#there is a starman waiting in the queue
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foxok-stuff · 14 days ago
I have like... 18 drawings prepared... 8 of them are finished... The others just need to be colored and that's it...
Maybe I should take that break to let the queue shorten... Because it feels kind of bad to make people wait so long for this... Tho, I technically don't make people wait (besides people who requested stuff), because I supply rain world drawings every day...
But I still feel the need to draw, and besides rain world stuff, I don't really have any ideas...
Maybe I should draw an anthro akorbik from cos...
Or maybe just Starman again... They are kind of the default guy for me to turn to, when I want to draw something other than rain world stuff...
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go-dark-turtle · 4 years ago
(This had very tight writing limits and I just managed to keep under them. So yes there is mega time skips and stuff. Please enjoy this is for a contest.)
A day off with an opportunity and a rescue mission?
(A Mario x Nintendo loop crossover fanfiction)
It was the day of the annual Toad Town festival, Luigi was up bright and early. He had breakfast and a cup of coffee to start his day. Mario, his older brother, was still asleep in the other room. Luigi smiled with excitement and left a note for his brother and went to town on his kart. An hour later Mario stirred awake and walked to the kitchen and saw the note left by his younger sibling. He smiled softly and got himself dressed and ready to take part in the annual festivities.
***Meanwhile in the south of south Toad town, up on top of the hill***
Irri and his other guardians, Ralfonic, Andi and BreadSquid were all chilling at Irri's mansion.
"Hey BreadSquid could you handle the queue today please? I'm having a day off today and I wish to read my new book in the library." Irri nodded to the small inkling.
"You got it boss!" BreadSquid gave a peace sign "Leave the requests to me!"
"Excellent, Thank you." Irri took his leave.
He started to make his way downwards the spiral staircase to the basement where the library was. He smiled finally some time to himself he thought. He grabbed his new book from the shelf and took a seat on the old velvet chair in the corner of the room. He opened his book, started to read but was interrupted by loud music and the townspeople making such a noise.
BreadSquid tried their best to get the queue up and running but alas due to the towns people using the same wifi nothing could run. BreadSquid was so annoyed and shut down the computer.
"What is all this ruckus about! I'm trying to read here!" Irri burst through the door which made BreadSquid jump.
"AH! I dunno boss, it could be the townspeople, I think the festival is today?" BreadSquid grabbed a telescope and peered out the window "Ah see I was right, look, there's Toads everywhere. Oooh the princess is there and oh my is that Luigi?"
Irris eyes beemed with excitement and snacthed the telescope and looked at town square with Luigi and the princess giggling and having a good time. "Perfect, Breadsquid tell Andi to get the car ready. We are going to town."
"Oh yay road trip! Road trip!" BreadSquid ran out the room and kicked the door to the games room open "OI ANDI, IRRI SAYS YOU NEED TO GET THE CAR!" BreadSquid left the room.
*** 10 minutes later***
Andi flicked the switch in the garage and there in the middle was the Parade Kart.
"Out the way Andi I'm driving!" BreadSquid nudged him out the way.
"Hey!" Andi started to protest and sat next to Ralfonic sulking.
"It's fine you can drive us back. Come now, we must make haste" Irri sat in the top seat, crossed his legs and pointed forward "To Toad town!" BreadSquid giggled and floored it to Toad Town.
***Meanwhile in Toad Town***
Luigi had treated Peach to chocolate and ice cream, they giggled by the fountain but all that came to an end when BreadSquid swerved by them. Ralfonic and Andi got out of the car and snacthed the princess, BreadSquid sat in the back and smiled at Peach while Andi took the driver's seat and floored it back to Irri's mansion on the top of the hill. Luigi was furious and chased after them, a few Toads gave him a few starman power ups and he raced after them.
"ANDI STEP ON IT! LUIGI IS GAINING ON US!" BreadSquid looked behind and saw Luigi had almost caught up.
"Relax BreadSquid this is all part of my plan." Irri smirked.
Once they got to the front gates Irri waited for Luigi to catch up whereas the other headed inside, once he got there Irri bowed to him and invited him in.
"Okay princess you are free to go" Irri smiled and opened the door for her to leave
"But what about Luigi?" the princess asked while she stood on the step.
"Oh, he will be staying here for a while. Now off you go." Irri smiled
"Yeah you heard him, scram princess!" BreadSquid slammed the door.
The Princess in a panic ran back to town to tell Mario about what happened.
"Ah Luigi it is so good have you here. You will have a grand time let me assure you" Irri smiled.
"Um.. what did you have in mind?" luigi started to sweat.
"Andi prepare the tea room, Ralfonic get the scones from the pantry, we have a guest." Irri clapped his hands.
****Meanwhile back in Toad town***
"Are you telling me a bunch of people kidnapped you but it was a plan to kidnap Luigi. That's horrible" Toad shook his head " Mario we got to do something!"
"Leave it to us. Come Princess, Yoshi, Toad lets go and get Luigi back!" Mario smirked and jumped into Luigi's kart and made their way to the house on the top of the hill. They crashed into the garden fountain.
***About 30 minutes later***
"And you see Luigi, I thought you would appreciate a grand tour of my home as you can tell I was a big fan of you in Luigi's Mansion. Great game. Let me tell you it's one of my favourites." Irri smiled as he held the door open for Luigi as they left the upper living room.
"Ah why thank you Irri. I'm glad I had my moment in the spotlight." Luigi smiled back, they both started to head down the spiral stairs.
The Mario gang kicked the door open and they started to search the main lobby to find Luigi, Peach accidentally nudged against the picture frame and it smashed to the ground
"GOOD IDEA PRINCESS! LET'S TRASH THE PLACE!" Toad was excited and nodded to the others.
Mario smashed the boo statues in the middle of the lobby, Peach knocked off more pictures from the wall, Yoshi started to eat the curtains and Toad ran off to smash some vases on the windowsill.
Luigi and Irri got half way down the stairs and they saw the Mario gang had trashed the main lobby.
Everyone stopped but Yoshi was mid eating and slurped the rest of the curtains. Furious, Irri marched down the stairs and discovered the whole lobby was destroyed. He stood there in disbelief.
"HA! TAKE THIS YOU KIDNAPPERS!" Toad threw one of the vases and it landed by Irri's feet, Toad looked up and saw Luigi was safe and sound. "Oh hey there's Luigi. Thank goodness you are okay."
Irri clasped his hands together and took a small breath "I think it's time you all left my house now. Please leave"
"Mario why would you do this?" Luigi folded his arms annoyed.
"We came to save you!" Mario said while hugging his younger brother
"Yes yes yes, now he is saved now get out before I get really angry." Irri pushed everyone including Luigi out the front door and slammed the door behind them.
"Oh well at least we saved you right?" Toad smirked
"I guess so but Irri was so nice to me, we had tea and scones and gave me a grand tour of his house. It was pretty nice." Luigi sighed "OH NO MY KART!" Luigi saw his kart totally destroyed by the garden fountain.
"It's okay Luigi, we can borrow theirs!" Toad said as he jumped in the driver's seat of the Parade Kart. "Lets go!" Everyone jumped in the kart. "But first...."
Toad smiled and pulled a lighting bolt from his pocket and held it in his hand and launched it backwards towards the house.
*Cue Roundabout*
Everyone inside started to feel woozy, they fell over as the house and everyone got smaller.
"Oops... I guess my hand tilted." Toad laughed as he drove back to town.
[<----To Be Continued----]
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pepaldi · 6 years ago
Peter Capaldi was the Starman in Edinburgh Saturday as he signed autographs for a full nine hours - stopping only once to take a 15 minute break.
The Scots actor also entertained the hundreds of fans gathered to see him with a rendition of the classic David Bowie pop hit.
Dr Who fan Melissa Johnson, 31, of Newington, said: “He was just a complete star, a real gentleman. I can’t believe he spent so much time with everyone. He was really kind and asking everyone about themselves, and if they had enjoyed the convention, and thanking them for waiting so long.”
Laura Campbell, senior community fundraiser at CHAS praised Capaldi for his memorable turn at the show.
“He stayed an hour after the convention closed so he could continue to sign autographs and meet fans who had taken the time to queue to see him. And not only that, he has chosen to donate his whole autograph fee to CHAS.”
To say that actors have things easy is all to simple an analogy to make, but some go why beyond just staring in shows, they breath life into the characters and make sure that everyone gets just what they expect!  None more so than Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi.  This native Scotsman really did go above and beyond when it came to the fans and spent well over six hours signing items, posing for photos and selfies and chatting with folks who waited in line for hours to see him.
We knew off the bat when he was announced that Saturday would be really busy, given how popular he was in the role of the Doctor, but to be honest I have only ever seen queues like today for A list celebrities with the last real occasion being the last UK appearance of the late and great Stan Lee (Excelsior!).
Some folks waited in line for over three hours to meet Peter Capaldi and though the queues were huge, they never really got into the rest of the convention traffic and didn’t have any real impact on the rest of the show.  Peter was running way behind as he was chatting with everyone who was meeting him and I don’t just mean oh hi, next person!  He was honestly and genuinely happy to see so many people who had turned out to see him!
Sources: (x) (x) (x)
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thomasjeromenewton · 8 years ago
Dear David,
It’s been one year since you left us, isn’t that crazy? One whole year has passed already and yet it still feels like just yesterday I heard the news.
I miss you immensely, we all do, but I’m glad you aren’t suffering anymore, no one deserves a fate like that. 
It seems that losing you has brought everyone closer together, we all laugh and share stories about the things we admire most about your life and personality. It’s a bit selfish of me to say, but it’s unbelievable how many new friends I’ve made since you’ve been gone, and as morbid as this may be, I thank you for that. Even in death you continue to bring the best out of my soul. I’m trying so hard to become the person I know I want to be, someone you’d be proud of.
Everyone says hi, that they miss you and love you, and we wish you were here. But we all know that in some strange way you never really left, perhaps your body is gone, but your spirit and your vibrant legacy still remains.
I can’t wait to meet you in the afterlife, of course I feel that there may be a bit of a queue.
                                        Fly high Starman <3 
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