#there's a very specific spideypool fic with this trope!!!
thev01dd · 1 year
i was reminiscing some fics i've read through the years and i remembered i really really like the trope where one of the characters in the pairing is over powered in therms of actual physical, magical and/or super powers that they're capable of destroying whole cities, countries, planets, etc (sometimes this doesn't automatically mean the character is immortal tho)
and they just didn't do any of that because the person they simp for asked them not to. 🥰
i guess what i'm trying to say is that i really like the ""would you like me to annihilate them my love? i would destroy entire civilizations for you" and they just don't because their partner is just a ray of sunshine" trope
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evilwickedme · 2 years
I saw in the tags you mentioned spideypool fic recs 👂 I'm listening
breaking the DC streak to go to Marvel because fun fact I've been into DC for six months and into Marvel comics for eight years so
anyway a majority of my spideypool bookmarks are from 2015 and I have no idea if most of them are any good which is an interesting problem to have but I still have a solid list for y'all
Say Anything...Except That - I was following this from the first chapter and I'm now mutuals with the author which was very fanboy moment for me (if you're seeing this, hi!). it has a lot of old school fanfiction.net quirks to it which might be a bit difficult to swallow if you've only been reading fic for a few years, but honestly I think this fic is really good and holds up to this day. it's been a while since I read it last but iirc Deadpool has to protect Spider-Man or Peter from assassination attempts and there's a lot of pining involved. also mattfoggy ended up having a nice arc because this was 2015 and Daredevil had just aired (this is technically incomplete there's one chapter left but if I had to reread it multiple times when there were only like ten chapters you can handle it)
under attack - more fics by people who are wayyy too cool to have followed me back and yet somehow did? anyway this is part of stackthedeck's team red slash series (ELITE ship fyi) but this one is spideypool focused and has some nice fluff. fighting as flirting idk what else to say it's golden
#NoPlaceLikeHome - do y'all know ask-spiderpool? you should it's one of the best blogs on this damn website and a must-read for spideypool shippers. anyway this is that version of spideypool's first time together which is cute :D short and sweet basically. sciderman has a lot of fics for the spiderman fandom in general and their ask-spiderpool au in particular and they're all worth reading
Dissonance - another longfic that took half a decade to write about deadpool protecting spider-man from harm. I actually don't know why this trope is so good peter really can defend himself but there you go
Perfect Enough - ohm y gOD this fic series is so good. this au hinges on such a tiny difference in peter's history but it makes ALL the difference. anyway in this world basically nobody has a functional secret identity anymore except for spider-man. meanwhile, wade wilson and peter parker start dating. so much plot, two separate longfics each around 140k, good luck this CONSUMED my life
speaking of consumed, rippling - this is part of a series called Into the Multiverse and is based on the Spiderverse film so it's Peter B. which I LOVE (spideybpool FUCKS). the series spun out of the authors' other series and it is, in fact, a pain to read the main entries in the series without reading the other serieses which means that I did spend two weeks doing little to nothing except reading deniigiq's work, but a. it was worth b. this one can be read as a standalone! wade jumps in front of a bullet for peter b and he angsts about it I love it
finally ahem speaking of Peter B, did you know I've been writing spideypool fic since 2015 and I wrote one specifically for spiderverse? I'm a mess (but I'm the mess that you wanted) is really a mix of spiderverse and comic canon like, five years into the future, and deals mostly with like, depression and suicidal ideation on Peter's behalf, but hey there's also a plot AND a happy polyam ending which, what else could you want really
anyway sorry the list isn't longer I didn't bookmark so many of my favorite spideypool fics and now they're lost in the void forever :/
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punch-love · 6 months
7, 11, 30, and 37 for the writing asks!
7. Your favourite ao3 tag.
dead dove do not eat my beloved
11. Three tropes that are fine but overrated.
adopted kid/family stories in general, coffee shop aus, and fake dating
30. Describe a fic that almost happened, but then it didn't
I can't think of a lokius one actually because in my mind I'm going to finish them all but there was a spideypool fic I was going to do where they went on a road trip and peter was abducted by aliens and then woke up powerless and without his glasses in the middle of Indiana. I wrote like three thousand words for it and then never touched it again.
37. Do you research before writing or while you write? Is it fun or boring for you?
I absolutely do not research before writing or if I do, it's only been very recently. I love, love researching, it's one of my favorite part of the editing process. There's a chapter for one of my long-fics that had the characters playing Mortal Kombat which is a game I knew almost nothing about. I spent three hours researching how to write their background fight scene and had an absolute blast. I love acquiring knowledge and I think writing is a good excuse to know more about something specific.
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zombiesun · 3 years
I'm just thinking about the enemies to friends to lovers spideypool fic I'm writing head empty except for very specific narrative tropes I'm going to use
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daredevilexchange · 4 years
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Want to be featured here? Head to this page and fill in the form!
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What’s your fannish ID? @missmoochy on tumblr and MissMoochy on A03! Mooch is the name of a monkey beanie baby my sister owns, so I thought it would be a cute username!
What types of fanworks do you create?  I write fics! I’d like to one day try my hand at fanart, but writing is my passion! I write primarily shippy stuff, but I also enjoy genfic. All ratings! These days, I tend to write MattFoggy, Spideypool and Gen. I try to do a lot of fandom challenges, bingos and stuff. They’re a great way to inspire you and help you step out of your comfort zone. 
What are your favourite types of fanworks, when you're not creating? I will happily spend hours reading the amazing fanfictions that people create. I try to review at least 90% of the fics I read, I strongly believe in showing your love to creators. I enjoy looking at fanart on Tumblr too. I think that Tumblr Likes and reblogs are important, but not enough people leave actual comments on people’s fanarts. I always try to leave a nice comment to brighten their day. A comment or review can make a creator very happy and encourage them to keep producing work. I also like looking at gifs, fandom memes, and listening to Spotify fandom playlists.
What do you like in particular about this fandom?  This fandom is so great! Everybody seems really positive and friendly (and talented). People here have given me invaluable advice on how to write the characters and have given me info about the canon. I’m firmly entrenched in the mattfoggy part of the Daredevil fandom, it feels like Matt’s got me in a headlock and I can’t escape! 
Do you like participating in fan events? Always! I don’t use Tumblr much except for browsing, but it’s a great way to discover fandom events. I’m writing fics for three bingos this year, and I’m taking part in FebuWhump. I did my first DD Exchange recently, it was so exciting and it was great seeing all the fanwork that came out of it. I’m very active on Discord, I’m in the Team Red, Mattfoggy and Spideypool discord groups, constantly chattering about Marvel.
What about your creating process? I just open up a Word doc and start typing! I never really know what’s going to happen or what direction the fic is going to take. It’s more fun for me to do it that way. I try to upload quickly because I think hesitation can lead you to become too scared to upload your fic. I like listening to music while I write, it helps keep my brain chugging away. Sometimes, I’ll have a specific artist I listen to, to unlock a particular character. I listen to The Feeling when I’m writing Netflixverse!Foggy, and Dean Martin when I’m writing Murderdock (Earth-65!Matt). I also use the Sprint function on Discord, it’s a timer that gives you a set time to write and calculates your word count afterwards. It has changed my attitude on writing, I can’t recommend it enough.
Do you interact a lot with other fans?  I do! I’m always on discord, and making new friends who like the same fandoms as me. I always try to reply to comments on my fics and that lead to me becoming good friends with one of my reviewers, which was nice. Sadly, a lot of the big writers for MattFoggy have migrated to other fandoms, but I still review their fics because it’s fantastic work that they’ve made and they deserve my thanks. I’d love to collaborate with somebody in the future to write a fic, it sounds like a cool thing to do.
Is there any particular piece you'd like to showcase for this post? Yeah, why not? I wrote a mattfoggy Hanahaki Disease fic called A Flower Cannot Blossom Without Sunshine, And Man Cannot Live Without Love. Hanahaki Disease is a multi-fandom trope where a character who is suffering from unrequited love develops an illness where flowers grow in their chest. It sounds weird, but it can actually be really bittersweet and heart-breaking. I noticed nobody had written a Hanahaki fic starring Matt and Foggy, so I wrote one! You can check it out here:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/28532568
Do you have other fandoms you'd like to talk about? Spideypool! Spider-Man and Deadpool teamed up in a hilarious set of comics and it sprouted up a fandom for people who love Deadpool and Spider-Man. I write spideypool fics, both shippy and gen, and am on a very active Spideypool discord server called Isn’t It Bromantic. It has, last time I checked, 600+ members, so if you’re looking for a new active fandom to get into, you’ll love Spideypool.
Is there anything else you want to tell us about yourself? I once read a post on Tumblr that said ‘anything worth doing is worth doing poorly’ and it really resonated with me. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t put effort into things, but it means that you don’t need to strive for perfection. What you do is good enough. Everybody has days when they look at their own fanfiction or fanart or other fanworks that they’ve made, and they doubt their ability. But don’t deprive people of your creations! Just because your work isn’t perfect, that doesn’t mean it should stay hidden. People will love your work and you’ll be surprised at how great it feels to show off your creations!
Where can your fanworks be found?  My fics are on A03, found here:  https://archiveofourown.org/users/MissMoochy/works Discord: Moochy#3334
Thank you, @missmoochy !
banner by @context-is-for-kingpins !
[ID on a white background, four black triangles that look like spotlights from above. Each illuminates one of the Defenders silhouetted in white: Jessica, Luke, Danny, Matt. A hand on the left is holding a pen writing the words Content Creator Spotlight. There is a little Punisher skull on the pen. End ID]
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141-point-12 · 4 years
Fanfic Writer Game
First fandom you wrote for? 
Probably X-Men.
How would you describe your fanfic style?
I spend too much time researching canon and not enough time describing scenery or appearances. Dialogue heavy. I once wrote a fic that was entirely dialogue and I liked it. Capturing the character’s voices is something I spend a lot of effot trying to do and writing dialogue comes more naturally to me, probably because I “hear” sentences in my head more easily than I can picture places and faces.
What tropes would you never use?
There’s some kinks and niche interests that just do nothing for me and my lack of interest would translate into me taking forever to write something mediocre so it doesn’t seem worth it. Daddy kink, “little” fic, etc. (Ironically, I find magic/etc deaging tropes to be hilarious and adorable? Idk???) Also not really into fics with cheating, or even really “let’s make the good guys be bad guys”. IDK I’m boring.
What tropes do you ALWAYS use?
Oh is that a character conditioned by their upbringing to try and make everyone else happy at the cost of overworking themselves until they nearly break because that’s what “good people” do? Yes, I’ll be having some of that please. Throw in some “lack of confidence despite the fact that nearly everyone likes them even if they don’t say dear god why won’t somebody just say it” and you’ve got yourself a stew going. 
Where do you write?
When I decided I wanted to spend more time on fic I finally made the leap from desktop to laptop. (I had a bad experience with a laptop in college which made me hesitant for years.) Now, I really enjoy it. I used to have a weekly evening at a bakery or bubble tea shop, but my favorite place is by the fireplace where I can stretch out in my chair when the weather gets cold and nurse a warm drink while petting my dogs.
How many names do you write under?
Just the one. I registered a pseud one time bc I thought I was going to do something funny with it, not because I was actually trying to hide my usual username. But I’ve had the same handle more or less since I was in high school so...
What’s your usual rating level?
On my own? Rated T for Teen. I usually fade to black for the actual boning just because I don’t think I can write it to the level of competency that I think other people would actually enjoy it versus it feeling like an awkward chore to slog through. It’s not usually the most important part of the plot that I’m trying  to put out there. Plus, I’m ust painfully vanilla and not very creative about sex stuff so... IDK, maybe I’d rather just leave it to the professionals. If I’m writing with a partner, I usually let them decide.
How long did you read fics before you started writing them?
Not that long. Can’t really put my finger on it. I started reading fanfic in high school (which may sound late but I’m old enough that I didn’t get the internet at home until my sophomore year) and started writing cracky Sailor Moon self inserts and X-Men stories pretty much immediately.
Do you usually write chapter fics or one shots?
It used to be one-shots, but as I’ve been doing more writing with partners lately it seems easier to write chapter fics. I feel like my solo chapter fics are always really niche weird things and I’m always shocked when other people read them and leave me comments. Thrilled, but surprised every damn time.
Your fandoms:
I’m really slow to move from fandoms. I can nurse the same obsession for years and years, and even then I never feel like I truly leave. I don’t even usually stray from my chosen OTP, lol. But basically these days it’s specifically Spideypool with a tiny smattering of some other Marvel content, Metal Gear (really just Otasune but I happily reblog the other content bc it’s such a small fandom), and uhhhh... yeah, IDK. I don’t generate a lot for other fandoms. I still get giddy when I see TF2 on my timeline though.
IDK who even follows this blog anymore, but if you see this and wanna fill it out, consider yourself tagged.
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emkayoh · 7 years
Spider-Man: Homecoming Fic Recs
Alright, I snapped y’all. I’m blown away by the quality of writing in this fandom and I want to share some of my absolute faves that I’ve found. Especially since I haven’t really seen any fic recs and these fics deserve to be spread like wildfire. So here are my top favorite reads, mostly Tony and Peter centered because of course. 
(Under the cut because this is looooooong):
How to Repair a Broken Heart by InfluentialPineapple (WIP)
Summary: The Mechanic has a lot on his plate; Thanos is coming, the Guardians of the Galaxy are marooned, Thaddeus Ross is reaching right down his throat, and a budding super hero deserves his full attention. He's also dying. No big deal. He can fix it. He can fix anything.
And he can do it all without even opening that stupid phone.
Now, where did those notes on Extremis go...?
Relationship: Tony and Peter
Rating: Mature
Notes: Holy shit, y’all. This is definitely my favorite fanfiction... ever. Out of everything I’ve ever read. It’s still a WIP so beware of that, but I am extremely confident in the author’s ability to finish it. And honestly, it’s well worth reading even if it isn’t finished. It has some of the most spot-on characterization, an amazing plot that rivals whatever Marvel cooks up for Infinity War, and glorious writing. 10/10 I am in the fandom for this fic specifically. (Warning: Violence, torture, lots of death.)
The Long Way Round by undeerqueen
Summary: Tony wants him to hold on. Peter just wants to go home.
Relationship: Tony and Peter
Rating: General Audiences
Notes: Okay, warning... this is a death fic. But it’s my favorite death fic ever written. It’s so beautifully written in a way that keeps you hanging on until the very end and leaves a hole in your heart that never goes away. If you’re like me and enjoy that kind of stuff, please, please, please for the love of god, read this fic. (Edit: This is a whole series now!!! Even more pain abounds.)
three words that became hard to say (i and love and you) by madasthesea
Summary: Tony likes giving gifts to prove his love, but they don't usually have four paws and a tail.
AKA: Tony, Peter, and a dog named Maggie learn how to be a family.
Relationship: Tony and Peter
Rating: General Audiences
Notes: I’m crying???? I’m usually not a fan of fics that kill off May so that Peter and Tony can be a family because she deserves better than that, but this fic is the ONLY exception. May isn’t cast aside as unimportant, Tony struggles to make Peter accept him as his new guardian, and there’s a dog! What could be better than that? (Edit: It’s a whole series now!! Tears from beginning to end.)
Everyone You’ve Ever Loved by JBS_Forever
Summary: “You will lose, Tony Stark,” the man says. “You have taken everything from me. Now I'm going to take everything from you.”
(Or: A masked-man threatens to destroy everyone Tony Stark has ever cared about. He starts by taking Peter.)
Relationship: Tony and Peter
Rating: General Audiences
Notes: I honestly had a hard time picking out a JBS_Forever fic to include in this rec list, because everything they write is amazing and I recommend all of it, but this fic stands out. It’s a classic “Peter gets kidnapped and Tony has to save him” fic, which is a favorite trope of mine lol (are you noticing a pattern with the fics I tend to like?) It’s a oneshot but it’s MASSIVE and really realistically portrayed. I love how she writes Tony and Peter and I was holding my breath the whole time. 
Astronomy In Reverse by pansley (WIP)
Summary: A year after the Winter Soldier failed his mission in DC, Bucky Barnes is doing his best to stay under the radar from both Hydra and Steve Rogers. His hope for a peaceful day-to-day life in limbo goes awry, however, when he meets Queens’ newest hero; a pure-hearted kid with a death wish and a ridiculous pair of red and blue pajamas.
The last thing Steve expects when he finally tracks Bucky down is that, not only has the man been living in Queens all this time, right under his nose, but also that, in the two years since they last saw each other, Bucky somehow acquired a kid.
Alternatively: How Peter Parker effectively fucks over Bucky Barnes, and also totally saves him.
Relationship: Bucky and Peter
Rating: Teen
Notes: I guess I should mix things up a bit and rec one that isn’t a Tony and Peter fic! This one took me by surprise. I read it because I was intrigued by the relationship tag between Bucky and Peter and didn’t know how it would work. Spoiler: It works very well. It’s so different from a Tony fic but it’s so precious. Featuring foster kid/homeless Peter Parker. Also a WIP and only in the beginning stages but I sense a really interesting plot. (Warning for attempted sexual assault in one of the chapters! But it’s very, very brief. )
Weak Spot by grilledcheesing
Summary: Peter Parker has been sent back in time hundreds of times after their last face off with Thanos to do the one thing nobody else can: save Tony Stark.
Unfortunately, he has to find a way to kill his past self to do it.
And the last thing Tony is going to do is let him.
Relationship: Tony and Peter
Rating: Teen
Notes: Back on my Tony and Peter bullshit. This author is a very prominent author in the fandom so I’m sure you’ve read at least one of their fics if you’ve read a lot of Homecoming fics, but this is my absolute favorite of theirs. It’s such an interesting (and heartbreaking) concept and it’s another one of those stories that leaves you feeling empty inside. Warning for more character death.
pretending by ace8013
Summary: Natasha reflects on what she noticed.
Relationship: All of the Avengers really, but come on I read it for the Tony and Peter
Rating: Not Rated
Notes: I’m honestly... flabbergasted that this fic has so few kudos. Pls go read it and give it more. It’s really short but so poignant and says so much with so little. I honestly love it so much. It’s in Natasha’s POV which is really interesting and the author really nails her personality. It’s absolutely soul-crushing and it will only take you like 2 minutes to read please just do it. (Warning for so much character death...)
Tony Built a Son by Footloose_Poets
Summary: Peter navigates learning to be human. Tony navigates fathering an android.
Relationship: Tony and Peter
Rating: General Audiences/Teen
Notes: Ohmygosh... this one probably isn’t surprising considering the massive amounts of fanart I’ve drawn for it. The idea is so obvious yet so unique and satisfying to read. The author does an AMAZING job creating a realistic world where Tony builds an android son to keep his loneliness at bay and keeps both Tony and Peter so in character despite the vastly different circumstances from their movie counterparts. And it’s a whole series! Every new installment is a beautiful read, and the author even created a tumblr: @friendly-neighborhood-android to post mini ficlets, art, and factoids in the interim. 
5 Times Peter Thought Tony Was Mad by caraminha
Summary: ... and one time he actually was.
Set a few months after Aunt May's death where Tony is Peter's legal guardian. Navigating a new life together and settling into being father and son is a rollercoaster - falling in love with the kid? Easy. Dealing with a grieving teenager, and trying to figure out how to do this whole parent thing? Uh... not so easy.
Relationship: Tony and Peter
Rating: Teen
Notes: Oh no more dead May. But I promise I only recommend these fics when they’re really well-written! And this is a REALLY good fic. I got so many feels reading this and domestic Tony and Peter really gives me life. Tony messes up a little but more than makes up for it, and then Peter messes up a lot but it’s okay because Tony loves him. It’s so adorable and heartwarming and I had the warm fuzzies the whole time.
Only Human by tonysta_k
Summary: When Flash takes things too far - pushes Peter too far by mentioning his fathers and what happened, Peter can't take it anymore.
Or, an au where after civil war, Steve was put in prison, Tony has a hard time facing his feelings, and Peter just wants to see his pops.
Relationship: Steve/Tony (Past), Tony and Peter
Rating: Teen
Notes: Damn. I don’t even ship Stony. I don’t like it, Steve has hurt Tony too much for me to ever see them as romantically involved, but if Stony just so happens to be in an intriguing Tony and Peter fic... fine, I’ll read it, so sue me. But wowowow did this fic hit me where it really hurts. It’s good because it acknowledges Steve and Tony’s failed relationship and puts Peter right in the middle of a REALLY nasty divorce. It’s really heart-breaking and realistic and claws at your emotions. 10/10 had to hug my parents right after reading. 
for good by Madelinedear
Summary: "Sorry, May, we can't all be best friends with a celebrity.”
May opens her mouth to retort reflexively, the words 'we aren’t even friends' on the tip of her tongue before she closes her mouth. Because they are friends, now. They’re way past that point.
Oh my god, she thinks somewhat hysterically. Tony Stark is my best friend.
(or; Tony Stark, May Parker, and the road to something like friendship)
Relationship: Tony and May
Rating: General Audiences
Notes: YES!!! YES!!! YEEESSSSS!!! Finally, the Tony and May fic I’ve been waiting for!!! To end this rec list on a fluffier note (because boy do I love angst, huh?) this fic is hilarious, heartwarming, and so in-character. It’s a really good study of how May and Tony’s relationship might evolve over time due to their mutual bonding over fiercely loving Peter. It’s everything I ever wanted in a May and Tony friendship fic and more. 
And these two are not necessarily Homecoming fics but I have to include them because they are on the list of my all time favorite Spider-Man fics: 
Weaver of Silk and Dreams by a_stands_for
Summary: Ben Parker sighed as he looked up into The Thing's eyes, so expressively human in spite of the rest of his rocky appearance.
“My fifteen-year-old nephew--who's practically my own little boy!--” he choked out with a tight voice, “h-he can't pass for human anymore. He's scared, and he's isolated, and he just needs someone else to talk to! Someone who can understand. Please."
Some alternate realities are unrecognizable, and some are indistinguishable. This one lies somewhere in between.
Peter Parker's life was derailed when he mutated into a strange human/spider hybrid, and he knows that's not the way things went down for him in other realities. Still, he's determined to forge a new path and make the best of it. Sometimes "the friends we made along the way" really is the greatest treasure anyone could ask for.
Relationship: Peter Parker/Wade Wilson (Peter Parker/Johnny Storm)
Rating: Mature
Notes: Okay so this is more based in the comic-verse, but I pictured Tom Holland Spidey while reading it anyways. I don’t even ship Spideypool tbh but I got curious. I didn’t even watch the Deadpool movie or know anything about Deadpool (or the Fantastic Four, who feature prominently in this) but still... it’s SO. GOOD. More spidery Spider-Man isn’t a thing I knew I needed until this fic, and it honestly reads almost like a fantasy. The world-building is incredible and the fic also comes with great drawings to help you visualize this strange new Peter. (Warning though: There are sex scenes. I was kinda hesitant about whether or not I should rec this because of that, but honestly the fic is worth it. I don’t usually like to read fics with sex scenes, but the plot more than makes up for it.)
I Like Birds by chinashopbull (WIP... possibly abandoned?)
Summary: Peter has Asperger’s/ASD. Yes, of course he’s still Spider-Man. Deadpool tries to accommodate, with mixed results.
Some feeble plot happens eventually, blood gets on the walls, etc. I play fast and loose with canon but try to stay true to (what I perceive to be) the spirit of the characters. 
Relationship: Peter Parker/Wade Wilson
Rating: Mature
Notes: Okay, so this fic predates Homecoming so it’s definitely not about that Spidey (even though I picture Tom Holland anyways), the summary doesn’t do it justice, the way the fic portrays Tony Stark makes me sad, and it’s most likely abandoned because it hasn’t been updated since May 2017 (Edit: This totally updated after a whole year. It’s still going!!!)... but hear me out. This fic is worth the heartbreak of reading an abandoned fic. First of all: Autistic Peter!!!!! Written by someone who is autistic themselves so it’s very accurate!!!! I know I say this a lot but the plot is AMAZING. There’s an amazing side story about suicide bombers that’s really intriguing. I love the mystery element of this story so much, it reads as it’s own standalone work of fiction. Also, the slow burn is so slow that the Spideypool never happens, so if that’s not your thing, don’t let that stop you from reading this truly incredible fic. (Warning: A really, really graphic eye injury in one of the earlier chapters that’s pretty gruesome. )
IS THIS LONG ENOUGH FOR YOU?? If you read any of these fics KUDOS AND COMMENT because the authors deserve your love! Feel free to send me any recs too! You know what I like. ;) 
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thatvixenchick · 7 years
i really like your fics i and i just posted mine for the first time but i don't really know how ao3 works... like how fast do you get kudos? bookmarks? on an average?
Quick answer: There is no average.
My first fic was The Only One Who Knows, and that took a long time to pick up speed. However, Have Your Cake or Eat It blew up pretty fast even though it was my second fic on the site. A few factors helped with that more than others. It was posted at a very high spike in Spideypool activity, it had Stony as a side pairing which is wildly popular, and it was playing on a trope. The popularity of that fic pushed my future fics higher than would be normal for a new author.
To maximize kudos, you gotta know your audience. 
In smaller fandoms, you wanna post at peek times. Take notice of the time frame people are responding after posting a chapter. Note when people are updating their fics in your ship. That’s when people are online and when you’ll be seen when people are looking at the ship feed.
In larger fandoms, you want to post during off times so your fic stays higher on the list longer. Obviously, that has some drawbacks, but it’ll get lost in the peek time flood, too. Your best hope in large fandoms depends on tags that people are looking for, establishing yourself as a trusted author, and promotion (self promotion or getting recced by a popular blog/author).
Tags are your friend. Tags will help put you into a narrowed search for the things people are looking for. Keep tags simple and broad, but don’t weigh down the fic with too many of them. Too little can hurt you as well. You’ll get passed up if you have too little tags with not enough information. Slow burn, friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, angst, fluff, smut, comedy, crack, are all big and broad tags people are looking for to get a general idea of what a fic is about based on their tastes. If you have something specific in your fic, tag it so the people looking for that can find it. Like, activities (swimming, skating, rock climbing), AU type (omegaverse, coffee shop, stripper), kinks (handcuffs, double penetration, somnophilia), or specific aspects of a character (name spelled a certain way, a distinct look from a media type, neurodivergent, gender divergent, sexuality). That said, don’t tag “tickling” if there’s one scene in one chapter where it happens for 30 seconds. Your tags should be relevant to the story as a whole and what people are wanting to read.
Love your readers. Comments come when you make your readers happy. Readers are more likely to comment if you respond to comments. They can and will look at the comment section to see if you are interacting with commenters on a personal basis. If yes, they will want to join in on that conversation as well. Take their feedback when you can. Add their suggestions to the story where it’s appropriate. Ask for little things, like names for a side character, or a name for an animal, or a place to have a date. Get them involved and then follow through. Those readers are putting in their time to read your work. Give a little back to them when you can, and they’re gonna come back to you, because y’all are friends now.
Bookmarks happen for two reasons: They wanna know when then next chapter is posted or they wanna save your fic for later reading/re-read or fic rec/collection. Provide one of those things and a bookmark will happen.
Make sure your summary gives an idea of what the story is about and a hook. There is a lot of content out there, so you want to make sure it’s quick and easy for a reader to get an idea of what your story is about through the summary and tags. You want just enough of a hook to have them curious and looking for more. Anything with “I’m bad at summaries” or “[this happens] and that’s all, I guess, I dunno” will be more likely to be passed up. Confidence in your own writing instills confidence in the reader. 
Rare pairs and/or small fandoms take time. Writing for something that has little content is a blessing to those looking for that content, but the kudos will happen slow, with random peeks if a specialized blog runs across the fic and recs it. However, your comments will be full of happy tears over the new addition to their corner of AO3, and that’s totally worth it.
If you write a lot and for a long time, you will get a steady group of readers who watch for your work specifically. You will see some authors write really weird stuff with/or rare pairings and/or limited tagging, and they will get 100 kudos overnight. If you look at their page, you’ll see 300+ works spanning 5 years. New authors have to work hard to gain a following.
To be honest, there’s not much difference between the fanfic community and the publishing world. The effort you put into a fic, the amount of time you spend on editing, your interactions with your readers, timing of release, and promotion all affect the feedback you’ll receive. At it’s core, both fanfiction and publishing are the same, considering that.
What you put into your fics is what you’ll get out of it.
I realize this ended up long winded, sorry. lol But I figured I would give a detailed and concise answer for any who were looking for one. :-)
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evilwickedme · 2 years
Have you ever felt motivated to write something out of spite? I’ve been getting irritated with some fandom stuff and boy is it motivating for me lol
Lmao yeah a whole bunch of my PUBLISHED fic was written out of spite let alone the half finished projects sitting in my drafts
Okay so firstly my first even long fic Of Three Times Lily Evans Changed Her Mind About James Potter (yeah it's a long name usually I just refer to it as OTT). That fic was written out of frustration with my favorite fic at time (The Life and Times) remaining incomplete - it updated once before I started tenth grade and then literally never finished (she posted what she had written but essentially went from being in the middle of an arc to the end of the whole fic and we didn't even get to see jily getting together I will never not be upset about this @thelordofthecats can confirm this). I also included some personal frustrations in there, notably at the omnipresence of wolfstar in the marauders fandom which I did not and do not ship.
Then there's my first ever spideypool fic, Changes. This was all the way back in 2015, when I had just started reading marvel comics. I really enjoyed the spideypool ship but this was before they even had a team up comic - and while Deadpool clearly had a crush on Spidey, peter couldn't STAND wade and actually quit the uncanny avengers over him. So I was like... Okay here's these two extremely different people. Most of the spideypool fic I've read has peter "fix" wade. What if it was the other way around? What if being in a relationship made Peter worse? So that's what that fic is about. (I think was also partially inspired by @ask-spiderpool 's earlier arcs, I believe, but I don't remember exactly when I stumbled across that comic and I do know I was directly inspired by Uncanny Avengers #1)
A bunch of my Witcher fic was written in response to common geraskier tropes, but I'd have to list like four fics here so just trust me on this one, I did a lot of exploration of their power dynamics here. Also, putting it on the record, I think Geralt's more interesting if he's written as a sub.
Then there's the huge fic I haven't shut up about since September, you know, before and after fic? hang on 'til the chaos is through? So yeah that was written because I kept reading fics where just the act of Tim joining the family early made it so Jason didn't die, and to me that seemed just... Wrong. Jason didn't die because he didn't have a Tim to care about, he loved both Bruce and Alfred. He died because he felt angry and betrayed and more specifically because once he found out that there was somebody else he could love, he wanted so desperately to find her and eventually to save her. It's not that I don't like the fics where that did happen - it's just that I wanted to write one where it specifically didn't. I also don't like when fics about Jason rejoining the batfamily have him learn a lesson about how killing is wrong, nor do I like fics where the Pit makes him insane or whatever. UTRH!Jason is reasonable and calculated and has a very comprehensive and logical life philosophy which I enjoy reading and writing about, even if it's not my personal philosophy. So yeah, that's one of the reasons I wrote that fic (also because I am unhinged about Jason Todd but we knew that).
And FINALLY, we have Under the Pink Hood. I am fully aware that this is maybe my most self indulgent fic ever, but by God am I upset this fic flopped. I am so frustrated with both the source material and honestly the fandom's treatment of Gwen Stacy (the original one). It was when @stackthedeck said that if they bring her back again she should at least pull a Jason Todd that I ended up writing Under the Pink Hood, combining both my blorbos into a fic I'm genuinely so proud of.
Honestly I think some of my best writing has come out of spite and frustration. Fanfic as a whole often is just a production of frustration with the source material, and then if you also have frustration with the fandom or even just one creator then that's double the frustration and a great motivator to write. If you haven't tried your hand at it yet - definitely do it, it's a great outlet and I bet you'll produce some great works!
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evilwickedme · 2 years
for the ao3 wrapped 6, 9, 28 <3
6. Favorite title you used
Oooh so either This is all just HR paperwork waiting to happen - I feel like it just really encapsulatated exactly the tone I was originally going for, even if angst did eventually sneak in - but I also really like Under The Pink Hood. I wish that fic got more love in general but it's such a niche idea nobody's looking for it :/
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
I'm obligated legally to say spideypool. Specifically spideybpool they're such an underrated version of the two. But also, and this is a throwback cause I was working on this in January before my comics brainrot set in, yennskier. Season two really fed us few who'd been shipping it since season one, and I still feel guilty for never finishing chapter 3 of the post s2 fic :/
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
Honestly this is so hard to pick cause I'm genuinely so proud of almost all the word I did this year??? Like this has been maybe my best writing year so far and I was REALLY proud of the Leverage series I did last year. Starting AND finishing hang on 'til the chaos is through is a really big deal to me and I love that fic. But I think it's I'm a mess (but I'm the mess that you wanted). It's emotional and angsty and features so many of my favorite tropes and it's got polyamory and mental illness and spideybpool, have I mentioned spideybpool?? It was also my first attempt at writing actual plot in a very long time and I think it came out great, I've reread it a bunch.
Thanks for asking jskgkskgkdkf I love talking about my writing so much
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