#there were as many westallen moments in the last 15 minutes of the finale as there were in the whole rest of the season
stileslydias · 7 years
#1-40. Love you.
alright yall adie wants me to answer everything so here goes the rest of these asks since I don’t have any more from anyone !!!
1. Talk about the first ship you ever had.
I believe I’ve talked about them before, but Chase and Zoey from Zoey 101. I think they were the first pairing I shipped before I even knew what shipping meant. Fun fact; i’ve seen every episode of Zoey 101 
5. Do you have any poly ships?
I do not! Not because I don’t think there should be, I’ve said this before when someone asked me about this that; we all ship what we think love is. That’s kind of just how it ends up being. It’s why so many people ship so many different ships. So yeah, I see love between one person and another person. But that doesn’t mean that poly relationships don’t exist for those that see love differently! :)
6. How do you feel about love triangles?
Get them out of my face aldskjf 
7. How do you feel about RPF?
Not really into it. Just because I imagine being a famous person and reading about myself.. no thanks aha!
8. Have you ever shipped yourself with a character?
No, I mean there are characters where I’m like.. if I was in that world I’d date THEM. (aka scott mccall). But I don’t actively ship myself into fandom lmao.
9. Do you have many ships that never got together at all?
Tommy and Lindy from Eye CandyRachel and Joey from FriendsMalia and Kira from Teen WolfStiles and Cora from Teen WolfAllison and Lydia from Teen WolfClary and Isabelle from Shadowhunters (still holding out hope lmao)+ more probably ahahaha
10. Do you ship any characters that have never met?
Isaac and Malia on Teen Wolf; I feel like their dynamic would be legendary tbh!
11. Talk about your favorite first kiss.
Can I count Stiles and Lydia’s second kiss as their first real kiss? Because goddamn!!!
But otherwise as far as first kisses go.. I think Max and Liz from Roswell might as well take this one because they were so cute and pure and just eep !
12. Have you ever been disappointed when your ship finally got together?
None that I can think of? I was disappointed in Young & Hungry because they kept going back and forth with Josh and Gabby that by the time they got together for like what.. the third time? I was kind of over it. There were other angsty storylines that if they had gotten together then.. would have been better.
14. How do you feel about will they/won’t they?
Ugh I love this trope! Like dancing around each other’s feelings.. it hits home for me as most of the time this is me LMAO
15. Have you ever “shipped at first sight”?
Riley and Lucas on Girl Meets World for sure!
16. Talk about a ship you initially disliked.
Uhhh Stiles and M@lia I guess? But it was only because they really came out of the blue. And I usually like my ships with some kind of build up. And even the ships I have that have no build up, get really good story lines where we see them progress, or at least see the moment they got together. And those I can live with. But these two felt a little last minute, and they only felt like they were together to me in their alone scenes, and it was just odd writing on the production’s part. They did grow on me a bit as time went on; but in the end I never really shipped them.
17. Talk about a pairing you’ve stopped shipping romantically.
Damon & Elena; simply I just realized how much healthier I viewed Stefan & Elena and ended up just dropping this ship altogether.
18. Talk about a moment which made you question an entire ship.
Season 2 of reign made me question Frary a lot. Like m/onde was a complete mess to me, and just everything that happened only to lead back to Frary getting back together in the last like little bit of the season? It was messy and I didn’t like it :(
19. Have you ever shipped something despite yourself?
What an intriguing question?? I suppose Damon & Elena at the time.. because I always knew there was something off about them.
21. Is there a ship you just don’t get, but have nothing against?
I suppose like.. Archie and Veronica?? Like I have nothing against them getting together or not getting together. I just don’t see the appeal I suppose---or I guess I do but I’m not into it.
24. Do you mostly ship canon pairings?
No, I ship whatever I like tbh lmao
25. Have you ever shipped a pairing before you even started watching the show/movie simply because of gifs and graphics or similar?
Currently I dashboard ship: Westallen & Karamel
26. Have you noticed a pattern in your shipping? Is there a romantic dynamic you’re more drawn to?
Yes for sure, I explained more in another ask but simply; Person A loves Person B but is comfortable in loving them from afar (or assumes their love is unrequited) and would do anything to keep this person happy. Meanwhile, Person B doesn’t realize their feelings (or have no feelings as of yet) for Person A until one day they realize that Person A has wormed their way into their heart and now they can’t live without them.(stiles/lydia, katniss/peeta, klaus/caroline, tommy/lindy --- examples)
27. Is there a ship you’ve shipped for most of your life?
Uhhh Stydia and Everlark I suppose? Since I was fourteen/fifteen!
28. Does shipping come easily to you?
Too easily sometimes which is sad for my poor poor heart sometimes!!
29. Do you need to ship something to really enjoy a movie/book/tv show/comic?
Nope!! My favourite stories are ones of found families, where a group of people find home/family where they never thought they would. And those stories are my favourite! Like Teen Wolf, Roswell, Friends, etc.
40. If you could change one thing about your OTP, what would that be?
Since my OTP is Stiles and Lydia.. I mean I guess I’d like to see them together more now that they are together. But with Dylan’s filming schedule I’m not sure how much of that I will get. But I’m content with their story, and it’s one of the reasons I love them so much so I don’t think I could change anything about these stubborn assholes in love?
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