#there will be more bloggin' probably coming later tonight!
blackjackkent · 10 months
hiya! i love your liveblog, i just wanted to ask- is there anything in the game that you've been spoiled on in advance? + do you generally avoid spoilers?
Eeeee, this ask made my evening! (Just got off flight home and am a tired pup. :P ) I'm so glad you're enjoying my liveblogs; I'm getting a huge kick out of bringing them to you!
I've actually managed to avoid spoiling myself on much of anything significant in BG3, amazingly enough. From things like the patch notes or random gifsets I know certain characters or places exist that I haven't encountered yet, but generally I have no context beyond that and am hoping to keep it that way so I can still have the Full Reaction when I get there. With some games I'm more concerned about spoilers than others but BG3 is def one I'm invested enough in that I am enjoying getting the full experience meted out to me a scene at a time.
I hope this answers the question! :D
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