#the tyrells have monkey/ape daemons which feels just really perfect in a way i can't articulate
mkstrigidae · 3 years
i would love your take on a his dark materials AU/daemon AU! <3
Oh my god- that would be either a great one shot or a huge undertaking, knowing me. I'm not even sure what everyone's daemons would be- like do the Starks have direwolf daemons? Or still have the direwolves, but separate daemons? And Catelyn- oh lord, that one's tricky. I think I would have to actually write this as taking place in the HDM universe, or a modern AU, because I've already read the single best ASOIAF daemon fic in existence (It's Willas/Sansa instead of Jonsa, bc that's another pairing i have a soft spot for, and is absolutely lovely).
It's called Something that ought to have lain there unnoticed, by @cosmonauthill (@SecondStarontheLeft on Ao3) and it is incredible in every possible way. Like, i'm genuinely not sure I could ever write something that even comes close to how good this fic is, and how well it weaves the concept of daemons into Westeros. Joffrey's daemon is a swan, which is an absolutely perfect choice. I don't want to give anything away, but like, Sansa's daemon is just brilliant. I cannot recommend it highly enough.
Thanks for the ask, anon!
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