#the zoo... then the day after - monday - getting coffees with 'chos and pez and just chatting about stuff. tues evening hanging with Lachie
julie-su · 1 year
Well; my spirits have recovered! But my stomach and body are mad at me for skipping a day of meals. I could barely eat today, but I'm slowly getting there. But at least my brain is buzzing positively~ I do not feel like such a loathesome beast. Thank you to all of you wonderful people... You all know how to make a stupid echidna feel loved <3 I was an idiot to even consider suicide. I really don't know, what threw me off the path so hard... I suppose it was brewing for all of the month that I've been here. I won't get into my PTSD, trauma, and all of the things which bubbled up to the surface, the people which have their hands on me whilst I visit here... It's not a very positive thing... But I was stupid to try to take the easy way out. I know this.
The outpouring of support, it's made me realise that everything that was bothering me, we'll get through it, slowly, together... I'm going to keep on moving.
I want to live.
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