You Are Becoming the Devil-God (Part 5 of 5)
Gods and Devils
Once your character achieves their final fates, they transcend humanity to become something.. other.
Gods and Devils alike are, in many ways, caricatures. They are inhuman in their outlook and desires. They are unbalanced and alien.
To become a God is to twist towards perfection, to the lofty virtues one upholds, to the superego and to light and aspiration. Flaws and vice fall off as they rise above the world.
To become a Devil is to twist towards hunger, to the vices that haunt you, to the id and to darkness and desire. Virtues and codes disappear before the intensity of their needs.
When your character ascends, a new scene starts, and each player’s will is refreshed.
Your character warps into something strange and alien and beautiful. They may become monstrous, or angelic, changing physically in whatever way you feel most evokes their theme.
Describe how the weight of your character’s existence warps the world. For a brief moment, you ascend to the throne of this world, and everything is seen through the lens of your philosophy or hunger.
You may take actions on the behalf of the world, setting or any non-player characters. Everything is drawn into the event horizon of your own divine power. For the purposes of calculating effort, treat every action you take, either as a Devil-God or otherwise, as a three effort action.
At the end of the scene, your character departs from this world. Their massive theomagical weight breaks reality, and they fall into their own microcosm, beyond the ken of the other characters or the player.
However, the echoes of their primacy remains, and while you may no longer play that character, you may take an action on the behalf of the world once each scene- this functions as a free three effort action of your choice.
Players who have ascended can also help dictate the actions or dialogue of non-player characters, or take what would be normally considered the role of a “game-master”.
The game ends once every character has ascended from the world.
At this time, each player takes a moment to talk about how their character has changed the world, both as a mortal and as a being beyond. They gaze upon their home, rocked by the apocalypse of their ascension and decide how their legacy will continue.
And, then, the game is finished.
You have become the devil-god.
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