supporter of Kira.’ 
“ No, she isn’t, not yet at least. She is stuck in the middle and I want to ensure that she chooses right.” 
‘ Since when do you care over who is in line with who?’ 
“ Well, after all, if I want to make this world a better place I need to know who is worthy and who isn’t. [Y/N] is no exception. She is kind and I think her mindset is compassionate and understanding, but I don’t think that she has enough to convert herself to a Kira worshiper her. Everyone labels either Kira as a savior or as a murderer and I think that we need to clear his name up a bit.” 
‘ Oh? Is she really this important?’ 
“ She seems to understand Kira’s ideology as much as I do, even though I am him. She is more than fitting in my new world.” 
‘ Sounds like you’re in love with a teenager who is a couple of years younger than you.’ 
“ If anything, you should stop talking to me in public, others can’t see you but when I talk to you others notice and it’s weird.” 
‘ Love. . . ‘ Light pondered on that thought, sure there were plenty of girls who had a crush on him and more, he didn’t think much of it but it was strange. Was he in love? All those other girls who confessed to him seemed to think otherwise, they never cared much for their studies much less cared enough for anything aside from appearance. Yet here [Y/N] was, a diamond in the rough, someone who would think, had views that he was interested in hearing. She could be someone interesting to converse with even if he wasn’t under the influence of the notebook. [Y/N] wasn’t like most people in society who went on with their day to day life and believed anything, [Y/N] thought outside the box and tried to understand everyone and everything, she would benefit this new world more, but more importantly, she would benefit Light more. 
[Y/N] put her groceries away at a fast pace,  skipping past the post-it note that read, ‘ Back at 6 ‘. She ran to her room and grabbed her journal and logged into the internet and began to log into the site that was used for supporting Kira. 
‘ Kira, one of my bullies was being mean to me, robbed me of my money and went to target others, even threatening to hurt my little brother. Kira please, give justice and rid us of scum like him. His name is XXX and this is his picture.’ 
“ Needs a name and face and doesn’t have to be in direct contact.” 
‘ The police are trying to destroy our peaceful society, we must get rid of them for Kira, they need to understand that Kira is doing what they could never!’ 
“ Light’s dad is working the Kira case, how far is he into it? It’s probably nothing but. . . there could be something supernatural happening. There is no weapon out there that is used liked that, and that thing with Light and the dog? Should be nothing . .” 
[Y/N] wrote in her journal, thinking much about the conflict. If anything, she was more in favor of L, he was a world star detective and she loved crime-solving so of course, she studied up on what was known about him. L was right in most aspects, there are some jobs where being a bad apple doesn’t cut it and even in a job setting, you can’t give someone who is ‘bad’ power that they can abuse. Essentially, the power that Kira has is what is making him think he is some god and that is dangerous, Kira will stop at nothing to get what he wants if that is his ideology and that includes hurting others, even those he swore to protect. L wants to establish order and although he is a bit reckless, he craves for a society that understands right from wrong in a more law centered area, since morals are the individual’s thoughts and ideas. 
[Y/N] knew that while those who acted unfavorably deserved worse, death is too sweet for them, but also logically we need them to prove a point to others. [Y/N] sighed when she finished her notes, she suspected a lot but she needed to go over more to hear what she could about the case to reach a conclusion on who she thinks is Kira. 
It was like any other day, one that was peaceful as much as you would in a world with Kira and L battling it out, Sayu invited [Y/N] to their house for dinner and for help on their homework. Sadly her father wouldn’t be joining them due to work so [Y/N] decided to snoop around to see what she could find. They were in Light’s room getting help as he repeated what he told Sayu previously regarding the work. Light was busy looking at [Y/N] as she looked at her notebook, she finished her homework ages ago but for the sake of it, she pretended as if she was struggling too. Light was growing concerned more and more, if anything was he feeling love toward [Y/N]? He thought too much on it, if he did love her this would be awkward, he was almost a school graduate and she was barely entering high school, but above all, she was more of a guilty pleasure and she still hasn’t sided with Kira completely. It was infuriating to see someone he cared so much about not understand him all that well, but no matter, he knew what he had to do and his plan was already in motion. He just needed to show her how nice Kira was. 
‘ He is staring at me. . . what does he want? I shouldn’t think too much on it but. . . there is something strange about Light. His expressions, they seem so. . . so fake. I wonder what he is hiding.’ 
Dinner was soon called and [Y/N] stayed behind a little longer to clean up her things, Light trusting that no one would find the compartment to the notebook, but still couldn’t be too safe, could you? Light stayed close as [Y/N]  placed her pencils in her pouch, the moment he turned his back, [Y/N] started to look around the room. 
‘ For a model student he sure is basic, but whatever, I’m trying to find information on Kira and the case. . .what is this?’ 
At that moment, she noticed a pen, that seemed to be broken apart but not in any bad shape, as it was purposely broken apart. Was Light some kis genius who had a weird fixation with breaking things? Maybe. [Y/N] was looking around and around, but there was nothing strange. It wasn’t until she stepped on the controller and there was the channel that covered a lot regarding Kira and the criminals, almost as if they were handing them to Kira themselves. Nothing uncommon, it was a popular show after all, but the off-putting thing about the whole thing was how everything fit regarding his persona. Light’s expression when Kira was mentioned as if he wanted it to be acknowledged. No matter, there was nothing of use at all in this room so she went down to eat with the rest. 
After dinner, for reasons untold, it was earlier than usual so it was nothing too surprising when [Y/N] offered herself to walk home, leaving the Yagami household to settle earlier than usual. As she was walking there was a sound, a large sound alerted her to turn around as she was met with a face, this person had bloodshot eyes and wore all black, but above anything, they were carrying a bloodied knife. [Y/N] fumbled a bit as she tried to run away and the figure started to chase her down. 
‘ W-why now? W-who is he?’ 
[Y/N] panicked as she ended up getting tackled by the figure, she panicked as she struggled until he lifted the knife to her neck as she let out a small breath. Fearing that even the slightest breath could get her cut. The figure was breathing rapidly, hyperventilating even. 
‘ I-is he on drugs?’ 
Soon, the figure stopped breathing altogether and slummed forward, the knife that he had fallen next to him. His whole body was slumped forward and pressed up against [Y/N]. Her breath escalated, turning to the figure and letting out a large screech and throwing him over. 
“ [Y/N]? Hey, what happened?!” 
[Y/N] scrambled away from the body as she looked up to see the person who called her name. Her eyes widened in fear as she met those wth concern of Light. 
‘Light. . . Light, Light Yagami. .’ 
“ [Y/N] who is he? Are you alright?” 
Nodding, [Y/N] shakingly pointed to the man, Light’s eyes tracing back and touching the man, his felt no pulse. His eyes darted to the knife as she looked over at [Y/N] with concern all over his face. 
“ Did he do anything to you [Y/N]?” 
“ N-no, I think he passed out beforehand. S-should we call the cops?” 
“ Yeah, I’m already on it.” 
Light called the cops and explained the situation as [Y/N] glared at Light. Light was the first one to arrive at the scene and he was somewhat calm about. Light has been acting suspiciously this entire time, it’s safe to consider Light a possible suspect. What scared [Y/N] more, was that she could see his face lifting, more as if he was smiling. Case closed, Light had something to do with this, Light had to be Kira.
[Y/N] was in her home taking a bath. The cops came to the scene and took care of everything, to her suspicion, his death was a heart attack. The police assumed that it was Kira once again as this man had no previous health history that put him in any risk for one. 
“ I’m sorry you had to experience something frightful, I am only thankful that my son was there to help you Miss [L/N].” 
“ Don’t worry about it. . thank you for your work sir.” 
“ Of course, Light, see to it that she gets home safely.” 
Light nodded and walked her home. It was nothing that far, but they had small talk along the way. 
“ Hey Light, do you really think it was Kira?” 
“ Possibly, the man had a heart attack as the rest and he was apparently a wanted criminal so if anything that is enough to consider it. If Kira did, how do you feel?”
“ Well, I guess I owe Kira my life, after all, he did save me. Then again, it’s my own experience so I guess that isn’t enough evidence, but I think that Kira is someone who won’t stray off his path and will continue to be justice!” 
Light let out a chuckle and turned to the side. He was smiling proudly, he won over [Y/N], he did it. She understood Kira’s ideology and believed in him. She would make a perfect companion in this world he seeks to create. Once they reached her house, [Y/N] thanked him and went inside her home with Light bidding her a good night. 
Recalling the end of the eventful night, [Y/N] got out to the bath and changed. She clicked on the T.V and a program started as she wrote in her journal. 
‘ Light was there almost immediately after, it wasn’t that far from where I was, his house was close by so they should have heard something.’ 
‘ Light kept asking me about Kira, and when I told him I was a Kira supporter he seemed happy.’ 
‘ Kira killed my assailant.’ 
“ This just in, we have reports of a criminal that was announced on T.V at 7 was killed today around 8:48 PM! Does this mean that Kira struck again?” 
“ Of course he did! Kira knows that his loyal followers would present him with scum that the world has! He killed [ Criminal Name ] to show us that he hears us, we must show him more devotion!” 
‘ [Criminal Name], that’s who attacked me. . . that’s the channel that was in Lightroom. . .the ability to kill someone with a name and face would be something supernatural, the dog looking next to Light and moving his eyes, Light and his fake smiles, the fact that Kira was changing patterns when it was revealed by the cops this, Light’s dad is a cop. . .Light is Kira. . .’ 
[Y/N] eyes widened as she tried hard to compose her argument that she would present to the task force, to L himself.
“ Light, you fucking bastard. I caught you.” 
The next day, [Y/N] dressed up and went to the police station. She talked to those in front, “ Please you have to let me see L or the chief, I have information that can help with the case.” 
“ Sorry, but they are busy. You can leave a message and we can deliver it.” 
“ No I can’t risk the information I have, when are they not busy?” 
“ It’s the Kira case, now run along.” 
“ [Y/N]? What are you doing here?” 
“ Light. . . oh nothing. Just trying to get more information on what happened yesterday.” 
“ Don’t worry, what happened yesterday won’t happen again. If you want to know I can ask my father, but don’t worry about it.” 
[Y/N] nodded before returning home and leaving Light alone to attend his business. It was a shock, Light was there and so was [Y/N], she didn’t realize how hard it would be to tell them that Light is Kira. She also let it slip her mind that Light was the Cheifs son, it would be devastating to hear that your son is a wanted criminal. She was chilling in her room until someone ran her doorbell. She went downstairs and was met with an old man as she smiled and asked for [Y/N]. 
“ Is this [Y/N]?” 
“ Yes?” 
“ I see, well please come with me. You have some information present regarding the Kira case? L is interested in what you have to say. With that, [Y/N] smiled before nodding and going inside the car. She was blindfolded during the car ride but that was to be expected. She was also blindfolded when she was taken to see L, but it was taken off when they were in the room. She was met with a man with messy black hair, white long-sleeved shirt, blue jeans, and dark eye bags. 
“ You must be miss [Y/N] [L/N] right?” 
“ Yes, you must be L, right? Sorry to bother you but I think I know who Kira is. It’s just a guess right now but I think it’s him, no, some part of me knows it’s him!” 
“ And who would that be?” 
“ Light Yagami.” 
“ I see, so you suspect him too.” 
“ You do as well?” 
“ Yes I do, in fact, I know it is him. I wonder what makes you think that?” 
“ Well, I believe that the way he kills isn’t from this world, it can’t be. It has to be something else, while I don’t know what it is, it leaves some trace. I and Light were walking and I know it sounds silly but there was this dog and he kept staring at something that wasn’t there, even Light saw it but I couldn’t! It was strange, he didn’t tell me he saw it, but his eyes were matching those of the dog. Besides, he was watching T.V once and for some reason it was on that channel that broadcasts those criminals and for some reason, [Criminal Names] ended up attacking me the same day! Light’s dad is a cop, so it would make sense for him to access information and such, besides, Light hides behind his appearance. When I was attacked and he called the cops, I swore I saw him smile!” 
“ Calm down, I think this is interesting. Your reasoning is good and you’re very observant, but you see I have a similar issue. It’s Light, Light is Kira, but I can’t find any evidence that proves it’s him, therefore I propose something. Do you want to work for me?” 
“ I-!?” 
“ Ryuzaki, are you sure?” 
“ Yes, I am Watari, besides, she is close to Light, if anything she can be the key to get more evidence against him.” 
“ I accept!” 
“ Why don’t you consider this more carefully Miss, Ryuzaki can manage just fine if you say no.” 
“ No, I accept! I’ve always had my views towards Kira, sure he gets rid of the criminals, but someone with that power, I fear who they might hurt to continue this path. Besides, Light has been lying this whole time, he needs to be put away.” 
L looked at the female with amusement in his eyes, he was intrigued with her. It seemed that she was determined, something he admired a lot. He nodded and told her of his plan, she would try what she could to gain information from Light and try to get evidence for the task force. [Y/N] was happy to meet L, if anything she was happy that for once she was seen as her age, she was given a responsibility and she would not fail. Since then, she had been reporting to Light, even when L made himself public to Light as well. [Y/N] had been operating in the shadows, she had been visiting Sayu recently, having talks with Light and doing homework with Sayu, luckily everything was fine. [Y/N] met Misa, who was a little too upset with the whole Light kinda paying more attention to her and Sayu, but he was just trying to be a good older brother. All the commotion happened, as [Y/N] did nothing but report. She didn’t buy the whole girlfriend act so she looked more into it. 
“ So you think Misa knows?” 
“ Yes, Light’s expressions mask annoyance and hatred so I highly doubt he likes her, she either knows and he is keeping her alive for that, or she is being used/went willingly with him. It’s a little toxic, to be honest.” 
“ Now we aren’t one to comment on Light’s relationship status [Y/N], but still, this is intriguing. We both came to the conclusion that there was a second Kira, my suspicion of her has risen. Thank you for this information [Y/N].” 
“ Of course anything to help out!” 
[Y/N] thanked L before heading out. She was thankful for this job and opportunity. Although she didn’t find much, she assisted a lot in the investigation, and it was even worse when L and Watari were killed. 
Tears streamed down [Y/N] face as she was informed of his passing by someone else, finding out that Light was the one to take his place. If anything, she was repulsed. Disgusted, the same murderer that killed L and others, posing as the lead detective? There were so many wrongs with that, she had to do something. Miraculously, someone with the name N reached out to her regarding the situation, 5 years later. Light ended up moving in with Misa, but he was always around constantly messaging [Y/N] about his sister and about her. It was no surprise that she was informed of many things, she was introduced to the task force later while L was still alive, talking about how she was someone who went undercover. He would ask her constantly about her thoughts and she would have to answer how she would normally take into consideration that she is communicating with the devil himself. [Y/N] was now a 20-year-old female, working secretly with N, or near regarding everything. Taking into consideration the information that L had and what [Y/N] had to say. They did well to keep [Y/N] a secret from Light though, she was a secret that remained deep within the task force, Light would, no should never know that she was involved. She would speak about what she knew, the death note and possible fake rule, etc. 
[Y/N] got a message from Light, asking her out for a coffee to speak about somethings. She normally would brush it off, had it not been for Near saying she should go and see what he wants. She hesitantly agreed, choosing to go. The conversation was one that was a bit bland, for someone keeping contact with the other for so long. 
“ How have you been [Y/N]?” 
“ Good and you?” 
“ I’ve been preoccupied and with Misa, it’s hard to keep track.” 
“ That must be a bummer, but hey wouldn’t she be mad? I mean you’re hanging out with a girl now, not your little sister’s friend.” 
“ It’s not like we are something after all.” 
Light forced himself to say those things. It is true that they haven’t been in contact for so long, but she had been there every step of the way. She had supported him in so much, she wasn’t as smart as him, but she also wasn’t like Misa who was acting than thinking. [Y/N] opened her mind for anything and everything, she was someone who understood a dream and passion and helps both the pros and cons to it, both sides, understanding o anything, someone that was suitable, a role model even in his new world that he was constructing. Light was always interested in her, he just couldn’t say anything. Misa came into the picture and he had to obey and act as the perfect boyfriend. He thought he almost lost his grasp on you had it not been for the fact that you still stayed close to him, almost as if you wanted him too, right?
“ Yeah, we aren’t anything. You aren’t that kind of person for sure, but any leads in the Kira case? I mean, you told me that you were made chief on the investigation, along with L so I am interested in learning what it is you know about Kira, sure I understand that you have to capture him but, I’m sure he had a reason.” 
“ You mean a reason to kill L right?” 
The silence was in the cafe, [Y/N] panicked, no she didn’t slip up, god that wire that Near had planted in her better be picking this up because this wasn’t part of the plan. 
“ I thought L was alive, Light you better not be joking-?!” 
“ Now why would I joke about his death, besides N is there to confirm it, isn’t he.” 
“ When?”
“ Since you visited the task force. Believe it or not, I tend to keep great tabs on those that matter, I need, or I want.” 
“ I see, you knew the whole time. Including what L meant to me and you still had the fucking audacity, why haven’t you killed me yet? Surely I must have been a mole in the plan, some bug worth squashing right?” 
“ Because I want you [Y/N]. You matter a lot more than you think to me, in this new world that I am planning on creating, I want you to be the first person welcomed in there, ruling next to me.” 
“ What? I thought Misa, who was the second owner would do that.” 
“ I needed her eyes, you must have known from all your notes. 5 years ago you suspected me, and now you know. Yes, I did kill L, the Death note is in my possession, I am lying to the police, I am Kira, I am the God of this new world, and you shall be next to me to judge all these souls.” 
“ Why me?” 
“ Simply put, back then you were struggling to pick a side, I thought I won you over but then I realized, you are better than me at putting up appearances. I see why L trusted you a lot more than us, but one thing I learned is that the mind can be persuaded a lot. I understood a lot more than you realized, you are understanding, compassionate if anything you see both sides of the same coin and I admire that about you. You have a voice in the matter, unlike these brainless fools, you see my true vision, you see me for me. You see past Kira’s actions and more of his motives!” 
“ All I see is a fucking murderer, but go off I guess.” 
A small chuckle was released by Light as he turned to face you and whispered in [Y/N]’s ear, ‘ The wire you were wearing is of no use anymore, anything I said wasn’t even recorded. Isn’t that lovely, you’re mine and believe me, I will cleanse your mind from his poison.” 
“ What about Misa? What about everyone. They will find me.” 
“ They will find the notebook that I made, one that has your name in it and they will think that you died. No one will find someone they think is dead.” 
“ Kira, you’re nothing but a killer.” 
“ No, this was a sacrifice I had to make, and believe it, it was worth it for this, for you. This is the fruit of my labor, of our labor.” 
“ I had nothing to do in this ploy-!?” 
Light composed himself before returning back to his usual self. 
“ This was a sacrifice we had to make if I told Misa to kill herself, she would. That would be too obvious though, so I’ll keep her around and you hidden. Just like L kept you hidden, history is repeating itself but only for a moment, we are looking at a new era [Y/N] one that I know you’ll understand, one that you will come to understand again. If you think about it, I’m cleansing your mind once again. You’ll experience what it is to taste 
The Forbidden Fruit~
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