#the way you draw yn soooo beautiful
greg-montgomery · 2 years
i am in desperate need of jealous hotch oh my god especially when he was the one who didn’t want any labels he would be soooo frowny 🤨🤨LIKE all frown man more than he normally is which is soooo much. he’d also be a lil sad emo boy when he sees you get comfortable with another man who isn’t him!!! he’d be all “jj😐who😐is😐he” and jj would be like “oh just some guy from other department who yn went on a date with few weeks ago i think its going reallly well & tonight might be the night” and he would TOTALLY try to hide it fazes him at all later that night but yn knows oh she knows damn well hotchy boy is in love with her
i was giggling and twirling my hair while writing this help. i love jealous hotch 😩
is he lowkey toxic in this??? <3333 maybe so! but just a little bit <33 he loves you 😌
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Aaron heard laughs from outside his office. He closed his eyes and tried to focus on yours. The sound of it was one of the few things in this world that could make his heart absolutely melt.
He could almost see you; the sparkle in your eyes, your beautiful smile…You didn’t smile for him anymore. And that was entirely his fault, he knew it.
He missed you like crazy, and he was the only one to blame.
And that wasn’t to say he didn’t have you at all. He was in your bed every other night. He just never woke up there in the morning.
Aaron knew you wanted him to with the way you clung to him as you fell asleep. But he still woke up in the middle of the night and left you laying there alone, in the mess of sheets you had created together.
“What are we Aaron?” he remembered your small voice asking him. Your head was resting on his chest and his hand was drawing invisible patterns on your bare back.
“Do we have to name it?”
“I just…” you started, but he cut you off.
“Don’t we have fun together?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you replied, softly.
“Then it’s perfect the way it is. No need for labels.”
He kissed your forehead and he knew that with that conversation, he had stolen your smile.
The laughs and voices only grew louder and it made him curious. He stood up and walked out of his office only to find the whole team giggling around you. What threw him off, though, was a man he had never seen before with his arm around your waist, as if he had any right to do so.
Who the hell is that?
Before he had the chance to walk down the stairs he saw the man leaning in, giving you a kiss. He was kissing your lips. He was kissing the lips that Aaron kissed.
The little group you had created separated, probably to give you and this guy some privacy.
Aaron walked closer and found himself next to JJ.
“Who is that?” he asked, desperately trying to act casual. He was just making conversation.
“Oh, he’s a guy from the department upstairs. He’s hilarious,” JJ laughed. He assumed she remembered a joke he had said earlier.
“And what is he doing on our floor?”
“Well, isn’t it obvious?” she smiled. “He’s here to see Y/N. They went out on a date like a week ago and he’s obsessed with her already. Don’t tell her I told you that, but I think that tonight might be the night.”
He felt his blood boil at her words. Tonight might be the night? Over his dead body.
“Hotch, are you okay?”
“Perfectly fine,” he said and left her side in order to approach you; thankfully finding you without “the guy from the department upstairs”.
“Who was that?” he asked, walking towards somewhere more private and you followed him.
“Oh…that was Sam,” you replied casually.
“Sam?” he asked, frustrated.
“Yes, Sam,” you smiled.
“I see. And why were Sam’s lips on yours?”
“Mm…that must be because we’re seeing each other,” you explained, with a tone that implied his question was stupid.
“Seeing each other?”
“Are you going to turn every sentence I say into a question?”
“Y/N, answer me.”
“Yes I’m seeing him. I’m single, aren’t I?” you crossed your arms, waiting for his answer.
“Don’t do that right now.”
“You’re right,” you said calmly. “I won’t. Instead, I’m gonna go pick up my things. I need to go home early to get ready. I have a date tonight.”
He grabbed your arm carefully not to hurt you and brought his face close to yours.
“You’re not letting him touch you tonight,” he whispered.
“Try me.”
- -
“I swear I had never felt more humiliated in my life.”
“That’s so crazy,” you faked laughed. It was probably a funny story that he was telling you. And he was probably a funny guy too; the entire team seemed charmed by him. You just weren’t paying any attention. Your mind was dominated by a man you should be letting suffer with his jealousy.
But God, Sam couldn’t even compare to him. How anyone could?
It was impossible to let go of the possessive way he threatened you not to let Sam touch you. You remembered feeling his breath on your neck and how your body was begging for him, no matter how hard you had tried to act unfazed.
You always loved how he towered over you and…
And was he walking into the restaurant you were having dinner at? Had you manifested him there by thinking of him so intensely? Or were you just slowly going insane?
You saw him getting closer and closer to your table and you didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
“Good evening,” Aaron said with a surprisingly polite smile.
I’m gonna kill him, you thought.
“Hello,” Sam said, clearly not knowing what was going on.
“Y/N is actually leaving, I’m sorry,” Aaron said.
“No, she’s not,” you responded, annoyed.
“Yes, she is,” he said with so much certainty in his voice that made you equally annoyed and eager to follow him.
He was looking right into your eyes and he stretched his arm out, waiting for you to take his hand in yours. And you did, whispering that he’s “such an asshole” while standing up so only he could hear you.
“I know,” he whispered back and you bit your bottom lip so you could hide your smile.
“What’s going on?” Sam asked, looking adorably confused which made you feel awful for leaving him behind.
“I’m so sorry, Sam. We have a case and I need to go with him.”
“Damn, couldn’t you just call her?” he asked.
“I was in the area,” Aaron stated, flatly.
“Right,” he said, not looking really convinced. You couldn’t blame him.
“Sam, I know this is shitty of me.”
“Don’t worry, it’s your job,” he smiled. He was so sweet. You made a mental note to set him up with one of your hot friends, he deserved it.
You made a move to pay but he immediately dismissed you. “Don’t even think about it.”
“Okay,” you smiled. “Thank you, Sam.”
“The pleasure’s all mine.”
“You made me leave a date with the sweetest man I’ve ever met,” you told Aaron as he was walking you to his car.
“You wouldn’t be here if you wanted him,” he simply said, opening the door for you.
He walked to the other side of the car and settled into his seat too. “You would have told me to fuck off,” he continued.
“Yeah, now that you mention it, I should have.”
He laughed and you couldn’t help but join him.
“God…what have you done to me?” you asked, letting your head fall on the head rest of your seat.
“I’m so sorry for everything.”
You turned your head to the side to stare at him, but you stayed silent.
He reached out for your hand and held it. “I wouldn’t have ruined your date if I wasn’t certain that you love me.”
“Fuck off, Aaron.”
He grinned at your words. “And if I wasn’t certain that I love you too.”
“You do?” your voice broke.
“Of course I do, baby. So much.” He cupped your cheek with his hand and you nuzzled in it.
“Then why did you act the way you did?”
“I was scared. Y/N…you’re the first woman I’ve been with since Haley. And the first woman I’ve ever fallen this hard for. I don’t know…I felt… guilty? So I figured if we kept things casual, it would be better. I know how selfish that was of me and I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I’m sorry I hurt you.”
“Do you have any idea how it made me feel to wake up in an empty bed every morning while my sheets still smelled like you? How I wanted to do all these things for you, like - I don’t know - simply pack you lunch for work, but I held myself back because I was afraid you’d get mad at me for acting like a “girlfriend”?” you raised your voice, as tears filled the corners of your eyes.
“I’m genuinely so sorry, Y/N. I wish I could go back in time and change things,” he said, sounding heartbroken. “Sweetheart, if you let me I’m gonna make it up to you, I promise.”
He wiped your tears with his thumb and you kept staring at him without saying a word.
“I’ll wait for you forever if you need me to, take all the time you need,” he added, sweetly.
“No, you won’t have to,” you said. “I’ve made up my mind already.”
He looked into your eyes waiting for your answer and you noticed he had stopped breathing for those moments.
“I wanna be with you, Aaron,” you smiled and kissed his palm that was still on your cheek.
“My love…” he said and brought your face close enough so that he could rest his forehead on yours. “I promise I’m going to love you more and more every day. I already do.”
“I love you too, Aaron.”
“Let’s go home,” he said and kissed the top of your head.
After several minutes of him driving, a question popped into you head. “How did you even know where we were?”
“Do you think Garcia would miss an opportunity to get the two of us together?”
“Oh, I should have figured.”
send me aaron thoughts <333
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sherlollydramoine · 5 years
How the Lights Shine So Colorful and Bright
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I hope that this satisfies. It just ended up being a bunch of cute fluff. This is actually two parts. Part one is just Rami X Reader and some quality time, the second part is Dad!Rami X Kids X Reader. Fyi, they have four kids in this one. :) Whoops. Busy little horn dogs. 
Warnings: implied/mentioned sex, and just a lot of cute fluffiness. I cried writing a part of this. 
These are just two separate HC’s totaling about 2k words
Rami X Reader
For the record I am not from NY, nor have I ever been to NY, so anything that is listed in here is sourced straight from a quick Google search.
Word Count: 1060 words (Part One)
You and Rami had escaped to New York in early December. He had some promotional work that he had to do, and he also said that you were overdue for some one-on-one quality time
You stayed behind in the hotel sleeping in for the first time in nearly six years, having four kids is exhausting, while he went to work. The twins, your toddler, and the baby
When he finally came back from fulfilling his work obligations he found you still in bed, dead asleep and he couldn’t help the quiet chuckle that escaped him.
He shrugged off his coat, and took his shoes off before he carefully climbed into the bed with you.
“Hey sleepyhead.” he says, as he gently brushes your hair back from your face.
“If no one is bleeding, dying, or the house isn’t on fire then please leave mommy alone!” you mumble out.
He laughs loudly and you open your eyes. 
“How was work?” you mumble out.
“It was fine. It’s always kind of fun doing the initial promo stuff. Buttttttttt, now that I’m free for the rest of the day I was thinking that maybe we could go get something to eat, and then maybe you know... because it’s been awhile since we’ve... ya know. I have plans for us tonight though.
Your day passes by all to quickly between shopping, eating, and having the hot sex you two were so overdue and that next thing you know it’s getting late. 
You had both taken a brief nap after one particular round of vigorous sex, so you were both charged up and ready for whatever he had planned.
He gets into the closet and pulls out a garment bag, and tells you to put the dress that is inside the bag on. 
You draw in a sharp breath, and then almost start to cry as you open the bag.  “Baby, where did you find this dress?”
“I found an old picture of the two of us and you were wearing it, and you know, I know people. So I had this dress made for you. I know how much that dress meant to you. You were wearing it when we first met, on our first date, when I asked to be my girlfriend, the first time we kissed, it’s also the dress I took off of you the first time the we had sex. When you lost everything in that house fire, you told me how that dress and your grandmother's copy of Pride & Prejudice were the only things that meant anything to you.”
You threw your arms around his neck and brought your lips to his. That is just how amazing your husband is, he would do anything like this for anyone that he loved. 
“So get dressed YN, because we have plans.”
You got dressed really quickly and taking his hand you both headed out the door of your hotel. 
Usually when you visit the city you both take public transportation, but not today. He had hired a car with a driver. You try to ask him what he was up to, and then it dawns on you.
“Baby are we.. are we going to go look at the Christmas lights?”
“That’s just like-omg-I love you so much!!” you feel the tears wanting to start again, as you lean into his shoulder.
“Yes, just like our first date.We were both so broke, and I was so excited when you didn’t want to ditch me after that. That other guy that really liked you was rich, and I thought that there was no chance in hell that you’d ever want to see me again.”
“Oh baby. I had the biggest crush on you and we’d just never met, only ever seen each other from a distance. I never thought that I had a chance in hell because you were and still are the most beautiful man that I’ve ever seen.”
He kisses your temple, just as the car pulled over.
We’re at Rockefeller Center. You got out,and walked around for a bit. Admiring the giant Christmas tree and all of the other sights and sounds around us. 
When you were standing as close to the bottom of the tree as was possible, he took out his phone and angled the camera to capture you both in a selfie. 
An older gentleman and his wife were walking by and they stopped and offered to take a few pictures of the two of you. 
He presses another kiss to your temple, and then takes your hand in his. 
Your husband was so caring and gracious, that when a couple of fans spotted him, he happily agreed to take a few photos with them. You offered to take them and they declined and asked you to be in the picture too.
After spending a little while in one location, he’d have you back in the car and off to the next.
This time he shuffled you off to Bryant Park. The skating rink, with the NY Public Library looming in the distance, and all the little ways that the area was lit up. The random decorations around, the cool night air wanting you to just lean into him. The different vendors that were set up along the way.
The last location of the night was for a stroll down Fifth Avenue, mostly just so that you can look at all the displays in the windows, and the way things were decorated so meticulously. 
Your night ended with dinner at a restaurant close to your hotel, walking back in the chilly night air.
Walking, hand in hand, just like all those years ago. You really couldn’t have asked for a better date night. 
“YN, all the bright lights could never shine any brighter than you, or my love for you.”
He stops you in the middle of the sidewalk, others around you huffing in irritation as they had to maneuver around you; he reaches up to cup the back of your neck as your body practically melts into his. The kiss you shared was so sweet yet full of passion.
You rest your head on his shoulder. “This was the best date that we’ve had in a long time. Maybe we should strip it down more often, and just do things the cheap and simple way like we used to Rami.”
“I couldn’t agree more.”
Part Two
Dad!Rami X Kids X Reader
Go to the LA Zoo Lights - for the record I’ve never been there, never done that, I hope it’s not disappointing. I did a basic Google search and got some information about this. I hope for those of my readers that have been, that it is accurately described.
Word Count: 1056
“Daddy!!!! I wanna go to the zoo!!” your oldest two started yelling repeatedly, in unison
“We will go in just a minute, mommy is just finishing changing the baby.”
The sun had just barely set, everyone fed, and now you two were getting ready to round up your crew of kiddos to get them in the car.
They had been excited about going to the zoo in the dark for a week. It’s all they’ve talked about.
The twins were bouncing off the walls, your toddler was having a meltdown because she wanted to wear her pink sparkly shoes, but they were nowhere to be found, so she had to wear her purple sparkly shoes instead. 
The baby had just pooped after being fed, so you were finishing changing him and then everyone was set to go.
Sometimes you and Rami joke about how crazy you had been to have kids so close in age, but parenthood was something he wore just as well as he wore those fancy suits.
Rami was trying to keep your three oldest entertained as you dealt with the baby.
Walking into the living room, you couldn’t help but to laugh. Rami was on the floor with three kids on top of him.
“Heeeellllllllllllpppppppppppp meeeeeeeeeee!!!” he dramatically cried out, waiting for you to come to his rescue.
With a loud sigh you set the baby down on his play mat on the floor before walking over to your husband. 
You grabbed your toddler and one of the twins and began to tickle them.
“My heroooo!” Rami laughed, as he gave you a kiss, standing up. Scooping the other twin into his arms and tossing him in the air. 
“Soooo… who is ready for some zoo lights? And maybe some ice cream after if it’s not too late and you behave?!”
The two oldest stopped in their tracks and started screaming, which caused your toddler to start screaming, which made the baby cry.
Rami just laughed, as he scooped your infant off the floor and into his arms. 
Grabbing the diaper bag that was full to bursting with everything that would possibly be needed for an evening away from the house, along with the stroller, baby carrier, and the backpack, you grab your small army and head to the car. 
You are a minivan family. Rami hated it at first, but once he realized there was no way in hell that you were all gonna fit in the small SUV you had, he had begrudgingly agreed and bought the minivan
You were strapping in the twins, while Rami was wrestling with your toddler, the baby having already been strapped in to his car seat and snapped into the base of his car seat.
Rami drove you all to the zoo, where the twins excited screeching was just getting louder by the minute, the toddler just jabbering away about who knows what, God bless your infant son who was blissfully asleep amongst all the chaos.
You two learned the hard way about 6 months ago, to keep everyone strapped in until you were ready to go. Rami was on twin patrol, and you would handle the stroller and wear the baby. 
You climb into the van and get the twins out, they had their instructions to stand next to the van, and hold hands. Next came the toddler who was promptly situated in the stroller, and lastly the baby that couldn’t be bothered to wake up, while being strapped into the carrier, grabbing his blanket to cover his tiny body. 
Rami took the twins ahead, to go get everyone’s tickets, while you got the two youngest taken care of.
You could hear your twins Oooohing and Ahhhhing at the entrance already, and you smiled sweetly, knowing that this was going to be a great decision.
Rami let the twins lead the way, as only certain parts of the zoo were open during the zoo lights.
Watching the kids faces light up in wonder and amazement at what they were seeing.
The lights were bright and fun, the lighted tunnels were a favorite. 
You never would have thought that this would have ended up being your lives, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Rami only got upset once during the evening when a fan approached and asked for a photograph, to which Rami politely declined stating that he was out with his family. You almost stepped in and offered to allow him to take the picture, but he was firm in his ‘no’ because he didn’t want them to accidentally snap any pictures of the kids.
He would get so mad when someone would catch photos of him and the kids, and post them online.
He was always so adamant that he wanted the kids to be as far removed from his ‘celeb’ life as referred to it, as possible. 
The kids knew their dad didn’t have a normal job, but they didn’t know exactly what he did, and he wanted it that way, until they got a little older. 
He never allowed the kids to live a ‘jet set’ life, choosing to allow them to have as much consistency and normalcy as normal childhood allowed. The only time you all traveled was when Rami’s job took him away from home longer than a month, and that was because he always insisted that he hated being away for so long. He used to just travel back and forth, but that became incredibly taxing on him, after the first couple of times, it was decided that travelling as a family unit was for the best.
The kids still got to see various parts of the world, and he always made it a learning adventure. Learning about different cultures, food, history, and languages. 
The adventure at the zoo was only supposed to take somewhere between 60-90 minutes, but of course, the twins and their never ending curiosity made the whole evening end up lasting about two and a half hours. By the time you were all heading back to the car all the kids were definitely exhausted and ready for bed. 
You barely made it out of the parking lot of the zoo and all four kids were out cold. 
You and Rami just smiled at each other, and high-fived, another successful family adventure for the books.
@xmxisxforxmaybe​ @mrhoemazzello​ @itsme690​ @txmel​ @r-ahh-mi​ @ramimedley​ @spacedustmazzello​ @safinsscar​ @ladyr0b0t​ @hissom1933​
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