#there'd be a larger fishing port plus a market area where Eclipse goes to sell his catch
bloo-the-dragon · 20 days
For your mer DCA AU!
What is eclipse’s new situation like after the escape from the pirates? I know you said he works with a small fishing business, but where does he live? Does he have any friends? How did he get the job in the first place? What’s his new boss like?
(Sorry if this question is annoying)
After escaping it would be a few months before he'd manage to find a home of his own - aside from finding a new job, there'd be the process of getting himself officially recognised as a sentient robot (this is a world setting where sentient robots can have rights if they are able to prove they have free will/thought) and after that getting a bank account opened so he can start being paid for work.
The town he ends up at is a small fishing town and it has housing for the fishers who work there for low rent. After getting the job Eclipse was able to secure one of these houses close to the shore. I kinda imagine the area he lives at is similar looking to this:
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