#the time is from tuesday eve it's almost midday here now
ksjknj · 7 years
20 questions tag
i got tagged by @hoseokxx nd @rapnamu (thank you so much!! 💜)
rules: answer the 20 questions and tag blogs you would like to know better
nickname: i don’t really get called anything other than anja (except by bea, she gives me the cutest nicknames or calls me weird variations of my name 👀)
gender: female
star sign: aquarius
height: 179cm (i’m super curious if i’m actually as tall as taejin)
time right now: 22:09
last thing i googled: something in connection to archicad bc i was about to pull all of my hair out
favourite bands: bts, alt-j, young the giant, portugal the man, the neighbourhood, winner (i cri they’re gonna release more songs which i’m excited about but no taehyun)
favourite solo artists: i love so many ugh… the first that come to mind: jinsang, flamingosis, stromae, gaeko, two feet, vanilla
song stuck in your head: no role modelz by j cole
last movie i watched: in the mood for love
last tv show i watched: brooklyn nine nine
when did you create your blog: almost one year ago yooo
what kind of stuff do you post: purely bangtan, focused on namjin
when did your blog reach its peak: i don’t think it has really reached a peak?
do you have any other blogs: ye, i have a blog for fic inspiration, an old blog that i don’t really use anymore, and another one that’s aesthetics/ tv shows also not used much
do you get asks regularly: um.. i wouldn’t say regularly, but i do get them quite often!! (i love talking to everyone)
why did you choose your url: bc seokjin and namjoon. i don’t think i need to say anything more than that lmao
following: 135 wonderful people
posts: roughly 9700
pokemon team: i… don’t really play……. (listen it wasn’t avalible when i wanted to try it and now the excitement is gone lmao)
favourite colours: green/turquose, also black
average hours of sleep: 5
lucky numbers: 7
favourite manga characters: oh boy.. i don’t know? it’s been so long since i read anything, nd i can’t remember any characters at all?
how many blankets do you sleep with: right now three lmaoo but it depends on the season (it’s still pretty cold)
dream job: i don’t even know anymore..
dream trip: umm.. i would really like to go to japan, definitely tokyo for its architecture.. also denmark? never been, really want to go
anyyyway, @bfmoni, @jjilljj, @kthksj - i already know you guys pretty well, but you’re still getting tagged, in case you want to do this; @purplejoonie, @apgujeon, @faenam, @gotjimin, @jinpout, @yoonminnie, @namseok, if you guys want to do it!!
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chilling-seavey · 4 years
Anything But Mine (d.s.) - Chapter Twenty
A/N we love some angst in this universe 😌
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Tuesday, December 24th, 2019
Christmas season came around quickly and much to Florence's dismay, her twin brother broke the news to her that he wasn't coming to spend the holidays with her. It was going to be another Christmas at the Clifford's for the young mother, and now, as Clementine's first Christmas was approaching, Florence couldn't help but feel badly that she didn’t have more to offer her daughter. Michael and Luke didn't mind whatsoever as they were more than happy to have Florence and her daughter over for the holiday season. They even invited Emilio, who would be spending Christmas alone since Ivan was staying in LA with Callum and a flight to Spain was way out of budget. The Clifford's generosity was something Florence admired greatly.
It was late morning on December 24th when Emilio met Florence at her condo to help her finish packing. Florence was running between her closet and her suitcase, having spent too much time packing the baby clothes to even think of herself. Emilio was sat on the floor in the living room, Clementine between his spread legs with various plastic toys. Florence lugged her suitcase from her bedroom, taking it to the front door before heading back to the living room.
"Mama!" Clementine shrieked, pointing to her as she came up behind Emilio. Florence set her hands on his shoulders and pressed a kiss to his head.
"Are you done packing?" Emilio asked, looking up at her.
"I think so. Just need the diaper bag and the food."
"I can help if you want."
"Help by keeping the little troublemaker busy." Florence chuckled before heading to the kitchen. She took out all of the baby food jars and started packing them into a thermal bag. When the doorbell rang, Florence stopped, turning to the living room. Emilio looked back at her just as confused. She closed the lid and headed down the hallway to see who it was. The door was opened to reveal her twin brother.
"Surprise!" Callum beamed, hugging his sister tightly.
"Oh my God!" Florence laughed lightly. "What are you doing here?"
"We came to surprise you."
"We?" Florence questioned.
"Surprise!" Ivan jumped out from around the corner.
Emilio was at her side in an instant, Clementine perched in his arms, and he greeted his brother just as excitedly as Florence had.
“What are you guys doing here?” Florence asked, stepping aside to let them in.
“We’ve been planning this for a month now!” Callum said, his hand in Ivan’s as they walked into the living room. “You didn’t think we’d let our favourite siblings spend Christmas alone, did you?”
“I did last year.” Florence mumbled.
“Forget last year. Last year was a mess. Things are good now.” Callum said quickly.
"Well I'm definitely surprised. But, Cal, I already told the Clifford's I'm going to their place for a few nights."
Callum's jaw clenched lightly, "Just tell them I came here and surprised you."
"They bought everything already, Cal. I can't cancel when we're supposed to be there in an hour." Florence mumbled.
Ivan and Emilio exchanged awkward glances. Callum sighed, frustrated at his sister's lack of enthusiasm of him flying in to surprise her.
"You guys can join I'm sure." Florence suggested.
"Yeah!" Ivan tried to lighten the mood.
"It'll be a huge party!" Emilio added, peppering kisses to the baby’s cheek, making her giggle.
Florence and Callum looked at each other, both very uncomfortable with that entire idea, but there was barely another appropriate solution.
“We should start packing the car.” Emilio said, breaking the slightly tense silence that had fallen.
Once the baby food was packed and the diaper bag was re-stocked, they made their way down to the parking garage with all their bags to pack into Emilio’s car. Once Clementine was strapped into her car seat, Florence noticed a familiar car approaching. The pastel blue stood out amongst the dark hues in the garage.
“Surprise.” Callum whispered as he got into the car with the twins.
“Callum, oh my God.” Florence groaned with annoyance, more to herself than anyone.
Once parked, Grayson got out of his car and walked over to her, his expression was unreadable.
“What are you doing here?” Florence whispered, taking him by the arm and leading him a few steps away.
“Callum texted me and said you would want me to join you for Christmas. Ethan’s in the car too. Why is Emilio here?”
“I-I-We’re going to the Clifford’s. I didn’t know you were coming. I’m sorry.”
Grayson exhaled deeply, setting his hands on his waist and turned to the ground.
“I do want you here…I just didn’t think you wanted to be. That’s why I didn’t ask. Emilio was going to be alone for Christmas too and I figured you were going home.”
“We literally canceled our flight home to stay with you for Christmas.”
“I mean you can still come with us. Michael and Luke won’t mind at all. Neither will I.”
“And Emilio?”
“He’s fine too, I’m sure.” Florence said, gently grabbing the sleeve of his jacket in her fingers, “Please.”
“Okay.” Grayson sighed. “I’ll meet you at the Clifford’s.”
He leaned in to press a kiss to her cheek before getting back in his car. She watched him drive off before getting into the black BMW beside Callum.
“I’m going to kill you, Callum George.” Florence grumbled as Emilio followed the blue Porsche silently out of the parking garage.
Michael and Luke were more than surprised to see a party of seven at their doorstep midday on Christmas Eve. Pleasantly surprised, but surprised nonetheless. Especially when they laid eyes on the eldest DiCaprio son who was stood next to his twin sister, any and all colour already drained from his face. As the group walked through the door greeting everyone, Michael made sure to give Callum a hug, whispering a “It’s really good to see you again.”
At that sentence, it was like all worry fell away, replaced with memories of all the sweet things the Clifford men did for him, and Callum replied with a, “You too, Mr. Clifford.”
Florence smiled at the interaction, her own worry falling aside as she was back in her home away from home; the place where she spent most of her pregnancy when she had nothing. It hadn’t been long since she had last been there, but it always felt like home to her.
Once they made their way to the living room, Florence introduced her guests, Ethan, Grayson, and Emilio already knowing so much about the family that helped her at her worst. Callum held tightly to Ivan’s hand, his eyes flicking nervously to Aidan who was stood opposite him, his arms crossed over his chest.
Florence could hear the nervousness in his voice when he introduced Ivan as his boyfriend to the group. Of course, they all welcomed him happily. All expect Aidan who slunk off somewhere else to avoid greeting the newest member of their strange ‘family’.
Everyone sat around the living room, Florence sandwiched between Grayson and Emilio, Clementine sitting on the rug in the middle of the room with Connor, Aidan’s younger brother, and Ivan. Callum was almost magnetized to his sister, sitting on the floor in front of her. She wasn’t complaining, he was her comfort too and right now that was just what she needed.
Grayson draped his arm over the back of the couch, innocently joining into conversation with the group. Emilio glanced at him and frowned to himself, setting a hand on Florence’s thigh. She smiled at him, keeping her hands folded together on her lap.
“What are you doing in school?” Luke asked Emilio with a small smile.
“I’m taking Psychology.” Emilio replied. “Minor in Spanish Studies.”
“He’s killing it.” Ivan spoke up from the floor. “But I’m not surprised.”
“So you want to go into a counselling profession?”
“I’m not sure yet. It’s interesting but I haven’t made up my mind of a future job yet.” Emilio shrugged.
“That’s okay. I didn’t know what I wanted to do until I was 25.” Michael said.
“I didn’t even go to college.” Grayson spoke up. “E and I went right into an internship at CTV at 17 and now a full-time producing gig there.”
“That’s really impressive.” Luke gaped.
Ethan leaned over to give his brother a high five. Emilio’s grip tightened a little on Florence’s leg.
“Well while all you guys are having a successful life I’m not going anywhere so…” Florence mumbled.
The room replied with various rebuttals, offering her positive assurances for her future.
“Plus, you have the cutest and sweetest daughter ever.” Luke said, smiling down at the baby on the rug.
“True. I can’t really complain.” Florence chuckled. Clementine laughed, pulling the end of her red dress into her mouth. Connor picked her up from under her arms and set her on her feet, holding her securely by her waist. Her little legs kicked around and she reached out to press her hands to his cheeks.
“Any walking yet?” Michael asked.
“Nope.” Florence sighed. “She’s been cruising but nothing on her own.”
Connor slowly removed his hands from her waist and the baby wobbled a little and fell to the rug before rolling onto her back and kicked her feet in the air. Ivan laid on his stomach next to her and tickled her stomach, making her shriek with giggles.
“Hopefully soon.” Florence sighed.
Michael and Luke eventually headed to the kitchen to continue preparing dinner; Florence, Aidan, and Grayson joining them. Grayson loved to cook, and he didn’t hesitate to help Michael with the turkey, rolling up his sleeves of his festive sweater and taking off his expensive watch in the process. Luke put on Christmas music through the Bluetooth speaker which was always a tradition in the Clifford house; it wasn’t Christmas until their voices were sore from screaming the lyrics at the top of their lungs.
Aidan clearly wasn’t in the Christmas spirit since his ex-boyfriend showed up on his doorstep unannounced. Florence stuck with him, taking his hands and trying to dance with him to an excessively loud ‘Sleigh Ride’. He couldn’t hold back his smile at the girl’s terrible dance moves and ended up swaying along with her. Once Aidan was in a better mood, Florence moved over to Grayson, setting a hand on his shoulder as she watched him stir the homemade gravy. Luke stuck in a spoon and took a sip to try it.
“Needs some more pepper.” He added a little sprinkle and Grayson continued stirring.
“Look at you, being the backbone of this meal.” Florence teased.
“Gravy is the main focus of any Christmas dinner.” Grayson added.
“How’s it going?” Emilio’s hand on Florence’s waist startled her as she didn’t hear him approach but she smiled at him,
“Dinner’s almost ready.”
“That’s good. I’m starving.” Emilio’s slight glance at Grayson didn’t go unnoticed by the girl between them. Grayson kept his eyes on stirring the gravy.
“Ok, children. To the table, please!” Luke called loudly as he placed the last fork into its setting.
Callum carried Clementine to the highchair, getting her buckled in as everyone else found their spots around the table. Michael and Luke got the head and everyone else took to the sides, Callum ending up next to Aidan in the bustle. Both were too stubborn to complain. Ivan was on his other side, thankfully enough for Callum since Florence was across the table and not beside him.
“Who wants to cut the turkey for us?” Luke asked.
“I can cut the turkey.” Grayson offered.
“I can do it.” Emilio piped up, joining Grayson at the head of the table where he stood with the turkey on the serving dish in front of him.
“I got it.” Grayson said.
“I want to do it.” Emilio protested.
“I already offered though.” Grayson turned away from Emilio’s persistence and held the large knife to the beautifully brown turkey.
“You literally get everything else, why can’t I do this one thing?” Grayson snapped, turning to him again, the knife still held tightly in his hand.
“Okay, boys, let’s calm down.” Michael called from across the table.
“Come sit, Emilio.” Florence whispered sharply.
Emilio grabbed the carving knife from Grayson, “You’re the pity invite.”
“Why are you so annoying and disrespectful?” Grayson spat.
“Guys! Enough!” Luke said loudly, grabbing the knife from Emilio’s grip.
“Holy shit, I’m literally sitting next to my ex and I’m better behaved than you two.” Aidan grumbled.
Florence went to laugh a little, but Ivan’s shocked expression kept her quiet. Had Callum not told him who Aidan was? Emilio and Grayson took their seats on either side of Ethan, shamefully, and Florence whispered a sharp “What the hell was that?” to Emilio.
Luke then had to carve the turkey, the serving process uncomfortably quiet.
Dinner seemed to be mostly fine. Conversation was pleasant and the Christmas spirit was back in the room. Emilio and Grayson barely so much as looked at each other but it seemed better that way. They all watched a movie together after dinner, Connor quickly choosing Elf from the cabinet of various DVDs as it was always another family Christmas tradition. Last time Florence was sat on the couch watching Elf was a year ago, when she was still pregnant with Clementine and was staying at the Clifford’s. So much had changed since then.
Once the movie was over, Emilio took Clementine upstairs to get her ready for bed as Florence followed Grayson to the guest room. He noticed her following him but simply glanced at her before looking away, unzipping his bag to take out his pyjamas.
“Did you have an okay night?” Florence asked quietly from the doorway.
“Yeah. Michael and Luke are really nice.” Grayson answered plainly.
“I’m sorry about Emilio.”
Grayson didn’t answer.
“I know you are.” He sighed, finally turning to her. “Doesn’t hurt any less.”
“He’s just-“
“Protective. I know.”
“I’m sorry.” Florence mumbled. “Callum shouldn’t have said anything. Then you could have been with your family instead of stuck here.”
“I’m sure tomorrow will be looking up.”
“Oh, sorry.” Ethan said quietly as he noticed the slightly tense conversation happening in the doorway he was approaching.
“I’m going upstairs now anyway.” Florence smiled at him before looking back to Grayson. “Good night.”
Callum and Ivan were stuck on the pull out in the living room – it was either that or Aidan’s room which was arguably not an option – and she stopped to hug her brother and say good night to the two of them before heading upstairs. Connor’s bedroom door was already closed so she let the brothers to their privacy and walked into Aidan’s room where she was staying, finding Emilio sitting on the bed with Clementine in his lap and a picture book in hand. The eleven-month-old had damp hair from her recent bath and a red pacifier in her mouth to match her Christmas pyjamas. Her small hands were holding onto the sleeves of Emilio’s hoodie bunched up at his wrists and she seemed to be reading along with him. At the sound of the door closing, they both looked over at her and smiled. Florence climbed up next to them, kissing her daughter’s head before leaning on Emilio’s shoulder.
“What are you reading?” Florence whispered.
“The Night Before Christmas.” Emilio smiled.
Clementine whined loudly, smacking his hand in an attempt to get him to keep reading. Emilio returned to the story, reading quietly out loud, Florence cuddled up next to him and the baby almost falling asleep on his lap. The house was warm and still smelt of their delicious dinner, contrasting the snow that fell gently outside the window, setting on the dark street and the barren trees, a perfect ending to Christmas Eve.
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As I promised to @endorstoiii, since I made her answer more then one hundred questions, I’d be answering those same questions (and I’ll answer more, because she had answered some questions previously, I had to answer them all right now).
1 - Full name: Glenda Hastenreiter Corteleti. I don’t mind if you all search for me. I’m a star, you are meant to search for me.
2 - Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
3 - Three fears: Cockroaches, to become blind, death of any close relative or friend.
4 - Three things I love: Music, reading/writing (because for me they can’t walk separately), and m e m e s.
5 - Four turn on’s: Beach House, writing something I really want to, reading something very beautiful, and good orthography.
6 - Four turn off’s: My graduation course, SJWs, my country, hot weather.
7 - My best friend: Oh, I have a lot of people I consider best friends, I can’t just pick one.
8 - Sexual orientation: I don’t care, actually, I just like people.
9 - My best first date: For me, if you’re having a date, there’s something wrong. I don’t think you should schedule a day to spend time with someone you like.
10 - How tall am I: 1,72 (5’8’’, thanks, Google).
11 - What do I miss: Reading a fantasy book.
12 - What time was I born: Midday, probably.
13 - Favorite color: I’ve never thought about that, but probably turquoise or pastel pink.
14 - Do I have a crush: Yes.
15 - Favorite quote: At the moment it’s: “You are the apple of my life / There's no one but you in the world I'd choose / You are the sum and whole of life / There is no one in the world but you and I / You connect the earth to the sky / And nothing comes between us / Our bodies or minds / Nothing disconnects us / Not silence or time” (Sum - John Frusciante).
16 - Favorite place: I don’t know, there are many amazing places here where I live. Probably the beach I went this Wednesday with my friend.
17 - Favorite food: I love eating so fucking much that I’m not able to answer this question.
18 - Do I use sarcasm: No. And I’m not able to understand it as well. And I fucking hate when people DO know I can’t understand sarcasm, but still use it with me.
19 - What am I listening to right now: GONE, by Paris (feat. Trippie Redd).
20 - First thing you notice in new person: His/her voice.
21 - Shoe size: 37 in Brazil.
22 - Eye color: Dark brown, almost black.
23 - Hair color: Dark brown.
24 - Favorite style of clothing: T-shirt, jeans, all-stars, jeans jacket, and a cap.
25 - Ever done a prank call: No. You guys might think I’m boring by now (and I am, sorry).
26 - What color of underwear am I wearing right now: Pink.
27 - Meaning behind my URL: This URL is gonna change, but it means two of my favorite bands: Warpaint and Tame Impala. However, I intend to change it very soon (maybe today) to something related to Beach House.
28 - Favorite movie: Interestellar.
29 - Favorite song: I have four: L’Inconnue, by Beach House; Billie Holiday, by Warpaint; Continental Shelf, by Preoccupations (old Viet Cong); Golden Light, by Blonde Redhead.
30 - Favorite band/artist: My all-time favorite is Beach House, no doubt. But I also love Arcade Fire, Tame Impala, Warpaint, Lana Del Rey, John Frusciante, and Lil Peep.
31 - How do I feel right now: Good, but my back hurts.
32 - Someone I love: Victoria Legrand, the goddess vocalist of Beach House! <3
33 - My current relationship status: Single.
34 - My relationship with my parents: With my mom, it’s very good (we were even talking on WhatsApp few minutes ago haha). With my dad, it’s terrible, because I hate him, and he owes me money (and care, love, and affection, but that doesn’t matter anymore, I just want my money).
35 - Favorite holiday: New Year’s Eve! I always celebrate New Year at the beach with my cool relatives, it’s awesome!
36 - Tattoos and piercings I have: None yet.
37 - Tattoos and piercings I want: I want a tattoo written [lɪŋˈgwɪstɪks] on my right wrist. I also want something related to Beach House, but I still need to think exactly what.
38 - The reason I joined Tumblr: I don’t remember why I first started using this website, but now I use it to see pictures of my favorite artists and to meet new people.
39 - Do I and my last ex hate each other? I don’t have any exes.
40 - Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night” texts? No.
41 - Have I ever kissed the last person I texted? No.
42 - When did I last hold hands? I can’t remember.
43 - How long does it take to get me ready in the morning? Just one second. I need to wake up very early, otherwise I arrive late at university.
44 - Have I shaved my legs in the past three days? Yes, I think I did that on Tuesday.
45 - Where am I right now? My bedroom.
46 - If I were drunk and couldn’t stand, who would be taking care of me? No one, I don’t drink, and even if I drank, probably no one would care about me enough to take care of me.
47 - Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Since I discovered a few years ago that I’m almost starting to lose my precious hearing, I like it at a reasonable level.
48 - Do I live with my mom and dad? No.
49 - Am I excited for anything? No.
50 - Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? Yes.
51 - How often do I wear a fake smile? Not that often, actually.
52 - When was the last time I hugged someone? Wednesday, I hugged my friend when we met.
53 - What if the last person I kissed were kissing someone else right in front of me? I don’t remember whom I last kissed.
54 - Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? Yes.
55 - What is something I disliked about today? My back is hurting.
56 - If I could meet anyone on this Earth, who would it be? Probably Victoria Legrand, I want to hug her, she seems so cute and nice <3 Or maybe William Shakespeare, he had amazing puns and jokes hahahaha! He would be the meme guy nowadays.
57 - What do I think about most? I think about a lot of things, but I’d rather keep my recurrent thoughts of today private.
58 - What’s my strangest talent? I’m a very good stalker. Beware me, people.
59 - Do I have any strange phobias? If you consider being afraid as hell of cockroaches a strange phobia, yes, I do.
60 - Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? I’m also terrified of cameras, so I’d rather be behind it. I’m also a person who likes to lead things, so being behind the cameras would be perfect, I think.
61 - What was the last lie I told? I can’t remember, I barely lie.
62 - Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? I prefer death, actually, but video chatting seems the less terrible option.
63 - Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? I’ve never thought about this, so I don’t know.
64 - Do I believe in magic? No.
65 - Do I believe in luck? I don’t know.
66 - What’s the weather like right now? It’s kinda hot here even though it’s Autumn.
67 - What was the last book I’ve read? King Lear, by Shakespeare, was the last book I read fully, but the last book I’ve read was Metaphors We Live By, by George Lakoff.
68 - Do I like the smell of gasoline? Yes, very much!
69 - Do I have any nicknames? There are people who call me “Gle” or “Glen”, but not everyone.
70 - What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? When I was a kid, I cut my head.
71 - Do I spend money or save it? Spend it hahaha! It’s stronger than me, unfortunately.
72 - Can I touch my nose with my tongue? No.
73 - Is there anything pink in ten feet from me? Yes, my underwear.
74 - Favorite animal: I like cats a lot.
75 - What was I doing last night 10 p.m.? Playing Terraria with my “brother-in-law”.
76 - What do I think Satan’s last name was? ?????? What kind of question is this?
77 - What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? Probably L’Inconnue or Billie Holiday.
78 - How can you win my heart? Talking about things I like, sharing some strong opinions I have, and being cute to me.
79 - What would I want to be written on my tombstone? I don’t want to be buried.
80 - What is my favorite word? “Withdrawal”. I love “apocrypha” as well.
81 - My top five blogs on Tumblr: I don’t know, I barely see whom I’m reblogging from, I just reblog hahaha
82 - If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? I don’t know, I would want to say a lot of things hahaha Probably something polemic, though.
83 - Do I have any relatives in jail? I had, but I don’t know if he remains there.
84 - I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? Never sleep.
85 - What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? It depends on who’s asking it.
86 - What is my current desktop picture? Macintosh Plus’ Floral Shoppe.
87 - Had sex? I’d like to keep my sexual life private.
88 - Bought condoms?
89 - Gotten pregnant? No.
90 - Failed a class? Yes, Physics.
91 - Kissed a boy?
92 - Kissed a girl?
93 - Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
94 - Had job? Not yet, I’m too busy with university.
95 - Left my house without my wallet? YES! And I went crazy because I needed it for the bus passage!
96 - Bullied someone on the internet? Kinda. The girl was trying to defend her biblical argument, but I just wanted to be a dumbass because I didn’t have the patience to elaborate an argument against her.
97 - Had sex in public?
98 - Played on a sports team? I’ve played tennis, but only individually (and sometimes doubles, but I hate it).
99 - Smoked weed? No, I hate the smell.
100 - Did drugs? No, but I want to.
101 - Smoked cigarettes? Yes.
102 - Drank alcohol? Yes, but I don’t like it too much.
103 - Am I vegetarian/vegan? No.
104 - Been overweight? No.
105 - Been underweight? I don’t think so.
106 - Been to a wedding? Yes, a long time ago.
107 - Been on the computer for five hours straight? Yes, almost every day.
108 - Watched TV for five hours straight? Yes, especially when there are Grand Slams being transmitted.
109 - Been outside my home country? I wish! But no, never :c
110 - Gotten my heart broken? Yes.
111 - Been to a professional sports game? No, but I wish I could as well!
112 - Broken a bone? Does my thumb bone count?
113 - Cut myself? Not intentionally, but yes, when I’m shaving my legs, sometimes it happens.
114 - Been to prom? We don’t have those kinds of celebrations here in my country, so no.
115 - Been in an airplane? No, and I’m afraid as hell.
116 - Flew by helicopter? No, and I’m also afraid of that.
117 - What concerts have I been to? Red Hot Chili Peppers in 2013.
118 - Had a crush on someone of the same sex? Yes.
119 - Learned another language? Yes, English is my second language, and I also understand a little bit of Spanish.
120 - Wore make up? Only when I was a kid.
121 - Lost my virginity before I was 18?
122 - Had oral sex?
123 - Dyed my hair? Yes! Once I dyed a part of it of pink, it was very cool, random people would look at me and compliment me because of my hair <3
124 - Voted in a presidential election? No, and I hope I don’t need to do it soon enough.
125 - Rode in an ambulance? No.
126 - Had surgery? Just a microsurgery I underwent because of an ingrown toenail.
127 - Met someone famous? Does the former mayor (who’s a senator nowadays) from my hometown count?
128 - Stalked someone on a social network? YES! I don’t do that so often nowadays, only when I really need to. However, there was a time I stalked people, like, EVERYDAY, just for the sake of it.
129 - Peed outside? I need to pee at university almost every day, so yes. But if you mean outside a bathroom, I think only when I was a kid.
130 - Been fishing? No.
131 - Helped with charity? Just giving money to people on the bus, not proper charity.
132 - Been rejected by a crush? Yes.
133 - Broken a mirror? Not that I remember.
134 - What do I want for birthday? The linguistics tattoo I’ve already mentioned or my great-grandmother’s surname Possatti.
135 - How many kids do I want and their names: I don’t want kids. Having kids nowadays is disgusting. The world is too bad for kids to live in it.
136 - Was I named after anyone? Glenn Hughes. My father is crazy about him.
137 - Do I like my handwriting? Yes! I might post a picture one day, I really like it. People once said to me it looked like elfic script from The Lord of the Rings.
138 - What was my favorite toy as a child? I don’t remember. I can barely remember my childhood.
139 - Favorite TV show: None, I barely watch TV, and when I do, I normally watch sports or news.
140 - Where do I want to live when older? Italy! <3
141 - Play any musical instrument? Yes, I play the bass (electric and acoustic) and the acoustic guitar.
142 - One of my scars, how did I get it? I just fell and hurt my hand hahaha It hurt a lot when it happened, but now I laugh at it. It was very dumb, actually.
143 - Favorite pizza topping? Chicken.
144 - Am I afraid of the dark? Not that much, only if I can’t see anything at all.
145 - Am I afraid of heights? A little bit.
146 - Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? Yes, when I was a kid, my mom always used to arrive at the same time I was doing something she told me not to do, it was almost paranormal hahahaha
147 - Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? Almost always.
148 - What I’m really bad at: Cooking. I hate it. I just like to eat.
149 - What my greatest achievements are: I had a text that was read by 371 people. Me and my friend were the only group who got 10 outta 10 in our Prosody final paper. I also got 10/10 in that discipline. I’m very happy with my total average right now, I have a 9,61/10.
150 - The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: That I was a dumb kid with no ethic values. I agree with everything she said, because I’m dumb and I couldn’t care less about ethic values.
151 - What I’d do if I won lottery? GOODBYE, BRAZILBALL!
152 - What do I like about myself? I’m smart, I have a good voice, a good handwriting, and I’m not ugly. I wonder why I’m still single.
153 - My closest Tumblr friend: Marina <3 @endorstoiii
154 - Something I fantasize about: I’d like to keep this private as well.
155 - Any question you’d like: Marina, you can ask me anything now. I asked to you answer all the questions, and I promised you I’d answer as well, so you can ask me anything. I don’t promise I’ll answer it publicly, though.
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