#the supervisor on the account has only been here 2 months. i've been here a year
pollen · 2 years
absolutely horrendous how the brand strategist on this account i'm managing is the go-to for copy and proofs but she doesn't understand the brand whatsoever and is a huge strain on internal processes. i'm so tired of most of my day being given to righting her mistakes and editing her edits. god
#i've been QAing files with her edits applied and like. the designers are doing great at applying all of the edits#but her edits are missing so much that i'm giving things back to design like 'all requested edits applied. but i have more edits'#and it's not even like. small things. or small projects? like this isn't an eblast we're talking about it's a whole animated video#at least one of the things. the one that's the most awful. it's already gone through so many rounds of edits that the#creative services director who's responsible for routing all edits was like 'listen we can't keep versioning this every time#strategist or client comes back with additional edits. it's a huge waste of time and resources. you're getting stills until we're done'#and the supervisor and strategist were both like :) looks great! please move to production#and then i got the updated video to QA and like. the edits were done. but every frame needed an additional edit#because it's very copy-heavy and so much went wrong. because i wasn't the one proofing. holy shit#i was just thinking like. god i wish i was able to get eyes on everything and sign off on it before it goes out. this is ridiculous#but like. i do now. that's my job now. what's frustrating is i'm the only one in this whole agency who knows the client well#the supervisor on the account has only been here 2 months. i've been here a year#it's such a mess i understand why they pulled me in on it but my god. if we could just get the strategist off this account....#but we cant because she's the one who brought us the account. ugh. she's in nursing school right now so she'll quit eventually#it's just a matter of time. maybe if i wanna stay here i'll see her out and feel so at ease omg
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televinita · 10 months
Me: *has never been a level of supervisor higher than I currently am (lvl 1, of 3)*
Work: what if you became assistant to the top-level supervisor next year [lvl 2]. for the first time. on the worst and hardest project (which u have only done twice, and not since 2022). and we made it a double project so you could do this for OVER THREE, POSSIBLY UP TO FOUR MONTHS STRAIGHT.
Me: (weeping)
(I also know that most people don't wanna be this level of supervisor so they're probably just, like, trying everyone who is even halfway decent out. I personally know two people who've been tapped as first-timers in this support position who are pretty similar to me in terms of their experience and nervousness levels, and they managed it, one of whom was on this very project! -- but also ALSO, they only had to do it for 4-6 weeks at most. I've never personally worked a project that went on longer than 9 weeks max without at least one business day's break in between)
Anyway, real cart-before-the-horse stuff here because I have not officially been offered it, and anyway I still would have to do training to learn the programs that a supervisor has to use at this level, and I'm only just doing a phone call this afternoon to ask questions and learn what it would entail.
But also AHHHH and I can't even talk to husband about this first because it's 12:15 pm and he is still asleep on account of having had a really bad stomach bug last night.
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julietsoddeye · 1 year
Life update.
Wow I am still alive lol
I still want to write. My only life goal is to publish something. Just 1 thing and I'll be okay.
That's not the update lol
So after a year of completely leaving the ff world because I got a job...
No I am not quitting nor being fired.
Well, I am leaving my post. My account. Basically being redeployed. I had a redeployment scare last May. Lmfao yes, on my birth month. Well I found out the last week of April and then they kept postponing it saying the papers I need to sign aren't ready yet, until I was officially RETAINED. And now it's finally happening.
I just found out last night from my supervisor. I've been skipping work a lot recently because I have been sick. This past week I had a minor upper respiratory infection. 3 weeks prior my vertigo was giving me a shitty time, my tinnitus causing it so the doctor advised me to stop using my headset at work. Good thing our team has a speaker and my supervisor is letting me play DJ while we work lol. (Btw I work for, outsourced, but work for SiriusXM. DM me if you have questions hahahaha I'm kidding, please don't. I don't want to get sued.)
Speaking of being sick lately, I've been diagnosed this year for a lot of illnesses lmfao. You can say I'm the illest, huh. Lol. Anyway to make it short, I have Hypertension, Type 2 diabetes (not yet officially diagnosed but you know, let's just assume cuz all the lab tests dont fecking lie), I have Myoma in my womb and have minor kidney stones. I was rushed to the ER in July. That's on top of all the ailments I already have, physically and mentally.
So yeah, after a year of slaving away in my current account, I will be leaving soon. I'll be in the same BPO company, but I'll be placed elsewhere.
New account, new people to meet.
This time I am not worried or scared just like before when I was first redeployed. Because first of all, the guy that I liked no longer works with me. The first time I kinda fell in love with a real breathing, non celebrity guy and nothing happens lol. 2nd is, I am ready to let go of this account, of SXM. The people are awesome, but working for that account is like your left foot is already buried on your grave. Everyday is your last day lmfao. No one lasts there anymore.
I had this plan last year to become a Trainer, or at least become a Subject Matter Expert, I had big hopes that I will last here. I was surprised I lasted a year, but now I realized, it's not for me yet.
It's not my time yet.
So I am really hopeful for my next account.
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maryellencarter · 4 years
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(I have cropped any personally identifying information out of the pictures for obvious reasons.)
So here's all the information I have at the moment on the Bonus Situation.
* To recap, the bonus projection software has been telling me for a couple weeks now that I would get a $96.06 bonus. Normally in the past this has occurred on the second paycheck of the month.
* Many of us have noticed the bonus projection software not updating properly since about October 4.
* I called IT the other day and filed a ticket about the frozen bonus projections, on advice from a friend on the support team.
* Today, or rather yesterday by the time I'm writing this, I got my electronic pay stub for the payday coming up this Friday, and discovered that it was unexpectedly short, specifically because the bonus listed on it was $12 instead of $96.06.
* I emailed my supervisor about the shorted bonus. She has forwarded the email up the chain of command but has no firm information yet. We will not both be at work again till Sunday, so I will hear no more from her on the issue till then.
* Later in the afternoon, I received the above email, from the admin in charge of the bonus projection software. Several things are hinky about this email. To wit:
* "The data for the M[onth] T[o] D[ate] numbers has been paused as of early this month because they are used for the calculating of the monthly bonuses, which is still being worked on." I am not here to criticize Mr Admin's grammar, but to point out that this is a blatantly flimsy excuse, for the extremely simple reason that there is a whole separate tab for last month's bonus data, and in fact that tab is still fully functional and showing my $96.06 bonus! It is this month's daily tracking of bonus data which has been frozen.
* Granted, if one were to admit the concept that the bonuses were still being calculated, it could be taken to explain why I'm only getting a $12 bonus on my paycheck. However, the bonuses were calculating themselves in realtime for the whole of September, and the last metrics finalized themselves on October 7. In the week since then, I could have calculated the bonuses for the entire bloody company using nothing more than my smartphone calculator and paper if I was given a paid 40-hour week to do it in, let alone having a software that was already displaying the answers!
* Also, you know, the software has never before needed to be frozen while last month's bonuses are "calculated", let alone a week after the metrics were finalized. And it has always previously told me accurately whether it was going to send me a $500 bonus or none, or something in between. This is, in short, fishy.
* Mr Bonus Admin goes on to state, "You should still be able to access the daily values" (I can't), "but the monthly ones will not update, and in fact should now not show up at all, until the work to change the scorecard and bonus structure is done. That activity should hopefully be done next week."
* The other picture besides the email is the completely blank screen where my outdated bonus projection resided until today. The one about the metrics I'm currently getting for October, not the one about the $96.06 bonus I was supposed to get for September, which may I remind you is still quite visible.
* "Your numbers are wrong? Boom, NO MORE NUMBERS! There, I fixed it." XD
* The referenced "work to change" the software has not been announced to workers at my level in any way, and no changes that could possibly involve shutting down the whole system have been made or announced. I am frankly Suspicious.
* Other agents have also said things about missing bonuses or confusing bonuses. One supervisor announced that the bonuses would not show up till our Halloween paycheck, which I could hypothetically swallow, if I didn't have a $12 bonus sitting there in black and white on this week's pay stub. Seems like there's a lot of misinformation floating around right now. (Also a certain amount of what smells very like disinformation.)
* So, lacking any information what is actually going on, and faced with an email that would have to put on black tights and a domino mask to look any more disingenuous, my brain is going for all the wildest explanations, like "The system has glitched out completely and is assigning random bonuses to everybody, and they're frantically trying to cover while they get it fixed", or even more dramatically, "Maybe the company can't afford to pay all our bonuses and is retroactively revamping the bonus system, and it was supposed to be done in time for payday but they're running late, and also maybe they really are only going to give me $12". That seems slightly less likely though because they did just give me, on the same paycheck, $28.08 in backdated raise.
* I'm also stressing the fuck out about bonuses in general because I had a really bad stats day today. A disgruntled gentleman (whose account was legitimately pretty thoroughly fucked by a previous incompetent agent) gave me a low survey, which busted me straight down from the $2/hour bonus tier to the 50¢/hour bonus tier. If my other numbers are really good for the whole rest of the month I can maaaaybe struggle my way back up to the $1.25/hour bonus tier. :P
* I also only took 9 calls today, averaging a half hour each (not counting outbound callbacks after various calls dropped), which fucked my call length for the month from the truly astonishing 795 seconds I'd been running, just under the wire for an additional 50% on top of my bonus, all the way up to 901 seconds, where I'm barely scraping by under the cutoff for having my bonus cut in half. I'd have to come in under 700 seconds every day for the rest of the month to recover from that, and I can't recover from the flunked survey at all.
* So, you know, I've gone from expecting a $96.06 bonus on Friday and hoping for a $474 bonus next month, to getting a measly $12 bonus, a runaround from tech, and maybe a $79 bonus next month if my numbers don't get any worse. It really feels like a kick in the gut.
* (If a fucking miracle happened and I wound up with upsells over $30 a call, non-repeating callers over 86.5%, and an average call length under 930 seconds, I could hypothetically get a $197.50 bonus. Or if I also managed to squeak my surveys back up above 82% good... okay, that's only one more good survey and no more bad ones, it could happen. More likely, my upsells wouldn't quite hit $30 and any further good surveys I get would go toward making up the difference. But if I had both my repeat callers and my upsells excellent, I'd only need one more good survey -- assuming no more bad ones, obviously -- to squeak back up to the $2/hour tier for a hypothetical bonus of $316.)
* The trouble with that being that I don't... I don't know if I have any faith anymore that I'll actually get my bonus as projected? Like I can't think of any way that mysterious and unspecified "work changing the bonus structure" mid-month combines with an inexplicable $12 bonus to work out in my favor. I feel like I'm bracing for a slap.
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The Near-ish Future in the Post December Tumblr, and where to go for Art.
This topic title is a bit misleading to some, and I sincerely apologize for any confusion thusly. The main reason for me dropping a text post like this on the first place is as follows:
I have not too long ago just finished reviewing the guidelines brought upon the site only months after its implication, and have seen the aftermath. I've not however seen any posts likes this looking too into this subject matter, so to my knowledge I will be the first, (Correct me if I am mistaken.)
Firstly, I wanted to go over the guidelines in two particular areas, regarding automatic registration and posts.
Most of the guidelines I agree with whole heartedly, no question. They offer opportunities for a safer environment for Art and other fun posts; I bare in mind no care for the removal of pornographic content and tumblers, I actually feel safe opening the app in public without hiding in my hoodie. What I do mind is their guidelines on automated posts.
It states in the Tumblr guidelines "Do register accounts or post content automatically, systematically, or programmatically." No other sentance beyond that one sentance on the subject.
I read through this carefully four seperate times, and came to two possibly ways to achive the result of 'automatic' posts; in order of logic from least to most:
1. As a script writtee and programmer, you set up a Jacascript style code into Python and program that to scan your account for any combination of Hml Text. Then it randomly generates Jpg Files that follow the permutations of existing Hml or with the use of the English language and its various symbols and numbers to make brand new content. It must then recognize symbols in the file to appropriate accurate (to a degree) tags in correspondence, and then without question post that bew photo on the sight to create a new post. Rinse and repeat at least once a day and you have yourself an automatic account posting everyday. I could not account for multiple registrations, but I may say that could be another separate program to assist the first in doing this process for multitasking purposes. I may have used improper terminology on this, but hopefully it seems clear on the of set.
2. Say in my situation I want to make this particular account a main stay for my posting library- along with Twitter and Instagram especially- and make nee art once a day for that. Or more logically stock pile art in grinding art sessions for daily posts until a second session comes my way for more art int he future, with bigger projects and commissions coming in anytime. I run the schedule consistently and have my self sort of the same thing, but in a different format and context.
The point is where is the line between automatic posts and scheduled planned out art posts? This is more of a problem for myself because I know I have been labeled dormant, and plan on leaving that soon. And I want to personally make big decisions moving forward with art as a main career, along with my bigger goal of making comics for fun and net gain. If I post pages at a time a day as updates, along with commissions and backlogged art a day, and other possible reblogs, making it more than once a day, is that considered to Tumblr "Automatic?"
To you and I knowing the foreknowledge, absolutely not; but to supervisors of the sight, it seems sketchy to try on my end. They have cracks in the system that still allow some nsfw art to leak through regardless, such as one which occasionally has newd women in compromising poses, with no clear intention behind it other than "We got boobs and butts" and no bio to boast of educational purposes to mask its intentions, again if any at all.
I'm posting this to ask any one following, if you're not one of the billions of porn bots following me, and as a true human being not trying to scam me of my money, to read through this for yourself or share to any others and comment the answer my question:
Should I post my career choice to Tumblr?
I offer commissions to anyone willing, though it may be free for the first few months or even year until i have a proper sight working for PayPal or which ever I so choose.
Thusly you would need proper examples of what my art is before I follow through with this plan. And as such, I will soon post a select few of my Instagram photos along side original art for this account, and some (not all) of my best works of the recent years to give you ideas of what you're asking for.
I thank you for baring through my horrendously verbose post on the matter. I get quite paranoid at many things, and fight my inner "I cant English" to present a better side of me that frankly, I prefer over saying everytime I am still new to English as a second language. (Though by this point I have also graduated two honors English courses in high school as well as write stories for my in progress comic.)
Thank you to you select few homosapiens still around to see this. To 2019 and what it may bring. And here is what I bring to you as a reward: Exhibit #1:
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When Ferus Olin gets baked, he gets on customer service chats to argue about billing. When I am baked, I apparently do the same thing. I found the transcript saved on my computer this morning and just spent a while reformatting it so I could post it here, as a warning to myself or a celebration of my stoner ~eloquence, I'm not entirely sure tbh. I'm kind of proud of it either way though.
Me: I was emailed confirmation of a free week-long Showtime trial that I do not recall ordering, and that is not showing up on my account in any capacity. However, Roku keeps trying to charge me for it. I would like to have someone verify that the subscription is cancelled. Thank you!
Chat started
Me: Man, the person three spaces ahead of me in line is sure taking a long time
Damn 3, get the lead out
All right 2, don't let me down!
It's a good thing I can multitask 2
Awright let's party
Sorry my dog wanted to send a message
Arun joined the chat
Arun: Hi Jessica.
I can certainly help you.
Me: Cool beans
Arun: Please hold on a minute Jessica.\
Let me check that information for you.
Thank you for your continued patience.
Me: Haha I thought you were going away
I was like oh no what did I do
Arun: I do not see any channel subscription on your account.
Hence Roku will not going to charge you.
I definitely didn't subscribe, but I waited a couple of days after being notified to decide to go to the site and check on it like I'm doing now, so it's partially my fault that they tried to charge me for the post-free trial of the subscription.
But they did charge me and I need to make sure the account isn't set up for them to think I still want a Showtime subscription and keep charging me.
My bank knocks it back if it's going to put my account in the negative, but if it's not and Roku charges me again even though it doesn't show on your end that I'm being charged for anything, that would be irritating.
Arun: Might be the account is directly through Showtime.
Me: I just want it to show that the subscription trial was activated and that something still thinks I need to be charged for it on your end.
Arun: We refer you to contact Showtime and check with them.
Me: I don't think it is
Like I didn't go to the Showtime site and sign up, my emails are from Roku
Arun: Could you please help me with your alternate email address?
Me: ?
Arun: Let me check if the subscription is linked to that email.
Me: It's not on a duplicate account, the email from Roku comes to the [redacted 1] one
[redacted 2] or [redacted 3], I can't remember which one I might have used on a defunct account.
Arun: I found the subscription.
Me: Awesome
Are you able to mark it as cancelled on your end?
Arun: The showtime subscription is associated with the [redacted 2]
Me: So you can cancel the [redacted 2] account
If it already isn't
Like I shouldn't have been able to subscribe to showtime on that account because as far as I know it's been closed.
Arun: The subscription have been cancelled.
Me: Like the subscription wasn't done by me.
Arun: You no longer have Showtime subscription on your Roku account.
Me: So I'm worried there's a bigger problem like a tech glitch at hand.
Arun: I don't think it is a technical glitch because when you subscribe a channel it will ask for your payment information.
Me: I am positive I did not subscribe to Showtime.
Arun: Which can be done only from the customers end.
Me: But it wasn't
And I need to know why it still happened
To make sure my account wasn't compromised
Like somehow it was reopened and sent a subscription or someone got around it needing to be reopened first on your end
Arun: Let me give you a suggestion.
Me: Like idk if you can flag our chat so the idea that there might be a glitch can be run up the flag pole so to speak?
Because I am worried this might happen with other customers because it ended up being a glitch on your end, and you didn't find out early enough.
Arun: You can create a four digit Pin number in order to have control over the purchase or adding the channel.
Go to my.roku.com from your computer or smartphone.
If you are prompted, sign in to your Roku account.
If you cannot sign in to your Roku account, learn what to do if you have forgotten your email address or password.
Under PIN Preference, select the Update button.
Select your PIN preference from the three choices.
Always require a PIN to make purchases and to add items from the Channel Store.
Always require a PIN to make purchases.
A PIN is not required to make any purchase or add any item from the Channel Store.
If you choose either of the first two choices and have not created a PIN, you will be prompted to enter a four-digit number in the PIN field and select the Verify PIN field for confirmation.
If you already have a PIN, enter your PIN in the Verify PIN field.
Select Save Changes and agree to the terms of service.
Me: That's good, but this glitch would have already breached that kind of security
I just want to make sure that it doesn't replicate in any other accounts, or to have people on your end make sure it was only a one time thing
Arun: Alright.
Me: So are you able to add it to your call notes and then send them to the right department?
Arun: I make sure that this would never happen again.
Me: Okay
Arun: Alright.
Me: Can I get a follow up if you find out that it was a tech glitch?
Arun: Like i mentioned already it was not a glitch it was an authorized charge from your end.
Me: But it wasn't
Arun: Not Roku will never bill the customer without the customer concern.
Me: That [redacted 2] account has been closed for a while, I definitely didn't go into it a week ago and order a subscription trial
So it's not on my end
So I want to make sure Roku actually goes through and checks why it happened
Like do you fill out a specific form notifying your supervisors to pull specific calls to further to the right department, or can you check a box on my notes to have an email notification of its importance sent to the right people?
I'm just worried you won't take the effort to forward it because it's not something you were taught to do in training or whatnot.
Arun: Sorry for any inconvenience.
Me: It's fine, I just want to make sure
Arun: Jessica, we will definitely help you following up with your concern.
Me: Thank you so much
How long do you think it will take to follow up?
Arun: You are welcome.
Me: Like they probably won't tell me until after they've investigated and fixed the problem, and fixing it might take longer than three business days.
So I wanted to know what to expect
Arun: In case if you got any charge in the future we will help you with the refund.
Me: Right but I want to prevent that from happening with this email
Arun: Provided you let us know on time
Me: Because I don't want to have to go through a refund process especially when I've spent about two hours now trying to get you to agree to look into fixing the problem now
Like if it's still there a month from now, that would mean nobody looked into it
And I'm hoping it won't take a month for Roku to get back to me.
Arun: Then please remove the payment information from your Roku account too and we have helped you with the PIN.
Me: What if I wanted a different subscription for HBO or something and needed to use that same payment method
Arun: If we have any update for you we will let you know.
Then you can use the PIN
Me: Like on my end I made the [redacted 2] account defunct, which means even if the same payment information links the accounts, that account still shouldn't be triggered to submit a request to charge me for something.
Can you remove the payment information from the [redacted 2] account on your end?
Then they won't be linked
Which is probably what you meant initially
Arun: You will have to remove the payment method from your roku account.
Me: Okay I can probably do that
Arun: We do not have an access to do it.
Please go through to the link sent earlier.
Me: Okay
Arun: Thank you.
Me: Did we ever figure out how long I should expect to wait for a follow up?
Arun: However, there is no follow up required here.
All you will have to do is just remove the payment information0
Me: I thought you said earlier that I would get a follow up regarding what Roku found to be the reason behind my account being glitched in the first place, and whether they then made sure it hadn't affected other accounts, and then verified that they had fixed those, on top of that.
Arun: No, there is no follow up require here.
Me: Otherwise how can I be assured that this problem won't happen again?
I don't want to have to go through this process again. I have major talking to customer service anxiety, and this was already really trying.
Arun: First remove the information form the account. then within 24 hour you will receive an confirmation email.
Me: So I don't want to have to do it twice, which is why I would appreciate the follow up.
Arun: You will not have to.
Me: So I wanted to make sure you have the ability either by going out of your way personally to pass the information on or by filling out a form or checking a box so it automatically gets brought to someone who can address it.
I just want someone to get back to me - again, not sure how long to expect that to take - and formally say they looked into it.
It will give me peace of mind.
Arun: Like we mention earlier remove the payment information and within 24 hour you will get email that you have removed the payment information. Please go through to the guidance provided to you.
Me: I definitely will, I am just making sure my request to have this passed along is going to happen.
Arun: Okay.
You are most welcome..Thank you for contacting Roku Tech Support! Have a wonderful day! [Editor's note: Dude probably would have lost a couple QA points for not asking me one final time if I had any other questions or concerns. I cannot express how quickly he logged off once the opportunity seemed to arise. I do not really blame him, it was essentially a survival tactic at that point.]
Arun: left the chat
Chat rated Good
Comment submitted
Me: The comment I submitted was "Thanks/sorry, Arun!"
Poor guy
Queue position: 3
Me: Okay leaving now so I don't clog up the queue. Thanks again, Arun!
Queue position: 3
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