#the way i couldn't write “make out” what's wrong with me smh (i wanna say its out of respect but its not lol he can't even look her neither
sunsolii · 10 months
Napoleon (2023) Review
I know many of you have posted your own reviews and what I'm going to talk about will cover most of what people have said but I wanna give my own perspective on the movie. As you know spoilers will be said, so if yall still haven't watch the movie go before reading.
Alright first, I would like to say the movie overall wasn't that bad nor it wasn't great. Some battle scenes were a bit confusing, Borodino was the one which I got the most confused because of how quick the scene was. One moment I was watching soldiers fight and then it was done, which I guess they wanted to get to the part of Napoleon arriving at Moscow but I digress.
During the Seige of Toulon, I was a bit confused with Napoleon's reaction throughout the whole battle. He was hyperventilating and panicking which seemed strange to me since he was always calm and collected during stressful situations, especially this battle since it was his 'debut' and was an important plan in getting Toulon back in French hands. I understand him being a little bit nervous, but he had to stay calm for the soldier's sake.
Now, lets talk about Napoleon and Josephine's relationship, oh boy, it was a mess. I did like how Naps acted a bit awkward during their first meeting since he was pretty shy and weird around the ladies in real life, but after that the whole relationship seemed too toxic than what it really was. Like the scene where Josephine returned to the chateau after Naps came back from Egypt and him yelling at her and basically telling her she was a slut, him threatening divorce because she couldn't get pregnant at the beginning of their marriage, or when Naps got angry at Josephine yet again and threw food at her, or him slapping Josephine during the divorce scene. I literally let out a gasp when that happened. That whole representation of their relationship was a freaking mess, and don't even get me started with the sex scenes! They were so weird and Naps making animals noises before doing it didn't make it better. I think the worst for me was when Naps called Josephine "little one" like don't start with that kinky shit smh. Also the part where Alexander went to visit Josephine at Malmaison was not necessary, they did develop a friendship but it was nothing more than that.
Besides all the negative things I did like a few things about the movie. For starters Napoleon's first interaction with Josephine, that was a nice touch. The lamb chop scene was hilarious and everyone including me laughed at the scene. Naps falling down the stairs after almost getting killed by the Directory and saying "oh fuck" under his breath while standing up was funny. Even the scene afterwards where Naps and Lucien were struggling to get out and keep everyone inside was funny. His facial expression he made while trying to regain himself had me dying.
What caught me by suprise was Junot being in the movie because correct me if I'm wrong but no other movie had Junot included in it, so when Naps first yelled "Junot" during the Seige of Toulon I was like 'huh? Junot? Like Jean Andoche Junot?? THE JUNOT?? I can't believe what I'm hearing!" and sure enough Junot was in the movie! Even though it was only for like 30 minutes but him being in the movie made me so happy because he is never mentioned in any form of media.
Overall it wasn't as bad as I expected. I still wished they would've added other marshals like Murat and Lannes, but I do appreciate them adding Davout since he is also someone who doesn't get mentioned in movies a lot, so props to you Scott (I guess). I did get over the historical inaccuracies pretty quick, but Wellington and Naps meeting did rub me the wrong way knowing that they never met each other in real life. Also, Ney with a moustache...why??
So that's all I wanted to say about the movie. Sorry if this was a longer post, but I wanted to write down everything before I forget. Thank you for reading!
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blueprint-han · 3 years
Dawn, what a masterpiece you have crafted with Silver Rose. I wish you could have seen me reading it live and just the amount of times my face scrunched up and I felt like bawling and sobbing like a baby, because this hurt me so much and I'm going to need some time to emotionally recover from the rollercoaster of a ride this was.
I don't have my laptop rn and can't rb smh, so I'm just going to tell you my thoughts here and then do that some time later okay. be warned. uh.... long, very long rant ahead, because I took this fic personally and would like to thank you but also spew out some profanity because holy SHIT THIS WAS TERRIBLY PAINFUL
where do I even start? from the beginning even, you established this very heavy, very dark atmosphere that like, made me feel like wherever this story was going, it wouldn't end up good and like, yeah that was the dread speaking I think oh gods uhh my thoughts will probably not make sense but bare with me
I can't even come close to imagine the pain jeongin must have been feeling all throughout this and you just described his emotions so fucking well and wow it, just reading it made me so emotional and teary and so reading him just beating himself up over and over and over inside just broke me oh man
and his guilt for "not loving" reader is just, that line in the beginning broke me because IT WASNT TRUE!! YOU DID LOVE HER, JEONGIN!! but it wasn't the same way as reader and he realised it and allowed himself to love her in that way much too late- what I'm trying to say is, he loved her so so so much, but it wasn't romantically, but that doesn't lessen the value any less because cmon man, he cares for reader so much????
"Could Jeongin ever forgive himself?"
the reason reader was suffering was all technically because of him, it all led back to him and just imagining the sheer amount of guilt he was facing and it killed me inside when you wrote how even he was shrinking down and sick with worry and everything but the when jeongin finally confessed in that garden, the days after that, he started to get better while reader started to worsen???
the first moment I actually felt so emotionally stricken by was when he told reader to not leave him and that was when I finally cried and it ACHED
and something about the reader saying "One last time" and the fact that she couldn't even get to finish the sentence and struggled… the way jeongin knew that and felt like dropping to his knees and just sobbing his heart out, yet again, right then and there… it hurt
and the contrast between ↓
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the parallels are so amazing and heartbreaking
the moment in the garden scene where reader tell jeongin "I love you" directly, it just hurt my heart to read about Jeongin's dams just bursting and him breaking down in tears just from those three words, because reader was dying for that exact same reason, because she loved him is just… my heart reached out for him even though this was just a fictional story
and jeongin begging reader to not hold him back and to let him just…. to just love you
the way reader notices the year streaks on his face after cleaning the bloodied bowl, the time when reader says that she would rather die, knowing that jeongin loved you, instead of just living in that numbness, AND THEN YOU HAD TO HIT US EITH "but he knows he hasn't faced the worst part yet." like, HOW MUCH MORE WRONG COULD THIS GO????
much worse apparently.
him dragging out some time to stay with reader longer before she died because he was still so so so scared of letting reader go?? my heart?? does not properly function anymore??? pain??
there was this thought that I had while reading the silver rose part.
the rose signified a pain, a beautiful pain, right? I just found it so sad, that the meaning was so different to a silver lining. silver linings represent something good amidst the dark and dreary clouds, yet this silver rose just brought so much pain and… fuck you, rose. I won't look at flowers the same way again.
the second time I had to put down my phone and just weep for a moment was near the end, when jeongin finay visits her grave and tells her that he would make her proud, that he would not let her be forgotten. it brought me a feeling of closure, and I felt so fucking bittersweet. THE THINGS YOU DO TO ME, DAWN. WTH.
okay I actually hate Tumblr because I answered this ask and Tumblr just crashed so I have to write it out again zmzhzj
🥺😭❣️ oh my gosh, this is going to make me cry. Your words have definitely made me feel very happy, and your excitement and analysis of the story is making me feel KAKDJLDNSKIS on the inside thank u so much vera :((((
NOOOO I DIDN'T WANNA RUIN ROSES FOR U 😭😂 but your analogy of the silver linings and roses is an interesting thought! I hadn't thought of it that way but now that you've told me it makes sense! It's such a good way to think of the symbolism and 😭🥺😭🥺 you've just made my whole day and your words carry a special place in my heart.
Also I had to give these two butterflies closure or my heart wouldn't have let me live in peace ;-; it is very bittersweet and ngl it made me cry when I wrote it smxbxkxn
KSMSKJSKSJ I am no where near a legend dear but just because it's you I will accept that title 🥺😭❣️ and thank YOU for writing me this ask ;-;
ps if u wanna rb the fic via mobile, u can go to my blog and you'll see some self Reblogs of the fic below the pinned post, and u can rb them! Tumblr won't crash when u do that that's how I've been self reblogging them via mobile zjzjzmjzh </3
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