cmesi-blog · 7 years
The Summer of Cleve: One Year Anniversary of “The Beat”
As I embark on the next chapter of my life, I plan to stop advancing the agenda of others so intensely.
Creating “The Beat” was the ultimate lesson!
In March 2016 at SXSW, Robert asked me to work on a project. He wanted to launch a political tip sheet to celebrate the many contributions of power brokers of color in Washington.
Four months later, I created The Beat and it kicked off during the DNC convention in Philly in July 2016.
Unfortunately for me, I am a perfectionist who always gives 300%. But this is actually very fortunate for others.
In just four short months, I designed the layout, came up with the content categories, and recruited the curator.
I also formed a committee, but most were too ever extended to participate. Still, I shared updates and worked my ass off.
I even created old school mock-ups and circulated them for others to provide feedback.
I painstakingly agonized over each detail and decision.
Blah Blah Blog was the first section I came up with.
The most genius idea I had (I think) was sharing social media handles (Called ‘Just the Digits’ originally).
The Other Twitterverse followed. Then FOMO Alert and the Top Five.
I struggled with whether to feature just one Pic of the Day or two. Then there was the most key piece of real estate – The left side menu. That’s where we would delve into the ins and outs of these influential hidden figures.
In my hotel room during DNC Convention, Tiffany (Who came on board a few days before) and I stayed up late and woke up early each day that week to publish The Beat. I did this while also assigned to work with the DNC Convention Communications team each day.
The ‘S’ on my chest was for STUPID.
You know what they say – No Good Deed Goes Unpunished!
I learned the heartache of giving birth, while others take ownership and act like you did not spend months by yourself nurturing it in your womb.
The Beat was an immediate success and others quickly stepped in to take over.
Even the person I brought on joined in - blaming me when I called her on it.
Ironically, there was really no need to do me like that. I only created it because I was asked and would have gladly transitioned it respectfully.
I was hurt and angry with myself – not them. I was the one who pimped out my talents for peanuts without hesitation.
Why had I given my all to make someone else’s dream come to fruition?
Still, I am grateful for that experience and a few other similar ones from last year (I’m hard headed I guess). I hit a low point but gained great insight – It’s easy to advance the agenda of others to avoid the fear of what I have been called to do.
Every experience has purpose. I did realize that I can do anything!
Imagine if I had put all that energy and skill into me, my goals?
So I now guard myself closely and I am quick to exit when I sense a situation is not a good fit for me.
I chuckle when someone asks me if I have read The Beat and tell me how great it is.
Even if only a few know it, The Beat is part of my legacy. I hope it succeeds for decades to come – reminding me to be a better steward of the gifts God gave me.
The Summer of Cleve is about facing my actions and decisions head on and daring to believe that all my dreams are possible through Christ who calls and strengthens me.
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@notbatmanyet: RT @thebeatdc: Last night, Lynne Patton, a HUD federal official, called award-winning reporter April Ryan “Miss Piggy” on social media. The Twittersphere was not having it and calls for Patton's resignation rang. @AprilDRyan https://t.co/OhcbFGIlrA https://t.co/bPu6GCocYw
from http://twitter.com/notbatmanyet via IFTTT
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