#the way they've described the mate connection and how it feels in canon is so sweet
angel-bubbles · 1 year
5+1: headcanons!
got tagged by the oh so lovely @romirola , the queen of headcanons hehe.
5 headcanons i hold +1 i'm still working on >:3 i spent a lot of time choosing these bc boy oh boy do i have a lot ajskdlf
Babe is 100% an author in their free time. Sometimes they ask Asher’s mom for pointers on how she balanced life and writing and they’ll even bounce pitches off of her. It was a really sweet bonding moment for them. Ash used to read their rough drafts but he was too excited to read it that very very little edits would ever be made asjdkfl (he got demoted from his place as editor. sorry ash)
Damien really likes to be the big spoon when him and Hux are cuddling even though size wise it’s a little bit like he's an awkward backpack. Neither really mind though. On that same note they don’t cuddle when they’re sleeping, but they always fall asleep holding each other. Their asleep bodies move them to other ends of the bed at some point before morning and they always have to find their way back to each other when they wake up.
The shifters’ cores literally feel different when they’re with their mates. There isn’t necessarily an absence of their mates’ presence if they aren’t around them (i.e. if they’re at work or something) but there IS a sense of fullness when they are. Their mates make them feel whole, even if they didn’t even know they were missing something in the first place. 
Aaron and Elliott shared a room as little kids and Aaron DEFINITELY put tape down the middle to separate the halves. Eli, following through with his little brother duties, would purposely cross it just to make Aaron mad. The amount of times their parents had to separate them got so exhausting that they got their own rooms as soon as physically possible. 
Asher definitely has some really really stupid tattoo that he got because he lost a bet to Milo. To his credit, Milo really didn’t think he would actually get the tattoo, but Ash is the type of guy that has no shame at all. Now that it’s been a few years he actually kind of likes it. 
+1. This one is still in the very very early stages of curiosity but what if Cutie had dated an unempowered person before and they had to watch their memories get wiped.... and whether the separation is permanent or not the department started asking about Geordi. Just… been thinking about that one. (memory modification and covert laws fascinate the hell out of me what can i say)
tagging: @lovelylonerliterature @sealriously-sealrious @bicyclepainting and @angelcactus but no pressure of course!! as always feel free to take this as an open tag as well :) i <3 hc's sooo pls share with me hehe
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mothpawbs · 5 years
Mountain Clans: StarClan & Dark Forest
Decided I would make a post describing how StarClan and the Dark Forest work in my fanclans! Some of the stuff in this post is inspired by various AUs, such as Smoltoxin's Snowtuft AU and @official-darkforest second death AU. There are also some others, but I can't think of them.
StarClan is pretty similar to the StarClan in the books. Considered real but most Clan cats, they are believed to reside on the mist-shrouded mountaintop. They appear in several different ways, depending on where they are and how old they are.
Normal StarClan cats in the StarClan hunting grounds appear as they did in life, but slightly paler, with white stars frosting their fur. They often have a bit of glow around them, usually white, but sometimes pale purple or blue. Clusters of stars are more apparent around the area that caused the cat's death (such as a fatal wound), and as a spirit becomes older they slowly fade away until they become nothing but stars. Their eyes are glowy, with normal colored irises and white pupils.
StarClan cats (and spirits of the cats who have not yet "climbed the mountain," as the Clan cats say) who are walking among the clans appear misty and faded, with smaller, more faint clusters of stars that look like dew. Eyes are solid white.
Cats giving prophecies, walking in dreams, or giving lives to leaders are brighter in color, glow a lot, and have glowing, solid white eyes.
When a StarClan cat fades, they enter a world of silence and white. Their memories slowly fade away in a wave of calm, and the cat is reincarnated with no memory or connection to their past life.
Not all StarClan cats can give prophecies. Only medicine cats, great leaders, and exceptional warriors who had strong connections to StarClan and made a lasting impact on the Clans can give prophecies. Anyone, however, can give a life to a leader or visit dreams, though it takes a lot of energy and makes a cat fade faster.
StarClan cats are also responsible for naming warriors. Unlike in canon Warriors, leaders do not usually name a new warrior themselves. Instead, the leader, the medicine cat, an apprentice, and their mentor make the trek to the Starcave on the mountain. The tunnel leading to the Starpool is long and twisted, and is often used to test the resilience and intuition of medicine cat apprentices and new leaders. When the cats approach the Starpool, all of the cats share tongues with StarClan. StarClan tells the leader and medicine cat the new warrior's name, and the cat becoming a warrior is given any advice they need from StarClan cats. The mentor is there as an honor. When the cats awaken, the leader bestows the name StarClan chose to the new warrior. At sunrise, as they leave, the leader stands on the cliff and shouts the new name three times over the territories.
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(Art by me)
The Dark Forest
The Dark Forest is horrible. The ground is slimy, and covered in a layer of cold, wet snow. The tall, spindly trees stretch up as far as you can see, and the sky is a vague, sickly red-purple. The only light comes from a vaguely glowing silvery mist that shrouds the ground and muffles sound. There is no prey, no warmth, and no comfort, and many walk their paths alone. It is harder to get into the Dark Forest than it is in the books, and only truly evil cats with no regret for the things they've done stay there.
Cats in the Dark Forest are a sickly, shadowy version of their former selves. Their fur is darker than in life, and dingy with filth. Their irises and mouths are black, with pupils a bright, burning version of their eye color in life. They are starved and miserable.
There is no prey to eat, and they are tormented with constant, vague hunger and thirst. They can sleep, but they get no rest. There is no warmth to be found anywhere. It is an afterlife of infinite wandering and despair.
Whatever caused their death (a fatal wound, or their innards if they died from natural causes) turns black and oozy, and slowly grows larger as the cat fades. When they are almost fully gone, they dissipate into the mist that fills the forest.
Dark Forest cats cannot usually contact cats from the outside. There are only two ways this can happen. One, they come across the StarClan border, where there is usually someone waiting to talk to them. Two, they find a cat who is alive wandering in the forest in their dreams. This happens when a living cat is experiencing a time in their life when their mind is turning against the Clans and StarClan. Once a cat is found in the Dark Forest, the cat who found them has a link into their thoughts and dreams. The third way is if a very powerful cat finds a way to appear in the living world. This is very rare.
When a cat who is going to go to the Dark Forest dies, they appear in a hazy white place. They see someone in their life who died that meant a lot to them, like a sibling, parent, mate, or kit. This happens in many ways, but if the cat regrets what they've done, they will revert back to a young cat, either a kit or apprentice or (rarely) a young warrior and go to StarClan. If they don't regret their actions, they find themselves in the Dark Forest. This makes it much harder to get in, and very deserving to the ones who are there.
I can't think of anything else to put and I don't feel like doing any illustrations, so this is all I have. Thanks for reading, if you have questions then asks are open! Check out the allegiances for my Clans and some character information by searching 'mountain clans' on my blog. I'm trying to figure out whether or not to make a separate blog for this stuff, so tell me if you're interested!
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