#there's a reason I don't go in the Susan Pevensie or Narnia tag
supernovasilence · 9 months
narnia au where their parents were with them at the train station during the beginning of Prince Caspian. To say goodbye to them. Their parents being a little bit clingy(ptsd and overprotectiveness) wanted to both see them off on the train. The parents accidentally end up in Narnia with them. Shenanigans abound. Just imagine these two proper British parents having to deal with the fact that a magical talking lion made their children Kings and Queens, and they were for 15 years in Narnia, Narnia in general, watching their children fight and command armies, Caspian, and the fact that their kids are not really children anymore. Also Mrs and Mr Pevensies having to rely on their children in this unfamiliar place.
ooh yes, there is definitely untapped potential in Mr. and Mrs. Pevensie ending up in Narnia. They would struggle so much with everything. Why are there talking animals and trees and water. Why won't our children listen to us. Who gave our tiny daughter a dagger. Why are her siblings acting like Lucy having a dagger is fine.
Also, if they tag along from the start of PC, they would quickly meet Trumpkin, and I'm laughing so hard at the thought. Because he's also a pretty skeptical person, but they'd have different ideas of what counts as reasonable.
Mr. and Mrs. Pevensie: a real dwarf? How is he here? How did we get here?
Lucy: oh, Aslan probably summoned us.
Trumpkin: the magical king lion? don't be ridiculous. everyone knows there haven't been talking lions in Narnia in centuries
Mr. and Mrs. Pevensie: but other animals talking is normal
Trumpkin: obviously
Also the battle at the end? There are very serious thoughts to be had about the parents seeing their children all grown up, and realizing how capable they are (and mourning a little at how much responsibility they've obviously had to shoulder so young. they sent their children to the countryside to give them as much childhood as they could, and instead war found them. war and greater burdens than they would have had back home), but I keep getting distracted trying to decide which would be funnier, the book or the movie version.
Mr. and Mrs. P: Lucy's not riding into battle! None of you should, but especially her!
Peter: don't be ridiculous
Peter: she's riding alone into the forest to find a lion
Or there's the book version of events, where Peter, Edmund, and Caspian fight in the battle while Susan and Lucy are off riding around on a lion, and literal Bacchus shows up with Silenus and a bunch of maenads and they conjure grape vines and wine everywhere.
(askfjdl and then Edmund eats dirt. The dryads are eating dirt at the victory feast and Edmund eats some because it looks like chocolate and imagine his parents. They've just started accepting their children actually are grown up and capable and royalty--and then their youngest son eats dirt.)
Also, maybe Mr. and Mrs. Pevensie look at Caspian and go "oh, another child carrying way too much responsibility. oh, you're an orphan and your uncle tried to kill you? okay, we have five children now"
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phoenixwrites · 7 years
Re: the message about people misinterpreting Lewis, digging that shade at Pullman. He's always so snotty about his interpretation of Lewis. One of my friends actually got to talk to him about it once and he was so ridiculous and high and mighty about it. D r a g h i m.
I am trying SO HARD to be nice about Pullman because I know a bunch of my followers love him.  And His Dark Materials.  For some reason.  And he has some literary criticism that is pretty good and I love his fairy tale collection.
But the C.S. Lewis thing will ALWAYS be the line I can’t cross into enjoying him as a writer.
I get the Susan criticism.  Considering I’ve been ranting about the abundant misinterpretations that abound the interwebs for the past nine years or so, at this point, it is impossible not to understand WHY people perceive (however wrongly) her fate as sexist.  (They are wrong but I get it.)  But it’s really the OTHER crap Pullman talks about Lewis that riles me up.  How he presents “His Dark Materials” as the anti-Narnia…like seriously, fuck you, man.  What kind of pretentious ass bullshit is that?  Rowling was disturbed by Susan, but she acknowledged gratitude for how Lewis transformed the genre–paralleling Harry walking through the barrier of 9 ¾ with Lucy entering the wardrobe.  Gaiman wrote an unpleasant short story about Susan, but still acknowledged his debt to Lewis and wrote a really beautiful speech that tributes him.  
He complains about the worldview in the Narnian books, saying they take for granted misogyny, racism, and conservatism.  Disagree.  Hard disagree.  Furthermore, expecting an Oxfordian don from the 1930s-1950s to be at the level of progressivism that permeates the academic world now is stupid.  This is isn’t to say you can’t find traces of misogyny and racism in his fiction–it’s there.  But I don’t agree at all that it’s in Narnia.  Narnia is probably the most progressive of his works.  Honestly, it feels like Pullman’s main problem with Narnia is the religious overtones.  Boo fucking hoo.  Grow up.  Get over it.  The whole of English literature is rife with religious overtones, symbolism, themes much more blatant than Lewis’ fantasy world and if you’re going to call yourself an academic, you better get over it.  You don’t have to share the worldview, but you need to appreciate what it’s doing and why it’s making a cultural impact.  
I recognize Pullman is smarter than me and has more degrees and more experience in the academic literary world but I do not care and I will be ranting about his attitude towards Narnia till kingdom come.  You don’t have to LIKE Narnia, that’s fine, but stop acting like an elitist snob who is just so much wiser than the rest of us religious peasants for disdaining the series.  And your friend proves my point.  I feel like I could have a productive discussion with Gaiman and Rowling about their feelings on Susan.  (I have been involved in a highly embarrassing Twitter interaction with Gaiman and once Gaiman liked a Tumblr post of mine where I talked about his short story of Susan and how I understand him resolving his conflicted feelings on her through writing so I feel like he and I are good on the subject).  I do not feel like I could have a productive discussion with Pullman about it.  
Most of Pullman’s knowledge of Lewis personally and professionally comes from a truly heinous AND FUCKING INACCURATE biography by A.N. Wilson.  This biography is one of the worst accounts of Lewis��� life you will ever read.  I have thrown it across my room MANY TIMES.  If you want a good, fair, and honest representation of C.S. Lewis, for the love of all that is good and holy, read Alister McGrath’s biography.  He does not elaborate, he does not romanticize, he is completely fair.  A.N. Wilson is the Rita Skeeter of biographers.  
Like if we want to critique C.S. Lewis, step into my office, I’m happy to discuss my love, criticism, and problems for and with C.S. Lewis any day of the week.  I have written many papers on the subject.  I researched at the Bodleian Library in Oxford for precisely this reason.  But I don’t think Pullman can do that fairly or objectively.
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daydreams-magic01 · 3 years
I like you too
(Lucy Pevensie x Autistic!Male!Reader)
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(Not my gifs, credit goes to the creators)
Main Masterlist
Requested by: Anon
Fandom: The Chronicles of Narnia (The Golden Age)
Request: ‘Hello I love your work
Could I request a Lucy Pevensie x Male Reader (they are both over 18) where the Reader is an autistic savant (who is quite socially awkward) and happens to catch feelings for Lucy but he doesn't know what to say or do, so he kinda avoids her.’
Thank you so much! I am quite self conscious of my writing and I can’t explain how glad I am that people enjoy it! 
I love this request.
From what I understand, Autism is different for everyone. I have taken from what I have witnessed and researched but I have mostly focused on the socially awkward aspect, as you requested, as I would hate to ever offend anyone or upset someone and I didn’t want to make a mistake or hurt or anger anyone.
Warnings: Nothing really.
Words: 2.1K
Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction, the scenarios, the reader, and the dialogue are all mine.
This should only be found on my blog.
Author is always me on this blog: @daydreams-magic01​ .
A/N: Please do not copy or plagiarise this, or put it in your own book, etc. It should only be found here. Also, please mention if I should make a taglist and if you wanted to be added. I also tried by best at being British.
Thank you.
Also, I have added all these tags as there isn’t a lot of Lucy Pevensie representation (aged up of course), and in case people want to read this.
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"(Y/n)!" Queen Lucy shouts, running down the hall, lifting the fronts of her skirts slightly as her shoes thump against the marble.
(Y/n) freezes before tucking the scrolls beneath his arm and spinning on his heels to face her. His eyes widen as he notices the skin of her ankles flashing; Queen Susan would have a heart attack if she could see her sister now.
She sighs in relief as she reaches the Savant, taking a second to catch her breath. "We don't talk much."
"Yes," he tries to make eye contact, but his eyes look everywhere but her. He strums his fingers against the bottom scroll. 
"We should talk more." His gaze immediately falls on her at that comment, her infectious smile beaming up at him. 
"O-oh," he swallows, Adam Apple bobbing up and down, which her gaze shoots too.
"I - I never see you," she looks back up to him, and his eyes flicker to the banners behind her, "never with anyone else, at least." 
His mouth opens and closes as he tries to find the right words.
"I understand, sometimes people can be rather annoying, like Edmund, or Peter and Susan can be a bit, well, Susan... but I do love them, of course!" She flashes him a smile, which he sees out of the corner of his eye. 
(Y/n) doesn't say anything, trying to think of something to say without embarrassing himself. 
"Are you coming to the Council meeting?" She asks, her smile not faltering for a second. A breeze flows through the open hall, waving her hair slightly, making him look even further away.
Worried that she may be making him uncomfortable, she takes a step backwards, the smile returning as she notices his shoulders loosen slightly. "We can walk together if you'd like." 
His eyes flicker down to her for a second before wandering once again, "we probably should, as we would end up walking alongside e-each other anyway."
Smiling, she begins to walk, a slight skip in her step.
She stops once she realises the young Savant is not following her, "you don't have to if you don't want to."
Shaking his head, he walks towards her, "there is no reason not to if we are both going to the meeting." 
She waits for him, trying to catch his eyes, which he avoids. The two walk alongside each other, feet apart, in silence for most of the journey.
When they reach the open doors, she turns to him, beaming brightly, "thank you for walking with me, Mister - sorry, I don't know your last name."
He glances down at her for a second, barely taking in her red gown before focusing his gaze on her empty throne. "(L/n-n)."
She smiles, "Mister (L/n)." She turns on her heels again, heading into the Throne room.
Then, she stops, spinning on her heels again, "are you a Philophoser?" 
His brow quirks, "No. I do Astronomy."
"Oh," Lucy sighs, looking to the ground, making him frown, which only further confuses him, "well, that's intere-"
"Philosophy can be interesting, like ethics." He doesn't know what overcomes him, but his gaze flickers to her for a second before flittering everywhere else.
"I think ethics are rather interesting when not in the classroom, of course," she jokes, hoping to see him smile.
His fingers stretch, continuing to strum beneath the scrolls.
"Perhaps we can debate it some time, and you can tell me all about Astronomy." Once again, she catches his attention.
"Why?" (Y/n's) nose scrunches slightly. Lucy has no reason to be interested in simple scholar things when she is his Queen.
"I think the sky is fascinating, although I do prefer trees," she jokes again. The corner of (Y/n's) lip twitches, causing her contagious smile to overcome her face once more.
"You do?"
"I do."
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~Please do not copy ~~~~~~~~~~~~
 "What has you up this late?" The High King asks, taking the seat opposite (Y/n) in the Library. The moon shines through the window, illuminating (Y/n's) carefully crafted face. He is still in his day clothes, cloak hanging over the back of the chair and clad in his tunic.
It has been almost a year since he and the Queen became friends, making them now eighteen, almost nineteen, and after a while, she introduced him officially to her brothers and sister, never wanting to push him or make him uncomfortable.
"I can't sleep most nights, and Lucy suggested staying up later will tire me out more," he glances up from the chessboard for a second before focusing back down.
"But you've tried that already?" Peter guesses, straightening his tunic as he leans in slightly to focus on the board.
They sit in silence for a while until (Y/n) begins to strum his fingers on the tabletop.
"Why are you playing by yourself?"
He freezes for a second, not taking his eyes off the pieces. He had been expecting a quiet night, but he does enjoy Peter's company. "I find it stimulating."
"I thought you are more of an Astronomy man?" He nods, moving a piece.
"It requires a lot of mathematics." 
"And so does Chess?" 
"In some ways."
Before silence can fall again, Peter speaks up, "my sister enjoys your company."
At the mention of the young woman (Y/n) looks up, still holding a chess piece mid-air, above the board. "As do I." He smiles nervously, not wanting to start a fight with the King or anger him.
Peter only smiles. "I am glad to hear that," he pauses, "I think you have caught her fancy, though."
"Sorry?" As much as he wants to look back down and continue to play, he finds he can't. His heart begins to thump in his chest, and without looking down, he places the piece. Why is he behaving like this?
"(Y/n), she fancies you."
 "W-what?" He chokes and coughs to clear his throat. 
"Don't worry, (Y/n)," he laughs, "you fancy her too. If you want to, there could be a beautiful relationship there." Peter does not mean to pressure him or make him uncomfortable, but he ships them hardcore.
Peter's smile falls as (Y/n) fails to respond, his mouth opening and shutting continuously. Worried he has betrayed his sister, Peter's gaze hardens slightly. "You do like her back, right?"
"N-no," his fingers begin to strum again as his throat feels like it's going to close, "y-yes." His eyes glaze over a bit, "I don't know. I don't know."
"Well, you do know, don't you." Peter doesn't mean to be so rude, but he is incredibly protective of those he loves.
"I don't know."
"But you do!" His voice raises slightly, which once again he doesn't intend to. 
"Peter!" Lucy shouts, stepping into the Library. She gasps as she takes in the scene, "leave him alone. You can't hassle people, Peter." Peter stands up and looks between him and his sister. 
He looks down, ashamed, "I am really sorry, (Y/n). I can't force you." Lucy takes in the scene, gasping at (Y/n's) distress, and she runs over to them. "Please accept my deepest apologies. I think I will go to bed now."
Bending down next to her dear friend, she turns to her brother, her eyes hardening into the infamous reserved glare, "yes, I think that you should."
Sighing, Peter goes to step forward, to apologise, but after taking another look at the scene, he decides to leave, shoulders sunk and slouched.
"(Y/n) are you okay?" Lucy bites her lip. Not wanting to make him uncomfortable, she stands tall, "I'm sorry Peter is an arse."
"I don't know." (Y/n) begins to blink his eyes, trying to gain focus again. He hates this, embarrassing himself, especially in front of her.
Why though?
"Why was he shouting at you? If I may ask?" She heads to the seat opposite him, but at his next words, she finds herself hovering in the air.
 "Do you want me to leave?" 
(Y/n) looks up, and his heart skips a beat. She looks gorgeous as the moon illuminates her face and highlights the red dress, which reminds him of the one he first saw on her when she tried to introduce herself. Except in this one, the neckline is slightly deeper, which he tries to avoid as his cheeks flush. 
Has she always been that beautiful?
How is she such much prettier than the other girls?
Somehow he goes completely calm, and a smile overcomes his face. Like hers did to him, his smile makes Lucy's heart flutter and butterflies begin in her stomach.
"I-I" The idea of her being alone with him makes him feel skittish, and his fingers begin to strum again.
Her smile falls, and she stands tall, brushing down her gown. Her eyes begin to gloss over, and she curses her sensitivity.
"You didn't do anything wrong," he smiles, except it comes out rather bored, "you are just you."
The smile that had begun to form falls.
"Not in a bad way, t-though."
She sighs in relief, sliding into the seat opposite him, and jokes, "alright. Thank Aslan."
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~Please do not copy ~~~~~~~~~~~~
 A week later, and instead of his sleeping struggles, Lucy keeps (Y/n) wide awake. 
So, here he is, sat up in his bed, beneath his covers, fingers strumming on his quilt and his knee bobbing up and down.
How should he act around her?
He hasn't seen her for longer than a few minutes since that night.
 He fancies Lucy Pevensie.
 Not knowing how to react, he decides that it's best to avoid her, especially after what had happened this morning when he completely messed up and stumbled over his words.
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~Please do not copy ~~~~~~~~~~~~
 "(Y/n)!" Lucy shouts, running down the hall as fast as she can.
Eyes widening, he begins to walk faster. Lucy runs after him, but he quickly swerves into the corridor.
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~Please do not copy ~~~~~~~~~~~~
 This happens several more times, for weeks. 
Then Lucy begins to avoid him too - well, she begins to make no effort. She, of course, assumes it's because she messed up, and he assumes that it's because he messed up, and she knows of his feelings.
Neither enjoys this feeling.
 After not being able to see her at all for two weeks, he approaches her.
Lucy is sat in the royal gardens, on the side of the fountain, as she watches the water move and swirl. A smile befalls her face at the beauty. 
He fiddles with his tunic and runs his hand through his hair. Clenching his fists, he takes a step forward.
He then immediately spins on his heels and begins to walk again. 
"(Y/n)!" Lucy gasps, a small smile overcoming on her face. He turns on their heels and flashes a smile.
"Lucy," he drawls out, providing some sort of jazz hands as he walks over to her. 
She giggles.
Her smile falls as she remembers, "why have you been avoiding me?"
"Pfttt, I haven't been ignoring you." He finally reaches her and smiles down.
"You have." His smile falls. 
"No, I haven't."
She shakes her head, glancing behind him for a second before focusing her gaze on him again.
"I- I just, you make me feel," he looks up to the sky, asking for Merlin's help.
"No, never," he looks back down to her, taking in her blue eyes and freckles, "most people change their person for the better, but -"
He clenches his eyes for a second and his fists. "You, you accept me for me. You don't care how weird I can get-"
Lucy shoots up, shaking her head. She wonders how this man can be so oblivious, "you are not weird."
"See." He stretches out his hand, "I get all weird around people, and that doesn't happen around you - anymore."
"I can't understand, but I want to try. Sometimes I get nervous, shaky and worried. Like how I was worried," Lucy sighs, glancing to the ground for a second, "I was worried you didn't like me back. You don't have to but-"
"I do."
"I like you." He laughs nervously, eyes darting to everywhere but her as his fingers strum on his side. 
Stepping forward, she shakily places her finger on his hand. He looks down, shaking himself, his heart beating erratically. 
Slowly, her eyes meeting his, she links her fingers with his. She doesn't want to push him.
"Is this okay?"
"Good, because I like you too."
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~Please do not copy ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
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