#there's a tiny bit of chrisaac here if you squint
IBVS Week, Day One: Kindness
well shit, here we go again folks!
i actually had this done a couple of days ago, since there's more time this year to prepare, so i decided to write my take on how isaac and chris would have met. obviously this would most likely be different in canon, but hey, that's what fanfiction is for, isn't it?
warning for mentions of homophobia? there isn't really any homophobic actions implied or mentioned here though, just felix and his gang of bitches, really.
ibvs belongs to @onebizarrekai
Isaac understood the concept of kindness, but at the same time? Not exactly.
He was a loner. Not a loner in the sense that he was a “bad boy”, putting on a mysterious, lone wolf type front to try and attract chicks or dudes or something like that. No, he was a loner in the sense that he was an outcast, ignored by most of his peers unless they wanted something, or if they were Edward.
Hell, they didn’t even call him by his real name, when they did talk to him. Isaac doubted that anyone knew his name, even. They usually called him Ink (thanks to Edward), but more often than not they’d just shout “nerd” or “kid” or whatever.
It bothered him, but at the same time, it really didn’t. He was pretty used to it by now, if he was being totally honest. But something inside of him longed for someone to show him a hint of compassion, or to just have a simple conversation with him.
And that moment came, much later than Isaac had thought.
It was October, about a month or so into junior year. Isaac was just sitting by himself, eating a sandwich and doodling random things in his sketchbook. Everyone was scattered around the cafeteria, either with their groups or clubs, or just sitting with friends, but Isaac was alone. As he usually was.
“U-Uh, excuse me?”
Isaac glanced up to the source of the voice, recognizing the person immediately. It was the transfer student, who’d only really been at Foxfield High for a day or two. He seemed pretty on edge, which Isaac could understand; the kid was a new student, after all, if anything Isaac would be surprised if he wasn’t anxious about starting in a new school.
“I, uh. Noticed you were sitting alone, and I don’t have anywhere to sit, so… is it okay if I sit here?” The transfer kid shifted from one foot to another. He was tall, maybe an inch or so shorter than Edward, if he had to guess. His eyes were gray, which was sort of fascinating to Isaac, since he’d never seen someone with gray eyes outside of fictional media. His ears were pierced, with simple black studs, and he was wearing a shirt with some sort of fancy writing on it in a language Isaac didn’t know (Japanese, maybe?) and a hoodie.
Looked like your average nerd.
“Sure, why not,” Isaac shrugged, scooting over a bit. “It’s not like anyone else is gonna sit here.”
“Thanks.” He sat down, digging a brown lunch bag out of his bag and pulling out a slightly squashed sandwich, some mustard slightly oozing out the sides. “I really appreciate it, dude.”
Isaac felt all warm inside. “Huh?”
“Well, I haven’t really been able to make that many friends. Some people just throw spitballs at me. You’re nice.”
The warm feeling was stronger now.
“...Oh. Uh, you’re welcome, I guess.” Isaac smiled, but you could tell it was a forced one, one meant to break the tension. “Just a warning. Avoid the football team whenever you can.”
“Huh? Why?”
“Well, to put it simply, they’re assholes.”
“The homophobic kind or the ‘normal’ kind?”
“The homophobic kind. I know from experience.” Isaac averted the kid’s eyes slightly, hoping that they wouldn’t pick up on the fact that he’d come out (albeit subtly) to him.
“You’re gay?”
Isaac braced himself.
“Huh. That’s cool.”
...what? He didn’t care? Isaac looked back up at the kid, who was now eating a bag of chips.
“...you don’t care?” the freckled blonde asked, tilting his head slightly. “That I’m gay?”
“Huh? No, I don’t.” His face quickly looked anxious. “N-Not that I don’t care about LGBT community or anything like that! But why should I judge someone based on who they’re attracted to? That’s just… not really nice, y’know?”
“...yeah, you’re right.” Isaac smiled slightly. “Hey dude, what’s your name?”
“Uh, Chris.”
“I’m Isaac. Do you wanna come over and play Brawl with me sometime?”
“...I...I’d like that.”
So this is what kindness is.
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