#there are so many great options for who could be the student council
erodasfishtacos · 8 months
The Body Factory (sexclubowner!h)
It’s been a long while since I posted here. I am still going strong on patreon with 4-5 one shots a month with anywhere from 8 to 14k words usually (sometimes more) + blurbs. I decided to released one of my new tropes, just part one on here and if it sounds good maybe consider joining for $3USD a month to read more parts of this and many others coming up!!!
prompt: yn doesn’t feel fufilled in her relationship and so her fiancé, Arthur, comes up with an idea to help but it doesnt turn out as either of them expected aka sex club owner!h
word count: 8k
warnings: under-negotiation, power play, mean h, choking, safeword, cheating but not really yet
🛑 there is a scene that could potentially be triggering so i am going to put a brief summary at the end of the fic if you’d like to check whether it’s a appropriate read for yourself. 🛑
Author’s Note: I have had this idea on my mind for months and have been so extremely excited to share it with you. It has really really been inspiring to me as I don’t have a trope like this. I hope you enjoy.
Arthur was nice.
Arthur was a safe choice.
It’s why when YN’s father introduced them, it didn’t really seem like an option to turn down the invitation to go out to dinner at the swankiest restaurant in town.
The date had been so incredibly unexciting that YN had no doubt that he would not ask for a second one.
They had nothing in common, the space was often filled with an awkward silence, and averted gazes to the walls or out the window next to their seating.
Arthur was nice.
Arthur was polite, he held the door and paid for the bill before walking her to her car with the chaste kiss to her cheek.
It absolutely boggled her mind when her father informed her the next day that Arthur had told her that he had an amazing time and was going to ask her for a second date in the next upcoming days.
YN hated the mere idea of disappointing her parents, she had already let them down enough with her career choice not to join the family business
instead becoming neonatal nurse, despite that being a massive accomplishment, it wasn’t praised because she didn’t go to be a lawyer like both her mother and father.
It felt like most of the time she was on thin ice with her parents because of her education and career choice, even down to the car she drove (they thought it was too sporty and not practical enough) which left her in a precarious position.
She relied on them for help with her student loans.
YN was still trying to get her feet on the ground with her apartment landlord just bumping up her rent by nearly five-hundred pounds, her car note, among all the other things that came with being an adult that she wasn’t financially capable of managing yet.
Her parents agreed to pay for her school loans.
However, it came with silet threat of staying in their good gracious or they would cut her off at any moment, they had threatened it enough when she got into nursing school and informed them that she would be attending, she must have heard them threaten her inheritance half a million times.
Arthur was her ticket back into her parent’s limelight.
He was fresh out of law school but he was incredibly intelligent, good at what he did, and had multiple firms vying for him to join their legal council but he had chosen YN’s family’s business because of their well-known reputation.
Arthur came from old money, which had given him an extremely privileged life and a headstart into success as soon as he was born.
He was the great-grandson of an oil tycoon whom he had reaped the benefits ever since.
The second date happened, then the third, then the fourth.
No spark.
No chemistry.
Atleast on YN’s end because Arthur seemed happy as a clam in their relationship, he praised YN to anyone who would listen, and was consistently bragging about their life to anyone that would listen to him.
He was nice to her.
He remembered important dates, brought her flowers to work, and had dinner made when she walked in the door on nights that she worked late shifts and he got home before her.
Time passes and they celebrate their first year anniversary, then their second, then their third.
On the fourth was when he got down on one knee and professed his love to her in front of all their family and friends on Christmas Day at an extravagant party at his parent’s estate.
The diamond ring that he slid onto her finger was ridiculous, too big to not just be flaunting wealth, and it wasn’t a style that she liked but she lied and told him that she loved it.
There was an emptiness in her chest when he proposed, she was teary-eyed but she couldn’t determine whether it was from happiness or dread that she was going to spend the rest of her life with the man in front of her.
It wasn’t his fault in the slightest.
Arthur was just Arthur.
He lacked depth, there was nothing behind his twinkling brown eyes beside law, money, and judgement.
Arthur treated her nicely consistently, they barely ever fought, and he never raised his voice at her.
When he got frustrated, he just got an exasperated tone and took time to himself in his office until he had calmed down enough to talk.
But that was once in a blue moon.
They’ve never had a blow-out because he was so agreeable and accommodating.
That’s exactly what was missing from their relationship.
YN didn’t crave toxicity, not one bit, she wanted a healthy relationship with positive communication, understanding, and all the things that make that up.
YN did crave excitement, humor, sexual tension, and the type of relationship that kept her on her toes, got her adrenaline pumping and making her stomach turn in nervous knots because she didn’t always know what to expect out of her partner.
Arthur was as predictable as a clock, had no spontaneity up his sleeve, and his sense of humor was nonexistent.
YN had a partner that she’d been with in college named Klein.
He wasn’t the love of her life, not by a long shot, but he had been wild, on the edge of insane half-of-the-time, and always kept their relationship exciting.
He would show up at her part-time cafe job, with a fake excuse to her boss about a death in his family, and he needed her support.
When YN would walk out to his motorcycle with him, concerned about his grandmother’s death, he would only smile at her, inform her that his grandmother has been dead for fifteen years, and that he was going to take her on a hike to see a waterfall she’d mentioned wanting to see once in passing.
But then there was their sex life, it was phenomenal and unlike the few half-hapzard experience she had before him.
He was confident, dominant, and introduced her to things that she used to not even have the nerve to say out loud let alone do.
It was him who introduced her to BDSM and they explored it for nearly two and a half years of their relationship.
YN did research while they were together and after the fact, she had even attended a few virtual training sessions to learn about correct techniques, safety precautions, and learning the dynamic of power play which engrossed her to no end.
However, when Klein requested they open their relationship, that had been such an unexpected turn-off that she no longer felt the connection that was there before.
The end of the relationship was amicable, they were still friends on social media and liked each others posts but it was at that point they realized they wanted different things and they couldn’t provide that to one another.
Where Klein wanted flexibility, uncertainty, and fluidity.
YN wanted regimen, structured, and a deep sense of connection with one person.
She did not want multiple doms nor did she want her dom to have multiple submissives.
She wanted all the attention on her, her dom would be absolutely captivated by her and be so connected to her physically, mentally, spiritually that they only want her.
Her ideal dom would never mention sharing.
Which isn’t to shame it because it was more common than not to have an open relationship, partner sharing, and swapping.
YN loved the idea of becoming comfortable with someone enough that she could be a brat which she wasn’t an easy submissive she had come to learn.
Her dominant had to work for her submission, sometimes she crumbled quickly and other times it took multiple punishments until the smirk was wiped from her face and replaced with tears on her puffy cheeks from the pinpricks of pain.
After Klein, she had gone on a few dates, some she even hooked up with but she never clicked enough with them to talk about anything like that.
And so she wrapped it up into a nice, neat box and tucked it into the back of her mind because she would find the right partner who would be compatible sexually with her.
Arthur and her had no sexual chemistry.
Arthur was just as polite in the bedroom as he was outside of it, he never put her in a unique position, and preferred to rotate between the missionary and doggy style.
He would occasionally go down on her but he didn’t know what he was doing so it didn’t feel like much of anything as most of the time he couldn’t even locate her clit.
Which meant fingering was out of the question because he didn’t even know the g-spot existed.
Anytime she managed to orgasm, it was from her own hand, getting herself off because she was past the point of asking him to try to do it.
Arthur did not have a high sex drive and YN felt guilty for being thankful for it.
He wasn’t doing anything wrong, he was trying, and it was so unsatisfying that YN felt like her skin itched sometimes because she hadn’t realized until Arthur how much she craved sexual intimacy with her significant other.
Again, Arthur initiated once a week, sometimes twice or sometimes not for a few weeks when his work is really busy.
YN was six years into a relationship of unfilled desire, disconnect, and a lack of satisfaction which she would have never seen for herself at only being twenty-nine years old.
The wedding was set for fourteen months away, at a vineyard on the coast of Italy.
It was decided by everyone but her as with most things she felt like nowadays.
YN had been scrolling through a blog post when something caught her eye.
It was written by a female who had a similar lack of connection with her partner in the bedroom but wanted more.
The writer had described that as soon as she asked if they could experiment with BDSM that their relationship had completely shifted, they were more in love than ever, and their sex life was more amazing than it had been in nearly a decade.
It was the motivation that YN needed to have the conversation with Arthur, with the hope that it would ignite a flame that had yet to be struck between the two of them.
YN loved Arthur, she wanted to be in love with him but she couldn’t honestly say she was at this point in their relationship.
Arthur had been surprised by the conversation, over dinner one night, if the way he sputtered red wine onto his crisp white button-up was an indicator.
His eyes had gone wide in a look of almost horror and he cleared his throat a handful of times while they discussed it in more detail.
“I just feel like it would be something fun to try out,” YN tries to keep it casual, to not let on to how much she desired this or knew that she would already love it.
“Erm, yeah. I would be open to it,” Arthur had agreed sheepishly, putting down his fork and knife.
“No, I do not want you to feel pressured at all! I just -” YN begins to try to soothe because she had not meant to get such a reaction of concern more than lust out of her fiance.
He chuckles kindly, smiling at her as he reaches across the table to hold her hand, “We can try it, if that’s what you want. I am open to whatever will make you happy, sweetie pie.”
Sweetie pie….
YN tried not to blatantly cringe every time he called her that.
It did not work out.
They did not even get a few minutes into foreplay when Arthur backed out, saying that he just didn’t feel like he knew what to do, and that he’d prefer if they just did their normal thing.
YN agreed, trying to swallow the disappointed lump in her throat because she didn’t want to guilt him in to trying anything he wasn’t into.
They didn’t discuss it again after that for a long while.
Arthur wasn’t blind to the shift after that night.
He now knew that he was not satisfying a need that YN desired and she had just seemed more subdued since he had called it off but was trying to hide it because he knew that she wasn’t trying to make him feel bad about not wanting it.
It had been on his mind though.
“A sex club?” YN’s eyes nearly buldge from her sockets, puting down her glass of water and ignoring the splashes it leaves on her hand because what had Arthur just recommended they try?
“Yes. A BDSM club or a kink club they call it. Maybe if I see other people doing it or we get into the right atmosphere, it will work better. At least off the start?” Arthur seems just as nervous as her, he hadn’t touched his food.
“And…I just…” YN was at a loss for words because this is just the most unexpected turn of events.
“Maybe I can learn from others. Really get good at it for you, you know?” He suggests, his eyes looking anywhere but at hers.
“Yeah, yeah let’s do it.”
The Body Factory was the club that Arthur had decided after doing his research.
He needed somewhere secretive, exclusive, and with iron-clad NDA’s so that no one could use this against him in his profession which was fair enough.
That’s where The Body Factor came into play.
There were guidelines to a membership:
You must make over a hundred-and-fifty thousand pounds a year.
You were sign and resign an NDA every three months.
A deposit of ten thousand pounds, it will not be refunded if any rules or regulations are broken.
You will send in health screenings every two months, proof of birth control (if female), and a background check.
You may not belong to any other clubs during the time of your membership at The Body Factory.
YN was quite shocked that Arthur had dished out that amount of money on the deposit for something that they weren’t sure that they were going to like nor want to continue to visit even though the membership spans for a year at a time.
“If we go, hate it, and decide to never go back, just consider it a really expensive date night,” Arthur had assured her with a chuckle, she knew of his wealth but even this seemed a bit like frivolous spending but little did she know it was just his desperation to make her happy.
The club was in the packing district of all places, tucked back in between massive factories, some that were still open and operating, others that had been abandoned for years now.
It was actually in an old clothing factory that had been renovated to resemble any other high-end club, from the inside there would be no way that anyone could even tell except for the incredibly high ceilings at some points.
However, the location in the city and of building choice gave a lot of privacy of entering and exiting, it wasn’t advertised nor did it have any sign indicating of their presence.
It was a maze of alleyways until the entrance appeared, a dingy door that was rusted and gave no indication of what was inside, someone walking past would have never looked twice or thought anything of the building nor the entrance.
Everything was matte black, dark, and dimmed.
There were occasional deep emerald green accents but everything was sleek, modern, and simple but in the most elegant way as they walked in.
YN’s heart was in her throat.
Where people going to be fucking right when they walk in?
Or people being led around on leashes right off the bat?
Arthur may pass out.
However, there’s a front desk, almost like at an office with a woman dressed in a incredibly fitted sleek black dress with smooth, curled hair, and makeup like it was done by a professional, she had to be a model because she was gorgeous as she smiled widely and checked them in.
They had to show their licenses, hand over physical copies of their screenings, NDA’s even though they had to sign them virtually too.
There were two security guards in black suits with earpieces standing by large, heavy dark oak doors with their hands crossed in front of them.
This seemed like a movie or just not real with how sophisticated this whole process was.
“Enjoy,” Penelope, the receptionist had chirped with the whitest, most perfect smile she’d ever seen.
Arthur seemed a bit awestruck for a moment and YN couldn’t even fault him for it.
The two guards move aside to open the doors, nodding for them to go in before closing them firmly behind them.
YN finds herself reaching for Arthur’s hand, nervous and shaky with new experience anxiety and adrenaline that she was finally getting back into what she wanted even more so.
There were people mingling, sipping on drinks, and all fully clothed.
It wasn’t until Arthur informed her, “Play starts at ten, the first hour is to introduce, mingle, meet.”
Ah, that makes sense.
It almost builds the tension, YN feels like she can taste it on the tip of her tongue.
They walk over to the bar, another beautiful women greets them right away, laying a napkin down in front of both of them, “Newbies?”
“Yes,” Arthur nods, pointing to himself first, “I’m Arthur, this is YN, my fiance.”
The bartender quirks an eyebrow as she not-so-subtly scans them, “Nice to meet you two. I’m Raven. I bartend Friday through Sunday here. What are you drinking?”
“A moscow mule,” YN asks, maybe some alcohol will loosen her nerves.
“It’s a dry club, babe,” Raven smiles patiently as her long fingernails click against the smooth surface.
“Oh,” YN replies in surprise, looking behind her at the shelves only to see syrups for flavoring but no actual liquor bottles or draft taps to be seen, “A sprite?”
“Water, please,” Arthur adds as he rubs YN’s thigh, squeezing it in reassurance, “I forgot to tell you. No alcohol here. Everybody needs to be sober when playing.”
“That makes sense,” YN hums in agreement, never having actually thought about it much, but it could definitely get cloudy on consent when alcohol was being consumed in regards to playing which was a dangerous and unsafe mixture.
They sit, observed for a few minutes before a few people begin to flock towards them, greeting them and asking surface level questions until there’s a deep, almost eerie chime that echoes for a long moment through the club over the soft jazz.
It was signifying that the clock had struck ten.
Everyone quickly wraps up their conversations before moving to different areas of the rooms, some disappearing down hallways.
The atmosphere had changed significantly in a very quick spurt of time as people started undressing, kissing, moving as if they’d just gotten permission.
There was a couple of the couch across the room that Athur and YN were observing from their barstools.
The two started out slow, sensual, like any normal couple behind close doors but when the woman knots her hair into her partner’s hair and demands his mouth move lower, he obliges and Arthur gasps softly at the roughness displayed.
YN’s been aroused for the last five minutes of watching them but doesn’t make an effort to act on it, not yet atleast, and once the couple move so that the man is laying on the couch, the woman kneeling over his face, it changes her vantage point but it catches on something else.
In the corner, further back into the room, there was a man sitting in the corner where there was barely any lighting, dim and his goal was to obviously stay in the background.
No one was approaching him nor was he interacting with anyone else.
YN knew there was a no phone policy but this man was sat, scrolling boredly through his phone and only occasionally glancing up to observe the people in action around him before eyes dart back down like it wasn’t entertaining at all.
He wasn’t aroused, at least from what YN could see, and he was in a tight, well-fitted suit but his dress shirt was barely buttoned, open enough to show the definition of his pectoral muscles, the sharpness of his collarbones, and a variety of darkly inked tattoos.
He was fucking beautiful.
YN realizes she oogling him but can get away with it because it appears to Arthur that she’s still watching the couple like he is.
However, when the man looks up after a few moments once again, his eyes are instantly locked on YN.
She can’t tell what color they are from here but she knows they’re light, twinkling under the barely there light of a sconce on the wall and it’s smouldering as he doesn’t blink nor waver with embarrassment of being caught staring at her.
YN quickly diverted her eyes back to the couple, her heart was pounding, and a sense of thrill shot up her spine even though it was inappropriate.
She wasn’t here for new partners.
She was here to learn and explore with her own.
YN tries to play it casual when Raven refills the drink she nervously chugged, “Why does that guy have his phone?”
Raven’s eyes darted to the man before grinning, “That’s Harry. He’s the owner, my boss. He supervises the free play.”
“Free play?”
“Out in the common area, it’s considered free play. If you claim a room, you are in private play with whatever partners you bring back there. Harry just makes sure everything stays safe and consensual out here. He gets bored though and plays Candy Crush on his phone.”
YN cracks her own smile at that, trying to imagine the man trying to get rid of sugary sweets and getting frustrated when he loses a round.
“Does he not play?” Arthur asks curiously, now his attention has changed to Harry as well.
“Not often,” Raven informs them, leaning her elbow on the counter, “I can’t remember the last time he did. I’d say at least seven years ago, at least in the free play but he doesn’t reserve rooms or anything. He made it clear that he doesn’t find at least any of the current members interesting enough to engage with.”
“That’s interesting, considering he must have an interest in it, if this is his club,” Arthur replies to Raven before turning back to the scene of the couple, another member had joined the couple and was currently giving the male some startling rough looking bruised kisses and bites to his stomach and thighs.
Arthur was getting aroused by the look and feel of it, he reached over and brazenly took her hand, and led her to his groin where he was hard in his trousers, encouraging her to palm over him which she did as she tried to get into it.
This…This atmosphere, these people, they excited her.
Arthur still did not.
They manage to get to a couch, Arthur appears to be getting so turned on that foreplay isn’t in his realm of ideas because he’s hiking up YN’s dress around her hips and positioning her on top of him which is a new position (in all six years they’ve never done cowgirl) but still, her arousal is barely boiling above surface level.
YN licks her palm, reaching down to help moisten herself because Arthur was not doing anything to spark her to get wet.
It was actually making her more distressed that despite the scenario, she still didn’t feel the connection to her fiancé.
When she slides down, it’s fine, he was an average size so even without much lubrication, it didn’t feel like a stretch or burn when she started to move her hips but it wasn’t as pleasant as if she was sopping, dripping down her thighs.
Arthur glances to the side at one point, noticing that the male from the throuple was now pounding into the original partner with his had tight around her throat, pushing her further into the couch without mercy as she tried to whine through stutter breaths.
YN felt like she was being watched the entire time, which of course she was being watched by other members but it felt different, when she blinks around and notices that Harry has his gaze honed in on her with a twisted scowl of almost disapproval, it confuses her.
However, she’s brought back into the moment when Arthur pants out, “Can- I want to try that.”
When YN follows his gaze, he’s referring to the choking, and yeah, maybe that will light that match.
“Okay, yeah,” YN agrees as she brushes her hair off of her shoulders, wishing he would have taken this dress off of her instead of shoving it upwards where it felt confining.
Arthur smiles at her, leaning up to give her a chaste kiss which didn’t match their situation whatsoever that they were in at the moment.
YN was feeling anxious about the judgment other members might put onto them but not because she cared that people watched but because she knew Arthur and her were nowhere nearly as fluid, practiced, or elegant as the other members whom seemed to just melt into one another easily.
Arthur had never tried it before but his hand came up to her throat, he’s getting close to his own release which means that he’s not as focused, eyes getting a glazed over appearance.
YN soon realizes that he has no idea what he’s doing as he begins to cut off her airway by cupping her throat in the center instead of at the sides.
It hurts, she can’t breathe but not the way that feels tingly, excited, it feels like he could quite possibly suffocate her because of his carelessness.
They had talked about proper methods and he clearly hadn’t retained that information.
A few black dots begin to dance across her line of vision and her body starts to trigger a flight or fight response which she wants to use her safe word but she can’t speak.
YN takes to dig her nails into his hand but he doesn’t seem to understand that it’s not out of lust.
A true fear begins to take hold that something horrible will happen to her in less than a minute.
He’s truly going to injure her.
YN is in a full-fledged panic induced state.
Then suddenly, without warning, a strong arm is being wrapped around her middle and a big, ring-clad hand grips Arthur where it was around her neck so hard he yelps in pain and releases his grip.
The person is physically lifting YN off of Arthur’s lap, trying to steady her on her feet but they feel like jello and she feels light-headed, the room wouldn’t stop spinning.
“Are you fuckin’ kidding me?” The person’s voice is deep, raspy, and incredibly pissed off, “What the fuck is your problem?”
YN can’t even bring herself to look at Arthur right now, her full support into Harry’s side as she notices the two securities guards walking in.
“C’mon, let me sit you down. You’re okay but I want to check you out, alright? Yeah, c’mon, pet,” He encourages in a much softer tone, gentle and trying to comfort me as she struggles to catch her breath.
It takes a long second to realize that she’s crying, tears streaming down her cheeks, and fuck, she is so embarassed as every other member had stopped playing.
“We’re done for the night. We’ll re-open tomorrow at the normal hours of operation,” Harry announces to the room at large before looking to Raven, “Go close down the private rooms.”
Raven nods, no longer as smiley and bubbling but an expression of concern as she watches what’s going on with YN.
“Hey, darling. Can you tilt your head up?” Harry asks quietly once he sits her down in the same corner that he had been in, away from the group.
YN whines because her neck is aching, she doesn’t want to do anything as the drop in adrenaline has made her more exhausted than she’s felt in a long time.
“I know, I know,” Harry simpers in an unpredictably cooing tone, he taps his thumb on her chin to signal her to tilt it up and she obliges.
Harry prods gently at her neck, focusing on the center where the pressure has been, “Any sharp pains? Anything feel off or wrong like you need to go to the hospital?”
YN shakes her head, a fresh round of tears.
She knew that she wasn’t injured or seriously hurt.
YN felt more traumatized mentally than anything else.
“I need words, want to hear your pretty voice,” Harry orders in a honey sweet tone, eyes hyper-focused on her like they were in the beginning of the night.
His eyes were green.
Close to the accent color of the club.
“I’m okay,” YN manages to speak out, throat dry and scratchy.
Raven appears with a glass of water to hand to Harry before giving them their space again.
YN is about to reach for the glass but Harry is already moving it towards her lips for her, “Drink f’me.”
It’s strangely intimate as he tilts the glass, eyes watching her carefully and a sense of guilt sets in that she likes that Harry is tending to her, giving her his full attention.
“Is this a common occurrence? Between you two?”Harry doesn’t sound as kind anymore, his jaw muscle twitches slightly.
“Um, no. We came here to explore. I’m very much into this world and he isn’t. He’s told me he’s done his research in his free time but -“
“You’re telling me that you’ve never negotiated nor tried something like this and he full fledge tries choking?” Harry interrupts, outraged from where he stands up from squatting in front of her, “Did you ask or plan for that?”
YN shakes her head, a bit embarrassed that she was coming off as an amateur to someone…she felt an attraction to, felt intimidated by, and Arthur had ruined their experience here.
“No. We tried spanking a few times but he backed out. We were just supposed to come here to watch others so he could visual what all this looked like before putting it into action-“
Harry doesn’t let her finish as he storms away from her, his glare set right on Arthur who was sheepishly sitting back at the bar and nursing a drink as Raven talked to him.
YN’s heart rate starts to rise again when Arthur tenses, clearly being chewed out by Harry before her fiancé gets off his barstool and follows the club owners lead down the hallway.
YN rushes to the bar, Raven is already pouring her another sprite, “Calm down. He’s not going to hurt him or anything. They just need to have a discussion on whether or not Harry will revoke his membership.”
It feels ruined and it never even started.
All she can think about is that despite for a short amount of time she was getting what she asked from Arthur, there was still no god damn spark.
After a good half hour, the bar phone rings and Raven answers, murmuring a few words back into the receiver before having up.
“I’m going to take you back to his office now.”
Harry’s office was just as luxe, elegant as the rest of the club.
It was tense as soon as she stepped in the room and Raven left, closing the door behind her.
“I’ve decided not to revoke your joint membership after discussion with Arthur. However, there are contingencies if you would like to continue coming here. Are you willing to hear them? Arthur has already agreed to the terms.”
YN nods slowly, voice soft, “Yes.”
Harry keeps his face on her as he speaks, “I do not tolerate what happened here tonight in my club. Arthur has clearly proven that he isn’t educated enough to be able to have free access to the club and free play.”
“If you want to continue membership, Arthur will need to reserve a private room and lessons will be held until he fully grasps the concepts, displays understanding, and can play safely without supervision.”
“Who…Do you have instructors?” YN doesn’t think she wants another man involved in their sex life even in an educational aspect.
“Yes but I will be teaching the lessons,” Harry informs her, calm as ever, “I bring this up because I would need to be hands on, to demonstrate and display certain practice, power play dynamics but that is a lot to ask as I do not know your limits on sharing.”
YN’s speaking before she even realizes it, “Yes. We can do that.”
Harry’s lip quirks slightly before it disappears but it oddly enough seems like a reward.
“We can schedule. I will send the paperwork. I already have your questionnaires about hard limits, likes, dislikes, and willing to try. I want to make this clear, this will be purely educational and there will be no dynamic developing between me and you two.”
YN nods dumbly, at a loss for words because the mere thought of Harry domming her was a lick of a flame that she’d been missing so much.
“I will dom you with instructions interwoven for Arthur. We will try to keep everything minimal as I cannot stress enough that this is not anything but informative on my end to help improve your sex life as a couple.”
Three longs weeks pass before their first ‘lesson’.
Arthur voiced excitement about the instruction, never brought up the choking incident again, and never initiated any type of sex during this time either.
Everything was swept under the rug as usual in their relationship.
YN would never admit the fact that she had gotten herself off to the mere idea of Harry domming her because something about him had triggered something carnal, something near feral in her.
It’s more than she had even felt with Klein.
She knew it wouldn’t last forever but she was going to enjoy this to the best of her abilities.
YN only had excited nerves going into the night.
Harry had inquired more in the break of time about YN’s experience and was extremely pleased to realize that she wasn’t as much of a novice as he assumed.
Though she hadn’t experienced many partners or relationships within the community, her knowledge was expansive and deep enough to impress him.
Harry had texted her back with a simple message that had her core tingling enough that she had to rub her thighs together.
YN: Thank you for continuously checking in on my comfort and experience regarding these situations. I have many more concerns for Arthur as we’ve already discussed. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!
Harry Styles: I do not plan to go easy on you. Unless you specifically want soft play for these experiences. I can be a softer dominant but my main modality is firm, mean, regimented with softer aftercare.
YN: You don’t scare me. ;)
She was already being bratty with him.
It sent a wave of good nerves through her as she waited for a reply to be sent to her inbox.
Harry Styles: It’s interesting that you’ve already started to decide to be bad for me when you don’t even know what I’m capable of, darling.
YN : I’m shaking.
YN: Terrified.
Harry Styles: I wish I could wrap my fingers around your throat right now. Show your fiancé the proper way to choke a god damn brat.
YN could feel herself pooling with arousal.
It felt a bit wrong but she reasoned enough with herself that it was all for the greater good of her relationship with Arthur but deep down she knew that was bullshit.
YN: You’re probably not much better.
Harry Styles: Quite honestly, haven’t worked with such a fucking disobedient bitch in a long time. I cannot wait to break you. A kitten who thinks they’re a big bad tiger.
YN: Fuck you.
Harry Styles: Kitty’s got claws.
Harry Styles: For now…
It felt bordering on inappropriate but YN reasoned again that Harry had made it clear that there isn’t anything happening, it is a strictly professional as a type of situation like this can be.
Saturday has come and YN wakes up to a text.
Harry Styles: Better wear something cute enough that I find you interesting enough to play with. Even if it’s just to teach.
YN rereads the message quite a few times and why is he so good at getting under her skin and she doesn’t even know him yet but it’s like he knows exactly how to wind her up.
YN: Black dress with tights.
Harry Styles: It’s good to know that you’re just another basic bitch.
YN: What will you be wearing then?
Harry Styles: That’s none of your fucking business. I call the shots, kitty. Not you.
YN: 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
Harry Styles: Good to know. Five spanks for the five emojis. Would you like to keep going?
She can’t even help herself
YN: 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
Harry Styles: Noted.
YN wants to reply, knowing he’s probably waiting but a tiny sliver of guilt starts to creep in when she thinks about Arthur because though she’s trying to convince herself this is perfectly fine.
It’s not.
Not with the emotions it makes her feel.
She hasn’t felt them in so long.
It scares her.
“Sweetie pie, are you having second thoughts? Should be getting ready,” Arthur steps out of the walk-in closet, adjusting the sleeve of his button up.
“No!” YN replies much too quickly, her tone high pitch, “Um, I lost track of time. I’ll get ready now.”
“Okay, I’m excited for this new experience with you,” He smiles sweetly, stepping over to press a kiss to her forehead.
It’s affectionate, loving, and she’s still thinking of other things than her fiancé.
YN decides on a black wide leg trouser with a corseted bodysuit that gave her tits the perfect push-up, she’s spray a very thin most of body glitter on her chest, she knew it would sparkle in the dim lighting.
She considered wearing the dress and tights to spite him but whatever, she’d be less easy access for him.
Arthur held her hand tightly as they entered The Body Factory.
YN was already searching for Harry, barely waving to Raven as Arthur leads them over but she doesn’t want a drink, she wants to play.
However her fiancé guide her to a stool, ordering for both of them as Raven has a look of curiosity as she slides them in front of him.
“Does he come out and get us?” Arthur asks Raven, looking around he doesn’t see him either.
Raven bites her lip, shaking her head with a chuckle, “No, I take you to your reserved room when ten hits.”
“What is it?” YN asks, unable to read what is going on the bartender's mind.
This conversation didn’t seem particularly funny.
“Nothing really. Harry just hasn’t offered private lessons for at least eight or nine years. Normally when couples have an incident like you did, Harry revoked their memberships without a second thought,” Raven informs them as she picks at a spot on the smooth surface of the bar absentmindedly.
“Why us?” YN wonders out loud, why after all that time did he make an exception.
“I wish I knew,” The bartender shrugs neutrally.
The deep chime rings out about forty-five minutes later.
YN cannot decipher whether she wants to throw up or jump up and down with excitement.
Especially when Raven guides them down a long hallway, then into another corridor until they reach a door with a sign that warns, “No members past this point. Private access only.”
“Um-“ Arthur goes to point out the sign, he was a rule follower to his core.
“It’s Harry’s private playroom that members can’t use but again, this is special circumstances,” Raven’s voice is hushed as she leads them into a surprisingly minimal room.
There were cabinets built sleekly into the walls where all toys and accessories must be held, a matte black.
Everything matched but there was a bigger prominence of the green accents that were more subtle in the main areas.
The play bench hardware matches everything else but the cushion is a luxe emerald.
The bed was…unlike anything she had ever seen.
It was massive but fit well in the spacious room.
High posts on all four corners with subtle hooks to place restraints in.
The mattress looked fluffy and giving, it looked as if the sheets were a black silk but the duvet was a very muted pattern of black and green diamonds.
YN was in love with space.
It was so much more than she was expecting.
“Holy shit,” Arthur gapes at the elegance, clearly he had been expecting something different too.
“Okay, when Harry comes in, he will already be in the dom headspace and so he wants me to give you reminders. Harry will respect your hard limits as he’s reviewed them before the session. You have received a list of his so please do the same.”
“Just as you can safeword out at any time without consequences, Harry can as well. He will use the same ‘red’ if need be and will check your colors throughout to ensure safe play.”
“For this first lesson, Arthur you will sit and observe. Harry will display a safe, typical scene of play to understand what that looks like with whatever kind of submissive YN is. You may also use your safeword at any time to stop the play.”
YN swallows because would he allow that?
Surprisingly, Arthur’s face is still clear and happy as he starts to walk over to an overstuffed chair in the corner of the room and smiles at YN, “Can’t wait.”
YN raises a shocked eyebrow at his willingness but nods at Raven to show she understands.
They’re silent as they wait for Harry.
She wasn’t given instruction and because she was a bit nervous, she perched herself on Arthur’s lap as he rubbed her thigh and kissed her shoulder blades occasionally.
Then there’s a shuffle outside the door, the door knob twisting and the door opening.
Harry looked ethereal.
He wasn’t wearing a tailored suit like before but leather boots with a bit of a heel, form-fitting jeans that make his lean quads look biteable, and a plain black shirt.
His arms had even more beautiful ink than YN realized.
After Harry closes the door, his eyes lock on hers, not even acknowledging her fiancé’s presence.
“Stand up,” Harry orders loudly, a bit startling.
YN obeys instantly, her heart was pounding in her eardrums like waves of the choppy ocean.
A cruel smirk tilts on his lips when he scans her up and down.
“Did I strike a nerve, pet? This isn’t a black dress and tights. Are you already starting off so insecure? And you think you can handle me. What a cute, pathetic little kitten,” His voice is venomous, steady, and she’s clinging onto every word.
Arthur’s clearly confused but stays silent.
“I’m not pathetic,” YN argues shakily, it felt dangerous to get bratty so soon but it was her submissive profile and character, it came naturally.
Harry quirks a brow, “Sir.”
YN gives him her own confused look.
“I’m not pathetic, sir. Every time you speak, try again.”
“I’m not pathetic,” YN bleats easily, a flutter of her eyelashes.
Harry smiles like a goddamn wolf.
“Oh, you’re not? Let’s test that theory,” Harry draws as he takes a few steps backwards, towards the door, “Come to me.”
YN stands up, on wobbly legs, and begins to but is stopped in her tracks by his hard voice.
“Hands and knees. Crawl for me, I want to show your fiancé how pathetic you are for me,” Harry has a humor, an evil sense of it.
YN drops to her hands and knees, nearly panting already, and begins to move.
summary of triggering scene: YN’s fiance chokes her and though it’s completely consensual he doesn’t know what he’s doing and almost hurts her. YN cannot safeword out at the time but harry stops the scene.
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laconicmoon · 5 months
🇵🇸low spoons, low income ways to support a free palestine🇵🇸
For many low-income and/or disabled activists, we can't always do the obvious things to support Palestine like donating money or going to protests. I'm compiling this list to remind myself what I *can* do, and I'm hoping it might help some other people too.
Disclaimer: you might not find all of these to be low spoons for you--maybe drawing is physically difficult, or phone calls are distressing. These are just ideas! Please ignore and adapt them to suit your needs and abilities <3
🍉Get creative with stickers, posters, zines, whatever!
Adhesive shipping labels from USPS ship to your house for free (if you live in the US). You can order up to 750 at a time! Draw a Palestinian flag or "Free Gaza" on there and stick them everywhere (it's actually quite easy to vandalize without getting caught).
If you want to go bigger, try a wheatpaste, and if you have access to a printer or copier, leave some zines around (tutorial, canva template). If you are housebound, you can give them to a friend to spread around for you.
You can also make signs and have someone else take them to a protest. If you're a sewist, make a puppet or wearable patches!
🍉Display a Palestinian flag or pro-Palestine sign in your window
If you live in an area where this isn't safe, or if you don't have your own space, assess the risk before you do this. You could also put up a more subtle symbol, such as a watermelon, if you are nervous about backlash.
🍉Contact your reps!
I know people say this all the time, but for my US-based friends, some pointers to make it take as few spoons as possible--
Democracy.io makes it super easy to email both your senators and your representative at the same time.
Faxzero.com allows you to send a fax straight to your reps' printers. Not all of their offices have this enabled, but I've heard faxes are more direct than emails.
If you don't know what to say, you can adapt this template (it's a bit outdated). Or just write "Free Palestine" or "Ceasefire Now." Something is better than nothing!
🍉Participate in phone zaps
Often times, organizations like USPCN or Jewish Voice for Peace will ask for people to call a person or organization to put pressure on them, such as demanding that a university drop charges against student protestors. Monitor those accounts and, if you're up for it, call or leave a message. Or, you could even text the group chat and conduct your own phone zap!
🍉Check out library books about Palestine
You also may be able to request that your library purchase certain titles, or request titles they don't have through interlibrary loan!
🍉Write a letter to the editor
You can write either to a local paper or a school paper, if you're a student or alum. This is a great way to break out of the echo chamber--local papers often have an intergenerational audience.
🍉Send in a public comment to a city council meeting
Many cities have the option to send in a public comment electronically! So if you can't make it to an in-person meeting, this is a good option, especially if your city is trying to pass a ceasefire resolution.
🍉Attend online Jewish Voice for Peace "Power Half-Hour for Gaza"
JVP's Power Half-Hours are a wonderful space to grieve, process, and build stamina for the fight to come. Monday through Friday, 3pm ET/ 12pm PT, 30 minutes of solidarity-building and reflection facilitated by Jewish leaders but open to all. You can pre-register to join on Zoom or stream on YouTube.
🍉Support friends who go to protests/actions
That can be as simple as texting them before and after and making sure they are safe, lending them a bandana or rain gear, or providing a place to decompress afterward! If you have an animal that does well in crowds, consider allowing a trusted friend to take them to a protest or encampment for a short time. Seeing dogs in keffiyehs always makes my day <3
🍉Other Considerations and Reminders 🍉
Focus on the long haul. It's more important to create a pace of activism that's sustainable for you than it is to do everything all the time.
"Ought" implies "can." If you are unable to do something, or if it would be very difficult for you to do so, you are in no way obligated to do that thing!
Block words on social media if you need to. In a similar vein, you do not need to force yourself to constantly watch graphic videos or read upsetting posts. Yes, Gaza has asked us to bear witness to the atrocities there--"All Eyes on Gaza Now" is a common chant for a reason. But that doesn't mean you, specifically, must doomscroll forever.
Please reblog with your own favorite ways to advocate for Palestine when you're broke and spoonless 🇵🇸 🇵🇸
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nuget138 · 2 months
So I'm not a writer so I apologize for my poor writing but here's a prompt. This is based off of The Wrong Way To Use Healing Magic, it's cannon divergent, and it has some Ken Usato/Ryuusen Kazuki (kazusato as the ship name?) though not as much as i'd like.
Kazuki had been interested in Usato for awhile, but being on the student council he couldn't find the right time to talk to him, so when Suzune found Usato without an umbrella Kazuki was thrilled at the opportunity hoping this could be a great way to get to know him. He wasn't surprised at the misunderstanding about him and suzune, but happy that he asked. Kazuki didn't understand Suzune and Usato's conversation about magic summoning so waking up in this strange new world all he could think of was to check on Usato who wasn't awake yet. Once Usato was awake, Kazuki turned to the other people in the room. Hearing that these people had summoned them, that they were taken to another world against their will, with no known way back. That this king had summoned Children to save him was disgusting, but Usato was right, starting a fight here in this room surrounded by armed soldiers would only put them in more danger. And when the king promised to find a way to send them it only made him think less of the king. 'what kind of ruler could this man be that he would resort to such things? I pity this kingdom.' he thought. Luckily Suzune spoke up before anyone noticed his feelings and they learned the meaning of the bells.
On their way to get their magic examined kazuki worried about Usato. He didn't hear any bells and was only brought here because he was with them at the wrong time? But at the same time if this had happened the day before Kazuki would have been devastated to never have the chance to actually talk or hangout with Usato. It would have crushed him, And he would have done anything to get back and change that. (< would actually be a really cool alternate universe spinoff, will think more on that later) So he was conflicted on that matter. After him and suzune got their magic check it was Usato's turn but Kazuki couldn't shake this feeling of foreboding so he stood right next to Usato protectively. Because of that when welcie started freaking out at Usato's magic he was able to grab his arm before she could drag him off.
" what are you doing? You can't just freak out and take Usato away." Says kazuki
"This is important I must discuss this with the king!" She exclaimed
"we are not going anywhere until you tell me what is going on. Usato firmly states.
"but "
"That's right." Suzune adds in. "If that color means something important running around without explaining anything could only cause more problems."
Welcie opened their mouth to argue, then stopped and actually thought for a moment. "You are right, all of you. It was stupid of me to try and take off with Usato like that."
She then proceeded to explain about healing magic And of the captain the kingdoms rescue team Rose. Letting them know about her crazy training but also her amazing skills not only with healing magic but also as a fighter. Rose is after all a beloved hero of the nation, her skills as a fighter and healer have saved many lives during war, therefore despite everyone's fear of her crazy training she is respected. After discussing it just the four of them, they agreed to discuss with the king and decided what to do.
So they made their way to the king who was finishing up a meeting with Rose herself. So they all talk everything out discussing options but as healing magic is extremely rare Usato ultimately decides he wants to undergo the training. "It sounds hard but worthwhile, I really do want to be of help while we are here." He said with a smile. Kazuki envied the way Usato took everything in stride and managed to stay so positive throughout these events.
Well that's all I could think of but anyone is free to add on or change it to their liking. I'd be happy to take any request about this prompt, but I'm not a writer so I'd love to read anyone else's ideas
I'm tagging @Well-i-guess-i-could-write @kameleon000 @cosplayprincess21 @Silverthreadedhatter975 for showing interest in my previous post I hope you like this, if you don't, I'll be sad
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knightyoomyoui · 2 years
MiSa/2Na (Mina x Sana)- “Little Miss Perfect”
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On a lovely sunny morning, an exceptional student walks down the hall. Everyone's eyes are on her, yet there are no signals of anger or disgust in their eyes whenever they get a glimpse of her near them. It's just another usual scenario everyday in the life for her, she thought. She was already used to it, so she neglected them and concentrated instead on going to her locker. But it doesn't mean it doesn't effect her either. She just can't share or convey it to anybody who has been staring at her with utter fascination and amazement when she isn't very good at talking or engaging with those with whom she isn't even close with. Who exactly is this girl anyway?
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She is Myoui Mina: a nerdy, introverted, soft and pure college girl who epitomizes beauty and intelligence.
She is constantly chosen by her instructors and classmates to represent their area in school pageants and academic competitions, which she has won the majority of. Being humble, Mina believes that there are other prettier classmates of hers who deserve to be placed in positions to participate in such pageants, but she is aware that they are no match for her when it comes to the Q&A segment, which is a very significant requirement for the event to be won, so she has no option but to accept.
Although she knows deep inside that some of them are already building up jealousy over her and that worries her. She never meant to develop a rival or enemies in the school. She just want peace and a normal day for her and others to study well.
Through those, it garnered her popularity around the school with the fact of how she possesses a gift of being smart and being beautiful at the same time.
She was happy that atleast she ain't get ignored by many because of only being nerd but sometimes she just can't help but to feel like as if it's getting way too much attraction now.
Like I said, she's an introvert. She only has a very limited time interacting and getting closer together with somebody.
And what irritates her a bit is the number of male fans trying to win her over through their different ways of presenting their charm, doing pick up moves and even directly asking her to go out.
But ofcourse, she is also a straightforward woman as a match to some admirers of hers in the campus, particularly men; through rejecting their date offers or confessions politely.
She observes and analyze how those men take action only for her and she's quite confident that most of them are just focusing into her beauty more on her the outside than to explore how great her personality and kind-hearted on the inside too.
So, secretly she may be looked like as if she's feeling bad for rejecting those fans, but in all honesty she's just huffing an air and an immediate disappointment she felt for them. No signs of mercy either, they deserve it he believes.
That's not only the straight one within her that we could describe on her too. Well let's mention about some of her looks. It includes also her hair which she never color or even change its style.
Perfectly shoulder-length black straight hair match with her innocent gorgeous face is enough for her and it wasn't hrr intention if the students that would be seeing her would began admiring her with these.
Aside from those, her grades in every subjects and her goals through her studies is what made her overall to be proclaimed as the 'Little Miss Perfect' of the campus.
A character whose role is to only focus forward on her studies without allowing any distractions (that being, relationships) to be simply great and excel in subjects and only display how it  contributes to her well-being as a student.
She also is right on time on every schedule since she is the appointed head of the student council in their campus. It was a sureball win to her because the members voted for her basically due to her popularity and her ability to critically think for how can they bring development to the campus.
Outside her school image, she was always being invited by her circle of friends to join on parties. Not to drink though, she is allergic to alcohol; but to just chill and have fun until there's the signal for her to assist her drunk friends as the only one who doesn't completely black out at all.
About her favorites, well she likes music and can sing too. Mostly she jams to the songs of her favorite artists like Paul McCartney, Queen, Taylor Swift and many more.
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She can dance ballet too, that's also one of the things everybody in the campus knows about her that she is a ballerina too.
Lastly, to make it short; she loves video games. Her all-time picks would be games such as Minecraft, League Of Legends and Apex Legends which she spend her entire free day grinding onto these.
Yup, she is definitely perfect as what everyone describes about her; although what they know is only not that more than meets the eyes yet.
She has everything, and many would think that she's doing very fine everyday since problems won't even last on her due to her many hobbies she can do to entertain herself and the fact also that she's literally living in such a rich background where anything she wants, she gets.
But that's the part where they are clearly mistaken.
If she will be asked how she doing everyday, she's confident to confusingly admit; she's unsure of what she would reply... because that's exactly what she's feeling within these several thoughts popping inside her head.
There was a time where she's in the middle of her deep guessing as she's asking herself what did she do to deserve all of her blessings into her life to be spoiled by her stepparents who adopted and raised her since she was little.
It still feels surreal for her to reach where she is at right now. Studying in one of the most prestigeous schools in Korea, a car, a mansion they live in, expensive clothes, huge allowance and many more. She knows these won't be nothing for her to experience if it wasn't for them.
It makes her wonder why it makes her feel special when she wasn't even their biological child unlike her older brother and she knows she made some mistakes that they might despise and put her in a consequence rather.
However, on the good side; she is very thankful and lucky to meet such an amazing people like them that she can proudly call the only family she has in her life.
In the middle of her messy thoughts, she got unexpectedly received an accidental bump on  her shoulder from someone who is passing through the hallway.
It snapped her out from being separated from the reality and rotated her head quickly to look at who did it.
The other one did the same and they both locked eyes, which Mina became astounded at how breathtaking this girl really look.
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"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bump you, I am just late in the class right now!", the girl stutteredly apologized at her.
"Y-you can go now, don't worry about i-it.", Mina calms down the nervous girl as she disregards what happened.
"Thank you for your understanding!!!", the girl gratefully shouted at her before vanishing in her eyes, sprinting back at her feet to rush onwards her class.
Now Mina was left alone again in this silent hallway, processing her curiosity on who that girl is and why does it feel like she saw her before.
Not to mention, her heart was increasing its beats as she began replaying her first conversation with that girl she met earlier.
Days have passed, and thanks to the help of her circle of friends; she learned that the girl she bumped into at the hallway days ago is named Minatozaki Sana.
Sana is student in the same grade from the other section just beside Mina's classroom, no wonder why Mina speculated that she felt like she had saw her around previously.
She is also Japanese and recently she was added as the newest member of the Badminton team of the campus after she passed the training. She already gathered a lot of attention from others who watched the tryouts where she showcased her great playing skills at the said sport.
Mina didn't know that Sana is a close friend of her own friends particularly Momo, another Japanese friend and fellow seatmate of hers, which explains how she got to know Sana even better.
She was eating in the cafeteria with her 7 other girl buddies at the same table when the oldest of them all named Nayeon commanded someone with a shout to come closer at them.
All of the eyes went to the direction where Nayeon is looking and calling at, and there Mina and Sana's eyes met at one another once again for the second time, with full familiarity.
"Finally, it's been a long time since you got to eat with us in recess Sana.", the one who has the most mother-like personality of them named Jihyo said.
Momo hummed as she watches Sana come closer on their spot. "Mmm!!! Suhnuh yurr furna-"
Her words got interrupted when she felt a stinging pain on her shoulder caused by the impact of a light slap made by Jeongyeon, the one with the bobbed cut hairstyle sitting beside her.
"Pabo, swallow the food you're chewing first.", Jeongyeon aka the second mom of the group scolded the eating mochine who elicited a poor whimper in response.
"It's bad to speak when your mouth is full, do you remember that Momoring?"
"Y-yes... pardon.", Momo nodded and replied after she gulped the food in her mouth. Sana just chuckled at the hilarious sight of her two crackhead friends.
Mina looked away and glared at her food after she heard that adorable giggle while staring at her face that somehow panicked something she couldn't identify.
"I'm sorry if I haven't got to be with you girls a lot for a month, God I'm really trying to improve my grades, responsibilities in the house and attending trainings everyday at the same time.", Sana apologetically pouted and said to all of them after she took the empty seat offered to her by a pale skinned friend of hers named Dahyun.
"That's completely fine to us, Sana and you know that right?", Jihyo said, speaking in behalf for the others. "We just hope that you're not struggling and stressing yourself too much with all of these. You know you have us to approach anytime to help you right?"
"I have it in my mind always, Jihyo-ssi... but I'm also training myself to stand up on my own feet and not depend much on others like what I used to before which particularly didn't work because I'm not in my best state as a student then.", Sana explained.
"But I swear, this time I can assure all of you that you'll be getting something from me. I can somehow manage to improve myself while being busy these days.", she lets out a sweet smile that made the girls awed in relief.
Sana was about to release her lunchbox in her bag when she caught the image of Mina's lowered head while eating her own lunch right in front of her.
Her forehead crumpled in curiosity and eyes went wider when a light ticked in her head as she recalled something from Mina.
"H-hey! Y-you're the one I bumped into few days ago at the hallway aren't you?", Sana asked and pointed Mina who stopped from her movements including the other girls around them who became initially confused at what Sana is pertaining to.
Mina carefully raised her head, revealing her face to the bubbly Japanese. "It's you!", Sana said as she finally recognized her.
"Eh?", all of the girls resonated the same reaction.
"Y-yeah... hi.", Mina shyly greets Sana after she got cornered from the truth.
The rest turned their head at Mina who was taken aback at the sudden action, which got her nervous. "W-why?"
"You never told us that both of you already met?", the blonde girl with chic aura named Chaeyoung unbelievably said.
"I-... uhm sorry. I didn't thought that it would be relevant for me to share it with you guys that I just got bumped into a stranger which ended up being actually her though."
"Point taken.", the tallest of the gang named Tzuyu acknowledged Mina's understandable reason.
"So... since both of you don't know each other well yet, why don't the both of you introduce yourselves to each other then?", Nayeon suggested.
Sana nodded enthusiastically and grinned broadly, liking the idea. Mina's cool with it too but she can't wear off the unpleasant feeling she has in her still as she finally meeting face to face with the girl that piqued her interest ever since that accidental bump.
"Hiiii! I'm Minatozaki Sana, nice to finally meet you!", she stood up and bent on the table; offering her handshake at Mina who got flustered at the willingness.
"She's already in our group before we met and accepted you to be one of us Minari, by the way.", Jeongyeon added a fun fact which surprised Mina at the revelation that Sana is already one of the originals with them before Momo met her and introduces her to the gang.
"I-I'm Myoui Mina. Nice to meet you too, Sana.", she smiled softly and accepted Sana's handshake. Her touch is so firm and gentle, it sends shivers to her skin which she is clueless why her body reacted that way.
"Let's be friends starting today, okay?!", Sana energetically said.
The rest clapped happily at their two friends finally set the starting point of the buildup of their closeness to one another.
Days afterwards, Mina would get the chance to be whether with or without Sana.
Although she is still acting awkward, she can't deny that she is having fun especially when she have a ray of sunshine spending time closely with her, discovering how bubbly and such a wonderful person she is to be with, which earned more reasons why she's getting this weird feeling whenever Sana is near her.
And that lively effect that Sana brings out on Mina caused her to be oblivious on the reality that she's setting out a free time just to attend early on every scene where Sana would be present around.
She became even more motivated to enter and listen during the other classes where Sana would be her classmate, especially when she gets a glance of her bright demeanor as a sign that she understands the teacher's lectures.
Sometimes, Mina voluntarily joins or even invites her other friends by herself to watch some couple of games where Sana's team would be facing their assigned opponent of theirs. Fortunately, they won all of it and it's such refreshing thing to see Sana victorously happy about it.
Mina even tutored Sana on Calculus on the afternoon after class at her own house.
She was barely hanging on her composure during the entire time she spent being alone with Sana, most likely when she's sitting and pursing her face very close to her as she attentively focusing on her instructions throughout every lessons she struggling with.
Most notably, at the part when Sana began noticing that Mina doesn't look at her when she's answering her concerns about the solutions Mina is solving and writing on the notebook; Sana attempted to tease the younger by cupping her chin and pull up her head which resulted for the dumbfounded Mina to stare directly at Sana's alluring and enticing face. The gap between each other's head is just few inches away for their nose to even touch its tip.
Sana giggled when Mina began blushing intensely and tightlipped, finding it hilarious at how embarassed the nerdy girl is. To escape the hot seat moment, Mina came up with the idea to just join the flow of Sana's funtime by playfully smashing her with her pillow in revenge for teasing her which elicited a laughter from the cunning squirrel.
Most recent one to include with these proofs is the championship game that is currently happening at the arena inside their campus again.
Mina along with her circle of friends are present to watch their fellow friend Sana fight alongside with her teammates against the opposing side who holds the crown as the defending champions.
It is the Finals being held and they're now on the last set of the game where both are slated to a tie. One of the players from each teams are now doing their best to execute a tie breaking plan to end the season.
Successfully, Sana's team did it when the other player from the opposite side failed to catch the rough hit of Sana's teammate after she passed it to her then transferring it to them which was ended up unsaved; thus winning not only the game but also the trophy and become the new champions of the season.
Sana was crowned the MVP and all of the girls including Mina celebrated in joy as she waved her hands in glee at them.
After receiving the award, Sana encouraged to have a picture with all of them then photo by pair as her with every one of her friends inside their group.
Mina took her turn last and Sana unpatiently tugged her arm, placed her to the side, arms wrapped to Mina's waist that made their bodies close to one another as well as when Sana did a pose that required her to lean closer to Mina's face and show a kissing look with a peace sign.
Mina realized what Sana is doing, side-eyeing her plump lips presented very close to her. Her cheeks burned red and turned her eyes back at the camera then smiled sheepishly.
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(This is the closest I can give hehe - Author) After the picture, Mina hastily rotated her body away from Sana in shock and nervousness as the look of Sana's pouting lips began to haunt her the whole night even after going back home and sleep in her dream only full of it.
She fanned her face panickedly with her hand, but she didn't noticed that there's others who instantly noticed her suspicious reaction after her duo picture with Sana, their eyes squinted before their lips transformed into a sly smirk.
The next day, Mina joined with her two friends who lives almost close to their neighborhood: Jeongyeon and Tzuyu as they head their way through Sana's house after the invitation she did for all of them to come in her place and join her celebrate their victory last night in a party.
Strangely, Mina hesitated when Jeongyeon and Tzuyu asked her through chat but little does the Japanese know that it was intentionally a way to tease the girl.
And now that her reply even adds to the fact that she's acting very weird when it comes to Sana, that leaves them to a high possibility they can believe of.
During their walk, Jeongyeon nodded to Tzuyu for a go signal which the tall maknae initiated.
"Unnie.", Tzuyu referred to Mina.
"What do you think about Sana?"
"H-huh?", Mina became puzzled, not taking what's the point of Tzuyu asking this.
"Just answer it unnie.", Tzuyu scoffed and jokingly presented an irritating expression.
"O-okay...", Mina muttered. "She's a great friend. Always fun to be with, full of positivity that is very contagious for you to be like her, talented and beautiful."
"Is that only, Minari?", Jeongyeon took the turn to ask.
"Are you sure?", Jeongyeon's tone gotten different, turning into a playful cooing one.
"W-what else do you want me to say? I already told everything?", Mina furrowed her brows while caressing her arm.
"Oh so you want us to help you remind what we believe is missing then?", Jeongyeon asked. "Alright, we'll do it ourselves."
Tzuyu began smirking and walked to the left side of Mina to make her sandwiched between her and Jeongyeon, trapping her for and urge to create a revelation.
"Last night, we saw something made us think that everything you just said to us meant more than that, unnie."
"We saw you trying your best to make your tomato looking face disappear after Sana took a picture with you only.", Jeongyeon playfully nudged Mina's shoulder whose chills suddenly got increasing slowly as she understood where they are going with this.
"You can't just do that when you don't feel any signs of... let's just say, admiration and love to somebody who caused something to have you doing that, right? Especially when that's your friend we're talking about here.", Jeongyeon continued.
"What do you guys want to imply about it?", Mina asked tensefully.
"Mina-unnie, do you have a crush on Sana-unnie?", Tzuyu threw the dart on the bullseye, going for the jackpot question as they finally asked what gets them curious about the strange action Mina did yesterday.
Mina's whole reaction expanded in shock as two of her friends seemingly discovered the possibility of the secret behind everything she's experiencing when it's about Sana.
"M-me?", Mina hysterically baffled. "As if you girls don't know me. I'm straight and only into boys okay? I won't be falling into girls like me, specifically Sana-unnie herself. It can't be possible."
"But do you think you know us, Minari?", Jeongyeon retorted. "You never did, and we want you to know why."
"You don't realize it by yourself, do you? Girl, who in the hell would turn their face away swiftly and try to erase  the color of a ketchup running around the surface of her cheeks and try to wash it off away with the air you make just because you had a picture alone with your bestfriend... and let's say that it's also a girl you're belong with."
"Mina-unnie, that isn't normal at all for a friendship. You know a friend won't be capable of doing that if it doesn't affects you more when you don't even treat that friend of yours differently.", Tzuyu added.
"You may be denying and covering the speculation with your own reasoning of being a true straight girl but... recall and analyze carefully everything that you did only for her. It's never too late for something to change, and I'm referring to what you identify yourself Mina-unnie."
"So what am I then to you?"
"The other way around of what you believe yourself to be."
Mina chuckled. "So you're saying that I'm n-not straight anymore? T-that I am what? A bisexual?"
"Exactly.", Tzuyu and Jeongyeon both replied at the same time.
Mina shook her head aggressively. "No. I can't. There's no way. Sana's just my friend really and I'll be into boys that which will remain to be like that. Get o-over it girls."
"Mina, seriously? We never even heard anything from you being interested on any men from our campus frequently.", Jeongyeon ridiculously commented.
"You rather mention Sana most of the time, and at first we were so dumb to not sense something different; thinking that your closeness with her just grown so much... not until we saw you acting like you successfully earned a picture with the one you're falling in love with secretly.", Tzuyu said. Mina then started to rewind back all of her moments with and what led her always to Sana to check if what she's saying is true.
And... she just realized until now that it actually does. She did think and speaks about Sana most of the time unconsciously.
Because of that, somehow Mina was pushed to rethink and reevaluate anything she just said in offense to Jeongyeon and Tzuyu's rumors.
She began asking herself, does she really like Sana ever since they met?
Does her straight personality shifting into a bended one after their first encounter?
Is everything that is happening to all of the days passing by just gets completed if it's not mainly because of Sana.
Is she really that interested and grown another level of fond for Sana all along?
Mina lowered her head as the image of Sana pasted in her mind. "A-are you guys really sure?"
"Definitely, Mina."
Mina sighed deeply and cleared her throat before speaking. "A-actually... I admit that... it makes me confused whenever I get this.
That my heart swells and beats in a unique rhythm along with the rest of my body whenever I'm interacting with her.
It gives me goosebumps, hypnotized... sometimes I even can tell that there's like a wild sensation growing inside my stomach, and I'm trying my best to unconsider that it's the butterflies appearing within me.
S-she's the reason. All about me... is just all about her so far.", Mina looked at Jeongyeon and Tzuyu who are now silent and shockingly staring at her.
"Oh my God, Mina-unnie. It is true.", Tzuyu gasped.
"And for that to be confirmed, let me hear you say it, Minari. All of us are now agreeing to each other here, what you have to do now is to acknowledge it.", Jeongyeon encouraging Mina.
Mina rubbed the upper bridge of her nose and pathetically laughs softly at herself. "I-... I guess I do like Sana.", she shrugged.
Jeongyeon and Tzuyu cheered. "Finally! She said the thing!"
"I just want to add, when you learnt that we can watch Sana's games you even began taking the initiative on your own to invite us which you never did to us on many occassions before.", Tzuyu remembered.
"I g-guess she changed me."
"Yeah, and now you're officially welcome to the gays club. Congrats Mina, you are now a certified non-straight individual.", Jeongyeon teased and winked at Mina who only became embarassed.
"Agh, I can't believe I just said it. I don't know what's gotten into me. She's just so different it drew me in I swear.", Mina panickedly stated.
"Well, that's what love can do. It helps us discover the unique things a person does bring with theirselves which was never blessed unlike to the rest, and it satisfies us in a different turn of events.", Tzuyu said.
"So... Mina, now you just revealed to us that Sana is your crush, do you have any plans to confess to her?"
Mina looked directly through the distance where the figure of Sana's house is slowly emerging and getting closer to them as they are now going nearby to their destination.
She sighed and answered truthfully.
"That, I don't know yet."
Few hours later after arriving and congratulating Sana on her first championship win as a rookie which is very impressive and amazing to hear which allowed them to start having fun and go crazy which left the girls to get down drunk except Sana and Mina who are both limited their energy; separating theirselves from the others for being the only sober ones.
It was 10PM and the girls are now sleeping behind them. To spend the time well to battle their boredness, Sana instead decided to start some random topics for them to converse together which thankfully Mina is related on some of it.
They also exchanged some jokes they have in their pockets and even Sana offered to have Mina let her braid her hair after she discovered that she never experienced having her hair tied like that other than just a ponytail.
Helping her achieve the once in a lifetime experience, Sana finished performing a neat braid on Mina's silky, smooth black hair.
She observed it on the mirror and showered Mina with compliments pertaining to how it perfectly fits her elegant beauty which left the secret admirer to blush heavily and heart flutter badly.
As they tried to take another shot of beer in their own paper cups as they both felt thirsty again, Mina emptied her cup first and lets out a rough breath in response to the bitter and strong taste of the alcohol left to her mouth and throat.
She tilted her head at Sana, and suddenly her sight begun disrupting as things around her gone moving very slow due to the effects of the alcohol taking in towards her stability, including how Sana released the cup to her mouth.
Those pursed plump lips that was once haunted her all night was distracting Mina again and this time, the strong urge and desire of it to seduce her intensely of using the curiosity to find out how does it taste like is pulling her with much force this time.
Mina is now unable to escape as her energy left in her is now outlimited by the now turning-into- drunken state of hers.
She started moving her body closer and closer to Sana who just placed her cup on the small glass table.
Cluelessly, Sana was about to rotate her head back to face Mina when unexpectedly, she felt a very familiar feeling within her lips.
She slowly rolled her eyes down and there she lately realized what just happened to her that made her shakened in immense surprise and shock.
Mina kissed her in the lips.
It lasted for less than 10 seconds before Sana tried to seperate theirselves from each other's kiss by forcefully pushing away Mina.
It awakened and threw the sense back in full operation for Mina and as she recovered her awarness of the situation, what she saw made it look like she's literally just looking exactly at a reflection of herself in the mirror...
... as she also shared the same reaction Sana is wearing in front of her. Complete bewilderment and confusion.
"I-I have to go back to my room. Bye.", Sana moved alertly, hurriedly walking out of the room.
"W-wait, Sana... SANA!", Mina tried to bargain her from staying but it didn't worked, it left her alone with the girls who got awakened from the loud noise she made.
They asked what happened and it made them shocked and curious when Mina leaned her body to Nayeon and showed teardrops flowing down in her cheeks, signifying that she cried at something horrible.
They learned about the kiss incident, and they were left speechless at first before comforting Mina along with Nayeon to ease her sadness and anger at herself for doing that.
Listening to the girls' advice and some bits of convincing for her to follow while Mina had their backs for comfort, she did what they told her the right thing to do in spite of what occurred last night during their party.
Before the classes starts, Mina who just arrived at the freshmen building searched for Sana around. It didn't took her long enough as for the assist of her knowledge about the information of specific places Sana does most likely goes to around the school although it doesn't sound like she's bragging it that turns her into an obsessed stalker but well it's simply just a perks of getting to know that much about her friend and your crush simulteanously. Going around each areas of the building, she finally catched Sana as she saw her just exit their badminton team's locker room. Mina stood and paused for a second, letting Sana perform some couple of steps while she readied herself one more time before creating her courage to be all prepared for what she's going to do today. A slightly fast run and it's good enough to minimize their gaps together for Mina to let Sana hear her voice loud and clear. "Sana!" She watched Sana halt in her steps. She slowly turned around and faced Mina with her blank yet little uncomfy look in face, probably not expecting the sudden appearance of her friend's presence. "O-oh, Mina?", Sana reacted, her eyes then turned anxiously moving around to try avoid staring longer at Mina. "What's for the c-chase to call me?" "I-.... I want us to talk, if you'll me spare you a quick time to let me. This will be quick, I promise.", Mina grasped her both hands behind her back as she sounded it out with desperation. "F-for?" "You know why I had to meet you here right now, unnie. There's no need to repeat.", Mina weakly smiled. Sana pitifully glanced back at her, unable to dodge the grab to caught her in the act. "I-I'll start now and not beat on the bush.", Mina sighed once before proceeding. "I'm sorry about what happened last night. Believe me or not, I'll just gonna place down my own explaination here for you. I-I really don't know what's gotten into me. It's like... my body took control of me and succumbs to the alluring sight of your lips when I caught it in a shot." "However, what my body decided to do on it's own... it picked from one of the things that my heart's been trying all my best to ignore and disregard. The curiosity of what does it feels like to win an opportunity to what it feels like sharing a sweet in contact of sensation made solely by my love with you." Sana's eyes parted slightly when she heard the words "my love" as what Mina mentioned. "Typically what most of the hidden admirers can relate, like me.", Mina tightlipped and unlocked it with a small pop. "It's the kiss, Sana.... and you, you're the person who got me attached on you for me to imagine crazy things like that." Mina shortly stepped forward closer to Mina who only leaned her body backward but keeping in her position still, unready to welcome the nearer approach by her friend which she just learned right now as one of the people included on her long list of people declaring their attraction due to her charms. "I have a crush on you, Sana... but still so far I'm troubled to accept that fact because it just felt so surreal, you know? Falling in love with the same gender as me and someone who I cherish also as my beloved friend right now is very new to me, Sana.  I think it's simply amazing that you're the only one capable of making me feel this way uniquely." "It's as if I'm still stuck on this stage where should I fully embrace the realization that I'm having a crush on you or not yet because I'm not convinced at how fast this is for me to develop something like this. Love is extraordinary I know, but I'm trying to get used to it especially that... this is actually my first time experiencing any of this and I don't know much about it, including that moment where it leads you and me standing face to face right here and right now." "I hope you atleast take my side well and I thank you for letting me to finally pour this all out to share what I've been keeping these days in me when it comes only to you.", Mina finished her speech and carefully bowed her head in a blend of anticipation and sheepishness on what would be Sana's response to anything she just said. Sana traced Mina's condition then drew her gaze all around the surroundings enveloping them as she gathers up every words she has the say in return to make it fair for her friend who just confessed her feelings yet unsure so far which she finds it adorable to witness her being so awkward all because of Mina's feelings for her. It urged her to let out atleast a tiny smile to express how convinced she actually was on Mina's declaration before she accepted the turn to speak. "You don't get to be the only one apologizing here, Mina-ssi. I owe you one too, and that is for how I just walked out and left you befuddled at what happened between us on that night which I'm sure it looked offensive on another angle but lemme assure you this Mina... It's all too fine now. I get it all what you're trying to point out and my thoughts about any of that is simple: you're confused, Mina." Mina listened at her more intently. "You don't know what to believe in and what you'll should do on this crush problem you're having for me, and I guess it pressures you so much that your decisions you take either conscious or not results in definite consequences; which is where I can connect that kiss you did to me. Mina you were curious to find out how it is because the confusion running into you regarding about what you feel for me pushes you through it." "That kiss made you think that would be the solution... but it didn't, so that only means your confusion got you thinking terrifyingly that you broke our friendship and it sent a wrong answer about it. Now it sets you up for another that will finally satisfy you on what's the truth. Sana landed her delicate touch from her hand on the frowning Mina's shoulder while presenting a carefree grin on her. "Thank you also for having us talk about it. This is definitely what we need and with that, we're all good now, Mina. Don't overthink about it now please, that won't ruin our closeness or most importantly, our friendship together because... I can't just allow it to happen because I can't lose you. I can't lose one precious friend in my life, Mina." In a quick span of seconds, Sana magnets Mina into her for their bodies to collide in a rest assuring warm embrace. Mina whimpered in delight and relief that atleast for now, it made her sure that Sana will be still on her side despite of the accident.
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They freed theirselves afterwards and Sana sent her temporary goodbye on Mina as they have to enter their classrooms now when the bell coincidentally rang just after their conversation together
FEW HOURS LATER At breaktime, Mina quickly emptied her sandwich inside the classroom then decided to visit the library to read another Harry Potter book when just as she entered the space; she saw something that won her attention to stay for a while.
Sana was placing her head down on the table where an opened book of a romantic storybook is in front of her which is being held by one of her friends and seatmate named Seungyeon. She is reading the book well while stroking the length of Sana's orange hair through her fingers. She just silently walked and grabbed the Harry Potter book to inform the librarian that she'll borrow it for a week, walking to the front where apparently Sana can fully take a sight of her. Mina looked one more time on Sana with Seungyeon before she walked out of the library, muttering these words to herself as she makes her way back to the classroom. "She's right, maybe I'm just confused." "There's nothing there that's why it didn't worked, so believe her." "It will never be worth it so stop it, little miss perfect. Don't risk yourself from falling off your throne anymore." On the other hand, little did Mina know that while Sana is listening on Seungyeon's storytelling; her mind is still being distracted by both replays of the incident and the aftermath they had earlier. She was interrupted when she saw Mina appear in the library, and she caught that one final glimpse of her being with Seungyeon before she left; worriedly concerned that Mina might stinged at the sight of her being sweet with someone else she doesn't know when in fact it's totally just platonic.
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Before she focused back at her friend, Sana concludes her jumbled thoughts and brought her heart to quiver in confusion and regret on why she left Mina alone after that night when she just agreed and realized to herself that the kiss with Mina... actually felt good too.
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alphatwo-if · 1 year
Alpha Two
Your death came sooner than most. You were an orphan that's all you were. And in your country that meant you were The Undeserving. You didn't get love or a home. No, they took you and the other orphans and experimented on them. The only problem was many died. You did to eventually. The outside world flourished while you bleed for it to be better. Finally when your body and spirit were broken. When you couldn't give no more you were tossed like the rest.
You were dying but you heard a gentle voice humming a soft melody. The masked woman said, "It's time to begin anew my child." When you awake you are in a bed. And that same masked woman is waiting for you asleep in the chair beside you.
Go through the Military Academy
Learn about your magical powers and the powers of the strings.
Fight other students to be the best.
Fight the Angels of Celestia
Join a club. (Student Council, or The Slayers.)
train with your squad mates. Get close or don't. But actions have consequences.
Stop an assassination
The Mc is a kitsune.
Links: Demo (TBA), Portraits
Romance Options
Naomi Wulf - F - (RO)
Age - 23
height - 5.0
Power - Redacted
Naomi is friendly to you and everyone. She seems very nonchalant about it but when it come to the exams and match’s she takes it seriously. Naomi doesn’t like fighting to be the first option but the last alternative. Guess that’s why she’s the Personal Relations with a second lieutenant rank.
Kasane Wulf - F - (RO)
Age - 23
height - 5.3
Power - Sword Manipulation
Kasane doesn’t like you. Oops sorry make that Captain Kasane doesn’t like you. Or it could be that she’s brash with everyone. She seems to tolerate your existence be that temporarily. Kasane does however look at you as useful. That’s simply because you are a Kitsune. (She's very bad at interaction. So she's blunt plus the whole ex of hers sorta ruined her.)
(Kasane romance can start early with a secret FWB or a situationship. She's still cold and no feelings are involved. But we all know how this works. You can choose to be in love with Kasane or feel nothing at the beginning. This will not lock in the romance.)
Arashi Snow - F - (RO)
age - 24
height - 4.10
Power - Organic Manipulation
Your former best friend or ex is up to you. After what happened you can’t blame her. (Im not saying any more.)
Tanner Merlyn - M - (RO)
age - 24
height - 5.11
Power - Redacted
To say the nephew of the Empress has no power is an understatement. There are many rumors of him being a bastard to the Empress but no one knows for sure. Tanner and you met when you first got introduced to court. You have been friends ever since. Tanner is very knowledgeable and will put anyone in their place when it comes to you.
Margaret Nightshade - F - (RO)
age - 32
height - 6.0
Powers - Psychokinesis
The Major or also known as the Reaper. Margaret seems to look past your kitsune heritage. She's one of the only people who look at you as a person. She is the one in charge of your unit and from what you've heard she is holding back her powers. She's supposed to be much more volatile than she shows.
Anno Kamata
age- 20
height- 5.6
powers - Hypervelocity
Your follower and sworn sword from birth. Annos family has been serving yours since the beginning of your family's reign. She tends to only interact with you and your men. Other than that she stays in the shadows. She is your confidante and at times only friend in the pit of vipers. Anno will die before seeing someone strike you.
Other Characters
Lady Aurora - The Empress's right hand and the head of Military operations.
Master Haruto- Your father and head of the family. To say your Farther is a great warrior is an understatement. He is one of the few in the royal court to go against the Empress. And live.
Lady Hikari- Your mother. She has quite the muscle talent and affinity with the arts.
Major Hiroshi- Your older Brother. He is part of the royal guard but always makes time to see you and your sister.
Lady Kaida- Your older sister. She has had her ups and downs with her health but when she sees you it's always with a smile. She graduated from the academy a few years ago and is away on orders from the Empress.
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thethaliaclark · 6 months
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Thalia Clark - 40 years old - yoga teacher & brand ambassador
(this is long and I cannot write a realistic muse for the life of me, like I also can't believe I wrote this much)
trigger warnings - death, final girl trope, adoption
Her childhood was picturesque. A standard nuclear family in the fast growing Denver with a younger brother and parents who hated to sleep away from each other. Thalia was a happy but slightly odd kid with an early fascination with computers. Her father worked at one of the early computer companies in the 80s. Her life fell apart when her family was killed in a home invasion. Her hiding spot was on the roof where her mom used to take her up to stargaze. She went into the foster system for only a year.
Thalia was adopted into the Clark family when she was eight. She was sure it was just luck. Her adopted sister, Kathleen, was already in college but still stepped up to be a great older sister due to their parents already busy lives. Kathleen's friends called Thalia 'Wednesday' due to her ghoulish nature for the first few years of her life with the Clarks.
She lived as free a life as a kid could live. After her traumatic beginnings, homeschooling was the best option for her. Thalia was very smart and preferred her own company (or Kathleen's) for many years. The sisters became extremely close even when Thalia shifted to attend Providence Peak High School. She coasted between the science club and student council. Shifting from Wednesday Addams to Elle Woods was a shock to her family but the morbidity remained just under the surface.
Once she graduated high school, Thalia moved to California to follow in her dad's footsteps. She was dropped out of university pretty quickly after being recruited by a soon to be well known company: Apple. She was one of the leads on developing the first ipods. Thalia made a number of very clever investing decisions and soon made enough money to just live off her ever-growing savings. Then Kathleen called from New York after a bad day and Thalia moved her life to the East Coast.
Shifting into the socialite lifestyle was exhausting and Thalia found her niche in one of the newly growing exercise communities. New neighbors owned a pilates and yoga studio that she started working at more as a way to pass time. Her life in New York was easy if not predictable: teaching or personal training, attending events as a socialite, and spending as much time with Kathleen as possible. Then she fell in love and here world turned upside down.
Despite her sister strongly advising against it, she married Saul Weissberg and her life started revolving around him. How could it not? He was charismatic and attractive, intelligent enough to verbally spar with her, and he made her comfortable enough to drop the constantly preppy act. At first the electric chemistry and constant social outings was all she needed but Thalia soon grew unhappy. She was losing who she was and was unhappy at just being 'Mrs. Weissberg' (especially when she refused to give up the name of the family that was so kind to her).
With Kathleen back and thriving in Providence Peak, Thalia started reevaluating things. She had a very successful fitness brand and more investments than she knew what to do with. After enough pestering, Saul agreed to move back to Colorado to try to start his own firm. Unsurprisingly, their problems persisted and they ultimately separated. Thalia only permitted Kathleen an 'I told you so' referencing the ironclad pre-nup. Thalia took her belongings and bought a townhouse downtown.
She works at the Humming Bee teaching yoga and pilates at her leisure. Thalia doesn't do much day-to-day work with her brand. Instead she helps her sister at the university and tries to avoid her ex-husband who she still has very confusing feelings for.
She’s very anti-horror. Despite her gothic beginnings and general disposition of storm clouds, she hates watching or consuming any type of horror because it affects those parts of her she tries to keep buried
She has the weirdest luck. It’s not uncommon for her to win a pool game in a single turn then lose the next three. She’s very graceful and elegant in almost all of her movements but she’ll trip at any given moment if there’s even a pebble in her way
She very rarely expresses emotions on her face. After what happened with her family, Thalia retreated into herself. Even after growing up, only a few people could read her micro-expressions
Her eyes are very photosensitive and she rarely goes outside without sunglasses
She forgets to eat frequently. After her divorce, the reminder duty usually falls to Kathleen or her colleagues at the Humming Bee
friends: whether it's through yoga or around and about, Thalia could use some
friends with benefits/casual dating: she does still have significant feelings for her ex-husband so it would be fun and messy
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187days · 7 months
Day One Hundred Eight
Last month I attended a webinar about the instructional tools put out by the Council On Foreign Relations, and it ended up being a really good one (not every professional development opportunity is). I ended up poking around their World101 site, in particular, to see what I could use in Global Studies. And then I wrote the plan for the lesson I taught today.
My students and I had been connecting some historical dots to explain the conflict cluster in central Africa (DRC, CAR, South Sudan) and the influence of the LRA on the region. We went back to colonialism, the World Wars, and the Cold War to connect dots and understand why the current situation is the way it is. And I've been making the point that most current situations lead back to those same events (at least one of them, if not all of them), so I'm going to prove it by having them each read a book (I have shelves full of options) about a current situation once we come back from February break.
I had them choose their books last class so that we could do a prep lesson today and tomorrow (it's meant to take two days). Students have to go on World101, read the modern history section of the profile of the region where their book is set, and answer some questions for me. That's giving them some general background knowledge that will be helpful to them as they read. And it's going really well. Like, with very few exceptions, students dove into their work.
So that's a win.
Meantime, my APGOV class remains decimated by Covid, but the students who're healthy discussed Baker v. Carr and Shaw v. Reno with me, examined some of the worst examples of gerrymandering today, and read an article about the legislative branch (pivoting from elections to the role of the people elected). On a tangent, I also put on SchoolHouse Rock's "I'm Just a Bill" just as one of our hall monitors walked by, and he started singing along. Also, one of the sections in the article they were reading mentioned the franking privilege, and one of my students wondered how useful that was nowadays with everything being online.
A typical teacher would've said that's a great question, but probably wouldn't have had an answer. I didn't have an answer either, but- as longtime readers know- this APGOV class has many friends who hold office, so I texted one of the congressmen whose visited us to ask how often he uses the franking privilege. He texted back to say he'd check with his staff, so we don't have an answer yet. Still, it's fun asking- really, it's fun just being able to ask.
There's still a lot of challenging stuff happening, but in my little classroom things were good today!
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mintraspberryst · 1 year
Aaaah I love the Katawa Milgram au!! I didn't see these being mentioned so uh:
- Possibly Kazui could be a teacher who is really involved with his students and is friends with Shidou.
- Since you're doing blind Fuuta because of his injuries, how about upperclassman Mahiru who's missing an arm and having some brain issues as well (seizure prone?) ever since she was in an accident? She's kind and super motherly to her kohais!
- Maybe... Yuno is missing her legs? She lost them at an early age, and has learned to become self reliant. She's a very smart and dependable girl who likes dressing up (and she may or may not be capitalizing on people who fetishize her in order to pay for her nice stuff)
- Kotako is definitely a part of Student Council and/or the Discipline committee! Hmm. She might be healing from burn scars? They really messed with her mobility and ability to feel things, but that only pushes her harder to be more active and (more violent) with her passion for justice! No bullying in the school on her watch! She butts heads with Fuuta a lot, lol.
Anyways, these are just suggestions ^^" I like your au! You have really nice art!
- @fearyandear
WAAA! i am so flattered to see so much interest in this au and my art, thank you sm sm! your ideas are great!
i am not sure if i will use these exact tropes, i will probably change smth if im gonna develop this au further but the concepts are so good anyways + i am also not sure that this au will have some certain canon for characters' stories/disabilities/etc at all, i think there can be many different options for character tropes so we'll be able to have fun with different ideas! i had idea of yuno with missing legs too btw, so i think its the way to go! and kazui as a teacher is also something i came up with myself already some time ago. thank you again :) this is really sweet!
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radical11 · 2 months
Best Universities in Georgia For MBBS | 2024 Admission Guide
If you want to become a doctor and study MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery), Georgia could be a great choice for you. Georgia is a beautiful country located between Europe and Asia.
Recently, many students from all over the world have chosen to study MBBS in Georgia because Many best universities in Georgia for MBBS are available. Georgian universities offer high-quality education, affordable tuition fees, and a friendly environment for international students.
Let's explore why studying MBBS in Georgia is a good option and look at some of the best universities in Georgia for MBBS.
Why Choose Georgia for MBBS?
1. High Quality Education:
   Georgian Medical universities are well-known for their excellent education standards. They follow international guidelines, so the degrees they offer are recognized worldwide. This ensures that students receive top-notch education that prepares them to work as doctors anywhere in the world.
2. Affordable Tuition Fees:
   One of the main reasons students choose to study MBBS in Georgia is because of the low tuition fees. Compared to countries like the USA, UK, or Australia, studying in Georgia is much cheaper. The yearly fees for MBBS in Georgia range from $3,000 to $8,000, making it a cost-effective choice for many students.
3. English-Taught Programs:
   Most Georgian universities offer MBBS programs in English. This is a great advantage for international students who do not speak Georgian. Studying in English makes it easier for students to communicate with professors and fellow students.
4. Simple Admission Process:
 Taking MBBS Admission in Georgia Medical universities is relatively straightforward. Most universities do not require students to take an entrance exam. Admission is usually based on high school grades, especially in subjects like biology and chemistry.
5. Modern Facilities:
   The best universities in Georgia for MBBS are equipped with modern facilities, including well-equipped laboratories, libraries, and hospitals for practical training. This ensures that students have access to all the resources they need to succeed in their studies.
6. Safe and Friendly Environment:
   Georgia is known for its hospitality and friendly people. The country is safe for international students, and universities provide support to help students adjust to their new environment.
Best Universities in Georgia for MBBS Several universities in Georgia are renowned for their Medical programs.
Here are some of the best ones; 
1.Tbilisi State Medical University TSMU ;
TSMU is one of the oldest and most reputed Medical universities in Georgia.
It was established in 1918 and has a long chronicle of providing high quality Medical education. TSMU offers an English medium MBBS program that is six years long.
Recognition; The university is recognized by the World Health Organization WHO and the Medical Council of India MCI , among other International bodies. 2.
David Tvildiani Medical University DTMU 
DTMU is another top Medical university in Georgia, known for its modern day programs and teaching methods. DTMU offers a six year MBBS program in English.
Recognition; The university is recognized by WHO, MCI, and other International Medical councils.
 3.University of Georgia UG ; 
The University of Georgia is a private university that offers a wide range of programs, including an exceedingly respected MBBS program.  The MBBS program at UG is taught in English and lasts for six years.
Recognition; UG is recognized by WHO and MCI, ensuring that its graduates could work medicate worldwide.
 4. Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University BSU ; 
Overview;; BSU is a public university located in the maritime city of Datum. It is known for its first class Medical education and modern day facilities.
Programs Offered; BSU offers an English medium MBBS program that spans six years. The university is recognized by WHO and MCI.
5. New Vision University NVU ;
 NVU is a fast growing private university in Tbilisi, offering innovations Medical programs. NVU offers a six year MBBS program in English. The university is recognized by WHO and other International Medical bodies.
Taking MBBS Admission in Georgia is a super choice for students who want to do high quality Medical education at a low priced cost. With single universities offering English medium programs, modern day facilities, and a welcoming environment, Georgia has become a top option for aspiring doctors from most of the world.
Whether you prefer Tbilisi State Medical University as well as David Tvildiani Medical University, the University of Georgia, Batumi shota, Rustaveli State University, or New Vision University as well as you can be assured of an all encompassing education that prepared you for a high vocation in medicine.
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arjaysingh · 3 months
Explore MBBS in Kazakhstan at Kazakh National Medical University
Are you dreaming of becoming a doctor? If so, pursuing MBBS in Kazakhstan at Kazakh National Medical University could be the perfect opportunity for you. Located in the heart of Kazakhstan, this university is renowned for its quality education, modern facilities, and highly experienced faculty.
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Why Choose MBBS in Kazakhstan?
Kazakhstan is emerging as a popular destination for medical studies among international students. Here are a few reasons why you should consider doing your MBBS in Kazakhstan:
Affordable Tuition Fees
The cost of studying MBBS in Kazakhstan is much lower compared to many Western countries. This makes it a great option for students who are looking for quality education at an affordable price.
World-Class Education
Kazakh National Medical University is recognized by major global medical councils. The university offers a curriculum that is on par with international standards, ensuring that you receive the best education possible.
Multicultural Environment
Studying at Kazakh National Medical University will give you the chance to meet students from all over the world. This multicultural environment enhances your learning experience and broadens your global perspective.
English-Medium Instruction
One of the biggest advantages of studying MBBS in Kazakhstan is that the medium of instruction is English. This makes it easier for international students to understand and excel in their studies.
About Kazakh National Medical University
Kazakh National Medical University, located in Almaty, is one of the top medical universities in Kazakhstan. Established in 1930, it has a long history of providing excellent medical education. The university is equipped with modern facilities, including well-stocked libraries, advanced laboratories, and comfortable hostels.
The faculty at Kazakh National Medical University comprises experienced professors and medical practitioners who are dedicated to teaching and guiding students. The university also offers various extracurricular activities and student clubs, ensuring a well-rounded educational experience.
Admission Process
Getting admitted to Kazakh National Medical University for MBBS in Kazakhstan is straightforward. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to help you:
Eligibility: Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria. Typically, you need to have completed high school with a focus on science subjects.
Application: Fill out the application form available on the university’s official website.
Documentation: Submit the required documents, including your academic transcripts, passport copy, and a recent photograph.
Entrance Exam: Some universities might require you to take an entrance exam or an interview.
Visa Application: Once you receive your admission letter, apply for a student visa.
Travel: Book your tickets and make arrangements for your stay in Kazakhstan.
Life at Kazakh National Medical University
Living in Almaty, where Kazakh National Medical University is located, is an enriching experience. The city is known for its vibrant culture, beautiful landscapes, and friendly people. As a student, you’ll have access to various amenities, including affordable housing, public transportation, and healthcare services.
The university’s campus is bustling with activities. From academic seminars to cultural events, there’s always something happening. This active campus life ensures that you not only excel academically but also grow personally and socially.
Career Opportunities
A degree in MBBS in Kazakhstan from Kazakh National Medical University opens doors to numerous career opportunities. Graduates can practise medicine in Kazakhstan or return to their home countries to pursue a medical career. The university’s degree is recognized worldwide, making it easier for you to apply for jobs or further studies in different parts of the world.
Moreover, the university has strong ties with various hospitals and medical institutions, providing students with ample internship and job placement opportunities.
Choosing to study MBBS in Kazakhstan at Kazakh National Medical University is a decision that can shape your future. With affordable tuition, high-quality education, and a supportive learning environment, this university offers everything you need to achieve your dream of becoming a doctor.
Take the first step towards your medical career by applying to Kazakh National Medical University today. Embrace the opportunity to study in a multicultural environment, gain world-class education, and make lifelong memories. Your journey to becoming a successful doctor starts here.
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Best Scholarships in Manchester for International Students: My Journey and Your Guide
As I stepped off the plane at Manchester Airport, a mix of excitement and nervousness filled my chest. Coming from a small town in India, the prospect of studying in one of the UK's most vibrant cities both thrilled and intimidated me. Little did I know that Manchester would not only become my home for the next few years but also offer me incredible opportunities through its generous scholarship programs.
I'm here to share my personal experience navigating the world of scholarships for international students in Manchester, along with some valuable information to help you on your own journey.
The Manchester Landscape
Manchester is home to several world-renowned universities, including the University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University, and the Royal Northern College of Music. With over 100,000 students, including more than 40,000 international students from 180 countries, Manchester is truly a global education hub.
But let's face it – studying abroad can be expensive. That's where scholarships come in, and Manchester offers some of the best.
My Scholarship Journey
When I first started researching scholarships, I felt overwhelmed. There were so many options, each with its own set of requirements. However, I soon discovered that persistence pays off.
After countless hours of research and several applications, I was awarded the President's Doctoral Scholar Award at the University of Manchester. This prestigious scholarship covered my full tuition fees and provided a £20,000 annual stipend for living expenses.
Top Scholarships for International Students in Manchester
Based on my experience and extensive research, here are some of the best scholarship opportunities for international students in Manchester:
University of Manchester Scholarships:
President's Doctoral Scholar Award (my scholarship)
Manchester International Scholarship Scheme
Manchester India Scholarship Programme
Manchester Metropolitan University Scholarships:
Vice-Chancellor's International Scholarship
International Sport Scholarship
Faculty of Science and Engineering International Excellence Scholarship
Royal Northern College of Music Scholarships:
International Student Scholarship
RNCM Award
British Council Scholarships:
GREAT Scholarships
Commonwealth Scholarships
Facts and Figures
To give you a clearer picture, let's look at some numbers:
The University of Manchester offers over £9 million in funding for international students annually.
Manchester Metropolitan University awards more than £2 million in international scholarships each year.
According to a 2023 report by the UK Council for International Student Affairs, the average cost of living for international students in Manchester is around £12,000 per year.
The success rate for scholarship applications varies, but at the University of Manchester, approximately 15% of international applicants receive some form of financial aid.
Tips for a Successful Scholarship Application
Start early: I began my scholarship search almost a year before my intended start date.
Read the eligibility criteria carefully: Each scholarship has specific requirements. Make sure you meet them before applying.
Prepare a strong personal statement: This is your chance to stand out. Share your unique story and aspirations.
Get excellent references: I asked my professors who knew me well and could speak to my academic abilities.
Highlight your achievements: Don't be modest. Showcase your academic excellence, leadership skills, and extracurricular activities.
Pay attention to deadlines: Mark them on your calendar and submit your applications well in advance.
My Manchester Experience
Winning the scholarship was just the beginning of my Manchester adventure. The city welcomed me with open arms, and I quickly fell in love with its vibrant culture, diverse community, and rich history.
One challenge I faced was finding suitable accommodation. That's when I discovered Uninist, a short-term student accommodation provider in Manchester. They offered flexible options that perfectly suited my needs as an international student, making my transition to life in the UK much smoother.
Beyond academics, Manchester offered countless opportunities for personal growth. I joined the International Society, volunteered at local charities, and even tried my hand at salsa dancing! These experiences not only enriched my time in Manchester but also enhanced my CV, making me a stronger candidate for future opportunities.
My Final Thought
As I near the end of my studies, I look back on my journey with immense gratitude. The scholarship I received not only eased my financial burden but also opened doors to incredible experiences and connections.
To all aspiring international students considering Manchester, I say this: Don't let financial concerns hold you back. With determination, careful planning, and a bit of luck, you too can find a scholarship that suits your needs.
Manchester is more than just a place to study; it's a place to grow, learn, and thrive. Whether you're walking through the historic campus of the University of Manchester, collaborating with diverse peers at Manchester Metropolitan University, or honing your musical skills at the Royal Northern College of Music, you'll find that Manchester has something special to offer.
So, start your scholarship search today, and who knows? Maybe we'll cross paths in the vibrant streets of Manchester soon. Good luck!
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grapefruitey · 6 months
ignore this it's my application for providence peak
out of character
Name: G
Preferred Pronouns: She/her
Age: 26
Timezone: Central
Activity level: Medium-High
Triggers: Self harm
Anything else?:
in character
Name: Thalia Clark
Faceclaim: Angela Sarafyan
Gender & Pronouns: Female, she/her
Age: Forty
Birthday: August 2, 1983
Occupation: Fitness brand owner and teacher at Humming Bee
Neighborhood: Downtown townhome
Are you filling a wanted connection? Filling Saul Weissberg's third ex-wife connection
Anything extra: None yet!
(this is long and I cannot write a realistic muse for the life of me, like I also can't believe I wrote this much)
trigger warnings - death, final girl trope, adoption
Her childhood was picturesque. A standard nuclear family in the fast growing Denver with a younger brother and parents who hated to sleep away from each other. Thalia was a happy but slightly odd kid with an early fascination with computers. Her father worked at one of the early computer companies in the 80s. Her life fell apart when her family was killed in a home invasion. Her hiding spot was on the roof where her mom used to take her up to stargaze. She went into the foster system for only a year.
Thalia was adopted into the Clark family when she was eight. She was sure it was just luck. Her adopted sister, Kathleen, was already in college but still stepped up to be a great older sister due to their parents already busy lives. Kathleen's friends called Thalia 'Wednesday' due to her ghoulish nature for the first few years of her life with the Clarks.
She lived as free a life as a kid could live. After her traumatic beginnings, homeschooling was the best option for her. Thalia was very smart and preferred her own company (or Kathleen's) for many years. The sisters became extremely close even when Thalia shifted to attend Providence Peak High School. She coasted between the science club and student council. Shifting from Wednesday Addams to Elle Woods was a shock to her family but the morbidity remained just under the surface.
Once she graduated high school, Thalia moved to California to follow in her dad's footsteps. She was dropped out of university pretty quickly after being recruited by a soon to be well known company: Apple. She was one of the leads on developing the first ipods. Thalia made a number of very clever investing decisions and soon made enough money to just live off her ever-growing savings. Then Kathleen called from New York after a bad day and Thalia moved her life to the East Coast.
Shifting into the socialite lifestyle was exhausting and Thalia found her niche in one of the newly growing exercise communities. New neighbors owned a pilates and yoga studio that she started working at more as a way to pass time. Her life in New York was easy if not predictable: teaching or personal training, attending events as a socialite, and spending as much time with Kathleen as possible. Then she fell in love and here world turned upside down.
Despite her sister strongly advising against it, she married Saul Weissberg and her life started revolving around him. How could it not? He was charismatic and attractive, intelligent enough to verbally spar with her, and he made her comfortable enough to drop the constantly preppy act. At first the electric chemistry and constant social outings was all she needed but Thalia soon grew unhappy. She was losing who she was and was unhappy at just being 'Mrs. Weissberg' (especially when she refused to give up the name of the family that was so kind to her).
With Kathleen back and thriving in Providence Peak, Thalia started reevaluating things. She had a very successful fitness brand and more investments than she knew what to do with. After enough pestering, Saul agreed to move back to Colorado to try to start his own firm. Unsurprisingly, their problems persisted and they ultimately separated. Thalia only permitted Kathleen an 'I told you so' referencing the ironclad pre-nup. Thalia took her belongings and bought a townhouse downtown.
She works at the Humming Bee teaching yoga and pilates at her leisure. Thalia doesn't do much day-to-day work with her brand. Instead she helps her sister at the university and tries to avoid her ex-husband who she still has very confusing feelings for.
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mbbsinabroad1 · 2 years
Why MBBS in Abroad is becoming popular among Indian Students?
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No doubt, the UK has always been the first preference for MBBS aspirants. However, for a few decades, it looks like Georgia has also become one of the prominent destinations for students pursuing MBBS.
Technically Georgia is an Asian country but Europe has more of its influence over it in terms of culture, traditions, etc. Georgia is adjacent to the Black Sea on the west and surrounded by the countries like Russia, Turkey, Armenia, and Azerbaijan on the remaining sides. It has a great history which can be observed throughout the country and especially in the capital city – Tbilisi. Due to its flaunting history and architecture more often it gives a feel of being in Paris. Not only this but there many more reasons which are attracting students who are looking to do MBBS abroad.
Let’s see some of the reasons why students are opting for MBBS in Georgia?
1 Pleasant Weather and Environment – Due to its good climate throughout the year it becomes very easy for Indians to stay and survive in Georgia. Also, infrastructure and facilities like water, power supply, people, and hospitality in the country has always been a green flag to the aspirants.
2 Low Cost of Living – As compared to other neighbouring countries like the UK and Russia the cost of living is low in Georgia. It becomes very affordable for the students as they can easily get food, transport, stays, and medical facilities at a much lower cost.
3 Good Quality of Education – Besides being low on cost of living Georgia heads in Good Quality of education also. The number of rising opportunities for students who have done MBBS in Georgia clearly shows the impact of its quality education.
4 Affordable Education – Of course, this could be one of the biggest reasons why youngsters are choosing Georgia as a learning center for MBBS. With the growing inflation rates, the cost of education is also getting impacted day by day leading to the dropout of more Indian students in past years. With its comparatively low cost for leanings, Georgia has come out as a solution for cheap but quality education.
5 Number of Varied Universities - Major universities of Georgia are affiliated with the Medical Council of India (MCI) namely, Ivane Javakhishvi Tbilisi State University, University of Georgia, David Tvildiani Medical University, New Vision University, Batumi ShotaRustaveli State University, AkakiTsereteli University, Tbilisi State Medical University and so on. This provides a wide option for the students to choose the university they want.
Nowadays, learning in foreign countries has become very popular in India and every other student in the country aspires to do MBBS in Abroad but the factors like expensive cost of living, education, and unfavourable weather conditions often become a hurdle for the new students. Looking at all the above-mentioned adjectives it feels like Georgia has become a blessing for all the aspirants who are planning to do the MBBS in Georgia.
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educonsultancy · 2 years
Scoring a Place to Live Abroad: Foreign Student Accommodation
Living in foreign as a student is a once-in-a-lifetime experience full of challenges and rewards. One of the biggest challenges is finding a place to live. With so many options, it's hard to know where to begin. That's why it's important to consider all your Foreign Student Accommodation options and ask the right questions to help you make the best choice. In this blog post, we'll explore the different types of accommodation available for international students and some key questions to ask when deciding where to live.
Types of student accommodation
International students have a range of accommodation options to choose from depending on their budget, location, and lifestyle preferences. These include:
1. University halls of residence: Universities typically provide accommodation on campus in student halls of residence or apartments. These usually offer shared bedrooms or private rooms, and may also include facilities such as gyms, common rooms, and libraries. Pros: these are often the cheapest options for accommodation, plus you can easily access all of your lectures and university resources. Cons: you will be sharing a room with other students, so it might not suit those who need more privacy.
2. Private student housing: Private student housing is available in many cities, and can range from shared flats to self-contained studios. Pros: Many landlords will offer special discounts to international students, plus you get to live independently in your own space. Cons: These are often more expensive than other accommodation options, and you may be responsible for extra costs such as utility bills and council tax.
3. Host family accommodation: Staying with a host family can be a great option for international students, especially those who don’t have family or friends nearby. Pros: You’ll have a supportive home environment, with meals and support included. Cons: You’ll need to be comfortable living with other people, as well as abide by their rules and routines.
4. Serviced apartments: Serviced apartments provide all the convenience of hotel living, with the independence of self-catering accommodation. Pros: You get all the facilities of a home without the responsibility of looking after it. Cons: These are usually more expensive than other types of accommodation.
Things to consider when choosing an accommodation option
1. Location: It is important to consider the location of the accommodation when making a decision. Are you close to your university or college, or do you need to use public transport? Are there other facilities nearby such as shops, parks, and restaurants?
2. Cost: What is the cost of the accommodation and what does this include? Are there any additional costs for utilities, internet, etc? Is the price per person or per room?
3. Room size and amenities: Make sure you know how much space you will have and what amenities are included. Does the accommodation have a shared kitchen, bathroom, or living area? Do you need to bring your own furniture or can it be provided by the accommodation provider?
4. Security: Check what security measures are in place, such as CCTV and key card access. Ask about emergency contact details and fire safety regulations.
5. Social aspect: Are there activities and social events organised by the accommodation provider? Is there a common area where you can meet other students and make new friends?
6. Rules and regulations: Make sure you understand all the rules and regulations of the accommodation before committing to it. These could include noise levels, prohibited activities, and quiet hours.
By considering these points carefully, you can make an informed decision when choosing an accommodation option that meets your needs.
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kulife2022 · 2 years
Clubs at KU
No matter who you are or what you’re interested in, there is something for you at KU. With clubs and activities for many interest majors and something else there are plenty of options on how to get involved while on campus. Also, as long as you make an effort, you can always find others with the same interests as you. By joining any of the clubs or activities on campus, you can get involved, stay busy, make friends, and even make the best of your time in college. 
In this post we will be talking about three aspects of getting involved through clubs on campus. In act I Ava explains that KU offers several clubs for students with specific interests . In act II, Brynn explains the positive aspects of major related clubs on campus. Kylie then explains how to make friends at KU during act III.  All of these acts dive into the aspects of being involved while at Kutztown, and how being a part of clubs and activities can improve the overall experience of college life. 
Act I: Clubs and Activities for Specific Interests
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Coming to college and being in a new environment can be difficult at times to meet new people, but being active in your community and on campus can make all the difference.
 At Kutztown University there is an abundance of clubs and activities provided that are veered towards specific interests that students may have, there are over 200 of them. These clubs are a great opportunity for students to make friends and expand their horizon when it comes to getting involved on campus.
 After talking to Julia Cook I was able to get more of an insight on what it's like to be involved in a club here at KU. Julia is a part of CEC, council for exceptional children. CEC is made up of students that aspire to work with kids around the area that have physical or intellectual disabilities. Julia explained that she has made so many new friends since joining this club, and since all of these students share the same interest in this club, she said that many of them also have several classes together. She goes on to say “it's really nice because we’re all there because we want to be…and we want to help out in the community.” Being a part of a community with the same interests and goals in mind is an exceptional way to create genuine bonds and friendships with other students.  
– Ava Fester
Act II: The “Major” Clubs
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When going to a new place, adapting can be tough, I know that for me it sure was. Searching for places, groups, and activities where I could fit in seemed to be one of the most difficult things for me to do when I first came to Kutztown. I decided that one of the best things for me to do was to find a club that would benefit me the most. 
In the first few weeks of living on campus I attended an involvement fair. It truly opened my eyes for all the clubs and possibilities that were available for me. I realized that there are clubs related to specific majors, and decided that joining one was a great idea. Being a student in an art ed major I found a club perfect for me, National Art Education Association (NAEA). 
Along with NAEA there are plenty of clubs at KU in a large selection of areas including, art, music, math, education, statistics, and science. With such a large variety in the choices of clubs the possibilities are great for many majors. 
One aspect of being in a club related to your major is getting to meet others who will be or are already in your field of interest. Through NAEA I met Carmen Popovici, the current president of the club, and a future art teacher. She brought up many interesting points - and her views - on the positive aspects of joining major based clubs. 
“Knowing I had people to go to if I had questions was really helpful,” Carmen explained.  She went on to explain how the upperclassmen in major related clubs are great to go to for insight related to your major.  As they have been where you are they can have tips on which classes to take, or even just offer overall support. 
Along with meeting people who are in the field that you are entering, being in a major related club also opens up opportunities to get involved with programs and events. Carmen also mentioned her experience with this in our discussion: “ I’ve gotten so many opportunities and met a lot of people in the art education community while going to conferences.” Attending events that are held by - or are open for attendance through - the club are great ways to see and learn more about your field of study. 
Along with conferences many clubs hold small events related to the major that not only build experience, but can be fun. These events offer great opportunities to get involved in the club, your major, and in some cases even the community. As an example to these events I bring up NAEA again. They hold events every so often called Friday Night Outs (FNOs). These events bring in local children and teach them different art related lessons. Events like this bring good to the community along with a sense of experience - in this case teaching art to youth - to those who are involved in the club. 
Overall, being in a club related to your major offers a sense of community that may not be easy to find in other places. “Getting to experience certain classes, and sharing materials [with those in the same major and clubs as you], you really get a sense of belonging with others, being inspired by others,” Carmen explained. She then went on to say how she “ loves having people to turn to if [she] ever needed anything.” Joining a club for your major opens many doors whether it be through experience and getting involved, or having a support system composed of those who are in the same boat as you. You will not regret the decision to join a club in college; in fact, you may just love it. 
– Brynn Merkel
Act III: Meeting People and Making Friends
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“College is supposed to be the best years of your life,” as the cliché goes. Making friends on campus is crucial to enjoying your time at KU. One of the best ways to meet like-minded people is to be active in clubs and/or activities. Just being at a club meeting isn’t going to be enough to make connections with the people there. Get out there! Make an effort! Enjoy your time here!
When first coming to KU, I felt anxious about how I would meet friends. Going to plant club meetings allowed me to get over my anxieties and geek out over plants with people who shared my same interests. For me, not only did joining clubs and activities help me make friends but also strengthened my friendships with friends I already had! Being able to make new friends allowed me to feel like I could actually belong here.
Speaking to Kutztown University students, Amber and Jaime share with us how to make friends in a club setting. Amber – a member of the Plant Club – believes the best way to join clubs when looking to meet people is to join something that most matches your hobbies and interests; “When you are in a club that you really enjoy, you are surrounded by others who share the same interests. Because of the shared interest it makes it easier to form a connection and make a new friend.” Jaime – a member of P2P (Pen 2 Paper) – believes the best way to join clubs when looking to meet people is to find one that you are genuinely interested in, and look into what they do within the club; “Some tips to making friends in clubs is find people with similar interests and start a conversation about that… Or you can work collaboratively on something within the club.” Based on interviews of multiple Kutztown university students, here are a few steps toward meeting people in clubs and activities:
Look online to find different clubs that you could be interested in and make a list.
Go to activity fairs and talk to Eboard members about joining their club. This will help you get a feel for the atmosphere and cross off a few clubs on your list that you realize you really aren’t that interested in.
Go to a few meetings. Going to meetings of the remaining clubs and activities on your list can help you solidify your feelings about which club(s) you would like to continue in.
Start to interact with others. It is important that you make an effort to talk with people. When interacting with other members, be sure to be friendly and reciprocative to conversation.
Ask for contact information. Communicating with others outside of meetings will help develop friendship.
Most importantly, have fun! Your time at KU is limited, but if you make an effort, you could make lifelong friends. College can certainly be the best years of your life.
-Kylie Fralich
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onkarshah · 2 years
Top 10 Reasons Why IELTS Test is Important
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Instead of diving straight into the main reasons IELTS is vital Let's first take a some background information about what IELTS is about? Many of you be aware, IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is one of the most well-known and standardised tests for English language that assess your proficiency in English to allow you to enter an international country. 
A high IELTS score is crucial and is one of the most important advantages if you're seeking to continue your studies in countries such as Canada, USA, United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand or someone who wants to work or relocate abroad. 
It is a test that IELTS test is administered jointly through IDP, British Council and Cambridge Assessment English. Let's now look at some of the most important reasons that IELTS is essential and how passing the test could help you benefit from amazing advantages:
1.) The first step towards studying abroad
The initial step to achieving your dream of going to study abroad in countries like Canada and Australia is to earn an excellent score on your IELTS test. Once you have passed this. Everything will take over from here. You now know how crucial IELTS is.
2.) 2. The IELTS test is recognised worldwide.
IELTS is recognized in 140 countries, with more than 10,000 universities across the world, including 3,400 institutions in the U.S all by itself. It is the most popular exam for foreign education admissions by students across the globe. Over 400 million (400,000) test takers took the IELTS test in the past year, and the number continues to increase by the minute.
3) Improves the English Language skills
It is important to note that the IELTS test format is designed so that it makes it simpler for you as test participants to evaluate the level of proficiency you have in English language in comparison to native English native English speakers, thus helping you in learning English better and to improve your fluency and language skills.
4.) Learn to speak in different accents
When you are contemplating taking the IELTS test you will come across various accents that are part of those who speak the English language. There is a distinct difference in British, American, and Australian accents that you as a non-native of the language are unaware of. However, when you are preparing for IELTS you will encounter accents that are distinctive, especially during the listening portion of the test. This will leave the test with a clear understanding at the simplest level, and helping you to master these accents in a short period of time.
5) Offers you an experience that is real-time
This IELTS Test is intended to make use of real-world scenarios through its speaking section, where you interact directly with the examiner. It's a personal meeting between the candidates, i.e. you, as the test taker and the candidate. It's a great scenario to face any challenges you could encounter during your study abroad.
6) Serves your immigration purpose
If you're contemplating moving to a different country such as Canada, Australia, Australia or New Zealand, then the General Training module that is part of the IELTS test and a score of a minimum is necessary to be able to submit your immigration application and gain permanent residency.
7) It opens doors to employment opportunities across the globe
It is a given that you will receive your fair share in terms of a wide range of possibilities for growth and an excellent salary when working for an organization in a foreign country. People who want to work overseas must be able to pass the IELTS General Training Module and get a high score in order to be considered by employers.
8.) Two possible options for the test to select from
If you're planning to sit for the test, you are able to choose between two options: Paper-based IELTS and IELTS delivered via computer. There is no change to the test format, and with no additional costs Computer-delivered IELTS has a multiple dates available nearly every day at least 3 times per day.
9) Faster results and higher precision
It is believed that the IELTS test results provide a an accurate, fair and reliable evaluation of your English proficiency because the test has been meticulously designed by experts in the field of language from countries like the USA and Canada, the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
10) The program is administered by reputable institutions
It is believed that the IELTS test is managed through IDP, British Council and Cambridge Assessment English. They are all highly respected organizations, which are known for their excellence in academics and traditional understanding.
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