#there must be another instruments i haven't found pictures yet but there you go... an insight of Elvis' love for music
hooked-on-elvis · 5 months
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Voice is an instrument but it certainly was not the only talent Elvis Presley had in his life. He played guitar, piano and sometimes even bass for his recordings, being specially skilled on the piano, but often fooled around with other instruments like the drums, accordion, ukulele, flute and even violin. He couldn't read or write music and had no formal lessons but, as a natural musician, he played music by ear. He would simply hear a song, pick up an instrument, and play.
Let's see some pictures.
GUITAR: It was the first instrument Elvis had real experience with. By the age of 11 his mother gifted him with a guitar she purchased for his birthday (January 8, 1946) at Tupelo Hardware store for $7.75. He used that guitar all through high school, and even in his early career. He owned many more, and much nicer, guitars during his career, and used many prop guitars in his movies. One of the most famous ones is the 1955 Martin D-28, used by EP in his early career during the Sun Records era. It had a custom made tooled leather cover with his name "Elvis Presley" blazoned across the front. If you want to learn more about Elvis' guitars, I recommend you to visit scottymoore.net.
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PIANO: About the pics of Elvis in 1956 playing the piano while Liberace plays his guitar, I find it very interesting considering what kind of musician Liberace was. He was a prodigious talent with the piano (began playing the piano at the age of 4). Elvis must have felt very confident to play the instrument around him. EP's friends spoke many times about how EP was great playing the piano. It was his instrument, despite being best remembered with his guitar in his hands. Over time he got better and better. Elvis played the piano for recording sessions and onstage throughout his career.
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BASS: When The Beatles visited Elvis in California in 1965, they all jammed, with Elvis on bass.
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Update: Apparently, the last instrument is a clarinet, not a flute, and EP is playing around with it other than seriously playing. It's typical of him. Some of them he really dedicated himself to learn, some others he played just to joke around with his friends. The intention with the post is actually just show how Elvis was curious about instruments and music and general.
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It's 2020 and my only resolution is to take it easy on me and go walk whenever I feel the sadness circling my soul, so this day I do just that.
I woke up freezing because the heater got broken and I know that if I stay indoors I'm gonna fall into some sort of despair so I go and brew some few cups of tea, purr them in bottles, roll up my last blunt from the stash, eat some pasta left overs from new years eve, dress myself in pretty colors and head out. It's been one hour of walking therapy so I stop by McD. to pee and then head out to the small park to have a smoke and rest my legs.
"- Futu-ți morții mă-tii de adiere băşită" is the best my brain could think of when the wind blowed away the tobacco from my rizla while trying to roll, so I start all over.
"- Futu-ți morții mă-tii...", this is my second attempt, the tobacco is all over my pants so I take a deep breath and keep on trying.
"- Futu-ți morții mă-tiiiii!!!!"
That was my 3d attempt to roll but the wind had other plans for my lungs. But then you came bye amused by the words you didn't understand, holding a pack of cigarettes and inviting me to stop fighting the wind and have a smoke from your pack. So I take one and you take a seat next to me and we lit up the cancer tubes, I say thanks and you say I'm very cute and smile. To scare the shyness away I pretend to flip my hair in the gayest way possible:
- Oh, just cute? and I thought I was beautiful, now you destroyed my dreams to ever be an instagram sensation.
You start laughing and tell me I'm actually beautiful and we start playing this game where we kinda make fun of how dumb we as humans are, I'm cracking up silly jokes and you do the same, I tell you I find you very cute also and I apologise for shattering your dreams of being an insta model, you laugh and you give me another cigarette and then move a bit closer to me.
- You're very smart for such a young guy...are you seeing someone?
- Love, you're sweet but I'm not that young...
Then you touch my hand and tell me you already like me and that I don't have to lie to impress you because you have been with guys younger than my age. That's how I find out that I'm most likely 22 or 23 and that you're just few years older than me, you're 25. I tell you lies are not my sexy kink and that I'm born in 1984, on the 31st of May. You laugh but I see the awe on your face so I tell you the good looks run in my family and that if you see my brothers you'll know what I'm talking about.
- Show me
You say that and then cuddled so close to me that you give me no option but put my arm around you while I start pulling out pictures from the phone.
- Here is Patrick, he's the love of my life and one of the sweetest man the Universe has given us. He's gonna be 35 this year.
You say we look alike but that I'm prettier than him so I turn a bit red and start feeling kind of uncomfortable so I swipe away.
- In this picture he's with Max, they are at a court hearing. Max is the oldest one, he is in his 40s and he lives here in UK but up north. I haven't seen him for ages and I miss him and his signature paranoia very much. This is Andrei, I have tons of pictures with him, we live together and he is so sweet that every time I think of him my heart melts. Probably the reason I take secret pictures of him while sleeping.
I show you more pictures with him and tell you the story when I had to sleep in his room and how he cuddled close to me when we were sleeping and you press yourself against my body and tell me you get it why. This makes me feel even more uncomfortable cuz you kinda took up every cm of my personal space but I don't know what to do so I brush it off.
- He's 22 and he might be one of the sexiest of us but he's not the youngest, Gherman is. See? This is Gabi but I call him Gherman, this is a screenshot from one of our chats, I always do this pictures when we talk so that I have them to look at when I miss them. You would say he's 14 but actually he just turned 18. He's an adorable pain in the ass but with the soul in the right place. And this is Chriss, look how gorgeous this guy is and his heart is pure gold. He's such a talented artist but unfortunately he wasn't discovered yet, he draws nudes and erotic art and it's mind fucking blowing. This is a photo with Chriss, Rami and Teo, I almost cried when I got these pictures of them. Rami represents the whole notion of humanness and he's shy just like me.
- This guy is blonde... is he also your brother?
You pointed out to Teo so I show you more pictures with him and then pull up pictures with Andreas also.
- Yeah, we have few blondes in our family but we decided to love them nonetheless. This is Andreas, not only that he's blond but he's also a very wise man. It's always such a pleasure talking to him. He's in Germany now. Just like Leo.
I'm looking for pictures with Leo so I start scrolling for the screenshots from the last whatsapp conversation and you decide to take a break from your cuddle and have a smoke. Now I feel more comfortable even though you're still resting your body next to mine.
- Here is my adorable Leo.
- He looks alot like the first guy without the beard..
- Like Patrick?
- Yeah
You see the pictures with me and Vlăduț and you like him.
- This is your brother also, I can tell. Is he old like you?
- No, actually he's young like you. And also an amazing musician and sound therapist. He makes sounds with weird instruments and then you feel a bit better. But he's not in London anymore, he returned home, he wasn't feeling very good here.
I feel you're a bit disappointed and probably thinking that you'll have to settle with me but once you get me started with my brothers it's very hard to make me stop.
- And this is Aris, he looks like an artist because he is one, he's a painter and a tattoo artist. And this is Elias, if you're ever looking for a smart conversation then he's the guy to go to. Him or Alexander. The difference is the sarcasm of Alex versus the warmth of Elias.
Then I show you Alexander and you smile and ask me if Elias and Alex are twins but I have no chance to answer because now you're handing me your phone and ask me to pull up my fb and I do just that so you start looking around while I'm getting even more nostalgic going through the pictures in my phone. I'm looking for a picture with Abel but I have no more time to show it to you
- You're transgendered?
- Oh love, there's no such thing as being "transgendered", nobody can transgender me, I am transgender because this is how I am.
- You mean you're not a real man?
- I'm just as a real human as you are love, and for sure am a man. Just that I'm a trans man
- And you're proud of this sickness...
And then you show me my cover photo.
I felt your disgust even since you said "Trasgendered" and I know very well that look in your eyes, I once had a crazy girlfriend who used to look at me just like that and somehow it feels so fucking familiar that I sense what is going to happen next so I try my best to avoid it. I tell you that each of us has its own life to live and that people must learn to accept and embrace diversity if we want to heal this human race. I tell you that body parts are just that, body parts and that gender identity is not defined by sexual anatomy. I want to tell you more but I was right and you snap into rage mode, slap the shit out of me almost poking my eye out with your nails.
- Fucking disgusting predator, man with pussy, you should be burned alive.
You walk away in anger showing the middle finger, shouting "fuck you", so I shout back that you wish to have the luck to get fucked by such a proud trans man but that I don't fuck crazy bitches anymore so you turned around and you were fuming so I told you that if you come back to hit me again I'm gonna punch you in the face. You left. I start rolling one and feel sorry I got angry and yelled back but somehow so relieved that you went away.
Dear L.,
You have my FB now and somehow I hope this message gets to you: please get some medical help you are in desperate need, and you won't get to meet nice guys like me everywhere.
I know you have serious mental issues cuz a healthy mind wouldn't let you go to total strangers looking for their attention and affection on a bench in a park, you don't cuddle with strange men and expose yourself like that.
I lived with a girl like you, extremely violent and unstable that is, for a whole year and I know that you were just looking to meet somebody that looks like a nice guy but actually hoping to get an asshole so you can have an excuse to violently manifest your pain. Been there through that already so I know the drill. The fact that you discovered I'm transgender was just the trigger you were looking for, and I didn't feel you hated me but I did feel that you wanted to make someone suffer and you found me, so it was just a matter of time until something would have triggered you.
PS: I'm sorry I threatened you but I don't like being hit. I wouldn't have hit you back but I would have called the ambulance because I learned that being a sweet person doesn't help when somebody suffers like you do.
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