#there is some things from different series mixed here but it's motly qsmp stuff so...
usakkhae · 1 year
Yesterday I couldn't sleep so I spend all night thinking about headcannons for Brunever but then I forgot:[ But now I remembered! So.. some of my hcs about them!
I like to think that Brunim has tiny wings but if he had bigger ones like real life bats, I imagine him covering Forever with it while Brunim is feeding cuz he doesn't like anyone seeing Forever exposed that way
Brunim usually bites and take off his fangs from Forever's neck very carefully so he doesn't hurt him but he always bites him in the same place to make the mark last longer( ofc it hurts a lot but Forever enjoys it even if he complains a lot about it). And if they are separated for a long time, a scar sure will appear.
Forever sometimes scratches Brunim's back/neck while he is feeding so both of them have little scars reminding one of each other:D
After Forever arrived in the Quesadilla Island, the bite marks and the LOVE shirt are the only things that he still has of his old lover.
Brunim got the habit of scratching his neck scars after Forever disappeared because he is afraid of it fading.
They both are equally obcessed with each other but Brunim is way more possessive and jealous then Forever.
Because of Skydoido2(and Brunim sometimes talking about the qsmp in his streams), I imagine them having some kind of magical bond that permit them to sense/feel each other even in a long distance but it was weakened by the Federation.
Even with that, Brunim still can see some things (even if Forever can't) and that's how he found out about Forever going after Philza and being Bbh and Max's crush.
After a while, some weird magic happened (or something like that idk I'm not trying to make sense here lol) and they somehow encountered each other in their dreams while being in a weird floating island(Skydoido2)
Brunim and Forever are the kind of couple that finds some reason to fight . They have some "breaks" in their relationship and spends all the time trying to make the other one jealous or just straight up ignoring each other until they can't handle being separated and get together again.
When Forever somehow ended in the boat with the other brazillians they were in the middle of one of these fights and that's why he was so quick to go after Phil when he saw him.
Even with that, they are still engaged and Forever has been planing their wedding in his head for months now and that's how he helped Cellbit with his marriage.
Brunim hates to feed with someone else's blood and when they aren't together he just refuses to do so. Since Forever is in Quesadilla for a couple of months now, Brunim was starving and had to force himself to find another source of food.
The vampire preference for Forever's blood goes beyond their relationship, with him finding it more tasty because Forever is half elf. (Can go in the same way with the hc of Forever being a werewolf/wolf hybrid In my opinion)
Forever got used to the taste of blood because of Brunim always kissing him after sucking his blood.
Forever always used to complain about Brunim biting him without warning and living with bite marks all over his body but now he misses it.
And that's it for now.
If you have some headcannons too I would love to hear because we don't have enought content about them>:D
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