#the stretch marks are my friends because they're textured and bumbpy.
existentialburden · 4 years
Platinum, Plutonium, Polonium, Potassium, Praseodymium, Promethium, Protactinium, Radium
platinum: what is a Vaguely Concerning Fact that you know?
certain types of sea slugs sail around the water and trap other slugs in a big ol pouch to chomp down on em which isn’t exactly concerning for a human but it is concerning for other slugs :). also some eels have that second “Alien-style” jaw in their throat which, again, more concerning for fish, but :)))). and then there’s the deal about some insects laying their eggs beneath living creature’s skin with a drill-like feature. but for “concerning” as in “why the fuck do you know that” I know Master Lock brand locks are some of the easiest locks to pick and if you’re going to fight with a baseball bat you should put a sock over the end so that if the other person tries to grab the end of the bat to take it they only get the sock and you get another shot- also keep a baseball glove in your car if you have a bat in there so that it doesn’t look like you were planning to use it as a weapon, it just sorta happened.
plutonium: I answered this in another ask, but typically I hate any song that I’m forced to listen to or hear too often.
polonium: what do you think about scientists? what did you think about them as a child?
as a kid I thought scientists were The Coolest and wanted to be a marine biologist. my thoughts have not changed much except now I respect them for the horribly tedious documentation process and ughhhhhh.
potassium: do you like rollercoasters?
yeah! I get terrified of them before I get on but every time I want to ride them again afterwards. I live for adrenaline. I don’t like how people scream on them because it’s SO LOUD but I love even some of the rougher ones. there’s one specific one I fucking hate and I don’t remember which one it is but it’s one of the ones in Las Vegas because it just HURTS and isn’t fun at all. it was awful. 0/10.
praseodymium: any scars?
yes! I have one on the tip of my middle finger from a nasty animal bite and it just looks like a ring around the pad of it. also have some on my hips, elbows, and one knee from eating shit on that fake minigolf grass and the pavement, and one really visible one on the knuckle of my other hand’s middle finger that’s nastier than the others even though it’s small... also from eating shit on the pavement. oh, and one from a pencil going through my lip sort of directly underneath my nose. they’re not exactly COOL but I like the one on my knuckle because it looks neat and has texture to it. none of these are from falling off anything. just tripping.
promethium: give three random/interesting facts about yourself.
I’ve been trying to teach myself to write with my left hand, too; I used to, and still sort of do, collect dried flower petals; and I tend to take on the traits of whichever character I’m writing about the most.
protactinium: favorite color scheme(s)?
I love both bright and dark colors, but specifically I like bright cyan with yellow, bright pink, and dark blue- very summer-y!- and dark grey-blue (more grey than anything tumblr’s done), light grey, midnight blue, black, and slightly darkened royal purple. I’m also fond of light blue, cherry blossom pink, white, and spring green.
radium: least favorite book?
do I have to have finished the book to list it? because even when I was in my “read every book as fast as possible because books are fun and I don’t know how to make friends” stage I couldn’t sit through all of Three Times Lucky, so I just... didn’t finish it. it was so boring but that was ages ago. The Great Gatsby I at least finished, but not of my own free will. bluh.
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