#the woes of having an OTP that all the woobies love
bitegore · 6 years
I hope things work out for you. For the character ask, could you do Jazz, Starscream, or Rung?
i can do all three!
How I feel about this character
cool decent guy; wish there was more of him that i knew about. i mean, he was in TFA, but like, TFA Prowl was nothing like Prowl whatsoever so i don’t really consider TFA Jazz to be that similar to g1 Jazz, but like,,,, he wasn’t in TFP and he wasn’t memorable in the movies and he hasn’t shown up in Cyberverse and i’m all of one episode into the g1 cartoons, and those are the only shows I’ve seen (read: started and got stuck in the middle of
All the people I ship romantically with this character
My non-romantic OTP for this character
ready for something you’re going to probably not expect? great. Rumble, Frenzy, and Jazz
i just feel like they’d get along. gut feeling, no real textual basis for it. 
but its cute and i like it, so i will not stop
My unpopular opinion about this character
I can’t really see him with Prowl? mostly that’s because they’ve interacted all of like three times that I’ve seen with my eyes, though.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
more of him
How I feel about this character
ohohohoHO, him. 
i hate him. 
i love him so much. i hate him so much. i would absolutely strangle him to death if we met in person and then id be sad about it, and then id put flowers on his grave. and possibly also kick his gravestone. 
im just… very torn on starscream, can you tell
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Thundercracker and Skywarp (together, but not separately)
…….. don’t hit me for the next one.
it’s vigilem.
don’t @ me
Blitzwing (especially in the All Hail Megatron comics and earlier)
My non-romantic OTP for this character
starscream x therapy
starscream x a decent night’s sleep
starscream x decent mental health
i’m so flippant im sorry
but no legitimately? i have a very hard time seeing starscream getting along with any one individual as a non-romantic thing because he’s very…. he expects people to be warring for something, and if they start being friendly either its blackmail or sex, as far as I feel like he feels. If you know what I mean.
My unpopular opinion about this character
i hate woobie-oh-woe-is-me-and-i-am-sad TAAO starscream. like, i’m okay with Starscream being a disaster, but he should still be claws-out clinging to whatever he can hold despite that. his ambition is a central part of him and i hate that they took it away from him, and especially because of Windblade.
TAAO literally made me salty enough that i was metaphorically dehydrated for two weeks. i hated the thing with ‘a little piece of truth’ or whatever, i hated Starscream’s “true body” thing, i hated his reaction to it, and i felt like windblade saw no fucking truths, after the way she left afterwards. like. starscream’s pretty much every move was just one cry for help after another paired with a massive conviction that everyone else was out to get him. he needed help, not to be told that everything he ever tried to do was a failure and that he wasn’t worth her time. 
which isn’t exactly what she said, but it’s what she said, come on, we all know that.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
can he please be portrayed as more competent earlier on? like he’s clearly not stupid, he’s not bad at what he does, he’s surprisingly decent at ruling a country; what the fuck happened during the Costa run? 
(the answer is Costa. Of course.)
(Fuckin’ Costa.)
ah, rung. 
How I feel about this character
he annoys me to death and i don’t understand what everyone likes so fucking much about him
like. ok, hes a fairly nice person. thats it. hes so … so fucking… bland. like. meh. i guess if you like characters that have the personality of an unsalted cracker, go ahead. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character
call me old fashioned or small minded or whatever but like, he’s a therapist, that really squicks me out to think that he’d be in a relationship with any of his patients, and it’s not like he ever interacts with anyone else. 
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Rung and Fort Max
My unpopular opinion about this character
hes boring and im sick of him, in general. i’d like him to be more…. of a . person? be less like, fuckin placid. that annoys me. 
i did like Functionist Universe!Rung, and honestly? my guess is that was entirely because he had motivations! personality! something interesting i could get behind!
but standard Rung? no. boring. bland. he’s a slice of bread in a pile of blintzes.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
any of him being like, emotionally open at all, ever. 
although i guess that’s kind of a lost cause now. 
man i had, so much to write about starscream and like nothing for Jazz or Rung. Sorry 
send an ask with a character (or a few) and ill break them down!
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