#the thing with link tilting taylor's chin up is actually what inspired me to flesh out the wip in the first place. well.
happi-tree Β· 1 year
THANK YOU<3 dialogue is one of my strong suits HSHRHEGSHJ i'm lacking a bit on the description part but i've been trying to improve at it lately πŸ₯° and YASS taylor trying to downplay how hes feeling and its really not working HDISUDHEJRJR tfw u have residual anxiety the morning after a mental breakdown AND stress makes ur chronic pain worse... hes struggling but its ok because link Exists and is such a sweetie β™‘β™‘β™‘
and my fic is like. taylor has an anxiety attack for the first time so he DOES NOT know what's happening and like. it's freaky deaky so ofc he'll still be hella shaken up in the morning argh so real
Well, it certainly shows that you're very confident in it!!! I love how I can look at something you've written and immediately tell who's saying what without having to look at any clarifiers/speech tags. You have a real knack for getting things down in a character's voice and I respect you so hard for that <333
Personally dialogue can be so tricky for me bc I'm a big description girlie and it definitely takes me A While to figure out how to write from the povs of characters who don't immediately read to me as introspective - it's why I've actually found it easier for me to write in Link's pov than in Taylor's lmao πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€
And YIKES first-time anxiety attacks are so rough but. Yeah at least Link's there to sit with him and guide him through grounding himself again,,, weeps Link is such a sweetheart I love him sm πŸ₯Ί
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Figured I'd answer these both in the same ask so I'm not clogging up the mutuals' dashes too much (hiiii mutuals ily πŸ‘‹) Yes they are dancing!!! The premise of this wip is based on that one Link teen fact that he used to take ballroom classes with his dads and is a pretty good modern dancer. It takes place in the vague 2-month period between coming back from Old Earth/New Faerun and the house party in ep 25. I personally hc those two months to be mostly in wintertime so!!! The teens are getting ready for Teen High's winter formal and Link offered to teach them all how to dance (Normal was v self-conscious about not knowing any moves sbfkhas)!!! And YEAH I love calling attention to the fact that Link is so tall I think their height difference would be Very Noticeable (Freddie said Taylor's height is in the mid-5 ft range while Link grew from 6'3'' to 6'4'' over s2) and Very Cute πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
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