#theory crafters please help in decifering what the fuck this story is about cuz all I've got are vague themes
razzzar · 2 years
Right ok so emesis blue. Yeah, ok. First off. It is so. DAMN. GOOD! I was so confused in such a good way that I had to watch it twice to try and make sense of it. I didnt. But hey they symbolism was pretty neat. Like respawn being a literal hell, medic being death and the amount of Christian symbols with the red team. Like I understand absolutely nothing but I am pretty damn sure the story was about respawn purgatory?? Idk I'm not a theory crafter or a film analyser.
But can we also talk about the harsh lights cuz DAMN the use of blue, red and gold lights in everything is just *chefs kiss* magnifique! Like I'm a sucker for dynamic lights and ooooooooh they used those three colours in the best way possible. I'm serious! Every scene apart from a select few is either lit with red, blue, or gold lights.
Oh and let's not forget the characters because despite everyone being so incredibly flawed I loved them all! Soldier especially, he was just so... Normal. Despite falling into hell and crawling his way out. Medic is also amazing, watching his spiral into insanity, and poor scout and spy...
But seriously, if you don't have epilepsy and can handle a lot of gore then you should watch this because it is a MASTERPIECE! To think fortress films could so easily top Spies Disguise like that.
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