#the world's most biased hp reread
blorger · 10 hours
yes, hello, I would like the record to show that when Harry and Draco meet at Madame Malkin's and Harry is reminded strongly of Dudley Draco hasn't done anything that is particularly vile, he's just
been blond (technically "pale", we can't yet make the Dudley to Draco connection via hair color)
talked about having two involved parents
I direct the jury to this exchange:
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Draco is just behaving like a kid, even if he uses the world "bully" ( he's clearly using it hyperbolically) and drawls (the Malfoy Special, if you will). This is not exactly villain foreshadowing 101.
Something could be said for how Draco's words suggest a power dynamic wherein he's in control of his parents, like Harry views Dudley and the Dursleys's relationship, but also... Draco is a child making boastful remarks to another child, one would expect exaggeration as par for the course.
I fail to see any signs of Great Evil; Draco's phrasing may have triggered feelings of inadequacy and maybe also envy, (Harry wants a family most of all as per the mirror of erised) but also, Harry has presumably been going to school and has met plenty of parented children, this can't be a new situation.
What I'm saying is that jkr is doing a bit of a tell don't show, she is giving us the key with which we are to interpret every one of Draco and Harry's interactions from this moment on but kind of falls flat in the execution.
What I (and others beside me) read in their following interaction is just two people not understanding eachother. One boy feels confused, insecure and out of his depth and the other one doesn't know this is happening. Draco is trying to make a good impression on a schoolmate by saying any and all impressive things he can think of, not knowing that by repeating his father's greatest hits he's inadvertently alienating Harry.
In conclusion, your honor, I posit to you that upon their meeting Harry immediately feels strongly about Draco but, in his inexperience (and lack of emotional development see: cupboard), he is unable to identify the origin of said strong feelings and attributes them to dislike (the Dudley Connection). Thus a scene meant to highlight their incompatibility ends up foreshadowing Harry and Draco's unusual bond instead.
tldr: drarry is a great ship, jkr is an idiot savant who managed to write the greatest enemies to lovers storyline of all time without meaning to and also I know I'm reaching but I've decided this is the bible truth since truth is what you make of it.
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rollercoasterwords · 8 months
Ok this may come off as ramble-y but i just wanted on come in here gush abt how much I love your fics!! I'm a big fan of atyd so intially that's how i found your work -- through Sirius' perspective -- and i loved that shit (dare i say more than the original,, they're both amazing ofc I'm just biased coz Sirius is my fav character). I come from a super religious/conservative background and I have never related so much to a character with internalised homophobia -- like the resemblance was a little uncanny ngl lol.
But yeah,, than i read 'thtf' becoz i was craving some lesbian fics (coz the marauders' fandom is in a lesbian drought let's be real). And it was so good and i absolutely bawled my eyes out. You're writing i think especially shined in this fic and i remember i would go back an reread pages because they we're so beautifully written lol.
And then i read ur cowboy and zombie au fics (even tho I don't really ship jegulus/marylily) but they were still amazing and so, so fun!!
My favourite fic of yours by far tho is ur most recent fic, 'As the Worm Moon Dies'. I'm a sucker for fics that expand on the world-building/magic of hp because i feel like there is so much missed potential in the og hp series due to jkr neoliberal centrist politics (gag). I loved how u depicted magic in series as more of a spectrum and how every human has the capability for it. I loved how u described the elves and their enslavement becoz holy shit is that a horrible plot point in the og series (dw!! they liked being enslaved!!). Sirius as a death eater is so weird becoz canon sirius would never -- but it also shows just how much of an influence James and subsequently the Potter's had on his life. Ooooh also don't even get me started on the werewolf fighting rings and the hypocrisy of pureblood societies its absolutely so fascinating to me!! Ahh i've reread it so many times already lol. (and obviously, the wolfstar is *chefs kiss*)
I love ur writing so much i actually started reading the captive prince series solely so ic ould read ur fanfics on it lmao. (up to book 2 -- so far very interesting -- and wondering what Laurent's perspective could possibly contain).
Honourable mentions to ur nobleflower and emmary fics because they were awesome and ur characterisation of emmaline as a butch aloof lesbian is now absolutely cannon to me!!
Anyways sorry for rambling so much i just needed to fangirl about ur works!! I just wanted to thank you for all the time you put into them and your services to the marauders fandom. Oh, and if you ever published a book one day i would read it no doubt.
aww thank u 🥹 this is so sweet it’s always crazy 2 remember that there r like…real live actual people out there who r resonating w the things im writing etc so i v much appreciate the kind words 💕 also reading captive prince just 4 the laurent pov fic is crazy lmao but i hope u enjoy the series…book 1 is rough but book 2 will start bringing u back and book 3?? bananas….
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dragonbadgerbooks · 7 years
1, 12, 17, 40! 💙
1. What is your favourite book and/or book series of all time?
I’m torn between 4 series - Harry Potter because of course; like that’s a series that has had an obvious effect on me. Like, I’m part of an HP blog, I’ve met so many of my friends through HP... How can I not? But also ASOIAF because I’m in love with the female characters; this is a male writer who has female characters in a patriarchal society, but they all have their own agency. They’re all different with hopes and dreams and ugh yes more. But also The Lunar Chronicles, but that’s mostly because Cress + fairy tale retellings. and the last one is Heroes of Olympus; like anything by Riordan is amazing, but that one just jumps out at me for kids with their own agency, a diverse cast, and all the humor. Like, I love it so much.
12. What book do you passionately hate?
My 10th grade English teacher ruined Kafka for me. Most hated is Metamorphosis. 
 17. What is your favourite book that contains an LGBTQ+ character?
Indie-wise, it’s Hello World. But I’m also biased because I know the author. But it’s also an amazing book.
Mainstream wise, I think The Trial of Apollo series is my fav because bisexual god. Who uses the word bisexual. And lesbians. And gay men. AND APOLLO IS BISEXUAL AND TALKS ABOUT HIS LOVE OF WOMEN AND MEN IN THE PAST LIKE ALL MY CRIES.
40. What is the weirdest book you have read?
UMMMM UMM UMMMMMM, so I’m taking this two ways:
The first one that came to mind, I don’t even remember the title to. I found it in middle/high school at my local library. It was by a local author and was self published. The plot seemed interesting (some sci-fi or fantasy thing? I legit do not remember), but I started reading it and o.m.g. I was still a student and I found so many typos and mistakes that I couldn’t even get into the plot. It was awful. So that, to me, is a little weird.
In terms of a strange plot, it’s called The Friday Society and it’s about 3 teenage girls who are all assistants in one way or another who team up to solve a mystery. But it’s got chapter names like “Just Your Average Turn-of-the-Century Slumber Party with a Dead Body. You Know How It Is.” And the first three introduction chapters start with “And then there was an explosion.” It’s super silly, doesn’t take itself seriously, and made me laugh out loud. I’m really due to reread it now that I mentioned it....
Send me asks! 50 Bookish Questions
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metastable1 · 6 years
It's easy to make big plans and ask big questions, but a lot harder to follow them through.  Find out what happens to Harry Potter-Evans-Verres, Hermione, Draco, and everyone else once they grow into their roles as leaders, leave the shelter of Hogwarts, and venture out into a wider world of intrigue, politics, and war.  Not official.
Significant Digits by Alexander D is an unofficial continuation of Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality by Eliezer Yudkowsky. Despite being better crafted (from the wielding and richness of language standpoint, at least in the first half) it’s not as fun or funny as HPMoR, however, those rare moments when humor comes back, or when the author takes pokes at Rowling’s Harry Potter, make it feel exactly like the previous fic). Although the author abandoned heavy references made by Yudkowky to the heuristics and biases, it still feels like a rational fic and maintains ratfic’s qualities. One thing that I miss severely is a didactic tone of HPMoR - in Significant Digits, it comes back only for brief moments. I understand that it would be difficult to incorporate that when dealing with older and more experienced characters but still…
The thing I most respect about this fic is the amount of effort that clearly went into writing it, as well as the level of skill represented by the author, who, without a doubt, did a tremendous amount of research and is clearly quite an erudite. As one commenter said:
It saddens me a little that there is not a long discussion below this chapter. You are a good writter. I guess you are just too deep into the rabbit whole.
I admit that probably 95% of references, easter eggs and clues went over my head.
We spend most of the time inside Hermione’s head as if the author was afraid to write extensively from a perspective of Harry or Draco but when he does, he nails it. Alexander D did a really good job of writing more experienced and matured versions of the trio. Their dialogues also work well and one of them is my favorite fragment of the fic - I like it so much that I posted it below.
Fic is rich when it comes to fight scenes - there are a lot of fight scenes. The author deserves a great amount of praise for handling them so well - descriptions are really good and somehow he managed to not make them tedious or repetitious. If you wondered what would look like descriptions of duels featured in Harry Potter movies (they are quite different from those in the books) then wonder no more. Also, for the benefit of those with low tolerance level for violent scenes, I should note that continuation is a lot more gore-y than HPMoR.
Another aspect that deserves praise are awesome moments and lines of dialogues or internal monologues that stayed with me long after I took time off from reading. And then there are the Moments: those epic and deeply satisfying moments that the reader is often waiting for and when they arrive and unfold, there is this feeling of appropriateness and fulfillment; an exhilaration and “this is the way it should be” sensation. There were such moments in Rowling’s HP, in Yudkowsky’s HPMoR and they can be found in Significant Digits.
Now about the main plot and ending: I think that the idea for the main antagonist was pretty great, their motivations were solid. I think what failed was execution but I don’t have a good idea how intrigue should be lead or concluded instead. Don’t get me wrong - it’s still really good, I enjoyed it, don’t regret reading SD and its ending is quite unique and very risky, and despite that, it works! However, I feel that there was a greater potential that could be realized. Events leading to the main conclusion felt a bit clunky. On the other hand, the fic has a ”reread value” - with a benefit of hindsight readers can discover new things hidden by the author and spot hints that they missed during their first reading.
Overall, in my opinion, Significant Digits is a worthy successor of Yudkowsky’s fic. If you liked HPMoR give it a shot.
My favorite chapters:
Chapter Two: Buffering Conflicts and Chapter Nine: Boxes - for Harry’s perspective
Chapter Sixteen: Protagonists - for bringing back the spirit of J.K. Rowling’s HP
Chapter Thirty-Three: Walpurgisnacht - for a great ending of an arc and that dialogue
Chapter Fifty: Ultimate - for that final confrontation
PS. Important note: my comprehension of English let me understand HPMoR on my reread without much problem, however, Significant Digits has much richer language - it is possible that I missed some positive qualities because of this.
And now, my favorite fragment:
Wearily, Harry mounted the stairs to the workroom of the Headmistress.  In his pocket were four phials of blood from Vincent Crabbe, obtained after two hours of intimidation and veiled threats.  Moody had helped, along with two aurors Moody had trained himself -- an older one named Hedley Kwannon, and one barely out of training named Nymphadora Tonks.  The glass phials, filled with the blood of Hermione’s enemy, clicked against each other as Harry climbed the stairs. He pushed open the door.  It was silent inside.  Reddish light from the dawn illuminated the alchemical diagram on the floor: nested and interlaced circles and pentagons surrounding a central pentacle.  He’d been here once before, when he first demonstrated partial Transfiguration -- so long ago! -- and the room didn’t look to have been used since that visit. “Mad-Eye’s not here yet.  We have to wait,” said Draco’s voice from his left.  Harry started, and stepped forward to see that the boy was sitting at the base of the circular wall, head slumped forward. “How are you, Draco?” asked Harry, quietly. “This was your fault,” Draco replied. “I know.” “No, you don’t, you stupid piece of arrogant filth,” said the Slytherin boy, but there was no anger in his voice.  It was disconcertingly flat, with nothing but weariness and sorrow -- the sorrow of someone who had been required to endure too much, too soon.  “You think that you just made a mistake.  You’d do the same thing all over again, but you’d just be sure to include one more trap.  One more level of manipulation or cleverness.  You don’t see that the entire thing is… impossible.  It’s just impossible, and you won’t see that, and Hermione just keeps listening to you, and now she’s paid for your stupidity.” “I know.” “And even worse, this is just another reminder of why I was stupid to ever trust you -- to ever get involved in this asinine little play.  Your goals are… mad.  Insane.  But you don’t recognize that, since you don’t recognize any limits to… to… to anything.” It was more than that, of course.  It was even more than the terrible suffering and temporary absence of Hermione, as badly as that, too, had hurt the other boy.  There was something more. You’re worried that I can’t deliver on my promises… that you’ve placed hope in false prophecies and a false prophet.  You’re wondering if I am just a freak prodigy of Muggle science who looked really impressive in schoolyard antics, since he had a whole other world of tricks to steal, and who got lucky once… but who might just not be able to cut it in the real world. Draco looked up at him, and the boy looked unspeakably sad -- like he’d lost something precious. You’re worried I’ll never be able to bring your father back, after all. “Draco, there is--” “Shut up,” interrupted Draco, his voice hardening.  “Shut up and let’s just wait without talking.  You’re always talking, but it didn’t help her, did it?  Her phoenix burned and she burned. And now she’s dead, again, just like she was afraid would happen.” Draco’s eyes were red, but dry.  “She told me that… those months when she was trying to get her Patronus.  To meet your expectations.  She told me that she was terrified of dying again and that she thought that was probably the reason she couldn’t do it.  ‘I wake up screaming sometimes, Draco,’ she said.” “Stop,” said Harry, squeezing his eyes shut. Draco sounded more like he was scolding himself than Harry.  His words were black and bitter.  “And now she’s all burned up and dead again, and it’s your fault again.  Because you don’t understand what is possible, and you talk and you push -- oh, Merlin, it always sounds so insane when you first start talking, but by the end of the conversation it’s the rest of the world that seems insane, and how could I ever think that made sense?  How could anyone be that damned arrogant?” Harry turned away, blindly.  His eyes burned with hot tears.  For a moment, despite all of his resolutions, he almost called on his dark side: to cool him and calm him and solve this problem.  The cold emptiness of Voldemort’s thought patterns would have been preferable to this.  Null was better than negative. But he didn’t, because one did not abandon carefully-considered decisions during the exact sort of situation for which you had prepared them.  All he could do, instead, was sink to the stone, slick with dust under his fingers, and cry. After a time, his shoulders stopped heaving, and his breathing slowed from great shuddering gasps into quiet evenness.  Draco had said nothing, and hadn’t moved.  When Harry pushed himself up into a sitting position, he saw through a smear of tears that the other boy was just staring at him, dully, with red-rimmed eyes. “I…” began Harry, but he found that he didn’t have any words.  He fell silent again. Eventually, he stood up and drew his wand.  “Scourgify,” he cast, his voice heavy.  The spell cleared away the dust.  Putting away his wand, Harry opened his pouch and reached in.  “Cauldron,” he said to it, and felt the metal lip of a small cauldron leap into his hand.  He pulled it free of the pouch, which distended to permit its passage, and set it in the center of the diagram. Harry sat down next to it, and took the phials of blood out of his pocket.  He set them down next to the cauldron. Draco pushed himself to his feet, and walked over.  Digging into the pocket of his robes -- still the same burned ones, had he not had a chance to change?  no, of course... he left them on for effect -- he pulled out a small bag of soft bicorn skin and dropped it down next to the other objects.  The flesh of a servant, willingly given by Odette Charlevoix. Moody would be here soon, with a piece of bone from Hermione’s father.  He had insisted on doing this part himself, saying that he didn’t trust anyone else to invisibly infiltrate Happy Smiles Family Dentistry, stun one of the owners, extract a chip of bone while the man was unconscious, and fix any memories afterwards. It was a thankless task, and Harry thought that some part of Moody’s insistence was probably repentance.  Moody blamed himself for the attack, almost as much as he blamed Harry.  “We weren’t paranoid enough,” he had said, bitterly.  It was as heavy an indictment as he could deliver. They waited in silence. Finally, Harry spoke again.  “I tried. I tried as hard as I could.  I thought through everything and planned it out and assembled every bit of information… I counted forty-three known threats and planned for eight kinds of unknowns.  We had just… layers of security and plans.”  Draco knew most of them, of course.  He’d helped, along with Moody and Hermione and Bones. There were fat folders, stuffed with parchments -- or had been, anyway, before the fire ate the hidden boltholes that had been serving as safes.  Dossiers on people and information on countries:  CHINA.  Overview:  Continued worries about European and British dominance in magic, may seek to strike before new regime rises.  Often isolates self and seeks to extend power over Ten Thousand, but pragmatic leadership points to a willingness to shift tactics, if seems advantageous. Traditional value for immortality, connected to long specialization in potioneering.  Informal and formal power structures largely mirror each other; little vulnerability to factionalization but suggests opportunity to shift key functionaries and alter trajectory of entire country.  And so on. Plans within plans, contingency upon contingency: living and adaptable Matryoshka dolls whirling in a furious dance.  A location that couldn’t be stormed by force, allies watching other allies, security measures and magical wards that could cut off the life of an attacker in moments.  And none of it had done any good when the mind of a powerful wizard had broken.  He had died, but so had others.  So had Hermione. “It’s not your fault that you can’t do the impossible.  It’s only your fault that you try the impossible, and other people pay for it,” replied Draco.  He stared down at Harry.  “You can’t plan for everything.  The world is dark and people are vicious.  Even the good ones are vicious, and the bad ones are worse, and the crazy ones do things you couldn’t possibly predict. You can’t control the universe, Harry Potter-Evans-Verres, you miserable, arrogant little scrub.” Harry was silent once more, and looked away, unable to meet Draco’s gaze.  He hugged his knees.  Draco turned away, walking heavily towards the door. There’s too much evil and too much madness in the world, Moody had said.  Too much damn randomness. You can’t control the universe. “I don’t accept that,” he whispered, as much for himself as for Draco. “What?” demanded Draco, turning back around, his voice incredulous -- angry now, where he hadn’t been before. “I don’t accept that,” Harry repeated, more loudly.  He looked up.  “I do not accept that.” “You can’t--” Harry lurched to his feet, swaying slightly, his kneecaps popping from the sudden shift.  There was iron in his voice, now.  It wasn’t cold iron; it wasn’t the chill metal of his dark side, icy with hateful clarity.  It was iron at a white heat.  He glowed with it. “No,” Harry said, his voice as certain as a hammerblow. “No,” he repeated. “No,” he said again. “I do not accept that.  I do not accept death.  I do not accept decline.  I do not accept madness.  I do not accept randomness.  They are all part of the universe, and they are all important… but I do not -- mankind does not -- have to accept them,” said Harry.  “If you want out of this, then say so.  If you want to lead a different life, then you know I won’t begrudge you that.  I will make that happen, and that choice I once gave you will always be yours: you may choose another path and you will not hear a word of regret from me.  Your preferences are sacred. So if you think this can’t be done… go.”  Harry’s face was grim.  “But I’m not going.” Harry walked towards Draco until he was inches away from the other boy.  Iron was bright in his words. “Right now, there is a little girl somewhere in the world.  She’s a small thing for her age, with big eyes.  She loves her big brother.  She wants to be just like her mother when she grows up.  But tonight, there will be an accident.  A rotten tree will collapse as the little girl climbs it, and she’ll tumble to the ground, and she’ll land badly.  And she’ll die.  And then her big eyes will be gone, and her brother will never see her again, and she’ll never grow up to be like her mother.  Everything she ever was or will be: gone and dead and buried. “Her brother will deal with his grief, in time, and may even find solace and strength in stories about how death is necessary.  Her mother will cry and hurt, but in time it will hurt less, and she’ll focus more on her son, and eventually the loss will fade until it’s just a nagging ache in her heart -- that never quite leaves.  And the world will go on, because it’s happened every day in every way, and we have learned how to manage the loss. “But it doesn’t have to be that way.  And I don’t just mean saving that little girl, or Hermione, or even your father, Draco, but every little girl and friend and father.  People die every day and they always have but I do not accept it.” But something of Harry’s heat had communicated itself with his words, and Draco’s eyes were lit as bright as the red glow of Fiendfyre.  He seized the front of Harry’s robes, twisting his fists in them, and shoved as hard as he could.  Harry stumbled backwards, foot skidding, and only barely kept his balance. “Do you think I want them to die, you sanctimonious idiot?  Are you even listening to me?  I’m saying that it doesn’t matter how much you want them to live, because the world is too complicated!  You’re denying the data!  You want to do things that no one has ever done, and do them all at once which no one has even dreamed of doing.  Not Dumbledore, not Salazar Slytherin, not the Peverell brothers, not even Merlin the bloody First Enchanter himself!  The greatest wizards in the history of the world only barely attempted some tiny fraction of your insane fever dream!  You want to rule the world and end death, good and fine, and you want to end poverty and sickness and make everyone equal and put goblins and other trash up on a pedestal and all that other fluffy nonsense, fine!”  Draco was shouting, now.  “But it is impossible!  It is just impossible!  To do any one of them was beyond anyone’s power, even those who tried, much less all of it at once!  And by trying to do it, you’re going to burn down this world and everyone in it, and it is just beyond arrogant and stupid to look at the world and declare that you are going to change it so much and so fast, and we are all suffering because of that!” Harry roared back at Draco, his voice larger than himself, as though it were echoing the cries of others, of legions, “I don’t give a damn if it is impossible!  I don’t give a damn if no one has ever done it or tried it or dreamed it in the history of the world!  ‘Impossible’ is a little word and a petty one -- it’s the word of small minds and small imaginations, and I reject it.” Draco opened his mouth to say something, but Harry continued over him, shouting now, white iron in his words and eyes and heart, a white glow suffusing him as a glow from his wand waxed brighter and brighter. “We are standing on the brink -- at the moment of crux between peril and paradise, Draco!  We are caught at the edges of two singularities, held equipoise at their event horizons, and it is terrifying, but when they offer you the Ring you don’t reject it with the word ‘impossible!’“ Draco shouted back, lunging forward to stab a finger into Harry’s chest: accusatory.  “Not everything is possible in this world!” And Harry replied, quietly, caught with a sudden stillness as clear as the sweet ring of a tranquil bell, “Draco. There are more worlds than this one.  We’ll find one where we can save everybody."  His voice caught with emotion.  "Impossible just means you haven’t figured out how to cheat.”
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owlawesomeness · 7 years
11 Questions
1. Always post the rules
2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you 
3. Write 11 questions of your own
4. Tag 11 people (or however many you want) I was tagged by the lovely @tessalivesandbreathesbooks (thanks Tessa! ❤️) 1. Tell me something curious about yourself. Well, I’m not sure there’s really anything curious about me lol. But I guess if I had to say something it would be that if you give me a 500 page book and plenty of space, I could finish it within a day. Oh, and I can write in Gnomish, which comes in pretty handy when I don’t want anyone to know what I’m writing lol (Gnomish is a language from the Artemis Fowl series, for anyone who's wondering) 2. Top 5 book series. Give us a brief summary of them. Agh, okay, brief is going to be a challenge, but I can try lol. (Also these series are in no particular order, and I have a lot more series that I love, so not all of them fit in the list) Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Percy Jackson and friends fight a bunch of monsters from Greek mythology and save the world while they’re at it. Everyone should read this, if not for the story then for the chapter titles, because they’re hilarious. Harry Potter: (I feel like almost everyone and their mothers know about Harry’s story at this point, so this one won’t be very long) Boy wizard’s parents die when he was a baby, boy lives with aunt, uncle, and cousin until he’s twelve, then he gets shipped off to a wizarding school so he can learn to control his powers and eventually he defeats the man who killed his parents. ACOTAR: Teenage girl learns to hunt and care for her family after her mother’s death, but is forced to go to the fae land of Prythian after killing one of it’s subjects. There, she finds love in the most unexpected of places, and learns what it means to be free. Artemis Fowl: Artemis Fowl is the son of an infamous crime lord and millionaire. But when Artemis starts looking into the existence of faeries, he finds a whole lot more than he expected. The Mortal Instruments: Before Clary met Jace Wayland, she was ready to spend her life as a New York artist. But when she is introduced to a whole other side of the life she thought she knew, her view for the future is changed past the point of no return. 
3. What’s your TBR list for the summer? Well right now I'm working to finish Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, and then after that Philosophical Phridays by Gregory Kerr, Summer Days and Summer Nights edited by Stephanie Perkins, and Me Before You by Jojo Moyes are all on my list, though I'm sure I'm forgetting some. 4. What is your favourite song right now? I'm not sure. I love so many different types of music that it gets really hard to pick one specific song. I've had Waving Through a Window from Dear Evan Hansen on loop in my head for awhile now though, so I suppose that qualifies for a favorite song. 5. Top 3 favourite authors. Rick Riordan, Sarah J Maas, and JK Rowling 6. What kind of movies do you like? What’s your favourite of all times? Hmm, well I like a lot of adventure/fantasy stuff, and sometimes realistic fiction-y movies. And I've always loved The Never-Ending Story, so we'll just say that one's my favorite. 
7. Are you a winter or summer person? Yes. I love all the seasons, though I am biased towards autumn, as that particular season is the time for some of my favorite things, like bonfires, crunching leaves beneath my feet, and of course, my birthday. 8. What’s your HP house? And your ACOTAR court? Proud Hufflepuff y'all!! 💛💛 And I’d probably be Night Court, and not just because I love the people there (though I really do, they’re amazing) Velrais (I hope I’m spelling that right) sounds absolutely amazing, and I’d fit right in with the whole atmosphere of it, or from what I can tell from the books anyway. 9. Write the worst summary possible of your favourite book! I can’t pick a favorite, I love all of my books (and you know this Tessa, you cruel, cruel human. (Just kidding I love you 💖💖)) But since I have yet to talk about Rainbow Rowel on this post, Eleanor and Park it is. Eleanor and Park: Boy meets girl on bus. Boy and girl fall in love. Girl moves away, boy writes to girl but girl doesn't respond. Girl finally sends a postcard. Boy is happy. 10. If you could visit a fantasy world you’ve read about … which one would it be? Well let’s see. I’d love to visit the PJO world, because I love the characters Rick has created, plus all four of his series technically happen in the same universe since characters from PJO interact with characters from HOO, KC, and MCatGOA, so I’d be able to meet all my favorite characters lol. So PJO universe it is. 11. Which character do you think would be your best friend? Gah, I don’t know to be honest. If I’m just picking from the universe above, I’d honestly be friends with just about anybody there, though I’d probably connect most with Percy, if only because we have a whole series out already where the readers are inside his head, so I know I’d get along great with him. And now for my 11 questions:
1. What are the last three songs you listened to/last three played?
2. What is your favorite place to relax?
3. When looking for something to read, which book or books are your go to rereads?
4. What is one thing you wish you could change about the world we live in? 5. If you could spend the rest of your life in one place, including both real and fictional, where would you be? 6. What character(s) do you love to hate? 7. What would you do if you were suddenly turned into a kitten? 8. How long have you been on tumblr? 9. What did you last search on Google? 10. If you could say one thing to anyone in the worlds without fear of repercussions, what would you say and to whom? 11. Which character had you bawling when nothing else seemed to have any effect on you I tag @crimgy , @mittlieder-17 , @mimi-needs-more-sleep , @reynaskyrunner , @brooklynbooks , @scarletquickshotfox , @buttons1220 , @dayanna-hatter , @whitebear-ofthe-watertribe , @windy-scribbles , and @ladynoirandotherthings . None of you have to do this of course, it's all up to you ^-^
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