#there's a reason i never engaged with the arrowverse online
squirrelno2 · 1 year
i’m so sorry for arrowposting but like every month i go through a period of mourning because i think about the fact that oliver/diggle should have been a popular ship from the very start of season one but the fandom continually slept on it because god forbid we have a popular ship with a Black man
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cwdcshows · 5 years
The Flash - S6 E11 - Love is a Battlefield
It's kind of a shame that for all intents and purposes the multiverse "no longer exists" in the Arrowverse.  Iris getting sucked into a mirror would have been the perfect opportunity to a riff off the mirror universe concept.  Which I know they've done, but that doesn't mean they couldn't have done something fun with it, especially making Iris the central character experiencing it this time, instead of Barry.  Beats the hell out of the possessed/Stepford wife thing the preview for this episode hinted at. So "Iris" or whoever or whatever she's going to turn out to be, went out in the middle of the night, on her way home from breaking into Mcculloch and... bought a high end juicer?  Why? Oh yeah, Barry and Iris have an actual Alexa and not some type of knock-off called something like, Amelia, is totally not a product placement.
Emerson Fairweather is absolutely the made-up name a serial killer would use online to stalk his next victim. Augh, first they randomly had Frost help Cecile with her imprinting her own emotions on to the emotions she was reading from other people; now she's helping Benadryl find true love.  So all this time and a crisis and they still have no idea what the fuck to do with Caitlin... This restaurant is in Central City, right?  Barry didn't super-speed them to Rome or anything?  So why the hell would this waiter casually start talking Italian to customers who are more than likely Englisher speakers, as if to assume they could possibly understand him? And if they are in Italy and I miss the mention that that's where they were going; then why the hell was Barry surprised that the waiter spoke Italian? This is all contrived to make Iris act suspicious and it's dumb. What the fuck is Barry doing?  It's bad enough that he just sits there as a known criminal makes a threat to kill everyone in the restaurant, let alone attack whoever she was there to find, but then he tries to arrest her as himself?  Does she know he's the Flash?  I can't remember which of his rogues have learned his identity at this point, never mind what sort of retcons they can pick and choose to make post-Crisis.   And if he was concerned about people seeing him, surely he could, I don't know, duck under the table before doing a quick lap or two around the room to obscure where exactly he came from; or something. Okay, she does know.  He's still faster than the speed of sound, he could have her restrained and out the door before anyone would hear a peep; and could have done so before she'd even noticed him, let alone anyone else in the restaurant.  Why engage her at all, since presumably he already knew that she knew?  And how do you not come up with a contingency to deal with that knowledge rather than giving a super-villain leverage on you? Oh, poor Claritin has a broken heart.  You know, it is Valentine's Day and you and Frost are on your own; and Frost is on this kick about trying new experiences.....  🤷‍♂️ We're all in agreement that Barry and Iris are probably into some kinky stuff, right?
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Kind of makes you wonder if Barry was actually asking for a "banana" for breakfast.... And just like that, the bar tender sells out a dangerous meta, all because some woman comes in and flattens his bouncer. I'm really starting to think that Grant's going to be ready to leave the series within the next year or two tops.  Maybe I'm wrong, but between this episode and the last especially, they seem to be going out of their way so that Barry doesn't have to suit up; and I'm pretty sure this isn't new either  Maybe I'm reading too much into it, I very well could be, but Stephen kind of got the same way the last couple of seasons of Arrow, where they seemed to pull back on Oliver being Oliver, where he wasn't suiting up as often and just sort of less physically invested.  And that's not necessarily a criticism; Stephen played Oliver for nearly 8 years, Grant is around 6, especially if you start his count with his first appearance on Arrow, even it'd be the better part of a year before he got into the nuts and bolts of the physical demands of playing "The Flash".  That has to be exhausting.  And it's not like the writers are offering much in the way of acting challenges to entice them. Oh, fuck you; a meta-war are vinyl records? Good thing whatever was inside the case was radioactive.  I mean, it might stand to reason that someone wouldn't take a case of radioactive compounds with them to a restaurant, but then why would you take a case with advanced tech or whatever the fuck it is to a restaurant? Jesus, they're not even trying anymore; why is Barry out breath running around the city? Once again, how was anything left behind by a previous Wells from an alternate universe in a timeline/reality/whatever where none of that every, every, ever existed? "There's an awful lot of gold in there Flash..." But is there?  Just because it's gold color, doesn't make it actual gold.  Considering how often the suit gets damaged or replaced, it's probably more cost effective if it wasn't really gold. And now Barry can apparently fire lightning/fire/whatever from his fucking finger tips....
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Wait, did they just.... basically roofie the bad guys? What about the minions nearby?  I mean, everyone would have inhaled that shit.  They should have cut the goons exchanging thoughts. "I've always loved you Phil, I just didn't know how to say it...." "Pete, you slept with my mom?  How could you? What about my dad?" "Well...." "What the hell is a "throuple?"  
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