#then i mistyped and wrote 'like a grap vine growing' instead of grape
kirstenonic05 · 2 years
Ok so basically about that comment about the human flower. So that girl is in the visual novel game Your Turn To Die (you've probably heard me talk abt it before, definitely seen me post and reblog abt it I am going insane over it,) and she's called Kanna, and in one of the routes of the game she dies.
So because they're in a death game (self explanatory imo), all participants have these collars on them and they uh. They can do a lot of things! They act as a sort of way to keep anyone from stepping out of line, and in some cases can be used to kill people. One guy called Mishima got his head straight up burned off his body because it heated up to a ridiculous degree (what a unique way of beheading someone!) and they can also explode! Neat! Anyways when Kanna dies in the route she dies in, her collar plants these specific seeds in her that rapidly grow in her body and turn her into a human flower. It is extremely painful. Like. The game is done with drawn sprites and pixel art but god it was pretty horrifying to watch unfold. And if you thought that was bad she uh. She is also a lil twelve year old!
Anyways with that out of the way I'm curious abt that OC you mentioned :3
Oh damn! That's really morbid! D: That's something that would totally keep me up at night! Things like that, like parasites or anything to do with the insides of a person, I really can't deal with!
Sorry for the late reply, I had to gather all of my info on this OC XD His name is Bluebell and I made him with @dremyink06 as a part of an original story called The Bluebells Sound Death, or TBSD for short! (I sometimes call it the Bluebell Saga, since the sequel is called Sunflowers Spring Forth Day)
I'll put brief summary of it under the read more!
The Bluebells Sound Death is set in around the 80s probably, Ink and I haven't fully decided on the date.
The main character is Sun Fowler, who is from a wealthy family and lives in a mansion surrounded by a lush garden he looks after. He finds that his prized bluebells keep getting eaten, so he asks his mother, Rossette, what animals would eat bluebells. He soon finds out bluebells are poisonous and goes out to figure out what had been eating his bluebells.
He soon comes across a guy lying down in his bluebell field, hiding from him. They introduce themselves and he finds out Scilan Dumort, some random guy who lives next door, has been eating his bluebells as his late mother told him that it would heal him. By the fact that he wasn't dead yet, Sunflower believes him. and invites him over for a proper dinner.
They find out they go to the same school and become very good friends, along with a girl at school named Poppy. Both Poppy and Sun nickname Scilan, Bluebell, thanks to his love for eating bluebells.
Eventually, Sun learns that Bluebell has had a curse since birth thanks to his parents' knowledge of witchcraft. They died to the curse while Scilan has a few years to live. The bluebells act as a remedy and keep him from dying but he didn't even realise he had a curse. His mother had simply advised him to eat bluebells every day.
Not only was he just a weird person in general, but Bluebell was constantly bullied for being gay. Late in the story, he confessed to Sunflower, but Sunflower mistook the confession as a joke and got arrogant about it. Heartbroken, Bluebell took the lonely path home. But, he began coughing out flowers on the way and he soon falls. Sunflower ran after him to actually say that he loved him but found Bluebell dying in the bluebell garden. Sun mourned his death. As they say goodbye Bluebell tells Sun to feed him a bluebell but Sun refuses, thinking there would be a way to fix this. In the end, Bluebell eats it and passes soon after.
Luckily, Bluebell comes back later as a ghost thanks to their strong love. But, he is completely covered in bluebells thanks to where he died and from eating bluebells. But don't worry, they live happily together :D
The blue haired guy is him as a ghost in Miitopia with his friend from another original series! (And me in the top left and Ink's OC Morty in the top right XD)
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This all started out as a Caejose Hanahaki RP that spiralled way out of control! I actually have the original version of the Hanahaki AU written out, but it was when Ink and I were new to the fandom so I'd like to rewrite it someday.
I also wrote a song for this series! Maybe I'll post it sometime? Who knows XD
But yeah! That's a quick summary of TBSD!
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