#the whole continent has its fair share of spooks and spiritual phenomenon bc of the betwixt. it's hugely why they like
yharnamopossum · 5 years
@catsbreads said: must be wild living in the like towns that are there on the border between the betwixt and yhorric and (i cant read it lmao) the others like….does stuff ever kinda creep outta it? like a farmer is chilling out there on his borderlands farm and a? eldritch abomination? is eating his crops?
replies twelve years later OH DEFINITELY that’s hugely why the frontier In General and the northern parts of hallowood are full of so many weird monsters and blood cults and other bonkers nonsense. the people who live in the towns closest to the borders of the betwixt are beyond used to beasts and gods and spirits and undead just casually mulling about, like that shit’s practically a tourist attraction at this point (if you’re willing to risk your immortal soul for a peek at the creepiness lmfao). the only area that’s relatively safe from the betwixt’s wackness is direden kingdom to the east because it’s like a billion feet up in the air settled on the mountains, and the border that separates the kingdom from the betwixt itself is like just a SHEER drop off a cliff, like a straight-up right angle plummet that goes on forever and ever and ever, so all the weirdness is wayyyyy way way down below and masked by solid fog -- out of sight, out of mind.
that said, though, it still isn’t all that uncommon for sudden unnatural darkness, eldritch tentacles, or luring will-o-wisp-esque lights to appear creeping over the cliffside, but most people have learned to just leave all that nonsense alone and it’ll eventually go away, probably, hopefully :,)
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