#the tallest mountain in north america ... yeah sure i can work with that
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Hetalia: The Lost World Part 19
"Alright, we made it to Duluth!" said America while Iyong ju checked into the hotel. "Yeah, we did. I can't believe it took us several stops in Iowa and in Rochester, before we made our through Minnesota" said Iyong ju after getting the card key for their room. After getting settled, Iyong ju was busy reading a book while America was watching tv. "Alfred, do you really need to have the tv up that loud? You do realize that there's people across the hallway and next door to us, right?" asked Iyong ju while looking up from his book. "Yeah, I do. But I really like this movie" said America. "Well, I am currently aware of it; but, there are people upstairs you know. So do me a favor and... turn it down NOW" said Iyong ju with venom in his voice.
"S-Sure thing, dude! I'm turning it down" said America before laughing nervously and began turning down the volume. While America and Iyong ju were doing their own separate things, it wasn't long till America got bored and decided to bother Iyong ju. "Umm... can I help you with something, Alfred?" asked Iyong ju who slightly flinched when America came close to him. "I'm just wondering what you're doing" said America with a smile. "Well I'm just looking at this American English dictionary that I found in this room" said Iyong ju. "Really now? But, I thought you can understand English" said America with a puzzled expression on his face.
"I do. But I learned the British English first, way before learning the American English" said Iyong ju. "American English? What is that?" asked America. "That's your version of English and I learned Arthur's version first before yours" said Iyong ju. "Oh, that's right. When Arthur was telling me stories about you, you sounded like a Brit" said America as Iyong ju sighed.
~The Next Day~
"Wow! This is a great view of the lake" said Iyong ju while America looked pretty uneasy. "Umm.... Iyong, you do realize that we could go on the pier, right?" asked America. "Yeah, I know. But I prefer to look at something on the tallest peak around for a good view" said Iyong ju. "Of all the peaks you could've choose, you decided on a lighthouse" said America. "Well, I expected to have a better view on a mountain, but you wouldn't let me" said Iyong ju. "Oh, the reason why I couldn't allow it, is... that.... I'm kind of afraid of heights" said America nervously.
"If you're afraid of heights, how can you ride a roller coaster? That doesn't make any sense to me at all" said Iyong ju. "Well, you have a point and.... oh my god! We're late!" yelled America as his phone started buzzing. "Late? Late for what?" asked Iyong ju. "We're running really behind the clock to get to up to Canada" said America. "Then why are we standing here for? There's no time to waste" said Iyong ju. After leaving the lighthouse and checking out from the hotel, America and Iyong ju were making their way up to Canada.
After a couple of hours they finally reached the borderline between America and Canada. "Thank god, we made it to the borderline" said Iyong ju. "Yep, we sure did. I never knew you could be a fast driver" said America. "Alfred, there's a lot of things that you don't know about me, but you now learned I can go up to 90-100mph" said Iyong ju. "Hey! There's the toll" said America while pointing straight ahead. Iyong ju drove closer to the toll and expected someone to let him pass, but nobody was in the toll.
"Obama said that there will be someone at the toll" said America. "Yeah, but I don't everybody here" said Iyong ju before getting out of the car and going up to the toll booth. Iyong ju looked through the windows before jumping in surprise and forced the door to open. America who saw this quickly got out of the car to see what's wrong. "Iyong, I saw you jump and I just came to see what's wrong" said America. "Alfred, there is something wrong. Take a look" said Iyong ju before showing America what he found.
To America's surprise a person was in fact inside the toll booth only to be found unconscious. "I-Is... I-Is he okay?" asked America who was scared. "He's still breathing, which means he's not dead, but just unconscious" said Iyong ju while checking for a pulse. "Well, that's a relief. But what caused him to be knocked out?" asked America. Iyong ju looked at man's body to find anything till he found a large bruise on the side of head along with few bloody cuts on his forehead. "Alfred, you're not going to believe this, but I have feeling that we're not only ones going up to Canada" said Iyong ju. "You really think so? Who is it then?" asked America. "It's your 2P, Al" said Iyong ju as America's eyes widened in surprise and in shock.
~Meanwhile With Italy~
Italy was put in charge to look after Flavio for two hours, till Germany comes and take his place. Italy on the other hand wasn't made for keeping watch, but since Flavio attempted to steal the glassed rose and called him pathetic, he's not taking any chances. Italy was taking turns looking at the glassed rose for a couple of minutes before looking at Flavio for about the same amount as before. After looking at the glassed rose for a third time, Italy looks at Flavio for the fourth time. When he did, he saw Flavio twitch slightly, before waking up with quite the start. Flavio grasped out loud and shook his head several times, before he even noticed Italy was looking at him.
"Oh, it's-a just you. What-a happened after I-a blacked out? No no, hang on I-a remember. I-a was hit on the head, but I-a managed to overhear things before-a the darkness took me in. It was like I-a was constantly slipping back between consciousness and-a unconsciousness, like a never ending battle" said Flavio while sitting up. "I'm-a sorry" said Italy quietly to himself hoping that Flavio couldn't hear him, but he did. "Excuse me, what-a did you just say?" asked Flavio with concern in his voice. "N-Nothing! Y-You-a heard nothing" said Italy. "I-a swore I heard something. You-a better not be lying to me. I-a hate liars you know" said Flavio. "I'm-a here to say that-a I'm sorry for tackling you. I-a didn't know what-a came over me" said Italy.
"Nah, it's-a okay. Your anger was-a probably fueled thanks to your-a relationship with North Korea" said Flavio. "My-a anger wasn't caused by-a that. To be honest, I-a was always called weak since-a day one when I-a was living with Austria. But Hungary was-a always there to tell me that-a one day I'll become big and-a strong like grandpa Rome. Yet, I-a had very little fighting experience; but, Germany found-a me and he offered to become my-a friend. I-a look to Germany as my-a protecter, my friend who's-a got my back, my-a ally, and I-a just want him to come to my-a aid. I-a always do my best to train in-a case if Germany was-a in danger and-a could really use me" said Italy. "Italy, your-a story was so beautiful that-a it makes me shed tears of delight" said Flavio with a smile. "B-But, I-a thought 2Ps can't have a change-a of heart" said Italy who was confused on what Flavio said. "Ah, but that's-a where you're wrong. Some 2Ps were-a born from their good counterpart's deep and-a darkest moments of history, that-a was sealed away within their hearts. 2Ps have-a different personalities and they-a believe what they think. Some 2Ps can-a have a mean and scary personality, while others could be lonely or just-a be a complete opposite of the original" said Flavio. "That-a sounds interesting. But how-a does the process work and how can a 2P be friendly to their counterparts and-a everyone around them?" asked Italy.
"Well, it's-a not an easy process and-a it takes time. However, if there's-a someone who has a strong sense of compassion and a big heart to-a make the world happy, then a 2P could realize that-a there's no point to involve violence, yet to just-a talk out peacefully" said Flavio. "Wow! That-a sounds so fascinating; but, how do you-a know all of this?" asked Italy. "Unlike my-a 1P that comes across a person and has-a a mouthy attitude, I-a manage to have chill and a reasonable personality. I-a don't need to call a person a "something, something bastard", when I-a just can tell who you-a are by just looking at you" said Flavio. "Care-a to show me on how you-a can do that?" asked Italy while standing up. "Sure, but you-a need to get me out these ropes" said Flavio. Italy went over to Flavio and untied the ropes, as Flavio was free he stretched.
"Okay, now-a come over here" said Flavio as Italy went over to him. Flavio placed a hand on Italy's head, before closing his eyes as a sign of concentration. "Hmm... you are North Italy, the younger brother of-a South Italy. You're-a also known as Feliciano Vargas, but most people call you-a Feli. You are said by-a many to be a free spirited and a happy country to-a exist in this world. However, many-a believe that since you're-a too nice it leads to bullying from neighboring countries. But, you-a never have to worry about getting, because you have Germany and Japan on your-a side. You-a wish that you could protect yourself and your friends from any threat, so that's-a why you look up to stronger countries like-a Germany. You-a also wish for England to make peace to-a an old friend and to have everyone care about North Korea. Speaking of North Korea, he-a saved you from almost sudden death and you-a wish to protect him" said Flavio before opening his eyes and taking his hand off Italy's head. "All that-a stuff that you said about me is-a true. If England can't-a get along with Iyong ju, than that's-a a problem for him to solve. In the meantime, I'll-a be training to protect everyone that cares about me" said Italy with a smile. "That-a is correct. Since I-a told you what I-a believe about you, I'll be-a joining you and 1Ps in the fight against my-a fratello and the 2Ps" said Flavio. "Wait you-- are? But why-a are joining sides with the 1Ps?" asked Italy.
"That's-a because, Oliver and Roland aren't-a really that powerful to stop the rest of the 2Ps and-a I'm there for every single meeting that-a has be held, so I'll-a be sharing some top secret information that I-a found" said Flavio. Germany came into the room to switch places with Italy and he didn't notice Flavio. "Italy, I'm here to switch places vith jou" said Germany before his eyes met with Flavio's. "Italy, did jou untie zhe ropes zhat vere holding 2P Romano?" asked Germany. "He-a sure did! By the-a way, I thought I-a told you to call me Flavio" said Flavio. "Italy, are jou crazy!? Vhat vere jou zhinking!? Jou're lucky zhat I came just in time, before he could do anyzhing" said Germany. "No no, he's-a on our side" said Italy.
"Vhat do jou mean?" asked Germany who wasn't believing it. "I'm-a saying that, I-a managed to make Flavio friendly" said Italy with a smile. "Can jou ring me on zhis one more time?" asked Germany. "Ve~! Flavio says that-a he can tell what-a he thinks of you when he-a first sees you, without getting time to-a think about it" said Italy. "Oh, I get now. But how did jou manage to make him friendly to jou und to me?" asked Germany. "With my-a amazing and-a magical powers of happiness and-a friendship" said Italy. "Yeah, I can see vhy" said Germany.
~Meanwhile In Spain~
"Those bulls were a lot faster than I expected" said Spain who was resting after he ran with the bulls. "I believe zhat every year zhey get a bit more aggressive for zhese kind of events" said Austria. "I knew I shouldn't bet on somezhing I can't even win on" said Switzerland as Lichtenstein was offering him some water. "Zhat's vhy jou shouldn't bozher vith Antonio" said Lichtenstein. "Now that I managed to fight for my rights as champion, you may tell me why you came here" said Spain. "Vell, it's because ve recently got news from China" said Austria.
"What kind of news?" asked Spain. "We have gotten a report that mentions the 2Ps" said Hungary. "2Ps? Vhat are zhey?" asked Liechtenstein. "Ve're not sure exactly, but I saw mein 2P und England's at zhe UN headquarters" said Austria. "Jou did? Did zhey look anyzhing like zheir counterparts?" asked Switzerland. "Vell, mein 2P has darker hair zhan I do und he has red eyes, but unlike me he's a jerk. 2P England on zhe other hand, kind of freaks me out vith all zhe bright colors und just... how he sounds und looks in general" said Austria while looking back to his encounter with Roland and Oliver.
"Are they planning on doing something that could endanger anyone or anything?" asked Spain. "No, they're not. But it's the deadly ones that we should look out for" said Hungary. "I understand now. So then, what are we waiting for? We should go to that meeting then" said Spain. "He's right. Ve should go, but vhere is it going to be held at?" asked Switzerland. "It's going to held in Paris" said Hungary. "Alright, amigos. We're heading for the capital of the country of love. Why did I just say that? Anyway, let our journey begin" asked Spain.
~Meanwhile With Iyong ju And America~
Both Iyong ju and America managed to get through the toll and into the open road which leads them up to Canada. After about two to four hours, they finally reached their destination: Toronto. "We finally made it" said America while looking out the window to see the Toronto welcome sign. "Tell me about it. That was a long drive from Washington D.C up to Toronto" said Iyong ju while keeping up with the speed limit. "Say Iyong, how did you learn to drive?" asked America. "Well, at first I had little driving experience and the only way I learned was by driving a tank" said Iyong ju as America looked surprised. "Really? You got your driving skills from driving a large military tank?" asked America.
"Technically, I got my driving skills from driving a tank, steering a highly well built battleship, and a fighter jet" said Iyong ju as America was totally shocked. "No way. I don't know what to say about that" said America. "Oh, don't be. That fighter jet was like one of the fastest jet out of all of my country's jets. So clearly that jet was created for only me to use" said Iyong ju. "Okay, now I really got nothing to say" said America as he began to think about Iyong ju flying around in that jet. "It's okay, Alfred. I understand that you're confused, but I'm being honest with you here. If you want I could probably take you on a spin in that jet, but that's up to you if you're up for it" said Iyong ju with a smile. "Really? Thanks dude, you're amazing! I bet being that jet with you, would be so much fun" said Alfred who was excited.
~Meanwhile With China And Japan~
"Oh, you beaten me again! How's that even possible, aru?" asked China while losing to a game of Chinese checkers with Japan. "Werr, you did taught me how to pray and I ended up rosing to you many times. However, the tabres seem to have turned" said Japan while marking the scores. Without noticing France came into the room with a letter in his hands. "Francis, what are doing here, aru?" asked China. "I'm to tell you zat I need to go back to my country" said France. "For what reason?" asked Japan.
"Vell, I'm hosting a European Union meeting in Paris and you're invited" said France. "We would like to, but we're not even apart of the European Union, just the United Nations, aru" said China. "Yeah, I know zat. But since I'll be hosting ze meeting, I'm inviting every single country" said France with a smile. "Alright, we'rr come" said Japan as France left the room.
~Meanwhile In Paris~
South Korea was walking around with Vatican City in the capital of the country of love. "Alright, youngster, we're here" said Vatican City while stopping in front of two large doors of a large building. "Oh, we are? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. It's just, I haven't been in France for a longtime" said South Korea. "Yeah, I understand. Anyway, are you ready to go inside?" asked Vatican City. "Yes, I am ready. I'm tired of hiding, I just want to see everyone and see my brother" said South Korea while nodding his head. "Alright, here we go" said Vatican City while opening the doors and leading South Korea inside.
After walking through long hallways and taking different directions, they finally reached the doors to the meeting room. "Where is everybody?" asked South Korea while walking inside the large room. "They should be coming here in a little while. We're just early" said Vatican City. The doors suddenly opened getting the attention of both South Korea and Vatican City only to see Sealand. "Vatican City, what are you doing here?" asked Sealand as he came into the room. "I should be the one asking you that same question" said Vatican City.
"Oh my gosh! Is that South Korea? I thought North Korea killed him" said Sealand who was shocked to see South Korea. "Well he did, but I wasn't fully killed" said South Korea. "What do you mean?" asked Sealand. "How do I explain this? Well, I know deep down that my own brother would never kill me" said South Korea. "So did he attempt to kill you in order to protect you?" asked Sealand. "Well, he did protect me and he mainly did it to protect himself. However, it didn't go out so well" said South Korea.
"What are you doing here exactly?" asked Sealand. "I'm here to reunite with all of the countries and probably reunite with my brother" said South Korea. "That sounds amazing! Do you see me as a country?" asked Sealand. "Sealand, what have told you about asking that question?" asked Vatican City. "I'm sorry, but I need to know. Mr. South Korea, what is your opinion?" asked Sealand. "Well, I don't have an opinion; but, I can tell you that you should never stop believing and keep following your dreams" said South Korea with a smile. "So does that mean if I can continue believing, everyone will recognize me as a country?" asked Sealand. "If you believe in anything, then it's most likely to become true" said South Korea.
"Kumajirou, I'm home and I got more syrup" said Canada who was just arriving back to his home. Canada walked in after closing the door and went to search for his polar bear friend; however, Kumajirou wasn't even seen. "Kumajirou where are you and why is it so dark in here? I don't remember leaving you behind with the blinds closed" said Canada who seemed confused yet scared at the same time. "Gosh, if Alfred is here then you should've told me before I left. Also if you two are trying to pull a prank on me make sure it involves sunlight" said Canada before walking up to a window and turn the blinds causing sunlight to pour into the room. While doing this to the other windows, Canada heard something along with a couple of muffled voices. "Kumajirou? Is... is everything alright?" asked Canada who grew concerned about his small friend.
Canada went to another room and found nothing, so he went on a search in his house just to find Kumajirou. Canada was about to give up till he noticed a closed room and went up to the door. Canada then slowly turned the doorknob and carefully opened the door just to get a peak. Canada soon opens the door wide open and sees Kumajirou and was relieved. "Oh Kumajirou, you gave me quite a scare. For a minute there, I thought that something was wrong" said Canada while walking up to Kumajirou and picked him up in his arms. "And that's where you're wrong" said a voice that's sounds oddly familiar to his own.
Canada suddenly gets cold feet and slowly turns around to see himself but only wearing a Mountie uniform and had a long ponytail. "W-Who are you?" asked Canada who was terrified. "Hehe.... that's an easy one. I'm you, well your 2P, but you may call me Matt and I thought that you would know who I am" said Matt. Canada then remembers the meeting where England and Oliver gave out all the names of 2Ps including his. "What are you doing here and how did you get into my country?" asked Canada trying to sound brave. "Well... I was just strolling around till I remembered that I should see my coward of a 1P" said Matt with a smirk.
"Oh.... hey! Did you just call me a coward? I'm not one and besides what do you want from me?" asked Canada as the smirk on Matt's face became a sinister grin. "You know what, I've been always called a weirdo by the other 2Ps, till one day I had to step up my personality a bit and became a man in the process. I had to learn it the hard way that the real world isn't all that nice and kind to you" said Matt who got and began circling Canada like a hungry shark. "Wh-What do you mean?" asked Canada who gulped at how close his 2P was to him and what took by surprise was how his chin was grabbed by Matt. "What do I mean I hear you ask? I mean that Luciano will be so happy to see all the 1Ps dead so that he could take over and watch everyone and everything around the world suffer" said Matt while forcefully pulling Canada close to him, so close that his breathe is touching Canada's face. "L-Luciano?" asked Canada who now was scared and was about to have a nervous breakdown. "Yeah, you heard me right. Luciano had both me and Al come all the way to America and eventually Canada just to take control of your countries" said Matt while moving out of Canada's face but only to tighten his grip on him.
"Uhh... about that.... I didn't get to do a thing" said Al as Matt looked up and saw him just standing there. "What do you mean that you couldn't do a single thing?" asked Matt who seemed upset at Al for failing. "It's called my 1P being [beep]ing annoying as hell" grumbled Al. "How dare you? You had one job Al! What is wrong with you!?" asked Matt who was getting angry. "Uhh... Matt, weren't you holding your 1P just a few seconds ago?" asked Al as Matt looked at his hands to only see Canada gone. "HOW!? HOW DID HE ESCAPE!!!???" yelled Matt into the open air.
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