#there's a reason cassandra needed to interrogate varric in order to get a clear accounting of events
shivunin · 1 year
Hellooo! Thought I’d pop in and request number 13 from the OC codex prompts? Transcripts of an interview with Maria Hawke, about anything of your choosing! :3
I would be interested to hear about interview thoughts on Anders post-chantry incident though tbh. It’s touched on so little in Inquisition and it’s clearly hard for Hawke or anyone to discuss—whether they were with Anders romantically or not. But those difficult conversations can be the most fun to read or write, no?
With those thoughts aside, any interview you come up with would be great! Have a great day! ✨
Oooh, thanks for the prompt! I also think that her thoughts post-Chantry explosion are intriguing, but I need to think about that a bit more before I write it out. Here is an interview set just after Act 2 instead c: I hope you have a great day as well!
(Codex Prompts)
13. transcript of an interview with your OC
Interview transcript from Kirkwall’s official chronicler, dated 13 Harvestmere, 9:34 Dragon. Transcription notes by scribe apprentice Carmac Faragher. The name of the chronicler is not recorded here. Interviewee noted as one Lady Maria Amell-Hawke, though there is a note stating the lady in question contested that name. Interview conducted in Interviewee’s home.
Transcript begins: 
Chronicler: Good morning. This session is to record, for posterity, the events surrounding the Qunari incursion resulting in the death of Viscount Dumar. I understand your wounds are healing well?
Lady Hawke: Yes, thank you for your concern. I can move without my intestines spilling out now, which as you can imagine is a great improvement in my days. 
Chronicler: Ah. I see.
Lady Hawke: That was a joke. You’re allowed to laugh! I have it under good authority that it is an excellent set of intestines. Quite robust. Say, the fabric of your vest is quite lovely—is that Antivan?
Chronicler: Yes, it is. If we might return to the subject of—
Lady Hawke: You know, I’ve heard that Antiva’s had a bit of a trade war recently with Nevarra—have you heard of this?—I was just reading about it upstairs. Apparently, that’s why the cost of Antivan goods has dropped so much this past season. Some sort of issue with assassins, though in my humble opinion that’s the sort of trouble one courts when your government is run by said assassins. Pardon me; you look confused. Don’t mind me, I’m awfully cooped up in this place and nobody will let me go anywhere after—go on and ask your questions. 
Chronicler: [clears throat] Right. Can you recount for me the events in question, beginning with when you first heard of the trouble? 
Lady Hawke: Goodness, that’s awfully far back. Well, I came to Kirkwall during the Blight in—
Chronicler: Excuse me, no. Let me be more specific: I am referring to when you first heard of the imminent uprising by Qunari forces. 
Lady Hawke: Ah, an important distinction. Well, about a year ago—
Chronicler: No, no. Messere, please. 
Lady Hawke: The questions you’re asking me are horribly vague. Do you mean to tell me the city at large has been unaware of the massive contingent of disgruntled and behorned fellows occupying the docks for the last four years? Because I cannot believe that’s true. We’ve been on the brink of what happened for ages. 
Chronicler: [sigh] Let us begin again. 
Lady Hawke: Oh, please, let’s. Now, about your vest…
Transcript is accompanied by a note from the chronicler in question that indicates the interview was never completed. A follow-up discussion was scheduled, but no notes on said meeting remain in the chronicles or archives.
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