#there's a few bits and pieces i've done floating around sdlakfjsa
not-poignant · 1 year
Hi Pia, I absolutely love your works and was wondering if you would ever do art of some of your characters.
And would you ever be open to take small art commissions?
I have done art of my characters actually, like this one of Gwyn ap Nudd. And I'm actually working on an Augus right now:
Tumblr media
I don't take art commissions at all. I didn't love doing it when I actually worked as a professional artist (before I started writing as a professional writer) and ended up refusing to offer commissions in the end.
Besides, I would never offer commissions on drawing people anyway, because that's not my comfort zone as an artist and that's simply unfair to anyone who wants that kind of art for me. Folks who know me, know I'm an animal artist, and it's not really fair to commission artists for stuff they don't really naturally do, y'know? :D
(Also, I just don't really have the time. It takes me ages to complete any art pieces at the moment because the writing keeps me so busy.)
(But I am doing some Fae Tales art etc. for myself, and potentially for merch down the track :) ).
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