#the syllabus week expierence
wkemeup · 3 years
Hi! Do you have any tips or advice for new college students? I start community college in about a week or so and i have no idea what to expect. Idk what supplies ill need, or if theres homework or not. Is there projects in college? Like making posters? Idk, sorry. Im just asking nonsense, i could just use some advice. Im a bit rattled, iv heard its way different than highschool. What was your college expierence like?
Definitely depends major to major and what school you’re at. Your professors should send out a syllabus before classes start that will let you know an outline of the course itself and the assignments. In my experience, there was a lot of assigned reading, exams, and papers. But not a ton of homework. But that means the major assignments carry more weight. But again that’s major to major. I was in psych and sociology.
It’s definitely different than high school because there’s more responsibility on you to do your work and take the initiative and all that. There’s less mindless homework. And idk I had great relationships with a lot of my professors. I actually found them chiller than my high school teachers lol.
Good luck in your first year!!
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
Bro im starting college TOMORROW and I dont know what to do!! I'm so scared 😭 😭 any advice 😅💓
Yes I just started myself last week so!
Ummmm..... If you dont know the buildings very well, I would get there like an hour early and just take some time and familiarize with your class route (also dont be afraid to ask someone where your class is)
I reccomend checking out whatever system your school uses (mine uses canvas) I would look at each of your courses tonight and take some time just going through the syllabus.
My tip is always dress for success. When you feel like you look good you always feel better so wear your favorite outfit put on your badass bitch playlist before you walk in.
Also before going into your class (be prepared for the class expierence to be crazy since this is covid time) DO NOT be afraid to ask questions. Learning in college is on you so if you dont ask you wont know.
Also if there is a chance and you seem it appropriate to do so, at the end of your class go up and introduce yourself to your teachers. You dont have to say much just like your name and how much your looking forward to being in the class. (Trust me it will make you stand out from the other 26 people trying to sprint to their next lecture)
I hope this helps 🥺👉👈 remember to also time manage and take breaks between assignments or subjects for you! Not like little breaks like set a timer an watch a kdrama episode or read on tumblr for an hour then get back to work.
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College (Day 1)
i wont be doing these everyday, I just want to share my college expierence to you, and if you are younger than I, I hope this is a good insite for those looking into college or may be scared for college.
My schedual:  MW: English, Art
MWF: History
TTH: Pysch, Piano
Day 1:
My day starts off with English, the teacher is pretty enjoyable though I do not like her teching style. I found out that I accidently signed up for a ‘speed’ class or a cram class. Basically, it means the class will cram 16 weeks of a semester into 8 weeks. Not sure how I will like this. I already have to read a book, do a quote thing for the book, and write a two page essay on being discrimated. 
Next class is History. its one of those classrooms you see in movies. there are 275 students. the teachers pretty funny but serious at the same time. He is pretty strict too.
Art class is my last class and its the longest, though all we did was go over the syllabus
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